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Rev. Proc. 57-6

Rev. Proc. 57-6; 1957-1 C.B. 729

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Citations: Rev. Proc. 57-6; 1957-1 C.B. 729
Rev. Proc. 57-6

The Internal Revenue Services has been asked to state its policy and issue a guide for taxpayers and practitioners regarding the circumstances under which the securing of a waiver or consent provided for by section 6501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, to extent the period of limitation upon assessment of income and profits tax, is appropriate.

It has been the long -established policy of the Service to secure a consent, extending the statutory period of limitation, only in a case involving unusual circumstances. An examining officer must have the approval of his group supervisor prior to requesting a consent. Approval will not be granted in any case where previous contact with the taxpayer has not been made, except where compelling reasons exist.

It is the policy and purpose of the Service to keep to an absolute minimum the number of consents obtained from taxpayers. The audit program of the Service is set up to obtain the completion of the examination of returns within the present statutory period of limitation wherever possible. Nevertheless, situations arise which make it impossible for the examining officers to complete some of their examinations within the statutory period. As an example, an issue involved in a particular taxpayer's case may be similar to an issue in litigation in the case of another taxpayer or the same issue may be pending decision by the courts with reference to some other year of the same taxpayer. Obviously, in an instance of this nature, the examination cannot be satisfactorily completed until such time as the court's decision has been rendered and the issue resolved.

Similarly, where disagreement exists regarding some complex or intricate question of fact or doubtful issues of law and sufficient time does not remain within the statutory period to permit the taxpayer to gather the necessary data to support his contentions and to avail himself of his conference and appellate rights, there is no alternative, in the interest of a practical administration of the tax laws, but to request a consent from the taxpayer, extending the statutory period of limitation, in order to arrive at an equitable solution to the problem involved.

Also, where a net operating loss is to be applied as a carry back, sufficient time may not remain to complete the necessary audit action within the regular period and, accordingly, an extension of the period of limitation is obtained, an action of mutual benefit to the taxpayer and the Government. In these examples, and in other instances, the possibility exists that an additional or renewal consent may be found necessary. However, it is the policy of the Service to restrict additional consents to such cases as where the circumstances are, ordinarily, beyond the control of the Service and a further extension is fully justified in the opinion of the supervisory officials concerned, after a thorough review of all the facts present in the case.

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  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
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