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JAN. 2, 1986

Rev. Proc. 87-7; 1987-1 C.B. 542

DATED JAN. 2, 1986
  • Institutional Authors
    Internal Revenue Service
  • Cross-Reference
    See Internal Revenue Bulletin No. 1987-2, dated Jan. 12, 1987.
  • Jurisdictions
  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    87 TNT 1-15
Citations: Rev. Proc. 87-7; 1987-1 C.B. 542

Superseded by Rev. Proc. 88-18

Rev. Proc. 87-7


As one step in the process of dealing more efficiently with the need for guidance occasioned primarily by the Tax Reform Act of 1986, this revenue procedure provides, for specific Code sections, new conditions under which the Associate Chief Counsel (Technical) will consider requests for letter rulings pending the adoption of either temporary or final regulations. The objective of these changes is to expand the letter rulings process so that the Service will be able to issue some rulings that previously would have been precluded by the provisions of section 5.07(2) of Rev. Proc. 87-1, 1987-1 I.R.B. 7.


01 Section 5.07(2) of Rev. Proc. 87-1 is modified to except from its conditions the following Code sections:





______________ ________ _______



(new) 42 252 Low Income Housing Credit



48(g) 251 Qualified Rehabilitated Buildings



55-58 701 Alternative Minimum Tax - Individuals


                               and Corporations



old 57(a)(11) 701 Items of Tax Preference - Intangible


new 57(a)(2) Drilling and Development Costs - Oil,


                               Gas, and Geothermal



old 58(i)(2)(C) 701 Optional 10-year Write-off of the


old 58(i)(4) Tax Preference Relating to Intangible


old 58(i)(6) Drilling and Development Costs


new 59(e)



71 and 215 1843 Revision of the Rules Regarding Excess


                               Front-Loading of Alimony



108 405 Discharge of Indebtedness for Farmers



141 1301 Private Activity Bond



143(k)(9) 1301 Treatment of Limited Equity Cooperative





144(a) 1301 Qualified Small Issue Bond (definition)



145 1301 Qualified 501(c)(3) Bond



146 1301 Volume Cap



147(b)(4) 1301 Special Rule for Pooled Financing of


                               501(c)(3) Organization



148 1301 Arbitrage (other than rebate)



163 511 Nonbusiness Interest Limits -


                               Disallowance for Personal Interest



168(e) 201(a) Classification of Property for the


                               Accelerated Cost Recovery System



168(f)(2) 201 Normalization of Accelerated


                               Depreciation for Public Utility





170(e)(4) 231 Charitable Deduction for Donation of


                               Scientific Equipment



179 202 Expensing of Depreciation Assets



263A 803 Capitalization and Inclusion in


                               Inventory Costs of Certain Expenses



280A 143 Disallowance of Expenses of Business


                               Use of a Home



303, subject to 1432(b) Rules for Generation Skipping


existing no-rule Transfers





304(a) 1875 Redemption Through Use of Related





311,332,333, 631,632 Recognition of Gain or Loss on


336,337,338, 633 Distributions of Property in


361,368,1374 Liquidation or S Corporation





382,383 621 Limitation on Net Operating Loss


                               Carryforwards and Excess Credit





312 1804(f) Distributions of Appreciated Property



457 1107 Deferred Compensation Plans - State &


                               Local Governments



465(b)(6) 503 Extension of At Risk Limitations to


                               Real Estate



469 501 Disallowance of Passive Activity


                               Losses and Credits



474 802 Simplified Dollar Value LIFO Method


                               for Certain Small Businesses



562 657 Certain Distributions by RICs Not


                               Treated as Preferential Dividends



672-673 1401-1403 Revision to the Grantor Trust





846, except sub- 1023(c) Discounting of Unpaid Losses and


sections (d) and Certain Unpaid Expenses





851 653(a)(b) Regulated Investment Companies





2601 - 2663, 1431 Generation Skipping Transfer Tax


subject to


existing no-


rule limitations



3121(w) 1882 Voluntary Revocation of Election


                               Out of FICA by Churches



7702, except sub- 1825 Life Insurance Contract Defined


sections (f)(7)(E)


and (g)(1)(D)










4611, 4661, 4662 Sec. 511-513 Reenactment of Petroleum and Chemical


                               Taxes for the Superfund










3121(u) 13205 Extension of Medicare Tax to Newly


                               Hired State and Local Government





02 For Code sections listed in section 2.01 above, even if the answer does not seem reasonably certain, the appropriate Branch in the office of the Associate Chief Counsel (Technical) will entertain all ruling requests and do its best to issue a ruling. However, the Service reserves in all cases the right not to rule when the issue cannot be properly resolved in advance of regulations.

03 When the Service has closed a regulations project--see, for example, the extensive list published in IR 86-167 dated December 9, 1986--or does not intend to open a regulations project (see list below), section 5.07 of Rev. Proc. 87-1 does not apply and the appropriate Branch in the office of the Associate Chief Counsel (Technical) will entertain all ruling requests unless the issue is covered by the no-rule provisions of section 7 of Rev. Proc. 87-1 or by Rev. Proc. 87-3, 1987-1 I.R.B. ____, or later updates of these two revenue procedures. The following is a partial list of Tax Reform Act of 1986 Code sections for which a tentative decision has been made not to open up a regulations project:





______________ ________ _______



38, 46 212 Effective 15-year Carryback of


                                Existing Carryforwards of Steel





38, 46 213 Effective 15-year Carryback of


                                Existing Carryforwards of Qualified





48(1) 421 Extension of the Energy Investment


                                Credit for Solar, Geothermal, Ocean


                                Thermal, and Biomass Property.



49 211 Repeal of Regular Investment Tax





51 1701 Extension and Revision of Targeted


                                Jobs Credit



150(b) and (c) 1301 Change in Use of Facilities



162 142 Educational Travel



168 203 and Transitional Rules for Property


                   204 Depreciable Under Section 167(a) of


                                the Code



265(2) 902 100% Disallowance of Financial


                                Institution Interest Deduction Allow-


                                able to Tax-Exempt Obligations



274 142 Expenditures for Meals, Travel and





301, 302, 1059 614(e) Reduction of Stock Basis for Untaxed


                                Portion of Extraordinary Dividends



332, 338 1804(g)(6) 80-percent Voting and Value Test


                   and (8)



361 1804(g) Recognition of Gain on Distributions


                                of Property in a Reorganization



451(f) 821 Utilities Using Accrual Accounting



469 502(c) Transition Rule for Low-Income





832(b) 1021(c) Inclusion in Income of 20 Percent


                                of Unearned Premium Reserve



1092 331 Straddles - Year End Rule



1254 413 Gain From Disposition of Interest


                                in Oil, Gas, Geothermal, or Other


                                Mineral Properties



1504(a) 1804(e)(4) Exception for Alaska Native Corpora-


                                tions to File Consolidated Income Tax


                                Returns Without Equity Ownership in





04 The appropriate Branch Chief in the office of the Associate Chief Counsel (Technical) will discuss with taxpayers or their representatives whether a ruling concerning any Code section not listed in sections 2.01 and 2.03 above can be issued.


Rev. Proc. 87-1 is modified.


This revenue procedure is effective for requests received prior to January 12, 1987, the date of its publication in the Internal Revenue Bulletin, as well as to those received thereafter.

  • Institutional Authors
    Internal Revenue Service
  • Cross-Reference
    See Internal Revenue Bulletin No. 1987-2, dated Jan. 12, 1987.
  • Jurisdictions
  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    87 TNT 1-15
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