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IRS Publishes Reproduction Requirements For Substitute Forms

NOV. 5, 2001

Rev. Proc. 2001-50; 2001-2 C.B. 437

DATED NOV. 5, 2001
  • Institutional Authors
    Internal Revenue Service
  • Code Sections
  • Subject Areas/Tax Topics
  • Index Terms
    returns, information
    IRS forms
  • Jurisdictions
  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Document Number
    Doc 2001-27692 (40 original pages)
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    2001 TNT 214-12
Citations: Rev. Proc. 2001-50; 2001-2 C.B. 437

Superseded by Rev. Proc. 2002-57

Rev. Proc. 2001-50

                           TABLE OF CONTENTS




      Section 1.1 -- Overview of Revenue Procedure 2001-50


      Section 1.2 -- General Requirements for Acceptable Substitute


                     Forms 1096, 1098, 1099, 5498, W-2G, and 1042-S


      Section 1.3 -- Definitions




           FORMS 1098, 1099, AND 5498 (ALL FILED WITH THE IRS)


      Section 2.1 -- Specifications


      Section 2.2 -- Instructions for Preparing Paper Forms That Will


                     Be Filed With the IRS






      Section 3.1 -- General


      Section 3.2 -- Specifications for Copy A of Form W-2G






      Section 4.1 -- Specifications


      Section 4.2 -- Composite Statements


      Section 4.3 -- Required Legends


      Section 4.4 -- Miscellaneous Instructions for Copies B, C, D, 1,


                     and 2




           1098, 1099, 5498, W-2G, and 1042-S


      Section 5.1 -- Paper Substitutes for Form 1042-S


      Section 5.2 -- OMB Requirements for All Forms in This Revenue




      Section 5.3 -- Reproducible Copies of Forms


      Section 5.4 -- Effect on Other Revenue Procedures




      Section 6.1 -- Exhibits of Forms in the Revenue Procedure





1.1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this revenue procedure is to set forth the requirements for the year 2001 for:

     o Using official Internal Revenue Service (IRS) forms to file


       information returns with the IRS,



     o Preparing acceptable substitutes of the official IRS forms to


       file information returns with the IRS, and



     o Using official or acceptable substitute forms to furnish


       information to recipients.



1.1.2 Which Forms Are Covered?

This revenue procedure contains specifications for these information returns:

 Form           Title



 1096      Annual Summary and Transmittal of U.S. Information Returns


 1098      Mortgage Interest Statement


 1098-E    Student Loan Interest Statement


 1098-T    Tuition Payments Statement


 1099-A    Acquisition or Abandonment of Secured Property


 1099-B    Proceeds From Broker and Barter Exchange Transactions


 1099-C    Cancellation of Debt


 1099-DIV  Dividends and Distributions


 1099-G    Certain Government and Qualified State Tuition Program




 1099-INT  Interest Income


 1099-LTC  Long-Term Care and Accelerated Death Benefits


 1099-MISC Miscellaneous Income


 1099-MSA  Distributions From an Archer MSA or Medicare+Choice MSA


 1099-OID  Original Issue Discount


 1099-PATR Taxable Distributions Received From Cooperatives


 1099-R    Distributions From Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or


           Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc.


 1099-S    Proceeds From Real Estate Transactions


 5498      IRA Contribution Information


 5498-MSA  Archer MSA or Medicare+Choice MSA Information


 W-2G      Certain Gambling Winnings


 1042-S    Foreign Person's U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding



1.1.3 Scope

For purposes of this revenue procedure, a substitute form or statement is one that is not printed by the IRS. For a substitute form or statement to be acceptable to the IRS, it must conform to the official form or the specifications outlined in this revenue procedure. Do not submit any substitute forms or statements listed above to the IRS for approval. Privately printed forms may not state "This is an IRS approved form."

Filers making payments to certain recipients during a calendar year (or in some cases, filers receiving payments) are required by the Internal Revenue Code (the Code) to file information returns with the IRS for these payments. These filers must also provide this information to their recipients. See Part 4 for specifications that apply to recipient statements (generally Copy B).

In general, section 6011 of the Code contains requirements for filers of information returns. A filer must file information returns on magnetic media, through electronic filing, or on paper. A filer who is required to file 250 or more information returns of any one type during a calendar year must file those returns by magnetic media or electronic filing.

Exception. Filers are not required to use magnetic media or electronic filing when filing 250 or more Forms 1098-E or 1098-T.

Although not required, small volume filers (fewer than 250 returns during a calendar year) and Form 1098-E and 1098-T filers may file the forms on magnetic media or electronically. See the legal requirements for filing information returns (and providing a copy to a payee) in the 2001 General Instructions for Forms 1099, 1098, 5498, and W-2G and the 2001 Instructions for Form 1042-S. In addition, see Pub. 1220, Specifications for Filing Forms 1098, 1099, 5498, and W-2G Magnetically or Electronically.

1.1.4 For More Information

The IRS prints and provides the forms on which various payments must be reported. Alternatively, filers may prepare substitute copies of these IRS forms and use such forms to report payments to the IRS.

     o For copies of the official forms and the instruction booklet


       for the reporting year, call our toll-free number at 1-800-


       TAX-FORM (1-800-829-3676).



     o The IRS operates a central call site in Martinsburg, WV, to


       answer questions related to information returns, penalties,


       and backup withholding. Call 304-263-8700 Monday through


       Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. eastern time. The TTY/TDD number


       is 304-267-3367.



1.1.5 Changes to the Revenue Procedure

The following changes have been made to this year's Revenue Procedure:

     o Rules and specifications for Form 1042-S, Foreign Person's


       U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding, were added to the


       Revenue Procedure as Section 5.1. Exhibit U also shows an


       example of the form.



     o Form 1099-MISC was reformatted to 2, instead of 3, forms per


       page. Also: New boxes 14 through 18 were added for improved


       processing, boxes 11 and 12 were renumbered as 16 and 17, and


       box 13 was labeled.



     o Extra boxes for contact information were added to Form 1096.



     o A new box 2 was added to Form 1098-E.



     o On Form 1098-T: Boxes 1 and 2 were labeled, new box 3 was


       added, and boxes 3 and 4 were renumbered 4 and 5.



     o New box 2c was added, and boxes 2c and 2d were renumbered 2d


       and 2e on Form 1099-DIV.



     o New box 4 was added, and box 4 was renumbered 5 on Form 1099-





     o New box 4 was added, a checkbox was removed from box 6, and


       boxes 4-10 were renumbered 5-11 on Form 5498.



1.1.6 Some Changes for 2002

Some changes anticipated for the 2002 forms are:

     o New Form 1099-Q, Qualified Tuition Program Payments (Under


       Section 529), is being developed.



     o The title of Form 1099-G is being changed to Certain


       Government Payments.



     o The title of Form 1099-MSA is being changed to Distributions


       From an Archer MSA or Medicare+Choice MSA



     o The title of Form 5498 is being changed to IRA and Coverdell


       ESA Contribution Information.



     o The title of Form 5498-MSA is being changed to Archer MSA or


       Medicare+Choice MSA Information




1.2.1 Introduction

Paper substitutes for Form 1096 and Copy A of Forms 1098, 1099, 5498, W-2G, and 1042-S that totally conform to the specifications listed in this revenue procedure may be privately printed and filed as returns with the IRS. The reference to the Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service should be included on all such forms.

If you are uncertain of any specification and want it clarified, you may submit a letter citing the specification, stating your understanding and interpretation of the specification, and enclosing an example of the form (if appropriate) to:

     Internal Revenue Service


     Attn: Substitute Forms Program




     1111 Constitution Ave., NW


     Room 5244 IR


     Washington, DC 20224



Note: Allow at least 45 days for the IRS to respond.

You may also contact the Substitute Forms Program Unit via e- mail at Please enter "Substitute Forms" on the Subject Line.

Forms 1096, 1098, 1099, 5498, and W-2G are subject to annual review and possible change. Therefore, filers are cautioned against overstocking supplies of privately printed substitutes. The specifications contained in this revenue procedure apply to 2001 forms only.

1.2.2 Copy A Specifications

Proposed substitutes for Copy A that do not conform to the specifications in this revenue procedure are not acceptable. Further, if you file such forms with the IRS, you may be subject to a penalty for failure to file an information return under section 6721 of the Code. Generally, the penalty is $50 for each failure to file a form (up to $250,000) that the IRS cannot accept as a return because it does not meet the provisions in this revenue procedure. No IRS office is authorized to allow deviations from this revenue procedure.

Caution: Overuse of proportional fonts may cause you to be subject to penalties and delays in processing.

1.2.3 Copy B and Copy C Specifications

Copies B and Copies C of the following forms must contain the information in Part 4 to be considered a "statement" or "official form" under the applicable provisions of the Code. The format of this information is at the discretion of the filer with the exception of the location of the tax year, form number, form name, and the information for composite Form 1099 statements as outlined under Section 4.2.

Copy B of the following forms are:



 FORM                     RECIPIENT




 1098                     For Payer


 1098-E; 1099-A           For Borrower


 1098-T                   For Student


 1099-C                   For Debtor


 1099-LTC                 For Policyholder


 1099-R; W-2G             (These forms may require Copy B to be


                          attached to the Federal income tax return.)


 1099-S                   For Transferor


 All other Forms 1099     For Recipient


 5498; 5498-MSA           For Participant



 Copy C of the following forms are:



 Form                     Recipient



 1099-LTC                 For Insured


 1099-R                   For Recipient's Records


 W-2G                     For Winner's Records





Note: On Copy C, Form 1099-LTC, you may reverse the locations of the policyholder's and the insured's name, street address, city, state, and ZIP code for easier mailing.


1.3.1 Form Recipient

Form recipient means the person to whom you are required by law to furnish a copy of the official form or information statement. The form recipient may be referred to by different names on various Forms 1099 and related forms ("payer," "borrower," "student," "debtor," "policyholder," "insured," "transferor," "recipient," "participant," or, in the case of Form W-2G, the "winner"). See Section 1.2.3 earlier.

1.3.2 Filer

Filer means the person or organization required by law to file a form listed in Section 1.1.2 with the IRS. As outlined earlier, a filer may be a payer, creditor, recipient of mortgage or student loan interest payments, educational institution, broker, barter exchange, person reporting real estate transactions, trustee or issuer of any individual retirement arrangement or medical savings account, or lender who acquires an interest in secured property or who has reason to know that the property has been abandoned.

1.3.3 Substitute Form

Substitute form means a paper substitute of Copy A of an official form listed in Section 1.1.2 that totally conforms to the provisions in this revenue procedure.

1.3.4 Substitute Form Recipient Statement

Substitute form recipient statement means a paper statement of the information reported on a form listed in Section 1.1.2. This statement must be furnished to a person (form recipient), as defined under the applicable provisions of the Code and the applicable regulations.

1.3.5 Composite Substitute Statement

Composite substitute statement means one in which two or more required statements (e.g., Forms 1099-INT and 1099-DIV) are furnished to the recipient on one document. However, each statement must be designated separately and must contain all the requisite Form 1099 information except as provided under Section 4.2. A composite statement may not be filed with the IRS.

                               PART 2




                  AND COPIES A OF FORMS 1098, 1099,


                  AND 5498 (ALL FILED WITH THE IRS)




2.1.1 General Requirements

Form identifying numbers (e.g., 9191 for Form 1099-DIV) must be printed in nonreflective black carbon-based ink in print positions 15 through 19 using an OCR A font. The checkboxes to the right of the form identifying numbers must be 10-point boxes. The "VOID" checkbox is in print position 25. The "CORRECTED" checkbox is in position 33. Measurements are from the left edge of the paper, not including the perforated strip. See Exhibits D and K.

The substitute form must be an exact replica of the official IRS form with respect to layout and content. To determine the correct form measurements, see Exhibits A through U at the end of this publication.

Hot wax and cold carbon spots are not permitted on any of the internal form plies. These spots are permitted on the back of a mailer top envelope ply.

Use of chemical transfer paper for Copy A is acceptable.

The Government Printing Office (GPO) symbol must be deleted.

2.1.2 Color and Paper Quality

Color and paper quality for Copy A (cut sheets and continuous pinfeed forms) as specified by JCP Code 0-25, dated November 29, 1978, must be white 100% bleached chemical wood, optical character recognition (OCR) bond produced in accordance with the following specifications.

Note: Reclaimed fiber in any percentage is permitted provided the requirements of this standard are met.

      o Acidity:  Ph value, average, not less than                 4.5



      o Basis Weight: 17 x 22-500 cut sheets                     18-20


        Metric equivalent -- g/m [sup 2]                            75


        A tolerance of [+ or -] 5 pct. is allowed.



      o Stiffness: Average, each direction, not less


        than -- milligrams                                          50



      o Tearing strength: Average, each direction, not


        less than -- grams                                          40



      o Opacity: Average, not less than -- percent                  82



      o Thickness: Average -- inch                              0.0038


        Metric equivalent -- mm                                  0.097



        A tolerance of +0.0005 inch (0.0127 mm) is allowed. Paper


        cannot vary more than 0.0004 inch (0.0102 mm) from one edge to


        the other.



      o Porosity:  Average, not less than -- seconds                10



      o Finish (smoothness): Average, each side -- seconds       20-55


        For information only, the Sheffield


        equivalent -- units                                    170-100



      o Dirt: Average, each side, not to exceed -- parts


        per million                                                  8



2.1.3 Chemical Transfer Paper

Chemical transfer paper is permitted for Copy A only if the following standards are met:

     o Only chemically backed paper is acceptable for Copy A. Front


       and back chemically treated paper cannot be processed properly


       by machine.



     o Carbon-coated forms are not permitted.



     o Chemically transferred images must be black.



All copies must be clearly legible. Hot wax and cold carbon spots are not permitted for Copy A. Interleaved carbon should be black and must be of good quality to assure legibility on all copies and to avoid smudging. Fading must be minimized to assure legibility.

2.1.4 Printing

All print on Copy A of Forms 1098, 1099, 5498, and the print on Form 1096 above the statement "Please return this entire page to the Internal Revenue Service. Photocopies are not acceptable." must be in Flint J-6983 red OCR dropout ink or an exact match. However, the four-digit form identifying number must be in nonreflective carbon- based black ink in OCR A font.

The shaded areas of any substitute form should generally correspond to the format of the official form.

The printing for the Form 1096 statement and the following text may be in any shade or tone of black ink. Black ink should only appear on the lower part of the reverse side of Form 1096 where it will not bleed through and interfere with scanning.

Note: The instructions on the front and back of Form 1096, which include filing addresses, must be printed.

Separation between fields must be 0.1 inch.

Except for Form 1099-R and 1099-MISC, the numbered captions are printed as solid with no shaded background.

Other printing requirements are discussed below.

2.1.5 OCR Specifications

The contractor must initiate or have a quality control program to assure OCR ink density. Readings will be made when printed on approved 20 lb. white OCR bond with a reflectance of not less than 80%. Black ink must not have a reflectance greater than 15%. These readings are based on requirements of the "Scan-Optics Series 9000" Optical Scanner using Flint J-6983 red OCR dropout ink or an exact match.

The following testers and ranges are acceptable:

     o MacBeth PCM-II. The tested Print Contrast Signal (PCS) values


       when using the MacBeth PCM-II tester on the "C" scale must


       range from .01 minimum to .06 maximum.



     o Kidder 082A. The tested PCS values when using the Kidder 082A


       tester on the Infra Red (IR) scale must range from .12 minimum


       to .21 maximum. White calibration disc must be 100%.


       Sensitivity must be set at one (1).



     o Alternative testers. Alternative testers must be approved by


       the Government so that tested PCS values can be established.


       You may obtain approval by writing to the following address:



     Commissioner of Internal Revenue


     Attn: W:CAR:MP:M:T:M, Room 1225


     Tax Products


     1111 Constitution Avenue, NW


     Washington, DC 20224



2.1.6 Typography

Type must be substantially identical in size and shape to the official form. All rules are either 1/2-point or 3/4-point. Rules must be identical to those on the official IRS form.

Note: The form identifying number must be nonreflective carbon-based black ink in OCR A font.

2.1.7 Dimensions

Generally, three Forms 1098, 1099, or 5498 (Copy A) are contained on a single page, 8 inches wide (without any snap-stubs and/or pinfeed holes) by 11 inches deep.

Exceptions. Forms 1099-MISC, 1099-R, and 1042-S contain two documents per page.

There is a .33 inch top margin from the top of the corrected box, and a .25 inch right margin. There is a 1/32 (0.0313) inch tolerance for the right margin. If the right and top margins are properly aligned, the left margin for all forms will be correct. All margins must be free of print. See Exhibits A through U in this publication for the correct form measurements.

These measurements are constant for all Forms 1098, 1099, and 5498. These measurements are shown only once in this publication, on Form 1098 (Exhibit B). Exceptions to these measurements are shown on the rest of the exhibits.

The depth of the individual trim size of each form on a page must be 3 2/3 inches, the same depth as the official form.

Exceptions. The depth of Forms 1099-MISC and 1099-R is 5 1/2 inches.

2.1.8 Perforation

Copy A (three per page; two per page for Forms 1099-MISC and 1099-R) of privately printed continuous substitute forms must be perforated at each 11" page depth. No perforations are allowed between the 3 2/3" forms (5 1/2" for Forms 1099-MISC or 1099-R) on a single copy page of Copy A.

The words "Do Not Cut or Separate Forms on This Page" must be printed in red dropout ink (as required by form specifications) between the three forms (two for Forms 1099-MISC or 1099-R).

Note: Perforations are required between all the other individual copies (Copies B and C, and Copies 1 and 2 for Forms 1099-R and 1099- MISC, and Copy D for Forms 1099-LTC and 1099-R) in the set.

2.1.9 What To Include

You must include the OMB Number on Copies A and Form 1096 in the same location as on the official form.

The words "For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the 2001 General Instructions for Forms 1099, 1098, 5498, and W- 2G" must be printed on Copy A; "For more information and the Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the 2001 General Instructions for Forms 1099, 1098, 5498, and W-2G" must be printed on Form 1096.

A postal indicia may be used if it meets the following criteria:

     o It is printed in the OCR ink color prescribed for the form,





     o No part of the indicia is within one print position of the


       scannable area.



The printer's symbol (GPO) must not be printed on substitute Copy A. Instead, the employer identification number (EIN) of the forms printer must be entered in the bottom margin on the face of each individual form of Copy A, or on the bottom margin on the back of each Form 1096.

The Catalog Number (Cat. No.) shown on the 2001 forms is used for IRS distribution purposes and need not be printed on any substitute forms.


2.2.1 Recipient Information

The form recipient's name, street address, city, state, and ZIP code information should be typed or machine printed in black ink in the same format as shown on the official IRS form. The city, state, and ZIP code must be on the same line.

The following rules apply to the form recipient's name(s):

     o The name of the appropriate form recipient must be shown on


       the first or second name line in the area provided for the


       form recipient's name.



     o No descriptive information or other name may precede the form


       recipient's name.



     o Only one form recipient's name may appear on the first name


       line of the form.



     o If the multiple recipients' names are required on the form,


       enter on the first name line the recipient name that


       corresponds to the recipient taxpayer identification number


       (TIN) shown on the form.



Place the other form recipients' names on the second name line (only 2 name lines are allowable). Because certain states require that trust accounts be provided in a different format, generally filers should provide information returns reflecting payments to trust accounts with the:

     o Trust's employer identification number (EIN) in the


       recipient's TIN area,



     o Trust's name on the recipient's first name line, and



     o Name of the trustee on the recipient's second name line.



Although handwritten forms will be accepted, the IRS prefers that filers type or machine print data entries. Also, filers should insert data in the middle of blocks well separated from other printing and guidelines, and take measures to guarantee clear, dark black, sharp images. Carbon copies and photocopies are not acceptable.

2.2.2 Account Number Box

You should use the account number box for an account number designation. This number must not appear anywhere else on the form, and this box may not be used for any other item.

Showing the account number is optional. However, it may be to your benefit to include the recipient's account number or designation on paper documents if your recordkeeping system uses, for identification purposes, the account number or designation in conjunction with, or instead of, the name, social security number, or employer identification number.

If you furnish the account number, the IRS will include it in future notices to you about backup withholding. If you use window envelopes and a reduced rate to mail statements to recipients, be sure the account number does not appear in the window. Otherwise, the Postal Service may not accept them for mailing.

2.2.3 Specifications and Restrictions

Machine-printed forms should be printed using a 6 lines/inch option, and should be printed in 10 pitch pica (10 print positions per inch) or 12 pitch elite (12 print positions per inch). Proportional spaced fonts are unacceptable.

Substitute forms prepared in continuous or strip form must be burst and stripped to conform to the size specified for a single sheet before they are filed with the IRS. The size specified does not include pinfeed holes. Pinfeed holes must not be present on forms filed with the IRS.

Do not:

     o Use a felt tip marker. The machine used to "read" paper forms


       generally cannot read this ink type.



     o Use dollar signs ($), ampersands (&), asterisks (*), commas


       (,), or other special characters in the numbered money boxes.


       Exception. Use decimal points to indicate dollars and cents


       (e.g., 2000.00 is acceptable).



     o Fold Forms 1096, 1098, 1099, or 5498 mailed to the IRS. Mail


       these forms flat in an appropriately sized envelope or box.


       Folded documents cannot be readily moved through the machine


       used in IRS processing.



     o Staple Forms 1096 to the transmitted returns. Any staple holes


       near the return code number may impair the IRS's ability to


       machine scan the type of documents.



     o Type other information on Copy A.



     o Cut or separate the individual forms on the sheet of forms of


       Copy A (except Forms W-2G).



2.2.4 Where To File

Mail completed paper forms to the IRS service center shown in the Instructions for Form 1096 and in the 2001 General Instructions for Forms 1099, 1098, 5498, and W-2G. Specific information needed to complete the forms mentioned in this revenue procedure are given in the specific form instructions. A chart is included in the 2001 General Instructions for Forms 1099, 1098, 5498, and W-2G giving a quick guide to which form must be filed to report a particular payment.

                               PART 3




                      W-2G (FILED WITH THE IRS)




3.1.1 Purpose

The following specifications give the format requirements for substitute Form W-2G (Copy A only), which is filed with the IRS.

A filer may use a substitute Form W-2G to file with the IRS (referred to as "substitute Copy A"). The substitute form must be an exact replica of the official form with respect to layout and content.


3.2.1 Substitute Form W-2G (Copy A)

You must follow these specifications when printing substitute Copy a of the Form W-2G.



 Item                            Substitute Form W-2G (Copy A)




 Paper Color and Quality   Paper for Copy A must be white chemical


                           wood bond, or equivalent, 20 pound (basis


                           17 x 22-500), plus or minus 5 percent. The


                           paper must consist substantially of


                           bleached chemical wood pulp. It must be


                           free from unbleached or ground wood pulp or


                           post-consumer recycled paper. It also must


                           be suitably sized to accept ink without





 Ink Color and Quality     All printing must be in a high quality


                           nongloss black ink.



 Typography                The type must be substantially identical in


                           size and shape to the official form. All


                           rules on the document are either 1/2 point


                           (.007 inch), 1 point (0.015 inch), or 3


                           point (0.045 inch). Vertical rules must be


                           parallel to the left edge of the document,


                           horizontal rules to the top edge.



 Dimensions                The official form is 8 inches wide x 3 2/3


                           inches deep, exclusive of a 2/3 inch snap


                           stub on the left side of the form. Any


                           substitute Copy A must be the same


                           dimensions. The snap feature is not


                           required on substitutes. All margins must


                           be free of print. The top and right margins


                           must be 1/4 inch plus or minus .0313. If


                           the top and right margins are properly


                           aligned, the left margin for all forms will


                           be correct. If the substitute forms are in


                           continuous or strip form, they must be


                           burst and stripped to conform to the size


                           specified for a single form.



 Hot Wax and Cold          Hot wax and cold carbon spots are not


 Carbon Spots              permitted on any of the internal form


                           plies. These spots are permitted on the


                           back of a mailer top envelope ply.


                           Interleaved carbons, if used, should be


                           black and of good quality to avoid





 Printer's Symbol          The Government Printing Office (GPO) symbol


                           must not be printed on substitute Forms W-


                           2G. Instead, the employer identification


                           number (EIN) of the forms printer must be


                           printed in the bottom margin on the face of


                           each individual Copy A on a sheet. The form


                           must not contain the statement "IRS


                           approved" or any similar statement.



 Catalog Number            The Catalog Number (Cat. No.) shown on Form


                           W-2G is used for IRS distribution purposes


                           and need not be printed on any substitute







                               PART 4




                        FORM RECIPIENT COPIES




4.1.1 Introduction

If you do not use the official IRS form to furnish statements to recipients, you must furnish an acceptable substitute statement. To be acceptable, your substitute statement must comply with the rules in this section. In general, see Regulations sections 1.6042-4, 1.6044-5, 1.6049-6, and 1.6050N-1 to determine how certain statements must be provided to recipients (statement mailing requirements for most Forms 1099-DIV and 1099-INT, all Forms 1099-OID and 1099-PATR, and Form 1099-MISC or 1099-S for royalties).

Note: A trustee of a grantor-type trust may choose to file Forms 1099 and furnish a statement to the grantor under Regulations sections 1.671-4(b)(2)(iii) and (b)(3)(ii). The statement required by those regulations is not subject to the requirements outlined in this section.

4.1.2 Substitute Statements to Recipients for Certain Forms 1099-INT and 1099-DIV, and for Forms 1099-OID and 1099-PATR

The rules in this section apply to Form 1099-INT (except for interest reportable under section 6041), 1099-DIV (except for section 404(k) dividends), 1099-OID), and 1099-PATR only. You may furnish form recipients with Copy B of the official Form 1099 or a substitute Form 1099 (form recipient statement) if it contains the same language as the official IRS form (such as aggregate amounts paid to the form recipient, any backup withholding, the name, address, and TIN of the person making the return, and any other information required by the official form). Except for state income tax withholding information, information not required by the official form should not be included on the substitute form.

You may enter a total of the individual accounts listed on the form only if they have been paid by the same payer. For example, if you are listing interest paid on several accounts by one financial institution on Form 1099-INT, you may also enter the total interest amount. You may also enter a date next to the corrected box if that box is checked.

A substitute form recipient statement for Forms 1099-INT, 1099- DIV, 1099-OID, or 1099-PATR must comply with the following requirements:

     1. Box captions and numbers that are applicable must be clearly


         identified, using the same wording and numbering as on the


         official form.



         Note: For Form 1099-INT, if box 3 is not on your substitute


         form, you may drop "not included in box 3" from the box 1





     2. The form recipient statement must contain all applicable


         form recipient instructions provided on the front and back


         of the official IRS form. Those instructions may be provided


         on a separate sheet of paper.



     3. The form recipient statement must contain the following in


         bold and conspicuous type:



         This is important tax information and is being furnished to


         the Internal Revenue Service. If you are required to file a


         return, a negligence penalty or other sanction may be


         imposed on you if this income is taxable and the IRS


         determines that it has not been reported.



     4. The box caption "Federal income tax withheld" must be in


         boldface type on the form recipient statement.



     5. The form recipient statement must contain the Office of


         Management and Budget (OMB) number as shown on the official


         IRS form. See Part 5.



     6. The form recipient statement must contain the tax year


         (e.g., 2001), form number (e.g., Form 1099-INT), and form


         name (e.g., Interest Income) of the official IRS Form 1099.


         This information must be displayed prominently together in


         one area of the statement. For example, the tax year, form


         number, and form name could be shown in the upper right part


         of the statement. Each copy must be appropriately labeled


         (such as Copy B, For Recipient). See Section 4.4 for


         applicable labels and arrangement of assembly of forms.



         Note: Do not include the words "Substitute for" or "In lieu


         of" on the form recipient statement.



     7. Layout and format of the form is at the discretion of the


         filer. However, the IRS encourages the use of boxes so that


         the statement has the appearance of a form and can be easily


         distinguished from other nontax statements.



     8. Each recipient statement of Forms 1099-DIV, 1099-INT, 1099-


         0ID, and 1099-PATR must include the direct access telephone


         number of an individual who can answer questions about the


         statement. Include that telephone number conspicuously


         anywhere on the recipient statement.



     9. Until new regulations are issued, the IRS will not assess


         penalties for use of a logo (e.g., the name of the payer in


         any typeface, font, or style, and/or a symbolic icon) or


         slogan on a recipient statement if the logo or slogan is


         used by the payer in the ordinary course of its trade or


         business. In addition, use of the logo or slogan must not


         make it less likely for a reasonable payee to recognize the


         importance of the statement for tax reporting purposes.



     10. A mutual fund family may state separately on one document


         (e.g., one piece of paper) the dividend income earned by a


         recipient from each fund within the family of funds as


         required by Form 1099-DIV. However, each fund and its


         earnings must be stated separately. The form must contain an


         instruction to the recipient that each fund's dividends and


         name, not the name of the mutual fund family, must be


         reported on the recipient's tax return. The form cannot


         contain an aggregate total of all funds. In addition, a


         mutual fund family may furnish a single statement (as a


         single filer) for Forms 1099-INT, 1099-DIV, and 1099-OID


         information. Each fund and its earnings must be stated


         separately. The form must contain an instruction to the


         recipient that each fund's earnings and name, not the name


         of the mutual fund family, must be reported on the


         recipient's tax return. The form cannot contain an aggregate


         total of all funds.



4.1.3 Substitute Statements to Recipients for Certain Forms 1098, 1099, 5498, and W-2G

Statements to form recipients for Forms 1098, 1098-E, 1098-T, 1099-A, 1099-B, 1099-C, 1099-G, 1099-LTC, 1099-MISC, 1099-MSA, 1099- R, 1099-S, 5498, 5498-MSA, W-2G, 1099-DIV (only for section 404(k) dividends reportable under section 6047), and 1099-INT (only for interest of $600 or more made in the course of a trade or business reportable under section 6041) can be copies of the official forms or an acceptable substitute. To be acceptable, a substitute form recipient statement must meet the following requirements.

     1. The tax year, form number, and form name must be the same as


         the official form and must be displayed prominently together


         in one area on the statement. For example, they may be shown


         in the upper right part of the statement.



     2. The filer's and the form recipient's identifying information


         required on the official IRS form must be included.



     3. Each substitute recipient statement for Forms W-2G, 1098,


         1098-E, 1098-T, 1099-A, 1099-B, 1099-DIV, 1099-G (excluding


         state and local income tax refunds), 1099-INT, 1099-LTC,


         1099-MISC (excluding fishing boat proceeds), 1099-OID, 1099-


         PATR, and 1099-S must include the direct access telephone


         number of an individual who can answer questions about the


         statement. You may include the telephone number


         conspicuously anywhere on the recipient statement. Although


         not required, payers reporting on Forms 1099-C, 1099-MSA,


         1099-R, 5498, and 5498-MSA are encouraged to furnish


         telephone numbers.



     4. All applicable money amounts and information, including box


         numbers, required to be reported to the form recipient must


         be titled on the form recipient statement in substantially


         the same manner as those on the official IRS form. The box


         caption "Federal income tax withheld" must be in boldface


         type on the form recipient statement.



         Exception. If you are reporting a payment as "Other income"


         in box 3 of Form 1099-MISC, you may substitute appropriate


         language for the box title. For example, for payments of


         accrued wages and leave to a beneficiary of a deceased


         employee, you might change the title of box 3 to


         "Beneficiary payments" or something similar.



         Note: You cannot make this change on Copy A.



     5. You must provide appropriate instructions to the form


         recipient similar to those on the official IRS form, to aid


         in the proper reporting on the form recipient's income tax


         return. For payments reported on Form 1099-B, the


         requirement to include instructions substantially similar to


         those on the official IRS form may be satisfied by providing


         form recipients with a single set of instructions for all


         Forms 1099-B statements required to be furnished in a


         calendar year.



         Note: If Federal income tax is withheld and shown on Form


         1099-R or W-2G, Copy B and Copy C must be furnished to the


         recipient. If Federal income tax is not withheld, only Copy


         C of Form 1099-R and W-2G must be furnished. However for


         Form 1099-R, instructions similar to those on the back of


         the official Copy B and Copy C of Form 1099-R must


         befurnished to the recipient. For convenience, you may


         choose to provide both Copies B and C of Form 1099-R to the





     6. If you use carbon to produce recipient statements, the


         quality of the carbon must meet the following standards:



         o All copies must be clearly legible,



         o All copies must be able to be photocopied, and



         o Fading must not diminish legibility and the ability to





         In general, black chemical transfer inks are preferred, but


         other colors are permitted if the above standards are met.


         Hot wax and cold carbon spots are not permitted on any of


         the internal form plies. The back of a mailer top envelope


         ply may contain these spots.



     7. A mutual fund family may state separately on one document


         (e.g., one piece of paper) the Form 1099-B information for a


         recipient from each fund as required by Form 1099-B.


         However, the gross proceeds, etc., from each transaction


         within a fund must be stated separately. The form must


         contain an instruction to the recipient that each fund's


         (Dot the mutual fund family's) name and amount must be


         reported on the recipient's tax return. The form cannot


         contain an aggregate total of all funds.



     8. You may use a Uniform Settlement Statement (under the Real


         Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 (RESPA)) for Form


         1099-S. The Uniform Settlement Statement is acceptable as


         the written statement to the transferor if you include the


         legend for Form 1099-S in Section 4.3.2 and indicate which


         information on the Uniform Settlement Statement is being


         reported to the IRS on Form 1099-S.



     9. For reporting state income tax withholding and state


         payments, you may add an additional box(es) to recipient


         copies as appropriate.



         Note: You cannot make this change on Copy A.



     10. On Copy C of Form 1099-LTC, you may reverse the location of


         the policyholder's and the insured's name, street address,


         city, state, and ZIP code for easier mailing



     11. Logos are permitted on substitute recipient statements for


         the forms listed in this section (Section 4.1.3).




4.2.1 Composite Substitute Statements for Certain Forms 1099- INT, 1099-DIV, 1099-MISC, and 1099-S, and for Forms 1099-OID and 1099-PATR

A composite form recipient statement is permitted for reportable payments of interest, dividends, original issue discount, patronage dividends, and royalties (Forms 1099-INT (except for interest reportable under section 6041), 1099-DIV (except for section 404(k) dividends), 1099-MISC or 1099-S (for royalties only), 1099-0ID, or 1099-PATR) when one payer is reporting more than one of these payments during a calendar year to the same form recipient. Generally, do not include any other Form 1099 information (e.g., 1098 or 1099-A) on a composite statement with the information required on the forms listed in the preceding sentence.

Exception. A filer may include Form 1099-B information on a composite form with the forms listed above.

Although the composite form recipient statement may be on one sheet the format of the composite form recipient statement must satisfy the following requirements in addition to the requirements listed earlier in Section 4.1.2.

     o All information pertaining to a particular type of payment


       must be located and blocked together on the form and separate


       from any information covering other types of payments included


       on the form. For example, if you are reporting interest and


       dividends, the Form 1099-INT information must be presented


       separately from the Form 1099-DIV information.



     o The composite form recipient statement must prominently


       display the tax year, form number, and form name of the


       official IRS form together in one area at the beginning of


       each appropriate block of information.



     o Any information required by the official IRS forms that would


       otherwise be repeated in each information block is required


       to be listed only once in the first information block on the


       composite form. For example, there is no requirement to report


       the name of the filer in each information block. This rule


       does not apply to any money amounts (e.g., Federal income tax


       withheld) or to any other information that applies to money





     o A composite statement is an acceptable substitute only if the


       type of payment and the recipient's tax obligation with


       respect to the payment are as clear as if each required


       statement were furnished separately on an official form.



4.2.2 Composite Substitute Statements to Recipients for Forms Specified in Section 4.1.3

A composite form recipient statement for the forms specified in Section 4.1.3 is permitted when one filer is reporting more than one type of payment during a calendar year to the same form recipient. A composite statement is not allowed for a combination of forms listed in Section 4.1.3 and forms listed in Section 4.1.2.

Exceptions. Form 1099-B information may be reported on a composite form with the forms specified in Section 4.1.2 as described in Section 4.2.1. In addition, royalties reported on Form 1099-MISC or 1099-S may be reported on a composite form only with the forms specified in Section 4.1.2.

Although the composite form recipient statement may be on one sheet, the format of the composite form recipient statement must satisfy the requirements listed in Section 4.2.1 as well as the requirements in Section 4.1.3. A composite statement of Forms 1098 and 1099-INT (for interest reportable under section 6049) is not allowed.


4.3.1 Required Legends for Forms 1098

Form 1098 recipient statements (Copy B) must contain the following legends:

     o Form 1098



       1. "The information in boxes 1, 2, and 3 is important tax


          information and is being furnished to the Internal Revenue


          Service. If you are required to file a return, a negligence


          penalty or other sanction may be imposed on you if the IRS


          determines that an underpayment of tax results because you


          overstated a deduction for this mortgage interest or for


          these points or because you did not report this refund of


          interest on your return."



       2. "Caution: The amount shown may not be fully deductible by


          you. Limits based on the loan amount and the cost and value


          of the secured property may apply. Also, you may only


          deduct interest to the extent it was incurred by you,


          actually paid by you, and not reimbursed by another





     o Form 1098-E -- "This is important tax information and is being


       furnished to the Internal Revenue Service. If you are required


       to file a return, a negligence penalty or other sanction may


       be imposed on you if the IRS determines that an underpayment


       of tax results because you overstated a deduction for student


       loan interest."



     o Form 1098-T -- "This is important tax information and is being


       furnished to the Internal Revenue Service."



4.3.2 Required Legends for Forms 1099 and W-2G

Forms 1099 and W-2G recipient statements must contain the following legends:

     o Forms 1099-A and 1099-C -- Copy B



     "This is important tax information and is being furnished to the


     Internal Revenue Service. If you are required to file a


     return, a negligence penalty or other sanction may be imposed on


     you if taxable income results from this transaction and the IRS


     determines that it has not been reported."



     o Forms 1099-B, 1099-DIV, 1099-G, 1099-INT, 1099-MISC, 1099-0ID,


       and 1099-PATR -- Copy B



       "This is important tax information and is being furnished to


       the Internal Revenue Service. If you are required to file a


       return, a negligence penalty or other sanction may be imposed


       on you if this income is taxable and the IRS determines that


       it has not been reported."



     o Form 1099-LTC --



       Copy B -- "This is important tax information and is being


       furnished to the Internal Revenue Service. If you are required


       to file a return, a negligence penalty or other sanction may


       be imposed on you if this item is required to be reported and


       the IRS determines that it has not been reported."



       Copy C -- "Copy C is provided to you for information only.


       Only the policyholder is required to report this information


       on a tax return."



     o Form 1099-MSA -- Copy B



       "This information is being furnished to the Internal Revenue





     o Form 1099-R --



       Copy B -- "Report this income on your Federal tax return. If


       this form shows Federal income tax withheld in box 4, attach


       this copy to your return. This information is being furnished


       to the Internal Revenue Service."



       Copy C -- "This information is being furnished to the Internal


       Revenue Service."



     o Form 1099-S -- Copy B



       "This is important tax information and is being furnished to


       the Internal Revenue Service. If you are required to file a


       return, a negligence penalty or other sanction may be imposed


       on you if this item is required to be reported and the IRS


       determines that it has not been reported."



     o Form W-2G --



       Copy B -- "This information is being furnished to the Internal


       Revenue Service. Report this income on your Federal tax


       return. If this form shows Federal income tax withheld in box


       2, attach this copy to your return."



       Copy C -- "This is important tax information and is being


       furnished to the Internal Revenue Service. If you are required


       to file a return, a negligence penalty or other sanction may


       be imposed on you if this income is taxable and the IRS


       determines that it has not been reported."



4.3.3 Required Legends for Forms 5498

Form 5498 recipient statements (Copy B) must contain the following legends:

     o Form 5498 -- "This information is being furnished to the


       Internal Revenue Service."



       Note: If you do not furnish another statement to the


       participant because no contributions were made for the year,


       the statement of the fair market value of the account must


       contain this legend and a designation of which information is


       being furnished to the IRS.



     o Form 5498-MSA -- "The information in boxes 1 through 6 is


       being furnished to the Internal Revenue Service."




4.4.1 Copies

Copies B, C, and in some cases, D, 1, and 2 are included in the official assembly for the convenience of the filer. You are not legally required to include all these copies with the privately printed substitute forms. Furnishing Copies B and, in some cases, C will satisfy the legal requirement to provide statements of information to form recipients.

Note: If an amount of Federal income tax withheld is shown on Form 1099-R or W-2G, Copy B (to be attached to the tax return) and Copy C must be furnished to the recipient, Copy D (Forms 1099-R and W-2G) may be used for filer records. Only Copy A should be filed with the IRS.

4.4.2 Arrangement of Assembly

Copy A ("For Internal Revenue Service Center") of all forms must be on top. The rest of the assembly must be arranged, from top to bottom, as follows. For:

     o Form 1098 -- Copy B "For Payer"; Copy C "For Recipient."



     o Form 1098-E -- Copy B "For Borrower"; Copy C "For Recipient."



     o Form 1098-T -- Copy B "For Student"; Copy C "For Filer."



     o Form 1099-A -- Copy B "For Borrower"; Copy C "For Lender."



     o Forms 1099-B, 1099-DIV, 1099-G, 1099-INT, 1099-MSA, 1099-OID,


       and 1099-PATR -- Copy B "For Recipient"; Copy C "For Payer."



     o Form 1099-C -- Copy B "For Debtor"; Copy C "For Creditor."



     o Form 1099-LTC -- Copy B "For Policyholder"; Copy C "For


       Insured"; and Copy D "For Payer."



     o Form 1099-MISC -- Copy 1 "For State Tax Department"; Copy B


       "For Recipient"; Copy 2 "To be filed with recipient's state


       income tax return, when required"; and Copy C "For Payer."



     o Form 1099-R -- Copy 1 "For State, City, or Local Tax


       Department"; Copy B "Report this income on your Federal tax


       return. If this form shows Federal income tax withheld in box


       4, attach this copy to your return"; Copy C "For Recipient's


       Records"; Copy 2 "File this copy with your state, city, or,


       local income tax return, when required"; Copy D "For Payer."



     o Form 1099-S -- Copy B "For Transferor"; Copy C "For Filer."



     o Form 5498 -- Copy B "For Participant"; Copy C "For Trustee or





     o Form 5498-MSA -- Copy B "For Participant"; Copy C "For





     o Form W-2G -- Copy 1 "For State Tax Department"; Copy B "Report


       this income on your Federal tax return. If this form shows


       Federal income tax withheld in box 2, attach this copy to your


       return"; Copy C "For Winner's Records"; Copy 2 "Attach this


       copy to your state income tax return, if required."; Copy D


       "For Payer."



4.4.3 Perforations

Perforations are required between forms on all copies except Copy A to make separating the forms easier. (Copy A of Form W-2G may be perforated.)

                               PART 5




              FORMS 1098, 1099, 5498, W-2G, AND 1042-S




5.1.1 Paper Substitutes

Paper substitutes of Copy A for Form 1042-S, Foreign Person's U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding, that totally conform to the specifications contained in this procedure may be privately printed without prior approval from the Internal Revenue Service. Proposed substitutes not conforming to these specifications must be submitted for consideration.

Note: Copies B, C, D, and E of Form 1042-S may contain multiple income entries for the same recipient, i.e. multiple rows of the top boxes 1-8 of the Form.

5.1.2 Time Frame For Submission of Form 1042-S

The request should be submitted by November 15 of the year prior to the year the form is to be used. This is to allow the Service adequate time to respond and the submitter adequate time to make any corrections. These requests should contain a copy of the proposed form, the need for the specific deviation(s), and the number of information returns to be printed.

5.1.3 Revisions

Form 1042-S is subject to annual review and possible change. Withholding agents and form suppliers are cautioned against overstocking supplies of the privately printed substitutes.

5.1.4 Obtaining Copies

Copies of the official form for the reporting year may be obtained from most Service offices. The Service provides only cut sheets (no carbon interleaves) of these forms. Continuous fan- fold/pinned forms are not provided.

5.1.5 Instructions For Withholding Agents

Instructions for withholding agents:

     o Only original copies may be filed with the Service. Carbon


       copies and reproductions are not acceptable.



     o The term "Recipient's U.S. TIN" for an individual means the


       social security number (SSN) or IRS individual taxpayer


       identification number (ITIN), consisting of nine digits


       separated by hyphens as follows: 000-00-0000. For all other


       recipients, the term means employer identification number


       (EIN) or qualified intermediary employer identification number


       (QI-EIN). The EIN and QI-EIN consist of nine digits separated


       by a hyphen as follows: 00-0000000. The taxpayer


       identification number (TIN) must be in one of these formats.



     o Withholding agents are requested to type or machine print


       whenever possible, provide quality data entries on the forms


       (that is, use black ribbon and insert data in the middle of


       blocks well separated from other printing and guidelines), and


       take other measures to guarantee a clear, sharp image.


       Withholding agents are not required, however, to acquire


       special equipment solely for the purpose of preparing these







       must be printed at the top center of the form under the title


       and checked, if applicable.



     o Substitute forms prepared in continuous or strip form must be


       burst and stripped to conform to the size specified for a


       single form before they are filed with the Service. The


       dimensions are found below, Computer cards are acceptable


       provided they meet all requirements regarding layout, content,


       and size.



5.1.6 Substitute Form 1042-S Format Requirements



 Property                 Substitute Form 1042-S Format Requirements




 Printing                 Privately printed substitute Forms 1042-S


                          must be exact replicas of the official forms


                          with respect to layout and content. Only the


                          dimensions of the substitute form may


                          differ. The Government Printing Office (GPO)


                          symbol must be deleted. The exact dimensions


                          are found below.



 Box Entries              Only one item of income may be represented


                          on the copy submitted to the Service (Copy


                          A). Multiple income items may be used on


                          copies provided to recipients only. All


                          boxes appearing on the official form must be


                          present on the substitute form, with


                          appropriate captions.



 Color and Quality of Ink All printing must be in high quality non-


                          gloss black ink. Bar codes should be free


                          from picks and voids.



 Typography               Type must be substantially identical in size


                          and shape to corresponding type on the


                          official form. All rules on the document are


                          either 1 point (0.015") or 3 point (0.045").


                          Vertical rules must be parallel to the left


                          edge of the document; horizontal rules must


                          be parallel to the top edge.



 Carbons                  Carbonized forms or "spot carbons" are not


                          permissible. Interleaved carbons, if used,


                          must be of good quality to preclude smudging


                          and should be black.



 Assembly                 If all five parts are present, the parts of


                          the assembly shall be arranged from top to


                          bottom as follows: Copy A (Original) "For


                          Internal Revenue Service," Copies B, C, and


                          D "For Recipient," and Copy E "For


                          Withholding Agent."



 Color Quality of Paper   o Paper For Copy A must be white chemical


                            wood bond, or equivalent, 20 pound (basis


                            17 x 22-500), plus or minus 5 percent; or


                            offset book paper, 50 pound (basis 25 x


                            38-500). No optical brighteners may be


                            added to the pulp or paper during


                            manufacture. The paper must consist of


                            principally bleach chemical wood pulp or


                            recycled printed paper. It also must be


                            suitably sized to accept ink without





                          o Copies B, C, D (for Recipient), and E (For


                            Withholding Agent) are provided in the


                            official assembly solely for the


                            convenience of the withholding agent.


                            Withholding agents may choose the format,


                            design, color, and quality of the paper


                            used for these copies.



 Dimensions               o The official form is 8 inches wide x 5 1/2


                            inches deep, exclusive of a 1/2 snap stub


                            on the left side of the form. The snap


                            feature is not required on substitutes.



                          o The width of a substitute Copy A must be a


                            minimum of 7 inches and a maximum of 8


                            inches, although adherence to the size of


                            the official form is preferred. If the


                            width of substitute Copy A is reduced from


                            that of the official form, the width of


                            each field on the substitute form must be


                            reduced proportionately. The left margin


                            must be 1/2 inch and free of all printing


                            other than that shown on the official





                          o The depth of a substitute Copy A must be a


                            minimum of 5 1/6 inches and a maximum of 5


                            1/2 inches.



 Other Copies             Copies B, C, and D must be furnished for the


                          convenience of payees who must send a copy


                          of the form with other Federal and State


                          returns they file. Copy E may be used as a


                          withholding agent's record/copy.






5.2.1 OMB Requirements

The Paperwork Reduction Act (the Act) of 1995 (Public Law 104- 13) requires that:

     o The OMB approves all IRS tax forms that are subject to the





     o Each IRS form contains (in or near the upper right corner) the


       OMB approval number, if any. (The official OMB numbers may be


       found on the official IRS printed forms and are also shown on


       the forms in the exhibits in Part 6.)



     o Each IRS form (or its instructions) states:



          1. Why the IRS needs the information,



          2. How it will be used, and



          3. Whether or not the information is required to be


             furnished to the IRS.



This information must be provided to any users of official or substitute IRS forms or instructions.

5.2.2 Substitute Form Requirements

The OMB requirements for substitute IRS forms are:

     o Any substitute form or substitute statement to a recipient


       must show the OMB number as it appears on the official IRS





     o For Copy A, the OMB number must appear exactly as shown on the


       official IRS form.



     o For any copy other than Copy A, the OMB number must use one of


       the following formats.



          1. OMB No. XXXX-XXXX (preferred) or



          2. OMB # XXXX-XXXX (acceptable).



5.2.3 Required Explanation to Users

All substitute forms (Copy A only) must state "For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the 2001 General Instructions for Forms 1099, 1098, 5498, and W-2G." (or "For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions." for Copy A of Form 1042-S).

If no instructions are provided to users of your forms, you must furnish them the exact text of the Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice.


5.3.1 Introduction

You can order official IRS forms and information copies of Federal tax materials by calling the IRS Distribution Center at 1- 800-829-3676. Other ways to get Federal tax material include:

     o The Internet.



     o CD-ROM.



     o GPO Superintendent of Documents Bookstores.



Note: Several IRS forms are provided electronically on the IRS home page and on the Federal Tax Forms CD-ROM, but Copy A of Forms 1096, the 1098 series, 1099 series, and 5498 series cannot be used for filing with the IRS when printed from a conventional printer. These forms contain drop-out ink requirements as described in Part 2 of this publication.

5.3.2 Internet

You can download tax materials from the Internet.



      You Can Access the Internet by . . .        Using . . .




      File Transfer Protocol (FTP)  


      World Wide Web                





5.3.3 IRS Federal Tax Forms CD-ROM

The IRS also offers an alternative to downloading electronic files and provides current and prior-year access to tax forms and instructions through its Federal Tax Forms CD-ROM. The CD will be available for the upcoming filing season. Order Pub. 1796, IRS Federal Tax Products CD-ROM, by using the IRS's Internet Web Site at or by calling 1-877-CDFORMS (1-877-233-6767).

5.3.4 GPO Supt. of Documents Bookstores

The Government Printing Office (GPO) Superintendent of Documents Bookstores also sell individual copies of tax forms, instructions, and publications.


5.4.1 Other Revenue Procedures

Revenue Procedure 2000-28, 2000-27 I.R.B. 60, which provides rules and specifications for private printing of 2000 substitute forms and statements to recipients, is superseded.




6.1.1 Purpose

Exhibits A through U illustrate some of the specifications that were discussed earlier in this revenue procedure. The dimensions apply to the actual size forms, but the exhibits have been reduced in size.

Generally, the illustrated dimensions apply to all like forms. For example, Exhibit B shows 11.00" from the top edge to the bottom edge of Form 1098 and .85" between the bottom rule of the top form and the top rule of the second form on the page. These dimensions apply to all forms that are printed three to a page.

6.1.2 Guidelines

Keep in mind the following guidelines when printing substitute forms.

     o Closely follow the specifications to avoid delays in


       processing the forms.



     o Always use the specifications as outlined in this revenue


       procedure and illustrated in the exhibits.



     o Do not add the text line "Do Not Cut or Separate Forms on This


       Page" to the bottom form. This will cause inconsistency with


       the specifications.



EXHIBIT A - U [exhibits omitted]
  • Institutional Authors
    Internal Revenue Service
  • Code Sections
  • Subject Areas/Tax Topics
  • Index Terms
    returns, information
    IRS forms
  • Jurisdictions
  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Document Number
    Doc 2001-27692 (40 original pages)
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    2001 TNT 214-12
Copy RID