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Part 6. Human Resources ManagementChapter 335. Promotion and Internal Placement

6.335.1. IRS Merit Promotion Plan and Internal Placement

6.335.1. IRS Merit Promotion Plan and Internal Placement

6.335.1 IRS Merit Promotion Plan and Internal Placement

Manual Transmittal

June 06, 2023


(1) This transmits revised IRM 6.335.1, IRS Merit Promotion Plan and Internal Placement.

Material Changes

(1) IRM 6.335.1.1 - Added Program Scope and Objectives, Background, Roles and Responsibilities, Acronyms and Terms and Definitions to address internal controls in accordance with IRM which replaced purpose, scope and authority, definitions and responsibilities.

(2) IRM 6.335.1.1.1 - Added Policy Statement 6-2, Merit Staffing based on Treasury Policy Transmittal Number TN-95-12, Promotion and Placement Programs to reference IRS merit promotion policy and updated definition of protected classes based on statutory and regulatory requirements.

(3) IRM 6.335.1.1.6 - Added and updated definitions.

(4) IRM 6.335.1.2 - Updated regulatory requirements for competitive reinstatement based on HCO-06-0621-0011, Interim Guidance for Discretionary Reinstatement under the IRS Merit Promotion Plan and Internal Placement, dated February 24,2022 and other updates for clarification.

(5) IRM 6.335.1.3 - Added regulatory exception for discretionary reinstatement based on HCO-06-0621-0011, Interim Guidance for Discretionary Reinstatement under the IRS Merit Promotion Plan and Internal Placement, dated February 24, 2022 and added exception for promotion to a grade previously held on a permanent basis per 5 CFR 335.103 (c)(3)(iv).

(6) IRM 6.335.1.4 - Added clarifying guidance on Schedule A.

(7) IRM 6.335.1.5 - Added requirements on career promotions based on HCO-06-0322-0002, Reissuance of Interim Guidance for Career Promotions, Time-Limited Promotions and Competitive Promotions, dated April 29, 2022.

(8) IRM 6.335.1.6.2 - Removed outdated guidance on stacked temporary promotions based on HCO-06-0720-0016, Interim Guidance on Stacked Temporary Promotions, dated December 7, 2020.

(9) IRM 6.335.1.6.6 - Added clarifying guidance and removed obsolete guidance on LB&I Approval of Temporary Promotions for Specific Large Case Audits in Increments Longer than One Year.

(10) IRM 6.335.1.6.7 - Added requirements on stacked temporary promotions based on HCO-06-0720-0016, Interim Guidance on Stacked Temporary Promotions, dated December 7, 2020.

(11) IRM 6.335.1.6.8 - Added requirements on stacked temporary promotions based on HCO-06-0720-0016, Interim Guidance on Stacked Temporary Promotions, dated December 7, 2020 and other updates.

(12) IRM 6.335.1.8.2 - Revised title and added clarifying guidance on status requirements.

(13) IRM 6.335. - Added guidance on discretionary reinstatement based on HCO-06-0621-0011, Interim Guidance for Discretionary Reinstatement under IRS Merit Promotion Plan and Internal Placement, dated February 24, 2022.

(14) IRM 6.335. - Revised title and added clarifying guidance on status requirements.

(15) IRM 6.335. - Revised title, added clarifying guidance on status requirements and removed procedural guidance.

(16) IRM 6.335. - Revised title and added clarifying guidance on non-status requirements.

(17) IRM 6.335. - Added clarifying guidance on status requirements and removed procedural guidance.

(18) IRM 6.335. - Added clarifying guidance on Term conversion requirements and removed procedural guidance.

(19) IRM 6.335. - Added clarifying guidance on non-status requirements.

(20) IRM 6.335.1.8.5 - Added clarifying guidance on order of consideration and removed outdated guidance.

(21) IRM 6.335.1.8.6 - Added vacancy announcement requirements and removed outdated guidance.

(22) IRM 6.335.1.8.7 - Added clarifying guidance on application requirements and removed outdated guidance.

(23) IRM 6.335.1.8.8 - Added clarifying guidance on processing a priority consideration request.

(24) IRM 6.335. - Added clarifying guidance on processing a priority consideration request.

(25) IRM 6.335. - Added clarifying guidance on the priority consideration process and removed outdated guidance.

(26) IRM 6.335. - Added clarifying guidance on the referral of priority consideration eligibles and removed outdated guidance.

(27) IRM 6.335.1.8.9 - Added clarifying guidance on basic eligibility and removed outdated guidance.

(28) IRM 6.335.1.8.11 - Updated organization titles and removed obsolete guidance.

(29) IRM 6.335.1.8.12 - Added clarifying guidance on evaluation methods.

(30) IRM 6.335.1.8.13 - Added clarifying guidance on diverse panels based on statutory and regulatory requirements and removed outdated guidance.

(31) IRM 6.335.1.8.14 - Added clarifying guidance on determining highly and best qualified process.

(32) IRM 6.335. - Added clarifying guidance on the quality group process and removed outdated guidance.

(33) IRM 6.335. - Updated title and removed outdated guidance.

(34) IRM 6.335. - Updated title and added guidance on interview panels and diverse panels based on statutory and regulatory requirements.

(35) IRM 6.335.1.8.15 - Added new subsection on Employment of Relatives based on statutory and regulatory requirements.

(36) IRM 6.335.1.8.16 - Added new subsection on Reference Checking based on OPM guidance.

(37) IRM 6.335.1.8.17 - Added clarifying guidance on selection process and updated life-span of certificate per Treasury Policy Transmittal Number TN-16-001, Effective Hiring.

(38) IRM 6.335.1.8.18 - Added clarifying guidance on the lateral reassignment process.

(39) IRM 6.335.1.8.19 - Added requirements on competitive promotions based on HCO-06-0322-002, Reissuance of Interim Guidance on Career Promotions, Time-Limited Promotions and Competitive Promotions, dated April 29, 2022 and removed outdated guidance.

(40) IRM 6.335.1.8.20 - Removed obsolete subsection on Program Review. Program Review is addressed in IRM 6.335.1.1.4 and IRM 6.335.1.1.5 as required in IRM

(41) IRM 6.335.1.13 - Added clarifying guidance on release of information and removed outdated guidance.

(42) IRM 6.335.1.13.1 - Removed outdated guidance on release of crediting plan and updated title to address release of interview questions.

(43) IRM 6.335.1.15 - Added new subsection on Records Retention and Disposal based on regulatory requirements.

(44) IRM 6.335.1.16.5 - Added requirements on retroactive promotions based on Interim Guidance HCO-06-0322-0002, Reissuance of Interim Guidance on Career Promotions, Time-Limited Promotions and Competitive Promotions, dated April 29, 2022.

(45) IRM 6.335.1.18 - Removed outdated guidance and added guidance based on Interim Guidance HCO-06-0221-0004, Management Selection Program 2.0, dated April 20, 2021.

(46) Removed IRM 6.335.1.21, Training and Development Programs.

(47) Exhibit 6.335.1-1 - Updated guidance based on HCO-06-0720-0016, Interim Guidance on Stacked Temporary Promotions, dated December 7, 2020.

(48) Exhibit 6.335.1-2 - Updated guidance based on HCO-06-0720-0016, Stacked Temporary Promotions, dated December 7, 2020 and paysetting policy.

(49) Exhibit 6.335.1-8 - Removed outdated information on simplified rating and ranking sheet.

(50) Exhibit 6.335.1-9 - Added new Exhibit Simplified Rating and Ranking Sheet for Management Selection Program based on Interim Guidance HCO-06-0221-0004, Management Selection Program 2.0, dated May 26, 2021 and removed obsolete Exhibit LB&I GS-14 Approved Large Case Audit Positions for LB&I Temporary Assignments NTE Five Years.

(51) Editorial changes and changes to organizational titles were made throughout the IRM. The IRM was renumbered due to the addition of Program Scope and Objections per IRM, new policy guidance and removal of outdated guidance.

Effect on Other Documents

HCO-06-0720-0016, Interim Guidance on Stacked Temporary Promotions, dated December 7, 2020, HCO-06-0221-0004, Interim Guidance Management Selection Program 2.0, dated May 26, 2021, HCO-06-0621-0011, Interim Guidance on Discretionary Reinstatement under IRS Merit Promotion Plan, dated February 24, 2022 and HCO-06-0322-0002, Reissuance of Interim Guidance on Career Promotions, Time-Limited Promotions and Competitive Promotions, dated April 29, 2022 and IRM 6.335.1, IRS Merit Promotion Plan and Internal Placement, dated March 30, 2013, are superseded.


All business units

Effective Date


David M. Aten
Acting IRS Human Capital Officer

Program Scope and Objectives

(1) Purpose. This IRM constitutes the Merit Promotion Plan (Plan) of the IRS. In accordance with 5 CFR 335.103, the Plan ensures a systematic means of selection for promotion and internal placement actions based on merit in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and contractual requirements to recruit, hire and develop a high quality and diverse workforce.

(2) Audience. This IRM applies to all business units.

(3) Policy Owner. IRS Human Capital Officer.

(4) Program Owner. Human Capital Office (HCO), Office of Human Resource (HR) Strategy (OHRS), Policy and Audits (P&A).

(5) Primary Stakeholders. HCO, Office of HR Operations (OHRO), Talent Acquisition (TA) Division, Employment Operations (EO), and Strategic Talent Analytics & Recruitment Solutions.

(6) Program Goals. This IRM ensures promotions and other actions are based on merit and made on a fair and equitable basis.


(1) The Plan ensures that promotions and other actions (whether competitive or noncompetitive) are based on merit, and that all employees are provided with the opportunity to develop their capabilities to the fullest.

(2) Management reserves the right to make selections from any appropriate source after complying with strategy, contractual, or government-wide procedural regulations regarding eligibility, qualifications, priority consideration, etc. Refer to IRM, Policy Statement 6-2, Merit Staffing.

(3) Merit system principles were established by the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 (CSRA) and codified at 5 USC 2301(b). All actions - whether identification, qualification, evaluation, or selection of candidates - will be made on a fair and equitable basis, without regard to any non-merit reason such as race, color, religion, age, sex (including pregnancy or gender identity), national origin, political affiliation, disability, genetic information (including family medical history), sexual orientation, marital status, labor organization affiliation or non-affiliation, status as a parent or any other non-merit based factor, unless specifically designated by statute as a factor that must be taken into consideration when awarding such benefits, or retaliation for exercising rights with respect to the categories enumerated above, where retaliation rights are available, and must be based solely on job-related criteria. Refer to 5 CFR 335.103(b)(1).

(4) The IRS provides reasonable accommodations to applicants with disabilities. Applicants requiring reasonable accommodation must notify their servicing HCO, TA, EO. Decisions on granting reasonable accommodation will be made on a case-by-case basis.

(5) The Department of the Treasury has delegated to bureau heads the authority to establish and approve promotion and placement programs for their respective bureaus. Refer to Human Resource Issuance System Chapter 335, Transmittal Number TN-95-12, Promotion and Placement Programs by contacting P&A, ERSP.


(1) Laws: United States Code (USC) at:

  1. Title 5 USC 2301, Merit systems principles at:

  2. Title 5 USC 3301, Civil service; generally at:

  3. Title 5 USC 3302, Competitive service; rules at: ttps://

  4. Title 5 USC 3304, Competitive service; examinations at:

  5. Title 5 USC 3110, Employment of relatives; restrictions at:

  6. Title 5 USC 3310, Preference eligibles; examinations; guards, elevator operators, messengers, and custodians at:

  7. Title 5 USC 9510, General workforce staffing at:

  8. Title 5 USC 9602, Competitive service; time-limited appointments at:

(2) Public Laws:

  1. Public Law 95-454, Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 at:

  2. Public Law 105-206, IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998 at:

  3. Public Law 105-339, Veterans Employment Opportunity Act of 1998 at: Law 105-339 Veterans Employment Opportunity Act of 1998

  4. Public Law 114-47, Land Management Workforce Flexibility Act at:

(3) Federal Register: 73 FR 66143 Changes in Pay Administration Rules for General Schedule Employees at:

(4) Regulations: Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at: eCFR :: Home

  1. 5 CFR 213, Excepted Service at:

  2. 5 CFR 300, Employment (General) at:

  3. 5 CFR 315, Career and Career Conditional Employment at:

  4. 5 CFR 316, Temporary and Term Employment at:

  5. 5 CFR 330, Recruitment, Selection and Placement (General) at:

  6. 5 CFR 335, Promotion and Internal Placement at:

  7. 5 CFR 430, Performance Management at:

  8. 29 CFR 1607, Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures at:

  9. 5 CFR 531, Pay under the General Schedule at:

  10. 5 CFR 550, Pay Administration (General) at:

(5) Executive Order: 14035, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce at:

(6) Treasury Policy:

(7) IRS Policy Statements, Delegation Orders and IRMs:

  1. IRM, Policy Statement 6-2, Merit Staffing at:

  2. IRM, Delegation Order 6-24, Delegation of Authorities to Initiate and Approve Personnel Actions at:

  3. IRM, Delegation Order 6-28, Authority to Provide Priority Consideration under the Merit Promotion Program at:

  4. IRM 1.4.6, Resource Guide for Managers, Managers Security Handbook at:

  5. IRM 1.15.1, The Records and Information Management Program at:

  6. IRM 6.10.1, IRS Personnel Staffing Accountability at:

  7. IRM 6.213.1, Employment in the Excepted Service at:

  8. IRM 6.300.1, Employment (General) at:

  9. IRM 6.307.1, Veterans Employment Programs and Restoration to Duty at:

  10. IRM 6.330.1, Recruitment, Selection and Placement at:

  11. IRM 6.338.1, Qualification Requirements at:

  12. IRM 6.430.1, Introduction to Performance Management at:

  13. IRM 6.511.1, Position Management and Classification Policy and Operational Guidance at:

  14. IRM 6.531.1, Pay Under the General Schedule and IRS Payband System at:

  15. IRM 6.550.1, Pay Administration (General) at:

  16. IRM 11.3.1, Disclosure of Official Information, Introduction to Disclosure at:

(8) Related Sources:

  1. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Vet Guide for HR Professionals at:

  2. OPM Delegated Examining Operations Handbook (DEOH) at:

  3. OPM General Schedule Qualification Standards at:

  4. OPM Federal Wage System Qualifications at:

  5. OPM Reference Checking at:

Roles and Responsibilities

(1) The IRS Human Capital Officer (IRS HCO) is responsible for ensuring that:

  1. A Merit Promotion Plan is developed and implemented for the IRS;

  2. The Plan is evaluated and updated periodically; and

  3. The Plan is carried out in principle and in practice throughout the IRS.

(2) Business unit Commissioners (or equivalent) are responsible for the administration of the Plan within their respective jurisdictions.

(3) Director, TA is responsible for:

  1. Implementing the Plan;

  2. Developing operating procedures and implementation guidance, coordinating with the IRS HCO as necessary;

  3. Providing technical assistance and advice necessary for operating the Plan;

  4. Providing timely and efficient service to operating officials in determining qualifications and referring applicants for promotion consideration;

  5. Ensuring that all employees entitled to consideration for promotion receive full and fair consideration;

  6. Ensuring procedural and documentation requirements are observed in all promotion actions. This includes the development of job-related criteria and application of appropriate evaluation methods; and

  7. Providing employees with information on the basic principles and procedures of the Plan, the career opportunities available, and the means by which they can be considered for promotion.

(4) Managers are responsible for:

  1. Complying with the spirit as well as the requirements of the Plan;

  2. Evaluating employees fairly, objectively and in a timely manner;

  3. Sharing evaluations that will be used in promotion actions with employees;

  4. Developing job-related evaluation criteria and determining appropriate evaluation methods in conjunction with TA, Program Execution Office (PEO) prior to announcing the position; and

  5. Ensuring that all employees have access to Plan procedures and are fully informed of career opportunities and related matters.

(5) Employees are responsible for:

  1. Familiarizing themselves with the provisions of the Plan;

  2. Supplying TA, EO with current, timely, and accurate information about their qualifications and job interests; and

  3. Submitting complete and timely application packages.

Program Management and Review

(1) TA, PEO conducts accountability and oversight reviews of merit promotion program requirements. Refer to IRM, IRS Human Capital Assessment and Accountability Framework (IHCAAF) for program oversight requirements.

(2) P&A, Employment Restructuring and Security Branch Office (ERSP) will conduct annual review of the IRM to ensure it is current and consistent with law, rule and regulation.

Program Controls

(1) P&A, ERSP develops and deploys policies to increase Servicewide awareness and understanding of the IRS Merit Promotion Plan and Internal Placement programs. Additionally, P&A, ERSP collaborates with other HCO organizations and Servicewide stakeholders to support education and outreach activities as they relate to the merit promotion plan.


(1) Agency - Any executive department, military department, Government corporation, Government controlled corporation, or other establishment in the executive branch of the Government (including the Executive Office of the President), or any independent regulatory agency.

(2) Application - Form or method used by employees to indicate interest in promotion, change to lower grade, or reassignment to a particular position or category of positions anywhere in the IRS.

(3) Appointing Office - Organizational segment with the delegated authority to effect personnel actions. Appointing offices are the servicing EOs for the business unit or equivalent.

(4) Area of Consideration - The area designated by the Plan in which it can reasonably be expected to locate enough highly qualified candidates to fill vacancies in the positions covered by the Plan.

(5) Bargaining Unit Position - Position in a unit for which a union has been certified as exclusive representative.

(6) Behavioral Indicators - Crediting plan used to assess a candidate’s potential for successful job performance. These indicators are the measurable aspect of behaviors that predict a potential level of success for the competency.

(7) Best Qualified (BQ) Candidates - Highly qualified (HQ) candidates who rank at the top when compared with other highly qualified candidates and who are referred to the selecting official for consideration and selection.

(8) Bonafide Consideration - A Priority Consideration (PC) eligible is referred to the selecting official alone on a certificate, or with other PC eligibles. The certificate containing the PC eligible's name will be referred before applicants with lesser priority in the order of consideration outlined in IRM 6.335.1.8.5.

(9) Career Promotions - The promotion of an employee without competition when:

  1. Competition was held at an earlier stage, e.g., the employee was selected from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) register (or under other competitive promotion procedures), and the fact that the initial selection could lead to promotion was made known to all potential candidates (career ladder promotions); or

  2. Employee’s position is reclassified to a higher grade because of the accretion of additional duties and responsibilities.

(10) Change to Lower Grade (also called "Demotion" and "Reduction in Grade") - Personnel action that moves an employee, while serving continuously in the same agency, to: (1) a position at a lower grade when both the old and new positions are under the General Schedule or under the same type graded wage schedule, or (2) to a position with a lower rate of basic pay when both the old and the new positions are under the same type ungraded wage schedule or in a different pay-method category.

(11) Commuting Area - The geographic locality that constitutes one area for employment purposes. It includes any population center and the surrounding localities within which people live and can reasonably be expected to travel back and forth daily to their usual place of employment. The IRS Commuting Area Document contains specific authorized commuting area definitions and may be found at:

(12) Competency - A measurable pattern of knowledge, skills, abilities, behaviors, and other characteristics that an individual needs in order to perform work roles or occupational functions successfully. For examples, refer to the DEOH Appendix F.

(13) Competitive Service - All civilian positions in the Federal Government that are not specifically excepted from the civil service laws by or pursuant to statute, by the President, or by the OPM under Rule VI, and that are not in the Senior Executive Service.

(14) Conversion - The change of an employee from one type of appointment to another.

(15) Crediting Plan - Criteria or standards used to evaluate eligible candidates’ knowledge, skills, and abilities and/or competencies necessary for successful performance in the position being filled. The results are used to compare and rank eligible candidates for determining the BQ and/or HQ.

(16) Demotion - The change of an employee to a lower grade when both the old and the new positions are under the General Schedule, under the same type of graded Wage Schedule, or to a position with a lower rate of pay when both the old and new positions are under the same type of ungraded Wage Schedule or in different pay systems (e.g., IR).

(17) Detail - A detail is an official personnel action by which an employee is temporarily assigned, for a specified period, to duties and responsibilities other than those of their permanent position, with the employee returning to regular duties at the end of the detail. This includes positions at the same, higher, or lower grades.

(18) Eligible Candidates - Those applicants who meet the minimum qualification standards for the position and other regulatory requirements such as time in grade (TIG), as well as applicable selective placement factors, by the closing date of the announcement or by a date specified on the announcement.

(19) Evaluation Criteria - Standards of job-related knowledge, skills, abilities and other personal characteristics (e.g., behavioral indicators, etc.), and/or competencies which are indicative of successful performance in the position to be filled. Criteria are used as standards against which the eligible candidates are compared and ranked for determining the HQ and/or BQ).

(20) Evaluation Methods - The means of measuring a candidate against the evaluation criteria. Mandatory methods, which must be considered for all candidates, are performance appraisals and relevant incentive awards. Optional methods include tests, interviews and relevant training.

(21) Excepted Service - Unclassified service, unclassified Civil Service or positions outside the competitive service and the senior executive service. Excepted service positions have been excepted from the requirements of the competitive service by law, Executive order, or OPM regulation. .

(22) Exceptions - Promotions that do not require competitive procedures and are therefore excepted from competitive procedures of this Plan.

(23) Highly Qualified (HQ) Candidates - Eligible candidates who have been determined to possess the knowledge, skills, abilities and other personal characteristics described by the evaluation criteria as necessary to perform the position in a highly successful manner.

(24) Job Analysis/Job Profiling - A critical process necessary to determine the minimum knowledge, skills, abilities, and other personal characteristics required of the position to be filled to be used to identify the candidates who can be expected to perform in a fully successful manner, and to determine the applicability of appropriate evaluation methods.

(25) Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and Other Characteristics (KSAOs) - The attributes and other characteristics (e.g., professional certification) required for successful performance in a job that are generally demonstrated through qualifying experience, education, or training.

(26) Non-Status Employee - A current employee who is serving on an excepted, term, or temporary appointment that does not confer competitive status or reinstatement eligibility.

(27) Personal Competitive Status - Competitive status that was gained through employment in a career/career-conditional appointment in the competitive service that confers reinstatement eligibility.

(28) Post of Duty (POD) - The geographic location of an office or an organization.

(29) Promotion - The change of an employee to a higher grade when both the old and the new positions are under the General Schedule, or under the same type of graded wage schedule; or to a position with a higher rate of pay when both the old and the new positions are under the same type of ungraded wage schedule or are in different pay systems (e.g., IR).

(30) Promotion Plan - Program designed to ensure a job-related, valid, and systematic means of selection for promotion based on merit.

(31) Qualification Standards - A description of the knowledge, skills, abilities, experience and/or education requirements needed to meet basic eligibility requirements.

(32) Ranking Official/Panel - Person(s) charged with the responsibility of determining the Qualified (Q), HQ and BQ candidates as described by the evaluation criteria when an automated ranking system is not utilized.

(33) Reassignment - The change of an employee from one position to another, without promotion or demotion, within the Department of the Treasury. Movement between Treasury bureaus is processed as a Reassignment Change in Appointing Office (CAO), if movement is without promotion or demotion.

(34) Reinstatement Eligibility - Reinstatement eligibility refers to the ability of individuals who previously held a career or career-conditional appointment to apply for jobs in the competitive Federal service open to status applicants. Individuals who separated from a competitive service appointment as a career-conditional employee (completing less than three years of creditable federal service), have three years from the date of their separation to be reinstated unless an extension of the time limit is permitted under 5 CFR 315.401(c). Individuals who have veterans' preference or separated from a competitive service appointment as a Career employee (completing three years of creditable Federal service), can be reinstated at any time. (Refer to 5 CFR 315.401 for more information.)

(35) Remain in POD - When a vacancy is announced as Remain in POD, the applicant selected remains in their current POD for their permanent position of record.

(36) Seasonal Employment - Employees who work a seasonal work schedule and are on career/career-conditional, excepted, term or temporary appointments. Seasonal employees who work a seasonal work schedule are placed in non-pay status or recalled to duty as the workload dictates and in accordance with their seasonal work agreement. Seasonal employees who are career/career-conditional are entitled to full consideration as part of the minimum area for promotion as well as reassignment purposes.

(37) Selecting Official - Manager with the delegated authority to make a selection.

(38) Selective Placement Factors - KSAOs that go beyond minimum qualification standards but are prescribed as necessary for meeting basic eligibility. These factors must be essential to successful performance in the position to be filled and cannot be readily attained after promotion. The selective placement factors must be documented and justified by the KSAOs contained in the position description (PD), critical job elements, and other job-related processes.

(39) Status Employee - A current or prior employee who has attained competitive status through a current or prior appointment to a career or career-conditional appointment in the federal civilian service. Status employees include individuals who are eligible for reinstatement or transfer. Status pertains to a person, not a position.

(40) Term Appointment - Appointment to a position that will last more than one year, but not more than four years where the need for an employee’s services is not permanent. Reasons for making a term appointment include, but are not limited to: project work, extraordinary workload, scheduled abolishment, reorganization, etc. (Refer to 5 CFR 316 Subpart C for more information.)

(41) Time After Competitive Appointment (TACA) Restriction - The provision that 90 days must elapse after an employee’s latest nontemporary competitive appointment before they may be:

  1. Promoted; or

  2. Transferred, reinstated, reassigned, or detailed to a different position; or

  3. Transferred, reinstated, reassigned, or detailed to a different geographical area. Refer to IRM 6.330.1, Recruitment, Selection and Placement for more information.

(42) Time-limited Promotion - Promotion made under specific and written conditions with a not-to-exceed date to meet a need of a short-term or long-term nature. Refer to IRM 6.335.1.6 for more information.

(43) Transfer - A current career or career conditional employee of one agency may transfer, without a break in service of a single workday, to a competitive service position in another agency.

(44) Veterans Employment Opportunities Act (VEOA) - The VEOA provides that agencies must allow preference eligibles or eligible veterans to apply for positions announced under merit promotion procedures when the agency is recruiting from outside its own workforce. "Agency" in this context means the parent agency, e.g., Treasury, not IRS. Refer to IRM 6.307.1, Veterans Employment Programs and Restoration to Duty and the OPM Vet Guide, for further guidance.

Plan Coverage

(1) Except as noted in the following paragraphs (Exclusions), the provisions of this Plan apply to all Competitive Service positions, as well as the Excepted Service positions of Attorney and Law Clerk filled internally in the IRS. Attorney and Law Clerk positions within the Office of Chief Counsel are not covered under this Plan.

(2) The provisions of the negotiated agreement will take precedence in filling bargaining unit positions where those requirements conflict with the Plan. If the provisions in the Plan are mandated by higher regulation, or the negotiated agreement is silent, the provisions herein will govern.

(3) Competitive procedures apply to the following actions:

  1. Filling a position by promotion above the highest grade held by the employee on a permanent basis.

  2. Filling a position by time-limited promotion when it becomes known the promotion will exceed 120 days (Refer to IRM 6.335.1.6 (4) for 180-day exception for filing season positions).

  3. Reassignment or demotion to a position with increased promotion potential above the highest grade held by the employee on a permanent basis except as permitted by Reduction in Force procedures (RIF).

  4. Detail of more than 120 days to a higher graded position or to a position with higher promotion potential. Competitive promotion procedures must be used if the detailed employee will have spent more than 120 days (prior service on details to higher graded positions and noncompetitive time-limited promotions included) in a higher graded position or positions with increased promotion potential during the preceding 12 months.

  5. Detail of a non-Senior Executive Service (SES) employee to an SES position for more than 240 days unless the employee is eligible for a non-competitive career SES appointment.

  6. Transfer (unless based upon selection from OPM Register) to a higher graded position or to one with increased promotion potential beyond the highest grade previously held on a permanent basis.

  7. Reinstatement to a permanent or temporary position at a higher grade or with more promotion potential than a position previously held on a permanent basis in the competitive service if the individual: did not wait one year or more after separating from federal employment, or did not receive a rating of record for their most recent career or career-conditional position of at least Fully Successful (or equivalent) (CFR 335.103(c)(1)(vi).

  8. Selection for training which is part of an authorized training agreement, part of a promotion program, or required before an employee maybe considered for promotion as specified in 5 CFR 410.302.

  9. Conversion of a term appointee to a permanent appointment, to a position in the same line of work if the appointee received a term appointment under competitive procedures.

Note: Calendar days are used to calculate temporary promotions and details. Refer to IRS Paysetting Desk Guide by contacting TA, PEO.

Plan Exceptions

(1) The following actions must be made as exceptions to the competitive procedures of this Plan:

  1. An action taken to provide restoration entitlements to individuals with statutory placement or re-employment rights (such as an IRS employee or former IRS employee who is returning to duty after sustaining compensable work-related injuries or illness from Worker’s Compensation or returning from military service).

  2. An action taken as a remedy for failure to receive proper consideration in a competitive promotion action (priority consideration).

  3. A promotion resulting from the upgrading of a position without significant changes in duties and responsibilities due to the issuance of a new classification standard or the correction of a classification error. In such cases, the incumbent must be promoted with the upgrading of the position unless a decision is made to remove the incumbent from the position.

  4. A position change required by RIF regulations which is technically termed a promotion because the agency gives an employee the benefit of a slightly higher pay rate or because the minimum rate of the new position exceeded the rate received in the old position.

  5. A re-promotion, reassignment, developmental or training action required under the IRS Priority Placement Program (IRSPPP) for employees entitled to Grade/Pay Retention. Consideration is to be based on downgrading actions that took place on or after January 1, 1977.

  6. A promotion resulting from the selection of a federal employee from a competitive examination register. Such an employee is no longer to be evaluated according to promotion procedures.

(2) The IRS has determined that the following actions will also be made as exceptions to the competitive procedures of this Plan:

  1. Career promotions, as defined in IRM 6.335.1.5.

  2. Promotion to a grade previously held on a permanent basis in the competitive service from which an employee was separated or demoted for other than performance or conduct reasons. Refer to 5 CFR 335.103(c)(3)(iv) for more information.

  3. Promotion, reassignment, demotion, transfer, reinstatement or detail to a position having no greater promotion potential than that currently or previously held by the employee on a permanent basis in the competitive service from which an employee was not separated or demoted for performance or conduct reasons.

    Note: Reinstatement in (2)(c) above refers to former federal employees who do not meet the criteria for discretionary reinstatement under 5 CFR 335.103(c)(3)(viii).

  4. Reinstatement in accordance with 5 CFR 315 to any position in the competitive service for which the individual is qualified at a higher grade level or with more promotion potential than a career or career-conditional position previously held by the individual; provided the individual: has been separated for at least one year before applying for reinstatement, and received a rating of record for their most recent career or career-conditional position of at least Fully Successful (or equivalent) (5 CFR 335.103(c)(3)(viii)).

    Note: The term "most recent" means the last federal rating of record under 5 CFR 430 that an individual received from their last career or career-conditional position.

  5. Position change within the Department of the Treasury or transfer outside the Department from a position having known promotion potential to a position having the same promotion potential as the highest grade held by the employee on a permanent basis.

  6. Detail of 120 days or less to a higher-graded position or to a position with higher promotion potential when the employee has not spent more than 120 days (prior service on details to higher graded positions, with higher promotion potential, and time limited promotions included) in a higher graded position or positions with higher promotion potential during the preceding 12 months.

  7. Temporary promotion of 120 days or less during the preceding 12 months. Refer to IRM 6.335.1.6 Time-Limited Promotions for special guidance on the use of 180 day temporary promotions.

  8. Temporary promotion of a Criminal Investigator, for any length of time less than two years, to a higher-graded position involving potentially dangerous undercover penetration activities.

  9. Non-competitive conversion of an employee appointed under a program that confers the authority to non-competitively reassign or promote to a competitive position as specified in IRM 6.335.1.4.

(3) Candidates outside the competitive service (non-status candidates without current competitive status or reinstatement eligibility to the competitive service) are excluded from consideration for competitive positions under internal merit promotion procedures and must be considered under OPM or IRS Delegated Examining Unit (DEU) competitive examining procedures. Conversion of Term appointees to permanent career or career-conditional appointments who have met the conditions described in IRM 6.335.1.7 are not excluded from consideration under internal merit promotion procedures. The following are exceptions to these requirements:

  1. Conversion of Term appointees to permanent career or career-conditional under the Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998 and codified at 5 USC 9510 (a)(1) who have met the conditions described in IRM 6.335.1.7.

  2. VEOA applicants when recruiting outside the Department of the Treasury.

Refer to IRM 6.335.1.4, Special Program Coverage, for programs covered under merit promotion that have special program procedures (.e.g., Schedule A Employment of People with Disabilities and VRA Appointments).

Special Program Coverage

(1) The following programs, while subject to the merit principles outlined in this Plan, have special procedures, which are covered under other documents. When these special program procedures and the Plan procedures conflict, the special procedures should be followed unless mandated by higher regulation.

  1. Management Selection Program (Refer to IRM 6.335.1.18 for more information).

  2. Employment of People with Disabilities and Office of Personnel Management Federal Plan for Employment of People with Disabilities. However, people with disabilities who are employed under Schedule A, 5 CFR 213.3102(u), who apply to a status vacancy announcement when the area of consideration is open to Schedule A applicants, must be considered for promotion in accordance with this Plan (Refer to IRM 6.335. and IRM 6.213.1 for additional information.

  3. Schedule B positions (when the appointing authority does not specify a time limit on the length of the appointment) (Refer to 5 CFR 213.3201 for more information).

  4. Internal Revenue Service Priority Placement Program (Refer to IRM 6.330.1.3 for more information).

  5. Competitive Selection Procedures for Undercover Training and Assignments for Criminal Investigators.

  6. Special appointing authorities for veterans such as the Veteran’s Recruitment Appointment (Refer to IRM 6.307.1.2 for more information).

  7. Merit staffing and classification of SES positions.

Career Promotions

(1) Career promotion is the promotion of an employee without competition when competition was held at an earlier stage. For example: An employee was selected from an OPM register or under competitive promotion procedures and the fact that the initial selection could lead to promotion was made known to all potential candidates as described below:

  1. Career ladder position - Successive career promotions of employees until reaching the full performance level may be made if all employees in the particular occupation of the organization are given grade building experience and are promoted as they meet all basic eligibility requirements. They must also demonstrate ability to perform at the next higher level. Also, there must be sufficient work at the full performance level for all employees in the group. Promotions above the full performance level must be made under competitive promotion procedures.

  2. Apprentice Position - Career promotion of an apprentice in a recognized trade or craft through the various phases of his/her apprentice program may be made, up to and including assignment to a working level position.

  3. Trainee Position - Career promotion of an employee in a trainee position may be made upon satisfactory completion of the training period. Career promotions may be made from the types of trainee positions shown in the examples below.

    • Example: Agency-established training positions if the training program is well defined, of a definite duration and involves performance of assigned tasks under close guidance and instruction with promotion scheduled upon satisfactory completion of the training period.

    • Example: Positions under OPM approved training agreements or executive development agreements (covering non-SES positions) if the agreement specifically provides for promotion and other requirements for career promotion are met.

    • Example: Positions filled by detail for the purpose of training or evaluating an employee for a higher grade position or to a position with increased promotion potential, if selection for the detail was made under competitive Plan procedures and the fact that the detail could lead to promotion without further competition was made known to all candidates.

  4. Positions filled at a grade below the established or anticipated grade, provided all potential candidates were made aware of the promotion potential to the higher grade.

(2) A career promotion also applies when the employee’s position is reclassified to a higher grade because of the accretion of additional duties and responsibilities. Such situations should be documented to clearly identify the basis for the job change (e.g. impact of the incumbent, change in the method of performing the work, etc.) When an additional position is created, or when the new position is not a clear successor to the former position, a career promotion may not be made. Likewise, a career promotion may not be made to a supervisory position on the basis of the addition of supervisory duties to a non-supervisory position (Refer to IRM 6.511.1 for additional exclusions).

(3) Employees eligible for a career promotion, who meet basic eligibility and training requirements and are performing at a fully successful or higher level, will be promoted on the first pay period after eligibility as indicated by the manager’s remarks in the Personnel Action Request (PAR). For employees whose elements and standards are no different than those of the next higher grade level in the career ladder, an overall annual rating of fully successful at the current grade will satisfy the performance requirements. If an employee is not performing at a fully successful level, management will continue to follow guidance for pursuing a performance case and the career ladder promotion cannot be granted retroactively.

  1. No employee shall receive a career ladder promotion unless their current rating of record under 5 CFR 430 is "Fully Successful" (level 3) or higher.

    Note: For employees who transferred from another federal agency, the annual rating is not acceptable since it does not meet regulatory and policy requirements.

  2. No employee may receive a career ladder promotion who has a rating below "Fully Successful" on a critical element that is also critical to performance at the next higher grade of the career ladder.

Time-limited Promotions

(1) The decision as to how to fill a temporary assignment must be made before it is announced or filled. Time-limited promotion is generally the most appropriate means of meeting a situation requiring the temporary services of an employee in a higher graded position (except when the service is for a brief period and a detail is used). Appointing an employee to an established position gives better recognition to management needs and the employee’s new responsibilities and compensates the employee for the higher graded work performed. Therefore, managers will refrain from rotating assignments of employees to avoid compensation of a particular employee at the higher level. This would not, however, preclude the use of details to higher graded positions without a time-limited promotion, for the purpose of providing a developmental opportunity or for such reasons as workload considerations and/or budget limitations for a brief period of time.

(2) A time-limited promotion is not appropriate primarily for training or evaluating an employee in a higher graded position. It may not be used, for example, to give an employee a trial period before permanent promotion, or to train an employee in higher graded duties.

(3) Competitive promotion procedures apply in making all time-limited promotions permanent unless the time-limited promotion was made initially under competitive procedures and the fact that it might lead to a permanent position was made known to all potential candidates.

(4) Competitive promotion procedures must be used when a time limited promotion will exceed 120 days by the original action or upon extension, except for the following exceptions:

  1. When the time-limited promotion is for the purpose of assigning a Criminal Investigator to perform undercover operations. In the rare situation where a lower-graded Criminal Investigator must be assigned to a higher graded undercover assignment of less than two years in duration (e.g., that Investigator’s characteristics are the best available match for the assignment in question), a temporary promotion may be a possible consideration. In such circumstances, where adherence to the standard merit requirements might place the Investigator in potential danger or identify the assignment, temporary promotions up to two years may be approved by the Division Commissioner, Criminal Investigation; and

  2. IRS has an OPM approved exception to merit promotion procedures for noncompetitive time-limited promotions for up to 180 days for all grade/band levels within the GS-300 and GS-500 occupational groups and the GS-962 series within recognized organizations during specific pre-determined peak tax filing seasons. This authority does not apply to details. Requests for modifications to the peak filing season list must be forwarded by the Division’s Human Resources Director to HCO, TA, PEO. The request must provide justification of the business need, the specific operational area and the specific peak season period. For a complete list of specific peak filing season positions, contact TA, PEO.

    • All 180-day noncompetitive time-limited promotions must begin and end during the specified timeframe indicated on the peak filing season list. Areas outside of the specified Division and identified timeframe are not approved for the 180-day noncompetitive time-limited promotion.

    • All time served under the 180-day noncompetitive time-limited promotion authority does not have to be consecutive, nor does it have to be in the same position or in the same recognized organization. In addition, the full 180 days does not need to be served within the recognized peak season. If time is served on a noncompetitive temporary promotion outside the recognized peak season, the remaining time can be served within the recognized peak season for a total of 180 days. However, the remaining time served must begin and end during the recognized peak season. Time served outside the peak season is limited to 120 days. Refer to examples below:

    • Example: An employee served on a 120-day noncompetitive temporary promotion outside of the peak season and is now needed during the recognized peak season of January through June. The employee can be temporarily promoted for the remaining 60 days during the January through June peak season which would total 180 days. The remaining 60 days served must begin and end during January through June. The employee received a temporary promotion effective January 15, 2012, NTE March 10, 2012.
      Example: If the peak season lasts from January through September, four months can be served from January through May and two months could be served from July through September for a total of six months.
    • Any additions to the above occupational groups and series of bargaining unit positions must be submitted by the Division Human Resources Director to HCO, TA, PEO for approval by OPM and discussion with NTEU. The request must provide justification of the business need. Additionally, prior service during the preceding twelve months under noncompetitive time-limited promotions and noncompetitive details to higher-graded positions or positions with higher promotion potential counts toward the 180-day total.

(5) A time-limited promotion for a pay band covered position should be advertised in accordance with current guidance. Refer to IRM 6.335.1.18.

(6) A time-limited promotion ends on a specified date unless extended to meet additional temporary needs. However, it may be ended at any time, at the discretion of management. Neither adverse action nor reduction in force procedures apply when a time-limited promotion is ended and the employee is returned to his/her permanent position or placed without time limit, in a different position, in a grade no lower than their permanent position.

(7) A temporarily promoted employee may not be reassigned or demoted to a position with a higher grade or with promotion potential higher than her/his permanent position without the use of competitive procedures. The termination of the time limited promotion must be documented by a formal personnel action.

(8) The IRS is prohibited from filling any vacancies for attorneys in the 0905 series on a permanent basis. Treasury General Counsel approved the IRS’s use of temporary attorney positions to meet immediate staffing needs while it establishes new positions outside of the 0905 series. Attorney positions in the 0905 series may only be announced and filled through temporary promotions or details until the new non-attorney positions are established. These temporary attorney positions are filled through internal vacancies open only to IRS attorneys and current IRS employees.

Calculating Limits on Non-Competitive Temporary Promotions

(1) On May 26, 2011, the Department of the Treasury issued guidance on calculating limits for non-competitive temporary promotions. Treasury bureaus could use either the effective date or NTE date of the new non-competitive temporary promotion PAR to calculate the 12-month period between non-competitive temporary promotions. Beginning July 21, 2011, IRS changed from using the effective date to using the NTE date when determining if an employee is eligible for a 120- or 180-day non-competitive temporary promotion. This change in procedure alleviated multiple personnel actions being initiated by management and processed by HR staff and provided a greater benefit to the employee being temporarily promoted.

(2) Employment Offices should subtract one year from the NTE date of the current proposed non-competitive temporary promotion. Prior non-competitive temporary promotions and noncompetitive details to higher graded positions or positions with higher promotion potential, during the preceding 12 months must be subtracted when computing the time available. Refer to Exhibit 6.335.1-11 for an example of how to calculate the 12-month period between non-competitive temporary promotions.

Temporary Promotion Not to Exceed (NTE) One Year

(1) Competitive time-limited promotions and all subsequent extensions (up to the maximum of five years) will be made in one-year increments. The announcement will indicate that it is temporary NTE one year. At the end of the one year (or whenever deemed appropriate), the change to lower grade or extension personnel action will be processed. Refer to Exhibit 6.335.1-1, Actions Required When Processing Time-Limited Promotions and Extensions.

Extension of Temporary Promotion in One Year Increments

(1) Time-limited promotions can be extended in one-year increments when the original temporary promotion was announced under competitive procedures as NTE one year with the possibility of extension.

(2) The vacancy announcement must contain a statement that the possibility exists for extending the time-limited promotion in increments of one year, up to not more than five years, and/or may be made permanent without further competition when it is expected that the position may be extended or made permanent.

(3) If the vacancy announcement does not contain the required language, the position must be re-announced in order for the time-limited promotion to be extended or made permanent.

Request for Temporary Promotion in Increments Over One Year

(1) Competitive time-limited promotions (and extensions) can be made in increments longer than one year at the onset of the temporary promotion with an approved business case.

(2) Business case approval will be made on a case-by-case basis by the business unit Human Resource (HR) Director. The business case must certify that the employment need is temporary and meets the regulatory requirements for a temporary time-limited promotion.

(3) Justification must include the following:

  1. The anticipated length of the assignment

  2. Reasons for the extended need beyond one year, and alternatives considered

  3. Difficulties in filling the temporary position

  4. Proposed language to be included in the vacancy announcement

(4) Examples of valid business cases could include:

  1. Filling behind an employee on extended assignment or leave of absence (e.g., maternity leave, on-the-job injury, military leave, etc.)

  2. Reorganizations where positions will be phased out or eliminated

  3. Long-term assignment (e.g., a large case, special task force or reengineering) to fill a business-related need

  4. Other special circumstances

Request for Extension of Temporary Promotion in Increments Over One Year

(1) If the initial temporary promotion was announced as NTE one year, may be extended, and there is a need to extend the temporary promotion in increments longer than one year (e.g., two years), management must submit a business case (Refer to IRM 6.335.1.6.4) to their business unit HR Director for approval within four weeks prior to the NTE date of the current temporary promotion. Business case approval is not required for an extension of a temporary promotion for one additional year.

(2) When the business case is approved, the business unit HR Office will notify (usually by e-mail) the appropriate servicing EO within three to five business days. The business unit or business unit HR Office will then submit a request for personnel action to the servicing EO to extend the temporary promotion; the length of the extension and business case approval must be noted in the remarks. The business case, along with the approval, will be filed in the promotion file.

Example: An employee is currently on a temporary promotion NTE one year that was announced as may be extended. The temporary promotion was processed with an effective date of September 12, 2012, NTE September 11, 2013. Management submits a business case in March 2012 to extend the temporary promotion for three additional years. The business case is approved, and the extension is processed September 12, 2012, NTE September 11, 2015.

Extensions can only be authorized if the vacancy announcement included a statement for an extension provided the total time period of the temporary promotion does not exceed five years.

Example: Management decided that the temporary need could be met in two years; however, management wanted the flexibility of extending for two additional years if work was warranted. A statement was included in the vacancy announcement that the temporary promotion was NTE two years with the possibility of an extension for two additional years. The temporary promotion would be processed with an effective date of September 12, 2012, NTE September 11, 2014. If needed, an extension would be processed with an effective date of September 9, 2014, NTE September 8, 2016.

(3) The servicing EO will review the request for personnel action for compliance and document the justification in the comments section of the PAR.

Request for Time-Limited Promotion Over Five Years

(1) Requests for time-limited promotion beyond five years must be approved by OPM. Requests will be submitted to the official delegated authority to approve extensions beyond one year (Refer to IRM, Delegation Order 6-24). Following review and approval by the appropriate IRS official, requests must be forwarded to HCO, TA, PEO for submission to OPM. Information concerning the duties of the position, the temporary nature of the job, competitive procedures employed, and the need for extension beyond five years must be included in the request. Consideration will also be given to whether a permanent promotion is more appropriate.

(2) The five-year limit applies to the total continuous time an employee is temporarily promoted without further competition. If an employee is promoted temporarily and later competes and is selected for another time-limited promotion, a new five-year period begins at the start of the second time-limited promotion. Also, if an employee is noncompetitively promoted for 120 days, and the promotion is extended after competition has been held, the first 120 days counts toward the five-year limit.

Stacked Temporary Promotions

(1) Under certain circumstances, management may have a need to temporarily assign an employee already serving under a long-term competitive time-limited promotion (e.g., NTE 1 Year) to another position at a higher grade under a short-term noncompetitive time-limited promotion (120/180 days). This secondary action is known as a stacked or sequential promotion.

  1. Long-term competitive time-limited promotion is defined as a competitive temporary promotion NTE one year with the possibility of extension in one-year increments up to the maximum of five years if the announcement indicated the possibility of extension. (IRM 6.335.1.6.2)

  2. Short-term noncompetitive time-limited promotion is defined as a noncompetitive temporary promotion that is limited to 120 days or 180 days for certain filing season positions as indicated in IRM 6.335.1.6(4)(b).

(2) At the end of the short-term noncompetitive stacked time-limited promotion, if management determines the employee’s services are still required under the initial long-term competitive time-limited promotion and the NTE date has not expired, or the initial vacancy announcement indicated that the position may be extended; the employee may be returned to the initial long-term competitive time-limited promotion. However, if at the end of the stacked short-term noncompetitive time-limited promotion, management determines the employee’s services are no longer required under the initial long-term competitive time-limited promotion, the employee will be returned to their permanent position of record.

(3) For employees who accept a new long-term competitive temporary promotion to a higher grade/band, their current long-term competitive temporary promotion will end. A change to lower grade will be processed to return the employee to his/her position of record prior to processing the new long-term competitive temporary promotion. The employee will not be able to return to the first, or any prior, long-term competitive temporary position without competition.

(4) For employees who accept a new long-term competitive temporary promotion to the same grade/band as their current long term competitive temporary promotion, they will be temporarily promoted to the new long-term competitive temporary position without processing a change to lower grade. The employee will not be able to return to the first, or any prior, long-term competitive temporary position without competition. Refer to IRM 6.531.1 and the IRS PaySetting Desk Guide for appropriate guidance.

(5) For employees who are competitively selected for Management Readiness Programs (e.g., FLRP, Management Cadre, or other cadres), there is no limitation on the number of short-term temporary promotions (120/180 days) an employee can serve for the duration of the readiness program or cadre. However, employees may only serve in one short-term temporary promotion at a time. At the end of the short-term temporary promotion, a change to lower grade will be processed to return the employee to their position of record. For long-term temporary promotions NTE one year, an employee can serve only one long-term temporary promotion at a time. At the end of the long-term temporary promotion, a change to lower grade will be processed to return the employee to their position of record. The employee will not need to recompete for a new long-term temporary promotion for the duration of the readiness program or cadre. Refer to IRM 6.531.1 and the IRS Pay Setting Desk Guide for appropriate guidance.

(6) The servicing EO will send a referred notice to employees on the BQ certificate to notify them of the conditions, if they are offered and accept a new long-term temporary promotion or for employees selected for a management readiness program or cadre.

(7) Once the employee is returned to their permanent position of record, the employee must re-compete for another time-limited promotion. Refer to Exhibit 6.335.1-1, Actions Required When Processing Time-Limited Promotions and Extensions. For additional guidance refer to Job Aid Stacked Temporary Promotions by contacting TA, PEO.

Acknowledgement of Time-Limited Promotions

(1) 5 CFR 335.102(f)(1) requires that employees selected for a time-limited promotion be provided advance written notice. The personnel action must be fully documented to show that the employee was given advanced written notice of the action taken and the conditions of the promotion. If advance written notice is not possible, appropriate notice must be provided as soon as possible after the promotion is made. The notice must be in writing and include the following:

  1. The conditions of the time-limited promotion

  2. The time-limit of the promotion

  3. The reason for the time-limit

  4. The requirement for competition for promotion beyond 120 days, where applicable

  5. The employee may be returned at any time to the position from which temporarily promoted, or to a different position of equivalent grade and pay

  6. The return is not subject to adverse action procedures found in 5 CFR 351, 432, 752, or 771.

(2) Once notified of the selection for a long-term competitive time-limited promotion, the servicing EO must complete an Acknowledgement of Time-Limited Promotion and send to the employee and employee’s gaining manager through the automated hiring system. Refer to Exhibit 6.335.1-2, Acknowledgement of Time-Limited Promotion. The manager will share the acknowledgement with the employee and retained in the Employee Performance File (EPF).

(3) For a short-term noncompetitive temporary promotion, the Noncompetitive Action Center will complete an Acknowledgement of Time-Limited Promotion and send to the manager who will share it with the employee.

Conversion of Term Appointees to Permanent Appointment

(1) Term appointees can be converted to a permanent career or career-conditional appointment under the provisions of this Plan based on the authority granted to IRS under RRA ‘98 . The permanent appointment may be made only to a position in the same line of work as the position to which the employee received a term appointment under competitive procedures. The same line of work determination is based on the employee’s actual duties and responsibilities. The duties performed must be similar in nature and require substantially the same qualifications, including KSAOs/competencies so that the employee could be interchanged between the positions without significant training or undue interruption to the work.

(2) This authority (refer to (1) above) is applicable to any competitive term appointment made by the IRS that meets the following conditions:

  1. The vacancy announcement from which the term appointment was made stated that there was a potential for conversion to a permanent appointment as stated in IRM 6.335.1.7 (3). The term employee’s personnel action will be annotated to reflect that the position was announced with the potential for conversion to a permanent appointment in the same line of work.

  2. The term appointment was made under competitive procedures prescribed for permanent appointment (e.g., OPM/DEU registers).

  3. The employee completed two years of current continuous service under a term appointment or any combination of term appointments in the competitive service.

  4. The employee’s performance under the term appointment must be rated at the fully successful level or higher.

  5. The term employee must be selected from a status vacancy announcement. The term employee must be considered equally with all other status applicants based on the qualifications and KSAOs/competencies required for the permanent position.

(3) The vacancy announcement from which the term appointment was made must have contained the following information:

  1. A statement indicating that there is potential for conversion to a permanent appointment.

  2. The permanent appointment may be made only to a position in the same line of work as the position for which the employee received a term appointment under competitive procedures.

  3. The employee must have completed two years of current continuous service under a term appointment or any combination of term appointments in the competitive service at the time of conversion.

  4. The employee’s performance under the term appointment must be rated at the fully successful level or higher.

(4) There is no requirement that the term employee be selected under a status vacancy announcement for conversion to a permanent appointment and there is no provision for automatic conversion to permanent appointment. However, new term employees hired under this authority will be informed of the potential for conversion and the requirements.

(5) IRM 6.335. describes the requirements when posting a status vacancy announcement open to IRS employees on term appointments with potential for conversion to permanent appointment.

Merit Promotion Plan

(1) This guidance outlines the Merit Promotion Plan procedures to be used in filling positions within the IRS. For bargaining unit positions, appropriate negotiated agreement provisions relating to subjects in this IRM should also be reviewed. Should any of these instructions conflict with a provision of a negotiated agreement, the agreement will prevail.

Area of Consideration

(1) The area of consideration for NBU positions is servicewide unless the position is announced as a training opportunity such as Frontline-Leaders-Readiness-Program (FLRP), collateral duty, management cadre, or other solicitation for participants.

(2) Positions that are not "true vacancies" offering permanent placement into a continuing position are not subject to the Servicewide area of consideration. Examples of positions that are not considered true vacancies are: training opportunities such as FLRP, collateral duties such as an on-the-job instructor (OJI), and management cadre.

Recruiting Status Applicants

(1) Status applicants refers to those individuals who are current or former federal civilian employees who hold or held non-temporary appointments in the competitive service, not the excepted service and meet TACA restrictions. Status applicants include individuals who are eligible for reinstatement or transfer. Refer to the definitions of reinstatement and transfer in IRM 6.335.1.1.6.

(2) Certain veterans under the Veterans Employment Opportunities Act (VEOA) (5 USC 3304) and Land Management eligibles under the Land Management Workforce Flexibility Act (5 USC 9602) may also apply and be considered under vacancy announcements limited to status candidates when the area of consideration is outside the agency (Department of the Treasury). Refer to the OPM Vet Guide and IRM 6.307.1 for further guidance on VEOA.

(3) If the business unit decides to announce for status applicants outside the Department of the Treasury, VEOA and Land Management eligibles must be included in the area of consideration of the status announcement and applicants must be allowed to apply.

(4) As a result of the Stephen W. Gingery v. Department of Treasury, 493 Fed. Appx. 64 (Fed. Cir. 2012), the Office of Chief Counsel, General Legal Services recommended that the closing date for an internal vacancy announcement should clearly precede, and not overlap, any period that the external announcement for the same position(s) is open. It is recommended that the internal and status or external Delegated Examining (DE) announcements not be announced simultaneously when recruiting outside the Department of the Treasury.

(5) When IRS is not recruiting outside the Department of the Treasury and the area of consideration is limited to IRS employees on the internal announcement, internal and external DE announcements may be announced simultaneously.

(6) Late applications from 10-point preference eligibles cannot be accepted for status announcements since they are covered by merit promotion procedures under 5 CFR 335. Late applications can be accepted for competitive registers under 5 CFR 332 and the DEOH. 

Discretionary Reinstatement

(1) This policy provides guidance on discretionary reinstatement actions based on the OPM final regulations in 5 CFR 335.103 that gives agencies the discretion to select and reinstate certain former federal employees, to fill vacancies at any grade level or with promotion potential for which the individual is qualified, notwithstanding the grade of the position the individual previously held on a permanent basis in the competitive service. This policy will allow IRS to recruit former federal employees who have developed more enhanced or higher-level skill-sets since they left government service and allow former federal employees to apply for agency vacancies at grade levels appropriate to their current knowledge, skills, and abilities.

(2) Competitive Actions: Competitive procedures apply to the following action, based on 5 CFR 335.103(c)(1)(vi).

  1. Reinstatement to a permanent or temporary position at a higher grade or with more promotion potential than a position previously held on a permanent basis in the competitive service, if the individual:

  • Did not wait one year or more after separating from federal employment before applying for reinstatement, or

  • Did not receive a rating of record for their most recent career or career-conditional position of at least Fully Successful or (equivalent).

(3) Discretionary Actions: Discretionary exception to competitive procedures apply to the following action, based on 5 CFR 335.103(c)(1)(viii).

  1. Reinstatement in accordance with 5 CFR 315 to any position in the competitive service for which the individual is qualified at a higher grade level or with more promotion potential than a career or career-conditional position previously held by the individual; provided the individual:

  • Has been separated for at least one year before applying for reinstatement, and

  • Received a rating of record for their most recent career or career-conditional position of at least Fully Successful or (equivalent).

Note: OPM did not waive time limitations in 5 CFR 315.401(b). Former career-conditional, non-preference eligible employees are eligible for reinstatement for three years unless an extension of the time limit is permitted under 5 CFR 315.401(c). Former career or preference eligible employees have lifetime eligibility for reinstatement.

Note: The term “most recent” means the last federal rating of record under 5 CFR 430 that an individual received from their last career or career-conditional position.

(4) Prior to effecting the discretionary action in 3 above, HCO, TA, EO must follow the procedures below.

  1. Provide public notice by posting a status announcement on USAJOBS open to current and former federal employees with competitive status, priority eligibles and non-competitive eligibles indicated below for a minimum of five workdays.

  2. Clear Treasury Reemployment Priority List (RPL), Career Transition Assistance Plans (CTAP) and Interagency Career Transition Assistance Plans (ICTAP) under 5 CFR 330 and IRM 6.330.1, Recruitment, Selection and Placement.

  3. Consider applicants under the Veterans Employment Opportunities Act (VEOA) 5 USC 3304(f), the Land Management Workforce Flexibilities Act 5 USC 9602 and Military Spouses 5 CFR 315.612, as applicable.

  4. If there are IRS CTAP or Reassignment Preference Program (RPP) eligibles, post an internal announcement for a minimum of five workdays to clear CTAP and RPP and clear internal priority programs (IRSPPP, Priority Consideration, Hardship Reassignment). Refer to IRM 6.330.1, Recruitment, Selection and Placement. For additional guidance refer to supplemental guidance on Consideration of Status Candidates by contacting TA, PEO.

  5. Determine if former federal employee meets all qualification requirements and the requirements listed in 3 above.

  6. Former federal employees who have been separated for at least one year before applying for reinstatement and held a General Schedule (GS) position prior to separation, are not subject to the time-in-grade requirements per 5 CFR 300.603(a). This applies to reinstatement at any grade level which the individual is qualified. Refer to note and example below.

    Note: Based on 5 CFR 300.603(a) time-in-grade restrictions apply to advancement to a GS position in the competitive service by any individual who within the previous 52 weeks held a GS position under non-temporary appointment in the competitive or excepted service in the executive branch, unless excluded by paragraph (b) of 5 CFR 300.603.

    Example: Individual was hired under delegated examining competitive procedures for a GS-501-5 position with full working level 11 and resigned from the IRS as a GS-501-11 after attaining career tenure. After leaving the IRS, the individual worked in the private sector for several years and gained higher level skills and experience as a program manager in a similar program. The individual applied under a status announcement for reinstatement as a Program Manager GS-343-13. The individual may be reinstated to the GS-343-13 position if they qualify and meet the criteria listed in 2(a) above. The individual would not be subject to time-in-grade restrictions since they did not hold a GS position under non-temporary appointment in the competitive service within the previous 52 weeks.

  7. If former federal employee is selected and accepts the position, complete pre-employment checks (Citizenship, Tax Compliance, Selective Service, ALERTS) and suitability pre-screening prior to enter on duty date.

Treasury Applicants on Career or Career Conditional Appointment

(1) Treasury employees, who are on career or career conditional appointments, may apply under a status announcement when IRS opens the area of consideration to status applicants outside the Department of the Treasury. VEOA and Land Management eligibles must be considered. Prior to selection Treasury RPL, CTAP and ICTAP must be cleared. For additional guidance refer to supplemental guidance on Consideration of Status Candidates by contacting TA, PEO.

Treasury Applicants on Excepted Service Appointments With Prior Competitive Status

(1) Treasury employees, who are currently on excepted service appointments and have prior federal service on a competitive appointment which confers competitive status, or reinstatement eligibility, may apply under a status vacancy announcement when IRS opens the area of consideration to status applicants outside the Department of the Treasury. VEOA and Land Management eligibles must be considered. Prior to selection, Treasury RPL, CTAP and ICTAP must be cleared. For additional guidance refer supplemental guidance on Consideration of Status Candidates by contacting TA, PEO.

Example: John Doe is currently on an excepted service attorney position in the Treasury Office of Chief Counsel. Prior to his appointment as an attorney, he was on a career appointment as a GS-987-14 Tax Law Specialist for a period of four years. John has reinstatement eligibility indefinitely. John may apply to a status announcement that is open to status eligibles outside the Department of Treasury.

Treasury Applicants on Excepted Service Appointments Without Prior Competitive Status

(1) Treasury employees currently on excepted service appointments, who do not have prior competitive status, are not eligible to be considered for IRS internal vacancy announcements and may apply for positions posted for open competitive examination by OPM or IRS DEU Exceptions include VEOA and Land Management eligibles who apply to a status announcement open to status applicants outside the Department of the Treasury. Management may also include in the area of consideration of a status announcement, applicants eligible under special hiring authorities (e.g., Military Spouse, VRA). For additional guidance refer to supplemental guidance on Consideration of Status Candidates by contacting TA, PEO.

Non-Status IRS Employees

(1) Non-status IRS employees may be included in the status vacancy announcement if management decides to open the area of consideration to increase their applicant pool as indicated in the situations below.

Non-Status IRS Employees With Prior Competitive Status

(1) If management decides to include in the status vacancy announcement area of consideration, "IRS non-status employees with prior competitive status (reinstatement eligibility)" to increase their applicant pool, current IRS employees on a non-status appointment (e.g., excepted service, temporary, term) with reinstatement eligibility may apply and be considered. VEOA and Land Management eligibles who apply to a status announcement open to status applicants outside the Department of the Treasury must be considered. Prior to selection Treasury RPL, CTAP and ICTAP must be cleared. For additional guidance refer to supplemental guidance on Consideration of Status Candidates by contacting TA, PEO.

Non-Status IRS Employees on Term Appointments

(1) Term appointees can be converted to a permanent appointment based on the authority granted to IRS under RRA ‘98 and codified at 5 USC 9510(a)(1). The permanent appointment may be made only to a position in the same line of work and the vacancy announcement from which the term appointment was made must have stated that there was potential for conversion to a permanent appointment. The following procedures apply.

  1. Include the following statement in the status vacancy announcement: "To be eligible for conversion, IRS term employees who apply for this vacancy announcement must have been selected for a term appointment under an announcement that included potential for conversion under RRA ’98; completed 2 years of current continuous service under a term appointment (or any combination of term appointments) under competitive procedures; be in the same line of work; and received at least a fully successful rating." Refer to IRM 6.335.1.7(3) for information to include in the vacancy announcement.

  2. IRS Term employees with conversion eligibility to a career or career conditional appointment in the competitive service in the same line of work under RRA’ 98 are eligible to apply under a status vacancy announcement. VEOA and Land Management eligibles must be considered. Prior to selection Treasury RPL, CTAP and ICTAP must be cleared.

  3. There is no requirement to select an IRS term applicant. IRS term applicants selected will be converted to a career or career-conditional appointment.

  4. Applicants serving on Term appointments that were not announced with the statement that there is potential for conversion are not eligible for permanent conversion. These applicants may apply only for positions posted for open competitive examination by OPM or IRS DEU. For additional guidance refer to supplemental guidance on Consideration of Status Candidates by contacting TA, PEO.

Non-Status IRS Employees Without Prior Competitive Status

(1) Current IRS employees serving on excepted service, temporary, or other appointment not conferring competitive status, and who do not have prior competitive status, are not eligible to be considered for internal merit promotion or status vacancy announcements. They may apply for positions posted for open competitive examination by OPM or IRS DEU. Exceptions include VEOA and Land Management eligibles without competitive status when the area of consideration is open to status applicants outside of the Department of the Treasury. Management may also include in the area of consideration, applicants eligible under special hiring authorities (e.g., Military Spouses, VRA).

Alternate Sources of Candidates

(1) The decision whether to restrict consideration to IRS employees, or to consider, concurrently, persons from outside the IRS, or to select from other appropriate sources (e.g. reinstatement eligibles, transfers, persons with disabilities, Veteran’s appointments or those within reach on an OPM/DEU certificate) is at management’s discretion and will be based on the nature of the position to be filled, the likely number of highly qualified candidates available, and the need for fresh ideas and new approaches.

(2) When considering candidates referred from an OPM/DEU register, it will be noted that these candidates have met prescribed qualification standards and have been evaluated by OPM/DEU and determined to be qualified for the position to be filled. Candidates on the OPM/DEU certificate who are within reach for selection will be referred to the selecting official. The selecting official will select from the BQ OPM/DEU or IRS candidates. IRS employees and OPM/DEU register eligibles will be referred on separate lists to the selecting official. The internal list of IRS employees will be referred to the selecting official prior to the external listing when the position is bargaining unit in order to meet the first consideration requirement of the negotiated agreement.

(3) When considering alternative sources of candidates, the provisions of IRM 6.335.1.2, Plan Coverage, and IRM 6.335.1.3, Plan Exceptions, must be followed to determine whether competition is required. To the extent possible, the same evaluation methods will be applied to both IRS employees and outside candidates.

Order of Consideration

(1) The following indicates the order of consideration when filling IRS internal positions in accordance with governing law and regulation:

  1. Individuals with statutory placement or re-employment rights (such as an IRS employee or former IRS employee who is returning to duty after sustaining compensable work-related injuries or illness or returning from military service)

  2. Employees with placement rights established pursuant to a decision or settlement agreement directed or approved by a third-party adjudicatory agency, such as the Merit Systems Protection Board or Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

  3. IRS employees with placement rights as established by the CTAP in accordance with IRM 6.330.1

  4. Employees with placement rights established by the IRSPPP: Participants will be referred to the selecting official prior to taking any other action to fill a vacancy. Referrals and actions taken with IRSPPP participants will be documented in accordance with IRM 6.330.1

  5. Employees granted Priority Consideration in accordance with 5 CFR Part 300

    • Employees entitled to PC based on an IRS or third-party findings of discrimination when the employee was considered for promotion or employment, but it is not determined that the employee was the person who would have been hired or promoted. PC will be granted to an employee for any existing vacancy of the same type and grade for which initial consideration was given. An employee entitled to PC in this situation is entitled to PC prior to a candidate entitled to priority consideration for other reasons. If non-selected, the record will be documented to record the reasons for the non-selection; and

    • Employees entitled to PC due to a regulatory or procedural violation from a previous merit promotion action must be referred to the selecting official prior to filling the position by a promotion action or by any other type of personnel action, except as noted in a through d above.

  6. Employees with placement rights as established by the Reassignment Priority Program (RPP)

  7. Employees who are eligible for a hardship reassignment

  8. Competitive/Non-Competitive movement

  9. RPL registrants

  10. ICTAP

  11. VEOA eligibles

  12. Land Management eligibles

Note: For external competitive movement under OPM or IRS DEU, refer to the DEOH.

Vacancy Announcement

(1) Vacancy announcements will be used for notifying employees of a promotion, or other opportunity. Internal vacancy announcements should be adequately publicized and must remain open for 10 workdays (or a minimum of five workdays to accommodate unusual situations such as the need to clear special program priorities only) so that all eligible employees have an opportunity to apply for the position. Status announcements must be open for a minimum of five workdays.

(2) Vacancy announcements must be concise, clearly written, with sufficient information for the employee to understand the area of consideration, the duties of the position, the qualifications required (including selective placement factors), the evaluation methods to be used and what the employee must do to be considered. If the information cannot be outlined in detail within the announcement, the announcement must inform the employees where it can be obtained.

(3) At a minimum, the vacancy announcement must contain the following information:

  1. Announcement number

  2. Opening and closing dates

  3. Anticipated number of vacancies

  4. Area of consideration

  5. Title, series and grade of the position; work schedule, and if seasonal, length of season

  6. Starting salary or salary range

  7. Organizational and geographic location (POD) of the position

  8. U.S. Citizen or U.S. National

  9. Selective Service Requirements for status announcements

  10. Qualifications required for each grade level, including any selective placement factors

  11. Positive Education Requirements. Refer to OPM Group Coverage Qualification Standard for Professional and Scientific Positions for positions with a minimum education requirement

  12. Statement indicating whether official transcripts, photocopies of transcripts or other evidence of qualifying education should be submitted at the time of application when qualifications can be based in whole or in part on the combination of education and experience. Refer to IRM 6.338.1 for additional information.

  13. Description of the duties

  14. Evaluation criteria to be used for qualifications (e.g., KSAOs/Competencies, Specialized experience statements). Specialized experience must address the KSAO/competencies of the position as determined by a job analysis; Specialized experience statements should not only state that qualifying experience is "one year of specialized experience equivalent to the next lower grade." Specialized experience statements should provide applicants with information on the types of experience that are qualifying for the position.

    • Example: Specialized statements for a GS-303-07 Incentive Pay Coordinator position using the PD for the next lower grade (GS-303-06 PD 95453) could read: Applies knowledge of analysis techniques and methods to gather data, evaluate information, interpret guidance, draw conclusions, and coordinate projects. Examples of qualifying specialized experience include, but are not limited to: Identifies potential and actual problems in the program such as inconsistent data findings in system-generated reports, and provides recommendations and/or feedback to management for resolution. Researches a variety of issues, gathers statistics and information, and reports findings for full scope of the program. Monitors various incentive pay program reports to ensure consistency and accuracy. Revises quality and quantity targets based upon computer-generated statistical data.

  15. Statement indicating that applicants must meet eligibility and qualification requirements no later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the closing date of the announcement (unless otherwise specified in the announcement)

  16. Evaluation method to be used for ranking (e.g., responses to online questions based on the competencies of the position, and due weight given for performance appraisals, awards, etc.)

  17. Promotion potential, if applicable

  18. Application procedures: Information pertaining to the method of application will be specified in the vacancy announcement

  19. Whether moving expenses will be paid, if applicable

  20. Any other required information (e.g., shift work, frequent travel, drug testing required, physical requirements, etc.)

  21. Definition of CTAP/ICTAP well-qualified as described in IRM 6.330.1, Recruitment, Selection and Placement

  22. Statement of how CTAP/ICTAP eligibles can apply, including proof of eligibility and other required documents and the contact person. Refer to IRM 6.330.1 or additional information.

  23. The current Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and reasonable accommodation statement must be included. (For positions announced under an automated hiring system the EEO statement is included.)

  24. For supervisory and managerial positions, a statement that the employee must serve a probationary period, unless exempt; if applicable, must specify the pay band by which the position is covered

  25. Statement that pay retention may be offered for a position covered under a formal development program, if applicable

  26. When management desires to advertise a position as temporary, may become permanent without further competition, the following remark should be used on the vacancy announcement: "At the time of selection, this position may be filled on either a permanent or temporary basis. If filled on a temporary basis, it may be extended or made permanent without further competition"; Note: upon permanent conversion, the Reassignment Preference Program (RPP) must be cleared. RPP must be cleared by posting a separate announcement for five workdays

  27. When announcing a term position with potential for conversion to a permanent position, include the information specified in IRM 6.335.1.7(3)

  28. Statement that Superior Academic Achievement (SAA) provision can be used to qualify for a GS-7 if applicable to the position being posted. Refer to IRM 6.338.1, Qualification Requirements and OPM General Schedule Qualification Policy for additional information.

  • SAA is creditable in any degree and can be met through one of the following methods:

    1. Class standing; or

    2. Grade point average (GPA); or

    3. Election to membership in a national scholastic honor society.

(4) Management has the flexibility to advertise vacancies in a career ladder position under the same announcement, separate announcements, or by grade level.

  1. Applicants will not be required to submit more than one application per vacancy announcement.

  2. Selecting officials have the flexibility to make a selection(s) from any of the grade levels advertised in the announcement.

(5) If vacancies in more than one POD are announced, employees may identify, in order of preference, up to six PODs that they would accept if selected. If vacancies in more than six PODs are announced, employees may also indicate their interest in other PODs listed.

(6) Open continuous announcements will be used primarily for types of positions that have recurring and frequent vacancies. The announcement will contain language that notifies the applicants of the specific cutoff dates for submission of applications. This type of announcement allows applicants to submit their applications at any time; however, they will not be eligible for referral unless the application is received on or prior to the cutoff date specified in the announcement. Applicants are added to the register/roster if they are determined to be best qualified, highly qualified or qualified, as appropriate. Refer to IRM 6.335.1.8.14 and IRM 6.335. for additional information.

(7) Rosters will be utilized when it is anticipated that a significant number of vacancies will occur within a certain period of time (no longer than one year). Announcements for rosters have specific closing dates or cut off dates and will specify the time period upon which a selection will be made from the roster. Candidates must be eligible by the closing date of the roster announcement or cut off dates specified on the announcement. Rosters are considered "established" for the purposes of selection once the best or highly qualified determination has been made by the ranking panel/official or ranking has been completed by an automated hiring system.

Application for Vacancy Announcement Consideration

(1) Forms required for vacancy announcement consideration are, at a minimum:

  1. Application form(s) for consideration as specified in the vacancy announcement

  2. Current performance appraisal for merit promotion purposes

    Note: It is not required but recommended that applicants submit a copy of their current performance appraisal. Applicants who do not submit a performance appraisal will not be determined ineligible based on the absence of a performance appraisal.

  3. Other forms can be specified in the announcement if required to assess a candidate’s potential for the position to be filled

(2) Employees will complete and ensure that an accurate record of work experience, incentive awards and training are contained on the required application forms. This information will be used to determine qualifications and rank the employee’s potential to perform the position to be filled. Applicants will be notified of their qualifications eligibility determination. This notification will contain the reason for an ineligible determination.

(3) In order to be considered for any vacancy announcement, employees will ensure that all required forms indicated on the vacancy announcement are received (or postmarked) by the servicing EO by the closing date of the announcement (unless otherwise specified in the announcement). For positions announced through an automated system, required forms should be received no later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the closing date of the announcement (unless otherwise specified in the announcement). A separate application package must be submitted for each vacancy announcement.

(4) The immediate manager ensures that a method is in place to ensure that employees who are temporarily absent from duty (e.g., leave, training, furlough, etc.) are informed of vacancies announced within their area of consideration.

(5) Managers can submit names of employees for vacancies and must inform the referred employee of this referral. Managerial referrals must be submitted by the closing date or dates specified in the announcement in order to be considered; however, employees whose names have been submitted as managerial referrals must coordinate receipt of complete application forms with the servicing EOs. Solicitation of managerial referrals must never be used alone, but only as a supplement to other methods previously mentioned.

(6) Servicing EOs are responsible for referring for consideration the name(s) of employees:

  1. Who are absent due to compensable injury or in military service in accordance with 5 CFR 353.106(c)

  2. Granted reemployment rights under a letter of authority from OPM or through legislation

  3. On Intergovernmental Personnel Act mobility agreements in accordance with applicable law or

  4. Serving in public international organizations in accordance with applicable law

Priority Consideration

(1) Priority Consideration is a special placement priority, that allows an individual bona fide consideration before any other candidates are considered (except those with superior legal claims to the vacancy). PC is the process by which competitive procedures are temporarily suspended for the purpose of correcting or minimizing any injustice resulting from a violation of federal merit promotion procedures. To be entitled to PC, a non-selected employee must have been adversely impacted by the violation of competitive procedures. Refer to EEO requirement in IRM 6.335.1.8.8(5).

(2) Once identified, every attempt will be made to correct the violation as quickly as possible. PC can only be granted as a remedy for violations of the merit promotion regulation or procedures, as outlined in this Plan or under the portion of the negotiated agreement outlining merit promotion procedures.

(3) When a PC is prescribed as an appropriate remedy for a violation of competitive procedures, it must be ordered by the Division Commissioner or the equivalent. The Division Commissioner or the equivalent may re-delegate the approval authority for PC to any executive or senior manager who is a direct report to the Division Commissioner or who is a direct report to an executive. Refer to IRM, Delegation Order, 6-28 Authorization to Provide Priority Consideration under the Merit Promotion Program. Based on applicable delegations, PC as a result of an EEO Settlement does not need approval from the Division Commissioner. An EEO Settlement is a higher order of consideration. Refer to IRM 6.335.1.8.5(1). Servicing EOs have the responsibility for administering priority consideration and ensuring it is properly applied in accordance with regulations and procedures.

(4) Below are examples of situations in which PC is an appropriate remedy when regulatory or procedural violations have occurred. Other situations involving procedural or regulatory violations may also warrant PC as a remedy. These examples are not all-inclusive:

  1. Employees in the BQ group not selected because of the selection of an unqualified employee or an employee who was not best qualified.

  2. An employee placed in the BQ group was not selected and subsequently, the selecting official determines that incorrect information or procedures caused a substantial negative impact on the employee’s consideration.

  3. Employees originally identified as qualified or highly qualified were improperly excluded from the BQ group.

  4. Employees were not initially considered, but had they been considered he/she would have been in the BQ group.

(5) Priority Consideration is also an appropriate remedy in EEO discrimination cases when it is found through formal EEO complaint procedures that discrimination resulted in the improper consideration of the employee. Since it is the practice of the IRS to correct identified promotion problems without waiting for the resolution of the EEO complaint, every attempt will be taken to correct the promotion violation as quickly as possible. Absent a finding of discrimination, PC under promotion procedures can only be granted as a remedy if a merit promotion violation has occurred that fully warrants the granting of such a remedy under the guidelines specified in this document.

(6) When PC is ordered, it will apply to the specific position for which the employee was not given proper consideration, if that position is vacant. However, if the position is encumbered, the employee who was not given proper consideration in the original promotion action and who has not already been promoted is entitled to PC for the first appropriate vacancy that becomes available.

(7) An appropriate vacancy is one for which the employee meets basic qualifications and is a reasonable candidate. An appropriate vacancy is linked to the actual vacancy for which the employee was not given proper consideration and should include the same:

  1. Business Operating Division (e.g., Wage & Investment) unless PC entitlement is limited to a specific operation adjudicated by a third party settlement agreement;

  2. Commuting area

  3. Title, series and grade

  4. Work schedule

  5. Type - Temporary or permanent

  6. Specialization and

  7. Same full working level

(8) A Remain in POD vacancy is an appropriate vacancy only if the employee lost consideration for a Remain in POD vacancy that matches the criteria.

  • Example: Jane Doe received a PC for a GS-343-13 Remain in POD vacancy while in Chicago; eighteen months later Jane relocated to Washington D.C. A vacancy for a GS-343-13 position was announced "Remain in POD." Jane can use her PC for this vacancy.

(9) An appropriate vacancy is generally in the same area of consideration as the position for which the employee was not given proper consideration. In those circumstances where no appropriate vacancy is anticipated in the original area of consideration within two years from the date priority consideration is granted, the employee’s priority consideration will be extended to include similar vacancies within the original area of consideration, provided the employee meets basic eligibility requirements. The employee entitled to PC will usually be consulted as to their job preferences and must always be informed in advance that PC is being given. If possible, the employee’s wishes will be accommodated, but management makes the final decision. The employee will receive PC only in the Division that had the vacancy. In unusual cases, at the discretion of management, PC may be allowed for a position in a different Division with concurrence of the other Division Commissioner. It is recommended that agreements that cross business unit lines be documented with the names of the manager’s involved.

(10) PC is granted once for each time proper consideration was missed.

(11) Employees eligible for PC for a position that was previously located in an organization that no longer exists as a result of reorganization must be considered for vacancies in the business unit where these positions were realigned. If the position was realigned to more than one business unit, employees are entitled to priority consideration in the business unit that announces the first vacancy. Employees eligible for PC for a position that was later reclassified to a different series within their division are entitled to priority consideration for the reclassified position.

(12) PC granted, as a result of a legal settlement agreement, must adhere to the conditions identified in this IRM.

(13) Candidates entitled to PC do not compete with nor will they be considered with, any candidates who are not also entitled to the same level of PC. Candidates entitled to PC must be given consideration in accordance with the order of consideration described in IRM 6.335.1.8.5.

(14) The selecting official must provide written and signed certification that the employee was given full and fair consideration for the vacant position as if he or she had been considered on a regular BQ list. Priority Consideration is intended to assure that the applicant receives bona fide consideration, which entails the PC applicant being referred alone or with other PC applicants on a certificate prior to lesser priorities in the order of consideration outlined in IRM 6.335.1.8.5.

(15) Since PC represents granting an exception to normal merit promotion competitive procedures, it can be authorized only under the conditions that have been described above. It cannot be granted to provide relief to an employee because of poor personnel practices or to settle disputes (such as grievance issues) not in violation of EEOC regulation or merit promotion requirements.

Processing a Request for Priority Consideration as a Result of a Grievance

(1) If PC is recommended as an appropriate remedy for a grievance, the servicing Labor Relations Office (LRO) will coordinate the specifics of the grievance with the servicing EO with the vacancy to ensure that the PC is warranted in compliance with applicable regulatory and contractual guidelines. The following approval process does not apply to a PC as a result of an EEO Settlement. An EEO Settlement is a higher order of consideration. Refer to IRM 6.335.1.8.5 (1).

  1. If it is determined by the servicing EO with the vacancy that a merit promotion regulatory or procedural violation has not occurred, the HCO, TA, Associate Director, Employment Office or designee will notify the servicing LRO in writing of their findings that PC is not warranted as a remedy for the grievance. The LRO will notify the deciding official;

  2. If it is determined by the servicing EO that a merit promotion regulatory or procedural violation occurred, the Associate Director, Employment Office or designee will notify the servicing LRO in writing of their findings and recommend that PC is an appropriate remedy for the grievance; and

  3. The servicing EO will annotate the grievant’s ranking information and the rank order listing of candidates with the grievant’s revised ranked score and initial and date each document. Changes made in an automated system should be annotated in the tracking history to indicate the reason the scores were revised.

(2) If the deciding official agrees to PC as a remedy based on the servicing EO’s findings, the EO will prepare a memorandum requesting the PC on behalf of the deciding official. This memorandum, signed by the Associate Director, Employment Office, will be forwarded through the servicing LRO to the appropriate PC approving authority for the business unit with the vacancy. The PC approving authority will make the final determination on whether PC will be granted. If assistance is needed in determining the appropriate PC approving authority, the servicing EO will contact the business unit HR Office. The memorandum should include the following information:

  1. Grievant information to include name, title, series, grade, division and POD.

  2. Vacancy information for which the PC is requested to include the announcement number, title, series, grade, specialization, type - temporary or permanent, work schedule, tour of duty, division and POD.

  3. If an employee lost consideration for a position announced as a career ladder, include the full career ladder of the position and the grade level(s) for which the employee qualifies.

    Example: The employee lost consideration for an Internal Revenue Agent GS-512-7/9/11/12 vacancy announcement. The employee qualified at the GS- 512-7/9 levels. The memo will state for grade: GS-512-7/9/11/12 qualifies at GS-512-7/9 level. The employee will only be referred for the grade level qualified at the time PC was granted. Refer to Exhibit 6.335.1-3, Sample PC Request to the PC Approving Authority.

  4. A brief summary of the regulatory or procedural violation and/or issue that impacted the grievant’s standing on the BQ list.

  5. Supporting documents to include copies of the vacancy announcement, appraisal, original and revised ranking information, rank order list of candidates, and promotion certificate.

(3) The PC approving authority will sign and date the memorandum and indicate their approval or disapproval. A copy of the signed memorandum will be provided to the servicing LRO and the EO with the vacancy.

(4) The servicing LRO will prepare a grievance response on behalf of the deciding official notifying the grievant(s) or their representative of the decision. The response should include the following:

  1. Vacancy information for which the PC is requested to include the announcement number, title, series, grade, specialization, type - temporary or permanent, work schedule, tour of duty, division and POD.

  2. A brief summary of the regulatory or procedural violation and/or issue that impacted the grievant’s standing on the BQ list.

  3. Results of findings and recommendation that PC is an appropriate remedy.

  4. Statement citing the provision that entitles the employee to PC (e.g., National Agreement Article 13 Section 11 or IRM 6.335.1.8.8) and approval from the PC approving authority granting the remedy requested.

  5. Statement that the servicing EO with the vacancy will prepare a Priority Consideration Memorandum within 30 days of the response confirming the grievant’s PC entitlement.

(5) The EO with the vacancy will prepare a memorandum notifying the employee of PC entitlement and provide a copy simultaneously to the servicing Labor Relations Office. Refer to Exhibit 6.335.1-4, Sample Notification to Employee of PC Entitlement.

(6) The EO with the vacancy will forward the documentation granting PC to the servicing EO of the PC eligible.

(7) The EO of the PC eligible will file the documentation in the employee’s PC file and enter the employee’s name on the Special Priority Programs Database.

Processing a Priority Consideration Request Absent a Grievance

(1) Whenever a servicing EO discovers a regulatory or procedural violation that justifies ordering PC, the EO with the vacancy is obligated to take appropriate corrective action as quickly as possible.

(2) If upon reconstruction of the BQ it is determined that an employee selected would not have made BQ, corrective action will be taken as appropriate as outlined in IRM 6.335.1.16 Corrective Action.

(3) If an employee has filed a grievance and upon reconstruction of the BQ it is determined that another employee, who has not filed a grievance would have also made BQ, the EO with the vacancy will follow the process outlined in (5) a through h below.

(4) There is no limitation on when a PC request can be submitted to the appropriate PC approving authority for non-bargaining unit employees who lost proper consideration.

(5) EOs with the vacancy will follow the steps below when submitting a PC request to the appropriate PC approving authority recommending that PC be granted on the employee’s behalf. This process is used when the EO with the vacancy discovers a possible violation that justifies ordering PC and a grievance has not been filed.

  1. The EO with the vacancy that discovered the possible merit promotion violation will examine all appropriate information to determine if a merit promotion violation occurred and if the employee was harmed. If the servicing EO finds no evidence that a merit promotion violation has occurred, then no further action will be taken.

  2. If the EO with the vacancy determines upon reconstruction that the employee should have been referred on the BQ list, then the servicing EO will edit the employee’s score in the automated hiring system which will update the applicants overall score and place the applicant on the BQ list. Changes made in an automated system should be annotated in the employee’s history to indicate the reason the scores were revised.

  3. The EO with the vacancy will prepare a memorandum to the appropriate PC approving authority in the business unit with the vacancy outlining their findings and recommendations to grant PC. The Associate Director, Employment Office will review and sign the memorandum. The memorandum will include the information listed above in IRM 6.335. Refer to Exhibit 6.335.1-5, Sample PC Request to PC Approving Official Absent a Grievance.

  4. The EO with the vacancy will route the memorandum to the appropriate PC approving authority in the business unit with the vacancy for a determination on whether the PC will be granted. If assistance is needed in determining the appropriate PC authority, the servicing EO will contact the business unit HR Office.

  5. The PC approving authority will sign and date the memorandum and check whether the request was approved or disapproved. A copy of the signed memorandum will be provided to the servicing EO with the vacancy.

  6. The EO with the vacancy will prepare a memorandum notifying the employee of PC, and provide a copy simultaneously to the manager and servicing LRO. Refer to Exhibit 6.335.1-4, Sample Notification to Employee of PC Entitlement.

  7. The EO with the vacancy will forward the documents granting PC to the EO of the PC eligible.

  8. The EO of the PC eligible will file the documents in the employee’s PC file and enter the employee’s name on the Special Priority Programs Database.

Referral of Priority Consideration Eligibles

(1) The EO with the vacancy is responsible for the following:

  1. Review the Special Priority Programs Database to determine if there are any PC eligibles in the order prescribed in IRM 6.335.1.8.5. The database must be checked for PC eligibles prior to announcing a vacancy absent higher priority referrals, prior to issuance of a BQ certificate and prior to making a "temporary may become permanent position" permanent. When PC eligibles are referred, they must be given bonafide consideration which means they must be referred alone before other candidates are considered.

  2. When an appropriate vacancy is identified on the database, contact the servicing EO of the PC eligible to request a copy of the employee’s paperwork which will include the following: memorandum notifying the employee of PC entitlement, decision document that authorized PC, employee’s current performance appraisal, and employee’s current application, as needed.

  3. Refer the names of all PC eligibles for the appropriate vacancy on the Form 13001, Special Program Certificate for consideration by the selecting official at one time along with the required paperwork.

  4. Keep the servicing EO of the PC eligible informed of the status of the referral. Send by email to the servicing EO of the PC eligible a copy of Form 13001, Special Program Certificate signed by the selecting official, indicating selection or nonselection. If the PC eligible is selected, the selecting official will notify the employee that he/she is being selected and discuss report dates. If the employee was not selected, fax supporting documentation to the servicing EO of the PC eligible.

(2) The servicing EO of the PC eligible is responsible for the following:

  1. If the employee is not selected, prior to notifying the employee, review the supporting documentation in order to ensure that non-selection was based on merit reasons related to the performance requirements of the position being filled.

  2. If non-selection was not based on merit reasons, contact the servicing EO with the vacancy to discuss the reason(s) for non-selection. If necessary, the certificate will be returned to the selecting official through the servicing EO with the vacancy for further action.

  3. If non-selection was based on merit reasons, notify the employee that he/she had been referred for consideration, but had not been selected, citing the reasons for non- selection that were provided by the selecting official. The selecting official must provide written reasons for nonselection. Reasons for non-selection need to be clearly related to the ability of the candidate to successfully perform in the position. Refer to examples in IRM 6.335. (3). Also notify the employee that he/she is referred only one time under the PC program and will no longer be referred for a vacancy. Advise the employee that his/her name will be removed from the active Special Priority Programs Database.

  4. Employees were not initially considered, but had they been considered he/she would have been in the BQ group.

  5. If the employee has questions concerning the reasons for non-selection, refer the employee to the selecting official.

  6. When an employee has been referred for consideration and either selected or not selected, the servicing EO of the PC eligible is responsible for the prompt removal of the employee’s name from the Active Priority Consideration database and moving it into the archive files.

(3) The following are examples of when non-selection of a PC eligible can be justified. This list is not all inclusive:

  1. A PC eligible has demonstrated a less than successful performance in his/her current position and the duties and responsibilities of that position are similar or related to the work of the position to be filled. Selecting officials will use all available information (e.g., performance appraisal, application, interviews, if conducted) to evaluate each candidate against the duties and responsibilities of the position to be filled. Case law supports non-selection of PC eligibles where the candidate has demonstrated job-related deficiencies and management can show a legitimate reason to justify the non-selection. The following statement can be used to support a non-selection of a PC eligible with a less than successful performance: "The PC eligible is not qualified based on current performance of less than successful in a position related to the position being filled."

  2. Reasonable accommodations cannot be provided for the employee; or

  3. A PC eligible was not qualified for the position and was referred in error. The PC eligible should not be removed from the Special Priority Programs Database.

(4) The servicing EO of the PC eligible is responsible for maintaining the employee’s PC file. PC Certificates and all other supporting documentation must be kept in the employee’s PC file for future reference. The PC file will contain the following documentation as appropriate for each vacancy announcement for which consideration was denied:

  1. Vacancy announcement

  2. Memorandum notifying employee of PC eligibility

  3. Decision document that authorized PC (e.g., memo from PC approving authority, grievance settlement, FLRA decision)

  4. Documentation that indicates employee was not ranked properly e.g., employee’s revised ranking information, revised rank order list of candidates)

  5. Employee’s current appraisal

  6. Employee’s current application, as needed

  7. Promotion certificate for which the employee was referred and selected/non-selected

  8. Management’s written reasons for non-selection

  9. Declination if employee declined consideration

Determining Basic Eligibility

(1) Candidates must meet all minimum eligibility (e.g., TIG, time after competitive appointment restriction, etc.) and qualification requirements by 11:59 pm Eastern Time (ET) on the closing date of the announcement (unless otherwise specified in the announcement). Minimum qualification standards used for filling positions according to this Plan are standards established or approved by OPM and may be found in OPM Operating Manual, Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions, Job Qualification System for Trades and Labor Occupations and, IRM 6.338.1. The EOs are responsible for the application of these standards and the determination of a candidate’s basic eligibility for specific positions. The qualification standard used in filling the position must be documented in the promotion records. Documentation of each candidate’s qualification determinations must also be maintained in the promotion records. For additional information on time after competitive promotion, refer to IRM 6.330.1 or 5 CFR 330 Subpart E.

(2) Candidates may also meet qualification requirements under the specific provisions of an appropriately approved training agreement, which makes it possible to substitute the successful completion of intensive and accelerated training for a portion of the normal qualification requirements. Documentation related to these requirements must be maintained in the promotion records.

(3) Selective placement factors will be applied in the same manner as minimum qualification requirements. However, they cannot be used merely because they would be desirable.

  1. Documentation for Servicewide Selective Placement Factors is maintained by HCO, TA, PEO. Refer to IRM 6.338.1, for a full description of selective placement factors and positions with Servicewide selective placement factors.

(4) Candidates will be evaluated without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex (including pregnancy or gender identity), national origin, political affiliation, disability, genetic information (including family medical history), sexual orientation, marital status or status as a parent (except as may be required to comply with restrictions on employment of relatives in IRM 6.335.1.8.15 and IRM 6.300.1), labor organization affiliation or non-affiliation, or any other non-merit-based factor. Refer to 5 CFR 335.103(b)(1) for more information.

(5) Crediting leave without pay (LWOP) for meeting length and quality of experience requirements will be determined in accordance with IRM 6.338.1, Qualification Requirements.

Identifying Highly Qualified And Best Qualified

(1) Developing the Evaluation Process: A comprehensive job analysis must be used in developing the specific evaluation criteria that will provide the basis for the evaluative process. Vacancies must be analyzed to determine what KSAOs, or competencies are needed and at what level they are required for successful and highly successful job performance. The result of the job analysis is the development of specific evaluation criteria and standardized instructions for their use.

(2) Evaluation methods must also be developed that will effectively measure the stated criteria. Methods must be valid, objective, reliable and job-related in accordance with the requirements described in the Scope and Authority portion of this Plan.

Evaluation Criteria

(1) Evaluation criteria are stated requirements of KSAOs, or competencies necessary for successful performance in the position to be filled. Evaluation criteria are developed jointly between the business unit and HCO, TA, PEO and must be established and documented prior to the beginning of the competitive process. Criteria cannot be changed during the course of the promotion action. Evaluation criteria will be documented in the promotion file. Documentation pertaining to Servicewide evaluation criteria will be maintained by HCO, PEO.

(2) Current PDs as well as knowledge of the specific duties of the positions will be used as a base from which the evaluative criteria can be established. Criteria must also be measurable (e.g., there must be a method available to provide the required information). These criteria may be unweighted or weighted, but it must be ensured that the relative weight of each is proportionate to its relative importance in the performance of the job. If numeric scoring is used, cut-off scores for highly qualified will be established in advance when using the traditional referral method. For the quality group referral method, candidates meeting the established quality level in the crediting plan will be identified as BQ, HQ or Q quality group. Refer to IRM 6.335.

(3) A crediting plan will be developed for each criterion identified through the job analysis/job profiling (unless the criteria and plan were developed nationally). Scores for each criterion will be given equal weight unless a determination is made during the job analysis that weighting of specific criterion is necessary.

(4) A complete record of all pertinent information used in the development of criteria, the actual information obtained, and the conclusions supported by this information must be maintained either in the promotion file or a notation must appear in the promotion file that would indicate where such information is maintained.

Evaluation Methods

(1) Non-bargaining unit evaluation methods are the sources of information considered by a ranking official/ panel, or during an automated ranking process, according to pre-established criteria for a specific vacancy, to determine the BQ candidates. The selecting official in conjunction with the servicing EO must examine the evaluation criteria, determine the appropriate methods to be used to secure needed information and include them on the vacancy announcement. If appropriate methods are not available, new methods may need to be developed, or consideration given to combining pertinent available methods in a manner that furnishes the best combination of necessary information to evaluate the candidates against the criteria. The major consideration in selecting and using any evaluation method is its effectiveness in measuring the degree to which a candidate possesses the KSAOs/competencies that would enable the applicant to perform in a fully successful manner in the position within a reasonable time frame. Methods used must also be documented in the promotion file.

(2) The following evaluation methods are required:

  1. Performance Appraisals - Must be current and must have been shared with the employee. Refer to IRM 6.430.1 I and the National Agreement for guidance on time limits of performance appraisals for merit promotion. Performance Appraisals are considered in the selection process. Refer to the National Agreement Article 13 procedures for consideration of performance appraisals for bargaining unit positions. Only those appraisal factors that are relevant to the position to be filled will be considered. If relevant promotion information is not included in the annual appraisal, a special potential appraisal, or other appropriate appraisal that contains information relevant to the vacancy can be requested.

  2. Incentive Awards - Due weight must be given in the promotion process to all relevant awards received by a candidate that demonstrates ingenuity, industry, skill, resourcefulness or any other ability that may have an impact on the qualifications for the position to be filled. Relevant awards are considered in the selection process. Refer to the National Agreement Article 13 procedures for consideration of awards for bargaining unit positions. All non-Federally sponsored awards that are restricted on the basis of age or sex (including pregnancy and gender identify) may not be considered in the merit process.

  3. Training - Pertinent training and self-development activities that are clearly related to the employee’s potential for successful performance in the position to be filled. Education may be considered only to the extent that it is clearly job related or it clearly provides evidence of learning ability for the position to be filled. A standard approach will be developed so that similar activities will be considered alike when rating the evaluation criteria.

  4. Experience - The objective in evaluating experience is to determine how well the experience has prepared the candidate for higher level work. The type and quality of experience will be considered only in relation to the evaluation criteria. Length of service or experience may be used only when there is a clear and positive relationship with the potential quality of performance. A standard approach will be developed so that similar experience will be considered alike when rating the evaluation criteria.

(3) The following methods may be used at the Selecting Official’s option in addition to the mandatory methods listed above:

  1. Interviews - When an interview is being used as part of the promotion ranking process, it must be indicated either as a required method or as an option in the vacancy announcement. Interview records used in the ranking process must be retained in the promotion file. If used as part of the ranking process, any written record of an interview will be provided to the employee, if requested, in the same manner as the other ranking documentation.

  2. Potential Appraisals - Potential appraisals require the supervisor to make informed judgments about the KSAOs/competencies that a candidate has not clearly had to demonstrate on his/her current job. Potential appraisals may be necessary to assess job-relatedness requirements when the candidate’s current performance appraisal is not clearly relevant to the promotion process (e.g., a situation where the duties and required skills and abilities of the present job and the vacancy do not match). The evaluation criteria must be considered when the rater is responding to the factors and the questions on the appropriate potential appraisal form. The potential appraisal will address all of the evaluation criteria (e.g., KSAOs) necessary to perform in the vacant position in a highly successful manner) and all of the evaluation criteria for which the appropriate KSAOs/competencies have not been clearly reflected in the candidate’s appraisal of past performance. When completing a potential appraisal for a different job, information may be needed to assist the supervisor in making informed judgments on a particular candidate. A candidate’s potential may be demonstrated through successful performance on the job or in training courses, inventiveness on the job, special details and assignments, temporary promotions, or in other ways that may be generalized to show that the candidate possesses the necessary KSAOs/competencies to perform in the vacancy in a successful manner. Potential appraisals must be discussed with and provided to the employee by the supervisor or other rating official. If a potential appraisal is prepared at the time of the employee’s annual appraisal, it must be clearly identified as a potential appraisal so that it is not used as a basis of evaluating performance on the present job.

  3. Written Tests - Written tests will not be used in promotion, transfer, reassignment or other personnel actions unless specifically authorized. Additional guidance on the use of written tests for promotion and other internal placement actions may be found in OPM General Schedule Qualification Standards, General Policies and Instructions.

Ranking Officials, Evaluation Panels, and Automated Ranking Process

(1) Ranking of applicants may be conducted by an automated system, or a ranking official/panel.

(2) Ranking completed in the automated system will include the applicant’s responses to questions based on the KSAOs and/or competencies and applicable crediting plan of the position to be filled to determine the applicant’s overall ranking score. Performance appraisals and related awards are considered in the selection process.

(3) When a manual ranking process is used, the use of a ranking official or panel is mandatory in identifying Q, HQ and BQ candidates. Ranking officials and panel members must be at or above the grade level of the position to be filled. It is recommended but not required that ranking panels be used for all professional and technical occupations. Ranking officials are generally used for clerical and paraprofessional occupations. Ranking officials and panel members must be non-bargaining unit. If there are insufficient NBU panel members, then a NBU official should be used.

(4) A ranking official must be someone other than the selecting official and must have an in-depth knowledge of the requirements and functions of the position to be filled.

(5) Panels must consist of at least three members, including at least one member who has direct working knowledge of the position to be filled. Ranking officials/panels will be designated by the selecting official unless specified by other National Program requirements. The IRS should take diversity into consideration when establishing ranking panels and consider not only such factors as race, color, religion, age, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, or sexual orientation), national origin, and disability status, but also backgrounds and perspectives. Although not recommended, selecting officials can serve as a ranking panel member but not as a ranking official. There should not be only one evaluation panel for all jobs in one function; panels should be established for specific lines of work. For additional information refer to IRS Selecting Official’s Interview Guide by contacting TA, PEO.

(6) Ranking officials and panel members should be carefully selected and trained in their responsibilities and in the merit promotion process so that evaluations by different raters will be comparable and consistent. Ranking officials and panel members should be rotated periodically to provide all officials with an opportunity to develop expertise in promotion operations. Ranking officials and panel members should be instructed by the HCO, TA, EO to avoid discriminatory non-merit considerations (Refer to 5 CFR 335.103, Requirement 1).

Determining Highly and Best Qualified

(1) The application of the evaluation methods measuring the applicants against the evaluation criteria in the ranking process (automated or manual) should provide a meaningful distinction between the candidates and allow for the identification of the HQ and BQ.

(2) All candidates found to be basically eligible to compete for the position are ranked against the evaluation criteria using the mandatory methods and other job-related methods developed jointly by the business unit and HCO,TA, PEO.

(3) When using the manual ranking process ranking panels/officials will reflect and record the rating of potential for each candidate against all evaluation criterion for the position to be filled. Information from as many methods as possible is to be used by the ranking panel/official to assign individual criterion rating scores for each of the candidates. Scores on the criteria will be combined to form an overall score for each candidate. For the traditional referral method, candidates attaining the score previously identified in the crediting plan will be identified as HQ. Those applicants meeting the established level will be designated ″HQ″ and will be identified by the ranking panel/official, on the appropriate form. For the quality group referral method, candidates meeting the established quality level in the crediting plan will be identified as BQ, HQ or Q quality group. Refer to IRM 6.335.

(4) “Simplified Ranking Process” may be used when a promotion package has 10 or fewer candidates for a non-bargaining unit vacancy . The simplified ranking will be conducted by the ranking official, subject matter expert (SME) or servicing EO with approval from business unit management. This abbreviated process eliminates the need for ratings to be assigned and allows for candidates to be grouped by quality level for selection.

(5) The simplified ranking process meets the requirement that applicants determined "BQ" be evaluated based on job-related criteria that has been applied fairly and consistently in all cases. (Refer to Exhibits 6.335.1-6, 6.335.1-7, and 6.335.1-8 for additional information). At a minimum, the following must take place:

  1. Screen all candidates to ensure that they meet basic qualification requirements including any selective factors that apply to a particular job;

  2. Identify job-related criteria to distinguish well-qualified candidates from those who meet only minimum qualification requirements; and

  3. Select only from the well-qualified group.

(6) The promotion file will be documented to show how the evaluation procedures were followed, how the methods were interpreted/used and the procedure for combining the results of the individual criterion ratings to arrive at the total score for each candidate.

(7) When using the “Traditional Referral Method” if the number of HQ candidates is five or fewer, all may be certified as BQ. If the number of HQ candidates exceeds five, the BQ will be the top three to five ranked HQ candidates. Up to 10 candidates may be certified if meaningful distinctions cannot be made from among a smaller number of HQ candidates. However, if additional applicants have tied scores with the 10th candidate—all may be referred. If the application methods repeatedly fail to indicate meaningful distinctions between candidates, the methods and criteria will be reevaluated to determine if modifications are necessary.

(8) BQ candidates will be referred to the selecting official in alphabetical order. Three to five BQ candidates may be certified for a single vacancy plus one additional candidate for each additional vacancy. However, candidates will not be arbitrarily eliminated from the best-qualified list when meaningful distinctions do not exist.

(9) BQ referrals for positions announced at multiple grade levels may be referred either:

  1. On one certificate with the appropriate number of best-qualified candidates referred to the selecting official or

  2. Referred on separate certificates for each grade level.

(10) Candidates who have not been determined BQ or HQ can be referred for selection. However, they may be referred only if there are no highly qualified candidates even after the area of consideration has been expanded and there are no HQ candidates from outside of IRS when using the Traditional Referral Method.

(11) Qualified candidates who have applied for reassignment, transfer or reinstatement to the position to be filled and who are not required to compete for the position, may be listed separately and referred to the selecting official for consideration. For supplemental guidance on Consideration of Status Candidates contact TA, PEO.

Use of Quality Groups For Internal Non-Bargaining Unit (NBU) Non-Managerial Positions

(1) With the implementation of the automated hiring system for internal NBU positions, quality groups were established for use in filling non-bargaining unit positions. The quality group referral method places applicants in quality groups (BQ, HQ and Q) based on their responses to on-line questions. The quality group method allows management the opportunity to consider a larger pool of BQ applicants with the option to consider candidates from the next lower quality group (e.g., HQ, Q) if needed.

(2) The use of the quality group referral method is an alternative to the traditional referral method used for NBU vacancies as outlined in IRM 6.335.1.8.14. The traditional method limits the number of BQ candidates referred based on the number of vacancies and whether meaningful distinctions exist among candidates.

(3) Management has the option to use either referral method based on their preference and hiring needs. The referral method used must be included in the automated hiring system vacancy announcement.

(4) Quality Groups: Cut off scores for three quality groups, BQ, HQ, and Q are pre-established in the automated hiring system.

The following guidance will be used when referring candidates using the quality group method except management positions announced in the automated hiring system . Prior to announcing a vacancy, the HR Specialist should consult with the Hiring Manager to discuss the referral method (e.g., quality group method or traditional method) that would best meet their hiring needs. For management positions follow the guidance in the IRM 6.335.1.18 Management Selection Program 2.0 :
  1. Candidates will be assigned to one of three quality groups based on their responses to the online questions. Each group represents a quality level (BQ, HQ, or Q).

  2. Candidates will be referred in alphabetical order within each quality group.

  3. Candidates will be referred to the selecting official in quality group order with the BQ quality group considered first.

  4. The selecting official has the discretion to request the next lower-level quality group of candidates after the higher-level quality group has received proper consideration and/or if there are an insufficient number of applicants available for consideration.

  5. If there are three or less candidates on the BQ quality group certificate, both BQ and HQ quality group certificates may be referred automatically to the selecting official due to an insufficient pool of BQ candidates. If there are three or less candidates on the BQ and HQ quality group certificates, the Q quality group certificate may be referred at the discretion of the selecting official.

  6. If there are four or more candidates on the BQ quality group certificate, the selecting official has the discretion to request the next lower quality group of eligibles (e.g., HQ, Q) after the higher quality group has received proper consideration. If there are three or less candidates on the HQ quality group certificate, the Q quality group certificate may be referred at the discretion of the selecting official. If the selecting official chooses not to select or chooses not to make all selections from the higher-level quality group of candidates and requests to consider the next lower-level quality group of candidates (e.g., HQ, Q), they must document the merit-based reason(s), e.g., candidates lack specific type of experience or insufficient pool of candidates. The documentation can be accomplished on the online certificate or by sending an email to the servicing HR Specialist.

    • The Servicing Employment Office (SEO) must ensure receipt of supporting documentation from the selecting official before issuing the next lower-level quality group certificate (e.g., BQ, HQ). The SEO is responsible for reviewing the documentation and must ensure that the reason submitted is merit-based e.g., candidates lack specific job-related experience. Documentation that does not appear to be merit-based must be questioned and/or elevated through the appropriate channels.

    • The SEO will upload the supporting documentation in the vacancy announcement if the documentation is not generated or processed through the automated hiring system.

  7. Each quality group will be referred on a separate certificate and will not be merged with other quality groups.

  8. After final selection or nonselection is made, the selecting official must return the certificate(s) for the higher and lower quality groups to the SEO.

  9. If it is determined by the business unit that they have not received sufficient candidates or received too many candidates in the BQ quality group, the SEO should elevate this concern to TA, PEO for reevaluation of the crediting plan and/or pre-established cut off scores for future announcements.

  10. For current vacancy announcements changes cannot be made in the referral method, pre-established cut off score or crediting plan. This would be a violation of merit systems principles.

Language for "Certificate Notification to the Selecting Official"

(1) The following language can be used in your communication to the selecting official when forwarding the Certificate of Eligibles.

"Each quality group represents a quality level (e.g., Best Qualified, Highly Qualified, and Qualified). Applicants must be considered in quality group order, with Best Qualified considered first. If there are four or more candidates remaining in the higher quality group and you decide to request the next lower quality level group of candidates, your decision must be documented with a merit-based reason. The documentation can be noted on the on-line certificate or by email to your servicing HR Specialist. Your servicing HR Specialist will review your justification and, if warranted, will issue you the certificate for the next lower quality group of candidates."

Interviews and Quality Groups

(1) Interviews may be conducted by panels or the selecting official. When establishing interview panels, IRS should take diversity into consideration and consider not only such factors as race, color, religion, age, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, or sexual orientation), national origin, and disability status, but also backgrounds and perspectives. On interview panels, at least one member should have a direct working knowledge of the position being filled. A panel normally consists of three members. The selecting official may not be any lower than the first line manager for the position being filled. For additional information refer to the IRS Selecting Official’s Interview Guide by contacting TA, PEO.

(2) It is not mandatory to interview all applicants within a quality group, unless there is a mandatory interview required by the position. If the selecting official decides to limit the number of interviews within a quality group, the criteria used to select applicants for an interview must be job related, e.g., candidates interviewed had specific job-related experience in the private or public sector. The selecting official must document the merit-based criteria used to select interviewees. The SEO must upload the supporting documentation to the vacancy announcement in the automated hiring system.

Employment of Relatives

(1) Employees directly involved in the process of rating, ranking, interviewing, recommending and/or selecting another employee must comply with Merit Systems Principles and avoid Prohibited Personnel Practices under 5 USC 2302(b).

(2) When the EO submits a Certificate of Eligibles to the business unit for ranking, interviewing and/or selection, a statement will be included in the certificate instructions to reflect 5 USC 3110 Employment of Relatives. Employees involved in the hiring process must acknowledge they are compliant. A signed acknowledgment is not required. For additional guidance refer to SOP Non-Conflict Certification Process (Employment of Relative Restrictions) by contacting TA, PEO.

(3) Instructions also will be included in the Managers Guide: Vacancy, Certificate Review and Selection.

(4) Manager’s yearly training on Prohibited Personnel Practices will also address 5 USC 3110.

Reference Checking

(1) Reference checking is an objective evaluation of an applicant's past job performance based on information collected from references (e.g., supervisors, peers, subordinates) who have known and worked with the applicant. Reference checking is usually performed by the hiring manager primarily to:

  • Verify the accuracy of information given by applicants through other selection processes (e.g., résumés, occupational questionnaires, interviews)

  • Predict the success of job applicants by comparing their experience to the competencies required by the job.

  • Uncover background information on applicants that may not have been identified by other selection procedures.

(2) Reference checking is usually conducted near the end of the selection process after the field of applicants has been narrowed to only a few competitors. Reference checks can be conducted by:

  • Phone interviews

  • Written requests

(3) Structuring the reference checking process can enhance its validity and usefulness as an employee selection procedure. For more information refer to OPM Reference Checking.


(1) The authority to make selections is based on IRM, Delegation Order 6-24. Selections are initiated by the first level manager and approved by the second level manager.

(2) The selecting official has the right to select or not select from among a group of appropriately certified candidates. Management also has the right to select from other appropriate sources (e.g., reinstatement, transfer, veterans' appointment, those within reach on an appropriate external certificate, etc.) or concurrent selection from several appropriate sources.

(3) The selecting official may select any candidate referred (e.g., BQ, HQ, or Q) as well as those referred as non-competitive candidates (e.g. reinstatements, transfer, reassignment, etc.). Selection interviews may be conducted, at the selecting official’s discretion. Additional guidance on selecting a candidate being considered for a lateral reassignment is contained in the section below, Lateral Reassignments (Refer to IRM 6.335.1.8.18).

(4) If a BQ candidate is selected and does not accept the position, the declination must be documented in the promotion file. The selecting official then has several options:

  1. Choose from among the other best-qualified candidates appearing on the same referral certificate

  2. For the traditional referral method, move another highly qualified candidate into the best-qualified group and then make a selection

  3. For the quality group referral method, refer to IRM 6.335. to determine when the next lower quality group can be referred or

  4. Elect to fill the position by other means

(5) Certificates are valid for 90 calendar days. An extension of 60 calendar days may be permitted due to emergency situations (e.g., building closure, natural disaster). For supplemental guidance, refer to SOP on Certificate Expiration Dates by contacting TA, PEO. For policy guidance, refer to Treasury Policy TN-16-001, Effective Hiring by contacting P&A, ERSP.

(6) Additional positions of the same kind (e.g., the vacancy announcement information would be the same) may be filled within 60 calendar days of the initial selection.

(7) Promotion files will be documented if actions occur within the life of the promotion action that may lead employees to believe that pre-selection, favoritism, or other merit violations are affecting competitive selections (e.g., last-minute additions to the selection referral, reappraisals of candidates, long delays in making selections, etc.).

Lateral Reassignments

(1) Generally, the application and consideration procedures in the promotion system will be allowed to function as freely as possible. Employees may continue to file voluntary applications for positions of their choice. Unless the area of consideration was restricted in the vacancy announcement, employees will continue to receive full consideration for lateral reassignments by the selecting office.

(2) However, to promote fairness for all concerned parties, an action involving an employee selected for a lateral reassignment will be affected only after the employee is considered to be the best person for the position and the impact on the losing office has been determined, or in cases of real hardship.

(3) The determination as to whether an employee is the best person for the position does not necessarily have to result from a structured competitive process; however, non-competitive actions must be based on a review of the employee’s abilities and the management needs involved. Lateral reassignments will not be affected to avoid recruiting or training local people, just because the employee involved wants to move there, or for other reasons that are not either cost effective or directly mission related.

(4) In terms of deciding the best person for the job, selecting officials will be encouraged to give preference to their local candidates, particularly when filling positions at and below the full working level. Selecting officials are strongly encouraged to exhaust the supply of local, well-qualified employees eligible for promotion before making lateral reassignments.

(5) After the "best person" test has been met, appropriate officials must also look at the impact of the selection on the losing business unit, and reach an agreement as to where the greater need exists. After the selecting office has determined that an employee is the best person for the position, that business unit will contact the losing business unit to discuss the situation, and reach an agreement based on a mutual consideration of each office needs.

(6) No business unit may have a policy prohibiting the release of employees for lateral reassignment. All lateral reassignments will be in compliance with existing regulations and the release of employees for lateral reassignment will be made within a reasonable timeframe as well as mutually agreeable to both the gaining and losing office.

(7) In the case of competitive reassignments, an employee determined to be among the BQ through the competitive process meets the "best person" test. Competitive reassignments between two business units will be granted and made within a reasonable timeframe mutually agreeable to both the gaining and losing office. Competitive reassignments within a business unit can be denied, if there are extenuating circumstances that would negatively impact the overall operation of the organization and that cannot be relieved by an extended reporting date. Denial of a competitive reassignment requires the concurrence of the lowest supervisory level in the business unit with supervisory responsibility over both the gaining and losing organizations.

(8) Release disputes between business units will be raised for resolution to the Division Commissioners (or equivalent). If the Division Commissioners (or equivalent) cannot agree, then the Deputy Commissioner will have final authority.

(9) No lateral reassignment may be finalized until the above process is completed, and the losing office has agreed to the release. An employee should not be notified of their selection until all required coordination has taken place. The release date should be coordinated between the two business units.

(10) However, there are two situations when the losing office should not object to an employee’s release. These are:

  1. When it is not feasible for the selection office to recruit or train local people;

  2. When the employee involved has been selected for a position, which clearly enhances his/her career opportunities. Examples of this would be when an employee is moving into another occupation which has greater promotional opportunities and/or provides valuable developmental opportunities for the future; or when an employee is moving into a more responsible position.

(11) The appropriate management officials will determine whether or not moving expenses will be paid. However, moving expenses will not be paid when the lateral reassignment is effected at the employee’s request based on hardship circumstances, except in very unusual situations personally approved by the Division Commissioner (or equivalent). Division Commissioner (or equivalent) should establish appropriate controls to comply with these instructions. Information pertaining to moving expenses is contained in IRM 1.32.1, IRS Local Travel Guide.

Temporary Reassignment Actions

(1) Under Federal Register 73 FR 66143, November 7, 2008, "Changes in Pay Administration Rules for General Schedule Employees," an agency may reassign an employee to another position for a specific period of time, but the agency will use the Nature of Action (NOA) code 721 for the reassignment. OPM staffing regulations make no distinction between permanent and temporary reassignments, however, certain OPM regulations recognize this distinction.

(2) Only two situations warrant processing a competitive or non-competitive temporary reassignment.

Note: If the employee does not qualify for the position the action will be processed as a detail.

  1. Special Rate Reassignments:

  2. A reassignment will be processed when an employee temporarily moves from a non-special rate position to a special rate (SR) position at the same grade, and the special rate is higher than the employee's rate of basic pay, e.g., employee is temporarily reassigned from a GS-335-7 to a GS-2210-7 (special rate).
  3. Long-Term Rotational Reassignments:

    • A reassignment will be processed when an employee temporarily moves from a bargaining unit position to a different bargaining unit position based on a negotiated Letter of Understanding rotational agreement (e.g., GS-512, 526, and 1169 employees covered under the SB/SE Rotational Positions Agreement). Depending on the locality pay areas involved, this may or may not result in a change to the employee's rate of basic pay. The employee will be placed in the correct BU awards pool.

    • A reassignment will be processed when an employee temporarily moves from a bargaining unit position to a non-bargaining unit position based on a Recruiter Rotational Assignment NTE Three Years (e.g., employee moves from a GS-512-13 bargaining unit position to a GS-512-13 non-bargaining recruiter rotational reassignment NTE three years). Depending on the locality pay areas involved, this may or may not result in a change to the employee's rate of basic pay. Any union dues being withheld will be stopped and the employee will be placed in the NBU awards pool.

    • Note: If the employee does not qualify for the position the action will be processed as a detail.

(3) Complete the Acknowledgement of Temporary Reassignment notice, for both competitive and non-competitive actions, and send a copy to the gaining manager to share with the employee (Exhibit 6.335.1-12). The manager should retain a copy in the Employee Performance File. The servicing EO must maintain a copy of the acknowledgement and the finalized PAR in the vacancy announcement file.

Release of Employee After Selection

(1) Release of an employee for a competitive promotion, will not be delayed beyond the end of the first full pay period after selection, and/or on the effective date indicated by the selecting official, or after the position is vacant if selection is made in advance.

(2) For a competitive promotion the effective date cannot be made retroactive prior to the date the selecting official documents the selection. For employees who must first complete training, the promotion will become effective at the beginning of such training.

(3) For employees who are selected for a promotion but cannot report for duty at the time required by management as a result of the needs of the employee (e.g., in situations where management is not at fault for delaying the start date of the promotion), the promotion will be effective once the employee reports for duty for the new position.

(4) For reassignment or change to lower grade exceptions to this provision may be made in circumstances when an employee’s release date within the prescribed time limits would unduly hamper operations, or greatly inconvenience the employee involved. Such exceptions can be made only by mutual concurrence of the gaining and losing business units. Refer to IRM 6.335.1.8.18 for more information.


(1) Documentation of a promotion action must be sufficient for a reviewer to reconstruct the action in its entirety, including reasons for determining qualified, HQ, and BQ. Complete promotion files must be maintained for two years from the date final selection is made and the selecting official signs the appropriate selection form. There is no need to duplicate information available in the Plan, the negotiated agreement or in other Personnel records; however, it must be annotated in the file where this information can be located.

(2) The promotion folder (electronic or manual) must contain, at a minimum, the following information:

  1. Identification of the position and the plan under which it was filled

  2. Area of consideration

  3. Documentation that special programs were cleared

  4. Justification from management if the area of consideration is restricted

  5. Qualification standard for the position and selective placement factors (including the validity documentation requirements for selective placement factors)

  6. Copy of Recruit Action

  7. Copy of PD

  8. Copy of the vacancy announcement

  9. Evaluation methods (e.g., performance appraisals, applications, etc.); evaluation criteria (e.g., KSAOs, behavioral indicators, etc.) including documentation of job analysis data and other data necessary to document the validity and job relatedness of the promotion procedures; or in the case of nationally developed criteria, a notation as to where this information may be found

  10. System for ranking candidates and how it was applied to each eligible candidate (e.g., crediting plan)

  11. Names of all candidates that applied for consideration

  12. Basic eligibility determinations on all candidates (e.g., a completed qualification determination record, a complete application, etc.)

  13. Names of all eligible candidates

  14. Names of all highly-qualified candidates

  15. Names of those referred to the selecting official

  16. Name(s) of the individual(s) selected;

  17. Copy of selection certificate

  18. Any other information that may be needed to explain actions taken in qualification, evaluation and selection processes (e.g., cancellation notice)

  19. Copy of completed personnel action

(3) The personnel action of the selected candidate must indicate whether the promotion was made under competitive procedures, as a career promotion or as an exception to competitive promotion procedures and that, at the time of promotion, the employee met all qualification requirements and other legal and regulatory requirements.

(4) Promotion records may be used for the following purposes:

  1. Personnel management evaluation reviews by the bureau, agency itself, or OPM

  2. To serve as evidence that promotions are being made on a fair and valid basis and in accordance with prescribed regulations

  3. For use as information or evidence in resolving employee questions or grievances

  4. If necessary, to show compliance with Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures

  5. To help in other placement and personnel activities

Employee Relations

(1) Copies of the Plan will be made available upon request to all employees.

Employee Questions and Complaints

(1) Questions or complaints from employees about the Plan will be referred to as follows:

  1. Immediate supervisor

  2. Servicing HCO, TA, EO

  3. EEO Counselor, if employee is raising discrimination issues

  4. HCO, TA, PEO for resolution of questions that cannot be addressed by servicing HCO, TA, EO

(2) Employees with complaints that cannot be resolved by the above contacts can file a grievance under applicable procedures. However, failure to be selected for promotion when proper promotion procedures are used (that is non-selection from a properly constituted best-qualified list), is not a basis for grievance or for review under any other procedure.

Information Requests with Servicewide Impact

(1) Guidance for information requests with Servicewide impact can be found in IRM 6.300.1.

Information About Specific Promotion Actions

(1) The immediate supervisor, if requested, will counsel an employee on his/her non-selection and discuss methods of enhancing the employee’s future prospects for promotion.

(2) Employees who are considered for a position and not selected must be notified of the results of the promotion action within 15 work days from the selection date.

(3) The following information about specific promotion actions will be available to employees at their request:

  1. Whether the employee was found basically eligible for the position and what the minimum qualification requirements were

  2. Whether the employee was determined Q, HQ, or BQ and the evaluation criteria used for making such distinctions among applicants

  3. Who was selected for promotion

Release of Evaluative Information to Employees, Unions and Others

(1) When a request for information is received, the request must be independently evaluated by the responsible official per the provisions of the CSRA (5 USC 7114), the appropriate negotiated agreement, regulation, and other appropriate law (e.g., Freedom of Information, Privacy Act, etc.).

(2) Crediting plans (e.g., evaluation criteria used in the promotion action) will not be released to individual employees. Interview questions and scores that are used as part of the assessment process are part of the crediting plan. For BU vacancies follow the procedures in the National Agreement Article 13.

  1. Requests received by EOs from IRS EEO investigators, counselors, GLS and Treasury EEO officials for unsanitized evaluative information must be forwarded directly to the HCO, TA, PEO, CIRT.

  2. Requests from other third parties for unsanitized evaluative information must be forwarded directly to the TA, PEO, CIRT mailbox at:

(3) Once a crediting plan has been released, a new crediting plan must be developed prior to use in another competitive action.

(4) Guidance on the release of evaluative data in a promotion file to employees, the Union and/or the public is contained in IRM 11.3.1.

Release of Interview Questions

(1) Requests for the release of interview questions must be forwarded directly to the TA, PEO, CIRT mailbox

(2) Interview questions and scores that are used as part of the assessment process are part of the crediting plan.

  1. If the interview is scored in any way, used to put the applicants in any type of rank order, or are technical in nature but not scored, the interview questions and responses will be protected and their release will be covered by these procedures. These questions are typically considered to require technical knowledge in order to be answered satisfactorily, are developed through a structured standardized process with the use of subject matter experts, and contain criteria against which answers/responses are judged.

  2. In accordance with established procedures at the discretion of the selecting official, general interview responses and questions may be shared, along with individual ranking information, with employees upon written request through their manager. Interview questions that do not meet the definition that is described in paragraph 2a above, and are not technical in nature, are considered general interview questions.

(3) If selection interview feedback is requested related to that described in paragraph 2a above, this feedback should be provided to the employee as counseling by the immediate supervisor, selecting official or designee, as appropriate. This feedback may not include providing actual copies of interview questions, interviewer’s notes, or any specific information that might compromise these structured interview tools. This counseling:

  1. Should occur within a reasonable period of time after the employee requests it

  2. Does not require a justification for non-selection

  3. May take place via telephone or indirect method and

  4. The Union has no right to representation.

Security of Personnel Records

(1) All personnel records associated with a promotion action, including a grievance and/or appeal, will be maintained according to the security standards contained in IRM 1.4.6.

Records Retention and Disposal

(1) Merit promotion case files based on IRM (1) Document 12829 are destroyed two years after the selection certificate is closed or after an OPM audit (whichever is sooner) or after final settlement of any associated litigation.

Correction Action

(1) Failure to comply with laws, policies, regulations and applicable promotion procedures governing competitive actions requires immediate correction of the violation involved. Corrective action may involve the employee who was erroneously promoted, the employee(s) who was (were) not promoted or considered because of the violation, or the officials who caused or sanctioned the violation. It may also involve correcting program deficiencies. The nature and extent of actions to be taken in any case have to be determined on the basis of all the facts in the case. Due regard must be given to the circumstances surrounding the violation, to the equitable and legal rights of the parties concerned, and to the interests of the Government.

Types of Violation

(1) Procedural - A procedural violation occurs when an internal competitive action does not conform to the requirements of this Plan. It may include:

  1. Failure to consider an employee entitled to consideration

  2. Selection of an employee not in the best-qualified group

  3. Failure to give the prescribed weight to an evaluation criterion

(2) Regulatory - A regulatory violation occurs when the selected employee did not meet legal requirements or regulatory requirements at the time of promotion. It may include:

  1. Failure to meet eligibility requirements (e.g., TIG)

  2. Failure to meet OPM qualification requirements

(3) Program - A program violation occurs when agency promotion guidelines do not conform to regulatory requirements or to other high level guidelines. It may include:

  1. Use of inappropriate methods

  2. Establishment of inappropriate minimum areas of consideration

Actions Involving Erroneously Promoted Employees

(1) The general rule is that an erroneously promoted employee may be retained in the position only if the promotion action can be corrected to conform essentially to all OPM and agency requirements as of the date the action was taken. However, corrective action decisions must be tempered by all the facts surrounding the violation. Under some conditions, it may be permissible to retain the employee in the position even when the general rule does not apply. These conditions include:

  1. Procedural Violation - The employee may be retained in the position only if: reconstruction of the internal competitive action shows that the employee could have been selected had the proper procedures been followed at the time the action was taken; or OPM gives approval. Requests for such approval must be made through HCO, TA, PEO.

  2. Regulatory Violation - The employee may be retained in the position only if: the employee now meets the necessary qualification or regulatory requirements; and OPM gives approval. Requests for such approval must be made through the HCO, TA, PEO.

  3. Program Violation -The employee generally may be retained in the position if there was no accompanying procedural or regulatory violation. Appropriate program corrections will be made.

(2) Corrective Action - If an employee is not retained in the position, he/she must be returned to his/her former position or placed in another position for which he/she is qualified. If the latter position is in a higher grade or level than the position he/she held prior to the erroneous promotion, the position change is made under competitive promotion procedures as though the employee was still serving at the grade or level from which erroneously promoted.

(3) Retention of Erroneously Selected Employee - A determination for retaining an employee in his/her position will be dependent on the nature, extent, and seriousness of the violations involved in the particular situation. It will take into account factors such as:

  1. How close the employee was to meeting qualification or regulatory requirements at the time of promotion if a regulatory violation is involved

  2. How close the employee was to being in the best-qualified group if a procedural violation is involved

  3. How much time has elapsed since promotion

  4. Whether identification can be made of employees who were or should have been in the group certified to the selecting official and whether they have been promoted or have left the agency

Action Involving Non-selected Employees

(1) If the corrective action was to require that the position be vacated, an employee, who was not promoted or given proper consideration because of the violation, will be considered for promotion to the vacated position before candidates under a new promotion or other placement action are considered.

(2) If the corrective action did not include vacating the position, an employee who was not promoted or given proper consideration because of the violation is to be given PC for the next appropriate vacancy before candidates under a new competitive or other placement action are considered. An employee may be selected on the basis of this consideration as an exception to the competitive promotion procedures of this Plan.

Action Involving Responsible Officials

(1) Violations of the Plan can have a serious impact on personnel management that goes beyond the particular cases involved. Proper competitive actions are essential to ensure that the best people are being selected for IRS positions and employees are receiving fair consideration. An official who permits a violation to occur shall be informed of the violation and told what will be done to avoid repetition. Whether and what type of action should be taken against the official will depend on such factors as the severity of the violation, the motivation for the violation and whether the violation was repetitive. Action may include withdrawal of authority to make selections or promotions and/or disciplinary action up to and including separation from the IRS. At a minimum, repetitive violations will be considered when completing the official’s performance appraisal.

Retroactive Promotion and Other Corrective Actions

(1) The IRS established a nondiscretionary policy for retroactive promotions for Career Promotions, Time-Limited Promotions, and Competitive Promotions for NBU employees who meet the requirements of the position. This policy will allow for the retroactive processing of a promotion where due to administrative error or oversight the action was not processed timely. This policy will afford the same protections for NBU employees as currently afforded for BU employees.

(2) Other corrective actions, including retroactive promotion, are appropriate when an employee has been found to have undergone an unjustified or unwarranted personnel action as defined in 5 CFR 550 and Comptroller General decisions. Additional information pertaining to corrective actions and retroactive promotions can be found in IRM 6.550.1.

Wage Grade Positions

(1) The OPM Job Element Qualification System and this Plan should be used in filling Wage Grade positions, both supervisory and non-supervisory, under competitive procedures. In those instances where there are variances between the requirements of the two systems, the Job Element Qualification System will prevail.

Management Selection Program

(1) The Management Selection Program 2.0 is the service’s internal competitive process used to select all temporary or permanent managers (except Executives). When recruiting externally for permanent managers, criteria similar to the criteria used for the MSP 2.0 process will be used when recruiting from delegated examining and status announcements. MSP 2.0 requires evaluation of each candidate against leadership and technical competencies for the position being filled.

(2) The MSP 2.0 process is also used when filling management positions from a “cadre” announcement. Most managerial cadres are used by the business units to fill temporary manager vacancies throughout the filing season.

(3) Management readiness programs, such as Senior Manager Readiness Program (SMRP), Department Manager Readiness Program (DMRP) and Frontline Leader Readiness Program (FLRP), are not covered under MSP 2.0 because readiness programs are considered training programs. Readiness programs may incorporate any aspect of the MSP 2.0 into their competitive application and/or ranking process. Selectees from a readiness program must apply and be selected from a permanent manager announcement in order to be made a permanent manager.

MSP 2.0 Vacancy Announcement

(1) When creating an MSP 2.0 announcement, the SEO will locate and copy the appropriate managerial template. For templates that have not been automated, the SEO will use a managerial template with basic requirements created for each managerial level (Frontline Manager, Department Manager and Senior Manager).

(2) Prior to announcing a managerial position that has not been automated, the SEO will follow the procedures below:

  1. The SEO will verify that technical competencies have been identified and profiled for the position being announced. The technical competencies are determined through job analysis (job profiling) of the duties and responsibilities of the position by the SME in conjunction with the appropriate employment representative. Technical competencies identified for the position being announced must be added to the template and the Competency Database position details sheet should be uploaded into the vacancy announcement.

  2. Behavioral Indicators (BIs) are the crediting plans for technical competencies used to evaluate the candidate’s potential during the manual ranking process. If the BIs for a position are not found in the Competency Database, a job analysis must be conducted prior to preparing the managerial vacancy announcement.

  3. The selecting official must determine the assigned weights used in the ranking process for each technical competency. The assigned weights among the technical competencies must equal 100 percent but do not have to be equally distributed. The approved weights must be documented and uploaded into the vacancy announcement.

(3) If the business unit requests to further define the specialized experience required for the position, the SEO will follow the procedures below:

  1. The SEO will work with the business unit SME to develop an additional specialized experience statement to address the technical requirements of the position

  2. Once an additional specialized experience statement has been developed for a specific position, it must be added to the managerial template each time the position is announced until the template has been automated.

  3. A copy of the documentation used to develop the additional specialized experience statement (job analysis) must also be signed by the business unit SME and SEO and uploaded into the vacancy announcement.

  4. Verify if the correct managerial template is used. Templates may have been created for specific business units for managerial and managerial readiness programs (e.g., FLRP, DMRP, SMRP) that have unique eligibility requirements.

(4) The SEO will verify if the MSP 2.0 template has been automated by searching the Development of Automated Ranking Templates (DART) database. If the MSP 2.0 template has been automated, the Technical Competency and Significant or Exceptional Accomplishment questions have been built into the template and rating scores are determined based on the applicant’s responses to the questions developed.

Note: Technical competencies and specialized experience cannot be added to an automated template.

(5) Follow IRM 6.335.1.8.6 for vacancy announcement requirements.

MSP 2.0 On-line Application Process

(1) MSP 2.0 uses an online hiring system. Candidates respond to eligibility/qualification questions and upload the following documents by the closing date specified in the vacancy announcement:

  1. Leadership Succession Review (LSR) Managerial Assessment: The LSR managerial assessment ratings are used to rank the candidate’s leadership competencies. Candidates need the results from this assessment to complete the online application responses.

  2. Online Resume and Application: Candidates must develop an online resume or upload a previously created resume and complete all steps outlined in the application required to determine their basic eligibility/qualifications.

  3. Annual Performance Appraisal: Candidates must upload a copy of their most recent Annual Performance Appraisal.

  4. Technical Competency(ies) and Exceptional or Significant Accomplishment Narratives.

Leadership Competency Determined by the Leadership Succession Review Ratings

(1) Leadership Competency Ratings assess leadership potential based on the levels assigned in the candidate’s LSR managerial assessment.

(2) The LSR assessment is completed online through the LSR system.

(3) Candidates are responsible for timely completing their LSR assessment ratings when applying for a managerial vacancy.

(4) Candidates interested in leadership are strongly advised to complete the LSR managerial assessment during their business unit’s LSR cycle in preparation for future MSP 2.0 vacancy announcements.

(5) Candidates who did not complete the LSR managerial assessment during their business unit’s LSR cycle will need to complete an “out of cycle” LSR managerial self-assessment. If the candidate’s LSR self-assessment is completed on or before the closing date of the announcement, the first-level manager assessment and second-level manager concurrence received after the closing date are considered timely.

(6) If there is no “out of cycle” LSR managerial assessment in the LSR system on the closing date of the announcement, the most current (approved/concurred) LSR managerial assessment is used in ranking the applicant.

(7) Failure to provide LSR managerial assessment information will result in a lower ranking score.

(8) The LSR rating responses submitted in the online application process are not verified prior to a certificate being issued. If the selecting official, or interview panel, finds discrepancies in the LSR ratings during the interview process, they must elevate the issue to the SEO for review. Applicants found to have provided incorrect information will be notified of any changes to their score and/or changes in the status of their application. For additional guidance refer to SOP Verification of LSR Ratings by contacting TA, PEO.

Out of Cycle LSR

(1) An “out of cycle” LSR is a LSR assessment completed outside of the business units LSR cycle. An “out of cycle” LSR will be used when the applicant does not have an approved LSR assessment in the LSR system or the business unit’s LSR new cycle has not started.

  1. The “out of cycle” LSR assessment is completed only through Stage 1 and include the candidate’s self-assessment, first-level manager assessment and second-level manager’s concurrence.

  2. Candidates completing the “out of cycle” LSR assessment should give notice to their manager so that the assessment and concurrence/approval can be completed as close to the closing date of the announcement as possible.

  3. After the second-level manager’s concurrence, the first-level manager must send the candidates “out of cycle” LSR report to them in the LSR system.

  4. The “out of cycle” ratings will generally remain in effect until the business unit’s next LSR cycle.

Technical Competencies and Exceptional or Significant Accomplishments

(1) Technical Competency(ies) ratings assess a candidate’s technical expertise specific to the position being filled.

(2) Exceptional or Significant Accomplishment ratings assess the scope and quality of the experience and achievements directly related to the position being filled (e.g., developing briefing papers for the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, suggesting and implementing a program resulting in substantial dollar savings Servicewide, testifying before Congress, developing a Servicewide streamlined process, etc.). This experience may have been gained in the private or public sector, either inside or outside the IRS.

Ranking Process

(1) All qualified candidates are ranked based on the IRS’s Leadership Competencies, Technical Competency(ies), and Exceptional or Significant Accomplishments directly related to the position being filled.

(2) Leadership Competency Ratings are automated for all management templates. The automated hiring system assigns a score for each leadership competency based on the candidate’s responses to the LSR questions.

(3) Technical Competency Ratings:

  1. If the management template is automated, the technical competency ratings are determined from the candidate’s responses to online application questions developed for the position being filled.

  2. If the management template is not automated, a ranking official or panel reviews the candidates application package against the appropriate behavioral indicators and assigns a score for each technical competency from one to five. A ranking score and supportive narrative are required for each technical competency identified for the position being filled.

  3. “Simplified Ranking” may be used where there are 10 or fewer qualified candidates in a managerial announcement. The selecting official may use simplified ranking in place of manual ranking. No rating or supportive narratives are required. The ranking official must review the application package against the behavior indicators to determine if the candidate meets at least a rating of three out of five for each technical competency. If the candidate meets the criteria for each of the technical competencies, they are determined “well-qualified.” Only those candidates determined “well-qualified” are referred for consideration. For more information refer to IRM 6.335.1.8.14 (5), Determining Highly and Best Qualified and Exhibit 6.335.1-9, Simplified Rating and Ranking Sheet MSP 2.0.

Note: Simplified Ranking is only applicable to internal non-bargaining unit and supervisory vacancies and status announcements. It cannot be used on delegated examining vacancies.

(4) Exceptional or Significant Accomplishment Rating:

  1. If the management template is automated, the system assigns a score based on the candidate’s response to an exceptional accomplishment question(s) related to the position being filled.

  2. If the management template is not automated, a ranking official or panel, manually ranks and assigns a benchmark score for exceptional or significant accomplishment from zero to five. A ranking score and supportive narrative are required related to the position being filled.

Scoring Process for Leadership Competency, Technical Competency(ies) and Exceptional or Significant Accomplishment

(1) The ranking scores from the Leadership Competencies, Technical Competency(ies) and Exceptional or Significant Accomplishment are combined to produce the final ranking score. The final ranking score is weighted as follows:

  • 45% – LSR Leadership Competencies

  • 45% – Technical Competencies

  • 10% – Exceptional or Significant Accomplishments

(2) The system generated final score is transmuted on a scale of 70 to 100 and used to assign candidates to the appropriate quality group.

(3) Ranking scores for managerial readiness programs are based on the leadership and technical competencies. The final ranking score is weighted at 50% for LSR Leadership Competencies and 50% for Technical Competency(ies).

Quality Groups

(1) There are three quality groups: BQ, HQ, and Q). The cut-off scores for the quality groups are pre-established in the automated hiring system.

(2) The selecting official may request the next lower-level quality group of candidates after the higher-level quality group receives proper consideration and/or if there are an insufficient number of applicants available for consideration.

(3) If there are three or less candidates on the BQ quality group certificate, both BQ and HQ quality group certificates are referred automatically to the selecting official due to an insufficient pool of BQ candidates.

(4) If there are four or more candidates on the BQ quality group certificate, the selecting official may request the HQ quality group after the BQ quality group receives proper consideration. If the selecting official requests the next lower quality group, and chooses not to select from the higher quality group, they must document the merit-based reason(s) for non-selection (e.g., all candidates lack specific type of experience or insufficient pool of candidates).The documentation can be accomplished on the online certificate or by sending an e-mail to the servicing HR Specialist. The HR Specialist must review and upload the supporting documentation in the appropriate vacancy announcement.

(5) Each quality group is referred on a separate certificate and will not be merged with other quality groups.

Interviews and Selection

(1) Interviews may be conducted by panels or the selecting official. When establishing ranking panels, the IRS should take diversity into consideration and consider not only such factors as race, color, religion, age, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, or sexual orientation), national origin, and disability status, but also backgrounds and perspectives. On interview panels, at least one member should have a direct working knowledge of the position being filled. A panel normally consists of three members. The selecting official may not be any lower than the first line manager for the position being filled. For additional information refer to the IRS Selecting Official’s Interview Guide by contacting TA, PEO.

(2) Selection interviews may be conducted, at the selecting official’s discretion. The selecting official does not have to interview all BQ candidates. If the selecting official decides to limit the number of interviews, the criteria used to select applicants for an interview must be job related e.g., candidates interviewed had specific job related experience in the private or public sector. The selecting official must document the merit based criteria used to select interviewees. The SEO must upload the supporting documentation in the vacancy announcement in the automated hiring system.

(3) Non-select counseling should be provided to all BQ candidates and upon request, to other candidates. If paperwork is requested as part of the counseling, only the candidate’s own application and ranking information will be provided. Under no circumstances will a candidate be provided with any crediting plan information.

Exceptions to the MSP Process

(1) A candidate may be noncompetitively placed into a management position; however, noncompetitive movement is not authorized when moving from a:

  1. Non-managerial position into a managerial position

  2. Frontline Manager (FM) position into a higher level FM position

  3. FM position into a Department Manager (DM) or Senior Manager (SM) position

  4. DM position into a SM position

(2) The following are required when using noncompetitive exceptions:

  1. A candidate must meet qualification and eligibility requirements.

  2. Experience must have been as a permanent manager.

  3. Special priority programs must be cleared prior to movement.

(3) Noncompetitive movement is authorized within specific managerial levels, such as reassigning a current SM into another SM position, reassigning a current DM into another DM position, or reassigning a current FLM into another FLM position or to a lower FLM position.

Note: The documentation described in 6 below is not required in this situation.

(4) Noncompetitive movement is authorized when reassigning an IRS employee who was a former manager in the private sector, reinstating a former manager with prior federal service, transferring a manager from another federal agency, or reassigning a manager from another Department of the Treasury bureau, who demonstrates the leadership competencies required for the management level to which placement is made, when such action is warranted and supported by a sound business rationale. Exceptions are rare, and approvals are on a case-by-case basis. In addition, the following are requirements for this exception to competition:

  1. Candidate must currently be, or have permanently held, a leadership position equivalent to the GS-15 level to be considered for a SM position.

  2. Candidate must currently be, or have permanently held, a leadership position equivalent to the GS-13 level to be considered for a DM position.

  3. For FLM positions, the candidate must currently be, or have permanently held, a leadership position at a grade level equivalent to the FLM position considered (e.g., GS-15 for an FLM-15 (IR-03) position; GS-14 for an FLM-14 (IR-04) position; or GS-10 for an FLM-10 (IR-08) position).

  4. For noncompetitive transfer or reassignment, an individual may be placed in a position having promotion potential no greater than the potential of a position an employee currently holds or previously held on a permanent basis in the competitive service (5 CFR 335.103(c)(3)(v)). For noncompetitive discretionary reinstatement refer to IRM 6.335. Refer to 6 for documentation requirements.

(5) Noncompetitive movement is authorized when moving a former IRS Payband manager back to a Payband competitively held. For example, a SM candidate converted to a GS-14 or GS-15 position may be noncompetitively returned to a SM position; a former DM candidate who converted to a GS-11, GS-12, or GS-13 position may be noncompetitively returned to a DM position. Refer to 6 for documentation requirements.

(6) Documentation is required for exceptions to competition as described in 4 and 5 above. Memorandum request from the business unit Human Resources Director for exception to MSP 2.0 should include:

  • Candidate’s name (current business unit, Treasury bureau, or agency)

  • Candidate’s current position to include title, series, and grade, as applicable

  • The IR Payband title, series, and level the employee is approved for noncompetitive movement. Written justification must also be provided to support whether the candidate meets the required leadership and technical competencies and specialized experience, and the candidate’s current or prior managerial position(s) held support the exceptions to competition in 4 and 5 above for noncompetitive reassignment, transfer or reinstatement.

  • Statement to clarify candidate will not be entitled to a salary increase of 8% or 10% when entering the IR Payband position

(7) Approval is required for exceptions to competition as described in 4 and 5 and must meet the requirements below.

  1. Division level, or equivalent, business unit Human Resource Directors have authority to approve the exception to competition.

  2. When this noncompetitive exception is used, the former manager (private and/or public experience) will not be entitled to a salary increase of 8% or 10% when entering the Payband and the IR Payband position under this noncompetitive exception process.

Supervisory Attorney Position (IR-0905) in the Excepted Service

(1) The MSP 2.0 guidance outlined in this policy must be followed when filling Supervisory Attorney positions on a temporary basis. The IRS is prohibited from filling any vacancies for attorneys in the 0905 series on a permanent basis. Treasury General Counsel approved the IRS use of temporary attorney positions to meet immediate staffing needs while it establishes new positions outside of the 0905 series. Attorney positions in the 0905 series may only be announced and filled through temporary promotions or details until the new non-attorney positions are established. These temporary attorney positions are filled through internal vacancies open only to IRS attorneys and current IRS employees.

Status Candidates

(1) Vacancy announcements for management positions open to status candidates (e.g., employees with competitive status from other federal agencies) will include a series of questions to determine the candidates’ eligibility, qualifications, and other questions (in place of LSR) to rate them on the quality and extent of their leadership experience and accomplishments based on their responses. The technical competency guidance in the MSP 2.0 must be followed.

(2) The final ranking score is weighted at 50% Leadership Competency questions and 50% non-IRS specific Technical Competency(ies).

External Candidates (Delegated Examining)

(1) Vacancy announcements for management positions open to all U.S. citizens will use criteria similar to the criteria used in- the MSP 2.0 process in conjunction with the external delegated examining competitive hiring process.

(2) The final ranking score is weighted at 50% Leadership Competency questions and 50% non-IRS specific Technical Competency(ies).

Actions Required When Processing Time-Limited Promotions and Extensions

Type of Action

Action Required

Noncompetitive time-limited promotion NTE 120 days (180 days) – no anticipated extension.

Noncompetitive 120 day (180 days) time-limited promotion is terminated on or before the NTE date.

Noncompetitive time-limited promotion NTE 120 days (180 days) – management may choose to extend the promotion up to at least one year.

Competition is required to extend the time-limited promotion beyond 120 days (180 days).
Once competition occurs and the time-limited promotion is extended, the employee cannot return to an initial non-competitive time-limited promotion.

Competitive time-limited promotion NTE one year – management may choose to extend the promotion for an additional year.

Can extend if original vacancy announcement included a statement that the time-limited promotion may be extended without further competition.

If original vacancy announcement did not include a statement, competition will be necessary to extend the temporary promotion for an additional year.

Competitive time-limited promotion NTE one year to a second (stacked) noncompetitive time-limited promotion NTE 120 days (180 days) – employee is subsequently temporarily promoted into another higher level position.

If qualified, employee can be promoted into another position, noncompetitively subject to 120 days (180 days) limit at a higher level.
Employee can be returned to the initial competitive time-limited promotion with the appropriate NTE date as long as there is no break in service.

Competitive time-limited promotion NTE one year - employee is subsequently temporarily promoted to a second (stacked) noncompetitive time-limited promotion NTE 120 days (180 days) to another position at a higher level.
– employee is still needed on the initial competitive time-limited promotion NTE one year and the initial NTE date has not expired.

If qualified, employee can be temporarily promoted into another position, noncompetitively subject to 120 days (180 days) limit at a higher level.
Employee can be returned to the interrupted time-limited promotion with the appropriate NTE date as long as there is no break in service.

Competitive time-limited promotion NTE one year - employee is subsequently temporarily promoted to a second (stacked) noncompetitive time-limited promotion NTE 120 days (180 days) to another position at a higher level. – employee is still needed on the initial competitive time-limited promotion NTE one year and the NTE date has expired.

If qualified, employee can be temporarily promoted into another position, noncompetitively subject to 120 days (180 days) limit at a higher level.
Employee can be returned to the initial competitive time-limited promotion with the appropriate NTE date as long as there is no break in service and the initial vacancy announcement indicated that the position may be extended.

Competitive time-limited promotion NTE one year - employee is subsequently temporarily promoted to a new competitive time-limited promotion NTE one year to a position at ahigher grade/band.

If the employee is serving on a long-term competitive time-limited promotion and is selected for a new long-term competitive temporary position to a higher grade/band, the employee’s current competitive time-limited promotion will end. A change to lower grade will be processed to return the employee to their position of record prior to processing a new long-term competitive temporary promotion. The employee cannot return to the initial or previous long- term competitive temporary promotion.

Note: Refer to IRM 6.531.1, Pay Under the General Schedule and IRS Payband System, and PaySetting Desk Guide for appropriate guidance.

Competitive time-limited promotion NTE one year - employee is subsequently temporarily promoted to a new competitive time-limited promotion NTE one year to a position at the same grade/band.

If the employee is serving on a long-term competitive time-limited promotion and is selected for a new long-term competitive temporary promotion to the same grade/bandas their current long-term competitive temporary promotion, the employee will be temporarily promoted to the new long-term competitive temporary position without processing a change to lower grade. The employee cannot return to the initial or previous long-term competitive temporary promotion.

Competitive time-limited promotion NTE one year when selected for a Management Readiness Program or Cadre.

If the employee is selected for a management readiness program or cadre, and accepts a long-term competitive temporary promotion while in the readiness program or cadre, at the end of the long- term temporary promotion, a change to lower grade will be processed to return the employee to their position of record. The employee will not need to recompete for a new long-term temporary promotion for the duration of the readiness program or cadre.

Acknowledgement of Time-Limited Promotion



Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service

Human Capital Office
Office of HR Operations
Talent Acquisition
Employment Operations {user enter}

Dear {user enter name}:
You have been selected for a time-limited promotion the position of:
Title: {user enter}
A copy of this email has been sent to your manager {user enter}.

Promotion Certificate: # {user enter certificate number}

Check the appropriate action.
____ Non-competitive Temporary Promotion
____ Temporary Promotion NTE one year
____ Temporary Promotion NTE one year, may be extended
____ Temporary Promotion NTE one year may be extended, may be made permanent
____ Temporary Promotion NTE more than one year up to five years
____ Extension of Temporary Promotion NTE more than one year up to five years
____ Stacked Temporary Promotion (See revised conditions below)

• Series, Grade, Step: {user enter}
Organization: {user enter}
Basic Salary: {user enter basic salary}______
Locality Adjustment: {user enter locality}_______
Effective Date: {user enter effective date} Not To Exceed Date: {user enter NTE date}


1) This time-limited promotion can be terminated at any time at management's discretion. When the temporary promotion is terminated, you will be returned to your position of record, or to a different position of equivalent grade and pay, depending on the circumstances in effect at the time of your change to lower grade. Your return is not appealable under adverse action or reduction in force procedures. You will be informed of the reason for the termination of the time-limited promotion.

2) This time-limited promotion will have no adverse impact on your ability to compete for permanent promotion.

3) This temporary action is necessary to fill an immediate workload need.

4) Upon the return to lower grade, your salary will be set in accordance with pay regulations, and, at a minimum, will include any applicable pay increases you would have received had the time-limited promotion not occurred.

5) A time-limited promotion does not convey permanent status at the temporary higher grade/band. There is no guarantee that this temporary promotion will be made permanent. You will not have appeal rights upon termination of this time-limited promotion.

6) This temporary promotion does not entitle you to noncompetitive re-promotion to the grade to which temporarily promoted. You will receive credit for experience and time-in-grade for the position to which temporarily promoted.

7) In the event of a reduction-in-force your retention/placement rights will be based on your permanent position, not your temporary promotion.

8) Your higher pay will cease upon termination of this time-limited promotion. If through administrative/payroll error it does not, you will be responsible for repaying the entire overpayment.

Highest Previous Rate (HPR):


HPR is not applicable upon termination of time limited promotions. However, if the time-limited promotion is held for over one year, that rate will be considered upon repromotion either temporarily or permanently.

Time-limited Promotions within GS (e.g., GS to GS)

This time-limited promotion begins a new waiting period for a within grade increase(s) (WGI). You will be eligible for a WGI in the temporary grade when the required waiting period has been completed. Upon termination of this time-limited promotion, you will be returned to your permanent GS grade and step. If applicable, your pay and date of last equivalent increase (DLEI) will be adjusted to reflect any WGI(s) you would have received had this time-limited promotion not occurred.

Time-limited Promotion from Permanent GS position to IR Payband position (Competitive and Non-Competitive)

Your pay will be established using IR pay setting rules. You may be eligible to receive a Performance Based Increase (PBI), if you occupy the IRS payband position on the effective date of the PBI. Upon termination of this time-limited promotion, you will be returned to your permanent GS grade and step. If applicable, your pay and DLEI will be adjusted to reflect any WGI(s) you would have received had this time-limited promotion not occurred.

Time-limited Promotion from Permanent IR Payband Position to Higher IR Payband Position

Your pay will be established using IR pay setting rules. You may be eligible to receive a PBI, if you occupy the higher IR payband position on the effective date of the PBI. Upon termination of this time-limited promotion to the higher IR payband position, you will be returned to your permanent IR payband position and salary. Your pay will be adjusted to reflect any PBI(s) you would have received had this time-limited promotion not occurred.

Time-limited Promotion from Permanent IR Payband Position to GS Position

Your pay will be established using GS pay setting rules and you are eligible to earn WGI(s). Upon termination of this time-limited promotion you will be returned to your permanent IR payband position and salary. Your pay will be adjusted to reflect any PBI(s) you would have received had this time-limited promotion not occurred.

Stacked Temporary Promotion

A stacked promotion occurs when an employee, on a long-term competitive temporary promotion receives a second short-term noncompetitive temporary promotion to a higher grade/band. You will be promoted directly from the first long-term temporary promotion to the second (stacked) short-term temporary promotion provided qualifications and time and grade (if applicable) are met. Pay will be set based on the salary of your first temporary promotion.

1) If at the end of the stacked short-term noncompetitive temporary promotion management determines your services are still needed on the first long-term competitive temporary promotion and the NTE date has not expired or the initial vacancy announcement indicated that the position may be extended, you can be returned to the first long-term temporary promotion.

2) If you are returned to the first long-term temporary promotion without a break your pay will be set in the lower grade/band as if the stacked promotion had not occurred. You will be afforded any pay increases(s) (e.g., WGI, PBI) you would have received in the lower grade/band had the stacked promotion not occurred.

3) If you are serving on a long-term competitive time-limited promotion and are selected for a new long-term competitive temporary position to a higher grade/band, your current competitive time-limited promotion will end. A change to lower grade will be processed to return you to your position of record prior to processing your new long-term competitive temporary promotion. You will not be able to return to the first or any prior temporary position without competition. If you prefer to remain on your current competitive time-limited promotion, you must notify the servicing HR Specialist indicated at the end of this notice immediately.

4) If you are serving on a long-term competitive time-limited promotion and are selected for a new long-term competitive time-limited promotion to the same grade/bandas your current long-term competitive time-limited promotion, you will be temporarily promoted to the long-term competitive temporary position without a change to lower grade. You will not be able to return to the first or any prior temporary position without competition.

5) If you are selected under a management readiness program or cadre announcement and you accept a long-term competitive promotion while in the readiness program or cadre, at the end of the long-term temporary promotion, a change to lower grade will be processed to return you to your position of record. You will not need to recompete for a new long-term temporary promotion for the duration of the readiness program or cadre.

6) If you are returned to your position of record without a break, your pay will be set in the lower grade/band as if the stacked promotion had not occurred. You will be afforded any pay increases(s) (e.g., WGI, PBI) you would have received in the lower grade/band had the stacked temporary promotion not occurred. HPR will not be considered on the change to lower grade.

Sample Priority Consideration Request to Priority Consideration Approving Authority

MEMORANDUM FOR (appropriate Priority Consideration (PC) approving authority in the business unit )


Associate Director,
Employment Office (office name)


Chief, Labor Relations Branch
(office name)

SUBJECT: Request for Priority Consideration - John Doe


Provide the grievant information to include name, title, series, grade, division and location of the employee who is requesting Priority Consideration (PC). Also provide the vacancy announcement information to include the vacancy number, title, series, specialization, temporary or permanent, division, POD, work schedule and tour of duty.

On June 18, 2002, John Doe, Secretary, GS-0318-07, W&I, Compliance Services, ACS Remote, in Boondock, NY, applied for:

Vacancy Announcement #:
Title, series, and grade:
Business Division:
Post of Duty:
Work schedule and tour of duty:
Type - Permanent or Temporary:

Secretary, GS-0318-08
W&I, Field Assistance
Boondock, NY
Full time, 7:00 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.

Note: If position is announced as a career ladder include the full career ladder and the grade(s) qualified .

Provide a complete statement on the fact(s) that entitle(s) the employee to a PC.
During the ranking process an administrative error resulted in Mr. Doe not receiving proper credit for two awards, reducing his overall score by two points. This error prevented Mr. Doe from being referred for selection as a Best Qualified (BQ) applicant.

State the provision that entitles the employee to PC.
(For BU position cite the provisions of the contract that entitle the employee to PC, see example below) In accordance with National Agreement, Article 13 Section 11, "employees erroneously omitted from BQ list shall receive PC in accordance with regulatory requirement."

(For NBU position cite the provisions of the IRM that entitles the employee to PC, see example below) In accordance with IRM 6.335.1.8.8, PC is an appropriate remedy when regulatory or procedural violations have occurred. Employee identified as qualified or highly qualified was improperly excluded from the BQ list.

Therefore, we are seeking your approval to grant PC in this case. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact ____________, Human Resources Specialist, at (phone number)


Yes ________ No ________



Signature and Date of PC approving authority
cc: (Name of servicing LRO and Employee's manager)

Sample Notification to Employee of Priority Consideration Entitlement

MEMORANDUM FOR EMPLOYEE— (employee’s name)


Associate Director,
Employment Office (office name)

SUBJECT: Priority Consideration – (employee’s name)


This is notification that you are being granted Priority Consideration (PC) as a result of (provide reason) for merit promotion (announcement number). You will receive PC for the next appropriate position as follows:

Title, series, and grade:
Business Division:
Post of Duty:
Work schedule and tour of duty:
Type - Permanent or Temporary:

Secretary, GS-0318-08
W&I, Field Assistance
Boondock, NY
Full time, 7:00 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.

If you have any questions, please contact (HR Specialist) at (phone number).



Associate Director,
Employment Office (office name)

Sample Priority Consideration Request to Priority Consideration Approving Authority Absent a Grievance

MEMORANDUM FOR (appropriate Priority Consideration (PC) approving authority in business unit)


Associate Director,
Employment Office (office name)

SUBJECT: Request for Priority Consideration - John Doe


Provide the name, title, series, grade, division and location of the employee for which a priority consideration (PC) is requested based on the Employment Office’s findings of a procedural or regulatory violation. Also provide the vacancy information that is the basis of the PC to include the vacancy number, title, series, specialization, temporary or permanent, division, POD, work schedule and tour of duty.

On June 18, 2002, John Doe, Secretary, GS-318-07, W&I, Compliance Services, ACS Remote, in Boondock, NY, applied for:

Vacancy Announcement #:
Title, series, and grade:
Business Division:
Post of Duty:
Work schedule and tour of duty:
Type - Permanent or Temporary:

Secretary, GS-0318-08
W&I, Field Assistance
Boondock, NY
Full time, 7:00 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.

Note: If position is announced as a career ladder include the full career ladder and the grade(s) qualified .

Provide a complete statement of the fact(s) that entitle(s) the employee to a PC.
The Employment Office found an administrative error that resulted in Mr. Doe not receiving proper credit for two awards, reducing his overall score by two points. This error prevented Mr. Doe from being referred for selection as a Best Qualified (BQ) applicant.

State the provision that entitles the employee to PC.
(For BU position cite the provisions of the contract that entitle the employee to PC, see example below.) In accordance with National Agreement, Article 13 Section 11, "employees erroneously omitted from BQ list shall receive PC in accordance with regulatory requirement."

(For NBU position cite the provisions of the IRM that entitle the employee to PC, see example below) In accordance with IRM 6.335.1.8.8, Priority Consideration is an appropriate remedy when regulatory or procedural violations have occurred. Employee identified as qualified or highly qualified was improperly excluded from the BQ list.

Therefore, we are seeking your approval to grant PC in this case. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact ______________Human Resources Specialist, at (phone number)



Yes ________ No ________



Signature and Date of PC approving authority

Instructions for Simplified Rating and Ranking Process

Instructions for Simplified Rating and Ranking 10 or Fewer Qualified Candidates for Non-Bargaining Unit Positions

When a promotion package has 10 or fewer qualified candidates for a non-bargaining unit vacancy, the selecting official can approve the use of a simplified rating and ranking process. Simplified ranking eliminates the need for ratings to be assigned and allows for candidates to be grouped by quality level. The below procedures will be followed consistent with current guidelines and can also be used for applicants outside the IRS who have applied as transfers, reinstatements, etc., when it has been determined that ranking is appropriate.

The simplified ranking package contains all applicants that were found to meet basic qualifications. Your responsibility as either the servicing HR Specialist or the Ranking Official is to distinguish well-qualified candidates from those who meet minimum qualification requirements. A well-qualified candidate means one who possesses the knowledge, skills and abilities that clearly exceed the minimum qualification requirements in accordance with the rating and ranking process developed for the position to be filled.

Only candidates who meet all KSAOs/competencies will be considered well-qualified and referred for selection. It is possible all candidates will be determined eligible for referral.
• The simplified rating and ranking sheet for each candidate lists the KSAOs/competencies and you must determine if the candidate meets the KSA/competency by indicating YES or NO. A YES indicates the candidate meets the rating of 3 on a 5-point scale or the rating of 2 on a 4-point scale when compared to the enclosed ranking criteria.
• Document what forms were used to make the determination (e.g., Resume, Performance Appraisal, Form 6850, etc.).
• Document if the candidate meets all KSAOs/competencies for well-qualified.
• Provide a brief statement as to why the candidate did or did not meet the KSAOs/competencies.
Example: Candidate met a 3 on a 5-point scale for all KSAOs/competencies listed.
Example: Candidate did not provide documentation relating to experience in automation skills.
• Sign and date each ranking sheet.
• Sign and date the vacancy register as the ranking official.

If ranking was conducted by an HR Specialist, forward package for SME review and confirmation. SME will indicate as to whether they agree or disagree with the ratings and provide remarks if not in agreement per IRM 6.335.1.8.14(5).

If ranking was conducted by SME/Ranking Official, return package to your Servicing Employment Office for review and issuance of certificate to:

Internal Revenue Service, Human Capital Office
Talent Acquisition, Employment Office (office name)
Attn: (HR Specialist name)
(Street address)
(City, State, ZIP)

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact (HR Specialist name) at (phone number).

Instructions for SME Review of Simplified Rating and Ranking Process

Instructions for SME Review and Confirmation of Simplified Rating and Ranking for Non-Bargaining (NBU) Positions Conducted by the Servicing Employment Office

When a promotion package has 10 or fewer qualified applicants for a NBU vacancy, the selecting official can approve the use of a simplified rating and ranking process. Simplified rating and ranking eliminates the need for ratings to be assigned and allows candidates to be grouped by quality level. The below procedures will be followed consistent with current guidelines and can also be used for applicants outside the IRS who have applied as transfers, reinstatements, etc., when it has been determined that ranking is appropriate.

The simplified ranking package contains all applicants that were found to meet basic qualifications. Your servicing HR Specialist has conducted the simplified rating and ranking process as approved by the selecting official to determine if each candidate meets the well-qualified criteria. A well-qualified candidate means one who possesses the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) and competencies that clearly exceed the minimum qualification requirements in accordance with the rating and ranking process developed for the position to be filled. This would translate to a 3 on a 5-point scale or a 2 on a 4-point scale when compared to the enclosed ranking criteria for this position.

Only candidates who meet all KSAOs/competencies will be considered well-qualified and referred for selection. It is possible all candidates will be determined eligible for referral.

Please review and confirm the determination made by the HR Specialist per IRM 6.335.1.8.14(5).
• Review each applicant’s paperwork.
• Indicate whether you agree or disagree with the determination made by the HR Staffing Representative.
•If you disagree with the original determination, provide a brief statement as to why you disagree.
Example: Candidate did not provide documentation relating to experience in automation skills.
•Sign and date each ranking sheet.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact (HR specialist name) at (Phone number).

Please return the ranking package to your servicing Employment Office at the address listed below:

Internal Revenue Service
Human Capital Office
Talent Acquisition, Employment Office (office name)
Attn: (HR Specialist name)
(Street address)
(City, State, ZIP)

Simplified Rating and Ranking Sheet for NBU

(Used only when 10 or fewer qualified candidates for NBU vacancy)

Candidate’s Name : _______________________________

Announcement #: _______________________________

Position Applied For:

(Title, Series, Grade)

(Post of Duty)


KSAOs/ Competencies

Met/Not Met
Yes or No

Documents Used in

KSAO/Competency (From the crediting plan)

"Yes" indicates the candidate
meets the rating of 3 on a 5
point scale or 2 on a 4 point
scale for the

Check all documents that apply



Appraisal ( )
Application/Resume ( )



Appraisal ( )
Application/Resume ( )



Appraisal ( )
Application/Resume ( )



Appraisal ( )
Application/Resume ( )
Other* ( )
*Other Document



Appraisal ( )
Application/Resume ( )



Appraisal ( )
Application/Resume ( )

Does applicant meet all KSAOs/competencies for well-qualified? Yes _____ No _____




Remarks (required if any of the KSAOs/competencies do not meet well-qualified)::




HR Specialist, Ranking Official or Subject Matter Expert





Note: If HR Specialist conducted ranking, the SME must review and complete the fields below: If the Ranking Official or SME conducted ranking, the HR Specialist must review and complete the fields below.

Subject Matter Expert:

Agree ___

Disagree ___

HR Specialist

Agree ___

Disagree ___





Subject Matter Expert or HR Specialist (Print Name and Sign)


Simplified Rating and Ranking Sheet for MSP 2.0

(Used only when 10 or fewer qualified candidates for MSP 2.0 vacancy)

Candidate’s Name : _______________________________

Announcement #: _______________________________

Position Applied For:

(Title, Series, Grade)

(Post of Duty)


Technical Competencies

Met/Not Met
Yes or No

Documents Used in

Technical Competency (From the crediting plan)

"Yes" indicates the candidate
meets the rating of 3 on a 5
point scale or 2 on a 4 point
scale for the
Behavioral Indicator provided

Check all documents that apply



Appraisal ( )
Application/Resume ( )
Technical Competency/Exceptional Accomplishment Narrative ( )



Appraisal ( )
Application/Resume ( )
Technical Competency/Exceptional Accomplishment Narrative ( )



Appraisal ( )
Application/Resume ( )
Technical Competency/Exceptional Accomplishment Narrative ( )



Appraisal ( )
Application/Resume ( )
Technical Competency/Exceptional Accomplishment Narrative ( )



Appraisal ( )
Application/Resume ( )
Technical Competency/Exceptional Accomplishment Narrative ( )



Appraisal ( )
Application/Resume ( )
Technical Competency/Exceptional Accomplishment Narrative ( )

Does applicant meet all Technical Competencies for well-qualified? Yes _____ No _____

Remarks (required if any of the Technical Competencies do not meet well-qualified):




Ranking Official, Subject Matter Expert, or HR Specialist (Print name and Sign)





Note: If the HR Specialist conducted ranking, the SME must review and complete the fields below. If the Ranking Official or SME conducted ranking, the HR Specialist must review and complete the fields below.

Subject Matter Expert:

Agree ___

Disagree ___

HR Specialist







Subject Matter Expert (Print Name and Sign)


HR Specialist (Print Name and Sign)


Calculating Limits on Temporary Promotions


(2) To calculate time available for a non-competitive temporary promotion subtract one year from the NTE date of the current proposed temporary promotion. Note that prior non-competitive temporary promotions and details to higher graded positions during the preceding 12 months must be subtracted when computing the time available (5 CFR 335.103 (c)(3)(III)).

Example: Management wants to give Daisy a new 120-day non-competitive temporary promotion effective 8/28/2011. Previously, Daisy received a 120-day noncompetitive temporary promotion effective 09/26/2010, NTE 01/15/2011. * This temporary promotion was terminated on 01/16/2011 and Daisy was returned to her permanent position of record. The following chart shows how the 12 month period would be calculated in this case:




Calculate the 120 day NTE date from the PAR effective date of 08/28/2011. 120 days from 08/28/2011 is 12/17/2011 *


Review previous year (12/17/2010 to 12/17/2011) to determine if Daisy held any non-competitive temporary promotions. Daisy was non-competitively temporarily promoted from 12/17/2010 to 01/15/2011 (30 days).


Subtract the total number of days already spent on a noncompetitive temporary promotion from the 120 day maximum allowed. 120 days - 30 days = 90 days


The difference is the maximum number of days Daisy may be non-competitively temporarily promoted under the current PAR. 90 days from 08/28/2011 = NTE 11/19/2011*


Note: *It is IRS practice that temporary promotions end on the last day of a pay period. Therefore, the full 120 days allowable was not used to calculate the NTE date.

Acknowledgement of Temporary Reassignment

Acknowledgement of Temporary Reassignment


Employee Name: ___________________ SEID: __________________
Initial Reassignment Extension:
Effective Date:
_______________NTE Date: ________________
Vacancy Announcement Number (if applicable):
Title, Series, Grade of Temporary Reassignment:
Basic Salary: $
__________Locality Adjustment: $ ______________
Title, Series, Grade of Home Position:

You understand the following:

1. This temporary reassignment can be terminated at any time at management’s discretion prior to the NTE date. When the time-limited reassignment is terminated, you will be returned to your home position or to an different position of equivalent grade and pay with no higher promotion potential.

2. At management’s discretion, this temporary reassignment may be extended up to the maximum allowable period.

3. Your return is not subject to adverse action or reduction-in-force procedures.

:4. You will be informed of the reason for termination of time-limited reassignment by management.

5. This temporary reassignment will have no adverse impact on your ability to compete for other competitive opportunities.

6. This temporary reassignment is necessary to fill an immediate workload need.

7. A temporary reassignment does not convey permanent status in the temporary position. There is no guarantee that this temporary reassignment will be made permanent. You will not have appeal rights upon termination of this temporary reassignment.

8. In the event of a reduction-in-force your retention/placement rights will be based on your permanent position, not your temporary reassignment.

9. If the vacancy announcement included a statement that the position may be extended or made permanent without further competition, your manager must submit a Personnel Action Request to extend the action or remove the temporary limitation

10. Upon return to your same or like position, your salary will be set in accordance with established pay regulations.

Contact Information: ______________

HR Specialist: __________________

Telephone Number: ______________

This data was captured by Tax Analysts from the IRS website on June 09, 2023.
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