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APR. 21, 1988

Rev. Proc. 88-18; 1988-1 C.B. 694

DATED APR. 21, 1988
  • Institutional Authors
    Internal Revenue Service
  • Cross-Reference
    26 CFR 601.201
  • Index Terms
    revenue ruling
  • Jurisdictions
  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Document Number
    Doc 88-4037
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    88 TNT 88-7
Citations: Rev. Proc. 88-18; 1988-1 C.B. 694

Rev. Proc. 88-18 1


To deal more efficiently with the need for guidance occasioned by the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and the Revenue Act of 1987, this revenue procedure provides conditions under which the Associate Chief Counsel (Technical and International) will consider requests for letter rulings pending the adoption of either temporary or final regulations. The objective of these changes is to expand the letter rulings process so that the Service will be able to issue rulings that previously would have been precluded by the provisions of section 5.07(2) of Rev. Proc. 88-1, 1988-1 I.R.B. 7.

SEC. 2.

01 Section 5.07(2) of Rev. Proc. 88-1 is modified to except from its conditions all Code sections added or revised by the Tax Reform Act of 1986 or the Revenue Act of 1987.

02 For Code sections described in section 2.01 above, the appropriate Branch in Technical and International will entertain all ruling requests and do its best to issue a ruling. However, the Service reserves in all cases the right not to rule when the issue cannot be properly resolved in advance of regulations.

03 When the Service has closed a regulations project (see, for example, the extensive list published in IR 86-167, dated December 9, 1986) or does not intend to open a regulations project (see list below), section 5.07 of Rev. Proc. 88-1 does not apply and the appropriate Branch will entertain all ruling requests unless the issue is covered by the no-rule provisions of section 7 of Rev. Proc. 88-1 or by Rev. Proc. 88-3, 1988-1 I.R.B. 29, or later updates of these two revenue procedures. The following is a partial list of Tax Reform Act of 1986 Code sections for which a tentative decision has been made not to open up a regulations project:

 IRC                 TRA-86                   SUBJECT





 38, 46                212               Effective 15-year Carryback


                                         of Existing Carryforwards


                                         of Steel Companies



 38, 46                213               Effective 15-year Carryback


                                         of Existing Carryforwards


                                         of Qualified Farmers



 48(1)                 421               Extension of the Energy


                                         Investment Credit for


                                         Solar, Geothermal, Ocean


                                         Thermal, and Biomass





 49                    211               Repeal of Regular Investment


                                         Tax Credit



 51                    1701              Extension and Revision of


                                         Targeted Jobs Credit



 162                   142               Educational Travel



 168                   203 & 204         Transitional Rules for


                                         Property Depreciable Under


                                         Section 167(a) of the Code



 274                   142               Expenditures for Meals,


                                         Travel, and Entertainment



 301,302,1059          614(e)            Reduction of Stock Basis


                                         for Untaxed Portion of


                                         Extraordinary Dividends



 332,338               1804(e)(6)        80-percent Voting and


                       and (8)           Value Test


 361                   1804(g)           Recognition of Gain on


                                         Distribution of Property in a





 451(f)                821               Utilities Using Accrual





 469                   502(c)            Transition Rule for Low-


                                         Income Housing



 832(b)                1021(c)           Inclusion in Income of 2


                                         Percent of Unearned Premium





 1092                  331               Straddles -- Year End Rule



 1254                  413               Gain From Disposition of


                                         Interest in Oil, Gas,


                                         Geothermal, or Other


                                         Mineral Properties



 1504(a)               1804(e)(4)        Exception for Alaska Native


                                         Corporations to File


                                         Consolidated Income Tax


                                         Returns Without Equity


                                         Ownership in Subsidiaries



04 The following is a partial list of Revenue Act of 1987 Code sections for which a tentative decision has been made not to open a regulation project:

 IRC                 RA-87               SUBJECT





 11(b)               10224(a)            Benefits of graduated


                                         corporate rates not allowed


                                         to personal service





 21(b)               10101               Dependent care credit;


                                         overnight camps



 51(c)               10601               Targeted jobs credit;


                                         wages during labor





 56(a)(6)            10202(d)            Minimum tax: Installment


                                         sales of certain property



 56(f)(2)            10243               Treatment of mutual life


                                         insurance co. policy holder


                                         dividends for purpose of book





 81                  10201(b)(1)         Repeal of section 81,


                                         relating to vacation pay



 243                 10221               Reduction in


 245(c)(1)                               dividends received


 246(b)                                  deduction for


 246A(a)(1)                              dividends from


 805(a)(4)(B)                            corporations not 20


 854(b)(1)(A)                            percent owned





 463                 10201(a)            Repeal of section 463,


                                         relating to vacation pay



 2001(C)             10401               5-year extension of existing


                                         rates; phaseout of benefits


                                         of existing rates and unified





 4121(e)(2)          10503               Extension of temporary


                                         increase in amount of tax


                                         imposed on coal producers



 4251(b)             10501               Extension of telephone excise





  * * *              10511               Fees for request for ruling,


                                         determination, and similar





05 The appropriate Branch Chief will discuss with taxpayers or their representatives whether a ruling concerning any Code section not listed above can be issued.


01 Section 4.05 of Rev. Proc. 88-8, 1988-4 I.R.B. 22, as modified by Rev. Proc. 88-13, 1988-7 I.R.B. 7, provides generally that all requests for rulings received after February 1, 1988, must be accompanied by a check or money order, payable to the Internal Revenue Service, in the appropriate amount.

02 Each request for a ruling submitted under the instant revenue procedure and pursuant to Rev. Proc. 88-1 or Rev. Proc. 87-4, 1987-1 I.R.B. 33, should be sent to the Internal Revenue Service, Associate Chief Counsel (Technical and International), Attention: CC:IND:D:C, P.O. Box 7604, Ben Franklin Station, Washington, D.C. 20044; Requests may be hand-delivered to Room 6561, 1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C.


Rev. Proc. 88-1 is modified.

Rev. Proc. 87-7, 1987-2 I.R.B. 15, is superseded.


This revenue procedure is effective for requests received prior to May 16, 1988, the date of its publication in the Internal Revenue Bulletin, as well as to those received thereafter.

1 Also released as News Release IR-88-79, dated April 21, 1988.

  • Institutional Authors
    Internal Revenue Service
  • Cross-Reference
    26 CFR 601.201
  • Index Terms
    revenue ruling
  • Jurisdictions
  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Document Number
    Doc 88-4037
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    88 TNT 88-7
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