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Welcome to Procedurally Taxing!

Posted on July 25, 2013

Welcome to Procedurally Taxing. Our blog will be a place where you can learn about important developments in federal tax procedure and tax administration, as well as occasional musings on general items that interest us. We started this blog because we want to be a site that readers can trust to learn about important developments. In addition, Keith, Steve and I are all involved in editing and rewriting books that deal with tax procedure; we are constantly reading and thinking about cases and administrative developments that may not jump out at the reader. We will highlight some of these less obvious developments and provide analysis and context reflective of our many years of practice in the area.

One of my favorite blogs is Brain Pickings, an eclectic site run by Maria Popova that at its heart is an ode to creativity, drawing on differing disciplines and modes of communication, from letters to family members from authors to snippets of articles.   Asked to describe her blog, Popova in the New York Times stated that she hoped to build a “framework for what information matters.” We hope to do the same, although more dedicated to tax procedure.

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