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Lawmakers Push for Permanent Direct-File Program

MAY 15, 2024

Lawmakers Push for Permanent Direct-File Program

DATED MAY 15, 2024
  • Authors
    Warren, Sen. Elizabeth A.
    Sherman, Rep. Brad
    Carper, Sen. Thomas R.
    Porter, Rep. Katie
    Schumer, Sen. Charles E.
    Beyer, Rep. Donald S., Jr.
    Wyden, Sen. Ron
    DeLauro, Rep. Rosa L.
    Murray, Sen. Patty
    Horsford, Rep. Steven
    Van Hollen, Sen. Chris
    Shaheen, Sen. Jeanne
    Wilson, Rep. Frederica S.
    Reed, Sen. Jack
    Norton, Del. Eleanor Holmes
    Blumenthal, Sen. Richard
    Jayapal, Rep. Pramila
    Whitehouse, Sen. Sheldon
    Huffman, Rep. Jared
    Hickenlooper, Sen. John W.
    García, Rep. Jesús G.
    King, Sen. Angus S., Jr.
    Johnson, Rep. Henry C., Jr.
    Smith, Sen. Tina
    Bowman, Rep. Jamaal
    Bennet, Sen. Michael F.
    Watson Coleman, Rep. Bonnie
    Cardin, Sen. Benjamin L.
    Khanna, Rep. Ro
    Hirono, Sen. Mazie K.
    Espaillat, Rep. Adriano
    Baldwin, Sen. Tammy
    Balint, Rep. Becca
    Padilla, Sen. Alex
    Foster, Rep. Bill
    Merkley, Sen. Jeff
    Omar, Rep. Ilhan
    Markey, Sen. Edward J.
    Adams, Rep. Alma
    Welch, Sen. Peter
    Chu, Rep. Judy
    Sanders, Sen. Bernie
    Tlaib, Rep. Rashida
    Klobuchar, Sen. Amy
    Barragán, Rep. Nanette
    Booker, Sen. Cory A.
    Jacobs, Rep. Sara
    Kaine, Sen. Tim
    Hoyle, Rep. Val T.
    Fetterman, Sen. John
    Frost, Rep. Maxwell
    Schatz, Sen. Brian
    Landsman, Rep. Greg
    Casey, Sen. Robert P., Jr.
    Schakowsky, Rep. Janice D.
    Coons, Sen. Christopher A.
    Scanlon, Rep. Mary Gay
    Stabenow, Sen. Debbie
    Sánchez, Rep. Linda T.
    Kelly, Sen. Mark
    Lee, Rep. Barbara
    Heinrich, Sen. Martin
    Raskin, Rep. Jamie
    Gillibrand, Sen. Kirsten E.
    Williams, Rep. Nikema
    Butler, Sen. Laphonza
    Tonko, Rep. Paul
    Hassan, Sen. Maggie
    Blumenauer, Rep. Earl
    Grijalva, Rep. Raúl M.
    Pocan, Rep. Mark William
    Carson, Rep. André
    Goldman, Rep. Daniel S.
    Ramirez, Rep. Delia C.
    Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Alexandria
    Takano, Rep. Mark
    Thompson, Rep. Bennie G.
    Schneider, Rep. Bradley Scott
    Cherfilus-McCormick, Rep. Shelia
    Doggett, Rep. Lloyd
    Thanedar, Rep. Shri
    McCollum, Rep. Betty
    Moulton, Rep. Seth
    Cohen, Rep. Steve
    Nadler, Rep. Jerrold
    Garamendi, Rep. John
    Jackson Lee, Rep. Sheila
    Houlahan, Rep. Chrissy
    Casten, Rep. Sean
    Wasserman Schultz, Rep. Debbie
    Bonamici, Rep. Suzanne
    Cartwright, Rep. Matt
    Deluzio, Rep. Christopher R.
    Soto, Rep. Darren
    Trone, Rep. David J.
    Salinas, Rep. Andrea
    Quigley, Rep. Mike
    Beatty, Rep. Joyce
    Wild, Rep. Susan
    Swalwell, Rep. Eric
    Kelly, Rep. Robin L.
    Garcia, Rep. Sylvia R.
    Titus, Rep. Dina
    Jackson, Rep. Jonathan L.
    Rochester, Rep. Lisa Blunt
    McClellan, Sen. Jennifer Leigh
    Velázquez, Rep. Nydia M.
    Smith, Rep. Adam
    Bush, Rep. Cori
    Kaptur, Rep. Marcy
    Kuster, Rep. Ann M.
    Dingell, Rep. Debbie
    Gomez, Rep. Jimmy
    Vargas, Rep. Juan
    Castro, Rep. Joaquin
    Kamlager-Dove, Rep. Sydney
    Garcia, Rep. Robert
    Tokuda, Rep. Jill N.
    DeSaulnier, Rep. Mark
    Clarke, Rep. Yvette D.
    Stansbury, Rep. Melanie Ann
    Pingree, Rep. Chellie
    Mullin, Rep. Kevin
    Schiff, Rep. Adam B.
    Kim, Rep. Andy
    Evans, Rep. Dwight
    Trahan, Rep. Lori
    McGovern, Rep. James P.
    Pappas, Rep. Chris
    Courtney, Rep. Joe
    Keating, Rep. William R.
    Scott, Rep. Robert C.
    Brownley, Rep. Julia
    DelBene, Rep. Suzan K.
    Budzinski, Rep. Nikki
    Foushee, Rep. Valerie P.
    Kilmer, Rep. Derek
    DeGette, Rep. Diana
  • Institutional Authors
    U.S. Senate
    U.S. House of Representatives
  • Cross-Reference
  • Subject Areas/Tax Topics
  • Jurisdictions
  • Tax Analysts Document Number
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    2024 TNTF 98-12
    2024 TNTG 98-25

May 15, 2024

The Honorable Janet Yellen
Department of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20220

The Honorable Daniel Werfel
Internal Revenue Service
1111 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20224

Dear Secretary Yellen and Commissioner Werfel,

With the 2024 tax filing season at its end, we write to commend you on the historic and resoundingly successful launch of Direct File, the first free, public, electronic federal tax filing tool in U.S. history. Taxpayers want and deserve a free and easy filing option, and thanks to this year's pilot, taxpayers used Direct File to claim over $90 million in tax refunds and save $5.6 million in estimated filing fees, with 90 percent of surveyed users rating their experience positively and 86 percent saying their experience with the tool increased their trust in the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).1 We applaud your leadership and Direct File's incredible success this year, and we call on you to make Direct File a permanent program, expanding it and improving it further next year and in the years to come.

In May 2023, the IRS and Treasury Department announced plans to pilot a Direct File tool in 2024, noting that the pilot would allow “the IRS to test functionality for some taxpayers, evaluate success, and use lessons learned to inform the growth of the tool.”2 At the time, many of us wrote to you in support of Direct File.3 This filing season, the tool launched as a phased, limited-scope rollout in line with tech industry best practices.4

The Direct File pilot has been a clear and resounding success. Over 140,000 taxpayers used the tool across the 12 pilot states, with a survey of 11,000 users finding that 90 percent ranked their experience with Direct File as “Excellent” or “Above Average,” and 90 percent of survey respondents who used customer service similarly found the experience “Excellent” or “Above Average.”5 Other surveys found 96 percent of users were satisfied with integrated state filing, 82 to 87 percent would recommend Direct File, and 74 to 93 percent prefer it to the previous filing method they used.6

Individual users also raved about the time and money they saved and the quality of the service they received:

  • “I don't want to call myself a dummy, but this is taxes for dummies right here,” said the first Direct File user, an HR specialist in Texas who saved nearly $400 in tax prep fees.7 “I just see it being helpful for so many millions of people.”8

  • “It was the fastest I've ever done my taxes,” said one taxpayer in California.9 “I didn't have to worry about someone upselling me.”10

  • “There were no random ads, like 'What am I clicking on?'” said another taxpayer in Texas, who saved the $80 she typically spends to file her taxes.11

  • “I finished this and I was like, wait, Iʼm done? That was so easy,” reported a New York filer. “Itʼs not just that youʼre saving, you know, 80 bucks on TurboTax or whatever. Itʼs so much less of a stressful thing.”12

  • “It was one of the greatest experiences I have had doing [my taxes],” said an Arizonan.13

  • “It was the most convenient way I've ever filed my taxes,” said a taxpayer in Washington State.14 “I got to be honest, it surprised me how simple it was.”15

  • “It was a walk in the park,” said another Californian, who “basically did my taxes on my lunch break” and saved $100 that he would have otherwise spent to file his taxes.16

The IRS's delivery of this new, wildly successful filing tool less than 18 months after receiving significant new funds from the Inflation Reduction Act17 demonstrates the huge returns from investing in the IRS and in government technology in general. As the Atlantic wrote: “That Direct File exists at all is shocking. That it's pretty good is borderline miraculous . . . It's a glimpse of a world where government tech benefits millions of Americans.”18

Direct File's success is even more notable given the failures of the U.S. tax filing system to date. The average American spends $150 and nine hours to file their taxes each year.19 Free File — the IRS's partnership with private tax preparation companies to offer free online filing — has fallen far short of expectations, reaching only 2% of taxpayers while 70% qualify.20 Meanwhile, Intuit (the owner of TurboTax) and H&R Block have misled taxpayers into paying for tax preparation services they are supposed to receive for free, according to the Federal Trade Commission.21 A recent analysis also found paid preparers targeting low-income Black and Brown communities, often making costly errors and marketing predatory payday lending products.22 This broken filing system blocks millions of families from accessing critical tax benefits enacted by Congress like the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC).23

We now call on you to make Direct File a permanent program and to expand its functionality and scope, eventually making it available to most taxpayers, further increasing its impact. Specifically, we hope Direct File will support additional sources of income, integrate with more states, offer more flexible identity verification procedures, and accommodate additional tax benefits, with a focus on refundable credits available to low- and middle-income families. Direct File should also continue streamlining the filing process by using taxpayer data that the IRS already has. As Secretary Yellen recently said: “If [taxpayers] like [Direct File], it would be very natural to continue to build on it . . . One day we hope, for example, information that taxpayers receive — W-2s and other things — could be used to pre-populate the program, making it even more usable and friendly.”24 The pilot has already shown the value of this approach, with an April 8th update to Direct File that allowed users to import previous-year adjusted gross income data required to validate their current year returns.25.

Such expansions will turbocharge Direct File's usefulness. In fact, a recent report by the Economic Security Project finds that a fully-fledged Direct File — including the functionality referenced by Secretary Yellen — could save taxpayers $11 billion per year, while also delivering up to $12 billion a year in unclaimed benefits, generating over $100 of value for taxpayers for every dollar spent.26

Again, we congratulate you on the success of the Direct File pilot and stand ready to work with you on making the program permanent and expanding it. We believe that the IRS can offer free and easy tax filing to every American taxpayer who wants it — and that, with Direct File, it will. We also applaud your broader efforts to invest funding that we passed in the Inflation Reduction Act to improve taxpayer services and to ensure the wealthy and large corporations pay what they owe, and we will continue to fight to protect the funding that makes this progress possible.


Elizabeth Warren
United States Senator

Brad Sherman
Member of Congress

Thomas R. Carper
United States Senator

Charles E. Schumer
United States Senator

Ron Wyden
United States Senator

Chairman, Committee on

Patty Murray
United States Senator

Chris Van Hollen
United States Senator

Katie Porter
Member of Congress

Donald S. Beyer Jr.
Member of Congress

Rosa L. DeLauro
Member of Congress

Steven Horsford
Member of Congress

Jeanne Shaheen
United States Senator

Frederica S. Wilson
Member of Congress

Eleanor Holmes Norton
Member of Congress

Pramila Jayapal
Member of Congress

Jared Huffman
Member of Congress

Jesús G. "Chuy" García
Member of Congress

Jack Reed
United States Senator

Richard Blumenthal
United States Senator

Sheldon Whitehouse
United States Senator

John Hickenlooper
United States Senator

Angus S. King, Jr.
United States Senator

Henry C. "Hank" Johnson, Jr.
Member of Congress

Jamaal Bowman, Ed.D.
Member of Congress

Bonnie Watson Coleman
Member of Congress

Ro Khanna
Member of Congress

Adriano Espaillat
Member of Congress

Tina Smith
United States Senator

Michael F. Bennet
United States Senator

Benjamin L. Cardin
United States Senator

Mazie K. Hirono
United States Senator

Tammy Baldwin
United States Senator

Becca Balint
Member of Congress

Bill Foster
Member of Congress

Ilhan Omar
Member of Congress

Alma S. Adams, Ph.D.
Member of Congress

Judy Chu
Member of Congress

Alex Padilla
United States Senator

Jeffrey A. Merkley
United States Senator

Edward J. Markey
United States Senator

Peter Welch
United States Senator

Bernard Sanders
United States Senator

Rashida Tlaib
Member of Congress

Nanette Diaz Barragán
Member of Congress

Sara Jacobs
Member of Congress

Val Hoyle
Member of Congress

Maxwell Alejandro Frost
Member of Congress

Amy Klobuchar
United States Senator

Cory A. Booker
United States Senator

Tim Kaine
United States Senator

John Fetterman
United States Senator

Brian Schatz

United States Senator

Greg Landsman
Member of Congress

Jan Schakowsky
Member of Congress

Mary Gay Scanlon
Member of Congress

Linda T. Sánchez
Member of Congress

Barbara Lee
Member of Congress

Robert P. Casey, Jr.
United States Senator

Christopher A. Coons
United States Senator

Debbie Stabenow
United States Senator

Mark Kelly
United States Senator

Martin Heinrich
United States Senator

Jamie Raskin
Member of Congress

Nikema Williams
Member of Congress

Paul D. Tonko
Member of Congress

Earl Blumenauer
Member of Congress

Mark Pocan
Member of Congress

Kirsten Gillibrand
United States Senator

Laphonza Butler
United States Senator

Margaret Wood Hassan
United States Senator

Raúl M. Grijalva
Member of Congress

André Carson
Member of Congress

Dan Goldman
Member of Congress

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Member of Congress

Bennie G. Thompson
Member of Congress

Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick
Member of Congress

Shri Thanedar
Member of Congress

Delia C. Ramirez
Member of Congress

Member of Congress

Bradley Scott Schneider
Member of Congress

Lloyd Doggett
Member of Congress

Betty McCollum
Member of Congress

Seth Moulton
Member of Congress

Jerrold Nadler
Member of Congress

Sheila Jackson Lee
Member of Congress

Sean Casten
Member of Congress

Suzanne Bonamici
Member of Congress

Steve Cohen
Member of Congress

John Garamendi
Member of Congress

Chrissy Houlahan
Member of Congress

Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Member of Congress

Matt Cartwright
Member of Congress

Chris Deluzio
Member of Congress

David J. Trone
Member of Congress

Mike Quigley
Member of Congress

Susan Wild
Member of Congress

Robin L. Kelly
Member of Congress

Darren Soto
Member of Congress

Andrea Salinas
Member of Congress

Joyce Beatty
Member of Congress

Eric Swalwell
Member of Congress

Sylvia R. Garcia
Member of Congress

Dina Titus
Member of Congress

Lisa Blunt Rochester
Member of Congress

Nydia M. Velázquez
Member of Congress

Cori Bush
Member of Congress

Ann McLane Kuster
Member of Congress

Jonathan L. Jackson
Member of Congress

Jennifer L. McClellan
Member of Congress

Adam Smith
Member of Congress

Marcy Kaptur
Member of Congress

Debbie Dingell
Member of Congress

Jimmy Gomez
Member of Congress

Joaquin Castro
Member of Congress

Robert Garcia
Member of Congress

Mark DeSaulnier
Member of Congress

Melanie Stansbury
Member of Congress

Juan Vargas
Member of Congress

Sydney Kamlager-Dove
Member of Congress

Jill Tokuda
Member of Congress

Yvette D. Clarke
Member of Congress

Chellie Pingree
Member of Congress

Kevin Mullin
Member of Congress

Andy Kim
Member of Congress

Lori Trahan
Member of Congress

Chris Pappas
Member of Congress

William R. Keating
Member of Congress

Adam B. Schiff
Member of Congress

Dwight Evans
Member of Congress

James P. McGovern
Member of Congress

Joe Courtney
Member of Congress

Robert C. "Bobby" Scott
Member of Congress

Julia Brownley
Member of Congress

Nikki Budzinski
Member of Congress

Derek Kilmer
Member of Congress

Suzan K. DelBene
Member of Congress

Valerie P. Foushee
Member of Congress

Diana DeGette
Member of Congress


1Department of Treasury, “IRS Direct File Pilot Exceeds Usage Goal, Receiving Positive User Ratings and Saving Taxpayers Money,” April 26, 2024,; Internal Revenue Service, “Direct File pilot officially closes after more than 140,000 taxpayers successfully use direct e-filing system in 12 states, including integration with 4 state tax systems,” April 26, 2024,

2Letter from Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Adewale Adeyemo to Internal Revenue Commissioner Daniel Werfel, May 16, 2023,; Letter from Internal Revenue Commissioner Daniel Werfel to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, May 16, 2023,

3Letter from Senators Warren, Carper, and Wyden and Representatives Sherman, Porter, and Beyer and colleagues to Internal Revenue Commissioner Daniel Werfel and Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Adewale Adeyemo, June 26, 2023,

4Internal Revenue Service, “Direct File pilot officially closes after more than 140,000 taxpayers successfully use direct e-filing system in 12 states, including integration with 4 state tax systems,” April 26, 2024,

5Id.; Department of Treasury, “IRS Direct File Pilot Exceeds Usage Goal, Receiving Positive User Ratings and Saving Taxpayers Money,” April 26, 2024,

6Code for America, “Direct File, Integrated State Filing, and FileYourStateTaxes,” April 2024,, pg. 2, 7; Economic Security Project, “National Taxpayer Survey: Opinion on Direct File vs. Alternatives,” April 25, 2024,

7AP, “A new IRS program is helping its first users file their income taxes electronically. And it's free,” Fatima Hussein, March 6, 2024,


9MarketWatch, “Early reviews of the IRS Direct File free tax-prep tool are in. Here's what taxpayers say so far,” Andrew Keshner, March 26, 2024,



12Code for America, “Direct File, Integrated State Filing, and FileYourStateTaxes,” April 2024,, pg. 4.


14The New Republic, “The IRS Finally Cracked the Code on Making Tax Season Suck Less,” Bryce Cover, April 8, 2024,



17Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, H.R. 5376, Sec. 10301.

18The Atlantic, “The IRS Finally Has an Answer to TurboTax,” Saahil Desai, March 20, 2024,

19Internal Revenue Service, “1040 (and 1040-SR) Instructions,” Tax Year 2023, pg. 107,

20National Taxpayer Advocate, “2023 Annual Report to Congress,” January 11, 2024, pg. 104,

21Federal Trade Commission, “FTC Issues Opinion Finding that TurboTax Maker Intuit Inc. Engaged in Deceptive Practices,” January 22, 2024,; Federal Trade Commission, “FTC Takes Action Against Tax Prep Company H&R Block For Wiping Consumers' Data, Deceptively Marketing 'Free' Online Filing,” February 23, 2024,

22Color of Change, “Preying Preparers: How Storefront Tax Preparation Companies Target Low-Income Black and Brown Communities,” Portia Allen-Kyle, Color Of Change, and Better IRS staff, March 24, 2024,

23National Bureau of Economic Research, “Automatic Tax Filing: Simulating a Pre-Populated Form 1040,” Lucas Goodman, Katherine Lim, Bruce Sacerdote, Andrew Whitten, Working Paper 3008,

24Office of U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, “At Hearing, Secretary Yellen Agrees with Warren on Great Taxpayer Reviews of Direct File Pilot, Potential to Keep Building the Tool to Make Filing Easier for More Americans,” March 21, 2024,

25.CNBC, “IRS adds 'important update' for free Direct File pilot as federal tax deadline approaches,” Kate Dore, April 8, 2024,

26Economic Security Project, “The Impact of Direct File — by the Numbers,” Gabriel Zucker and Bharat Ramamurti, March 11, 2024,


  • Authors
    Warren, Sen. Elizabeth A.
    Sherman, Rep. Brad
    Carper, Sen. Thomas R.
    Porter, Rep. Katie
    Schumer, Sen. Charles E.
    Beyer, Rep. Donald S., Jr.
    Wyden, Sen. Ron
    DeLauro, Rep. Rosa L.
    Murray, Sen. Patty
    Horsford, Rep. Steven
    Van Hollen, Sen. Chris
    Shaheen, Sen. Jeanne
    Wilson, Rep. Frederica S.
    Reed, Sen. Jack
    Norton, Del. Eleanor Holmes
    Blumenthal, Sen. Richard
    Jayapal, Rep. Pramila
    Whitehouse, Sen. Sheldon
    Huffman, Rep. Jared
    Hickenlooper, Sen. John W.
    García, Rep. Jesús G.
    King, Sen. Angus S., Jr.
    Johnson, Rep. Henry C., Jr.
    Smith, Sen. Tina
    Bowman, Rep. Jamaal
    Bennet, Sen. Michael F.
    Watson Coleman, Rep. Bonnie
    Cardin, Sen. Benjamin L.
    Khanna, Rep. Ro
    Hirono, Sen. Mazie K.
    Espaillat, Rep. Adriano
    Baldwin, Sen. Tammy
    Balint, Rep. Becca
    Padilla, Sen. Alex
    Foster, Rep. Bill
    Merkley, Sen. Jeff
    Omar, Rep. Ilhan
    Markey, Sen. Edward J.
    Adams, Rep. Alma
    Welch, Sen. Peter
    Chu, Rep. Judy
    Sanders, Sen. Bernie
    Tlaib, Rep. Rashida
    Klobuchar, Sen. Amy
    Barragán, Rep. Nanette
    Booker, Sen. Cory A.
    Jacobs, Rep. Sara
    Kaine, Sen. Tim
    Hoyle, Rep. Val T.
    Fetterman, Sen. John
    Frost, Rep. Maxwell
    Schatz, Sen. Brian
    Landsman, Rep. Greg
    Casey, Sen. Robert P., Jr.
    Schakowsky, Rep. Janice D.
    Coons, Sen. Christopher A.
    Scanlon, Rep. Mary Gay
    Stabenow, Sen. Debbie
    Sánchez, Rep. Linda T.
    Kelly, Sen. Mark
    Lee, Rep. Barbara
    Heinrich, Sen. Martin
    Raskin, Rep. Jamie
    Gillibrand, Sen. Kirsten E.
    Williams, Rep. Nikema
    Butler, Sen. Laphonza
    Tonko, Rep. Paul
    Hassan, Sen. Maggie
    Blumenauer, Rep. Earl
    Grijalva, Rep. Raúl M.
    Pocan, Rep. Mark William
    Carson, Rep. André
    Goldman, Rep. Daniel S.
    Ramirez, Rep. Delia C.
    Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Alexandria
    Takano, Rep. Mark
    Thompson, Rep. Bennie G.
    Schneider, Rep. Bradley Scott
    Cherfilus-McCormick, Rep. Shelia
    Doggett, Rep. Lloyd
    Thanedar, Rep. Shri
    McCollum, Rep. Betty
    Moulton, Rep. Seth
    Cohen, Rep. Steve
    Nadler, Rep. Jerrold
    Garamendi, Rep. John
    Jackson Lee, Rep. Sheila
    Houlahan, Rep. Chrissy
    Casten, Rep. Sean
    Wasserman Schultz, Rep. Debbie
    Bonamici, Rep. Suzanne
    Cartwright, Rep. Matt
    Deluzio, Rep. Christopher R.
    Soto, Rep. Darren
    Trone, Rep. David J.
    Salinas, Rep. Andrea
    Quigley, Rep. Mike
    Beatty, Rep. Joyce
    Wild, Rep. Susan
    Swalwell, Rep. Eric
    Kelly, Rep. Robin L.
    Garcia, Rep. Sylvia R.
    Titus, Rep. Dina
    Jackson, Rep. Jonathan L.
    Rochester, Rep. Lisa Blunt
    McClellan, Sen. Jennifer Leigh
    Velázquez, Rep. Nydia M.
    Smith, Rep. Adam
    Bush, Rep. Cori
    Kaptur, Rep. Marcy
    Kuster, Rep. Ann M.
    Dingell, Rep. Debbie
    Gomez, Rep. Jimmy
    Vargas, Rep. Juan
    Castro, Rep. Joaquin
    Kamlager-Dove, Rep. Sydney
    Garcia, Rep. Robert
    Tokuda, Rep. Jill N.
    DeSaulnier, Rep. Mark
    Clarke, Rep. Yvette D.
    Stansbury, Rep. Melanie Ann
    Pingree, Rep. Chellie
    Mullin, Rep. Kevin
    Schiff, Rep. Adam B.
    Kim, Rep. Andy
    Evans, Rep. Dwight
    Trahan, Rep. Lori
    McGovern, Rep. James P.
    Pappas, Rep. Chris
    Courtney, Rep. Joe
    Keating, Rep. William R.
    Scott, Rep. Robert C.
    Brownley, Rep. Julia
    DelBene, Rep. Suzan K.
    Budzinski, Rep. Nikki
    Foushee, Rep. Valerie P.
    Kilmer, Rep. Derek
    DeGette, Rep. Diana
  • Institutional Authors
    U.S. Senate
    U.S. House of Representatives
  • Cross-Reference
  • Subject Areas/Tax Topics
  • Jurisdictions
  • Tax Analysts Document Number
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    2024 TNTF 98-12
    2024 TNTG 98-25
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