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Sec. 301.7426-2 Recovery of damages in certain cases.

(a) In general.

In addition to remedies related to wrongful levy set forth in §301.7426-1(b), if a district court of the United States finds in any action brought under section 7426 that any officer or employee of the Internal Revenue Service recklessly or intentionally, or by reason of negligence, disregarded any provision of this title, the United States shall be liable to the plaintiff for damages. The plaintiff has a duty to mitigate damages. The total amount of damages recoverable under this section is the lesser of $1,000,000 ($100,000 in the case of negligence), or the sum of--

(1) Actual, direct economic damages as defined in § 301.7433-1(b) sustained as a proximate result of the reckless, intentional, or negligent actions of the officer or employee, reduced by the amount of any damages awarded under § 301.7426-1(b); and

(2) Costs of the action as defined in §301.7433-1(c).

(b) Administrative remedies must be exhausted.

The court may not award a judgment for damages under paragraph (a) of this section unless the court determines that the plaintiff has filed an administrative claim pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section, and has satisfied the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section.

(c) No request for damages in a district court of the United States prior to filing an administrative claim.

(1) Except as provided in paragraph (c)(2) of this section, no request for damages under paragraph (a) of this section shall be maintained in any district court of the United States before the earlier of the following dates--

(i) The date the decision is rendered on a claim filed in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section; or

(ii) The date that is six months after the date an administrative claim is filed in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section.

(2) If an administrative claim is filed in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section during the last six months of the period of limitations described in paragraph (f) of this section, the claimant may file an action in a district court of the United States any time after the administrative claim is filed and before the expiration of the period of limitations.

(d) Procedures for an administrative claim

(1) Manner.

An administrative claim for the lesser of $1,000,000 ($100,000 in the case of negligence) or actual, direct economic damages as defined in §301.7433-1(b) shall be sent in writing to the Area Director, Attn: Compliance Technical Support Manager of the area in which the taxpayer currently resides.

(2) Form.

The administrative claim shall include--

(i) The name, taxpayer identification number, current address and current home and work telephone numbers (indicating any convenient times to be contacted) of the person making the claim;

(ii) The grounds, in reasonable detail, for the claim (include copies of any available substantiating documentation or correspondence with the Internal Revenue Service);

(iii) A description of the damages incurred by the claimant filing the claim (include copies of any available substantiating documentation or evidence);

(iv) The dollar amount of the claim, including any damages that have not yet been incurred but which are reasonably foreseeable (include copies of any available substantiating documentation or evidence); and

(v) The signature of the claimant or duly authorized representative.

(3) Duly authorized representative.

For purposes of this paragraph (d), a duly authorized representative is any attorney, certified public accountant, enrolled actuary, or any other person permitted to represent the claimant before the Internal Revenue Service who is not disbarred or suspended from practice before the Internal Revenue Service and who has a written power of attorney executed to the claimant.

(e) No liability for damages for any sum in excess of the dollar amount sought in the administrative claim. See § 301.7433-1(f).

(f) Period of limitations

(1) Time for filing.

A civil action under paragraph (a) of this section must be brought in a district court of the United States within two years after the date the cause of action accrues.

(2) Right of action accrues.

A cause of action under paragraph (a) of this section accrues when the plaintiff has had a reasonable opportunity to discover all essential elements of a possible cause of action.

(g) Recovery of costs under section 7430. See § 301.7433-1(h).

(h) Effective date.

This section is applicable March 25, 2003.

[Added by T.D. 9050, 68 FR 14316-14322, Mar. 25, 2003.]

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