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NOV. 15, 1993

Rev. Proc. 93-46; 1993-2 C.B. 545

DATED NOV. 15, 1993
  • Institutional Authors
    Internal Revenue Service
  • Code Sections
  • Index Terms
    FUTA tax, payment
    filing, electronic
  • Jurisdictions
  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    93 TNT 239-32
Citations: Rev. Proc. 93-46; 1993-2 C.B. 545

Superseded by Rev. Proc. 96-18 Superseded in part by Rev. Proc. 96-17

Rev. Proc. 93-46


This revenue procedure sets forth requirements and conditions under which Reporting Agents preparing Form 940, Employer's Federal Unemployment Tax Return, for groups of taxpayers can furnish the required information in the form of magnetic tape.


.01 Section 31.6011(a)-8 of the Employment Tax Regulations provides that the Commissioner may authorize the use, at the option of the employer, of composite return in lieu of any form specified in 26 CFR Part 21 (Employment Taxes and Collection of Income Tax at Source) for use by an employer, subject to such conditions, limitations, and special rules governing the preparation, execution, filing, and correction thereof as the Commissioner may deem appropriate. The composite return shall consist of a form prescribed by the Commissioner and an attachment or attachments of magnetic tape or other approved media. A single form and an attachment or attachments of magnetic tape may comprise the returns of more than one employer.

.02 The magnetic tape Form 940 is a composite return consisting of the magnetic tape data and Form 4996, Magnetic Tape Filing Transmittal for Form 941 or 940 Federal Tax Returns. A magnetic tape return must contain the same information that a return filed completely on paper contains.

.03 The procedures for filing Form 940 on magnetic tape differ from the procedures for filing Form 941 Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return on magnetic tape, principally in the Tax Data Records. Whereas in reporting Form 941, there is one Tax Data "B" Record, in reporting Form 940 there are three types of Tax Data "B" Records, "B1," "B2," and "B3."

.04 The need for three different records was established when the return was analyzed. Form 940 is complex with several different parts. In at least three places the return allows for multiple repeating lists: 1) state reporting numbers; 2) multiple reasons for exempt payments; and 3) multiple entries of state codes, state reporting numbers, and experience rates.

.05 To deal with the multiple list problem without paper attachments or typing up large pieces of record formats with seldom used fields, the specifications allow some record types ("B2" and "B3") to be repeated to take care of virtually all taxpayers. Furthermore, because information as to the states to which credit reductions will apply is not available until November of each year, all states and applicable territories are treated as potential credit reduction states. In addition, many intermediate fields (that is, fields resulting from the addition, subtraction, and multiplication of primary data fields) have been omitted from the "B" Record specification. The test of the final result field, "Total FUTA Tax," against the generated results of the primary fields (that is, fields only available from taxpayer records) will be used to determine the accuracy of the calculation of the correct tax by the Reporting Agent.

.06 Reporting Agents who choose not to develop software for exceptional cases may choose to file those returns on paper.


.01 This revenue procedure supersedes Rev. Proc. 92-99, 1992-2 C.B. 518, and reflects the current tape specifications.

.02 Section 15, Magnetic Tape Specifications. The Form 940 Filing Indicator in tape position 154 of the Form 940 Tax Data "B1" Record (see Exhibit 11) has been modified to conform with the changes that a return filed completely on the 940 paper return contain. Form 940 Filing Indicator zero, paid unemployment taxes ("contributions") to only one state, was added. Form 940 Filing Indicator one, paid unemployment taxes ("contributions") to only one state and no state contributions were made, was added.

.03 A new section has been added, Section 17, Information a Reporting Agent must provide to the taxpayer.

.04 Exhibit 11, Form 940 Tax Data "B1" Record. In tape position 153 Final Return Indicator has been added. This field is used to describe a final return. The State Experience Rate field in the experience rate group has been expanded to a 6 position decimal (position 495-638).

.05 Exhibit 13, Form 940 Tax Data "B3" Record. The State Experience Rate field in the experience rate group has been expanded to a 6 position decimal (position 64-709).

.06 All record lengths have been expanded from 700 to 720 characters because of the increase in length of the State Experience Rate field to a 6 position decimal.

.07 Current Reporting Agents who are unable to comply with any changes in specification should contact the local Magnetic Tape Coordinator for Business Tax Returns for further instructions.


.01 Reporting Agents who desire to file Forms 941 and 940 on magnetic tape must first file a Letter of Application. Although this revenue procedure covers only Form 940 filed on magnetic tape, the Letter of Application may cover Form 941 as well. In addition, a separate but simultaneous letter may be submitted for permission to submit federal tax deposits on magnetic tape for Forms 940, 941, and 943. Separate revenue procedures cover the filing of Form 941 and the submission of federal tax deposits (FTDs) on magnetic tape. Contact the Magnetic Tape Coordinator for Business Tax Returns for current copies of the other revenue procedures.

.02 The Letter of Application should be addressed to the Director, Internal Revenue Service Center, Attention: Magnetic Tape Coordinator for Business Tax Returns, of the Service Center that serves the primary business address of the Reporting Agent. Addresses of the service centers are shown in section 12 of this revenue procedure.

.03 The Letter of Application must contain the following:

1. Name, address and EIN (Employer Identification Number) of the person, organization, or Letter of Application.

2. Name, title, and telephone number of the person to contact regarding the Letter of Application.

3. The first tax year for which the agent plans to file returns on magnetic tape.

4. The estimated volume of returns the agent plans to file by type of return (941 or 940).

5. An agreement by the Reporting Agent to keep copies of the Reporting Agent Authorization (RAA) on file at the agent's principal place of business for examination by the Internal Revenue Service upon request. Such copies must be retained until the period of limitation for assessment for the last return filed under its authority expires.

6. An agreement by the taxpayer to fully pay the tax by FTDs. This revenue procedure does not restrict a non-financial organization that performs a payroll or tax service from being a Reporting Agent. See Rev. Proc. 89-48, 1989-2 C.B. 599, concerning the requirements under which FTDs can be made by the Reporting Agent.

7. An agreement by the taxpayer to fully pay contributions to state unemployment funds on time and to timely file related state unemployment tax returns.

8. Signature of the Reporting Agent or the Reporting Agent's employee authorized to prepare federal tax returns for taxpayers.

.04 The Letter of Application must include two types of attachments as follows:

1. A Reporting Agent's List which identifies all taxpayers to be included in the Magnetic Tape Filing System.

2. RAAs for all taxpayers included on the Reporting Agent's List.

Details of these attachments are described in the current revenue procedure on RAAs.

.05 A Reporting Agent must submit a separate Letter of Application to each service center to which magnetic tape returns are to be filed.


A RAA must be submitted for each filer on the Reporting Agent's List attached to the Letter of Application. The RAA may be submitted on Form 8655, Reporting Agent Authorization, which is available on request; or any other instrument that meets the specifications identified in Rev. Proc. 89-18, 1989-1 C.B. 828. The RAA may convey the filing of Forms 940 and 941 and the magnetic tape submission of FTDs of Forms 940, 941, and 943, if desired.


.01 The Service will act on the Letter of Application and notify the Reporting Agent, with the return of a validated Reporting Agent's List, within 30 days of receipt. The validated Reporting Agent's List provides the name control for each taxpayer. The name control is a required field when the return is submitted on magnetic tape. See Exhibit 11, positions 73-76.

.02 Having secured a name control for each taxpayer, the Reporting Agent must submit a test tape. To allow sufficient time to work out problems, Reporting Agents are encouraged to submit the initial test tape by September 30th of the year preceding the due date of the returns which will be filed on magnetic tape. THE TEST TAPE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE FILING OF RETURNS.

.03 Generally, submission of magnetic tapes which can be read on the Service's computers without a "job abort" and with a 5 percent or less error rate on the returns is required for approval of a Reporting Agent's Letter of Application and continuation of filing privileges. If a Reporting Agent submits a bad test tape, the Magnetic Tape Coordinator will notify the Reporting Agent of that fact. The Reporting Agent must supply a new test tape within 30 days of the coordinator's notification. If a Reporting Agent has not received approval for magnetic tape filing by the end of the tax year for which the returns will be filed, paper tax returns must be filed. The Reporting Agent may, however, resubmit a test tape for the subsequent tax year.

.04 The Magnetic Tape Coordinator for Business Tax Returns will notify prospective and current Reporting Agents in writing of approval, denial and revocation of magnetic tape filing privileges. Once authorization to file tax data on magnetic tape has been granted to a Reporting Agent, such approval will continue in effect in succeeding tax periods so long as the requirements of the most recent revenue procedure are met, and there are no equipment changes by the Reporting Agent.


Authorization to file on magnetic tape does not prohibit the filing on paper federal tax returns, but merely permits filing of such returns through the Magnetic Tape Filing System. If for some reason (for example, late receipt of records), an agent prefers to file a paper return in lieu of magnetic tape filing for a given taxpayer, the agent may do so even after having been given authorization to file that taxpayer's returns on magnetic tape.


.01 The Service will allow a tape return to be submitted for those taxpayers who are approved for magnetic tape filing until the Reporting Agent formally notifies the Service that specific employers are being deleted from the current magnetic tape filing inventory.

.02 Under section 6091(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, federal tax returns must be filed at the Internal Revenue service center serving the legal residence or principal business address of the taxpayer. Thus, Reporting Agents must normally file the taxpayer's returns at the appropriate service center as described above even if it means submitting magnetic tapes to more than one service center. An exception may be granted once a Reporting Agent has applied for and received permission from the Service to do so. Contact your Magnetic Tape Coordinator for Business Tax Returns for details.

.03 Approval by the Service of a Letter of Application allows a Reporting Agent to file at any service center that services the clients. A Reporting Agent who wishes to file at additional service centers must notify the Magnetic Tape Coordinator for Business Tax Returns of the service center where the original application is filed at least 90 days prior to the initial transmittal to the new service center.

.04 The Reporting Agent will be provided with a validated copy of the Report Agent's List for taxpayers authorized to file on magnetic tape. This authorization will contain each taxpayer's EIN and an name control. This authorization will be the source of the EIN and name control to be used on magnetic tape by the Reporting Agent as an identification of each taxpayer. The name control must be retained in the agent's records and used in each taxpayer's Tax Data "B1" Record (positions 73-76). It is used by the Service to ensure the correct recording of the taxpayer's return. Failure to use the correct name control can result in delays in processing the return and notices of delinquent filing being sent to the taxpayer.

.05 Packaging, shipping, and mailing instructions will be provided in the letter granting initial approval issued by the Service in response to the Letter of Application for magnetic tape filing. The first box of the tape shipment to the service center must contain the following:

1. Form 4996, Magnetic Tape Filing Transmittal for Forms 941 or 940 Federal Tax Returns, in duplicate. Failure to complete and submit this form will cause delays in processing the magnetic tape. The submittal form must include:

(a) The name, address, and telephone number (including area code) of Reporting Agent.

(b) Employer Identification Number of Reporting Agent.

(c) Type of tax return filed on the magnetic tape (940).

(d) Tax period (use YYMM of tax year -- for example, 9412).

(e) Number of tax returns filed on accompanying tape.

(f) Total taxes reported.

(g) Total taxes deposited.

(h) Number of revenue procedure used as basis for magnetic tape preparation (for example, 93-46)

(i) Service center where RAAs are filed.

(j) Signature of agent or authorized employee, title and date.

2. A control listing identifying taxpayers on the current tape file being submitted. These taxpayers must be those who were previously approved by the Service for magnetic tape filing. List the taxpayers in EIN sequence with each taxpayer's name and address (address is optional).

.06 Only Form 940 data may be present on this magnetic tape. Form 941 data must be on a separate tape.

.07 The Reporting Agent should notify the Magnetic Tape Coordinator for Business Tax Returns if the agent does not receive notification of receipt of the transmittal within 15 days from the date the transmittal was sent.

.08 The Reporting Agent should notify the Magnetic Tape Coordinator for Business Tax Returns when the tape is received back from the Service. This may be done by telephone or by returning a receipted copy of the tape chargeout.

.09 If this revenue procedure is revised in terms of its computer specifications, current Reporting Agents will be advised by the Magnetic Tape Coordinator for Business Tax Returns to submit test tapes prior to their first usage of the new specifications. If the changes are minor, the Magnetic Tape Coordinator may waive the requirement.

.10 If a Reporting Agent changes computer equipment, a test tape must be submitted. The guidelines in section 6 of this revenue procedure will be followed, in regards to submission and acceptance of test tapes. If, by the end of the tax year for which the returns will be filed, the Reporting Agent has not submitted a test tape that meets the requirements of this revenue procedure, the Magnetic Tape Coordinator will advise the Reporting Agent to submit paper returns. The Reporting Agent may resubmit a test tape for the subsequent tax year.


.01 The due dates prescribed for filing paper returns with the Service also apply to magnetic tape filing of federal business tax returns.

.02 In no case should returns with more than one due date be included on one tape file.


.01 After a Reporting Agent has been notified by the Service that the application for tape reporting has been approved, the agent may want to add and delete taxpayers from the Magnetic Tape Filing System.

.02 Specific instructions for adding and deleting taxpayers form the Magnetic Tape Filing System are contained in the current revenue procedure on RAAs. Contact the Magnetic Tape Coordinator for Business Tax Returns to secure the current version.

.03 Returns may not be filed for a taxpayer until a RAA has been submitted for the taxpayer and the taxpayer's identifying information has been included on a Reporting Agent's list which in turn has been subsequently validated by the Service. Until the Reporting Agent has received the validated list, a valid tax return cannot be submitted through the Magnetic Tape Filing System.


.01 The taxpayer may notify the Service of an address change at any time by providing clear and concise written notification of a change of address (in accordance with Rev. Proc. 90-18, 1990-1 C.B. 491), on a Form 8822, Change of Address (see Exhibit 2). The change of address form is available on request. The toll-free number for forms is 1-800-TAX-FORM (1-800-829-3676).

.02 If a taxpayer requests that a change of address by processed from the address that is submitted in the taxpayer's magnetic tape record, enter an address change indicator (entry of "1" in tape position 152 of the "B1" Record, Exhibit 11). The street address, city, state code and zip code must be formatted as described in Exhibit 11.

.03 The taxpayer's address of record will be updated with the information that is given in tape positions 77-142 of the "B1" Record.


Retain the following material for an appropriate period of four years after the due date of the return unless otherwise notified by the Service:

(a) a complete copy of the magnetic tape return (may be retained on magnetic media); and

(b) the notification of receipt of the transmittal received from the Service.


Request for additional copies of this revenue procedure, applications for magnetic tape filing, copies of Form 4996 and Form 8822, requests for copies of appropriate input record element specifications, and requests for tape filing information should be addressed to the Director, Internal Revenue Service Center, Attention: Magnetic Tape Coordinator of Business Tax Returns, at one of the following addresses:

1. North-Atlantic Region



     (a) Andover Service Center


         Project 105 Coordinator


         (Stop 105)


         310 Lowell Street


         Andover, MA 05501



     (b) Brookhaven Service Center


         Project 105 Coordinator


         (Stop 110)


         1040 Waverly Avenue


         Holtsville, NY 11742



2. Mid-Atlantic Region



     (b) Philadelphia Service Center


         11601 Roosevelt Blvd.


         Philadelphia, PA 19154


         Magnetic Media/Drop Point





3. Central Region



         Cincinnati Service Center


         Project 105 Coordinator


         (CSA:C Stop 43)


         P.O. Box 267


         Covington, KY 41019



4. Southeast Region



     (a) Atlanta Service Center


         Project 105 Coordinator


         P.O. Box 47-421


         Doraville, GA 30362



     (b) Memphis Service Center


         Project 105 Coordinator


         P.O. Box 30309


         Airport Mail Facility


         Memphis, TN 38130



5. Midwest Region



     Kansas City Service Center


     P.O. Box 24551


     Kansas City, MO 64131



6. Southwest Region



     (a) Austin Service Center


         Management Support Branch


         (Stop 1055)


         P.O. Box 934


         Austin, TX 78767



     (b) Ogden Service Center


         1160 West 1200 South


         Ogden, UT 84201



7. Western Region



         Fresno Service Center


         P.O. Box 12866


         Fresno, CA 93779




.01 Conventions.

(1) Reporting Agents who submit Forms 940 and 941 on magnetic tape must conform to Level 3 of the ANSI Standard X3.27-1978 (Magnetic Tape Labels and File Structure for Information Interchange). Specifically this calls for recognition of the following label types: VOL1, HDR1, HDR2, EOV1, EOV2, EOF1, and EOF2 (see Exhibits 3 through 9 for specific label specifications). No user labels or non-labeled tapes will be accepted for processing.

(2) Record Mark. No restrictions apply to record marks.

(3) Tape Mark. The tape marks will be automatically generated for an interchange tape (as defined above in paragraph .01(1)). An example as to their positioning is given in section 15.02 of this revenue procedure.

.02 Definitions.

 Element             Description


 _______             ___________


 b                   Denote a blank position



 Blocked Records     Two or more records grouped together between


                     inter-record gaps.



 Blocking Factors    The number of records grouped together to form a





 EIN                 Employer Identification Number.



 File                A file consists of all tape records submitted by


                     a Reporting Agent.



 FTD                 Federal Tax Deposit.



 FUTA                Federal Unemployment Tax Act.



 MMDD                Month, month, day, day in numeric format. For


                     example, January 15th is 0115. May 1st is 0501.



 POA                 Power of Attorney.



 RAA                 Reporting Agent Authorization.



 Record              A group of related fields of information,


                     treated as a unit.



 Record Mark         Special character used either to limit the number


                     of characters in data transfer or to separate


                     blocked records on tape.



 Reel                A spool of magnetic tape.



 Reporting Agent     Person preparing and filing federal tax returns


                     on magnetic tape.



 Reporting Agent's   A list of taxpayers to be added to or deleted


 List                from the Magnetic Tape Filing System. The list


                     may be submitted on tape or paper.



 Special Character   Any character that is not a numeral, letter or





 Tape Mark           Special character that is written on tape.



 Taxpayer            Persons liable for the payment of tax. The


                     taxpayer will be held responsible for the


                     completeness, accuracy and timely submission of


                     the magnetic tape tax record.



 Unblocked Records   Single records written between inter-record gaps.



 YYDDD               Year, year, day, day, day -- the last two digits


                     of the year plus the julian day. For example,


                     January 1, 1994 is 94001; February 2, 1994 is





 YYMM                Year, year, month, month of ending month of tax


                     period in digits. For example, the format for an


                     annually filed 1993 return is 9312.




.01 These specifications prescribe the required format and content of the records to be included in the file, but not the methods or equipment to be used in their preparation. A physical tape reel must have the following physical characteristics:

 Type of tape        1/2 inch Mylar base, oxide coated



 Recording density   1600, or 6250 BPI (bytes per inch)



 Parity              Odd



 Inter-record Gap    .6 inch for 1600 BPI and .3 inch for 6250 BPI



 Recording Mode      ASCII



 Track               9-Track



 Recording Format    Reporting Agent will use a recording format of


                     "F" (fixed length records).



.02 An acceptable file will contain, for each Reporting Agent, the following:


/*/ NOTE: Up to 100 "B1" Records may be submitted per "C" Record. "B2" and "B3" Records are used as needed with an associated "B1" Record. Repeat the sequence of "B" Records and "C" Records as needed.

.03 All records including headers and trailers, if used, must be written at the same density.

.04 Affix an external label to each tape with the following information:

     1. Name of Reporting Agent.


     2. Number of tax returns submitted on the reel of tape.


     3. Tax year in YYMM (year, year, month, month) format. For


         example, 9312.


     4. Density (1600 or 6250).


     5. Channel (9).


     6. Parity (odd).


     7. Sequence number of reel and total number of reels in file.


         For example, 1 of 3.



.05 Record Blocking Factor. The tape records prescribed in the specifications must be blocked at one record per block.

.06 Data. Only character data may be used. This means numeric fields cannot have over-punched signs and should be right justified with remaining unused positions zero filled. All money fields should include two decimal positions on the right. All numeric data should be in unsigned ASCII characters (no binary data). Currently, this revenue procedure includes no fields that require signs. All fields must have either numeric or alphabetic characters with the exception of the special characters which are allowed in the name line and street address fields. Special characters can only be used in the name line fields and the street address fields of the Agent "A" Record and Tax Data "B" Record. Special characters in the street address must be limited to hyphen (-) and slash (/). And special characters in the name line must be limited to hyphen (-) and ampersand (&).

.07 Agent "A" Record. The Agent "A" Record (see Exhibit 10) identifies the Reporting Agent who prepares and transmits the tape file. Only Form 940 data may be present on this magnetic tape. Form 941 data must be on separate tape. The Agent "A" Record must be reported on the first reel of the file and precede the first Tax Data "B" record.

.08 Form 940 Tax Data "B" Records.

(1) Tax Data "B" Records (see Exhibits 11, 12, and 13) contain tax information for each filer reported by the Reporting Agent. The number of Tax Data "B" Records of any type appearing on one tape reel depends on the number of taxpayers represented (only one tax return for each EIN).

(2) All records must be for the current tax period. All money amounts must contain dollars and cents, must be right justified with zero filling on the left. Fields identified as indicators must always carry a value.

(3) The return must be filed on paper if, (a) any "B" Record field is too small to accommodate the data, (b) the taxpayer reports more than four state identification numbers were assigned by a particular state, (c) the taxpayer has more than four experience rates in a given year for a particular state code and reporting number, or (d) the taxpayer has been assigned no experience rate by a state. "No experience rate" does not mean an experience rate of zero percent. Taxpayers assigned zero percent experience rates may file magnetic tape returns.

(4) There are three types of Form 940 Tax Data "B" Records.

(a) "B1" Record. The "B1" Record is required for all taxpayers. There can be only one record of this type per taxpayer. The format and description of the "B1" Record are in Exhibit 11. Additional information and instructions for preparing the "B1" Record are in paragraph (6) of this section.

(b) "B2" Record. The "B2" Record is used only if the taxpayer has more than 10 separate reasons for exempting payments to employees from FUTA. THe various reasons for exempting payments are defined in section 16 of the revenue procedure. Up to four "B2" Records may follow a "B1" Record. The format and description of this record are in Exhibit 12. Additional information and instructions for preparing the "B2" Record are in paragraph (7) in this section.

(c) "B3" Record. If a taxpayer has employees in more than one state, a "B3" Record is required. Each "B3" Record will accommodate up to four additional states. Up to thirteen "B3" Records may be present. The first "B3" Record used must follow the "B2" Records (if they are present). The format and description of the "B3" Record are in Exhibit 13. Additional information and instructions for preparing the "B3" Record are in paragraph (8) in this section.

(5) Form 940 Filing Indicator.

(a) The Form 940 Filing Indicator (position 154 of the "B1" Record) is used to determine how a taxpayer completes Form 940. The filing indicator is a key to the use of the "B1" and "B3" Records, but it has no bearing on "B2" Records. A detailed description of the indicator is given in Exhibit 11.

(b) If the Form 940 Filing indicator is equal to zero, then only a "B1" Record is required. The state contributions field (positions 157-169) must contain an amount, and positions 495-638 must be blank or zero filled as appropriate. No "B3" Record may be filed for the taxpayer if filing indicator zero is used.

(c) If the Form 940 Filing Indicator is equal to one, then only a "B1" Record is required. The state contributions field (positions 157-169) must be zero filled, and positions 495-638 must be blank or zero filled as appropriate. No "B3" Record may be filed for the taxpayer if filing indicator one is used.

(d) If the Form 940 Filing Indicator is equal to two, then at least one "B3" Record is needed, in addition to the "B1" Record. The state contributions field (positions 157-169 of the "B1" Record) must contain an amount. The amount must equal the total contributions paid to all state unemployment funds (reported in the Contributions Actually Paid to State fields in the "B1" Record and "B3" Records). Positions 185-229 of the "B1" Record (second, third and fourth State Reporting Number fields) must be blank filled. Tax information for the first state reported must be entered in the following "B1" Record fields: State Code Employees (positions 155-156), State Reporting Number (positions 170-184), and positions 495-638. The "B3" Record is used to report additional tax information for the remaining states.

(e) If the Form 940 Filing Indicator is equal to three, then a "B1" Record is required. Positions 185-229 (second, third and fourth State Reporting Number fields of the "B1" Record) must be blank filled. Positions 495-638 require some data. The State Contributions field (positions 157-169) must contain the amount of contributions paid to the state unemployment fund, and the amount must equal the total reported for Contributions Actually Paid to State in the "B1" Record (and "B3" Records, if used). A "B3" Record is required if the taxpayer has been assigned more than one state reporting number by the state. See paragraphs (8)(f) and (g) of this section for additional information and instructions.

(6) Instructions for Preparing the "B1" Record.

(a) Positions 1-156 of the "B1" Record must contain data for all taxpayers. Provide information as described in Exhibit 11.

(b) Positions 157-169 (State Contributions) and 170-184 (State Reporting Number) of the "B1" Record must contain data if the employer is required to contribute to state unemployment funds. (See previous paragraph (5), (b) through (e), for additional information on the use of the State Contributions field.)

(c) If a taxpayer reports multiple state reporting numbers for a state, positions 170-184 (State Reporting Number) must contain data. No more than four state reporting numbers may be reported for a state. If more than four state reporting numbers were assigned by the state, the taxpayer must file a paper return.

(d) Positions 185-229 (second, third, and fourth State Reporting Numbers) must be blank filled for taxpayers who must compute tentative credit. See the instructions for preparing the "B3" Record in paragraph (8) in this section for details on reporting additional state reporting numbers for these taxpayers.

(e) Positions 230-242 (Total Payments including Exempt Payments to Employees) of the "B1" Record require data from all taxpayers. Provide information as described in Exhibit 11.

(f) Positions 243-255 (Payments in Excess of Maximum Taxable Wages) must be filled if any employee's wages exceeded the maximum for the year.

(g) Positions 256-266 (Total FUTA Tax) of the "B1" Record must be filled by all taxpayers. Provide information as described in Exhibit 11.

(h) Positions 267-277 (Total FUTA Taxes Deposited plus Overpayment from Previous Year) of the "B1" Record must be filled by all taxpayers. Provide information as described in Exhibit 11.

(i) Positions 278-288 (Overpayment From Previous Year) may or may not contain data depending on whether the taxpayer requested transfer of the previous year's overpayment.

(j) Positions 289-299 (Excess/Credit) contain data only if Total Taxes Deposited plus Overpayment from Previous Year (267-277) exceeds Total FUTA Tax (256-266).

(k) Position 300 (Credit Elect Indicator) enables the taxpayer to make a decision as to whether overpayment will be refunded or credited to the following year's account.

(l) Positions 301-311 (Total Taxes Deposited for This Tax Year) must be filled. Provide information as described in Exhibit 11.

(m) Positions 312-351 (FUTA tax liabilities for first, second, third, and fourth quarters) must be filled if Total FUTA Tax (256- 266) exceeds $100.00.

(n) Positions 352-481 (Exemption Codes and Amounts) contain 10 combinations of a two position exemption code and an 11 position dollar and cents amount of wages exempted. The exemption codes and their meanings may be found in section 16 of this revenue procedure.

(o) Positions 482-494 (Credit Reduction Wages for Unrepaid Advances to the States) should have data only if the state identified in positions 155-156 is a credit reduction state for the tax year reported.

(p) Positions 495-638 (experience rate group) are a series of repeating fields which only require entries if more than one state is being reported by the taxpayer or if any part of the taxpayer's total taxable wages is exempt from state unemployment taxes. There are four series of five fields that allow for the reporting of up to four different experience rates in a given year (that is, initial rate and three changes). The five fields in each group are:

1. Taxable payroll (12 positions).

2. Date experience rate took effect. Use numeric month and day format (MMDD). For example, 0101. (4 positions)

3. Date experience rate was changed. Use numeric month and day format (MMDD). For example, 0615. (4 positions)

4. State experience rate (6 position decimal).

5. Contributions paid to state (10 positions).

Blank or zero fill unused experience rate group fields as appropriate.

The use of these fields is determined by the value of the Form 940 Filing Indicator. At least one series of the fields must contain information if a taxpayer reports more than one state (Form 940 Filing Indicator "2"), or if any part of the taxpayer's total FUTA taxable wages is exempt from state unemployment taxes (Form 940 Filing Indicator "3"). The other three series are used only if the employer's experience rate changed during the year. If the Filing Indicator is "0" or "1", positions 495-638 must be blank or zero filled as appropriate.

If the Form 940 Filing Indicator is "2" and the employer is not required to pay contributions to the state unemployment fund of the first state reported (in the "B1" Record) because that particular state has granted the employer a zero percent experience rate, only one experience rate group should contain data, and it should be used in the following manner:

1. Taxable payroll must have data. Enter the amount of wages on which the employer would have paid state unemployment taxes had the state not granted the zero percent experience rate.

2. Date experience rate took effect. Fill with 0101.

3. Date experience rate was changed. Fill with 1231.

4. State experience rate. Fill with six zeroes.

5. Contributions paid to state. Fill with ten zeroes.

Blank or zero fill the remaining experience rate group fields as appropriate.

(q) If part or all of the taxpayer's wages subject to FUTA tax is exempt from state unemployment tax, the total amount entered for taxable state payroll must be less than the amount of total FUTA taxable wages.

NOTE: If an employer reports more than four state reporting numbers for a state, or has more than four experience rates for a state in a given year, or if the employer has no experience rate assigned by a state, the return must be filed on paper. "No experience rate" does not mean a zero percent experience rate. Taxpayers granted a zero percent state experience rate may file magnetic tape returns.

(7) Instructions for Preparing the "B2" Record.

(a) Positions 1-13 and at least the first exemption code and amount group (positions 14-26) must have data if a "B2" Record is used. This information must be provided as described in Exhibit 12.

(b) Positions 14-143 are 10 groups of two fields. The two fields are exemption code and exemption amount. The exemption codes and their meanings can he found in section 16 of this revenue procedure.

(c) Exemption amount fields must be right justified with remaining unused positions zero filled. All unneeded exemption code and amount fields must be blank or zero filled as appropriate.

(8) Instructions for Preparing the "B3" Record.

(a) Positions 1-13 and at least positions 14-79 of the first state data group must have data if a "B3" Record is used. This information must he provided as described in Exhibit 13.

(b) Positions 14-709 contain four groups of fields. Each group is for a separate state code. Therefore, each "B3" Record can accommodate reporting of an additional four states.

Positions 14-187 relate to the first state reported in the "B3" Record.

Positions 188-361 relate to the second state reported in the "B3" Record.

Positions 362-535 relate to the third state reported in the "B3" Record.

Positions 536-709 relate to the fourth state reported in the "B3" Record.

The first state reported for the taxpayer must be reported in the "B1" Record. See paragraph (5)(d) in this section.

(c) Each state group in the "B3" Record is 174 positions. The state group is composed of the following fields:

1. State code. (2 positions)

2. Credit reduction wages. This field should contain an amount if the state referenced in the associated state code field is a credit reduction state for the tax year reported. (13 positions)

3. State reporting number. (15 positions)

4. Four groups of experience rate fields. Each experience rate group is composed as follows:

Taxable payroll. (12 positions)

Date experience rate took effect. Numeric month and day format (MMDD) must be used -- for example, 0201. (4 positions)

Date experience rate was changed. Numeric month and day format (MMDD) must be used -- for example, 0825. (4 positions)

State experience rate. (6 position decimal)

Contributions paid to state. (10 positions)

(d) The experience rate group fields allow for the reporting of up to four different experience rates in a given year (that is, an initial rate and three changes). Blank or zero fill unused experience rate group fields as appropriate.

(e) If the employer was granted a zero percent experience rate and not required to pay contributions to the state unemployment fund of a particular state, only one experience rate group must contain data. It must be used in the following manner:

1. Taxable payroll must have data. Enter the amount of wages on which the employer would have paid state unemployment taxes had the state not granted the zero percent experience rate.

2. Date experience rate took effect. Fill with 0101.

3. Date experience rate was changed. Fill with 1231.

4. State experience rate. Fill with six zeroes.

5. Contributions paid to state. Fill with ten zeroes.

Blank or zero fill the remaining experience rate group fields as appropriate.

(f) The "B3" Record must be used to report multiple state reporting numbers for taxpayers who compute tentative credit (Form 940 Filing Indicator "2" or "3"). Up to four state reporting numbers are allowed for each state the taxpayer reports. If the taxpayer has been assigned more than four state reporting numbers by any state, a paper return must be filed.

(g) Repeat the state code with each additional state reporting number. Do not repeat a state reporting number. Credit reduction wages must be reported with the first occurrence of the state code. Report the state taxable payroll and actual contributions paid to the state under each given state reporting number. All groups of state data for a given state code must consecutively follow the first occurrence of that state code. Refer to Exhibit 13, and use the following guideline:

1. Positions 1-13 must contain data.

2. The state code must be repeated in the applicable State Code fields (positions 14-15, 188-189, 362-363 or 536-537) and must consecutively follow its first occurrence.

3. Enter an amount in the first credit reduction wages field for a state only if the state is a credit reduction state for the tax year reported. Each occurrence of the credit reduction wages field that follows for that state (positions 16-28, 190-202, 364- 376 or 538-550) must be zero filled.

4. Additional state reporting numbers are reported in the applicable State Reporting Number fields (positions 29-43, 203- 217, 377-391 or 551-565).

5. Positions 44-187, 218-361, 392-535 or 566-709. The positions that relate to the INITIAL experience rate of a state (44-79, 218-253, 392-427 or 566-601, within each corresponding state data group) must be completed. The second, third or fourth experience rate group must be completed only if the experience rate changes for a given state code and reporting number. No more than four experience rates may be reported for a given state code and reporting number. Enter the data as follows:

          Taxable Payroll -- (positions 44-55, 218-229, 392-403 or


          566-577). Enter the amount of state taxable wages for the


          state under the corresponding state reporting number. (12





          Date an Experience Rate Took Effect -- (positions 56-59,


          230-233, 404-407 or 578-581). Enter in numeric month and


          day format (MMDD) -- for example, 0301. (4 positions)



          Date an Experience Rate Changed -- (positions 60-63, 234-


          237, 408-411 or 582-585). Enter in numeric month and day


          format (MMDD) -- for example, 0901. (4 positions)



          State Experience Rate -- (positions 64-69, 238-243, 412-417


          or 586-591). Enter the experience rate for the state under


          the corresponding state reporting number. (6 positions)



          Contributions Paid to State -- (positions 70-79, 244-253,


          418-427 or 592-601). Enter the amount of contributions paid


          to the state under the corresponding state reporting


          number. (10 positions)



NOTE: Regardless of the number of states reported for a taxpayer, no more than 13 "B3" Records are allowed per taxpayer.

09 Checkpoint Totals "C" Record. A Checkpoint Totals "C" Record (see Exhibit 14) must be written after each 100 or fewer Tax Data "B1" Records. This record contains the sum of all FUTA tax reported in the preceding 100 (or fewer) "B1" Records and the sum of all "B1" Records, "B2" Records, and "B3" Records accumulated per "C" Record checkpoint. The "C" Record must be followed by a Tax Data "B1" Record, except if the "C" Record is at the end of the file. In which case, it is followed by an End of File "E" Record.

10 End of File "E" Record. The End of File "E" Record (see Exhibit 15) contains the total of all "B1" Records, "B2" Records, and "B3" Records reported on the tape file, and gives the sum of all FUTA tax reported on the tape file. The "E" Record must be the last record on the agent's tape file. It may be followed only by a tape mark.


.01 Exemption codes were established to give taxpayers the capability to claim FUTA exemptions through the magnetic tape filing system. These codes are updated periodically to reflect changes in the law; however, this revenue procedure does not establish authority for exemptions under FUTA. If an exemption that is listed in this section is not in effect for the tax year reported, the exemption code will not be accepted. Refer to Circular E, Publication 15, for details regarding exemptions under FUTA.

.02 If a FUTA exemption is claimed, the appropriate exemption code must be used in the two position fields in the exemption code and amount groups (in the "B1" and "B2" Records).

.03 Some of the following codes are group level exemption codes. If an asterisk is present before the exemption code, then a lower level subclassification is present on a later page. If the Reporting Agent cannot provide the subclassification, the higher level classification is sufficient.

 Exemption      Special Classes of Employment


 Code           Special Types of Payments





   01      Agricultural labor. See Circular A for exceptions.



   03      Domestic service in college clubs, fraternities and


           sororities if employer paid cash wages less than $1000 in


           any calendar quarter in the current or preceding year.



   04      Educational assistance program payments by employer under


           section 127 of the Code (see Circular E for limitation).



   05      Employers whose taxability depends upon number of employees


           and who meet the requirements set forth in Circular E.



   06      Foreign Governments and International Organizations.



   07      Industrial homeworker who is a statutory employee. See


           Circular E.



   08      Household workers. See Circular E for additional





   09      Interns working in hospitals.



   10      Ministers of churches performing duties as same.



   11      Members of religious orders who have taken a vow of poverty


           and are instructed by the order to perform services for the


           order, agency of the supervising church or associated





   12      Members of religious orders who have not taken a vow of


           poverty and are instructed by the order to perform services


           for the order, agency of the supervising church or


           associated institution.



   13      Reimbursement for moving expenses the taxpayer believes is


           deductible by employee.



   14      Newspaper carrier under 18 delivering to customers.



   15      Newspaper and magazine vendors buying at fixed prices and


           retaining excess from sales to customers.



   16      Non-cash payments for household work, agricultural labor


           and service not in the course of the employer's trade or





   17      Patients employed by hospitals.



   18      Railroads, etc. -- Payments subject to Railroad


           Unemployment Insurance Act.



   19      Qualified real estate agents and direct sellers. See


           Circular E for additional information.



   20      Service not in the course of the employer's trade or


           business other than on a farm operated for profit or for


           household employment in private homes. See Circular E for


           additional information.



   21      Deceased worker's wages paid to beneficiary or estate after


           the year of worker's death.



   22      Employees of state governments and political subdivisions.


           Salaries and wages. Fees of public officials.



   23      Supplemental unemployment compensation plan benefits.



   24      Dependent care assistance programs (limited to $5,000;


           $2,500, if married filing separately). Exempt to the extent


           it is reasonable to believe that amounts will be excluded


           from gross income under section 129 of the Code.



   25      Tips less than $20 in a month.



   26      Employee achievement awards. Exempt to the extent it is


           reasonable to believe the amounts will be excluded from


           gross income under section 74(c) of the Code.



   27      Qualified group legal services plan. See Circular E for


           additional information.



   28      Loans with below-market interest rates. Exempt, unless


           loans are compensation-related. See Circular E.



  *30      Workers from any foreign country or its possession lawfully


           admitted on a temporary basis to perform agricultural


           labor. See Circular E for additional details.



  *35      Family employees.



  *40      Federal employees.



  *45      Fishing and related activities.



  *50      Foreign service by U.S. citizens.



  *55      Insurance agents or solicitors.



  *60      Meals and lodging. See Circular E.



  *65      Non-profit organizations.



  *70      Retirement and pension plans.



  *75      Sickness or injury payments.



  *80      Students.



   90      Fringe benefits that qualify for exclusion. See Circular E.



   91      Group-term life insurance costs.



   92      Nontaxable scholarships and fellowship grants. Taxability


           depends on the nature of the employment and the status of


           the organization. See Circular E for additional





                 Subdivision for Aliens classification



   31      Resident aliens performing service outside the U.S. and


           meeting the requirements set down in Circular E.



   32      Canadian and Mexican non-resident aliens working in the


           U.S. who are employed in railroad service.



   33      Non-resident alien who is a student, scholar, trainee,


           teacher, etc. who meets the requirements of a non-immigrant


           alien under section 101(a)(15)(F), (J), or (M) of


           Immigration and Nationality Act.



   34      Non-resident alien working on American vessel or aircraft


           outside U.S. Not under contract made in the U.S. See


           Circular E for additional details.



           Subdivisions for Family Employees classification



   36      Son or daughter under 21 employed by parent (or by


           partnership consisting only of parents).



   37      Parent employed by son or daughter.



   38      Spouse employed by spouse.



           Subdivisions for Federal Employees classification



   41      Members of uniformed services; Young Adult Conservation


           Corps, Job Corps, or National Volunteer Antipoverty Program


           or Peace Corps volunteers.



   42      All other federal employees (not performing foreign


           service). See Circular E.



     Subdivision for Fishing and Related Activities classification



   46      Fish, sponges, etc., other than salmon or halibut on


           vessels of 10 net tons or less, and Exemption Code 47 does


           not apply. See Circular E.



   47      Individual has arrangement with the owner or operator of a


           boat and the individual is not paid cash remuneration, but


           receives a share of the boat's catch (or proceeds from the


           sale of the catch), the share depending on the boat's


           catch. The operating crew of the boat is normally fewer


           than 10 individuals. See Circular E.



   48      Salmon or halibut. Exempt if Exemption Code 47 applies. See


           Circular E.



   Subdivisions for Foreign Service by U.S. Citizens classification



   51      U.S. Government employee.



   52      For foreign affiliates of American employers and other


           private employers. See Circular E for additional





    Subdivisions for Insurance Agents or Solicitors classification



   56      Full-time life insurance salesperson. Exempt if not a


           common law employee or if paid solely by commissions.



   57      Other salesperson of life, casualty, etc., insurance.


           Exempt if not a common law employee or if paid solely by





           Subdivisions for Meals and Lodging classification



   61      Meals furnished for employer's convenience and on the


           employer's premises. See Circular E for additional





   62      Lodging furnished for employer's convenience and on the


           employer's premises, and as a condition of employment. See


           Circular E for additional information.



        Subdivisions for Non-Profit Organization classification



   66      Religious, educational, charitable, etc., organizations


           described in section 501(c)(3) exempt from income tax under


           section 501(a) of the Code.



   67      Corporations organized under Act of Congress described in


           section 501(c)(1) of the Code. Not exempt if employee earns


           $50 or more in quarter unless services excepted by section


           3306(c)(6) of the Code.



   68      Other organizations exempt under section 501(a) of the


           Code. Not exempt if employee earns $50 or more in quarter.


           See Circular E for additional details.



     Subdivisions for Retirement and Pension Plans classification



   71      Employer contributions to a simplified employee pension


           plan (SEP), excluding amounts contributed under a salary


           reduction SEP agreement.



   72      Employer contributions to section 403(b) annuity contracts.



   73      Retirement and pension plan distributions from a qualified





   74      Employer contributions to a qualified plan.



      Subdivisions for Sickness or Injury Payments classification



   76      Workmen's compensation law.



   77      Certain employer plan payments after the end of 6 calendar


           months after calendar month employee last worked for





   78      No employer plan payments after the end of 6 calendar


           months after calendar month employee last worked for





                Subdivisions for Students classification



   81      Student working for private school, college or university,


           if enrolled and regularly attending classes.



   82      Student performing services for auxiliary nonprofit


           organization described in section 509(a)(3) of the Code


           which is organized and operated exclusively for the benefit


           of and supervised or controlled by a school, college or


           university at which the student is enrolled and regularly


           attending classes.



   83      Student working for a public school, college or university,


           if enrolled and regularly attending classes, and student


           nurse working for a public hospital, unless the services


           are covered under a section 218 agreement.



   84      Spouse of student provided the conditions set forth in


           Circular E are met.



   85      Student enrolled in a full time program at a nonprofit or


           public educational institution, provided the conditions set


           forth in Circular E are met.



   86      Student nurse working for hospital as incidental part of


           student nurse's training, where employment is substantially


           less than full-time, and total earnings are nominal.



   87      Students employed by organized camps (section 3306(c)(20)


           of the Code).




.01 The Reporting Agent must furnish the taxpayer with a paper copy of the magnetic tape material that was sent to the Service. This information can be contained on a replica of an official form or on an unofficial form. However, on an unofficial form, data entries must be referenced to the line references on an official form.

.02 The Reporting Agent must also provide the taxpayer with a paper copy of the paper portion of the taxpayer's return.

.03 The Reporting Agent must advise the taxpayer to retain a complete copy of a return and any supporting material.

.04 The Reporting Agent must advise the taxpayer that an amended return, if needed, must be filed as a paper return and mailed to the service center that would handle the taxpayer's return.

.05 The Reporting Agent must, upon request, provide the taxpayer with the date the magnetic tape portion on the taxpayer's return was acknowledged as received by the service center.


.01 You must use the following state abbreviations when developing the state code portion of address fields.

 State               Code           State                     Code


 _____               ____           _____                     ____



 Alabama             (AL)           Missouri                  (MO)


 Alaska              (AK)           Montana                   (MT)


 Arizona             (AZ)           Nebraska                  (NE)


 Arkansas            (AR)           Nevada                    (NV)


 American Samoa      (AS)           New Hampshire             (NH)


 California          (CA)           New Jersey                (NJ)


 Colorado            (CO)           New Mexico                (NM)


 Connecticut         (CT)           New York                  (NY)


 Delaware            (DE)           North Carolina            (NC)


 District of                        North Dakota              (ND)


   Columbia          (DC)           Northern Mariana Islands  (MP)


 Federated States                   Ohio                      (OH)


   of Micronesia     (FM)           Oklahoma                  (OK)


 Florida             (FL)           Oregon                    (OR)


 Georgia             (GA)           Palau                     (PW)


 Guam                (Gu)           Pennsylvania              (PA)


 Hawaii              (HI)           Puerto Rico               (PR)


 Idaho               (ID)           Rhode Island              (RI)


 Illinois            (IL)           South Carolina            (SC)


 Indiana             (IN)           South Dakota              (SD)


 Iowa                (IA)           Tennessee                 (TN)


 Kansas              (KS)           Texas                     (TX)


 Kentucky            (KY)           Utah                      (UT)


 Louisiana           (LA)           Vermont                   (VT)


 Maine               (ME)           Virginia                  (VA)


 Marshall Islands    (MH)           Virgin Islands            (VI)


 Maryland            (MD)           Washington                (WA)


 Massachusetts       (MA)           West Virginia             (WV)


 Michigan            (MI)           Wisconsin                 (WI)


 Minnesota           (MN)           Wyoming                   (WY)


 Mississippi         (MS)




This revenue procedure supersedes Rev. Proc. 92-99, 1992-2 C.B. 518.


This revenue procedure is effective November 15, 1993.


[Editor's Note: Exhibit 1 has been omitted as it is not suitable for clear on-screen presentation.]


[Editor's Note: Form 8822, Change of Address, has been omitted as it is not suitable for clear on-screen presentation. A copy can be obtained from the IRS by calling, toll-free, 1-800-TAX-FORM.]

                               EXHIBIT 3



 VOL1 Label





 Position  Acceptable values


 ________  _________________



 1-4       /*/  VOL1



 5-10      six-digit reel number



 11-79     /*/  blanks



 80        /*/  3 (indicates version of ANSI label standard)



 /*/ Asterisk indicates position (fields) that are generally system


 generated (vendors may differ somewhat). The Reporting Agent must


 make entries in all other fields.



                               EXHIBIT 4



 HDR1 Label





 Position  Acceptable values


 ________  _________________



 1-4       /*/  HDR1



 5-21      This is the file identifier. The Reporting Agent must


           supply this information. Entries must be left justified


           with blanks in remaining positions. Valid entry is


           "MGT0501". (Form 940)



 22-27     "6" digit reel number



 28-31     /*/  0001



 32-35     0001



 36-39     Specifies the current stage (version) in the succession of


           one file generation by the next. Generally will be 0001.



 40-41     01



 42-47     Creation Date. This date must be generated by the operating


           system and have the date the tape was created. The format


           is "bYYDDD" (julian date).



 48-53     Purge Date. This date must be generated by the operating


           system and have the date the tape will be purged. The


           format is "bYYDDD" (julian date). For Service use, specify


           the purge date as one year after the creation date.



 54        /*/  blank



 55-60     /*/  zeros ("000000")



 61-80     /*/  blanks



 /*/ Asterisk indicates positions (fields) that are generally system


 generated (vendors may differ somewhat). The Reporting Agent must make


 entries in all other fields.



                               EXHIBIT 5



 HDR2 Label





 Position  Acceptable Values


 ________  _________________



 1-4       /*/  HDR2



 5         "F" (indicator for fixed length records)



 6-10      "00720"



 11-15     /*/  "00720"



 16-50     /*/  blanks



 51-52     /*/  "00"



 53-80     /*/  blanks



 /*/ Asterisk indicates position (fields) that are generally system


 generated (vendors may differ somewhat). The Reporting Agent must


 make entries in all other fields.



                               EXHIBIT 6



 EOF1 Label





 Position  Acceptable values


 ________  _________________



 1-4       /*/  EOF1



 5-21      This is the file identifier. The Reporting Agent must


           supply this information. Entries must be left justified and


           blank filled. Valid entry is "MGT0501". (Form 940)



 22-27     "6" digit reel number



 28-31     /*/  0001



 32-35     0001



 36-39     Specifies the current stage (version) in the succession of


           one file generation by the next. Generally will be 0001.



 40-41     01



 42-47     Creation Date. This date must be generated by the operating


           system and have the date the tape was created. The format


           is "bYYDDD" (julian date).



 48-53     Purge Date. This date must be generated by the operating


           system and have the date the tape will be purged. The


           format is "bYYDDD" (julian date). For Service use, specify


           the purge date as one year after the creation date.



 54        /*/  blank



 55-60     /*/  The number of blocks on the tape reel



 61-80     /*/  blanks



 /*/ Asterisk indicates positions (fields) that are generally system


 generated (vendors may differ somewhat). The Reporting Agent must


 make entries in all other fields.



                               EXHIBIT 7



 EOF2 Label





 Position  Acceptable values


 ________  _________________



 1-4       /*/  EOF2



 5         "F" (indicator for fixed length records)



 6-10      /*/  "00720"



 11-15     /*/  "00720"



 16-50     /*/  blanks



 51-52     /*/  "00"



 53-80     /*/  blanks



 /*/ Asterisk indicates positions (fields) that are generally system


 generated (vendors may differ somewhat). The Reporting Agent must


 make entries in all other fields.



                               EXHIBIT 8



 EOV1 Label





 Position  Acceptable values


 ________  _________________



 1-4       /*/  EOV1



 5-21      /*/  This is the file identifier. The Reporting Agent must


           supply this information. Entries must be left justified and


           blank filled. Valid entry is "MGT0501". (Form 940)



 22-27     "6" digit reel number



 28-31     /*/  0001



 32-35     0001



 36-39     Specifies the current stage (version) in the succession of


           one file generation by the next. Generally will be 0001.



 40-41     01



 42-47     Creation Date. This date must be generated by the operating


           system and have the date the tape was created. The format


           is "bYYDDD" (julian date).



 48-53     Purge Date. This date must be generated by the operating


           system and have the date the tape will be purged. The


           format is "bYYDDD" (julian date). For Service use, specify


           the purge date as one year after the creation date.



 54        /*/  blank



 55-60     /*/  The number of blocks on the tape reel



 61-80     /*/  blanks



 /*/ Asterisk indicates positions (fields) that are generally system


 generated (vendors may differ somewhat). The Reporting Agent must


 make entries in all other fields.



                               EXHIBIT 9



 EOV2 Label





 Position  Acceptable values


 ________  _________________



 1-4       /*/  EOV2



 5         "F" (indicator for fixed length records)



 6-10      /*/  "00720"



 11-15     /*/  "00720"



 16-50     /*/  blanks



 51-52     /*/  "00"



 53-80     /*/  blanks



 /*/ Asterisk indicates positions (fields) that are generally system


 generated (vendors may differ somewhat). The Reporting Agent must


 make entries in all other fields.





General Information. The "A" Record identifies the Reporting Agent, the tax year and the type of return being filed. This record must be the first record reported on the first reel of the tape file. It precedes the first Tax Data "B" Record reported.

Special characters may only be used in the name line and street address fields and must be limited to those characters listed in section 15.06 of this revenue procedure.



 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 1        Record Type     Enter "A". Must be first character of the


                          Form 940 "A" Record.



 2-5      Reserved         Zero fill.



 6-14     EIN -- Report-   Enter the 9 numeric characters of the


          ing Agent        Reporting Agent's EIN. Do not include the





 15-17    Type of          Enter "940". Only Form 940 returns may be


          Return           present on this magnetic tape file.



 18-26    Reserved         Zero fill.



 27-66    Name Line 1 --   Enter first name line of reporting agent.


          Reporting Agent  Left justify and fill remaining unused


                           positions with blanks. (40 positions)



 67-106   Name Line 2 --   Enter the second name line of Reporting


          Reporting Agent  Agent. Left justify and fill remaining


                           unused positions with blanks. If not


                           required, blank fill. (40 positions)



 107-146  Street Address   Enter street address of reporting agent and


          -- Reporting     blank fill remaining unused positions.


          Agent            Street address must include number, street


                           and apartment or suite number (or P.O. Box


                           number if mail is not delivered to street


                           address). Fill with blanks if street address


                           not required. (40 positions)



 147-166  City --          Enter city, town or post office of Reporting


          Reporting Agent  Agent. Left justify and fill remaining


                           unused positions with blanks. (20 positions)



 167-168  State Code --    Enter the official post office two position


          Reporting Agent  state code. See section 18 of this revenue


                           procedure. (2 positions)



 169-177  Zip Code --      Enter zip code of Reporting Agent. If not


          Reporting Agent  using extended zip code, left justify and


                           blank fill remaining 4 positions. (9





 178      Tax Year         The last digit of the calendar year for


                           which the Reporting Agent is filing (for


                           example, 3 = 93, 4 = 94, etc.).



 179-720  Reserved         Enter blanks







General Information. A "B1" Record is required for each taxpayer. Only one "B1" Record is allowed for a taxpayer, and it must be the first Tax Data "B" Record reported for the taxpayer.

Money amount fields must be right justified with remaining unused positions zero filled.

Special characters may only be used in the name line and address fields and must be limited to those characters listed in section 15.06 of this revenue procedure.



 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 1        Record Type     "B" must be the first character of each Form


                          940 "B1" Record.



 2        Record Subtype  "1" must be the second character of each


                          Form 940 "B1" Record.



 3-37     First Name      First name line of the taxpayer. The first


          Line --         five positions cannot all be blank. Left


          Employer        justify and fill remaining unused positions


                          with blanks. (35 positions)



 38-72    Second Name     Second name line of the taxpayer. If a


          Line --         continuation of the first name line, left


          Employer        justify and fill remaining unused positions


                          with blanks. If not required, blank fill.


                          (35 positions)



 73-76    Name Control    Enter the alpha/numeric name control from


                          the name control furnished by the Service.


                          See section 8.04 of this revenue procedure.


                          (4 positions)



 77-111   Street          Enter the street address of the employer. The


          Address --      first position must be a character. No more


          Employer        than one blank position may be used between


                          a character. Street address must include


                          number, street and apartment or suite number


                          (or P.O. Box number if mail is not delivered


                          to street address). Foreign address: Enter


                          street address, including province and


                          mailing code. For example: 20 CHAMPS ELYSEE


                          75307 PARIS. Left justify and blank fill


                          remaining unused positions. (35 positions)



 112-131  City --         Enter the city, town or post office in which


          Employer        the taxpayer is located. The first position


                          must be a character. No more than one blank


                          position may be used between a character.


                          Foreign address: Enter name of country. Left


                          justify and fill remaining unused positions


                          with blanks. (20 positions)



 132-133  State Code --   Enter the state code of the address for the


          Employer        taxpayer as assigned by the U.S. Postal


                          Service. Foreign address: Enter "." See


                          section 18 of this revenue procedure. (2





 134-142  Zip Code --     Enter the zip code of the taxpayer. If an


          Employer        expanded zip code is not used, left justify


                          and blank fill the four unused positions.


                          Foreign address: Blank fill. (9 positions)



 143-151  EIN --          Enter the taxpayer's EIN. Do not include the


          Employer        hyphen. (9 positions)



 152      Address Change  Enter "1" if the taxpayer has requested a


                          change of address and the taxpayer's new


                          address has been given in tape positions 77-


                          142 of this record. Otherwise, enter zero.



 153      Final Return    Enter "1" if this is a final return.


          Indicator       Otherwise, enter zero.



 154      Form 940        A one character numeric field used to


          Filing          describe the method in which a taxpayer


          Indicator       files Form 940.



 You must enter:



 "0" If the taxpayer has paid all required state contributions and an


     amount is present. The taxpayer is required to make contribution


     payments to only one state. None of the wages subject to FUTA tax


     is exempt from state unemployment tax.



 "1" If the taxpayer has met the requirement to pay all state


     contributions because the taxpayer was granted a zero percent


     experience rate by the state. The taxpayer is required to make


     contributions payments to only one state. None of the wages


     subject to FUTA tax is exempt from state unemployment tax.






     If a taxpayer is required to pay contributions to only one state


     and no state contributions were made on a return with no FUTA


     taxable wages, use Form 940 Filing Indicator "1".



 "2" If the taxpayer must compute tentative credit because the


     taxpayer is required to make state contribution payments to more


     than one state, and all required state contributions have been





 "3" If the taxpayer must compute tentative credit because all or part


     of wages subject to FUTA tax is exempt from state unemployment


     tax. The taxpayer is required to make payments to only one state,


     and the requirement to pay all state contributions has been met.



 NOTE: If a taxpayer does not meet all conditions for any one of the


 Form 940 Filing Indicators outlined above, a paper return must be







 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 155-156  State Code --    Enter a state code. Usually same as


          Employees        positions 132-133. Would differ if official


                           business address is in different state


                           than operations of business of the first


                           state reported. See section 18 of this


                           revenue procedure. (2 positions)



 157-169  State Con-       The amount paid by the taxpayer to all


          tributions       state unemployment funds. (13 positions)



 NOTE: The first state reporting number that is reported for the


 taxpayer must be entered in tape positions 170-184 of this record.


 All additional state reporting numbers for taxpayers who use filing


 indicator "0" or "1" (in tape position 154 of this record) must


 consecutively follow in tape positions 185-199, 200-214 and 215-229


 (as needed). If a taxpayer has been assigned more than four state


 reporting numbers by a state, a paper return must be filed.



 170-184  State Reporting  Enter the state reporting number assigned


          Number           to the taxpayer by the state unemployment


                           agency. Do not include hyphens or other


                           special characters. Left justify and blank


                           fill remaining unused positions as


                           necessary. (15 positions)



 185-199  Second State     Enter any additional state reporting number


          Reporting        assigned to the taxpayer by the state


          Number           unemployment agency. (See description for


                           positions 170-184 above.) Blank fill if no


                           additional numbers were assigned or if tape


                           position 154 of this record is "2" or "3".


                           (15 positions)



 200-214  Third State      Enter any additional state reporting number


          Reporting        assigned to the taxpayer by the state


          Number           unemployment agency. (See description for


                           positions 170-184 above.) Blank fill if no


                           additional numbers were assigned or if tape


                           position 154 of this record is "2" or "3".


                           (15 positions)



 215-229  Fourth State     Enter any additional state reporting number


          Reporting        assigned to the taxpayer by the state


          Number           unemployment agency. (See description for


                           positions 170-184 above.) Blank fill if no


                           additional numbers were assigned or if tape


                           position 154 of this record is "2" or "3".


                           (15 positions)



 230-242  Total Payments   Enter the amount of total payments and


                           include exempt payments made during the


                           calendar year for services of employees.


                           (13 positions)



 243-255  Payments in      The maximum taxable wages for employee


          Excess of        varies with year. Enter only the amount


          Maximum          that is over the first maximum wage amount


          Taxable Wages    paid to individual employees. Do not


                           include exemption amounts. Do not use the


                           state wage limitation. (13 positions)



 256-266  Total FUTA Tax   Total FUTA Tax. If filing indicator "0" or


                           "1" is used enter Total Gross FUTA Tax plus


                           Credit Reduction amount less the Maximum


                           Credit. If filing indicator "2" or "3" is


                           used, enter Total Gross FUTA Tax plus


                           Credit Reduction amount less the smaller of


                           Total Tentative Credit or Maximum Credit.


                           (11 positions)



 267-277  Total Taxes      FTDs for the tax year plus overpayment from


          Deposited plus   previous year (if the taxpayer elected to


          Overpayment      apply the previous year's overpayment to


          from             this tax year). (11 positions)


          Previous Year



 278-288  Overpayment      Enter an amount only if the taxpayer made


          from             an election last year to have overpayment


          Previous Year    applied to the next return. Right justify


                           and zero fill remaining unused positions.


                           Enter zeros if no amount. (11 positions)



 289-299  Excess/Credit    Amount that total taxes deposited plus


                           transfer of overpayment from previous year


                           exceeds Total FUTA Tax. Right justify and


                           zero fill remaining unused positions. Zero


                           fill if no amount. (11 positions)



 300      Credit Elect     Enter zero if Excess/Credit is to be


          Indicator        applied to next return. Enter "1" if


                           Excess/Credit is to be refunded or if


                           amount is zero.



 301-311  Total Taxes      Tax deposits made for the tax year. (11


          Deposited for    positions)


          This Tax Year



Tape positions 312-351 of this record report the quarterly accrual of the federal tax liability for unemployment tax. Amounts must be entered in these fields if Total FUTA Tax exceeds $100.00



 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 312-321  FUTA Tax         First quarter federal tax liability for


          Liability for    unemployment tax. (10 positions)


          First Quarter



 322-331  FUTA Tax         Second quarter federal tax liability for


          Liability for    unemployment tax. (10 positions)


          Second Quarter



 332-341  FUTA Tax         Third quarter federal tax liability for


          Liability for    unemployment tax. (10 positions)


          Third Quarter



 342-351  FUTA Tax         Fourth quarter federal tax liability for


          Liability for    unemployment tax. (10 positions)


          Fourth Quarter



Tape positions 352-481 contain ten combinations of a two position exemption code and 11 position dollar and cents amount of wages exempted. The exemption codes to be used are described in section 16 of this revenue procedure. Exemption amount fields must be right justified with zeroes in any remaining unused positions. All unused exemption code fields must be blank filled. All unused exemption amount fields must be zero filled.

 352-353  Exemption Code   Enter the approved two character exemption


                           code for the exemption the taxpayer is


                           claiming. Enter blanks if no exemption is


                           claimed here.



 354-364  Exemption        Enter the amount of the exemption for tape


          Amount           positions 352-353. Enter zeros if the


                           corresponding exemption code field is





 365-366  Exemption        Enter the approved two character numeric


          Code             exemption code for the exemption the


                           taxpayer is claiming. Enter blanks if no


                           exemption is claimed here.



 367-377  Exemption        Enter the amount of the exemption for tape


          Amount           positions 365-366. Enter zeros if the


                           corresponding exemption code field is





 378-379  Exemption        Enter the approved two character numeric


          Code             exemption code for the exemption the


                           taxpayer is claiming. Enter blanks if no


                           exemption is claimed here.



 380-390  Exemption        Enter the amount of the exemption for tape


          Amount           positions 378-379. Enter zeros if the


                           corresponding exemption code field is





 391-392  Exemption        Enter the approved two character numeric


          Code             exemption code for the exemption the


                           taxpayer is claiming. Enter blanks if no


                           exemption is claimed here.



 393-403  Exemption        Enter the amount of the exemption for tape


          Amount           positions 391-392. Enter zeros if the


                           corresponding exemption code field is





 404-405  Exemption        Enter the approved two character numeric


          Code             exemption code for the exemption the


                           taxpayer is claiming. Enter blanks if no


                           exemption is claimed here.



 406-416  Exemption        Enter the amount of the exemption for tape


          Amount           positions 404-405. Enter zeros if the


                           corresponding exemption code field is





 417-418  Exemption        Enter the approved two character numeric


          Code             exemption code for the exemption the


                           taxpayer is claiming. Enter blanks if no


                           exemption is claimed here.



 419-429  Exemption        Enter the amount of the exemption for tape


          Amount           positions 417-418. Enter zeros if the


                           corresponding exemption code field is





 430-431  Exemption        Enter the approved two character numeric


          Code             exemption code for the exemption the


                           taxpayer is claiming. Enter blanks if no


                           exemption is claimed here.



 432-442  Exemption        Enter the amount of the exemption for tape


          Amount           positions 430-431. Enter zeros if the


                           corresponding exemption code field is





 443-444  Exemption        Enter the approved two character numeric


          Code             exemption code for the exemption the


                           taxpayer is claiming. Enter blanks if no


                           exemption is claimed here.



 445-455  Exemption        Enter the amount of the exemption for tape


          Amount           positions 443-444. Enter zeros if the


                           corresponding exemption code field is





 456-457  Exemption        Enter the approved two character numeric


          Code             exemption code for the exemption the


                           taxpayer is claiming. Enter blanks if no


                           exemption is claimed here.



 458-468  Exemption        Enter the amount of the exemption for tape


          Amount           positions 456-457. Enter zeros if the


                           corresponding exemption code field is





 469-470  Exemption        Enter the approved two character numeric


          Code             exemption code for the exemption the


                           taxpayer is claiming. Enter blanks if no


                           exemption is claimed here.



 471-481  Exemption        Enter the amount of the exemption for tape


          Amount           positions 469-470. Enter zeros if the


                           corresponding exemption code field is





Tape positions 482-638 relate to the state identified in positions 155-156 whose state reporting number is in positions 170-184 of this record. Tape positions 495-638 must contain data only if tentative credit must be computed by the taxpayer (filing indicator "2" or "3"). Money amounts are dollars and cents. Right justify and zero fill remaining unused positions. Zero fill all unused state experience rate and money amount fields. Blank fill all unused date fields.



 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 482-494  Credit Reduc-    Enter wages if the state reported in


          tion Wages for   positions tape 155-156 of this record is a


          Unrepaid         credit reduction state or the tax year.


          Advances to      Otherwise, zero fill. (13 positions).


          the States



Tape positions 495-530 relate to the INITIAL experience rate of the state identified in positions 155-156 of this record. If these fields are not needed, blank fill all unused date fields. Zero fill all unused state experience rate and money amount fields.



 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 495-506  Taxable Payroll  First entry, taxable payroll under computa-


          Defined in       tion of tentative credit. (12 positions)


          State Act



 507-510  Date an Exper-   First entry, from-date of state experience


          ience Rate       rate period (under composition of tentative


          Took Effect      credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If continued from previous year,


                           enter 0101.



 511-514  Date an Exper-   First entry, to-date of state experience


          ience Rate was   rate period (under computation of tentative


          Changed          credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If the rate is continued to the


                           next calendar year, under 1231.



 515-520  State Exper-     First experience rate entry under


          ience Rate       computation of tentative credit. Expressed


                           as a six position decimal.



 521-530  Contributions    First entry for contributions paid to state


          Actually Paid    (under computation of tentative credit).


          to State         (10 positions)



Tape positions 531-566 relate to the SECOND experience rate (if asserted) of the state identified in positions 155-156 of this record. If these fields are not needed, blank fill all unused state experience rate and money amount fields.



 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 531-542  Taxable Payroll  Second entry, taxable payroll under compu-


          as Defined in    tation of tentative credit. (12 positions)


          State Act



 543-546  Date an Exper-   Second entry, from-date of state experience


          ience Rate       rate period (under composition of tentative


          Took Effect      credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If continued from previous year,


                           enter 0101.



 547-550  Date an Exper-   Second entry, to-date of state experience


          ience Rate was   rate period (under computation of tentative


          Changed          credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If the rate is continued to the


                           next calendar year, under 1231.



 551-556  State Exper-     Second experience rate entry under


          ience Rate       computation of tentative credit. Expressed


                           as a six position decimal.



 557-566  Contributions    Second entry for contributions paid to state


          Actually Paid    (under computation of tentative credit).


          to State         (10 positions)



Tape positions 567-602 relate to the THIRD experience rate (if asserted) of the state identified in positions 155-156 of this record. If these fields are not needed, blank fill all unused date fields. Zero fill all unused state experience rate and money amount fields.

 567-578  Taxable Payroll  Third entry, taxable payroll under compu-


          as Defined in    tation of tentative credit. (12 positions)


          State Act



 579-582  Date an Exper-   Third entry, from-date of state experience


          ience Rate       rate period (under composition of tentative


          Took Effect      credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If continued from previous year,


                           enter 0101.



 583-586  Date an Exper-   Third entry, to-date of state experience


          ience Rate was   rate period (under computation of tentative


          Changed          credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If the rate is continued to the


                           next calendar year, enter 1231.



 587-592  State Exper-     Third experience rate entry under


          ience Rate       computation of tentative credit. Expressed


                           as a six position decimal.



 593-602  Contributions    Third entry for contributions paid to state


          Actually Paid    (under computation of tentative credit).


          to State         (10 positions)



Tape positions 603-638 relate to the FOURTH experience rate (if asserted) of the state identified in positions 155-156 of this record. If these fields are not needed, blank fill all unused state experience rate and money amount fields.

 603-614  Taxable Payroll  Fourth entry, taxable payroll under compu-


          as Defined in    tation of tentative credit. (12 positions)


          State Act



 615-618  Date an Exper-   Fourth entry, from-date of state experience


          ience Rate       rate period (under composition of tentative


          Took Effect      credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If continued from previous year,


                           enter 0101.



 619-622  Date an Exper-   Fourth entry, to-date of state experience


          ience Rate was   rate period (under computation of tentative


          Changed          credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If the rate is continued to the


                           next calendar year, under 1231.



 623-628  State Exper-     Fourth experience rate entry under


          ience Rate       computation of tentative credit. Expressed


                           as a six position decimal.



 629-638  Contributions    Fourth entry for contributions paid to state


          Actually Paid    (under computation of tentative credit).


          to State         (10 positions)



 639-720  Reserved         Enter blanks.



NOTE: If a taxpayer has not been assigned an experience rate by a state, or if the taxpayer reports more than four rate changes in one year for a particular state, a paper return must be filed. "No experience rate" does not mean a zero percent experience rate. Taxpayers granted a zero percent experience rate may file magnetic tape returns.



General Information. The "B2" Record is a continuation of the taxpayer's explanation of exempt payments. This record should be used only if the taxpayer has reasons for exempting payments that are in addition to the 10 reported in the "B1" Record; data must be present in tape positions 1-26 of the "B2" Record. Up to four (4) Agent "B2" Records may follow a "B1" Record. Each "B2" Record contains 10 combinations of a two position exemption code and 11 position dollar and cents amount of wages exempted. The exemption codes to be used are described in section 16 of this revenue procedure. Exemption amount fields must be right justified with any remaining positions zero filled.

All remaining unused exemption code fields must be blank filled. All remaining unused exemption amount fields must be zero filled.



 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 1        Record Type      "B" must be the first character of each


                           Form 940 "B2" Record.



 2        Record Subtype   "2" must be the second character of each


                           Form 940 "B2" Record.



 3-11     EIN -- Employer  Enter the taxpayer's EIN. Do not enter the





 12-13    Sequence         A unique two character numeric field which


          Number           indicates the order of records in the


                           agent's tape. The first "B2" Record for a


                           taxpayer will contain a sequence number of


                           "02". All subsequent "B2" Record sequence


                           numbers must be incremented by 1.



 14-15    Exemption        Enter the approved two character exemption


          Code             code for the exemption the taxpayer is





 16-26    Exemption        Enter the amount of the exemption for tape


          Amount           positions 14-15.



 27-28    Exemption        Enter the approved two character numeric


          Code             exemption code for the exemption the


                           taxpayer is claiming. Enter blanks if no


                           exemption is claimed here.



 29-39    Exemption        Enter the amount of the exemption for tape


          Amount           positions 27-28. Enter zeros if the


                           corresponding exemption code field is





 40-41    Exemption        Enter the approved two character numeric


          Code             exemption code for the exemption the


                           taxpayer is claiming. Enter blanks if no


                           exemption is claimed here.



 42-52    Exemption        Enter the amount of the exemption for tape


          Amount           positions 40-41. Enter zeros if the


                           corresponding exemption code field is





 53-54    Exemption        Enter the approved two character numeric


          Code             exemption code for the exemption the


                           taxpayer is claiming. Enter blanks if no


                           exemption is claimed here.



 55-65    Exemption        Enter the amount of the exemption for tape


          Amount           positions 53-54. Enter zeros if the


                           corresponding exemption code field is





 66-67    Exemption        Enter the approved two character numeric


          Code             exemption code for the exemption the


                           taxpayer is claiming. Enter blanks if no


                           exemption is claimed here.



 68-78    Exemption        Enter the amount of the exemption for tape


          Amount           positions 66-67. Enter zeros if the


                           corresponding exemption code field is





 79-80    Exemption        Enter the approved two character numeric


          Code             exemption code for the exemption the


                           taxpayer is claiming. Enter blanks if no


                           exemption is claimed here.



 81-91    Exemption        Enter the amount of the exemption for tape


          Amount           positions 79-80. Enter zeros if the


                           corresponding exemption code field is





 92-93    Exemption        Enter the approved two character numeric


          Code             exemption code for the exemption the


                           taxpayer is claiming. Enter blanks if no


                           exemption is claimed here.



 94-104   Exemption        Enter the amount of the exemption for tape


          Amount           positions 92-93. Enter zeros if the


                           corresponding exemption code field is





 105-106  Exemption        Enter the approved two character numeric


          Code             exemption code for the exemption the


                           taxpayer is claiming. Enter blanks if no


                           exemption is claimed here.



 107-117  Exemption        Enter the amount of the exemption for tape


          Amount           positions 105-106. Enter zeros if the


                           corresponding exemption code field is





 118-119  Exemption        Enter the approved two character numeric


          Code             exemption code for the exemption the


                           taxpayer is claiming. Enter blanks if no


                           exemption is claimed here.



 120-130  Exemption        Enter the amount of the exemption for tape


          Amount           positions 118-119. Enter zeros if the


                           corresponding exemption code field is





 131-132  Exemption        Enter the approved two character numeric


          Code             exemption code for the exemption the


                           taxpayer is claiming. Enter blanks if no


                           exemption is claimed here.



 133-143  Exemption        Enter the amount of the exemption for tape


          Amount           positions 131-132. Enter zeros if the


                           corresponding exemption code field is





 144-720  Reserved         Enter blanks.





General Information. The "B3" Record is a continuation of state tax information. Tax data for the first state reported for a taxpayer must be entered in the "B1" Record. Up to thirteen (13) Agent "B3" Records may follow a "B1" or "B2" Record.

Money amounts are dollars and cents. Money amounts must be right justified with any remaining positions zero filled. Blank fill unused date fields. Zero fill unused money amount and state experience rate fields.

If more than four experience rate changes occurred in one year for a given state code and reporting number, or if no experience rate was assigned by a state, or if a taxpayer was assigned more than four state reporting numbers for a state, a paper return must be filed for the taxpayer.

"No experience rate" does not mean a zero percent experience rate. Taxpayers granted a zero percent experience rate may file magnetic tape returns.



 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 1        Record Type      "B" must be the first character of each


                           Form 940 "B3" Record.



 2        Record Subtype   "3" must be the second character of each


                           Form 940 "B3" Record.



 3-11     EIN -- Employer  Enter the taxpayer's EIN. Do not enter the





 12-13    Sequence         A unique two character numeric field which


          Number           indicates the order of records in the


                           agent's tape. The first "B3" Record for a


                           taxpayer will contain a sequence number


                           computed by adding 1 to the sum of all the


                           taxpayer's "B2" Records plus the "B1"


                           Record. The sequence number of subsequent


                           "B3" Records must be increased by 1.



Tape positions 14-187 relate to the first state (positions 14-15) reported on this record.



 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 14-15    State Code       The two character state code assigned for a


                           state (other than that of the taxpayer's


                           residence). See section 18 of this revenue





 16-28    Credit Reduc-    Enter the wages for the state reported in


          tion Wages for   positions 14-15 of this record if that


          Unrepaid         state is acredit reduction state for the


          Advances to      tax year. Otherwise, zero fill.


          the States       (13 positions).



 29-43    State Reporting  Enter the state reporting number for the


                           taxpayer assigned by the state unemployment


                           agency. Do not include hyphens or special


                           characters. Left justify and blank fill any


                           remaining positions. (15 positions)



Tape positions 44-79 relate to the INITIAL experience rate of the state identified in positions 14-15 of this record. If a taxpayer has not been assigned an experience rate by a state, or if the taxpayer reports more than four rate changes in one year for a particular state code/reporting number, a paper return must be filed.



 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 44-55    Taxable Payroll  First entry, taxable payroll under computa-


          Defined in       tion of tentative credit. (12 positions)


          State Act



 56-59    Date an Exper-   First entry, from-date of state experience


          ience Rate       rate period (under composition of tentative


          Took Effect      credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If continued from previous year,


                           enter 0101.



 60-63    Date an Exper-   First entry, to-date of state experience


          ience Rate was   rate period (under computation of tentative


          Changed          credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If the rate is continued to the


                           next calendar year, under 1231.



 64-69    State Exper-     First experience rate entry under


          ience Rate       computation of tentative credit. Expressed


                           as a six position decimal.



 70-79    Contributions    First entry for contributions paid to state


          Actually Paid    (under computation of tentative credit).


          to State         (10 positions)



Tape positions 80-115 relate to the SECOND experience rate (if asserted) of the state identified in positions 14-15 of this record. If these fields are not needed, blank fill all unused date fields. Zero fill all unused state experience rate and money amount fields.



 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 80-91    Taxable Payroll  Second entry, taxable payroll under computa-


          Defined in       tion of tentative credit. (12 positions)


          State Act



 92-95    Date an Exper-   Second entry, from-date of state experience


          ience Rate       rate period (under composition of tentative


          Took Effect      credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If continued from previous year,


                           enter 0101.



 96-99    Date an Exper-   Second entry, to-date of state experience


          ience Rate was   rate period (under computation of tentative


          Changed          credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If the rate is continued to the


                           next calendar year, under 1231.



 100-105  State Exper-     Second experience rate entry under


          ience Rate       computation of tentative credit. Expressed


                           as a six position decimal.



 106-115  Contributions    Second entry for contributions paid to state


          Actually Paid    (under computation of tentative credit).


          to State         (10 positions)



Tape positions 116-151 relate to the THIRD experience rate (if asserted) of the state identified in positions 14-15 of this record. If these fields are not needed, blank fill all unused date fields. Zero fill all unused state experience rate and money amount fields.



 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 116-127  Taxable Payroll  Third entry, taxable payroll under computa-


          Defined in       tion of tentative credit. (12 positions)


          State Act



 128-131  Date an Exper-   Third entry, from-date of state experience


          ience Rate       rate period (under composition of tentative


          Took Effect      credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If continued from previous year,


                           enter 0101.



 132-135  Date an Exper-   Third entry, to-date of state experience


          ience Rate was   rate period (under computation of tentative


          Changed          credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If the rate is continued to the


                           next calendar year, under 1231.



 136-141  State Exper-     Third experience rate entry under


          ience Rate       computation of tentative credit. Expressed


                           as a six position decimal.



 142-151  Contributions    Third entry for contributions paid to state


          Actually Paid    (under computation of tentative credit).


          to State         (10 positions)



Tape positions 152-187 relate to the FOURTH experience rate (if asserted) of the state identified in positions 14-15 of this record. If these fields are not needed, blank fill all unused date fields. Zero fill all unused state experience rate and money amount fields.



 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 152-163  Taxable Payroll  Fourth entry, taxable payroll under computa-


          Defined in       tion of tentative credit. (12 positions)


          State Act



 164-167  Date an Exper-   Fourth entry, from-date of state experience


          ience Rate       rate period (under composition of tentative


          Took Effect      credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If continued from previous year,


                           enter 0101.



 168-171  Date an Exper-   Fourth entry, to-date of state experience


          ience Rate was   rate period (under computation of tentative


          Changed          credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If the rate is continued to the


                           next calendar year, under 1231.



 172-177  State Exper-     Fourth experience rate entry under computa-


          ience Rate       tion of tentative credit. Expressed as a


                           six position decimal.



 178-187  Contributions    Fourth entry for contributions paid to state


          Actually Paid    (under computation of tentative credit).


          to State         (10 positions)



Tape positions 188-361 relate to the second state (positions 188-189) reported on this record. All unused state reporting number, date, and state code fields must blank filled. All unused state experience rate and money amount fields must be zero filled.



 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 188-189  State Code       The two character state code assigned for a


                           state (other than that of the taxpayer's


                           residence). See section 18 of this revenue





 190-202  Credit Reduc-    Enter the wages for the state reported in


          tion Wages for   positions 188-189 of this record if


          Unrepaid         that state is a credit reduction state for


          Advances to      the tax year. Otherwise, zero fill.


          the States       (13 positions).



 203-217  State Reporting  Enter the state reporting number for the


          Number           taxpayer assigned by the state unemployment


                           agency. Do not include hyphens or special


                           characters. Left justify and blank fill any


                           remaining positions. (15 positions)



Tape positions 218-253 relate to the INITIAL experience rate of the state identified in positions 188-189 of this record. If a taxpayer has not been assigned an experience rate by a state, or if the taxpayer reports more than four rate changes in one year for a particular state code/reporting number, a paper return must be filed.



 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 218-229  Taxable Payroll  First entry, taxable payroll under computa-


          as Defined in    tion of tentative credit. (12 positions)


          State Act



 230-233  Date an Exper-   First entry, from-date of state experience


          ience Rate       rate period (under computation of tentative


          Took Effect      credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If continued from previous year,


                           enter 0101.



 234-237  Date an Exper-   First entry, to-date of state experience


          ience Rate was   rate period (under computation of tentative


          Changed          credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If the rate is continued to the


                           next calendar year, enter 1231.



 238-243  State Exper-     First experience rate entry under


          ience Rate       computation of tentative credit. Expressed


                           as a six position decimal.



 244-253  Contributions    First entry for contributions paid to state


          Actually Paid    (under computation of tentative credit).


          to State



Tape positions 254-289 relate to the SECOND experience rate (if asserted) of the state identified in positions 188-189 of this record. If these fields are not needed, blank fill all unused date fields. Zero fill all unused state experience rate and money amount fields.



 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 254-265  Taxable Payroll  Second entry, taxable payroll under computa-


          Defined in       tion of tentative credit. (12 positions)


          State Act



 266-269  Date an Exper-   Second entry, from-date of state experience


          ience Rate       rate period (under computation of tentative


          Took Effect      credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If continued from previous year,


                           enter 0101.



 270-273  Date an Exper-   Second entry, to-date of state experience


          ience Rate was   rate period (under computation of tentative


          Changed          credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If the rate is continued to the


                           next calendar year, enter 1231.



 274-279  State Exper-     Second experience rate entry under


          ience Rate       computation of tentative credit. Expressed


                           as a six position decimal.



 280-289  Contributions    Second entry for contributions paid to state


          Actually Paid    (under computation of tentative credit).


          to State         (10 positions)



Tape positions 290-325 relate to the THIRD experience rate (if asserted) of the state identified in positions 188-189 of this record. If these fields are not needed, blank fill all unused date fields. Zero fill all unused state experience rate and money amount fields.



 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 290-301  Taxable Payroll  Third entry, taxable payroll under computa-


          Defined in       tion of tentative credit. (12 positions)


          State Act



 302-305  Date an Exper-   Third entry, from-date of state experience


          ience Rate       rate period (under computation of tentative


          Took Effect      credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If continued from previous year,


                           enter 0101.



 306-309  Date an Exper-   Third entry, to-date of state experience


          ience Rate was   rate period (under computation of tentative


          Changed          credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If the rate is continued to the


                           next calendar year, enter 1231.



 310-315  State Exper-     Third experience rate entry under


          ience Rate       computation of tentative credit. Expressed


                           as a six position decimal.



 316-325  Contributions    Third entry for contributions paid to state


          Actually Paid    (under computation of tentative credit).


          to State         (10 positions)



Tape positions 326-361 relate to the FOURTH experience rate (if asserted) of the state identified in positions 188-189 of this record. If these fields are not needed, blank fill all unused date fields. Zero fill all unused state experience rate and money amount fields.



 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 326-337  Taxable Payroll  Fourth entry, taxable payroll under computa-


          as Defined in    tion of tentative credit. (12 positions)


          State Act



 338-341  Date an Exper-   Fourth entry, from-date of state experience


          ience Rate       rate period (under composition of tentative


          Took Effect      credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If continued from previous year,


                           enter 0101.



 342-345  Date an Exper-   Fourth entry, to-date of state experience


          ience Rate was   rate period (under computation of tentative


          Changed          credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If the rate is continued to the


                           next calendar year, enter 1231.



 346-351  State Exper-     Fourth experience rate entry under computa-


          ience Rate       tion of tentative credit. Expressed as a


                           six position decimal.



 352-361  Contributions    Fourth entry for contributions paid to state


          Actually Paid    (under computation of tentative credit).


          to State         (10 positions)



Tape positions 362-534 relate to the third state (positions 362-363) reported on this record. All unused state reporting number, date, and state code fields must be blank filled. All unused state experience rate and money amount fields must be zero filled.



 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 362-363  State Code       The two character state code assigned for a


                           state (other than that of the taxpayer's


                           residence). See section 18 of this revenue





 364-376  Credit Reduc-    Enter the wages for the state reported in


          tion Wages for   positions 362-363 of this record if that


          Unrepaid         state is a credit reduction state for the


          Advances to      tax year. Otherwise, zero fill.


          the States       (13 positions).



 377-391  State Reporting  Enter the state reporting number for the


          Number           taxpayer assigned by the state unemployment


                           agency. Do not include hyphens or special


                           characters. Left justify and blank fill any


                           remaining positions. (15 positions)



Tape positions 392-427 relate to the INITIAL experience rate of the state identified in positions 362-363 of this record. If a taxpayer has not been assigned an experience rate by a state, or if the taxpayer reports more than four rate changes in one year for a particular state code/reporting number, a paper return must be filed.



 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 392-403  Taxable Payroll  First entry, taxable payroll under computa-


          as Defined in    tion of tentative credit. (12 positions)


          State Act



 404-407  Date an Exper-   First entry, from-date of state experience


          ience Rate       rate period (under computation of tentative


          Took Effect      credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If continued from previous year,


                           enter 0101.



 408-411  Date an Exper-   First entry, to-date of state experience


          ience Rate was   rate period (under computation of tentative


          Changed          credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If the rate is continued to the


                           next calendar year, enter 1231.



 412-417  State Exper-     First experience rate entry under


          ience Rate       computation of tentative credit. Expressed


                           as a six position decimal.



 418-427  Contributions    First entry for contributions paid to state


          Actually Paid    (under computation of tentative credit).


          to State         (10 positions)



Tape positions 428-499 relate to the SECOND experience rate (if asserted) of the state identified in positions 362-363 of this record. If these fields are not needed, blank fill all unused date fields. Zero fill all unused state experience rate and money amount fields.

 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 428-439  Taxable Payroll  Second entry, taxable payroll under compu-


          as Defined in    tation of tentative credit. (12 positions)


          State Act



 440-443  Date an Exper-   Second entry, from-date of state experience


          ience Rate       rate period (under computation of tentative


          Took Effect      credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If continued from previous year,


                           enter 0101.



 444-447  Date an Exper-   Second entry, to-date of state experience


          ience Rate was   rate period (under computation of tentative


          Changed          credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If the rate is continued to the


                           next calendar year, enter 1231.



 448-453  State Exper-     Second experience rate entry under


          ience Rate       computation of tentative credit. Expressed


                           as a six position decimal.



 454-463  Contributions    Second entry for contributions paid to state


          Actually Paid    (under computation of tentative credit).


          to State         (10 positions)



Tape positions 464-475 relate to the THIRD experience rate (if asserted) of the state identified in positions 362-363 of this record. If these fields are not needed, blank fill all unused date fields. Zero fill all unused state experience rate and money amount fields.

 464-475  Taxable Payroll  Third entry, taxable payroll under compu-


          as Defined in    tation of tentative credit. (12 positions)


          State Act



 476-479  Date an Exper-   Third entry, from-date of state experience


          ience Rate       rate period (under computation of tentative


          Took Effect      credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If continued from previous year,


                           enter 0101.



 480-483  Date an Exper-   Third entry, to-date of state experience


          ience Rate was   rate period (under computation of tentative


          Changed          credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If the rate is continued to the


                           next calendar year, enter 1231.



 484-489  State Exper-     Third experience rate entry under


          ience Rate       computation of tentative credit. Expressed


                           as a six position decimal.



 490-499  Contributions    Third entry for contributions paid to state


          Actually Paid    (under computation of tentative credit).


          to State         (10 positions)



Tape positions 500-535 relate to the FOURTH experience rate (if asserted) of the state identified in positions 362-363 of this record. If these fields are not needed, blank fill all unused date fields. Zero fill all unused state experience rate and money amount fields.

 500-511  Taxable Payroll  Fourth entry, taxable payroll under compu-


          as Defined in    tation of tentative credit. (12 positions)


          State Act



 512-515  Date an Exper-   Fourth entry, from-date of state experience


          ience Rate       rate period (under computation of tentative


          Took Effect      credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If continued from previous year,


                           enter 0101.



 516-519  Date an Exper-   Fourth entry, to-date of state experience


          ience Rate was   rate period (under computation of tentative


          Changed          credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If the rate is continued to the


                           next calendar year, enter 1231.



 520-525  State Exper-     Fourth experience rate entry under


          ience Rate       computation of tentative credit. Expressed


                           as a six position decimal.



 526-535  Contributions    Fourth entry for contributions paid to state


          Actually Paid    (under computation of tentative credit).


          to State         (10 positions)



Tape positions 536-709 relate to the fourth state (positions 536-537) reported on this record. All unused state reporting number, date, and state code fields must be blank filled. All unused state experience rate and money amount fields must be zero filled.



 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 536-537  State Code       The two character state code assigned for a


                           state (other than that of the taxpayer's


                           residence). See section 18 of this revenue





 538-550  Credit Reduc-    Enter wages for the state reported in


          tion Wages for   positions 536-537 of this record if


          Unrepaid         that state credit reduction state or the


          Advances to      tax year. Otherwise, zero fill.


          the States       (13 positions).



 551-565  State Reporting  Enter the state reporting number for the


          Number           taxpayer assigned by the state unemployment


                           agency. Do not include hyphens or special


                           characters. Left justify and blank fill any


                           remaining positions. (15 positions)



Tape positions 566-601 relate to the INITIAL experience rate of the state reported in positions 536-537 of this record. If a taxpayer has not been assigned an experience rate by a state, or if the taxpayer reports more than four rate changes in one year for a particular state code/reporting number, a paper return must be filed.



 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 566-577  Taxable Payroll  First entry, taxable payroll under computa-


          as Defined in    tion of tentative credit. (12 positions)


          State Act



 578-581  Date an Exper-   First entry, from-date of state experience


          ience Rate       rate period (under computation of tentative


          Took Effect      credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If continued from previous year,


                           enter 0101.



 582-585  Date an Exper-   First entry, to-date of state experience


          ience Rate was   rate period (under computation of tentative


          Changed          credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If the rate is continued to the


                           next calendar year, under 1231.



 586-591  State Exper-     First experience rate entry under


          ience Rate       computation of tentative credit. Expressed


                           as a six position decimal.



 592-601  Contributions    First entry for contributions paid to state


          Actually Paid    (under computation of tentative credit).


          to State         (10 positions)



Tape positions 602-637 relate to the SECOND experience rate (if asserted) of the state reported in positions 536-537 of this record. If these fields are not needed, blank fill all unused date fields. Zero fill all unused state experience rate and money amount fields.



 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 602-613  Taxable Payroll  Second entry, taxable payroll under computa-


          as Defined in    tion of tentative credit. (12 positions)


          State Act



 614-617  Date an Exper-   Second entry, from-date of state experience


          ience Rate       rate period (under composition of tentative


          Took Effect      credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If continued from previous year,


                           enter 0101.



 618-621  Date an Exper-   Second entry, to-date of state experience


          ience Rate was   rate period (under computation of tentative


          Changed          credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If the rate is continued to the


                           next calendar year, under 1231.



 622-627  State Exper-     Second experience rate entry under


          ience Rate       computation of tentative credit. Expressed


                           as a six position decimal.



 628-637  Contributions    Second entry for contributions paid to state


          Actually Paid    (under computation of tentative credit).


          to State         (10 positions)



Tape positions 638-673 relate to the THIRD experience rate (if asserted) of the state reported in positions 536-537 of this record. If these fields are not needed, blank fill all unused date fields. Zero fill all unused state experience rate and money amount fields.



 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 638-649  Taxable Payroll  Third entry, taxable payroll under computa-


          as Defined in    tion of tentative credit. (12 positions)


          State Act



 650-653  Date an Exper-   Third entry, from-date of state experience


          ience Rate       rate period (under composition of tentative


          Took Effect      credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If continued from previous year,


                           enter 0101.



 654-657  Date an Exper-   Third entry, to-date of state experience


          ience Rate was   rate period (under computation of tentative


          Changed          credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If the rate is continued to the


                           next calendar year, under 1231.



 658-663  State Exper-     Third experience rate entry under


          ience Rate       computation of tentative credit. Expressed


                           as a six position decimal.



 664-673  Contributions    Third entry for contributions paid to state


          Actually Paid    (under computation of tentative credit).


          to State         (10 positions)



Tape positions 674-709 relate to the FOURTH experience rate (if asserted) of the state reported in positions 536-537 of this record. If these fields are not needed, blank fill all unused date fields. Zero fill all unused state experience rate and money amount fields.



 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 674-685  Taxable Payroll  Fourth entry, taxable payroll under computa-


          as Defined in    tion of tentative credit. (12 positions)


          State Act



 686-689  Date an Exper-   Fourth entry, from-date of state experience


          ience Rate       rate period (under composition of tentative


          Took Effect      credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If continued from previous year,


                           enter 0101.



 690-693  Date an Exper-   Fourth entry, to-date of state experience


          ience Rate was   rate period (under computation of tentative


          Changed          credit). Enter in numeric month and day


                           format. If the rate is continued to the


                           next calendar year, under 1231.



 694-699  State Exper-     Fourth experience rate entry under computa-


          ience Rate       tion of tentative credit. Expressed as a


                           six position decimal.



 700-709  Contributions    Fourth for contributions paid to state


          Actually Paid    (under computation of tentative credit).


          to State         (10 positions)



 710-720  Reserved         Enter blanks.





General Information. A Checkpoint Totals "C" Record must be written after each 100 or fewer Tax Data "B1" Records. Each "C" Record must contain a count of each of the three types of Tax Data "B" Records and the sum of total taxes on all "B1" Records tallied per checkpoint. The money amount field will contain dollars and cents. All money amount fields must be right justified with any remaining unused positions zero filled. Any unused amount field must be zero filled.

The Checkpoint Totals "C" Record must be followed by a Tax Data "B1" Record unless the "C" Record is at the end of the file. If the "C" Record is at the end of the file, it is followed by an End of File "E" Record.

All Checkpoint Totals "C" Records must be fixed length (720 positions).

The Checkpoint Totals "C" Records cannot be followed by a tape mark.



 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 1        Record Type      "C" must be the first character of the


                           Form 940 "C" Record.



 2-7      Number of "B1"   Enter the total "B1" Records tallied per


          Records          checkpoint.



 8-13     Number of "B2"   Enter the total "B2" Records tallied per


          Records          checkpoint.



 14-19    Number of "B3"   Enter the total "B3" Records tallied per


          Records          checkpoint.



 20-35    Total "B1"       Enter the sum of the taxes reported in the


          Record Taxes     "B1" records accumulated per checkpoint.



 36-720   Reserved         Enter blanks.





General Information. The End of File "E" Record is written after the last Checkpoint Totals "C" Record. The "E" Record contains a count of all Tax Data "B" Records by type and the sum of total taxes reported on the tape file.

The money amount fields contain dollars and cents. All money amount fields must be right justified with any remaining unused positions zero filled. All unused amount fields must be zero filled.

The End of File "E" Record must be fixed length (720 positions).

This record type must be the last record on the agent's tape file. It can be followed only by a tape mark.



 Posi-    Element


 tion      Name            Entry or Definition


 _____    _______          ___________________



 1        Record Type      "E" must be the first character of each


                           Form 940 "E" Record.



 2-7      Number of "B1"   Enter the sum of "B1" Records you are


          Records          reporting on the file.



 8-13     Number of "B2"   Enter the sum of "B2" Records you are


          Records          reporting on the file.



 14-19    Number of "B3"   Enter the sum of "B3" Records you are


          Records          reporting on the file.



 20-35    Total "B1"       Enter the sum of the taxes on all "B1"


          Record Taxes     Records reported in the file.



 36-720   Reserved         Enter blanks.





Editor's Note: The following paragraphs have been copied from pub 1314(a reprint of this revenue procedure). They did not appear in the original release or in the C.B. version of this procedure, but will be provided here as of September 1994.


Under authority contained in the Social Security Act ("the Act"), the Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services, has determined and announced (58 F.R. 58004, dated October 28, 1993) that:

1) the OASDI contribution and benefit base (Social Security wage base) for remuneration paid in 1994, and self-employment income earned in taxable years beginning in 1994 is $60,600, and

2) Section 13207 of Public Law 103-66 (the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993) repealed the limitation on the amount of earnings subject to the Hospital Insurance (HI) tax beginning with calendar year 1994.

The HI tax is now due on the total remuneration paid in 1994, at the rate of 1.45 percent for employees and employers, each, and on self-employment income earned in taxable years beginning in 1994, at the rate of 2.9 percent.


General. The 1994 "old-law" contribution and benefit base is $45,000. This is the base that would have been effective under the Act without the enactment of the 1977 amendments. The base is computed under section 230(b) of the Act as it read prior to the 1977 amendments.

The "old-law" contribution and benefit base is used by:

(a) The Railroad Retirement program to determine certain tax liabilities and tier II benefits payable under that program to supplement the tier I payments which correspond to basic Social Security benefits.

(b) The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation to determine the maximum amount of pension guaranteed under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (as stated in section 230(d) of the Act).

(c) Social Security to determine a year of coverage in computing the special minimum benefit, as described earlier, and

(d) Social Security to determine a year of coverage (acquired whenever earnings equal or exceed 25 percent of the "old-law" base for this purpose only) in computing benefits for persons who are also eligible to receive pensions based on employment not covered under section 210 of the Act.

  • Institutional Authors
    Internal Revenue Service
  • Code Sections
  • Index Terms
    FUTA tax, payment
    filing, electronic
  • Jurisdictions
  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    93 TNT 239-32
Copy RID