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Sec. 7448 Annuities to surviving spouses and dependent children of judges and special trial judges

  • Internal Revenue Code of 1986
  • Chapter 76 -- Judicial Proceedings
  • Subchapter C -- The Tax Court
  • Part I -- Organization and jurisdiction

(a) Definitions. For purposes of this section--

(1) The term "Tax Court" means the United States Tax Court.

(2) The term "judge or special trial judge" means the chief judge or a judge or special trial judge of the Tax Court, including any individual receiving retired pay (or compensation in lieu of retired pay) under section 7447 whether or not performing judicial duties pursuant to section 7447(c).

(3) The term "chief judge" means the chief judge of the Tax Court.

(4) The term "judge's or special trial judge's salary" means the salary of a judge or special trial judge received under section 7443(c), retired pay received under section 7447(d), and compensation (in lieu of retired pay) received under section 7447(c).

(5) The term "special trial judge" means a judicial officer appointed pursuant to section 7443A, including any individual receiving an annuity under chapter 83 or 84 of title 5, United States Code.

(6) The term "special trial judge's salary" means the salary of a special trial judge received under section 7443A(d), any amount received as an annuity under chapter 83 or 84 of title 5, United States Code.

(7) The term "survivors annuity fund" means the Tax Court judges survivors annuity fund established by this section.

(8) The term "surviving spouse" means a surviving spouse of an individual, who either (A) shall have been married to such individual for at least 2 years immediately preceding his death or (B) is a parent of issue by such marriage, and who has not remarried.

(9) The term "dependent child" means an unmarried child, including a dependent stepchild or an adopted child, who is under the age of 18 years or who because of physical or mental disability is incapable of self-support.

(10) The terms "assassinated" and "assassination" mean the killing of a judge or special trial judge that is motivated by the performance by the judge or special trial judge of his or her official duties.

(b) Election.

(1) Judges. Any judge may by written election filed while he is a judge (except that in the case of an individual who is not reappointed following expiration of his term of office, it may be made at any time before the day after the day on which his successor takes office) bring himself within the purview of this section. In the case of any judge other than the chief judge the election shall be filed with the chief judge; in the case of the chief judge the election shall be filed as prescribed by the Tax Court.

(2) Special trial judges. Any special trial judge may by written election filed with the chief judge elect the application of this section. Such election shall be filed while such individual is a special trial judge.

(c) Survivors annuity fund.

(1) Salary deductions. There shall be deducted and withheld from the salary of each judge or special trial judge electing under subsection (b) a sum equal to 3.5 percent of such judge's or special trial judge's salary. The amounts so deducted and withheld from such judge's or special trial judge's salary shall, in accordance with such procedure as may be prescribed by the Comptroller General of the United States, be deposited in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of a fund to be known as the "Tax Court judicial officers survivors annuity fund" and said fund is appropriated for the payment of annuities, refunds, and allowances as provided by this section. Each judge or special trial judge electing under subsection (b) shall be deemed thereby to consent and agree to the deductions from his salary as provided in this subsection, and payment less such deductions shall be a full and complete discharge and acquittance of all claims and demands whatsoever for all judicial services rendered by such judge or special trial judge during the period covered by such payment, except the right to the benefits to which he or his survivors shall be entitled under the provisions of this section.

(2) Appropriations where unfunded liability.

(A) In general. Not later than the close of each fiscal year, there shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the survivors annuity fund, in accordance with such procedures as may be prescribed by the Comptroller General of the United States, amounts required to reduce to zero the unfunded liability (if any) of such fund. Subject to appropriation Acts, such deposits shall be taken from sums available for such fiscal year for the payment of amounts described in subsection (a)(4) and section 7443A(d), and shall immediately become an integrated part of such fund.

(B) Exception. The amount required by subparagraph (A) to be deposited in any fiscal year shall not exceed an amount equal to 11 percent of the aggregate amounts described in subsection (a)(4) and (a)(6) paid during such fiscal year.

(C) Unfunded liability defined. For purposes of subparagraph (A), the term "unfunded liability" means the amount estimated by the Secretary to be equal to the excess (as of the close of the fiscal year involved) of--

(i) the present value of all benefits payable from the survivors annuity fund (determined on an annual basis in accordance with section 9503 of title 31, United States Code), over

(ii) the sum of--

(I) the present values of future deductions under subsection (c) and future deposits under subsection (d), plus

(II) the balance in such fund as of the close of such fiscal year.

(D) Amounts not credited to individual accounts. Amounts appropriated pursuant to this paragraph shall not be credited to the account of any individual for purposes of subsection (g).

(d) Deposits in survivors annuity fund. Each judge or special trial judge electing under subsection (b) shall deposit, with interest at 3 percent per annum, compounded on December 31 of each year, to the credit of the survivors annuity fund, a sum equal to 3.5 percent of his judge's or special trial judge's salary and of his basic salary, pay, or compensation for service as a Senator, Representative, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner in Congress, and for any other civilian service within the purview of sections 8332 and 8411 of title 5 of the United States Code. Each such judge or special trial judge may elect to make such deposits in installments during the continuance of his service as a judge or special trial judge in such amount and under such conditions as may be determined in each instance by the chief judge. Notwithstanding the failure of a judge or special trial judge to make such deposit, credit shall be allowed for the service rendered, but the annuity of the surviving spouse of such judge or special trial judge shall be reduced by an amount equal to 10 percent of the amount of such deposit, computed as of the date of the death of such judge or special trial judge, unless such surviving spouse shall elect to eliminate such service entirely from credit under subsection (n), except that no deposit shall be required from a judge or special trial judge for any year with respect to which deductions from his salary were actually made under the civil service retirement laws and no deposit shall be required for any honorable service in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard of the United States.

(e) Investment of survivors annuity fund. The Secretary of the Treasury shall invest from time to time, in interest-bearing securities of the United States or Federal farm loan bonds, such portions of the survivors annuity fund as in his judgment may not be immediately required for the payment of the annuities, refunds, and allowances as provided in this section. The income derived from such investments shall constitute a part of said fund for the purpose of paying annuities and of carrying out the provisions of subsections (g), (h), and (j).

(f) Crediting of deposits. The amount deposited by or deducted and withheld from the salary of each judge or special trial judge electing to bring himself within the purview of this section for credit to the survivors annuity fund shall be credited to an individual account of such judge or special trial judge.

(g) Termination. If the service of any judge or special trial judge electing under subsection (b) terminates other than pursuant to the provisions of section 7447 or if any judge or special trial judge ceases to be married after making the election under subsection (b) and revokes (in a writing filed as provided in subsection (b)) such election, the amount credited to his individual account, together with interest at 3 percent per annum, compounded on December 31 of each year, to the date of his relinquishment of office, shall be returned to him. For the purpose of this section, the service of any judge or special trial judge electing under subsection (b) who is not reappointed following expiration of his term but who, at the time of such expiration, is eligible for and elects to receive retired pay under section 7447 shall be deemed to have terminated pursuant to said section.

(h) Entitlement to annuity.

(1) In general.

(A) Annuity to surviving spouse. If a judge or special trial judge described in paragraph (2) is survived by a surviving spouse but not by a dependent child, there shall be paid to such surviving spouse an annuity beginning with the day of the death of the judge or special trial judge or following the surviving spouse’s attainment of age 50, whichever is the later, in an amount computed as provided in subsection (m).

(B) Annuity to surviving spouse and child. If a judge or special trial judge described in paragraph (2) is survived by a surviving spouse and dependent child or children, there shall be paid to such surviving spouse an annuity, beginning on the day of the death of the judge or special trial judge, in an amount computed as provided in subsection (m), and there shall also be paid to or on behalf of each such child an immediate annuity equal to the lesser of --

(i) 10 percent of the average annual salary of such judge or special trial judge (determined in accordance with subsection (m)), or

(ii) 20 percent of such average annual salary, divided by the number of such children.

(C) Annuity to surviving dependent children. If a judge or special trial judge described in paragraph (2) leaves no surviving spouse but leaves a surviving dependent child or children, there shall be paid to or on behalf of each such child an immediate annuity equal to the lesser of --

(i) 20 percent of the average annual salary of such judge or special trial judge (determined in accordance with subsection (m)), or

(ii) 40 percent of such average annual salary divided by the number of such children.

(2) Covered judges. Paragraph (1) applies to any judge or special trial judge electing under subsection (b) --

(A) who dies while a judge or special trial judge after having rendered at least 18 months of civilian service computed as prescribed in subsection (n), for the last 18 months of which the salary deductions provided for by subsection (c)(1) or the deposits required by subsection (d) have actually been made or the salary deductions required by the civil service retirement laws have actually been made, or

(B) who dies by assassination after having rendered less than 18 months of civilian service computed as prescribed in subsection (n) if, for the period of such service, the salary deductions provided for by subsection (c)(1) or the deposits required by subsection (d) have actually been made.

(3) Termination of annuity.

(A) Surviving spouse. The annuity payable to a surviving spouse under this subsection shall be terminable upon such surviving spouse’s death or such surviving spouse’s remarriage before attaining age 55.

(B) Surviving child. Any annuity payable to a child under this subsection shall be terminable upon the earliest of --

(i) the child’s attainment of age 18,

(ii) the child’s marriage, or

(iii) the child’s death,

except that if such child is incapable of self-support by reason of mental or physical disability the child’s annuity shall be terminable only upon death, marriage, or recovery from such disability.

(C) Dependent child after death of surviving spouse. In case of the death of a surviving spouse of a judge or special trial judge leaving a dependent child or children of the judge or special trial judge surviving such spouse, the annuity of such child or children shall be recomputed and paid as provided in paragraph (1)(C).

(D) Recomputation with respect to other dependent children. In any case in which the annuity of a dependent child is terminated under this subsection, the annuities of any remaining dependent child or children based upon the service of the same judge or special trial judge shall be recomputed and paid as though the child whose annuity was so terminated had not survived such judge.

(E) Special rule for assassinated judges. In the case of a survivor of a judge or special trial judge described in paragraph (2)(B), there shall be deducted from the annuities otherwise payable under this section an amount equal to the amount of salary deductions that would have been made if such deductions had been made for 18 months prior to the death of the judge or special trial judge.

(i) Determination by chief judge.

(1) Dependency and disability. Questions of dependency and disability arising under this section shall be determined by the chief judge subject to review only by the Tax Court, the decision of which shall be final and conclusive. The chief judge may order or direct at any time such medical or other examinations as he shall deem necessary to determine the facts relative to the nature and degree of disability of any dependent child who is an annuitant or applicant for annuity under this section, and may suspend or deny any such annuity for failure to submit to any examination so ordered or directed.

(2) Assassination. The chief judge shall determine whether the killing of a judge or special trial judge was an assassination, subject to review only by the Tax Court. The head of any Federal agency that investigates the killing of a judge or special trial judge shall provide to the chief judge any information that would assist the chief judge in making such a determination.

(j) Payments in certain cases.

(1) In any case in which --

(A) a judge electing under subsection (b) shall die while in office (whether in regular active service, retired from such service under section 7447, or receiving any annuity under chapter 83 or 84 of title 5, United States Code), before having rendered 5 years of civilian service computed as prescribed in subsection (n), or after having rendered 5 years of such civilian service but without a survivor or survivors entitled to annuity benefits provided by subsection (h), or

(B) the right of all persons entitled to annuity under subsection (h) based on the service of such judge or special trial judge shall terminate before a valid claim therefor shall have been established,

the total amount credited to the individual account of such judge or special trial judge, with interest at 3 percent per annum, compounded on December 31 of each year, to the date of the death of such judge or special trial judge, shall be paid, upon the establishment of a valid claim therefor, to the person or persons surviving at the date title to the payment arises, in the following order of precedence, and such payment shall be a bar to recovery by any other person:

(i) to the beneficiary or beneficiaries whom the judge or special trial judge may have designated by a writing filed prior to his death with the chief judge, except that in the case of the chief judge such designation shall be by a writing filed by him, prior to his death, as prescribed by the Tax Court;

(ii) if there be no such beneficiary, to the surviving spouse of such judge or special trial judge;

(iii) if none of the above, to the child or children of such judge or special trial judge and the descendants of any deceased children by representation;

(iv) if none of the above, to the parents of such judge or special trial judge or the survivor of them;

(v) if none of the above, to the duly appointed executor or administrator of the estate of such judge or special trial judge; and

(vi) if none of the above, to such other next of kin of such judge or special trial judge as may be determined by the chief judge to be entitled under the laws of the domicile of such judge or special trial judge at the time of his death.

Determination as to the surviving spouse, child, or parent of a judge or special trial judge for the purposes of this paragraph shall be made by the chief judge without regard to the definitions in paragraphs (8) and (9) of subsection (a).

(2) In any case in which the annuities of all persons entitled to annuity based upon the service of a judge or special trial judge shall terminate before the aggregate amount of annuity paid equals the total amount credited to the individual account of such judge or special trial judge, with interest at 3 percent per annum, compounded on December 31 of each year, to the date of the death of such judge or special trial judge, the difference shall be paid, upon establishment of a valid claim therefor, in the order of precedence prescribed in paragraph (1).

(3) Any accrued annuity remaining unpaid upon the termination (other than by death) of the annuity of any person based upon the service of a judge or special trial judge shall be paid to such person. Any accrued annuity remaining unpaid upon the death of any person receiving annuity based upon the service of a judge or special trial judge shall be paid, upon the establishment of a valid claim therefor, in the following order of precedence:

(A) to the duly appointed executor or administrator of the estate of such person;

(B) if there is no such executor or administrator payment may be made, after the expiration of thirty days from the date of the death of such person, to such individual or individuals as may appear in the judgment of the chief judge to be legally entitled thereto, and such payment shall be a bar to recovery by any other individual.

(k) Payments to persons under legal disability. Where any payment under this section is to be made to a minor, or to a person mentally incompetent or under other legal disability adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction, such payment may be made to the person who is constituted guardian or other fiduciary by the law of the State of residence of such claimant or is otherwise legally vested with the care of the claimant or his estate. Where no guardian or other fiduciary of the person under legal disability has been appointed under the laws of the State of residence of the claimant, the chief judge shall determine the person who is otherwise legally vested with the care of the claimant or his estate.

(l) Method of payment of annuities. Annuities granted under the terms of this section shall accrue monthly and shall be due and payable in monthly installments on the first business day of the month following the month or other period for which the annuity shall have accrued. None of the moneys mentioned in this section shall be assignable, either in law or in equity, or subject to execution, levy, attachment, garnishment, or other legal process.

(m) Computation of annuities. The annuity of the surviving spouse of a judge or special trial judge electing under subsection (b) shall be an amount equal to the sum of --

(1) the product of --

(A) 1.5 percent of the average annual salary (whether judge’s or special trial judge’s salary or compensation for other allowable service) received by such judge or special trial judge --

(i) for judicial service (including periods in which he received retired pay under section 7447(d), section 7447A(d), or any annuity under chapter 83 or 84 of title 5, United States Code) or for any other prior allowable service during the period of 3 consecutive years in which such judge or special trial judge received the largest such average annual salary, or

(ii) in the case of a judge or special trial judge who has served less than 3 years, during the total period of such service prior to such judge’s or special trial judge’s death, multiplied by the sum of, multiplied by

(B) the sum of --

(i) the judge’s or special trial judge’s years of such judicial service,

(ii) the judge’s or special trial judge’s years of prior allowable service as a Senator, Representative, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner in Congress,

(iii) the judge’s or special trial judge’s years of prior allowable service performed as a member of the Armed Forces of the United States, and

(iv) the judge’s or special trial judge’s years, not exceeding 15, of prior allowable service performed as a congressional employee (as defined in section 2107 of title 5 of the United States Code), plus

(2) three-fourths of 1 percent of such average annual salary multiplied by the judge’s years of any other prior allowable service,

except that such annuity shall not exceed an amount equal to 50 percent of such average annual salary, nor be less than an amount equal to 25 percent of such average annual salary, and shall be further reduced in accordance with subsection (d) (if applicable). In determining the period of 3 consecutive years referred to in the preceding sentence, there may not be taken into account any period for which an election under section 7447(f)(4) is in effect.

(n) Includible service. Subject to the provisions of subsection (d), the years of service of a judge or special trial judge which are allowable as the basis for calculating the amount of the annuity of his surviving spouse shall include his years of service as a member of the United States Board of Tax Appeals, as a judge or special trial judge of the Tax Court of the United States, and as a judge or special trial judge of the Tax Court, his years of service pursuant to any appointment under section 7443A, his years of service as a Senator, Representative, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner in Congress, his years of active service as a member of the Armed Forces of the United States not exceeding 5 years in the aggregate and not including any such service for which credit is allowed for the purposes of retirement or retired pay under any other provision of law, and his years of any other civilian service within the purview of sections 8332 and 8411 of title 5 of the United States Code.

(o) Simultaneous entitlement. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to prevent a surviving spouse eligible therefor from simultaneously receiving an annuity under this section and any annuity to which such spouse would otherwise be entitled under any other law without regard to this section, but in computing such other annuity service used in the computation of such spouse's annuity under this section shall not be credited.

(p) Estimates of expenditures. The chief judge shall submit to the President annual estimates of the expenditures and appropriations necessary for the maintenance and operation of the survivors annuity fund, and such supplemental and deficiency estimates as may be required from time to time for the same purposes, according to law. The chief judge shall cause periodic examinations of the survivors annuity fund to be made by an actuary, who may be an actuary employed by another department of the Government temporarily assigned for the purpose, and whose findings and recommendations shall be transmitted by the chief judge to the Tax Court.

(q) Transitional provision. In the case of a judge who dies within 6 months after the date of enactment of this section after having rendered at least 5 years of civilian service computed as prescribed in subsection (n), but without having made an election as provided in subsection (b), an annuity shall be paid to his surviving spouse and surviving dependents as is provided in this section, as if such judge had elected on the day of his death to bring himself within the purview of this section but had not made the deposit provided for by subsection (d). An annuity shall be payable under this section computed upon the basis of the actual length of service as a judge and other allowable service of the judge and subject to the reduction required by subsection (d) even though no deposit has been made, as required by subsection (h) with respect to any of such service.

(r) Waiver of civil service benefits. Any judge or special trial judge electing under subsection (b) shall, at the time of such election, waive all benefits under the civil service retirement laws. Such a waiver shall be made in the same manner and shall have the same force and effect as an election filed under section 7447(e).

(s) Increases in survivor annuities. Each time that an increase is made under section 8340(b) of title 5, United States Code, in annuities payable under subchapter III of chapter 83 of that title, each annuity payable from the survivors annuity fund under this section shall be increased at the same time by the same percentage by which annuities are increased under such section 8340(b).

(t) Authorization of appropriation. Funds necessary to carry out the provisions of this section may be appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.

(u) Other benefits in case of assassination. In the case of a judge or special trial judge who is assassinated, an annuity shall be paid under this section notwithstanding a survivor’s eligibility for or receipt of benefits under chapter 81 of title 5, United States Code, except that the annuity for which a surviving spouse is eligible under this section shall be reduced to the extent that the total benefits paid under this section and chapter 81 of that title for any year would exceed the current salary for that year of the office of the judge or special trial judge.

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