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Rev. Proc. 84-33

APR. 16, 1984

Rev. Proc. 84-33; 1984-1 C.B. 502

DATED APR. 16, 1984
  • Cross-Reference

    26 CFR 601.602: Tax forms and instructions.

  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    not available
Citations: Rev. Proc. 84-33; 1984-1 C.B. 502
Rev. Proc. 84-33 1


The purpose of this revenue procedure is to provide an optional method for an authorized transfer/paying agent to report and deposit amounts withheld for payers under the statutory provisions of backup withholding.


.01 Section 31.3504-1(a) of the Employment Tax Regulations provides that applications for authorization to act as agent with respect to wages under Chapter 24 of the Code shall be filed with the district director or director of a service center with whom the agent, on approval of the application, will file returns.

.02 Rev. Proc. 70-6, 1970-1 C.B. 420, describes the procedure to be followed in applying for authorization to act as agent for employers under section 3504 of the Code for purposes of chapters 21, 22, 24 and 25 with respect to acts required of employers under the federal employment tax statutes.

.03 Section 3406 of the Internal Revenue Code provides that under certain circumstances, payers of payments reportable under sections 6041, 6041A, 6042, 6044, 6045, 6049, and 6050A shall deduct and withhold tax of 20 percent of the payments. Section 3406(a) defines the four conditions that trigger the backup withholding requirements.

.04 Section 3406(h)(10) of the Code provides that for purposes of Chapter 24, payments which are subject to backup withholding under section 3406 shall be treated as if they were wages paid by an employer to an employee and any amounts withheld shall be treated as if they were income tax withholding under section 3402.


.01 Current rules provide, in sections 35a.9999-1, 2 and 3 of the Temporary Employment Tax Regulations under the Interest and Dividend Tax Compliance Act of 1983, that the person who is required by the applicable Code sections to file the information returns is the person (payer) required to do the backup withholding. Thus, a transfer/paying agent who actually makes the reportable payments and withholds on behalf of such payers must deposit the withheld amounts separately for each payer using that payer's taxpayer identification number (TIN) and must notify each payer of the withholding and deposits made on the payer's behalf. The payer, in turn, is required to report the backup withholding on the same Form 941, Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return, or Form 941 E, Quarterly Return of Withheld Federal Income Tax, filed by the payer with respect to its own employees.

.02 However, in lieu of the provision in 3.01 above, a transfer/paying agent may report and deposit backup withholding amounts for payers under the agent's TIN if the agent complies with the procedures listed below.


.01 A transfer/paying agent making the election under 3.02 above must take the actions specified below:

.02 The agent must apply for authorization, in writing, to the Director of the Internal Revenue Service Center with whom the agent intends to file the returns involved.

(a) The application must be accompanied by a Form 2678, Employer Appointment of Agent under Section 3504, completed by each payer for whom the agent is to act. (Form 2678 is available at any Internal Revenue Service district or local office.) Even if the agent has already filed a Form 2678 for another purpose, a new Form 2678 from each payer is required under this optional procedure.

(b) The agent must enter "BACKUP WITHHOLDING" in red above the service center address area of Form 2678. The name and TIN of both the payer and the agent must be entered on the form. See Exhibit 1 for an example of a properly completed Form 2678. If the agent does not have a TIN, a properly completed Form SS 4, Application for Employer Identification Number must accompany the application for authorization.

(c) One application for authorization may be filed to cover more than one payer as long as a properly completed Form 2678 from each payer is attached.

(d) The application will be approved by letter to the agent from the service center director. Approval is effective as of the date of the letter.

(3) If the agreement to act as an agent is terminated for any payer(s) for whom a Form 2678 was filed, the agent must revoke the Form 2678 by notifying the Director of the Internal Revenue Service Center, by sending a letter with the name(s) of the payer(s) to be revoked and a statement that the originally filed Form 2678 is no longer in effect.

.03 Filing of Tax Returns

(a) The agent must file a single tax return (Form 941) for each tax period, regardless of the number of payers for whom the agent is acting.

(b) The return must include the backup withholding amounts for all liable payers as well as for the agent, if the agent is liable for any on its own account.

(c) The agent's name and TIN must be used on the tax return as well as on any Federal Tax Deposit (FTD) coupons.

(d) See Rev. Proc. 84-11, 1984-8 I.R.B. 23 for instructions on filing Form 941 on magnetic media.

.04 Filing of Information Returns and Transmittals-If the agent submits a Form 2678 electing this option, all information returns and transmittals must be completed as specified below, whether or not backup withholding is required to be reported.

(a) If the information returns are filed on magnetic media:

(1) A separate transmittal, Form 4804, Transmittal of Information Returns Reported on Magnetic Media, must be filed for each payer.

(2) Enter the agent's name, address and TIN in box 5 of Form 4804.

(3) See Rev. Proc. 83-48, 1983-27 I.R.B. 7 for instructions on magnetic media filing of information returns.

(b) If the information returns are filed on paper:

(1) A separate transmittal document, Form 1096, Annual Summary and Transmittal of U.S. Information Returns, or Form W 3G (if appropriate), Transmittal of Certain Information Returns must be filed for each payer. See Exhibits 2 and 3 for examples of properly completed forms.

(2) The transmittal document must have the payer's name and the agent's name (in care of-c/o) and the agent's address in the address area of the form.

(3) For both forms, enter three slashes (/ / /) before the payer's name to identify the document as being filed by an agent.

(4) Enter the agent's TIN in the lower right hand portion of the title area on Form 1096. Enter the agent's TIN in the blank box on Form W 3G.

(5) Enter the payer's TIN in the block for Employer Identification Number (EIN) on Form 1096. Enter the payer's TIN in the identifying number block on Form W 3G.

(6) For the Forms 1099 attached to the transmittal, enter the payer's name followed by the agent's name (in care of-c/o) and the agent's address in the name and address area of the form. See Exhibit 4 for an example of a properly completed form. The only exception is on Form 1099 R, Statement for Recipients of Total Distributions from Profit-sharing, Retirement Plans, Individual Retirement Arrangements, etc. For this form, enter the agent's name directly to the right of the printed words "Street Address". See Exhibit 5 for an example of a properly completed form.

(7) For all Forms 1099, enter the payer's TIN in the space for Federal identifying number.


.01 The agent must maintain records that will disclose the full amount of interest, dividends, patronage dividends and other reportable payments reported and tax withheld for each payer and each recipient.

.02 In accordance with section 3504 of the Code, all provisions of the law and regulations (including penalties) applicable with respect to a payer will be applicable to the agent, and despite the acts performed by the agent pursuant to authority granted under Section 3504, the payer will remain subject to all provisions of the law and regulations (including penalties).


Inquiries concerning this revenue procedure should refer to its number and should be addressed to the Director, Internal Revenue Service Center, serving the district in which the agent is located.


This revenue procedure amplifies Revenue Procedures 70-6, 83-48, and 84-24.


This revenue procedure is effective for returns for taxable periods beginning after December 31, 1983.

1 Also released in News Release IR 84-43 dated March 28, 1984.

Exhibit 1

                    Department of the Treasury --


                      Internal Revenue Service



Form 2678 Employer Appointment of Agent OMB Clearance No.


(Rev. August 1983) 1545-0748


                     Under Section 3504 of the


                       Internal Revenue Code




1. Instructions



                                          Employer: Please complete


                                          this form and give it to


                                          the agent.



                                          Agent: Please attach a


         Director, Internal Revenue request for authority to do


         Service Center all that is required of


         1040 Waverly Avenue the employer for wages you


         Holtsville, NY 11799 pay on the employer's


                                          behalf. (See applicable


                                          chapters of Subtitle C


                                          of the Internal Revenue


                                          Code.) Furnish the form and


                                          the request to the Director


                                          of the Internal Revenue


                                          Service Center where you


                                          file your returns.



2. Employer's name 3. Employer's address (Number and


                                      street, city, town or post


     XYZ Corporation office, State and ZIP code)



4. Employer identification number 2780 Tiger St.


                                       Baltimore, Md. 21212





5. Agent's name 6. Agent's address (Number and


                                      street, city, town or post


     EFG Bank & Trust Co. office, State and ZIP code)



7. Agent's employer 1173 Tuna Drive


   identification number Baltimore, Md. 21212






8. Date appointment became







                                 Signature Date



The agent named above has been 1/1/84


appointed to pay wages to our


employees. This appointment is


effective on the date shown in


item 8.


                                 By (Indicate whether the person


Under Section 3504 of the signing is an owner, partner, member


Internal Revenue Code, please of firm, fiduciary, or a corporate


authorize this agent to do all officer. If a corporate officer,


that is required under Chapters please give title.)


__________________ of Subtitle


C of the Code for the wages


this agent pays. President



It is understood that the


agent and the employer are


subject to all provisions of


law and regulations


(including penalties) which


apply to employers.



                   Paperwork Reduction Act Notice



     We ask for this information to carry out the Internal Revenue


laws of the United States. We need it to ensure that taxpayers are


complying with these laws and to allow us to figure and collect the


right amount of tax. You are required to give us this information.



                              Exhibit 2



__ 6969 For Official Use Only




Form 1096 Annual Summary and Transmittal of OMB No. 1545-0108


Department of U.S. Information Returns


the Treasury 1984




Revenue Service 11-1111111




Type or machine print PAYER'S name Enter in Box 1 or 2 below the


/// XYZ Corporation identifying number you used as


c/o EFG Bank & Trust Co. the payer on the attached


Street address information returns. Do not fill


1173 Tuna Drive in both Boxes 1 and 2.


City, State and ZIP code


Baltimore, MD 21212 1 Employer 2 Social security



                                     identification number








                                    3 Total number 4 Number without


                                      of documents taxpayer ID







   Regular 1099's and 5498's Nominee/Middleman 1099's




1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099




 84 79 91 86 92 95 84 79 91 86 92



 __ __ __ __ x __ __ __ __ __ __



1099 1099 1099 1099 1099




 96 97 28 95 96 97



 __ __ __ __ __ __



     Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this


return, including accompanying documents and to the best of my


knowledge and belief, they are true, correct, and complete. In the


case of documents without recipients' identifying numbers I have


complied with the requirements of the law in attempting to secure


such numbers from the recipients.



Signature _______________ Title President Date 1/1/85



   Please return this entire page to the Internal Revenue Service.



Paperwork Reduction Act Notice



     We ask for this information to carry out the Internal Revenue


laws of the United States. We need it to ensure that taxpayers are


complying with these laws and to allow us to figure and collect the


right amount of tax. You are required to give us this information.



Notice to Payers



Purpose of this Form.--Use this form to transmit Forms 1099 and 5498


to the Internal Revenue Service. However, use Form W-3G to transmit


Form 1099-R.



     Enter your name, address, and taxpayer identifying number (TIN)


in the spaces provided on the form. Individuals not in a trade or


business should enter their social security number in box 2; sole


proprietors and all others should enter their employer identification


number in box 1. However, sole proprietors who are not required to


have an employer identification number should enter their social


security number in box 2.



     Do not submit more than one type of Form 1099 or submit Forms


5498 and Forms 1099 with the same Form 1096. In box 3, enter the


number of documents attached to Form 1096 and check the appropriate


box to indicate the type of Form 1099 (or 5498) you are transmitting.



     If you are transmitting Forms 1099 as a nominee or middleman for


payments you received on behalf of another person, check the


appropriate box on the lower right half of this form. If you are


required to file both regular Forms 1099 or 5498 and Forms 1099 as a


middleman or nominee, use a separate Form 1096 for each category.



     If you have one type of Form 1099 (or 5498) that includes forms


with TIN's of recipients and others with no TIN's, you may submit


them with one Form 1096 if they are bundled separately. Show the


total number of documents being transmitted in box 3. Also, show the


number of forms without TIN's in box 4.



     For more information about where and when to file, etc., see the


separate instructions for Form 1096.



     If you are filing a Form 1096 for corrected information returns


mark over the "X" in the box at the top left corner of this form.



                              Exhibit 3



__ 8888 For Official Use Only




                                                      OMB No.


Type or machine 1 PAYER'S 2 Enter the number 1545-0238


print PAYER'S name identifying of Forms W-2G


/// XYZ Corporation number transmitted


c/o EFG Bank


& Trust Co. 99-9999999 1984



                    3 Enter the 4 Total Federal


Street address number of income tax Transmittal of


                      Forms 1099-R withheld


1173 Tuna Drive transmitted Certain




                      10 $460.00 Returns



City, State and 5 Enter number


ZIP code without Copy


                      taxpayer for Internal


Baltimore, MD 21212 identifying Revenue


                      number Service Center






Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this


return, and accompanying documents, and, to the best of my knowledge


and belief, they are true, correct, and complete. In the case of


documents without recipients' identifying numbers, I have complied


with the requirements of the law in attempting to secure such numbers


from the recipients.



Signature ______________ Title President Date 1/1/85



   Please return this entire page to the Internal Revenue Service


           Center address for your State as listed below.



Paperwork Reduction Act Notice.--We ask for this information to carry


out the Internal Revenue laws of the United States. We need it to


ensure that taxpayers are complying with these laws and to allow us


to figure and collect the right amount of tax. You are required to


give us this information.



Instructions for Form W-3G



Who Must File.--Payers of gambling winnings for which a Form W-2G,


Statement for Recipients of Certain Gambling Winnings, is required


and payers of certain death benefits or total distributions (those


that close the account) from a pension plan, annuity, or individual


retirement arrangement for which a Form 1099-R, Statement for


Recipients of Total Distributions from Profit-Sharing, Retirement


Plans, Individual Retirement Arrangements, etc., is required, must


file Form W-3G, Transmittal of Certain Information Returns, with


Forms W-2G or Forms 1099-R.



When to File.--File Forms W-3G with Forms W-2G and 1099-R by February


28 of the calendar year following the calendar year in which payment


is made.



Where to File.--(Do not file with the Social Security





If your principal business,


office or agency, or legal Use the following Internal


residence in the case of an Revenue Service Center


individual, is located in address



New Jersey, New York City


and counties of Nassau, 1040 Waverly Avenue


Rockland, Suffolk, and Holtsville, NY 11799





New York (all other


counties), Connecticut,


Maine, Massachusetts, 310 Lowell Street


New Hampshire, Rhode Andover, MA 01810


Island, Vermont



Alabama, Florida, Georgia, 4800 Buford Highway


Mississippi, South Carolina Chamblee, GA 30341



Michigan, Ohio 201 West Second Street


                                               Covington, KY 41019



Arkansas, Kansas,


Louisiana, New Mexico, 3651 S. Interregional Highway


Oklahoma, Texas Austin, TX 78740



Alaska, Arizona, Colorado,


Idaho, Minnesota, Montana,


Nebraska, Nevada, North 1160 W. 1200 South Street


Dakota, Oregon, South Ogden, UT 84404


Dakota, Utah, Washington,





Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, 2306 E. Bannister Road


Wisconsin Kansas City, MO 64131



California, Hawaii 5045 E. Butler Avenue


                                                Fresno, CA 93727



Indiana, Kentucky, North


Carolina, Tennessee, 3131 Democrat Road


Virginia, West Virginia Memphis, TN 38110



Delaware, District of 11601 Roosevelt Boulevard


Columbia, Maryland, Philadelphia, PA 19154





     If you have no legal residence, principal place of business, or


principal office or agency in any Internal Revenue district, file


your return with the Internal Revenue Service Center, 11601 Roosevelt


Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19154.



Magnetic Media Reporting.--IRS encourages filing information returns


on magnetic tape, diskette, or disk pack. Revenue Procedures for


Magnetic Media Reporting are available at Internal Revenue service


centers and district offices. Information reported on Forms W-2G and


1099-R may be reported on the same tape or disk submission.



Undeliverable Forms.--Any copies of Form W-2G or Form 1099-R which,


after a reasonable effort, cannot be delivered to a winner or


recipient should be kept as a part of your records for four years.



Payer's Identifying Number.--Your payer's identifying number is your


Employer Identification Number.



Shipping and Mailing.--Payers should group returns of the same type


and forward them in separate groups.



Completing the Form.--Enter the number of forms being transmitted in


the appropriate box (Box 2 for W-2G, Box 3 for 1099-R). Enter in Box


4 the total Federal income tax withheld on the forms covered by this





     If you are sending many forms, you may send them in


conveniently-sized packages. On each package write your name and


identifying number. Number the packages consecutively and place Form


W-3G in package number one. At the top of Form W-3G show the number


of packages. Postal regulations require forms and packages to be sent


by first class mail.



Corrected Returns.--Use a separate Form W-3G for corrected returns


and mark over the "X" in the checkbox next to the number in the top


left corner of the form. If a Form 1099-R is prepared incorrectly, do


not cut and separate the forms on the page. Simply mark over the "X"


in the checkbox to the left of the word "VOID" appearing in the top


left corner of the form and prepare a new form for those voided. On


corrected Forms 1099-R mark over the "X" in the checkbox appearing


next to the number in the top left corner of the form. On corrected


Forms W-2G center the words "CORRECTED RETURN" in the space at the


top of the return above "For Official Use Only," and mark an "X" in


the box next to the number in the left corner of the form. For paper


forms correcting data previously submitted on magnetic tape,


diskette, or disk pack, print "CORRECTED RETURN - MAGNETIC MEDIA" on


the bottom of the transmittal Form W-3G and mark the checkbox on the


Form W-3G and on each Form W-2G or 1099-R. Complete all required data


boxes on a corrected return, since it supersedes the information


previously reported. Also, statements issued to recipients or winners


should be identified as "CORRECTED."



General Instructions for Payers of Gambling Winnings



Instructions for Form W-2G



Who Must File.--The requirements for filing Form W-2G, Statement for


Recipients of Certain Gambling Winnings, depend on the type of


gambling and are listed separately following these general





     If a recipient fails to furnish a payer of gambling winnings


with a correct taxpayer identification number, a payer is required to


withhold 20% of the proceeds and report this amount on Form W-2G.


This is referred to as backup withholding. It applies to any gambling


situation of reportable winnings for which there are no regular


withholding requirements.



                              Exhibit 4



__ 9292 __ VOID For Official Use Only




                         1 Earnings from savings and loan OMB No.


Type or machine print associations, credit unions, 1545-0112


PAYER'S name bank deposits, bearer


                           certificates of deposit, etc.


XYZ Corporation


c/o EFG Bank & Trust Co. $100.00 1984


Street Address 2 Amount of 3 Federal income


1173 Tuna Drive forfeiture tax withheld Statement








City, State, and $20.00


ZIP code


Baltimore, MD 21212 4 Foreign tax 5 Foreign country


                           paid (if or U.S. Interest


                           eligible for possession Income


Federal identifying foreign tax


number credit)



99-9999999 For Paper-






                                                           Act Notice


Type or machine print Recipient's and in-


RECIPIENT'S name (first, identifying structions


middle, last) number for com-




Pete George Cougar 888-88-8888 this form,


Street Address see In-




534 Ocean Drive for Form


City, State, and 1096.


ZIP code


                                                           Copy A


Baltimore, MD 21212 For











                              Exhibit 5



__ 9898 __ VOID For Official Use Only




Type or machine print 1 Amount includible 2 Capital gain OMB No.


PAYER'S name as income (For lump- 1545-0119


                         (Add boxes 2 sum distri-


XYZ Corporation and 3) butions


                                              only) 1984



                            $2,300.00 $800.00



Street Address c/o 3 Ordinary income 4 Federal Statement


EFG Bank & Trust Co. income tax for


                                              withheld Recipients


1173 Tuna Drive of Total


                          $1,500.00 $460.00 Distri-






City, State, and Profit-


ZIP code sharing,




Baltimore, MD 21212 ment




                         5 Employee contri- 6 Net unrea- Indivi-


                         butions to lized dual Re-


                         profit-sharing or appreciation tirement


Federal identifying retirement plans in Arrange-


number employer's ments,


                                              securities etc.




                                                           For Paper-




Type or machine print Recipient's 7 Category of Reduction


RECIPIENT'S name identifying number distribution Act Notice


(first, middle, last) and in-




Pete George Cougar 888-88-8888 for com-




                       8 IRA, SEP or DEC 9 Other: this form,


Street address distributions see Form




534 Ocean Drive $ %



City, State, and


ZIP code This does __ does not x qualify as


                       a lump-sum distribution. Copy A


Baltimore, MD 21212 For


                       Your percentage of total Internal


                       distribution. % Revenue




                       Death benefit exclusion does __ or Center


                       does not __ apply.
  • Cross-Reference

    26 CFR 601.602: Tax forms and instructions.

  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    not available
Copy RID