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Part 4. Examining ProcessChapter 86. Indian Tribal Governments (ITG) Procedures

4.86.2. Classification, Case Selection and Referral Procedures

4.86.2. Classification, Case Selection and Referral Procedures

4.86.2 Classification, Case Selection and Referral Procedures

Manual Transmittal

September 27, 2019


(1) This transmits obsolete IRM 4.86.2, Indian Tribal Governments (ITG) Procedures, Classification, Case Selection and Referral Procedures.

Material Changes

(1) On May 1, 2017, Tax Exempt and Government Entities underwent a reorganization. The new Compliance, Planning & Classification function absorbed several employees and groups previously housed in Indian Tribal Governments, and accepted ownership of this manual. The new IRM 4.70.6, TE/GE Examinations, Classification & Case Assignment Procedures, supersedes this manual.

Effect on Other Documents

This supersedes IRM 4.86.2, Classification, Case Selection, and Referral Procedures, dated August 12, 2016.


Tax Exempt and Government EntitiesGovernment Entities and Shared ServicesIndian Tribal Governments

Effective Date


Sean E. O’Reilly
Director, Compliance, Planning & Classification
Tax Exempt and Government Entities



This data was captured by Tax Analysts from the IRS website on December 03, 2023.
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