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Part 4. Examining ProcessChapter 75. Exempt Organizations Examination Procedures

4.75.7. Exempt Organizations and Federal State Local /Employment Tax Case Assignment Guide

4.75.7. Exempt Organizations and Federal State Local /Employment Tax Case Assignment Guide

4.75.7 Exempt Organizations and Federal State Local /Employment Tax Case Assignment Guide

Manual Transmittal

April 11, 2024


(1) This obsoletes IRM 4.75.7, Exempt Organizations Examination Procedures, Exempt Organizations and Federal State Local /Employment Tax Case Assignment Guide.

Material Changes

(1) Obsoleted IRM 4.75.7 has been incorporated into new IRMs 4.70.11 and 4.70.12.

Effect on Other Documents

This obsoletes IRM 4.75.7, Exempt Organizations and Federal State Local /Employment Tax Case Assignment Guide, dated October 4, 2019.


Tax Exempt and Government EntitiesExempt OrganizationsExaminations

Effective Date


Lynn Brinkley
Director, Exempt Organizations Examinations
Exempt Organizations/Government Entities
Tax Exempt and Government Entities



This data was captured by Tax Analysts from the IRS website on April 17, 2024.
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