Rev. Rul. 58-461
Rev. Rul. 58-461; 1958-2 C.B. 999
- LanguageEnglish
- Tax Analysts Electronic Citationnot available
Obsoleted by Rev. Rul. 62-75 Amplified by Rev. Rul. 60-266 Amplified by Rev. Rul. 60-46 Amplified by Rev. Rul. 59-370 Amplified by Rev. Rul. 59-217 Amplified by Rev. Rul. 58-596 Amplified by Rev. Rul. 58-595
The use of the following materials, in addition to those specifically authorized by section 240.529 of the Wine Regulations, is considered to be consistent with good commercial practice and, accordingly, such materials have been approved for use by proprietors of bonded wine cellars in the production, cellar treatment, or finishing of wine, within the general limitations of section 240.524 of the regulations or more specifically shown herein, or given in the sections referred to:
Aferrin To remove trace No insoluble or
Cufex metals from soluble residue in
wine. excess of one part
per million may
remain in the
finished wine, and
the basic
character of the
wine may not be
changed by such
Antifoam "A" To reduce the Section 240.524, 26
Antifoam AF foam in CFR.
Emulsion fermenters.
AMA Special To clarify wine. Section 240.524, 26
Gelatine CFR.
earths or
(which do not
contain active
ingredients or
which have not
been so treated
that they may
alter the
of the wine).
Ascorbic acid To prevent May be added to
Iso-ascorbic darkening fruit, grapes,
acid of color and berries, and other
deterioration materials used in
of flavor of wine production,
wines and wine to the juice of
materials, and such materials, or
the over- to the wine, within
oxidation of limitations which
vermouth and do not alter the
other wines. class or type of
the wine. Its use
need not be shown
on labels.
Calcium carbonate To reduce the The natural or fixed
excess natural acids may not be
acids in high reduced below five
acid wine. parts per 1,000.
Section 250.524, 26
Granular cork To treat wines Not more than 10
stored in pounds per 1,000
redwood and gallons of wine.
concrete tanks.
Mineral oil On surface of None of the oil may
wine in storage remain in the
tanks to finished wine
prevent the when marketed.
access of air to
the wine.
Oak chips To treat wines. Section 240.524, 26
(uncharred and CFR.
Oak chips (charred) To treat Spanish The finished product
Type Blending after addition of
Sherry. oak chips must have
the flavor and
color of Spanish
Type Blending
Sherry commonly
obtained by
storage of sherry
wine in properly
treated used
charred oak whisky
Pectinol To clarify wine. One pound per 100
Pectizyme gallons of wine.
Section 240.524, 26
Polyvinyl- To clarify and The wine after
pyrrolidone stabilize wine. treatment must
(known as PVP) contain less than
one-hundredth of
one percent (0.01)
of polyvinyl-
Section 240.524, 26
Sodium bisulfite As a sterilizing Section 240.523, 26
or preserving CFR.
Sorbic Acid As a sterilizing Not more than 0.1%
and preservative of the sorbic acid
agent and to may be used in wine
inhibit mold or in materials for
growth and the production of
secondary wine.
Protovac PV-7916 To clarify wine. Two pounds to 1,000
Sparkaloid No. 1 gallons of wine.
Sparkaloid No. 2 Section 240.524, 26
Amberlite IR-45 To reduce the May be used in a
Duolite A-7 natural acidity continuous column
(Tartex 180) of wine. process for
Duolite A-30 reducing the
(Tartex 181) natural acidity
SAF Anion Exchange of wine provided
the resins are
essentially in the
hydroxyl (OH)
state; the fixed
acids are not
reduced below 5
gram per liter; the
inorganic anion
content of the wine
is not increased
more than 10 mg.
per liter (10 parts
per million)
calculated as
chlorine, sulfur,
phosphorous, etc.;
the treatment does
not remove color in
excess of that
normally contained
in the wine; and
the original
character of the
wine is not
Amberlite IR-120H To stabilize May be used in a
wines. continuous column
Amberlite IR-120 To exchange sodium process. The resin
Duolite C-3 Na ions for undesir- must be essentially
(Tartex 160) able metallic in the sodium state
Duolite C-20 Na ions. so that certain of
(Tartex 161) the metallic
Duolite C-25 Na elements in the
(Tartex 162) wine will be
SAF Cation Exchange replaced with
sodium ions. After
regeneration and
before reuse the
resin must again be
essentially in the
sodium state. The
overall change in
the pH of the wine
before and after
treatment shall not
be greater than 0.2
pH Units. The wine
water eluate from
the column during
the "sweetening on"
process or any wine
contained in the
wash water during
the "sweetening
off" process should
be discarded or
used solely for
Duolite C-3 To stabilize May be used in a
(Tartex 160) table wines. batch process
no more than 4
pounds per 100
gallons of wine.
Duolite S-30 For removing May be used in a
(Tartex 260) excessive continuous column
oxidized color, process after suit-
foreign flavors able conditioning
After special and odors, and and/or
conditioning-- for stabilizing regeneration.
Duolite A-7 wines by the Conditioning agents
Duolite A-30 removal of and regenerants
Amberlite IRA-401 heavy molecules consisting of fruit
and acids common to the
proteinaceous wine, and inorganic
material. acids and bases may
be employed
provided the
conditioned or
regenerated resin
is rinsed with
ion-free water
until the pH of the
effluent water is
the same as that of
the influent water.
(Water equal in
quality to water
obtained by
distillation will
be considered to be
ion-free water.)
Tartaric acid may
not be used as a
conditioning agent
when the resin is
to be used in
treating wines
other than grape.
The inorganic
anions or cations
may not be
increased more than
10 mg. per liter;
color may not be
removed in excess
of that normally
contained in the
wine; the pH of the
wine may not be
changed more than
0.2 pH units nor
the acidity more
than 0.5 gram per
liter; and the
original character
of the wine may not
be altered.
Proprietors of bonded wine cellars who desire to use any of the above materials must file notice, in triplicate, with the Assistant Regional Commissioner, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax, as prescribed by section 240.530 of the Wine Regulations.
Materials previously approved which are not specifically covered either by the Wine Regulations or by this Revenue Ruling are no longer authorized for use in the production, cellar treatment, or finishing of wine.
Since this Revenue Ruling contains a complete list of materials approved for the treatment of wine in addition to those listed in section 240.529 of the Wine Regulations, the following Revenue Rulings are hereby superseded:
Revenue Ruling 55-603, C.B. 1955-2, 709;
Revenue Ruling 56-9, C.B. 1956-1, 750;
Revenue Ruling 56-64, C.B. 1956-1, 751;
Revenue Ruling 56-341, C.B. 1956-2, 1042;
Revenue Ruling 56-415, C.B. 1956-2, 1042;
Revenue Ruling 56-551, C.B. 1956-2, 1043;
Revenue Ruling 56-626, C.B. 1956-2, 1043;
Revenue Ruling 57-175, C.B. 1957-1, 608;
Revenue Ruling 57-306, C.B. 1957-2, 967;
Revenue Ruling 57-417, C.B. 1957-2, 968;
Revenue Ruling 57-430, C.B. 1957-2, 968;
Revenue Ruling 58-39, C.B. 1958-1, 598; and
Revenue Ruling 58-108, C.B. 1958-1, 599.
- LanguageEnglish
- Tax Analysts Electronic Citationnot available