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DEC. 12, 1988

Rev. Proc. 88-55; 1988-2 C.B. 715

DATED DEC. 12, 1988
  • Institutional Authors
    Internal Revenue Service
  • Index Terms
    Form 1040-ES
    estimated tax
  • Jurisdictions
  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    88 TNT 248-16
Citations: Rev. Proc. 88-55; 1988-2 C.B. 715

Superseded by Rev. Proc. 94-79

Rev. Proc. 88-55


The purpose of this Revenue Procedure is as follows:

1) To state the requirements of the Internal Revenue Service (the Service) regarding the reproduction, private design and printing of substitute Form 1040ES vouchers including the requirements for the acceptance of a computer-generated Form 1040ES. (Note: A Form 1040ES produced from an unchanged reproduction proof, supplied by the Service, is not a substitute form.)

2) To state requirements for tax preparers to enter taxpayer identifying information on privately printed or computer- generated forms. To increase the efficiency of processing Forms 1040ES the Service requests that tax preparers enter the scanline data on all substitute forms prepared by them. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology using Font A or B must be used to be scannable by the Service. If laser print is not available, you may choose to use any letter quality printer including a typewriter element having OCR Font A or B with a mylar ribbon.


01 LEGAL REQUIREMENTS OF THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1980. Public Law 96-511 requires that: (1) OMB approve Internal Revenue Service tax forms, (2) each Service form must contain (in the upper right corner) the OMB approval number and any expiration date, and (3) each Service form (or its instructions) state why the Service is collecting the information, how it will be used, and whether or not the information is required to be furnished.

02 APPROVAL NUMBER AND DATE IS REQUIRED. All substitute Forms 1040ES must contain (in the upper right corner) the OMB number and any expiration date that is on the official form.

03 FORMAT REQUIRED. (2 Options)

(a) OMB No. XXXX-XXXX (preferred) OR OMB # XXXX-XXXX

(b) OMB No. XXXX-XXXX (Expires (mm-dd-yy) (preferred or OMB # XXXX-XXXX Expires (mm-dd-yy)

04 REQUIRED EXPLANATION TO USERS OF SUBSTITUTE FORMS. You must inform the users of your substitute forms of the Service use and collection requirements stated in the instructions for the official Service form. If you provide your users or customers with the official Internal Revenue Service instructions, Form 1040ES must retain the Paperwork Reduction Act Notice Statement as on the official form (usually in the lower lefthand corner). Otherwise, you must duplicate the material in the statement and add the phrase, "For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, See Separate Instructions".

05 OBTAINING OMB NUMBER, DATE AND STATEMENT. The OMB approval number, expiration date (when applicable), and use and collection requirements may be obtained from the Service printed form (or its instructions), the reproduction proof (or instructions), or from the Service.



1 SUBSTITUTE FORM -- A tax form that differs in any way from the official version and is intended to replace the entire form which is printed and distributed by the Service. (A photocopy or a printed form produced from an unchanged reproduction proof, supplied by the Service, is not a substitute form.)

2 COMPUTER-GENERATED SUBSTITUTE FORM -- A document that is entirely prepared by the use of a computer-printing device so that all the line numbers, line captions, and the tax amount data entries are in the same typeface. No graphics usually appear on the form.

3 GRAPHICS -- Those parts of the tax form that are not the tax amount entries or called-for information. Generally, these are line numbers, captions, instructions, rules, borders, special indicators, and rules or strokes created by typesetting, photo-graphics, photocompositions, etc.

4 PRINTED (OR PREPRINTED) FORM -- A substitute form produced using conventional printing processes, photocopying, or other similar processes.

5 PREPRINTED PIN-FED FORM -- A substitute form printed by conventional methods on paper with marginal perforations for use with automated and/or highspeed printing equipment. (THE MARGINAL PERFORATED STRIPS CONTAINING THE PIN-FEED HOLES, MUST BE REMOVED FROM ALL FORMS PRIOR TO FILING WITH THE SERVICE.)


01 ORDERING REPRODUCTION PROOFS. Persons who wish to privately print substitute Forms 1040ES should order reproduction proofs from the Service.

1 The Service provides for the public camera ready reproduction proof of Form 1040ES. The reproduction proof can only be ordered by using Form 6747, Order for Reproduction Proofs. Form 6747 can be obtained by written request to:

     Internal Revenue Service


     Attn: Reproduction Proof Coordinator,


          Room 1528 PM:S:FM:P


     1111 Constitution Ave., NW


     Washington, DC 20224



2 A charge of $1.00 per page will be made for each reproduction proof regardless of page size. After an order has been filled, invoices will be mailed to the requestor.


1 A clear band of 0.5 inch is required for the scanline. The center of the scanline will be 1-5/8 inches from the bottom of the form. There should be no marks in this area that can be detected by a reader/scanner.

2 Must be on chemical wood writing paper equal to or better than the quality used for the official forms. The paper must be 20# white. The thickness of the stock should not be less than 0.0039 inches. Carbon bonded paper is prohibited from use on Forms 1040ES filed with the Service.

3 The color of ink must be black.

4 The overall size of the form in width may range from 7-1/4 - 8-1/2 inches. The height of the form may range from 3 - 3-2/3 inches.

5 Must have a high standard of legibility, both as to original form and as to fill in matter. The Service may reject reproductions with poor legibility.

6 The basic specification such as margins etc., will be printed in the top margin of the reproduction proof and must be removed before printing. The official reproduction proof margins across the top, bottom and sides must be maintained on all reproductions. The reproduced form must be an exact facsimile of the official form and meet the requirements as set forth in this revenue procedure to be considered an unchanged reproduction. (This type of reproduction needs no approval.)

7 All lines and numbers which appear on the official form must also appear on the substitute form.

8 The Service does not approve or disapprove the specific equipment or process used in reproducing substitute forms but requires only that the reproduced forms satisfy the conditions stated in this revenue procedure.

9 Substitute forms which do not meet the requirements of this revenue procedure may not be filed in lieu of the official form.


01 Form 1040ES may be computer generated; the entire form may be printed by computer on blank paper if all specifications in this revenue procedure are met. The generated form must have vertical spacing of six lines per inch and horizontal spacing of 10 characters per inch. It is requested that a scan area be included on the form.

02 MARGINS -- A one-quarter inch margin must be maintained across the top and both sides (exclusive of any pin-feed holes) on all computer-generated substitutes. The margin allows for slight printing misalignment when forms are prepared on high-speed equipment.

03 Tax preparers who are computer generating Form 1040ES should enter the scan line data as specified in Section 6.

04 FORMAT ARRANGEMENT -- The format of each substitute form must follow the format of the official form as to item captions, line references, line numbers, form arrangement and format etc. Basically try to make the form look like the official one with readability being a primary factor. All line numbers and items must be printed even though an amount is not entered on the line.


01 It is requested that tax preparers provide the required information so the Service can capture posting data from the scanline using Optical Character Recognition technology. This can be accomplished by using laser print or any other technology that can provide the same product. You may choose to use a typewriter having OCR Font A or B with a mylar ribbon if laser print is not available.

1 Position of scanline

Scanline data should be positioned so that the last character in the scan line ends 3-1/2 inches from right edge of form.

2 Type of Font


02 Scanline and Character Position.

1 VERTICAL CHARACTER DISPLACEMENT -- Characters should not fall more than 0.060 inches above or below the baseline of the scan line.

2 HORIZONTAL CHARACTER DISPLACEMENT -- The minimum acceptable clear space between characters is 0.014.

3 VERTICAL LINE SEPARATION -- The line to be scanned should occupy the center of a clear band 0.5 inches in height.

4 LINE SKEW -- Characters in the scan line must not run out of the Optical Reader's field of view. Over an 8.5 inch line of print, the line should not be skewed more than 1.4 degrees.

5 ROTATION -- The maximum allowable rotation of the character image is +1.5 degree measured relative to the baseline of the line of print.

03 Form 1040ES Scanline Description (Sample)

           123456789    00      SMIT    30      0      8912     430


               A         B        C      D      E        F       G






 A. Social Security Number   9 numeric



 B. Check Digit              2 alpha/      From the pre-printed IRS


                             numeric       label or two numeric zeros.


 C. Name Control             4 alpha       (first 4 characters of last




 D. MFT                      2 numeric     Constant 30


 E. TIN Type                 1 numeric     Constant 0


 F. Tax Period               4 numeric     (yymm)


 G. Transaction Code         3 numeric     Constant 430



NOTE: One blank field between each element. Name Control should be left justified when less than four characters.


01 Any person making changes or desires to file substitute Form 1040ES, must develop such substitute using guidelines in this revenue procedure and they should be approved by the Service before being filed.

02 Determination of such requests will be made after the Service's copy is finalized, usually in mid-October. Proposed substitutes should be sent to the address below as much in advance of the filing period for the form as possible. This is to permit adequate time for analysis and response. Please provide your substitute form after you have examined the official form. Include how the form will be prepared and the weight of the paper used in printing the form.

     Internal Revenue Service


     Attn: Substitute Forms Program Coordinator TR:R:R Room 7405


     1111 Constitution Ave., NW


     Washington, DC 20224



03 Your request should state if you are requesting approval for the design of the form, placement/readability of the scanline, or for both of the aforementioned.

04 If approval for placement/readability of the scanline is requested, please submit fifty (50) completed Forms 1040ES which will be tested through a remittance processing system. (NOTE: The fifty documents can consist of five (5) different entities.)

05 If we approve the placement-readability of your substitute form, an approval number will be assigned. This number should be printed or typewritten in the area of the bottom left margin. This approval number on Form 1040ES will indicate to the Service that the form has been approved for processing through an Optical Character Recognition/Remittance Processing System.

06 The Service sends a formal letter of approval/disapproval. Disapproval letters will specify the changes required for approval and will also require resubmission for approval. Telephone contact will be used to clarify a request.

07 Approval is good for only one tax year. (April through January)


01 The edition of Form 1040ES which is mailed to the taxpayer has the scan line already entered. This package also includes four envelopes each coded to identify the contents. The preparer is asked to use the edition sent to the taxpayer. The preparer is also asked to instruct the taxpayers to use the envelopes, received with their package, in sending their voucher and payment to the Service. Any privately provided envelopes must contain the caption "Form 1040ES" on left center of envelope face. The envelope size must be 3-5/8 x 8- 1/2 inches.

02 Beginning April 1, 1989, Form 1040ES will be processed Nationwide via lockbox at a commercial facility. See exhibit 4 for a listing of Service Centers and their respective lockbox site.


Any person who uses substitute forms and makes all or part of the changes specified in this revenue procedure agrees to the following stipulation: The Service presumes the changes are made in accordance with these procedures and, as such, will be noninterruptive to the processing of the tax return. Should any of the changes prove to be not exactly as described, and as a result become disruptive to the Service during processing of the tax return, the preparer agrees to accept the determination of the Service as to whether or not the form may continue to be used during the filing season, and also agrees to work with the Service in correcting noted deficiencies. Notification of deficiencies may be made by letter, phone call or both.


This revenue procedure supersedes Revenue Procedure 87-38, 1987- 2 C.B. 503.


This Revenue Procedure may change from year to year as new technology is developed.

                              EXHIBIT 1



                            Form 1040-ES



[Editor's note: This illustration is not suitable for electronic





                              EXHIBIT 2



                        Character Positioning



[Editor's note: This illustration is not suitable for electronic





                               EXHIBIT 3



                       IMF Name Control Job Aid



      The name control consists of four alpha characters. The


 ampersand (&) and hyphen (-) are the only special characters allowed


 in the name control. The name control can have less but no more than


 four characters. Blanks may be present only as the last two positions


 of the name control.



 Name Control Underlined      Name      Narrative






 Dorothy Willow               WILL      INDIVIDUALS:



 John A. Fir                  FIR       1. The name control for an


                                           individual name is the


 James P. Ai                  AI           first four significant


                                           characters of the last


 Tom MacDonald                MACD         name.



 Mary Van Elm                 VANE      2. When the taxpayer has a


                                           true name and a trade


 Joe McCedar                  MCCE         name, the name control


                                           is derived from the first


 Ann O'Spruce                 OSPR         four characters of the


                                           individuals' last


 Mr. Peter Holly              HOLL         name.



 Harry Maple, Owner           MAPL      3. English Names:



 Pfc. M. Ralph Evergreen      EVER         a. When a maiden name is


                                              shown with a married


 Daniel Di Almond             DIAL            name, the name control


                                              is the first four


 Mark D'Magnolia              DMAG            letters of the married




 Arthur P. Aspen              ASPE


 Sunshine Restaurant                       b. When two last names are


                                              connected by a hyphen


 Janet Redbud Laurel          LAUR            for an individual, the


                                              name control is the


 Joan Hickory-Hawthorn        HICK            first four letters of


                                              the first last name.


 Joseph Ash & Linda Birch     ASH



 Juan Garza Morales           GARZ            HISPANIC NAMES:



 Jose Rivera-Santiago         RIVE      1. When two last names are


                                           shown for an individual,


 Maria Lopez y Moreno         LOPE         the name control is the



                                           first four letters of


 Elena del Valle              DELV         the last name.



 Eduardo de la Rose           DELA      2. The Spanish Phrases "del"


                                           and "de la" are considered


 Pablo De Martinez            DEMA         part of the name control.



 Miguel de Torres             DETO


                                        3. If it can be determined


 Juanita de Martinez          MART         the taxpayer is a man, make


                                           DE part of the surname


 B. A. De Rodriquez           DERO         (name control) whether or


                                           not the DE is capitalized.


 M. D. de Garcia              GARC


                                        4. If it can be determined


                                           that the taxpayer is a


                                           woman, do not make DE a


                                           part of the surname (name





                                        5. If unable to determine


                                           whether the taxpayer is a


                                           man or woman, make DE part


                                           of the surname (name


                                           control) if the DE is


                                           capitalized. If the de is


                                           not capitalized, do not


                                           make it part of the surname


                                           (name control).



 Binh To La                   LA        ORIENTAL NAMES:



 Dang Van Le                  LE        1. Some Oriental last names


                                           have only two letters.


 Nhat Thi Pham                PHAM


                                        2. If the individual has


 Kim Van Nguyen & Nhung       NGUY         just migrated to the


 Thi Tran                                  U.S., the last name may


                                           appear first on the name


 Jin-Zhang Qin & Yen-Yin      QIN          line (Chinese custom). On


 Chiu                                      the signature line, the


                                           last name will  usually


 Phock, Kim Van & Yue Le      PHOC         appear first.



                                        3. Vietnamese names will often


                                           have a middle name of Van


                                           (male) or Thi (female). The


                                           Vietnamese female rarely


                                           changes her last name when


                                           she marries. Nguyen is a


                                           common last name.



                              EXHIBIT 4



     The addresses of the Lockbox Depositories that will be


processing 1040ES vouchers are as follows:



If you are located in: Use this address:



New Jersey, New York (New York Internal Revenue Service


City, and counties of Nassau, P.O. Box 162


Rockland, Suffolk, and Westchester) Newark, NJ 07101-0162



New York (all other counties) Internal Revenue Service


Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, P.O. Box 371999


New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7999



Delaware, District of Columbia Internal Revenue Service


Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia P.O. Box 8318


                                       Philadelphia, PA 19162-0825



Florida, Georgia, South Carolina Internal Revenue Service


                                       P.O. Box 62001


                                       Philadelphia, PA 19162-0300



Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Internal Revenue Service


Ohio, West Virginia P.O. Box 7422


                                       Chicago, IL 60682-7422



Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Internal Revenue Service


Texas P.O. Box 970001


                                       St. Louis, MO 63197-0001



Alaska, Arizona, California (counties Internal Revenue Service


of Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, P.O. Box 450001


Colusa, Contra Costa, Del Norte, El San Francisco, CA 94145-4501


Dorado, Glenn, Humboldt, Lake,


Lassen, Marin, Mendocino, Modoc,


Napa, Nevada, Placer, Plumas,


Sacramento, San Joaquin, Shasta,


Sierra, Siskiyou, Solano, Sonoma,


Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Yolo, and


Yuba), Colorado, Idaho, Montana,


Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota,


Oregon, South Dakota, Utah,


Washington, Wyoming



California (all other counties), Internal Revenue Service


Hawaii P.O. Box 54030


                                       Los Angeles, CA 90054-0030



Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Internal Revenue Service


Missouri, Wisconsin P.O. Box 6413


                                       Chicago, IL 60680-6413



Arkansas, Alabama, North Internal Revenue Service


Carolina, Louisiana, Tennessee, P.O. Box 371300M


Mississippi Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7300



American Samoa, Northern Mariana Internal Revenue Service


Islands, Puerto Rico (or if P.O. Box 8318


 excluding income under Section 933), Philadelphia, PA 19162-0825


Virgin Islands:


 Nonpermanent residents,


Foreign country:


 U.S. citizens and those filing Form


 2555 or Form 4563, even if you


 have an A.P.O. of F.P.O. address
  • Institutional Authors
    Internal Revenue Service
  • Index Terms
    Form 1040-ES
    estimated tax
  • Jurisdictions
  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    88 TNT 248-16
Copy RID