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Sec. 5175 Export bonds

  • Internal Revenue Code of 1986
  • Chapter 51 -- Distilled Spirits, Wines and Beer
  • Subchapter B -- Qualification Requirements for Distilled Spirits Plants
  • Subpart D -- Other Provisions

(a) Requirements. No distilled spirits shall be withdrawn from bonded premises for exportation, or for transfer to a customs bonded warehouse, without payment of tax unless the exporter has furnished bond to cover such withdrawal under such regulations and conditions, and in such form and penal sum, as the Secretary may prescribe.

(b) Exception where proprietor withdraws spirits for exportation. In the case of distilled spirits withdrawn from bonded premises by the proprietor for exportation without payment of tax, the bond of such proprietor required to be furnished under paragraph (1) of section 5173(a) covering such premises shall cover such exportation, and subsection (a) shall not apply.

(c) Cancellation or credit of export bonds. The bonds given under subsection (a) shall be cancelled or credited and the bonds liable under subsection (b) credited if there is such proof of exportation as the Secretary may by regulations require.

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