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IRS Corrects Final Regs on Creditability of Foreign Taxes

APR. 13, 2022

T.D. 9959 (correction); 87 F.R. 21743

DATED APR. 13, 2022
Citations: T.D. 9959 (correction); 87 F.R. 21743

Guidance Related to the Foreign Tax Credit; Clarification of Foreign-Derived Intangible Income

Internal Revenue Service
26 CFR Part 1

Treasury Decision 9959

RIN 1545-BP70


In Rule document 2021-27887, appearing on pages 276-376, in the issue of Tuesday, January 4, 2022, make the following corrections:

§1.861-20 [Corrected]

1. On page 327, in the first column, in amendatory instruction Par. 22, the table is corrected to read as set forth below:

Old paragraph

New paragraph

















§1.905-3 [Corrected]

2. On page 373, in the first column, amendatory instruction Par. 29, is corrected to read as set forth below:

Par. 29. Section 1.905-3 is amended:

1. In paragraph (a), by revising the first two sentences.

2. In paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(B)(1), by removing the language “USC Effective” and adding the language “USC. Effective” in its place.

3. By adding paragraph (b)(4).

4. By revising paragraph (d).

[FR Doc. C1-2021-27887 Filed: 4/8/2022 8:45 am; Publication Date: 4/13/2022]

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