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IRS Revises Specifications For Electronic Filing Of Archer MSA Summaries.

APR. 23, 2007

Rev. Proc. 2007-29; 2007-1 C.B. 1004

DATED APR. 23, 2007
Citations: Rev. Proc. 2007-29; 2007-1 C.B. 1004

Rev. Proc. 2007-29


Part A. General



.01 Numerous editorial changes were made to this revenue procedure. Major changes are emphasized by the use of italics. Filers are urged to read the revenue procedure in its entirety.

Sec. 1. Purpose

.01 The purpose of this revenue procedure is to provide the specifications under which trustees may file Form 8851, Summary of Archer MSAs, electronically.

.02 Comments concerning this revenue procedure, or suggestions for making it more helpful and user friendly, can be addressed to:


IRS-Enterprise Computing Center -- Martinsburg


Information Reporting Program


Attn: 8851 Coordinator


240 Murall Drive


Kearneysville WV 25430


.03 It is unlawful to intentionally transmit a computer virus to the Internal Revenue Service. Violators may be subject to a fine and/or imprisonment.

Sec. 2. Nature of Changes

.01 This Revenue Procedure was completely revised since its last revision in 2001. Please review this Revenue Procedure in its entirety. This section only lists the major changes.

.02 The name of the Martinsburg Computing Center was changed to Enterprise Computing Center -- Martinsburg (ECC-MTB).

.03 ECC-MTB no longer accepts magnetic media for the filing of Forms 8851. The only acceptable method for those with over 250 forms is electronic filing via the FIRE System (see Part B). Filers of Form 8851 must call ECC-MTB toll-free at 1-866-455-7438, extension 3 for log-on instructions.

.04 The FIRE System is now on the Internet at Substantial changes were made to the FIRE System so review this information carefully.

.05 The due date for filing Forms 8851 was changed to March 20, 2007. This date is effective for both filing periods, January 1, 2005 through June 30, 2005, and January 1, 2006 through June 30, 2006. A separate transmission is required for each filing period.

Sec. 3. Where To File and How To Contact the IRS Enterprise Computing Center -- Martinsburg

.01 Paper Forms 8851 are processed at IRS-Enterprise Computing Center -- Martinsburg (IRS/ECC-MTB). Send forms and correspondence to ECC at the following address:


IRS-Enterprise Computing Center -- Martinsburg


Information Reporting Program


Attn: 8851 Coordinator


240 Murall Drive


Kearneysville WV 25430


.02 Paper forms and publications should be requested by calling the "Forms Only Number" listed in your local telephone directory or by calling the IRS toll-free number 1-800-TAX-FORM (1-800-829-3676). Forms and publications can also be obtained by using the IRS Web site

.03 The Information Reporting Program Customer Service Section (IRP/CSS), located at IRS/ECC-MTB, answers electronic, paper filing and tax law questions from the payer community relating to the filing of business information returns (Forms 8851, 1096, 1098, 1099, 5498, 8027, and W-2G). Inquiries dealing with backup withholding and reasonable cause requirements due to missing and incorrect taxpayer identification numbers are also addressed by IRP/CSS. Assistance is available year-round to payers, transmitters, and employers nationwide, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, by calling toll-free 1-866-455-7438. The Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) toll number is 304-267-3367. Call as soon as questions arise to avoid the busy filing seasons. Recipients of information returns (payees) should continue to contact 1-800-829-1040 with any questions on how to report the information returns data on their tax returns.

.04 The telephone numbers for inquiries or electronic submissions are:


Information Reporting Program Customer Service Section


TOLL-FREE 1-866-455-7438 or outside the U.S. 1-304-263-8700



304-267-3367 -- TDD


(Telecommunication Device for the Deaf)



304-264-5602 -- Fax Machine



Electronic Filing -- FIRE system





1-800-TAX-FORM (1-800-829-3676) -- IRS website access to forms



Sec. 4. Filing Requirements

.01 If you are required to report 250 or more Archer MSAs, you must file electronically. Even though a trustee may not meet the required filing threshold of 250 documents, IRS encourages the filing of the Form 8851 electronically. Filers who transmit their information electronically are considered to have satisfied the magnetic media filing requirements.

.02 The filing requirement applies individually to each reporting entity as defined by its separate Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), (Social Security Number [SSN], or Employer Identification Number [EIN]). For example, if filing for a corporation with several branches or locations and each uses the same name and EIN, the filer must aggregate the total volume to be filed for that EIN and apply the filing requirement accordingly.

.03 For additional information on filing requirements, please refer to the instructions on Form 8851.

Sec. 5. Due Dates

.01 The due dates for filing paper returns with IRS also apply to electronic filing. File Form 8851, postmarked no later than March 20, 2007 for each reporting period. The two reporting periods are January 1, 2005 through June 30, 2005 for 2005 and January 1, 2006 through June 30, 2006 for 2006.

.02 When using a delivery service other than the U.S. Postal Service, if no date of shipment appears on the package or container, the date of receipt will be the date received at IRS/ECC-MTB. Notice 97-26, 1997-17 I.R.B. 6, provides rules for determining the date that is treated as the postmark date. For items delivered by a non-designated Private Delivery Service (PDS), the actual date of receipt by IRS/ECC-MTB will be used as the filing date. For items delivered by a designated PDS, but through a type of service not designated in Notice 2004-83, 2004-52 I.R.B. 1030, the actual date of receipt by IRS/ECC-MTB will be used as the filing date. The timely mailing rule also applies to furnishing statements to recipients and participants.

Note: Due to security regulations at ECC-MTB, the Internal Revenue police officers will only accept packages from PDSs or couriers from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Sec. 6. Processing of Information Returns Electronically

.01 All data received at IRS/ECC-MTB for processing will be given the same protection as individual income tax returns (Form 1040). IRS/ECC-MTB will process the data and determine if the records are formatted and coded according to this revenue procedure.

.02 If you are filing information for more than one trustee or tax year, each trustee or tax year must be transmitted separately.

.03 Do not report duplicate information. If a filer submits returns electronically, identical paper documents must not be filed.

.04 If the data is formatted incorrectly, IRS/ECC-MTB will request a replacement file. When IRS/ECC-MTB requests a replacement file, it is because we encountered errors (not limited to format) and were unable to process the file. It is imperative that filers maintain backup copies and/or recreate capabilities for their information return files. Open all IRS/ECC-MTB correspondence immediately. Refer to Part B, Section 4, for detailed procedures for replacing files submitted electronically.

.05 IRS/ECC-MTB will work with the filers to identify and resolve processing problems. If contacted by IRS/ECC-MTB, please respond promptly. IRS/ECC-MTB may have information the filers need to correct their files.

Sec. 7. Effect on Paper Documents

.01 Electronic reporting eliminates the need to submit paper Forms 8851 to IRS.

.02 Even though the threshold for filing electronically is 250 or more MSAs, IRS encourages transmitters to submit all returns electronically.

.03 The address for filing paper Forms 8851 is:


IRS-Enterprise Computing Center -- Martinsburg


Information Reporting Program


Attn: 8851 Coordinator


240 Murall Drive


Kearneysville, WV 25430


.04 In all instances, identify which accounts are for individuals that were previously uninsured or excludable account holders, if applicable.

Sec. 8. State Abbreviations

.01 The following state and U.S. territory abbreviations are to be used when developing the state code portion of address fields. This table provides state and territory abbreviations only, and does not represent those states participating in the Combined Federal/State Filing Program.

 State                         Code State                         Code



 Alabama                       AL   Missouri                      MO


 Alaska                        AK   Montana                       MT


 American Samoa                AS   Nebraska                      NE


 Arizona                       AZ   Nevada                        NV


 Arkansas                      AR   New Hampshire                 NH


 California                    CA   New Jersey                    NJ


 Colorado                      CO   New Mexico                    NM


 Connecticut                   CT   New York                      NY


 Delaware                      DE   North Carolina                NC


 District of Columbia          DC   North Dakota                  ND


 Federated States of                No. Mariana Islands           MP


 Micronesia                    FM   Ohio                          OH


 Florida                       FL   Oklahoma                      OK


 Georgia                       GA   Oregon                        OR


 Guam                          GU   Pennsylvania                  PA


 Hawaii                        HI   Puerto Rico                   PR


 Idaho                         ID   Rhode Island                  RI


 Illinois                      IL   South Carolina                SC


 Indiana                       IN   South Dakota                  SD


 Iowa                          IA   Tennessee                     TN


 Kansas                        KS   Texas                         TX


 Kentucky                      KY   Utah                          UT


 Louisiana                     LA   Vermont                       VT


 Maine                         ME   Virginia                      VA


 Marshall Islands              MH   (U.S.) Virgin Islands         VI


 Maryland                      MD   Washington                    WA


 Massachusetts                 MA   West Virginia                 WV


 Michigan                      MI   Wisconsin                     WI


 Minnesota                     MN   Wyoming                       WY


 Mississippi                   MS



.02 Filers must adhere to the city, state, and ZIP Code format for U.S. addresses in the "B" Record. This also includes American Samoa, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Marshall Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

.03 When reporting APO/FPO addresses, use the following format:


 Payee Name          PVT Willard J. Doe


 Mailing Address     Company F, PSC Box 100


                     167 Infantry REGT


 Payee City          APO (or FPO)


 Payee State         AE, AA, or AP*


 Payee ZIP Code      098010100



                           FOOTNOTE TO TABLE



      * AE is the designation for ZIPs beginning with


 090-098, AA for ZIP 340, and AP for ZIPs 962-966.



                       END OF FOOTNOTE TO TABLE



Sec. 9. Definition of Terms

 Element                     Description



 Account Holder              The owner of the Archer MSA.



 Employer Identification     A nine-digit number assigned by IRS fo


 Number (EIN)                Federal tax reporting purposes.



 File                        For the purpose of this revenue


                             procedure, a file consists of all


                             records submittedby a transmitter





 Filer                       Person or organization that prepares


                             and submits files. May be the trustee


                             and/or transmitter.



 Replacement                 An information return file sent by


                             the filer at the request of


                             IRS/ECC-MTB because of errors


                             encountered while processing their


                             original submission.



 Note 1: Filers should never submit files to IRS/ECC-MTB marked


 "Replacement" unless IRS/ECC-MTB has requested a


 replacement file in writing or via the FIRE System.



 Social Security Number (SSN)  A nine-digit number assigned by the


                               Social Security Administration


                               (SSA) to an individual for tax and


                               wage reporting purposes.



 Special Character             Any character that is not a numeric,


                               an alpha, or a blank.



 Taxpayer Identification       May be either a Social Security Number


 Number (TIN)                  (SSN) or an Employer Identification





 Transmitter Control Code      The five-digit code "MSA01" assigned


 (TCC)                         to all filers prior to submitting


                               Forms 8851 electronically. This number


                               is inserted in the "A" Record and must


                               be present in the file.



 Trustee                       Person or organization that is the


                               custodian of the Archer MSA and is


                               required to file Form 8851.


Part B. Electronic Filing Specifications



Note: The FIRE System DOES NOT provide fill-in forms. Filers must program files according to the Record Layout Specifications contained in this publication. For a list of software providers, log on to and go to the Approved IRS e-file for Business Providers link.

Sec. 1. General

.01 Electronic filing of Forms 1098, 1099, 5498, 8851 and W-2G information returns, originals, corrections, and replacements is offered as an alternative to paper filing. Payers who are under the filing threshold requirement, are encouraged to file electronically.

.02 All electronic filing of information returns are received at IRS/ECC-MTB via the FIRE (Filing Information Returns Electronically) System. To connect to the FIRE System, point your browser to The system is designed to support the electronic filing of information returns only.

.03 The electronic filing of information returns is not affiliated with any other IRS electronic filing programs. Filers must obtain separate approval to participate in each program. Only inquiries concerning electronic filing of information returns should be directed to IRS/ECC-MTB.

.04 Files submitted to IRS/ECC-MTB electronically must be in standard ASCII code. Do not send paper forms with the same information as electronically submitted files. This would create duplicate reporting resulting in penalty notices.

Sec. 2. Advantages of Filing Electronically

Some of the advantages of filing electronically are:


(1) Paperless, no Form 4804 requirements.

(2) Security -- Secure Socket Layer (SSL) 128-bit encryption.

(3) Results available within 5 workdays regarding the acceptability of the data transmitted. It is the filer's responsibility to log into the system and check results.

(4) Better customer service due to on-line availability of transmitter's files for research purposes.


Sec. 3. Electronic Filing Approval Procedure

.01 Filers must fax a Form 8851, Summary of Archer MSAs, to IRS/ECC-MTB prior to filing the Form(s) 8851 electronically. Only trustee information, information above line `a', should be provided on the Form 8851 when filing electronically. Please annotate the Form 8851 with "Electronic Filing" to indicate the method of filing. The fax number is (304) 264-5602.

.02 Filers must call ECC-MTB toll-free at 1-866-455-7438, extension 3 prior to logging on to the FIRE System for procedures specific to filing Form 8851.

.03 Electronic filers assign their own logon name and password and do not need prior or special approval.

.04 For all passwords, it is the user's responsibility to remember the password and not allow the password to be compromised. Passwords are user assigned at first logon and must be 8 alpha/numerics containing at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, and 1 numeric. However, filers who forget their password or PIN, can call toll-free 1-866-455-7438 for assistance. The FIRE System may require users to change their passwords on a yearly basis.

Sec. 4. Electronic Submissions

.01 Electronically filed information may be submitted to IRS/ECC-MTB 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Technical assistance is available Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Eastern time by calling toll-free 1-866-455-7438, ext. 3.

.02 The FIRE System will be down from 2 p.m. EST December 21, 2007, through January 2, 2008. This allows IRS/ECC-MTB to update its system to reflect current year changes.

.03 If you are sending files larger than 10,000 records electronically, data compression is encouraged. When transmitting files larger than 5 million records, please contact IRS/ECC-MTB for additional information. WinZip and PKZip are the only acceptable compression packages. IRS/ECC-MTB cannot accept self-extracting zip files or compressed files containing multiple files. The time required to transmit information returns electronically will vary depending upon the type of connection to the internet and if data compression is used. The time required to transmit a file can be reduced up to 95 percent by using compression.

.04 Transmitters may create files using self assigned file name(s). Files submitted electronically will be assigned a new unique file name by the FIRE System. The filename assigned by the FIRE System will consist of submission type (ORIG [original] and REPL [replacement]), the filer's TCC and a four-digit number sequence. The sequence number will be incremented for every file sent. For example, if it is your first original file for the calendar year and your TCC is MSA01, the IRS assigned filename would be ORIG.MSA01.0001. Record the filename. This information will be needed by ECC-MTB to identify the file, if assistance is required.

.05 If a file was submitted timely and is bad, the filer will have up to 60 days from the day the file was transmitted to transmit an acceptable replacement file. If an acceptable file is not received within 60 days, the payer could be subject to late filing penalties. This only applies to files originally submitted electronically.

  • A replacement is an information return file sent by the filer because the CHECK FILE STATUS option on the FIRE System indicated the original file was bad. After the necessary changes have been made, the file must be transmitted through the FIRE System. (See Note.)


Note: Filers should never transmit anything to IRS/ECC-MTB as a "Replacement" file unless the CHECK FILE STATUS option on the FIRE System indicates the file is bad.

Sec. 5. PIN Requirements

.01 User will be prompted to create a PIN consisting of 10 numerics when establishing their initial logon name and password.

.02 The PIN is required each time an ORIGINAL or REPLACEMENT file is sent electronically and is permission to release the file. An authorized agent may enter their PIN, however, the payer is responsible for the accuracy of the returns. The payer will be liable for penalties for failure to comply with filing requirements. If you forget your PIN, please call toll-free 1-866-455-7438, ext. 3 for assistance.

Sec. 6. Electronic Filing Specifications

.01 The FIRE System is designed exclusively for the filing of Forms 1042-S, 1098, 1099, 5498, 8027, 8851, and W-2G.

.02 The results of the electronic transmission will be available in the CHECK FILE STATUS area of the FIRE System within 5 business days. It is the filer's responsibility to verify the acceptability of files submitted by selecting the CHECK FILE STATUS option. Forms 1042-S and 8027 require a longer processing time.

Sec. 7. Connecting to the FIRE System

.01 Point your browser to to connect to the FIRE System.

.02 Filers should turn off their pop-up blocking software before transmitting their files.

.03 Before connecting, call ECC-MTB for specific log on procedures for Form 8851 (See Part A, Sec. 3.)

.04 Your browser must support SSL 128-bit encryption.

.05 Your browser must be set to receive "cookies". Cookies are used to preserve your User ID status.

First time connection to The FIRE System (If you have logged on previously, skip to Subsequent Connections to the FIRE System.)


Click "Create New Account".

Fill out the registration form and click "Submit".

Enter your User ID (most users logon with their first and last name).

Enter and verify your password (the password is user assigned and must be 8 alpha/numerics, containing at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase and 1 numeric). FIRE may require you to change the password once a year.

Click "Create".

If you receive the message "Account Created", click "OK".

Enter and verify your 10-digit self-assigned PIN (Personal Identification Number).

Click "Submit".

If you receive the message "Your PIN has been successfully created!", click "OK".

Read the bulletin(s) and/or click "Click here to continue".


Subsequent connections to The FIRE System


Click "Log On".

Enter your User ID (most users logon with their first and last name).

Enter your password (the password is user assigned and is case sensitive).

Read the bulletin(s) and/or click "Click here to continue".


Uploading your file to the FIRE System




Click "Send Information Returns"

Enter your TCC:

Enter your EIN:

Click "Submit".


The system will then display the company name, address, city, state, ZIP code, phone number, contact and email address. This information will be used to contact or send correspondence (if necessary) regarding this transmission. Update as appropriate and/or Click "Accept".

Click one of the following:


Original File

Replacement File

Click on the file to be replaced.

Enter your 10-digit PIN.

Click "Submit".

Click "Browse" to locate the file and open it.

Click "Upload".

Uploading your file to the FIRE System

When the upload is complete, the screen will display the total bytes received and tell you the name of the file you just uploaded.


If you have more files to upload for that TCC:


Click "File Another?"; otherwise,

Click "Main Menu".

It is your responsibility to check the acceptability of your file; therefore, be sure to check back into the system in 5 business days using the CHECK FILE STATUS option.

Checking your FILE STATUS




Click "Check File Status".

Enter your TCC:

Enter your EIN:

Click "Search".


If "Results" indicate:


"Good, Not Released" and you agree with the "Count of Payees", you are finished with this file.

"Good, Released" -- File has been released to our mainline processing.

"Bad" -- Correct the errors and timely resubmit the file as a "replacement".

"Not yet processed" -- File has been received, but we do not have results available yet. Please check back in a few days.

Click on the desired file for a detailed report of your transmission.

When you are finished, click on Main Menu.

Click "Log Out".

Close your Web Browser.

Part C. Record Format Specifications and Record Layouts



.01 In order to be acceptable, records within the file must be in the following sequence:


(a) A Trustee "A" Record

(b) Account Holder "B" Records

(c) Control Total "C" Record


.02 If you are filing for more than one trustee, each trustee must be reported on a separate file.

Sec. 1. The Trustee "A" Record -- General Field Descriptions and Record Layout

.01 This record identifies the entity preparing and transmitting the file. The first record of a file MUST be a Trustee "A" Record. Otherwise, a replacement file will be requested. The "A" Record is a fixed length of 150 positions.

                    Record Name: Trustee "A" Record



 Positions Field Title        Length  Description and Remarks



 1         Record Type          1     Required.  Enter "A".



 2-10      Trustee TIN          9     Enter the Taxpayer Identification


                                      Number (TIN), either the Employer


                                      Identification Number (EIN) or the


                                      Social Security Number (SSN) of the





 11-50     Trustee Name        40     Required. Enter the trustee's name.


                                      Abbreviate if necessary to fit


                                      40-character limit, and omit


                                      punctuation. Left-justify and blank





 51-90     Trustee Address     40     Required. Enter mailing address of


                                      the trustee. Street address should


                                      include number, street, apartment


                                      or suite number (or P.O. Box if mail


                                      is not delivered to street address).


                                      Abbreviate as needed to fit


                                      40-character limit, and omit


                                      punctuation. Left-justify and blank





 91-119    Trustee City        29     Required. Enter the city or town of


                                      trustee. If applicable, enter APO or


                                      FPO only. Left-justify and blank fill.



 120-121   Trustee State        2     Required. Enter the valid U.S. Postal


                                      Service state abbreviation. Refer to


                                      the chart of valid state


                                      abbreviations in Part A, Sec. 8.



 22-130    Trustee ZIP          9     Required. Enter the ZIP code of the


           Code                       trustee for all U.S. addresses, U.S.


                                      territories or possessions, APO/FPO


                                      addresses. For trustees using a


                                      five-digit ZIP code, enter the ZIP


                                      code in the left-most five positions


                                      and zero fill the remaining four


                                      positions. For trustees outside the


                                      U.S., enter nine zeros only. Do NOT


                                      blank fill.



 131-135   Transmitter          5     Required. Enter your five-digit


           Control Code               Transmitter (TCC) Control Code,


                                      "MSA01." This is the TCC assigned


                                      to all filers who report Form(s)


                                      8851 electronically.



 136       Report Period        1     Required. Enter the last digit of


                                      the year for which the Form 8851 is


                                      being filed. For example, if


                                      reporting for tax year 2005, enter a


                                      '5' , enter a '6', if reporting


                                      for 2006, etc.



 137-148   Blanks              12     Enter Blanks.



 149-150   Blanks or Carriage   2     Enter blanks or Carriage Return/Line


           Return/Line Feed           Feed(CR/LF).



                       Trustee "A" Record Layout



 Record     Trustee TIN   Trustee Name    Trustee Address    Trustee City


 Type "A"


    1         2-10           11-50            51-90           91-119



 Trustee  Trustee ZIP Transmitter Control  Report   Blanks  Blanks or Carriage


 State    Code           Code (TCC)        Period           Return/Line Feed





 120-121  122-130        131-135            136     137-148    149-150



Sec. 2. The Account Holder "B" Record -- General Field Descriptions and Record Layout

.01 The "B" record contains the account holder information. The format of the "B" record will remain constant and is a fixed length of 150 positions.

                Record Name: Account Holder "B" Record



 Positions Field Title        Length  Description and Remarks



 1         Record Type          1     Required. Enter "B".



 2-10      Account Holder's     9     Required. Enter the nine-digit


           Identification             Taxpayer Identification Number


           Number (TIN)               (TIN) (EIN or SSN) of the Account


                                      Holder. Do NOT enter blanks, hyphens,


                                      or alpha characters. A TIN consisting


                                      of all the same digit (e.g.,


                                      111111111) is not acceptable.



 11-50     Account Holder      40     Required. Enter the name of the


           Name                       account holder. Abbreviate as needed.


                                      Left-justify and blank fill.



 51        Previously           1     Required. Enter a code from the list


           Uninsured Indicator        below to indicate whether or not


                                      the account holder was previously


                                      uninsured. For a definition of


                                      "Previously Uninsured", please see


                                      Form 8851.



                                      Condition               Code



                                      Previously uninsured     1


                                      Previously insured       0



 52        Excludable           1     Required. Enter a code from the


           Indicator                  list below to indicate whether the


                                      account holder is excludable. For


                                      a definition of "excludable",


                                      please see Form 8851.



                                      Condition              Code



                                      Excludable              1


                                      Not excludable          0



 53-148    Blanks               96    Enter blanks.



 149-150   Blank or Carriage     2    Enter blanks or carriage return/line


           Return/Line Feed           feed (CR/LF).



                   Account Holder "B" Record Layout



 Record Type  Account Holder   Account Holder   Previously Uninsured


 "B"          TIN              Name             Indicator



 1            2-10              11-50           51



 Excludable Indicator    Blanks      Blanks or Carriage Return/Line Feed



      52                 53-148                    149-150



Sec. 3. The Control Total "C" Record -- General Field Descriptions and Record Layout

.01 Enter a "C" Record after the last "B" Record submitted for a particular Trustee "A" Record. The "C" Record serves as a summary of the preceding "B" Records' data, and enables IRS to cross check the correctness of information received.

.02 A "C" Record is the last record on the file.

.03 Each "C" Record has a fixed length of 150 positions.

.04 If the field is not applicable, allow for the field by entering blanks or zeros as instructed.

                              Record Name



 Positions Field Title        Length  Description and Remarks



 1         Record Type          1     Required. Enter "C".



 2-7       Number of Account    6     Required. Enter the total number


           Holders                    of account holders being reported.


                                      Right-justify and zero fill.



 8-13      Previously           6     Enter the total number of account


           Uninsured                  holders that were previously


                                      uninsured. Right-justify and


                                      zero fill.



 14-19     Excludable           6     Enter the total number of


                                      excludable account holders being


                                      reported. Right-justify and


                                      zero fill.



 20-148    Blanks             129     Enter blanks.



 149-150   Blank or Carriage    2     Enter blanks or carriage


           Return/Line Feed           return/line feed (CR/LF).



                    Control Total "C" Record Layout



 Record Type   Number of Account   Previously Uninsured   Excludable


  "C"               Holders



   1                 2-7                  8-13              14-19



 Blanks                    Blanks or Carriage Return/Line Feed (CR/LF)



 20-148                                    149-150
Copy RID