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Economists Oppose Proposed Windfall Profits Tax on Gasoline

OCT. 26, 2005

Economists Oppose Proposed Windfall Profits Tax on Gasoline

DATED OCT. 26, 2005


October 26, 2005



An Open Letter to America's Elected Officials:

We, the undersigned economists,* write to strongly advise you against attempting to regulate the energy market through either government price controls or a so-called "windfall profits tax." Because of the recent increase in gasoline prices, some have proposed these measures. Either would be a mistake.

When the oil shocks of the 1970s hit, Milton Friedman and many other economists warned of the dangers of petroleum price controls and excessive energy taxes, which were then being advocated by some. Unfortunately, this wise counsel was not taken.

President Nixon's price controls were a debacle. This is true for the controls in general and those on the price of oil. Herbert Stein -- head of the Nixon Administration's Council of Economic Advisers and an opponent of the price controls -- observed later that the Nixon price controls on domestic oil had the effect of "encouraging oil imports, increasing our dependence and making it easier for OPEC to charge us a high price." We agree with President Nixon's belated admission about his price controls policy: "I believe that it was wrong. The piper must always be paid, and there was an unquestionably high price for tampering with the orthodox economic mechanisms."

The windfall profits tax was first enacted in 1980 as a "temporary" excise tax, which proponents said was designed to ensure that oil companies did not benefit from unanticipated windfalls caused by fluctuating crude oil prices. According to analysis by the Congressional Research Service, the windfall profits tax reduced domestic oil production in an estimated range of between 3 percent and 6 percent annually. It increased annual oil imports from between 8 percent and 16 percent. The tax, which created large compliance costs, but by 1987 and 1988 yielded almost no government revenue, was finally repealed by Congress in 1988 -- a goal that had been sought by President Reagan since the 1980 Presidential campaign.

If it is again enacted, a windfall profits tax can be predicted to result in a diminution of domestic energy production, an increase in American dependence on foreign oil, and a reduction in the overall supplies available to consumers.

Sadly, the recent clamoring by some for price controls or for new energy taxes indicates that the lessons of the 1970s were not learned. We urge you to reject these measures and instead adopt policies that will allow our economy to grow and will not curtail domestic energy production and investment.

* Institutions are listed for informational purposes only.



Burton A. Abrams


University of Delaware



William R. Allen


University of California -- Los Angeles



Ryan C. Amacher


University of Texas -- Arlington



Geoffrey T. Andron


Austin Community College



Howard Baetjer


Towson University



Dean V. Baim


Pepperdine University



Ray Ball


University of Chicago



A. Paul Ballantyne


University of Colorado -- Colorado Springs



King Banaian


St. Cloud State University



Doug Bandow


Cato Institute



Stacie Beck


University of Delaware



John H. Beck


Gonzaga University



James Beckwith


North Carolina Central University



Bruce Bender


University of Wisconsin -- Milwaukee



James T. Bennett


George Mason University



M. Douglas Berg


Sam Houston State University



John E. Berthoud


George Washington University



John J. Bethune


Barton College



Michael K. Block


University of Arizona



Elizabeth C. Bogan


Princeton University



Cecil E. Bohanon


Ball State University



G. Geoffrey Booth


Michigan State University



Donald Booth


Chapman University



Samuel Bostaph


University of Dallas



Scott Bradford


Brigham Young University



Michael W. Brandl


University of Texas -- Austin



Wayne T. Brough





L. Jackson Brown


American Dental Association



John B. Bryant


Rice University



Phillip J. Bryson


Brigham Young University



M. Northrup Buechner


St. John's University



Mary Bumgarner


Kennesaw State University



James L. Butkiewicz


University of Delaware



Henry N. Butler


Chapman University



Stuart M. Butler


Heritage Foundation



Bruce Caldwell


University of North Carolina -- Greensboro



Noel D. Campbell


North Georgia College & State University



William J. Carney


Emory University



Kenneth W. Chilton


Lindenwood University



John Chipman


University of Minnesota



Lawrence R. Cima


John Carroll University



J.R. Clark


University of Tennessee -- Chattanooga



Kenneth W. Clarkson


University of Miami



Douglas Coate


Rutgers University



R. Morris Coats


Nicholls State University



Joe Cobb


Dana Point, California



John P. Cochran


Metropolitan State College of Denver



Lloyd R. Cohen


George Mason University



Robert Collinge


University of Texas -- San Antonio



John L. Conant


Indiana State University



William B. Conerly


Conerly Consulting, LLC



Lee Coppock


University of Virginia



Roy E. Cordato


John Locke Foundation



David B. Cox


University of Denver



Eleanor D. Craig


University of Delaware



Robert W. Crandall


Brookings Institution



Tom D. Crocker


University of Wyoming



Susan Dadres


Southern Methodist University



Robert M. Dammon


Carnegie Mellon University



Jerry W. Dauterive


Loyola University -- New Orleans



A. Edward Day


University of Central Florida (retired)



Arthur De Vany


University of California -- Irvine



Clarence R. Deitsch


Ball State University



Gregory J. Delemeester


Marietta College



Arthur M. Diamond, Jr.


University of Nebraska -- Omaha



Thomas J. DiLorenzo


Loyola College -- Maryland



Jeffrey H. Dorfman


University of Georgia



J.A. Dorn


Cato Institute



Dennis F. Ellis


University of Michigan -- Flint



Bert Ely


Ely & Company, Inc.



Kenneth Elzinga


University of Virginia



Stephen J. Entin


Institute for Research on the Economics of Taxation



Richard E. Ericson


East Carolina University



Paul Evans


Ohio State University



Frank Falero


California State University -- Bakersfield



John A. Flanders


Central Methodist University



Arthur A. Fleisher III


Metropolitan State College of Denver



Harold Flint


Montclair State University



Micah Frankel


California State University -- Hayward



Douglas C. Fretchling


George Washington University



Milton Friedman


Nobel Laureate in Economics Hoover Institution



Gary Galles


Pepperdine University



David Garthoff


University of Akron



Gabriel Gasave


San Jose State University



James F. Gatti


University of Vermont



Rick Geddes


Cornell University



Robert J. Genetski



Paul Gessing


National Taxpayers Union



Joseph A. Giacalone


St. John's University



Otis W. Gilley


Louisiana Tech University



David Gitlitz


Trend Macrolytics, LLC



Stephan F. Gohmann


University of Louisville



Rodolfo A. Gonzalez


San Jose State University



Peter Gordon


University of Southern California



Richard L. Gordon


Pennsylvania State University



Jim Granato


University of Texas -- Austin



Scott F. Grannis


Western Asset Management



Philip E. Graves


University of Colorado



William B. Green


Sam Houston State University



Kenneth V. Greene


Binghamton University



John G. Greenhut


Arizona State University



James Gwartney


Florida State University



Dennis Halcoussis


California State University -- Northridge



David L. Hammes


University of Hawaii -- Hilo



Stephen Happel


Arizona State University



James E. Hartley


Mount Holyoke College



Cary Heath


University of Louisiana -- Lafayette



Frank Hefner


College of Charleston



Robert Heidt


Indiana University -- Bloomington



Dale Heien


University of California -- Davis



Robert B. Helms


American Enterprise Institute



David R. Henderson


Hoover Institution



James Henderson


Baylor University



Robert S. Herren


North Dakota State University



Peter J. Hill


Wheaton College



Bradley K. Hobbs


Florida Gulf Coast University



Randall G. Holcombe


Florida State University



Charles L. Hooper


Hoover Institution



George Horwich


Purdue University



Guido Hülsmann


Ludwig von Mises Institute



Jeffrey Rogers Hummel


San Jose State University



Owen Irvine


Michigan State University



Alexei Izyumov


University of Louisville



Joseph M. Jadlow


Oklahoma State University



Marianne M. Jennings


Arizona State University



Michael C. Jensen


Harvard Business School



Garrett Jones


Southern Illinois University -- Edwardsville



Clifton T. Jones


Stephen F. Austin State University



Nyle B. Kardatzke


Sycamore School



Lawrence Kenny


University of Florida



Peter M. Kerr


Southeast Missouri State University



Robin Klay


Hope College



Daniel Klein


George Mason University



Audrey D. Kline


University of Louisville



Les Koska


University of Michigan -- Dearborn



Peter E. Kretzmer


Bank of America Corporation



Robert Krol


California State University -- Northridge



Michael M. Kurth


McNeese State University



William E. Laird


Florida State University



Richard N. Langlois


University of Connecticut



Nicholas A. Lash


Loyola University Chicago



Robert A. Lawson


Capital University



Dwight R. Lee


University of Georgia



Peter Lewin


University of Texas -- Dallas



Stan Liebowitz


University of Texas -- Dallas



Tony Lima


California State University -- East Bay



Cotton M. Lindsay


Clemson University



Allan E. Lines


Ohio State University



Jody W. Lipford


Presbyterian College



Luis Locay


University of Miami



Donald L. Luskin


Trend Macrolytics, LLC



R. Ashley Lyman


University of Idaho



Paul H. Malatesta


University of Washington Business School



Yuri N. Maltsev


Carthage College



Deryl W. Martin


Tennessee Technological University



John Matsusaka


University of Southern California



John McClaughry


Ethan Allen Institute



James E. McClure


Ball State University



Lawrence J. McQuillan


Pacific Research Institute



Tom Means


San Jose State University



Stephen T. Mennemeyer


University of Alabama -- Birmingham



John Merrifield


University of Texas -- San Antonio



Harry Messenheimer


Rio Grande Foundation



Norbert Michel


Nicholls State University



Tracy C. Miller


Grove City College



Jeffrey Milyo


University of Missouri



James Mintert


Kansas State University



Carlisle Moody


College of William & Mary



John C. Moorhouse


Wake Forest University



Paul L. Morgan


Westmont College



Michael A. Morrisey


University of Alabama -- Birmingham



Andrew P. Morriss


Case Western Reserve University



Michael C. Munger


Duke University



Dennis D. Muraoka


California State University -- Channel Islands



Thomas J. Nechyba


Duke University



Jon P. Nelson


Pennsylvania State University



George R. Neumann


University of Iowa



Lydia Ortega


San Jose State University



William Orzechowski


Orzechowski & Walker



Allen M. Parkman


University of New Mexico



E.C. Pasour, Jr.


North Carolina State University



Judd W. Patton


Bellevue University



William S. Peirce


Case Western Reserve University



Timothy Perri


Appalachian State University



Mark J. Perry


University of Michigan -- Flint



Penn R. Pfiffner


Construction Economics, LLC



Ben Pierce


Central Missouri State University



Michael K. Pippenger


University of Alaska



Charles I. Plosser


University of Rochester



Charles R. Plott


California Institute of Technology



Mattias Polborn


University of Illinois -- Urbana-Champaign



Joseph S. Pomykala


Towson University



Jeffrey Pontiff


Boston College



Robert W. Poole, Jr.


Reason Foundation



Barry W. Poulson


Americans for Prosperity



Edward C. Prescott


Nobel Laureate in Economics


Arizona State University



Richard W. Rahn


Center for Global Economic Growth



John Rapp


University of Dayton



Lawrence W. Reed


Mackinac Center for Public Policy



Christine P. Ries


Georgia Institute of Technology



Jay R. Ritter


University of Florida



Mario J. Rizzo


New York University



Nancy H. Roberts


Arizona State University



James Roumasset


University of Hawaii



Paul H. Rubin


Emory University



Mark Rush


University of Florida



Michael K. Salemi


University of North Carolina -- Chapel Hill



Gary J. Santoni


Ball State University



Raymond D. Sauer


Clemson University



D. Eric Schansberg


Indiana University -- New Albany



Richard Schmalensee


Massachusetts Institute of Technology



Michael A. Schuyler


Institute for Research on the Economics of Taxation



Carlos Seiglie


Rutgers University



John Semmens


Laissez Faire Institute



Alan C. Shapiro


University of Southern California



Stephen Shmanske


California State University -- East Bay



Mark H. Showalter


Brigham Young University



William F. Shughart II


University of Mississippi



Tyler Shumway


University of Michigan



Jerome Siebert


International Food and Agribusiness Management Association



Neil T. Skaggs


Illinois State University



W. Gene Smiley


Marquette University



James F. Smith


University of North Carolina -- Chapel Hill



W. James Smith


University of Colorado -- Denver



Russell S. Sobel


West Virginia University



Douglas Southgate


Ohio State University



Stan R. Spurlock


Mississippi State University



Mark Steckbeck


Hillsdale College



Courtenay C. Stone


Ball State University



Edward Stringham


San Jose State University



John A. Tatom


Indiana State University



Rebecca A. Thacker


Ohio University



Clifford F. Thies


Shenandoah University



Henry Thompson


Auburn University



Jerry G. Thursby


Emory University



Edward Tower


Duke University



George H. Troughton


California State University -- Chico



Leo Troy


Rutgers University -- Newark



Charlotte Twight


Boise State University



T. Norman Van Cott


Ball State University



Richard K. Vedder


Ohio University



Randal Verbrugge


Bureau of Labor Statistics



John Volpe


Trinity College



John T. Warner


Clemson University



Andrew Weinbach


Armstrong Atlantic State University



John T. Wenders


University of Idaho



Robert Whaples


Wake Forest University



John H. Wicks


University of Montana



Peter Williams


University of North Alabama



Douglas Wills


University of Washington -- Tacoma



Wayne Winegarden


Marymount University



Michael Wohlgenant


North Carolina State University



Gary Wolfram


Hillsdale College



Thomas Wyrick


Missouri State University



Paul J. Zak


Claremont Graduate University



Mokhlis Y. Zaki


Northern Michigan University



Benjamin Zycher


Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy
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