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Sec. 1.1272-3 Election by a holder to treat all interest on a debt instrument as OID.

(a) Election.

A holder of a debt instrument may elect to include in gross income all interest that accrues on the instrument by using the constant yield method described in paragraph (c) of this section. For purposes of this election, interest includes stated interest, acquisition discount, OID, de minimis OID, market discount, de minimis market discount, and unstated interest, as adjusted by any amortizable bond premium or acquisition premium.

(b) Scope of election

(1) In general.

Except as provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, a holder may make the election for any debt instrument.

(2) Exceptions, limitations, and special rules

(i) Debt instrument with amortizable bond premium (as determined under section 171 ).

(A) A holder may make the election for a debt instrument with amortizable bond premium only if the instrument qualifies as a bond under section 171(d) .

(B) If a holder makes the election under this section for a debt instrument with amortizable bond Premium, the holder is deemed to have made the election under section 171(c)(2) for the taxable year in which the instrument was acquired. If the holder has previously made the election under section 171(c)(2), the requirements of that election with respect to any debt instrument are satisfied by electing to amortize the bond premium under the rules provided by this section.

(ii) Debt instrument with market discount.

(A) A holder may make the election under this section for a debt instrument with market discount only if the holder is eligible to make an election under section 1278(b) .

(B) If a holder makes the election under this section for a debt instrument with market discount, the holder is deemed to have made both the election under section 1276(b)(2) for that instrument and the election under section 1278(b) for the taxable year in which the instrument was acquired. If the holder has previously made the election under section 1278(b), the requirements of that election with respect to any debt instrument are satisfied by electing to include the market discount in income in accordance with the rules provided by this section.

(iii) Tax-exempt debt instrument.

A holder may not make the election for a tax-exempt obligation as defined in section 1275(a)(3).

(c) Mechanics of the constant yield method

(1) In general.

For purposes of this section, the amount of interest that accrues during an accrual period is determined under rules similar to those under section 1272 (the constant yield method). In applying the constant yield method, however, a debt instrument subject to the election is treated as if --

(i) The instrument is issued for the holder's adjusted basis immediately after its acquisition by the holder;

(ii) The instrument is issued on the holder's acquisition date;

(iii) None of the interest payments provided for in the instrument are qualified stated interest payments.

(2) Special rules to determine adjustment basis.

For purposes of paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section --

(i) If the debt instrument is acquired in an exchange for other property (other than in a reorganization defined in section 368 ) and the basis of the debt instrument is determined, in whole or in part, by reference to the basis of the other property, the adjusted basis of the debt instrument may not exceed its fair market value immediately after the exchange; and

(ii) If the debt instrument was acquired with amortizable bond premium (as determined under section 171), the adjusted basis of the debt instrument is reduced by an amount equal to the value attributable to any conversion feature.

(d) Time and manner of making the election.

The election must be made for the taxable year in which the holder acquires the debt instrument. A holder makes the election by attaching to the holder's timely filed Federal income tax return a statement that the holder is making an election under this section and that identifies the debt instruments subject to the election. A holder may make the election for a class or group of debt instruments by attaching a statement describing the type or types of debt instruments being designated for the election.

(e) Revocation of election.

The election may not be revoked unless approved by the Commissioner.

(f) Effective date.

This section applies to debt instruments acquired on or after April 3, 1994.

[ T.D. 8517 , 59 FR 4799-4831, Feb. 2, 1994.]

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