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FEB. 27, 1989

Rev. Proc. 89-18; 1989-1 C.B. 828

DATED FEB. 27, 1989
  • Institutional Authors
    Internal Revenue Service
  • Index Terms
    reporting agent authorization
  • Jurisdictions
  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    89 TNT 45-20
Citations: Rev. Proc. 89-18; 1989-1 C.B. 828

Superseded by Rev. Proc. 96-17

Rev. Proc. 89-18


.01 As of January 31, 1988, the Internal Revenue Service will begin to maintain an automated file of Reporting Agents Authorization (RAAs) for client/taxpayers whose returns can be filed on magnetic tape. The purpose of this file, known as the Reporting Agents File (RAF), is twofold:

1) to permit rapid verification of the identity of a reporting agent when the need to discuss a taxpayer's account arises.

2) to permit the issuance of duplicate copies of official notices to the authorized agent as well as the taxpayer.

.02 The purpose of this Revenue Procedure is to provide instructions for the preparation and submission of Form 8655, Reporting Agent Authorization.

.03 The Reporting Agent Authorization (RAA) is a multi-use form that allows taxpayers to designate reporting agents:

1) to file certain employment tax returns on magnetic tape,

2) to submit federal tax deposits on magnetic tape for certain employment tax returns

.04 If a taxpayer has designated a reporting agent to file certain employment tax returns on magnetic tape, then the taxpayer may authorize the agent to receive copies of notices and correspondence with respect to those employment tax returns.

.05 Currently, agents designated to submit federal tax deposits on behalf of a taxpayer are not authorized to receive notices and copies of correspondence, if they are not also authorized to file the tax return on magnetic tape.


.01 The RAA may be submitted on Form 8655 (see exhibit #1), which is available on request; or any other instrument which clearly states that the reporting agent is granted the authority to file and sign the return or submit federal tax deposits. The RAA filed under this revenue procedure is not subject to the rules contained in the Conference and Practice Requirements (Treasury Regulation 601.502). If desired, the RAA may cover both the filing of returns on magnetic tape and the submission of federal tax deposits on magnetic tape. It is the responsibility of the reporting agent to ensure that the requirements specified in this revenue procedure are met for those authorizations currently on file and those submitted in the future.

.02 The taxpayer, or his/her authorized representative, must sign the RAA. If, however, "authorized representative" includes the holder of a general power of attorney, additional precautions are needed to assure that the person executing the RAA has been specifically authorized, himself/herself, to sign returns on behalf of the taxpayer. If the taxpayer wishes to authorize the reporting agent to receive employment return notices, correspondence, and transcripts from the Internal Revenue Service, the authorized representative must be someone with authority both to receive, and to designate others to receive, return information of the taxpayer. The signed document will remain in effect until such time as it is revoked by written notification from the taxpayer, the reporting agent, or terminated by the Internal Revenue Service.

1. The following persons may execute an RAA on behalf of a corporation or other business taxpayer:

(a) The individual, if the person required to make the return is an individual;

(b) The corporate president, chief executive officer or an officer authorized by law to bind the corporation, if the entity required to make the return is a corporation. These individuals may designate recipients of return information on behalf of a corporation. Additionally, with attestation by the corporation's secretary or other officer, any principal officer of the corporation may designate recipients of the corporation's return information;

(c) A responsible and duly authorized member or officer having knowledge of its affairs, if the person required to make the return is a partnership or other unincorporated organization. A non-partner officer of a partnership or other unincorporated organization may designate recipients of return information only if that officer has been granted authority to receive, and to re-delegate authority to receive, the return information of the partnership or organization;

(d) The fiduciary, if the entity required to make the return is a trust or estate; or

(e) An agent who is duly authorized in accordance with section 31.6011(a)-7 of the Employment Tax Regulations, provided the authorization explicitly states that the agent may both receive and designate recipients of the taxpayer's return information, if the form is used to designate the reporting agent as a recipient of return information.

.03 The scope of the RAA for magnetic tape filing of certain employment tax returns will be governed by the following instructions:

1. RAA will delegate to the reporting agent the power to sign and file appropriate federal tax returns.

2. The RAA becomes effective for the tax period designated by the agent/taxpayer and remains in effect for subsequent periods until revoked, or terminated. The RAA must be submitted timely and the Service must validate it prior to returns being filed by the agent (see Section 3).

3. The receipt of an RAA for magnetic tape filing revokes all prior reporting agent authorizations but has no effect on any other power of attorney or authorization.

4. The RAA may authorize the reporting agent to receive copies of notices, correspondence and transcripts with respect to employment returns filed by the designee.

5. Requests from a reporting agent for information or adjustments on an account for which the taxpayer has authorized magnetic tape filing will be honored by the service center.

.04 The scope of the RAA for submission of federal tax deposits on magnetic tape will be governed by the following instructions:

.1 The RAA will delegate to the reporting agent the power to prepare and submit FTDs for taxes reported on Forms 940, 941 and 943.

.2 The RAA becomes effective for the tax period the agent/taxpayer notifies the Service that he/she is responsible for submitting federal tax deposits and remains in effect until revoked or terminated. The RAA must be submitted timely and the Service must validate it prior to any submission of federal tax deposits by the agent (see Section 3).

.3 An RAA that is limited to submitting FTDs for a taxpayer does not entitle the agent to receive copies of notices and correspondence for a taxpayer. It does permit an agent to request information or submit information on the deposits submitted by the agent. This includes any penalties that may result from such deposits.

.05 An RAA can be prepared to cover both functions, magnetic tape filing of certain employment tax returns and magnetic tape submission of federal tax deposits in payment of the taxes reported on certain employment tax returns.

.1 If the RAA covers both functions, the taxpayer may authorize the agent to receive copies of notices and correspondence with respect to employment tax returns filed by the designee.

.2 If one function of the RAA (either magnetic tape filing or FTD submission) is revoked, the other remains in effect. However, if a return is added to a function, a new RAA must be submitted.

.06 Requests for taxpayer address changes may not be made by the reporting agent. Requests for address changes for taxpayers that are reported under magnetic tape filing will be processed only if they originate with one of the following:

(a) The taxpayer,

(b) An employee of the Service, or

(c) An attorney-in-fact if the attorney has a full Power of Attorney for all tax matters concerning a taxpayer, and has filed a copy of the Power of Attorney with the Service.


.01 Reporting Agents (RAs) who desire to file client/taxpayer employment tax returns on magnetic tape or make magnetic tape submission of federal tax deposits relating to employment taxes must formally apply to the Internal Revenue Service for these privileges. Currently, the required information for these applications is contained within Revenue Procedures for Form 940 magnetic tape filing, for Forms 941/941E magnetic tape filing, and for submission on magnetic tape of Federal Tax Deposits for employment taxes. Contact the Internal Revenue Service at the address listed in section 6 for copies of the current revenue procedures.

.02 The applications governed by the referenced revenue procedures must be accompanied by the individual RAAs and a list of client/taxpayers for whom magnetic tape returns will be filed and/or federal tax deposits will be made.

.03 The list must be accompanied by a copy of the reporting agent authorizations (RAAs) signed by the taxpayer or authorized representative (See Section 2.01). A photocopy is acceptable. If, however, "authorized representative" includes the holder of a general power of attorney, additional precautions are needed to assure that the person executing the RAA has been specifically authorized, himself/herself, to sign returns on behalf of the taxpayer. The authorized representative must be someone with authority both to receive, and to designate others to receive, return information of the taxpayer.

.04 There are two methods of submitting the list of taxpayers for whom magnetic tape returns will be filed and/or federal tax deposits will be submitted; magnetic tape and paper listings. If the reporting agent wishes, he/she may always file the list on magnetic tape, but if the number of client/taxpayers for filing of magnetic tape returns exceeds 100, then the list must be filed on magnetic tape.

.05 Lists submitted on magnetic tape must be submitted in accordance with the specifications in sections 7 and 8. Magnetic tapes submitted with a significant number of errors will be returned to the Reporting Agent (RA) for correction. The magnetic tape file list can contain information on both magnetic tape return filing and magnetic tape submission of FTDs.

.06 Lists submitted on paper must be submitted in duplicate using the format indicated in exhibit #2 for both magnetic tape filing of returns and for submission of federal tax deposits.

.07 If in the course of business, the reporting agent wishes to add or delete client/taxpayers from his/her current authorized list, the format for both the magnetic tape file and the paper list is the same as for the initial listing submission.

.08 The list of additions or deletions should not exceed 500. Once an inventory of 500 is reached, it should be forwarded to the Service. If the submission exceeds 500, we cannot guarantee the records will be processed within 30 days.

.09 The list of taxpayers to be added to the magnetic tape filing system and magnetic tape FTD submission system must be submitted by certain deadlines. This is because the Service requires time to validate the information on the list and the associated RAAs and to return a validated listing to the reporting agent.

.10 The deadlines must be met to enable the Service to return a validated listing to the Reporting Agent with a name control for each taxpayer listed. Under no circumstance should the Reporting Agent submit a taxpayer's return or FTD submission on magnetic tape without return of the validated listing from the Service with a name control for each taxpayer. The validated listing is the confirmation that the RAA has been accepted. In addition, the Service will notify the reporting agent if the taxpayer's return should be filed at a different service center from the one at which the taxpayer's last return was filed. If the Service has agreed to let the reporting agent consolidate filing in one Service Center, no additional confirmation will be made.

.11 The deadlines for the lists on paper or magnetic tape are the same, the first day of the last month of the tax period (period covered by the return). As an example, lists for RAAs involving Forms 940 and 943 must be submitted by the first day of December. Lists for RAAs involving Forms 941/941E must be submitted by the first day of the last month of the calendar quarter.

.12 When the reporting agent determines that he/she will no longer be filing tax returns or making FTD submissions for a taxpayer, action should be taken to notify the service center which accepted the RAA of one of the following conditions. This is done in association with submission of a delete list.

1. The delete list (paper or magnetic tape) should be accompanied by a statement (signed by the taxpayer or the reporting agent) for each taxpayer stating the taxpayer is out of business (state the effective date) and will no longer be liable for filing returns (Final Return) or making deposits.

2. The delete list (paper or magnetic) should be accompanied by a statement indicating the reporting agent will no longer be submitting returns or deposits on magnetic tape for the taxpayer who is still in business and is still liable for such returns (Discontinued Clients). This item may be included on the transmittal letter.

.13 The preparation of a paper listing (exhibit #2) is reasonably self explanatory. The following addresses questions that might arise. Examples of entries are provided on the exhibit.

1. Name and Address of Reporting Agent -- self explanatory.

2. Agent Identifying Number -- Two digit number assigned by IRS to reporting agents who submit federal tax deposits (not Employer Identification Number).

3. Agent Employer Identification Number -- self explanatory.

4. List Type -- Either Additions or Deletions. Separate paper lists must be prepared for additions and deletions.

5. Name of Agents Contact Point.

6. Phone Number of Agents Contact Point.

7. Client Account Number -- Optional for benefit of agents.

8. Employer Identification Number -- Of taxpayer.

9. Name Control -- Blank when submitted by Agent. Will be filled in when returned to agent by IRS.

10. Taxpayer Name and Address -- self explanatory.

11. RAA submitted for

a) Return Filing 940 -- Enter YYMM if RAA covers it. (see Section 7 for YYMM explanation)

b) Return Filing 941 or 941E -- Enter YYMM if RAA covers it.

c) FTD submission 940 -- Enter YYMM if RAA covers it.

d) FTD submission 941 -- Enter YYMM if RAA covers it.

e) FTD submission 943 -- Enter YYMM if RAA covers it.

f) Notice to Agent -- Put X if RAA covers it, but only if Return Filing is also covered.

12. Local Service Center -- Service Center where taxpayer last filed taxreturns. Use the following abbreviations:

ANSC = Andover, ATSC = Atlanta, AUSC = Austin, BSC = Brookhaven, CSC = Cincinnati, FSC = Fresno, KCSC = Kansas City, MSC = Memphis, OSC = Ogden, PSC = Philadelphia


.01 By October 1, 1987, the service centers will be prepared to accept magnetic tape submissions from reporting agents. By November 1, 1987, all current reporting agents must submit lists of their current client/taxpayers using the format specified in Sections 7 and 8 (magnetic tape format). No copies of the authorizations need be submitted with these special lists. Delay in submitting these lists will delay the inclusion of the RAAs on the RAF and delay the receipt of benefits to be derived from it.

.02 The taxpayer record described in Exhibit 11 needs some clarification in its application to the special November 1, 1987 submission. The use of the fields is as described in Exhibit 11 with the following clarifications:

1. Positions 1-116 -- Use as described in Exhibit 11.

2. Position 117 -- Enter "Y", if Forms 940 are authorized to be filed on magnetic tape.

3. Positions 118-121 -- Enter YYMM date of earliest return filed by taxpayer through magnetic tape for which you would wish to receive notices.

4. Position 122 -- Enter "A".

5. Position 123 -- Enter "Y", if Forms 941 are authorized to be filed on magnetic tape.

6. Position 124-127 -- Enter YYMM date of earliest return filed by taxpayer through magnetic tape for which you would wish to receive notices.

7. Position 128 -- Enter "A".

8. Positions 129-158 -- Blank fill.

9. Positions 159-168 -- Client Account Number, Optional use.

10. Position 169 -- Enter "N" for all taxpayers for which an RAA is on file authorizing you to receive notices.

11. Positions 170-173 -- Blank fill.

12. Positions 174-200 -- Blank fill.

.03 The Internal Revenue Service will reconcile their existing files with the special submissions of the agents and will notify the agents of discrepancies with respect to missing authorizations and to authorizations no longer on the current list.


.01 At present, the Service will continue to manually maintain a file of RAAs that authorize federal tax deposit magnetic tape submissions without authorizing magnetic tape filing.

.02 These authorizations will be used to verify the right of an agent to discuss a taxpayer's account as it relates to federal tax deposits.


Requests for additional copies of this revenue procedure, requests for copies of appropriate input record element specifications, and requests for tape filing information should be addressed to the Director, Internal Revenue Service Center, at one of the following addresses:

          1. North-Atlantic Region



              (a) Andover Service Center


                  Management Support


                  Branch, Mail Stop 105


                  310 Lowell Street


                  Andover, MA 05501



              (b) Brookhaven Service Center


                  Management Support


                  Branch, Mail Stop 110


                  1040 Waverly Avenue


                  Holtsville, NY 11742



          2. Mid-Atlantic Region



              (a) Philadelphia Service Center


                  Taxpayer Relations Branch,


                  Drop Point 535


                  P.O. Box 245


                  Bensalem, PA 19020



          3. Central Region



              (a) Cincinnati Service Center


                  Management Support


                  Branch, Mail Stop 2


                  P.O. Box 267


                  Covington, KY 41019



          4. Southeast Region



              (a) Atlanta Service Center


                  Management Support


                  Branch, Mail Stop 30


                  P.O. Box 47-421


                  Doraville, GA 30362



              (b) Memphis Service Center


                  Management Support


                  Branch, Mail Stop 32


                  P.O. Box 30309


                  Airport Mail Facility


                  Memphis, TN 38130



          5. Midwest Region



              (a) Kansas City Service Center


                  Management Support


                  Branch, Mail Stop 3


                  P.O. Box 24551


                  Kansas City, MO 64131



          6. Southwest Region



              (a) Austin Service Center


                  Management Support


                  Branch, Mail Stop 1055


                  P.O. Box 934


                  Austin, TX 78767



              (b) Ogden Service Center


                  Management Support


                  Branch, Mail Stop 1055


                  1160 West 1200 South


                  Ogden, UT 84201



          7. Western Region



              (a) Fresno Service Center


                  Management Support


                  Branch, Mail Stop 28


                  P.O. Box 12866


                  Fresno, CA 93779




.01 Conventions

(a) Reporting Agents who submit their initial or add and delete lists on magnetic tape must conform to Level 3 of the ANSI Standard X3.27-1978 (Magnetic Tape Labels and File Structure for Information Interchange). Specifically this calls for recognition of the following label types: VOL1, HDR1, HDR2, EOV1, EOV2, EOF1, and EOF2 (see Exhibits 3 through 9 for specific label specifications). There will be no user labels or non-labeled tapes accepted for processing.

(b) Record Mark

No restrictions apply to record marks.

(c) Tape Mark

The tape marks will be automatically generated for an interchange tape (defined in Section 7.01). An example is provided in Section 8. Magnetic Tape Specifications .02.

.02 Definitions

 Element                 Description


 Blocked Records         Two or more records grouped together between


                         interrecord gaps.


 Blocking Factors        The number of records grouped together to


                         form a block.


 b                       Denotes a blank position.


 EIN                     Employer Identification Number.


 File                    A file consists of all tape records submitted


                         by a reporting agent.


 FTD                     Federal Tax Deposit.


 POA                     Power of Attorney.


 RAA                     Reporting Agent Authorization.


 Record                  A group of related fields of information,


                         treated as a unit.


 Record Mark             Special character used either to limit the


                         number of characters in data transfer or to


                         separate blocked records on tape.


 Reel                    A spool of magnetic tape.


 Reporting Agent         Person or organization preparing and filing


                         magnetic tape equivalents of Federal tax


                         returns and/or submitting federal tax




 Reporting Agent List    List of additions or deletions.


 Special Character       Any character that is not a numeral, letter,


                         or blank.



 Tape Mark               Special character that is written on tape.


 Taxpayer                Persons or organization liable for the


                         payment of tax. The taxpayer will be held


                         responsible for the completeness, accuracy


                         and timely submission of the magnetic tape




 Unblocked Records       Single records written between interrecord





 YYMM                    Year Year Month Month of ending month of tax


                         period in digits. Example: first quarter 1987


                         returns = 8703, fourth quarter 1987 = 8712,


                         calendar year 1987 = 8712.


 YYDDD                   Year Year Day Day Day -- Last two digits of


                         year plus Julian Day (e.g. January 1st 1988 =


                         88001, January 31, 1988 = 88031).




.01 These specifications prescribe the required format and content of the records to be included in the file, but not the methods or equipment to be used in their preparation. A physical tape reel must have the following physical characteristics:

 Type of tape            1/2 inch Mylar base, oxide coated


 Recording density       1600 BPI (bytes per inch)


 Parity                  Odd


 Interrecord Gap         .6 inch for 1600 BPI


 Recording Mode          ASCII


 Track                   9-Track


 Recording Format        Reporting Agent will use a recording format


                         of "F" (fixed length records).



.02 An acceptable file will contain for each reporting agent, the following:











      TAXPAYER RECORD -- as many as required, one for each RAA

















.03 All records including headers and trailers, if used, must be written at the same density.

.04 Affix an external label to each tape with the following information:

1. Name of reporting agent,

2. Number of RAAS entries (submitted or deleted) on file (even if more than one reel comprises file),

3. Density (1600),

4. Channel (9),

5. Parity (odd),

6. Sequence number of reel and total number of reels in file (for example, 1 of 3).

7. Write in large type:


.05 Record Length

The tape records prescribed in the specifications must be blocked at one record per block (200 tape character positions).

.06 Data

Only character data may be used. This means numeric fields cannot use overpunched signs and should be right justified with remaining unused positions zero filled. Special characters should be limited to -, &, % or / and can only be used in the name line fields and the street address fields of Reporting Agent "RA" Record and Taxpayer "TP" Record. Otherwise, characters must be numeric or alphabetic. All numeric data should be in unsigned ASCII characters (no binary data).

.07 Reporting Agent Record

Identifies the reporting agent who prepares and transmits the tape file and the RAAs (see Exhibit 10). The Agent Record must precede the first Taxpayer record reported on the first reel of the file. Contact the Magnetic Tape Coordinator for Business Tax Returns for additional details, if necessary.

.08 Client/Taxpayer Records

1. Taxpayer records contain information for each filer reported by the reporting agent (see Exhibit 11). The number of Taxpayer Records appearing on one tape file will depend on the number of taxpayers represented.

2. All records will be blocked individually with no other records in the block. Records should have a blocking factor for which blocks will not exceed 200 tape character positions. All records must be fixed length. Fields identified as indicators should always carry a value. Other fields must be left justified and blank filled on right with blank filling of non-significant fields.

.09 End of File Trailer Record

This record contains a count of all Taxpayer Records (see Exhibit 12). The Trailer record must be the last record on the agent's tape file. It can be followed only by a tape mark.


This revenue procedure is completely effective January 31, 1988. However, section 4, which relates to the establishment of the Reporting Agents File and related technical specifications is effective October 1, 1987.


The instructions contained in this revenue procedure supersede authorization information contained in Revenue Procedures for Form 940 magnetic tape filing, for Forms 941/941E magnetic tape filing, and for submissions on magnetic tape of Federal Tax Deposits for employment taxes.

                              EXHIBIT 1





            | Department of the Treasury |


 Form 8655 | Internal Revenue Service |OMB No. 1545-1058


 (July 1988)| Reporting Agent Authorization |Expires: 06-30-91




1. Taxpayer name |2. Taxpayer identifying number






 3. Address |4. City, State, and ZIP code






5. Reporting agent name (Reporting |6. Identifying number


   agents file returns on magnetic |


   tape and/or file Federal tax |


   deposits for a taxpayer.) |






7. Reporting agent address |8. City, State, and ZIP code






___________________________________ is hereby appointed as reporting


agent with authority to sign and file Federal employment tax returns


on magnetic tape and/or make Federal tax deposits (FTD) for the above


stated taxpayer.



 __ Check here if the reporting agent is authorized as a designee


     of the taxpayer to receive copies of notices, correspondence,


     and transcripts with respect to employment tax returns filed by


     the designee. This does not apply to authorizations limited to


     FTD submissions. (Strike out any language that does not apply.)



This authorization shall include the following Federal employment tax


returns, beginning with the tax period indicated and remaining in


effect through subsequent tax periods until notified by the taxpayer


or the designee of termination or revocation of this authorization.


Indicate which tax forms and/or Federal tax deposits apply.





Tape Return FTD


Forms Filed Beginning Period Payments Beginning Period



 __ 941 ________________ __ 941 ________________


 __ 941E ________________ __ 943 ________________


 __ 940 ________________ __ 940 ________________



This reporting agent authorization revokes all earlier reporting


agent authorizations but has no effect on any other power of attorney


or authorization.



         Signature of Taxpayer or Authorized Representative



If the reporting agent is to be authorized to receive notices,


correspondence, and transcripts from the Internal Revenue Service,


this document must be signed by someone who has authority to receive,


and to designate a recipient of, the return information of the






Signature (Required) |Title (If applicable) |Date (Required)


                             | |




If signed by a corporate officer, partner, or fiduciary on behalf of


the taxpayer, I certify that I have the authority to execute this


reporting agent authorization on behalf of the taxpayer.




                    |Signature |Date


Reporting >| |


Agent | |




                   Paperwork Reduction Act Notice



We ask for this information to carry out the Internal Revenue laws of


the United States. Your response is voluntary. The estimated average


time needed to complete this form, depending upon individual


circumstances, is 5 minutes. If you have comments concerning the


accuracy of this time estimate or suggestions for making this form


more simple, we would be happy to hear from you. You can send your


comments to the Internal Revenue Service, Washington, DC 20224,


Attention: IRS Reports Clearance Officer TR:FP; or the Office of


Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget,


Washington, DC 20503, Attention: Desk Officer for Internal Revenue






                                                     Form 8655 (7-88)



                              EXHIBIT 2



                                                         Date of List



                       Reporting Agent's List












    Agent Identifying Number (Assigned by IRS)



    Agent Employer Identification Number



    List Type (Additions or Deletions)



    Name of Agent Contact Person



    Phone Number of Agent Contact Person













nal) NUMBER LIED) ADDRESS 940 941 940 941 943 AGENT FILING



10035 11-3578549 ABC Corp. 8812 8803 8812 8803 8812 X BSC


                      111 1st


                      St. NY NY





10037 13-9363939 XYZ Corp. 8812 8812 BSC


                      555 5th


                      Ave. NY NY





Examples 1) The agent is submitting ABC Corp.'s RAA with the


                 authority to file Forms 940 and 941 and submit FTDs


                 for Forms 940, 941 and 943 with the right to receive


                 copies of notices.



              2) The agent is submitting XYZ Corp.'s RAA with the


                 authority to submit FTDs for Forms 941 and 943. No


                 right to receive notices is specified because no


                 returns are being filed.



                               EXHIBIT 3



 VOL1 Label





 Position           Acceptable values



 1-4        /*/     VOL1


 5-10               "6" digit reel number


 11-79      /*/     Blanks


 80         /*/     3 (indicates current level of ANSI standard)



/*/ Asterisk indicates positions (fields) that are generally system generated (Vendors may differ somewhat). The reporting agent should make entries in all other fields.

                               EXHIBIT 4



 HDR1 Label



 Character          Acceptable values





 1-4        /*/     HDR1



 5-21               This is the file identifier. It is incumbent upon


                    the Reporting Agent to supply this information.


                    Entries must be left justified with blanks in


                    remaining positions. Valid entry is RAF5001.



 22-27              "6" digit reel number



 28-31      /*/     0001



 32-35      /*/     0001



 36-39              Specifies the current stage in bracket version in


                    the succession of one file generation by the next.


                    Generally will be 0001.



 40-41              01



 42-47              Creation Date. This date should be generated by


                    the operating system and have the date the tape


                    was created. The format is "bYYDDD" (Julian Date)


                    - a lower case "b" denotes a blank position.



 48-53              Purge Date. This date should be generated by the


                    operating system and have the date the tape will


                    be purged. The format is "bYYDDD" (Julian Date)-


                    a lower case "b" denotes a blank position. For


                    Service use, specify the purge date as one year


                    after the creation date.



 54         /*/     blanks



 55-60      /*/     zeros ("000000")



 61-80      /*/     blanks



/*/ Asterisk indicates positions (fields) that are generally system enerated (Vendors may differ somewhat). The reporting agent should make entries in all other fields.

                               EXHIBIT 5


 HDR2 Label



 Character          Acceptable values





 1-4        /*/     HDR2



 5                  F (indicator for fixed length records)



 6-10               "00200"



 11-15      /*/     All records will be 00200 in length.



 16-50      /*/     blanks



 51-52      /*/     Specify the buffer offset before the first record


                    in the block. This should be 00.



 53-80      /*/     blanks



/*/ Asterisk indicates positions (fields) that are generally system generated (Vendors may differ somewhat). The reporting agent should make entries in all other fields.

                               EXHIBIT 6



 EOF1 Label



 Character          Acceptable values





 1-4        /*/     EOF1



 5-21               This is the file identifier. It is incumbent upon


                    the Reporting Agent to supply this information.


                    Entries must be left justified and blank filled.


                    Valid entry is RAF5001.



 22-27              "6" digit reel number



 28-31      /*/     0001



 32-35      /*/     0001



 36-39              Specifies the current stage in bracket version in


                    the succession of one file generation by the next.


                    Generally will be 0001.



 40-41              01



 42-47              Creation Date. This date should be generated by


                    the operating system and have the date the tape


                    was created. The format is "bYYDDD" (Julian Date)


                    -- a lower case "b" denotes a blank position.



 48-53              Purge Date. This date should be generated by the


                    operating system and have the date the tape will


                    be purged. The format is "bYYDDD" (Julian Date)


                    -- a lower case "b" denotes a blank position. For


                    Service use, specify the purge date as one year


                    after the creation date.



 54         /*/     blanks



 55-60      /*/     The number of blocks on the tape reel



 61-80      /*/     blanks



/*/ Asterisk indicates positions (fields) that are generally system generated (Vendors may differ somewhat). The reporting agent should make entries in all other fields.

                               EXHIBIT 7



 EOF2 Label





 Position           Acceptable values



 1-4        /*/     EOF2



 5                  F (indicator for fixed length records)



 6-10       /*/     "00200"



 11-15      /*/     All records will be 00200 in length.



 16-50      /*/     blanks



 51-52      /*/     Specify the buffer offset before the first record


                    in the block. This should be 00.



 53-80      /*/     blanks



/*/ Asterisk indicates positions (fields) that are generally system generated (Vendors may differ somewhat). The reporting agent should make entries in all other fields.

                               EXHIBIT 8



 EOV1 Label





 Position           Acceptable values



 1-4        /*/     EOV1



 5-21               This is the file identifier. It is incumbent upon


                    the Reporting Agent to supply this information.


                    Entries must be left justified and blank filled.


                    Valid entry is RAF5001.



 22-27              "6" digit reel number



 28-31      /*/     0001



 32-35      /*/     0001



 36-39              Specifies the current stage in bracket version in


                    the succession of one file generation by the next.


                    Generally will be 0001.



 40-41      01



 42-47              Creation Date. This date should be generated by


                    the operating system and have the date the tape


                    was created. The format is "bYYDDD" (Julian Date)


                    - a lower case "b" denotes a blank position.



 48-53              Purge Date. This date should be generated by the


                    operating system and have the date the tape will


                    be purged. The format is "bYYDDD" (Julian Date)


                    - a lower case "b" denotes a blank position. For


                    Service use, specify the purge date as one year


                    after the creation date.



 54         /*/     blanks



 55-60      /*/     The number of blocks on the tape reel



 61-80      /*/     blanks



/*/ Asterisk indicates positions (fields) that are generally system generated (Vendors may differ somewhat). The reporting agent should make entries in all other fields.

                               EXHIBIT 9



 EOV2 Label





 Position           Acceptable values



 1-4        /*/     EOV2



 5                  F (indicator for fixed length records)



 6-10               "00200"



 11-15      /*/     All records will be 00200 in length.



 16-50      /*/     blanks



 51-52      /*/     Specify the buffer offset before the first record


                    in the block. This should be 00.



 53-80      /*/     blanks



/*/ Asterisk indicates positions (fields) that are generally system generated (Vendors may differ somewhat). The reporting agent should make entries in all other fields.

                              EXHIBIT 10



                        REPORTING AGENT RECORD



 General Information



      The Reporting Record identifies the Reporting Agent who is


 submitting the file of client/taxpayers. This record must precede the


 first Taxpayer Record reported on the first reel of the tape file.



 Tape Position Element Name                  Entry or Definition



 1-2           Record Type          Enter "RA" to indicate reporting


                                    agent header record.



 3-4           RA-ID Number         Enter the two digit number


                                    assigned by IRS. If none assigned,


                                    enter blanks.



 5-13          RA-EIN               Enter nine numeric characters of


                                    reporting agent's EIN. Do not


                                    include hyphen.



 14-48         RA-Name              Enter first name line of reporting


                                    agent. Valid characters are A-Z,


                                    0-9, ampersand, hyphen, right hand


                                    bracket and one blank between each


                                    word. The comma, period, number


                                    sign, apostrophe and multiple


                                    blanks are invalid characters.


                                    Left justify and blank fill.



 49-83         RA-Second Name Line  Enter second name line of


                                    reporting agent, if desired (for


                                    Doing Business As (DBA) or Trading


                                    As (TA)). Valid characters are A


                                    -Z, 0-9, ampersand, hyphen, right


                                    hand bracket and one blank. Left


                                    justify and blank fill.



 84-118        RA Street Address    Enter street address of reporting


                                    agent. Valid characters are A-Z,


                                    0-9, ampersand, hyphen, slash "/",


                                    percent sign "%" and one blank


                                    between each word. Invalid


                                    characters are the number sign,


                                    period, apostrophe and multiple


                                    blanks. Left justify and blank





 119-138       RA City              Enter City of reporting agent.


                                    Valid characters are A-Z, 0-9,


                                    hyphen and one blank. Left justify


                                    and blank fill.



 139-140       RA State Code        Enter State Code of reporting





 141-149       RA Zip Code          Enter zip code of reporting agent.



 150-159       RA Phone Number      Enter ten numerics of reporting


                                    agent's phone number. Do not


                                    include hyphens.



 160-195       RA Contact Point     Name of individual to serve as


                                    Reporting Agent's primary contact





 196-200       Reserved             Enter blanks.



                              EXHIBIT 11



                            TAXPAYER RECORD



 General Information



   A Taxpayer record is required for each taxpayer.



   See instructions for special November 1987 submission in Section 4.



 Tape Position Element Name                  Entry or Description



 1-2           Taxpayer Record      Enter "TP" to indicate a taxpayer


               Type                 record.



 3-11          Taxpayer EIN         Enter 9 numerics of taxpayer EIN.


                                    Do not enter hyphens.



 12-46         Taxpayer Name        Enter name of taxpayer. Valid


                                    characters are A-Z, 0-9,


                                    ampersand, hyphen, right hand


                                    bracket and one blank between each


                                    word. The comma, period, number


                                    sign, apostrophe and multiple


                                    blanks are invalid characters.


                                    Left justify and blank fill.



 47-50         Taxpayer Name        Enter Name Control of taxpayer as


               Control              provided by IRS. Use only on


                                    delete submissions.



 51-85         Taxpayer Street      Enter address of taxpayer. Valid


               Address              characters are A-Z, 0-9,


                                    ampersand, hyphen, slash "/",


                                    percent "%" and one blank between


                                    each word. Invalid characters are


                                    the number sign, period,


                                    apostrophe and multiple blanks.


                                    Left justify and blank fill.



 86-105        Taxpayer City        Enter city of taxpayer. Valid


                                    characters are A-Z, 0-9, hyphen


                                    and one blank. Left justify and


                                    blank fill.



 106-107       Taxpayer State Code  Enter State Code of taxpayer.



 108-116       Taxpayer Zip Code    Enter zip code of taxpayer.



 117           940 Indicator        Enter "Y" if RAA submitted for


                                    filing Form 940 on magnetic tape.


                                    Enter blank if not.



 118-121       940-Tax Period       Enter four digit numeric YYMM tax


                                    period for Form 940. Use beginning


                                    YYMM if RAA being submitted. Use


                                    YYMM of last return to be filed if


                                    RAA is being withdrawn. Leave


                                    blank if 940 indicator is blank.


                                    The earliest valid tax period is





 122 940       Action Code          Enter "A" if RAA is being


                                    submitted. Enter "D" if RAA is


                                    being withdrawn. Leave blank if


                                    940 indicator is blank.



 123           941/941E Indicator   Enter "Y" if RAA submitted for


                                    filing Form 941/941E on magnetic


                                    tape. Enter blank if not.



 124-127       941-Tax Period       Enter four digit numeric YYMM tax


                                    period for Form 941/941E. Use


                                    beginning YYMM if RAA is being


                                    submitted. Use YYMM of last return


                                    to be filed if RAA is being


                                    withdrawn. Leave blank if 941/941E


                                    indicator is blank. The earliest


                                    valid tax period is 6903.



 128           941/941E Action Code Enter "A" if RAA is being


                                    submitted. Enter "D" if RAA is


                                    being withdrawn. Leave blank if



                                    941/941E indicator is blank.



 129-140       Reserved for future


               use. Blank fill.



 141           940 FTD Indicator    Enter "Y" if RAA is for FTD for


                                    Form 940. Blank if it does not


                                    cover FTDs for Form 940.



 142-145       940 FTD Tax Period   Enter four digit numeric YYMM tax


                                    period for FTD for Form 940. Use


                                    beginning YYMM if RAA being


                                    submitted. Use YYMM of last return


                                    to be filed if RAA is being


                                    withdrawn. Leave blank if 940 FTD


                                    indicator is blank.



 146 940       FTD Action Code      Enter "A" if RAA is being


                                    submitted. Enter "D" if RAA is


                                    being withdrawn. Leave blank if


                                    940 FTD indicator is blank.



 147           941 FTD Indicator    Enter "Y" if RAA is for FTD for


                                    Form 941. Blank if it does not


                                    cover FTDs for Form 941.



 148-151       941 FTD Tax Period   Enter four digit numeric YYMM tax


                                    period for FTD for Form 941. Use


                                    beginning YYMM if RAA being


                                    submitted. Use YYMM of last return


                                    to be filed if RAA is being


                                    withdrawn. Leave blank if 941 FTD


                                    indicator is blank.



 152 941       FTD Action Code      Enter "A" if RAA is being


                                    submitted. Enter "D" if RAA is


                                    being withdrawn. Leave blank if


                                    941 FTD indicator is blank.



 153           943 FTD Indicator    Enter "Y" if RAA is for Form 943.


                                    Blank if it does not cover FTDs


                                    for Form 943.



 154-157       943 FTD Tax Period   Enter the four digit numeric YYMM


                                    tax period for Form 943. Use


                                    beginning YYMM if RAA is being


                                    submitted. Use YYMM of last return


                                    to be filed if RAA is being


                                    withdrawn. Leave blank if 943 FTD


                                    indicator is blank.



 158 943       FTD Action Code      Enter "A" if RAA is being


                                    submitted. Enter "D" if RAA is


                                    being withdrawn. Leave blank if


                                    943 FTD indicator is blank.



 159-168       Client Account       Enter Client account number if


               Number               desired. Left justify and blank


                                    fill. Field may be left blank if





 169           Notice Indicator     Enter "N" if authorized to receive


                                    a copy of taxpayers notices. If


                                    not, blank fill.



 170-173       Last Service Center  Enter one of the four character


                                    representations listed below for


                                    Service Center where client filed


                                    last tax return:



                                      ANSC = Andover   FSC = Fresno



                                      ATSC = Atlanta   KCSC = Kansas





                                      AUSC = Austin    MSC = Memphis



                                      BSC = Brookhaven OSC = Ogden



                                      CSC = Cincinnati PSC = Philade-





 174-200       Reserved             Enter blanks.



                              EXHIBIT 12



                      END OF FILE TRAILER RECORD



 General Information



      The End of File Trailer Record. This record type must be the


 last record on the agent's tape file. It can be followed only by a


 tape mark.



 Tape Position Element Name         Entry or Definition



 1             Record Type          Enter "E".



 2-7           Number of TP Records Enter the sum of TP Records you


                                    are reporting on the file. Zero


                                    fill on left. Use numeric


                                    characters without a sign





 8-200         Reserved             Enter blanks.
  • Institutional Authors
    Internal Revenue Service
  • Index Terms
    reporting agent authorization
  • Jurisdictions
  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    89 TNT 45-20
Copy RID