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2.3.82. Command Code ESTABH

2.3.82 Command Code ESTABH

Manual Transmittal

February 19, 2020


(1) This transmits revised IRM 2.3.82, IDRS Terminal Responses, Command Code ESTABH.

Material Changes

(1) IRM 2.3.82 has been revised to include internal control information.

Effect on Other Documents

IRM 2.3.82 dated January 1, 2011, is superseded.


Large Business Small Business (LMSB), Small Business/Self-Employed (SB/SE), Tax Exempt/Government Entities(TE/GE), Wage & Investment (W&I).

Effective Date


Chief Information Officer

Program Scope and Objective

(1) The IDRS Document Request System (DOC), CC ESTABH provides a mechanism for displaying the CC ESTAB document request records created within the last 60 days. CC ESTABH also allows users to delete or edit ESTABD document request made within the current business day.

(2) Purpose: This transmits revised IRM 2.3.82, IDRS Terminal Responses, Command Code ESTABH.

(3) Audience: All IRS business units.

(4) Program Owner: Customer Service.

(5) Primary Stakeholders: Wage & Investment (W&I), Large Business and International (LB&I), Small Business Self-Employed (SB/SE), Tax Exempt and Government Entities (TE/GE).

(6) Program Goals: This system manages data that was extracted from Corporate Account Data Stores (BMF, IMF, and EPMF) allowing IRS employees to take specific actions on taxpayer account issues and track status of an account.

General Information for CC ESTABH

(1) The IDRS Document Request System (DOC), CC ESTABH provides a mechanism for displaying the CC ESTAB document request records created within the last 60 days. CC ESTABH also allows users to delete or edit ESTABD document request made within the current business day.

(2) CC ESTABH uses the Employee Identification Number (EIN) from the logged-in user Security Information Record (SIR) to display document requests stored under the account of the logged-in user.

(3) Action Code "D" will initiate the CC ESTABH Request code D screen. This screen allows the requester to delete an ESTAB modifier D request.

(4) Action Code "E" will initiate the CC ESTABH Request Code E screen. This screen allows the requester to make updates to an ESTAB modifier E request.

(5) Action Code " R" will initiate the CC ESTABH Request Code R screen. This screen shows the data on the ESTABD request. It will also show the information that will print on the upper portion of the form 4251.

Command Code ESTABH

(1) ESTABH users are required to input the Command Code (CC) in columns 1-5, CC Modifier in column 6, and Request Code in column 7 on line 1 of their IDRS terminal screen, then depress Enter/XMIT. The IDRS terminal screen will display the appropriate screen based on requester inputted Action Code.

(2) Action Code D will result in CC ESTABH Request Code D input screen.

(3) Action Code E will result in CC ESTABH Request Code E input screen.

(4) Action Code R will result in CC ESTABH Request Code R input screen.

Error Response for CC ESTABH

(1) If any element(s) of data are invalid, a message will display on line 24. Error literals will display corresponding to the invalid element(s). Error messages are defined in IRM, Command Code ESTABH—Error Messages.

Valid Response for CC ESTABH

(1) "REQUEST COMPLETED" message in the first 17 positions on line 24 indicates all data fields contain valid data, and request has been accepted by the IDRS system.

Request Codes for CC ESTABH

(1) These are one character alphabetic codes inputted on line 1, column 7 of CC ESTABH. They are used to identify the type of request being made. The request codes are:

Request Code



Initiated through the ESTABH Request Code "L" screen, this request code is used to delete ESTABD request made during the same business day as the document request.


Initiated through the ESTABH Request Code "L" screen, this request code is used to make updates to ESTABD requests made during the same business day as the document request.


Used to obtain a list of all ESTABD requests made by the IDRS logged-on employee within the last 60 days.


Initiated through the ESTABH Request Code "L" screen, this request code is used to display ESTABD request made within the past 60 days.

Command Code ESTABH — Error Messages

(1) When an element of data is invalid a error message will be displayed on line 24. The element that is invalid will display an asterisk to the right of the invalid element.



Error 1

Invalid Command Code Modifier, must be A, D, H, M, R, or S.

Solution 1

Self Explanatory

Error 2

Request has printed. You cannot delete or edit this request.

Solution 2

The requested document has been processed and printed. You may only review this request using the "R" option.

Error 3

Invalid choice. Type "D" to delete, "E" to edit, or "R" to review.

Solution 3

Self Explanatory

Error 4

Request has been deleted.

Solution 4

Document request has been deleted from database and will not be processed.

Error 5

Request has not been deleted.

Solution 5

Document request was not deleted from the database and will be processed.

Error 6

Invalid choice. Enter "Y" to delete or "N" to keep the request.

Solution 6

Self Explanatory

Error 7

Request has been changed.

Solution 7

Changes made to the document request have been accepted and will be processed.

Error 8

No changes made to request.

Solution 8

No changes were made to the document request.

Error 9

Invalid choice. Enter "Y" to edit or "N" to keep the request as is.

Solution 9

Self Explanatory

Error 10

Invalid request code, please enter a valid code.

Solution 10

Correct/Reenter. The request code must be B, C, E, F, G, I , K, M, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, or X.

Error 11

Invalid TIN, The TIN is a required field.

Solution 11

Input TIN, Reenter

Error 12

Invalid TIN, please correct TIN.

Solution 12

Self Explanatory

Error 13

Invalid DLN, must be entered.

Solution 13

Self Explanatory

Error 14

Invalid partial DLN, please correct partial DLN

Solution 14

A partial DLN is the first three digits of a DLN

Error 15

Invalid partial DLN, partial DLN must be numeric and three digits

Solution 15

Self Explanatory

Error 16

DLN failed validation, please correct DLN.

Solution 16


Error 17

Correct DLN, must be numeric with 3 hyphens: 00000-000-00000-3

Solution 17

Self Explanatory

Error 18

Invalid ESTAB request, use CC TRPRT to secure this electronic 1040 doc

Solution 18

Self Explanatory

Error 19

Form-Num needed, please enter the form-num your requesting

Solution 19

Self Explanatory

Error 20

Invalid ESTAB request, cannot use ESTAB to secure this electronic 1040 doc

Solution 20

Self Explanatory

Error 21

Invalid ESTAB request, use the EUP system to obtain this electronic document

Solution 21

Self Explanatory

Error 22

Invalid, no document exist for DLN with Doc-Code 77 use Control-D to view F5147

Solution 22

Self Explanatory

Error 23

Invalid request, document requested within the last 14 days

Solution 23

Self Explanatory

Error 24

Invalid employee number, FLC not found

Solution 24

The first two digits of the employee number are an invalid file location code

Error 25

Invalid employee number, if entered must be numeric (All 10 digits)

Solution 25

Self Explanatory

Error 26

Invalid MFT, Please enter a valid MFT

Solution 26

Self Explanatory

Error 27

Sorry ESTAB does not process MFT code 88. (Transmittals)

Solution 27

You cannot use ESTAB to request documents with MFT codes of 88.

Error 28

Invalid Tax-Period, if MFT is "52" then tax-period must be "000000"

Solution 28

Self Explanatory

Error 29

Invalid, if MFT is "52" then Form-Num must be "706" or "706NA"

Solution 29

Self Explanatory

Error 30

Invalid Form-Num, Form number must start in left most position

Solution 30

Self Explanatory

Error 31

Invalid, if Form-Num is 706 or 706NA then MFT must be 52

Solution 31

Self Explanatory

Error 32

Invalid Tax-Period, Tax-Period must be entered.

Solution 32

Self Explanatory

Error 33

Invalid Tax-Period, Tax-Period must be numeric.

Solution 33

Self Explanatory

Error 34

Invalid, when Tax-Period equal "0000000", MFT must be "52"

Solution 34

Self Explanatory

Error 35

Invalid Tax-Period, please correct

Solution 35

Tax-Period did not pass validation, change or reenter Tax-Period

Error 36

Invalid Plan-Number, must be three numbers.

Solution 36

Self Explanatory

Error 37

Invalid, Name-Control must start in left most position

Solution 37

Self Explanatory

Error 38

Invalid, Name-Control, first character must be a letter or number

Solution 38

Self Explanatory

Error 39

Invalid Name-Control, fourth character must be letter, number, &, or -

Solution 39

Self Explanatory

Error 40

Invalid Name-Control, third character must be letter, number, & , or -

Solution 40

Self Explanatory

Error 41

Invalid Name-Control, second character must be letter, number, &, or -

Solution 41

Self Explanatory

Error 42

Invalid Bod/Area-Num, user must enter a numeric value from 1 to 15

Solution 42

Self Explanatory

Error 43

Invalid Bod/Area-Num, must be a value 1 thru 15

Solution 43

Self Explanatory

Error 44

Bod/Area-Num option 1 is reserved for SC Employees using the above SC-Stop field

Solution 44

Self Explanatory

Error 45

Bod/Area-must be "01" for SC employee.

Solution 45

Self Explanatory

Error 46

Field cannot be empty. Please enter "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No)

Solution 46

Enter "Y" or "N" into this field.

Error 47

Invalid K-1 Request. Please enter "Y" or "N".

Solution 47

The only valid choices for this field are "Y" for Yes and "N" for No.

Error 48

Please enter request code L after definer "H" to get desired screen.

Solution 48

ESTABH screens with request codes "E", "D", and "R" can only be accessed through the ESTABH request code "L" screen.

Error 49

Invalid request-code, code must be "D", "E", "L", or "R".

Solution 49

ESTABH request codes can only be "D", "E", "L", or "R".

Error 50

Invalid, use screen ESTABHL to edit request

Solution 50

Self Explanatory

Error 51

Invalid use screen ESTABHL to delete request

Solution 51

Self Explanatory

Error 52

Invalid use screen ESTABHL to review request

Solution 52

Self Explanatory

Error 53

There are no more request available to view. Max number of history pages is 420.

Solution 53

You can only view up to 420 pages of your ESTAB request. Request older than 60 days old are automatically deleted.

Error 54

DB Error: ............................... CM:.....................................

Solution 54

Contact DOC programmer when this error occurs. Save all of the information from the screen and pass it along to the programmer.

Input Format, CC ESTABH — List Document Request

(1) Input Screen ESTABH, Request-Code L

This is an image: 55095001.gif

Record Element Description



Description and Validity



Command Code - Must be ESTAB.



CC MODIFIER - Must be an "H".



REQUEST CODE - Must be an "L".


9 - 20

ACTION CODE- Must enter a D, E, or R next to the DLN you wish to work with. Enter "D" to cancel an ESTABD request you made earlier in the day. Enter "E" to make changes to an ESTABD request before the form 4251 is printed. Enter "R" to display an ESTABD request made within the last 60 days.



PAGE CONTROL - Used to control page movement. Enter "+" to increment page one page. Enter "-" to decrement page one page.

Input Format, CC ESTABH — Delete Document Request

(1) Screen ESTABH, Request-Code D

This is an image: 55095002.gif

Input Format, CC ESTABH — Edit Document Request

(1) Input Screen ESTABH, Request-Code E

This is an image: 55095003.gif

Record Element Description



Description and Validity



REQUESTOR REQUEST CODE - Must be entered and must be B, C, E, F, G, I, K, M, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, or X.



REQUESTOR TIN INFORMATION - If TIN is entered, it must meet standard validity criteria.



NOTE: See IRM, Command Code ESTAB—Error Messages, for validity checks of the TIN INFORMATION FIELD. Also see IRM, Command Code ESTAB—Consistency Messages.



DOCUMENT REQUEST NUMBER FIELD - Must be entered. Must be in the format " nnnnn-nnn-nnnnn-n" for standard 14 digit edited DLN. If the DLN is unknown enter first three digits of DLN. (The first two positions are the D.O. or S.C. Code, the third position is the Tax Class) If the request code is B, positions 14 and 15 of this field must be zeroes. Also see IRM, Command Code ESTAB—Error Messages, and see IRM, Command Code ESTAB—Consistency Messages.



EMPLOYEE NUMBER - Optional. If omitted, the completed request will be routed to the terminal operator. Enter if the requester is other than the terminal operator. Also see IRM, Command Code ESTAB—Error Messages.



MFT - must be entered and must be in "nn" format. Whenever the MFT is "52", then the Form Number must be entered either as "706" or "706NA", and the Tax Period must be "000000". See IRM , Command Code ESTAB—Error Messages and see IRM, Command Code ESTAB—Consistency Messages.



FORM NUMBER - If entered, use the Form Number of the document being requested. For requests that require Master File research, it must be a tax return that is processed to the Master File. When the Form Number is either " 706" or "706NA", then the MFT must be " 52", and the Tax Period must be "000000".



TAX PERIOD - Must be in the format "nnnnnn", and the fifth and sixth digits must be "01"–"12 ". The only exception to this guideline is when the Tax Period equals "000000". Also see IRM , Command Code ESTAB—Error Messages, and see IRM, Command Code ESTAB—Consistency Messages.



EMPLOYEE PLAN NUMBER -. Must be 001–999 when entered for EMPF. TIN must be present in EIN format if DLN research is required.



NAME CONTROL - If entered, must meet standard validity criteria. See IRM, Command Code ESTAB—Error Messages.



REMARK LINES - These lines should be used to provide additional information to the individual searching for your requested information. Whatever is put into these fields will print on the Form 4251 in the same format as it was inputted. Exceptions: Special Characters such as, "?", "!", " ;", and "=" will print as a blank space.



For documents not in DLN order and kept on the Alpha File, use the full Taxpayer's name and TIN in the Remarks line.



K1-REQUEST - Must contain Y or N. Y (Yes) would result in the following statement printing on the form 4251 "Pull Sch K-1 for this document".



BOD/AREA NUMBER - Must be entered. Must be numeric. Valid codes are 1 through 15.



VERIFICATION MESSAGE - After entering the needed data in the above fields press Enter/Xmit. If all data fields are valid, this message will be displayed for Request Code D: " ARE YOU SURE YOU WISH TO DELETE THIS REQUEST>_ (Y/N)." and this message will appear for Request Code E: "SAVE MODIFICATION>_ (Y/N). "



If your sure you wish to delete/edit enter " Y" and press Enter/Xmit from the TRANSMIT REQUEST field.



If you do not want to delete/edit this record enter "N" and press Enter/Xmit from the TRANSMIT REQUEST field.



TRANSMIT REQUEST - After completing screen press Enter/Xmit while cursor is positioned in this field.

Screen Layout, CC ESTABH — Research Document Request

(1) Input Screen ESTABH, Request-Code R

This is an image: 55095004.gif

CC ESTABHL, lines 2 through 10 display the information the user inputted when making the document request.

Lines 12 through 24 is a representation of the upper portion of an form 4251 that will print as a result of the user document request.

This data was captured by Tax Analysts from the IRS website on November 22, 2023.
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