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Sec. 1381 Organizations to which part applies

  • Internal Revenue Code of 1986
  • Chapter 1 -- Normal Taxes and Surtaxes
  • Subchapter T -- Cooperatives and Their Patrons
  • Part I -- Tax treatment of cooperatives

(a) In general. This part shall apply to--

(1) any organization exempt from tax under section 521 (relating to exemption of farmers' cooperatives from tax), and

(2) any corporation operating on a cooperative basis other than an organization--

(A) which is exempt from tax under this chapter,

(B) which is subject to the provisions of--

(i) part II of subchapter H (relating to mutual savings banks, etc.), or

(ii) subchapter L (relating to insurance companies), or

(C) which is engaged in furnishing electric energy, or providing telephone service, to persons in rural areas.

(b) Tax on certain farmers' cooperatives. An organization described in subsection (a)(1) shall be subject to the tax imposed by section 11.

(c) Cross reference. For treatment of income from load loss transactions of organizations described in subsection (a)(2)(C), see section 501(c)(12)(H).

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