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DEC. 21, 1987

Rev. Proc. 87-63; 1987-2 C.B. 809

DATED DEC. 21, 1987
Citations: Rev. Proc. 87-63; 1987-2 C.B. 809

Superseded by Rev. Proc. 89-58

Rev. Proc. 87-63



The purpose of this Revenue Procedure is to update and supersede Rev. Proc. 86-40, 1986-2 C.B. 702, that sets forth the requirements and conditions under which withholding agents, as defined in Section 5.01 below, may file Form 1042S, Foreign Person's U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding, on magnetic tape.


For tax year 1987, the following changes have been included in this revenue procedure:

(a) A section has been added called "Important Notes and Common Errors" to assist filers in submitting good data to IRS (Part A, Sec. 4).

(b) Additional information concerning application Form 4419 has been added to Part A, Sec. 5.03.

(c) Information has been included concerning waiver Form 8508 in Part A, Sec. 5.07.

(d) Information has been included concerning the disposition of paper documents to the Philadelphia Service Center. (Part A, Sec. 5.08).

(e) Information has been added concerning transmittal Form 4804 and the affidavit contained on the form which must be signed by the withholding agent or their appointed agent. (Part A, Sec. 6).

(f) Information has been included concerning the external media label, Form 5064, and the information required on it. (Part A, Sec. 6.05, and Part B, Sec. 1.05).

(g) Beginning in TY87, withholding agents with 250 or more Forms 1042S must file via magnetic tape. (Part A, Sec. 5.02).

(h) A note has been added in Part A, Sec. 6.06 to inform filers not to submit their files to IRS using "Collect on Delivery" or "Charged to IRS" shipping methods.

(i) Additional information has been added concerning extensions of time to file your magnetic tape. (Part A, Sec. 7).

(j) Additional information concerning corrected returns has been added to Part A, Sec. 9. Filers are now required to submit their corrected documents via magnetic tape if they file 250 or more corrected returns. A note has also been added that corrections should be filed by September 1.

(k) A note has been included in Part A, Sec. 11.02, to alert filers not to ship their tape files to IRS using special containers, since IRS cannot guarantee return of such containers.

(l) A warning has been added to Part A, Sec. 12.02 concerning the asterisk before the surname in the Recipient "Q" Record. The asterisk may be omitted ONLY when the surname is listed first. In such cases, it is INVALID if the asterisk is in the leftmost position.

(m) Beginning in TY87, it will be optional whether or not the filer codes an End of Reel "Z" Record in a multi-reel file. This has been addressed in Part B, Sec. 1.03.

(n) Information has been added in Part B, Sec. 1.04 to define a multi-reel file, and to clarify the sequence of records in a multi-reel file.

(o) In Part B, Sec. 2.02, a definition has been added for multi-reel file.

(p) For the record descriptions ("T", "Q", "W", "Z", and "Y") in Part B, Sections 4-8, the heading "Element" has been removed, and the heading "Length" has been added to indicate the field lengths.

(q) In Part B, Sec. 5, Recipient "Q" Record, Positions 137-138, the country code for Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands has changed from "NQ" to "PS".

(r) Peoples Republic of China has been added to the list of tax treaty countries; South Africa has been deleted from that listing.

(s) The following countries have been added to the country listing: Federated States of Micronesia (FM) and Marshall Islands (RM).

(t) In Part B, Sec. 5, Recipient "Q" Record, Positions 350-351, "Income Code List", three new income codes have been added. They are:

24--Real estate investment trust (REIT) distributions of capital gains.

25--Publicly traded partnership and trust distributions subject to IRC section 1445.

26--Unsevered growing crops and timber distributions by a publicly traded partnership or trust subject to IRC section 1445.

(u) In Part B, Sec. 5, Recipient "Q" Record, Positions 367-368, a new tax rate of 34 percent has been added. The tax rate of 34 percent is only valid with Income Codes 24 and 25.

(v) In Part B, Sec. 5, Recipient "Q" Record, the name and address fields have been revised to accept certain punctuation in those fields.

(w) Instructions have been revised with respect to the Province Name and Code (Part B, Sec. 5, Positions 304-318).

(x) Changes to list of country codes: Navassa Island has been removed; the parenthetical reference to the Canal Zone for Panama has been deleted; the name of the country of "Burkina" has been corrected to "Burkina Faso"; and since there are two Christmas Islands with different codes, both have been listed.


For Tax Year 1986 the following changes were included in Revenue Procedure 86-40:

.01 Part A, Section 2 was revised to address requirements to report on magnetic tape when 500 or more forms are to be filed, and address requests for waiver of the magnetic tape filing requirement as a result of undue hardship.

.02 Part A, Section 3.05 was inserted to address consolidation of withholding agent data.

.03 Part A, Section 5.03 was inserted to address procedures for correcting magnetic tape files.

.04 Part A, Section 7, a new paragraph .06 was inserted to clarify situations under which more than one record for a recipient is to be submitted.

.05 Part A, Section 8 was deleted since the information has now been incorporated into the revised Part A, Section 2.

.06 Part B, Section 4, State Code Table. State Code "TT" was added for the Mariana Islands. This new code value will apply to all state code references:

Part B, Section 4, positions 115-116 of the Transmitter "T" record;

Part B, Section 5, positions 101-102 of the Recipient "Q" record;

Part B, Section 5, positions 328-329 of the Recipient "Q" record;

Part B, Section 6, positions 103-104 of the Withholding Agent "W" record.

.07 Part B, Section 5, Country Code (positions 137-138 of the Recipient "Q" record).

One new country code was added:

         Country Country Code


   ------------------ --------------------


          Aruba AA



For Aruba, the Netherlands Antilles tax treaty rates will apply.

.08 Part B, Section 5, Income Code (positions 350-351 of the Recipient "Q" record). Income Code 20 ("Other Income") was reassigned a new code number of "50", and a new income category was added as Income Code 20:

 Income Code             Meaning


     20                  Earnings as an Artist or Athlete


     50                  Other Income (non-personal service





Note that if Compensations covered under Income Codes 16-19 are directly attributable to the recipient's occupation as an artist or athlete, Income Code 20 should be used.

The meaning of Income Code '14' was expanded to read "Pensions, annuities, alimony, and/or insurance premiums".

.09 Part B, Section 5, Recipient Type (position 352-353 of the Recipient "Q" record). A new recipient type code was added and two other codes were reassigned new numbers. "Other" recipient type had changed its code value from "09" to "19". "Unknown" recipient type has its code value changed from "10" to "20". Recipient Type '09' represents an "Artist or Athlete". Note that wherever appropriate, recipient type '09' should be used instead of recipient type '01' (Individual), '02' (Corporation), or '03' (Partnership).

.10 Part B, Section 5, Tax Rate (positions 367-368 of the Recipient "Q" record).

Tax Rate "08" was added as a valid rate.

The tax treaty rates have changed on certain types of income for Canada, United Kingdom, and Italy.

Additionally, Barbados and Cyprus now are tax treaty countries.

.11 Effective January 1, 1987, the National Computer Center (NCC) assumed the responsibility for processing Forms 1042S on magnetic tape. Forms 1042S on MAGNETIC TAPE should no longer be sent to Philadelphia Service Center. Forms 1042 and any PAPER document Forms 1042S should continue to be filed at the Philadelphia Service Center.


To prevent the data from being submitted incorrectly, and to expedite the processing of your data files, the following information is being provided to point out the more commonly made errors by the filers of Form 1042S information. FAILURE TO FORMAT YOUR RECORDS CORRECTLY WILL RESULT IN YOUR FILE BEING RETURNED TO YOU FOR CORRECTION. DEVIATIONS CANNOT AND WILL NOT BE PERMITTED IN ANY OF THE DATA FIELDS. THIS REVENUE PROCEDURE IS TO BE FOLLOWED EXACTLY AS WRITTEN, AND FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN PENALTIES BEING ASSESSED.

1. A Transmitter Control Code (TCC) is a 5-character alpha-numeric code assigned to magnetic tape filers of information returns to IRS. If you submit your Form 1042S data via magnetic tape, you MUST have a separate TCC assigned to you specifically for Form 1042S data. YOU CANNOT USE THE TCC ASSIGNED TO YOU FOR FORMS 1099, OR OTHER MAGNETIC MEDIA PROCESSING. A valid Form 1042S TCC will begin with the two digits 22. You must submit a Form 4419, Application for Magnetic Media Reporting of Information Returns to NCC at least 30 days prior to March 15 to be assigned a Form 1042S TCC. (See Part A, Sec. 5.03, .04).

2. The only acceptable medium to file Forms 1042S magnetically is via magnetic tape at this time. It is NOT acceptable to submit your data on 8" or 5 1/4" diskettes, cassettes, or mini-disks. (See Part A, Sec. 5.08).

3. The only paper documents that will accompany your magnetic tape file to the National Computer Center are the transmittal Forms 4804 and/or 4802. DO NOT SEND ANY PAPER FORMS 1042, 1042S, 1001, 4224, 8233 or W-8 TO THE IRS NATIONAL COMPUTER CENTER. They will go to the Philadelphia Service Center (see Part A, Sec. 5.08 for address). If you wish, you may send a "Photocopy" of the Form 1042 with your magnetic tape submission if you annotate it as a "Photocopy" and attach it to Form 4804.

4. Form 4804, Transmittal of Information Returns Reported on Magnetic Media, must accompany your magnetic tape shipment. NOTE: WE WILL NOT PROCESS YOUR FILE UNTIL WE HAVE RECEIVED A COMPLETED AND SIGNED FORM 4804 FROM YOUR ORGANIZATION. You MUST indicate two money totals on Form 4804, which are "Total Gross Income Paid" and "Total Amount of Tax Withheld". These money totals will reflect the totals of all of the Withholding "W" Records in your file. Failure to include the two money totals will delay the processing of your file. (See Part A, Sec. 6.01 through 6.05).

5. Recipient surnames are used to computer-generate sort names. Use an asterisk to indicate the beginning of the surname for this purpose. If the surname is the first name on the line, the asterisk MUST be omitted, since the asterisk cannot be the first, leftmost character of the name. If this is not the case, files omitting the asterisk WILL be automatically returned for replacement. (See Part A, Sec. 12.02, .03).

6. Transmitter "T" Record--The Transmitter "T" Record MUST be the first data record on a reel, and MUST appear on each reel in the file sent by the Transmitter. FAILURE TO CODE A "T" RECORD AS THE FIRST RECORD ON EACH REEL IN YOUR FILE WILL RESULT IN THE FILE BEING RETURNED FOR CORRECTION. (See Part B, Sec. 4).

7. EINs--If you do not have the Employer Identification Numbers (EIN) for the Transmitter, and/or Recipient, code the EIN fields with blanks, NOT all 9's or all zeros.

8. Name and address fields--ACCEPTABLE PUNCTUATION MARKS INCLUDE HYPHENS (-), AMPERSANDS (&), SLASHES (/), ASTERISKS (*), PERCENTS (%), PERIODS (.), COMMAS (,) AND APOSTROPHES ('). DO NOT CODE TWO OR MORE CONSECUTIVE BLANKS. The name and/or address will be considered invalid if you code other punctuation and/or two or more consecutive blanks in the name and address fields.

9. Beginning in TY86, Type of Recipient code "10" was changed to "20" to indicate "Unknown". Code 10 is no longer a valid recipient type code. YOUR FILE WILL BE RETURNED TO YOU FOR CORRECTION IF YOU USE CODE "10" IN POSITIONS 352-353 OF THE RECIPIENT "Q" RECORD.

10. Street Address--Recipient "Q" Record--Positions 244-278. Filers are not utilizing the 2nd and 3rd Name Line fields to code address information correctly, and are coding the City, State, Province and Postal Zone in the name lines, which is invalid. You are to use the 2nd and 3rd Name Lines for Street Address information ONLY, and only if your Street Address is too long for the 35 positions of the Street Address field. City, State, Province and Postal Zone information is invalid in the Name Line fields. Those items MUST be coded in the appropriate fields. DEVIATIONS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THESE ADDRESS FIELDS. YOUR FILE WILL BE RETURNED TO YOU FOR CORRECTION IF THE CITY, STATE, PROVINCE AND POSTAL ZONE FIELDS ARE NOT FORMATTED CORRECTLY.

11. Province Name--Recipient "Q" Record--Positions 304-318. Filers are to use the two-digit Province Code for Canadian addresses, or the province name may be written out in full.

12. State Code--Recipient "Q" Record--Positions 328--329. Positions 328--329 in the Recipient "Q" Record are for the correct two-letter State Code for U.S. Addresses. Filers are erroneously coding the two-character COUNTRY code here, which is incorrect.

13. Payer's Name--Recipient "Q" Record--Positions 380-414. Valid characters are now alphabetic, numeric, ampersands (&), hyphens (-), periods (.), commas (,) and apostrophes (').

14. When submitting a multi-reel file (see definition in Part B, Sec. 1.04), it is important that the End of Transmission "Y" Record is not coded until the LAST record of the LAST reel in the file. Some filers are sending in "multi-reel" files where each and every tape in the file end with the "Y" Record, which is incorrect. Some filers apparently are confusing the End of Transmission "Y" Record with the End of Reel "Z" Record. The "Z" Record can be coded as the last record on a reel in a multi-reel file to "subtotal" a group of "Q" Records for a single withholding agent ("W" Record). Starting in TY87, the End of Reel "Z" Record will be optional, so the last record on the reels may be either a Recipient "Q" Record or a Withholding Agent "W" Record INSTEAD of the End of Reel "Z" Record. The End of Transmission "Y" Record indicates to our program that the end of data has been reached, and the file closes at that point, and no further data will be read from the file. For example, if you send in a three reel file, the first and second reels will end with either a "Q", "W", or "Z" Record, and the third and last reel will end with a "Y" Record.

15. Postal Zone Code--Recipient "Q" Record--Positions 319-327--Do not code two or more consecutive, IMBEDDED blanks in this field.


.01 A withholding agent is defined as any person or entity, U.S. or foreign, required to withhold U.S. tax on payments of income subject to withholding from sources within the United States as provided for in Chapter 3 of the Internal Revenue Code. A withholding agent may be an individual, partnership, corporation, trust, estate, government agency (Federal, State or local), association, or a tax-exempt foundation or organization.

.02 Withholding agents must use magnetic tape to file 250 or more Forms 1042S with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for calendar year beginning on or after January 1, 1987 (Tax Year 1987 and subsequent years).

.03 Withholding agents or their agents are required to complete Form 4419, Application for Magnetic Media Reporting of Information Returns. Applications should be filed with the National Computer Center (NCC) at least 30 days before the due date of the return. NOTE: Do NOT submit your Form 1042S data using a 1099 Transmitter Control Code (TCC). Although the Form 1042S TCC is NOT coded in the actual tape record, a separate file is maintained at NCC for Form 1042S filers; therefore, a separate TCC is required. NCC will act on an application and notify the applicant in writing within 30 days of receipt of the application. Magnetic tape returns may not be filed with IRS until the application has been approved.

Once you have received a TCC for Form 1042S filing, it is not necessary to reapply each year. If you have any changes to Form 4419 (for example, if the name of your organization or the contact person changes) please notify IRS in writing so that your file can be updated. In ALL correspondence to NCC, refer to your current five-character numeric Transmitter Control Code to assist IRS in locating your files.

.04 Application Form 4419 should be filed with the IRS National Computer Center BEFORE "test" files are submitted.

.05 IRS will assist new filers with their initial magnetic tape submission by reviewing "test" files submitted in advance of the filing season. Approved withholding agents or their agents should submit "test" files to the Magnetic Media Specialist at the National Computer Center. As a guideline, IRS requires that all Form 1042S "test" files be submitted between January 1 and February 15. With all "test" data, include a transmittal Form 4804, 4802 or computer generated substitute marked as "TEST DATA" that identifies your five-character Transmitter Control Code (TCC) and total record and money amounts. Clearly mark the tape label Form 5064 as "TEST DATA", and indicate the total number of Recipient "Q" Records in the block marked "Number of Payees".

.06 If your magnetic tape files have been prepared for you in the past by a service agency, and you now have computer equipment compatible with that of IRS and wish to prepare your own files, you must request your own five-character TCC by filing application Form 4419.

.07 Withholding agents required to file Form 1042S on magnetic tape may receive a waiver from such requirements if filing on magnetic tape would create an undue hardship. The withholding agent may request a waiver from the filing requirements by submitting Form 8508, Request for Waiver From Filing Information Returns on Magnetic Media, with the IRS National Computer Center. If you as an individual or organization are filing as transmitter for other withholding agents, a separate Form 8508 must be submitted for each withholding agent. ATTACHING A LIST OF WITHHOLDING AGENTS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Transmitters may file Form 8508 for persons required to file on magnetic media if all information requested on Form 8508 is provided for each withholding agent and if the transmitter or withholding agent signs the request attesting that all information is true, correct, and complete. The waiver request must be filed with the IRS National Computer Center at least 90 days before the Forms 1042S are due to IRS. This waiver, if approved, will only provide exemption from magnetic media filing for one tax year. Filers may not apply for a waiver for more than one tax year at a time. You must reapply each year that a waiver is necessary. Copies of Form 8508 may be obtained from the IRS National Computer Center and other IRS offices.

.08 Magnetic tape is the only permissible magnetic medium for filing Forms 1042S and shall be filed in accordance with the applicable revenue procedures. Diskette and cassette reporting of Forms 1042S cannot be accepted at this time. Withholding agents should also be aware of current revenue procedures relating to magnetic tape and diskette reporting for wage and other information documents. Copies of these other revenue procedures (with the exception of wage document information, which is provided by the Social Security Administration) as well as requests for filing Forms 1042S on magnetic tape (Form 4419), applicable revenue procedures, waiver requests (pertaining to magnetic media filing only), and any other questions you may have regarding Forms 1042S should be directed to:

      Magnetic Media Reporting


      Internal Revenue Service


      National Computer Center


      P.O. Box 1359


      Martinsburg, West Virginia





The National Computer Center may also be contacted by telephone at (304) 263-8700. The hours of operation for telephone contact are between 8:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Eastern time.

The address for filing Forms 1042 (with a remittance attached, if applicable), 1001, 4224, 8233 or W-8, or for filing any PAPER document Forms 1042S will be:

      Internal Revenue Service


      Philadelphia Service Center


      Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19255



NOTE: Do NOT send any original Forms 1042, 1001, 4224, 8233 or W-8 with your magnetic tape submission to the IRS National Computer Center. Those documents will go to the Philadelphia Service Center. Form 1042, Annual Withholding Tax Return for U.S. Source Income of Foreign Persons, is a tax return used to verify the number of Forms 1042S filed on paper and/or magnetic tape. In certain cases, a withholding agent may be required to attach a remittance to Form 1042. All ORIGINAL Forms 1042 with attached remittances will be sent to the Philadelphia Service Center. If you wish, you may send a photocopy of Form 1042 along with your magnetic tape submission, so long as you clearly annotate the form as a photocopy, and attach it to Form 4804, Transmittal of Information Returns Reported on Magnetic Media. Do NOT send any checks to the National Computer Center; these will go to the Philadelphia Service Center attached to the original Form 1042.


.01 Form 4804, Transmittal of Information Returns Reported on Magnetic Media, MUST accompany magnetic tape submissions. If you file for multiple withholding agents and have the authority to sign the affidavit on Form 4804, you should also submit Form 4802, Transmittal for Multiple Magnetic Media Reporting. BE SURE TO INCLUDE FORM 4804, 4802 OR COMPUTER GENERATED SUBSTITUTE WITH YOUR TAPE SHIPMENT. DO NOT MAIL THE TAPES AND THE TRANSMITTAL DOCUMENTS SEPARATELY. IRS encourages the use of a computer generated substitute Form 4804 which includes all necessary information requested on the current form. Paper information returns must be transmitted to the Philadelphia Service Center. Do NOT send Forms 1042S filed on paper forms to the IRS National Computer Center.

.02 The affidavit for Form 4804 should be signed by the withholding agent; however, the transmitter, service bureau, paying agent, or disbursing agent (all hereafter referred to as agent), may sign the affidavit on behalf of the withholding agent if the conditions in (a), (b)(i), or (b)(ii), and (c) are met:

(a) The agent has the authority to sign the affidavit under an agency agreement (either oral, written or implied) that is valid under the state law.

(b)(i) The agent has the responsibility (either oral, written or implied) conferred on it by the payer to request the TINs of payees (or others for whom information is being reported), OR

(ii) If the return of more than one withholding agent included in a single magnetic tape submission, covered by a single Form 4804, each payer has attested by affidavit to the agent that the payer has complied with the law in attempting to secure correct TINs.

(c) The agent signs the affidavit and adds the caption "For: (name of withholding agent)."

.03 Although a duly authorized agent signs the affidavit, the withholding agent is held responsible for the accuracy of the Form 4804, and the withholding agent will be liable for penalties for failure to comply with filing requirements.

.04 DO NOT REPORT THE SAME INFORMATION ON PAPER FORMS THAT YOU REPORT ON MAGNETIC TAPE. If you report part of your returns on paper and part on magnetic tape, be sure that duplicate returns, with the same information, are not included on both. This does NOT mean that corrected documents are not to be filed. If a return has been prepared and submitted improperly, you must file a corrected return as soon as you are aware that a correction is necessary.

.05 Before submitting your magnetic tape file, include the following:

(a) A signed Form 4804 or computer generated substitute.

(b) A Form 4802 if you transmit for multiple withholding agents and have the authority to sign the affidavit on Form 4804.

(c) The magnetic tape with an external identifying label (Form 5064). Be sure to include your Form 1042S Transmitter Control Code (TCC), number of Recipient "Q" Records, reel sequence number, and type of documents (Forms 1042S).

(d) On the outside of the shipping container, include a Form 4801 or a substitute for the form which reads "DELIVER UNOPENED TO TAPE LIBRARY--MAGNETIC MEDIA REPORTING--BOX __ of __."

If there is only one container, mark the outside as Box 1 of 1 For multiple containers, include the sequence (e.g., Box 1 of 33, 2 of 33, etc.).

(e) If you were granted an extension, include a copy of the APPROVAL letter from IRS with the magnetic tape shipment.

.06 IRS will not pay or accept "Collect on Delivery" or "Charged to IRS" shipments of reportable tax information that an individual or organization is legally required to submit.

.07 Files may be returned to you due to coding or format errors. These are to be corrected and returned to IRS within 15 days of your receipt or the withholding agent may be subject to a failure to file penalty. If you are unable to return the file within 15 days, request an extension of time in writing.

.08 The withholding agent's Form 1042 tax return is used to verify the number of Forms 1042S filed on paper and/or magnetic tape. For transmitters, or service bureaus filing Form 1042S information on magnetic tape for several withholding agents, separate Forms 1042 MUST be filed by each withholding agent included in the transmittal. Since the required Form 1042 is a tax return (with or without a remittance attached), it MUST be filed separately from the shipment of magnetic tape. Form 1042, with attached remittance (if applicable) will be sent to the Philadelphia Service Center (see Part A, Sec. 5.08 for address), NOT the National Computer Center. Any additional paper documents required to be submitted (for example, Forms W-8, 1001, 4224, etc.), should accompany Form 1042. (See instructions for Form 1042, Annual Withholding Tax Return for U.S. Source Income of Foreign Persons).

.09 Magnetic tape reporting to IRS for Forms 1042S must be on a calendar year basis. The dates prescribed for filing paper documents with IRS will also apply to magnetic tape filing. Files must be submitted to the National Computer Center by March 15. Copies of Form 1042S information must be furnished to the income recipient also by March 15.

.10 Forms 1042S (Recipient "Q" Records) from different branches of the withholding agent's business activity should be consolidated under one withholding agent's "W" Record, especially when one common name and Employer Identification Number (EIN) would be used for each of the branches. For example, Bank X has branch offices in two different states. It would be acceptable for Branch Y of Bank X to report Recipient "Q" Records and associated "W" Record as "Bank X, Branch Y" when Branch Y has its own EIN, and for Branch Z of Bank X to report separately its Recipient "Q" Records and associated "W" Record as "Bank X, Branch Z" using its own EIN. Branches should not report separately when those branches are using a common EIN (and name). Branches filing separately should not use a common address (for example the address of the parent bank) when that common address is not normally used for filing other types of returns with IRS. It is assumed that for each "W" Record (which represents a unique withholding agent), there will be a corresponding Form 1042 submitted which will reflect the accumulation of the associated Recipient "Q" Records.

.11 Standard mail shipments should be addressed to:

      Magnetic Media Reporting


      Internal Revenue Service


      National Computer Center


      P.O. Box 1359


      Martinsburg, WV 25401-1359



     Shipments by land carriers should be addressed to:



      Magnetic Media Reporting


      Internal Revenue Service


      National Computer Center


      Route 9 & Needy Road


      Martinsburg, WV 25401



.12 The magnetic tape specifications contained in PART "B" of this revenue procedure must be strictly adhered to. Deviations will not be permitted under any circumstances. This includes the city, state, province and postal zone fields, which must be positioned exactly as shown. All magnetic tape files will be scanned for completeness of required fields, mathematical verification, and proper format. Tapes failing to meet specifications will not be processed, but will be returned to the transmitter for correction (See also Part A, Section 11.01, .03). Corrected files must be returned to the National Computer Center within 15 days from receipt of the returned file.


.01 If a withholding agent is required to submit Forms 1042S on magnetic tape to IRS, and is unable to submit these tape files by the date prescribed in Sec. 6.09, they can submit a letter requesting an extension of time for a maximum of 60 days as soon as they are aware that an extension will be necessary. In order to be considered, the request MUST be filed before the due date of the return; otherwise, you may be subject to a late filing penalty. The letter should be sent to the attention of the Magnetic Media Reporting Program at the IRS National Computer Center. See Part A, Sec. 5.08 for the address. The request should include:

(a) The withholding agent's (or transmitter's, if filing for multiple withholding agents) name and address.

(b) The filer's Taxpayer Identification Number (SSN or EIN)

(c) The tax year for which the extension of time is requested: tax year 1987.

(d) The name and telephone number of a person to contact who is familiar with the request.

(e) The specific type of returns and expected volume (e.g., 1000 Forms 1042S).

(f) The five-character Transmitter Control Code (TCC) assigned to the organization or individual requesting the extension. (Please be sure that the TCC provided is your assigned TCC for Forms 1042S processing ONLY).

(g) The reason for the delay and date that you will be able to file.

(h) If you file for multiple withholding agents, the request must include a list of all withholding agents and their TINs (EIN or SSN).

An approved extension of time for magnetic media filing does not provide additional time for supplying a copy to the recipient. If additional time is needed in providing the recipient's copy, contact the District Director of the IRS District in which you reside or in which your business is located.

.02 If an extension of time to file on magnetic media is granted by the IRS National Computer Center, a copy of the letter granting the extension MUST be included with the transmittal Form 4804 or computer generated substitute when the file is submitted.

.03 Since the Form 1042 is not considered timely filed until the Forms 1042S are received by IRS, an extension of time to file Forms 1042S that the filer receives from the National Computer Center will AUTOMATICALLY provide an extension for filing Form 1042 with the Philadelphia Service Center. NOTE: CONTINUE TO SEND REQUESTS FOR EXTENSIONS TO FILE ONLY THE FORM 1042 TO THE DIRECTOR, PHILADELPHIA SERVICE CENTER. If an extension of time to file the paper Form 1042 with the Philadelphia Service Center (see Part A, Sec. 5.08 for address) is granted by the IRS National Computer Center, a copy of the letter granting the extension MUST be included with the paper Form 1042.


.01 Normally, tapes will be returned to the transmitters by November 15 of the year in which submitted. However, if the tapes submitted are unprocessable, and must be returned for correction prior to processing, they will be returned within six months of the receipt of acceptable tapes. We suggest that the withholding agent retain the original tape until the expiration of the statute of limitations for assessment. It is also recommended that the transmitter or filer of the magnetic tape file retain a copy of the tape file submitted to IRS for their own records.

.02 IRS will prepare the appropriate statements for transmittal to treaty countries.


.01 Corrected files must be filed with the National Computer Center within 15 days from receipt of the returned file.

.02 Forms 1042S are required to be filed on magnetic tape in 1988 (for tax year 1987) if you file 250 or more returns. THIS REQUIREMENT APPLIES SEPARATELY TO BOTH ORIGINAL AND CORRECTED RETURNS.

.03 If you file Forms 1042S on magnetic tape, and later determine that corrections are necessary to some of the Recipient "Q" Records, you may file the corrections on paper if you have less than 250 corrected returns. However, if you have 250 or more corrections, they MUST be submitted to IRS on magnetic tape. NOTE: CORRECTED RECORDS CANNOT BE SUBMITTED ON THE SAME TAPE FILE AS ORIGINAL RETURNS. These requirements shall not apply if you establish that it will cause you undue hardship (refer to Part A, Sec. 5.07).

.04 Since corrected statements supersede information previously supplied, all required data fields must be completed. If you submit corrections on magnetic tape, code an "A" in Position 366 of the Recipient "Q" Record. If you submit corrections on paper documents, annotate each form "Corrected" at the top. Corrected documents should be bundled separately from other paper documents and sent to the Philadelphia Service Center (see address in Part A, Sec. 5.08). WHEN CORRECTED PAPER DOCUMENTS ARE SHIPPED SEPARATELY, AN AMENDED FORM 1042 MUST BE FILED, ALSO SUITABLY ANNOTATED.

.05 When magnetic tape files are returned to the transmitter for data correction, a listing of the type of errors and frequency of such errors will be provided. The transmitter should correct the problems and submit a replacement tape file to the magnetic tape coordinator. Certain problems noted may not require any corrective action. For example, certain recipient "Q" records should have had their tax withheld at a particular tax rate, but the withholding agent, for whatever reason, withheld at a different tax rate. The transmitter (in conjunction with the withholding agent if necessary) should first verify that the tax rates in question are in fact the rates at which tax was withheld. Once verified, a letter should accompany the tape file stipulating that the tax rates are accurate as submitted.

.06 Corrections should be aggregated and filed as soon as possible, but not later than September 1 of each year.


.01 Magnetic tape reporting to IRS eliminates the need for submission of paper Forms 1042S. However, withholding agents must continue to provide recipients with requisite information, although this need not be on a copy of the official IRS Form 1042S.

.02 If only a portion of the statements are reported on magnetic tape and the remainder are reported on paper forms to IRS, those paper statements must be filed on the prescribed forms.


.01 All data received at the IRS National Computer Center for processing will be given the same protection as individual returns (1040), and will be returned to the originator after processing. Please open all returned files as soon as you receive them. In some cases, files are returned due to errors and they must be corrected and returned to IRS within 15 days of your receipt.

.02 Due to the volume of input received and the cost to return special containers, special shipping containers should not be used for transmitting data to the IRS National Computer Center, since IRS cannot guarantee return of such containers.

.03 Files will be returned to you for correction if they are unprocessable due to format or coding errors, or by the request of the filer. PLEASE BE SURE THAT YOUR FORMAT AND CODING COMPLY WITH THIS REVENUE PROCEDURE.


.01 Since Taxpayer Identification Numbers are not required on all Forms 1042S (see specific Instructions for Withholding Agents, Copy D of the official Form 1042S), the specifications in PART "B" of this revenue procedure permit omission of such identifying numbers. Although identifying numbers are not always required for nonresident alien income recipients, IRS appreciates their being furnished when available.

.02 Recipient surnames are used to computer-generate Sort Names. Use an asterisk to indicate the beginning of the surname for this purpose. If the surname is the first name on the line, as may be the case for nationals of Asian countries, the asterisk is to be omitted. In the case of a partnership or joint ownership, or some other case where more than one individual is listed, asterisk only the first surname. A blank will always precede the asterisk when it is used, but no asterisk may be followed by a blank. Do not use an asterisk with corporate or any other business entity or governmental organization name, except partnerships or sole proprietorships. NEVER HAVE MORE THAN ONE BLANK SEPARATING PORTIONS OF A NAME LINE OR AN ADDRESS FIELD. NOTE: IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT THE ASTERISK IS PLACED BEFORE THE SURNAME (unless the above-mentioned exceptions apply). FILES OMITTING THE ASTERISK WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY RETURNED FOR REPLACEMENT. DEVIATIONS FROM THIS FORMAT ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE.

.03 In case of multiple recipients, the name of the person whose identifying number has been provided should be placed before all other names.

.04 Sometimes the recipient identification recorded on the withholding agent's records is lengthy, and exceeds the 105 characters allotted in the Recipient Name Line and Supplement Name Lines on the magnetic tape records. This is most common in the case of trusts or other types of fiduciary accounts. The first 105 characters of the recipient identification normally provide sufficient descriptive data for IRS's purposes. IRS encourages all agents to truncate or abbreviate lengthy recipient descriptions. Never have more than one blank separating portions of a name line or an address field.

.05 All monetary amount fields must show dollars and cents (omit the decimal point). For example, $135.72 must be shown as 13572, and $100 must be shown as 10000. All money amount fields are positive and must not be signed in any fashion. All money amounts must be right-justified and zero filled. Do not truncate any money amount fields. If the amount is more than the allowed space, prepare a second "Q" record to show the difference.

.06 There are several circumstances where more than one "Q" Record is expected for a recipient. These situations include:

1) Different sources of income. For example, Recipient X derived income from Capital Gains (Income Code 09) and Industrial Royalties (Income Code 10). One "Q" Record must be provided listing Income Code "09", and the Gross Income Paid and Tax Withheld pertaining solely to that type of income. A separate "Q" Record must document the Income Code "10" information.

2) Change in Country Code during the year. For example, on July 1, the withholding agent received notification via Form 1001 that the recipient changed his official country for which tax treaty benefits apply from country X to country Y. One "Q" Record must be provided reflecting Gross Income Paid, Tax Rate, and Tax Withheld for country X (reflecting income and withholding from January 1 through June 30). A second "Q" Record must be provided reflecting Income, Tax Rate, and Tax Withheld for country Y (covering income and withholding from July 1 through December 31).

3) Change in a country's tax treaty rate during the year. For example, effective April 1, country X changed its tax treaty rate for a particular type of income from 10% to 20%. One "Q" Record must be provided reflecting Gross Income Paid and Tax Withheld at the 10% rate (covering January 1 through March 31). A second "Q" Record must also be provided reflecting Gross Income Paid and Tax Withheld at the 20% rate (covering April 1 through December 31).

Note that these three situations are NOT mutually exclusive. Therefore, if a recipient has two sources of income, each of which is derived from a country whose corresponding tax treaty rates changed during the year, and the recipient submitted a Form 1001 to the Withholding Agent changing his country code for tax purposes, as many as six (6) separate "Q" Records must be provided.



.01 These specifications prescribe the required format and content of the records to be included in the file, but not the methods or equipment to be used in their preparation. Usually, IRS will be able to process, without translation, any compatible tape file. To be compatible, a tape file must meet all of the following:

Type of Tape--1/2 inch Mylar base, oxide coated

(a) When the Recording Mode is 9-track EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code) with

(1) Odd Parity.

(2) Recording Density--800, 1600, or 6250 BPI

(3) If you use UNIVAC Series 1100, you must submit an interchange tape.

(b) When the Recording Mode is 9-track ASCII (American Standard Coded Information Interchange) with

(1) Odd Parity.

(2) Recording Density--800, 1600, or 6250 BPI

(c) When the Recording Mode is 7-track BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) with

(1) Odd or Even Parity.

(2) Recording Density--556 or 800 BPI

NOTE: IRS will accept and process 7-track tapes; however, 9-track is preferred.

.02 All compatible tape files must have the following characteristics:

Type of tape--0.5 inch (12.7mm) wide, computer grade magnetic tape on reels of up to 2400 feet (731.52m) within the following specifications:

(a) Tape thickness: 1.0 or 1.5 mils and

(b) Reel diameter: 10.5 inch (26.67 cm), 8.5 inch (21.59 cm), or 7-inch (17.78 cm).

(c) At this time, IRS cannot accept cartridge tape.

.03 An acceptable tape file for each withholding agent will contain data records as follows:

(a) Single reel:

(1) a Transmitter "T" Record; then

(2) one or more Recipient "Q" Records followed by a specific Withholding Agent "W" Record; then

(3) additional "Q" and "W" Record sequences for other withholding agents as needed; then

(4) an End of Transmission "Y" Record.

(b) Multiple Reels:

(1) a Transmitter "T" Record at the beginning of each reel; then

(2) sequences of Recipient "Q" Records followed with corresponding Withholding Agent "W" Records; then

(3) (Optional) and End of Reel "Z" Record on every reel except the last; and

(4) an End of Transmission "Y" Record ending the last reel.


(1) A Transmitter "T" Record at the beginning of each reel; then

(2) sequences of Recipient "Q" Records followed with corresponding Withholding Agent "W" Records; then

(3) an End of Transmission "Y" Record ending the last reel.

(c) Notes:

(1) a sequence of Recipient "Q" Records may be continued from one reel to the next if they apply to the same withholding agent, without the necessity of repeating the "W" Record. The sequence might be, for example, QQQQZ (end of one reel); TQQQQW (beginning of next reel), or QQQQ (end of one reel); TQQQQW (beginning of next reel).

(2) the End of Reel "Z" Record is identical to the Withholding Agent "W" Record, except that it indicates the end of the reel, but not necessarily the end of a withholding agent's "Q" Records. For example, when end of reel will be reached before the end of an agent's "Q" Records, the end of reel "Z" Record will be used in lieu of a withholding agent "W" Record. The next tape reel will begin with a transmitting agent "T" Record, followed by the remaining "Q" Records for the withholding agent. The End of Reel "Z" Record will be optional beginning in TY87. If your program is currently set up for coding an End of Reel "Z" Record, you may continue to submit your file in that manner. If you are a new filer, or you wish to change your existing program, you may submit your files without the End of Reel "Z" Record. (See also Part B, Sec. 7).

.04 A multi-reel file is a group of tape reels submitted under one Transmitter Control Code (TCC) and each of the reels will end with a "Z", "Q" or "W" Record EXCEPT for the last reel of the file, which ends with an End of Transmission "Y" Record. The external labels for a multi-reel file should indicate a continuous file (e.g., 1 of 3, 2 of 3, etc.). However, if you submit several reels under one TCC, but end each reel with an End of Transmission "Y" Record, for the purposes of IRS processing, this is not a multi-reel file, so annotate the labels on these reels as 1/1. IRS encourages the submission of multi-reel files; please be sure that you do NOT code an End of Transmission "Y" Record until the LAST reel in the multi-reel file.

.05 An external affixed label, Form 5064, must appear on each tape submitted for processing. The following information is needed:

(a) The transmitter's name.

(b) The five-digit Transmitter Control Code (TCC) assigned to you specifically for Forms 1042S processing. DO NOT ENTER YOUR FORMS 1099 TCC HERE. YOU MUST HAVE A SEPARATE TCC FOR FORMS 1042S PROCESSING. (See Part A, Sec. 5.03).

(c) State of Transmitter (e.g., NY).

(d) Tape density (556, 800, 1600, or 6250 BPI)

(e) Checkbox (indicates whether tape contains header label or is unlabeled.

(f) Track (7 or 9).

(g) Recording code (e.g., EBCDIC or ASCII).

(h) The tax year of the data (e.g., 1987).

(i) Document type (e.g., 1042S).

(j) The total number of Recipient "Q" Records on that reel.

(k) A number assigned by the transmitter to the tape. (Optional: if your organization uses a numbering system for your tape reels, indicate your in-house reel number).

(l) The sequence of each tape (e.g., 001 of 008, 001 of 001, etc.).

.06 All records, including Header and Trailer Labels (if used) must be transmitted at the same density.


.01 Header Labels, Trailer Labels, Record Marks and Tape Marks are all optional. They may be used as required by the transmitter's equipment or programming. If used, they must conform to the following standards:

(a) Header Labels must begin VOL1, VOL2, HDR1, HDR2, or 1HDR. If used, they must be the first record(s) on the reel immediately before the Transmitter "T" Record. Header Labels may not exceed 80 characters in length.

(b) Trailer Labels must begin 1EOR, 1EOF, EOF1, or EOR1. If used, they must be the last record(s) on the reel, after the "Z" or "Y" Record and Tape Mark (if a Tape Mark is used). Trailer Labels may not exceed 80 characters in length.

(c) Record Marks, if used, may only follow the data portion of a record or block. All records are of uniform length, and Record Marks are not needed.

(d) Tape Marks, if used, must be IBM 001111 (Octal 17) in even parity. They always appear immediately after the "Z" or "Y" Record. If Header and Trailer Labels are also used, the Tape Mark must follow the Header Label and must precede and/or follow the Trailer Label(s).

.02 Definitions:

           Element                        Description


 b                       Denotes a blank position. For compatibility


                         with IRS equipment, if using BCD recording


                         mode, use BCD bit configuration 010000 ("A"


                         bit only) in even parity, 001101 ("841" bits)


                         in odd parity.


 Special Character       Any character that is not a numeral, a


                         letter, or a blank.


 Withholding Agent       Person or organization


                         responsible for paying income and withholding


                         taxes. The withholding agent is responsible


                         for the completeness, accuracy, and timely


                         submission of magnetic tape files.


 Payer                   Person or organization who is the originator


                         of income and enters into a contractual


                         agreement with the withholding agent for the


                         purpose of disbursing income for the payer.


                         For example, Corporation X is about to


                         declare a dividend. Corporation X contracts


                         Bank Y to calculate and distribute such


                         dividends to recipients, and be responsible


                         for withholding. Corporation X is considered


                         the Payer and Bank Y is considered the


                         Withholding Agent.


 Transmitter             Person or organization preparing and filing


                         tape files. May be the withholding agent or


                         his agent.


 Recipient               Person(s) or organization(s) receiving


                         payments from a withholding agent.


 Record                  A group of related fields of information


                         treated as a unit.


 Blocked Records         Two or more records grouped together between


                         interrecord gaps.


 File                    For the purpose of this Revenue Procedure, a


                         file consists of all tape records submitted


                         by a transmitter.


 Multi-reel file         A group of tape reels submitted under one TCC


                         where all reels either end with an End of


                         Reel "Z" Record, (or a Recipient "Q" Record,


                         or Withholding Agent "W" Record), EXCEPT for


                         the last reel of the file, which ends with an


                         End of Transmission "Y" Record.


 Reel                    A spool of magnetic tape.


 EIN                     Employer Identification Number that has been


                         assigned by IRS to the particular entity.


 SSN                     Social Security Number.




.01 The tape records defined in this revenue procedure may be blocked or unblocked, subject to the following:

(a) All data records must be a fixed length of 450 positions.

(b) All records may be blocked, except header and trailer labels.

(c) A block may not exceed 15,000 characters, although shorter blocks may be written as desired. If records are being blocked, but sufficient records are not available to fill a complete block, the block may either be "padded" with 9's to fill all unused positions or truncated after the last data record to create a "short block". Do NOT pad the block with blanks, or create blank records (for example, Q followed by 449 blanks, etc.).

(d) Records may not span blocks.

(e) Two forms of blocking are acceptable:

(1) Only "Q" Records are blocked; all other records are unblocked.

(2) All records, except header and trailer labels, if used, are blocked. In this case, a "T" Record may only be the first record in the first block on the reel; a "W" Record must follow all associated "Q" Records; "Z" Record may be last record in the last block on the reel(s) in a multi-reel file (if coded); and the "Y" Record is the LAST record in the final block on the LAST reel in a multi-reel file, or the last record in the last block of a single reel (only block padding (all 9's) could follow).

.02 The first position of each record indicates the record type:

 Transmitter                                                        T


 Recipient                                                          Q


 Withholding Agent                                                  W


 End of Reel (Optional)                                             Z


 End of Transmission                                                Y



.03 The minimum file transmitted must consist of a Transmitter "T" record, a Recipient "Q" Record, a Withholding Agent "W" Record, and an End of Transmission "Y" Record.


This record identifies the entity who prepares and transmits the magnetic tape file. The Transmitter and one of the withholding agents may be the same, but they need not be. The Transmitter "T" Record MUST be the first data record on a reel (preceded only by header labels, if any), and MUST appear on each reel in the file sent by the Transmitter. On multiple reel files the reel number must be incremented by 1 (one) for each tape reel after the first reel. Each "T" Record has a fixed length of 450 positions. NOTE: ALL MAGNETIC TAPES SUBMITTED TO IRS WITHOUT THE TRANSMITTER "T" RECORD AS THE FIRST RECORD WILL BE RETURNED TO THE FILER FOR CORRECTION. The record layout of the "T" Record is as follows:

 Positions  Field Title        Length   Description and Remarks




 1          Record Type        1        Enter "T".



 2-3        Tax Year           2        Enter the last two digits of


                                        the year for which income and


                                        withholding is being reported.


                                        All recipient "Q" and


                                        transmitter "T" Records on the


                                        file for every withholding


                                        agent MUST report payments for


                                        this year, and this year ONLY.


                                        Transmit separate Forms 1042


                                        and tape files for different


                                        tax years.



 4-5        Reel Number        2        The two-digit serial number


                                        assigned by the transmitter to


                                        this reel, starting with 01.


                                        If Header Labels are used,


                                        this should be the same as the


                                        Reel Sequence Number.



 6-14       EIN                9        Enter the Employer


                                        Identification Number of the


                                        Transmitter. DO NOT ENTER


                                        BLANKS, HYPHENS, ALPHA


                                        CHARACTERS, ALL 9's OR ALL





 15-54      Transmitter Name   40       Enter name of submitter of


                                        file; left justify and blank


                                        fill. Abbreviate if necessary


                                        to fill 40-character limit.


                                        OMIT PUNCTUATION IF POSSIBLE.



 55-94      Street Address     40       Enter Street Address, PO Box,


                                        or other location of


                                        transmitter. Left justify and


                                        blank fill. Abbreviate as


                                        needed to fit 40-character


                                        limit. OMIT PUNCTUATION IF





 95-114     City               20       Enter City, Town, APO/FPO,


                                        etc. of transmitter. Left


                                        justify and blank fill.


                                        Abbreviate to fit 20-character





 115-116    State Code         2        Enter two-letter Post Office


                                        Code as shown in the list


                                        below ONLY. Do NOT spell out


                                        any state name.



                                        State                    Code



                                        Alabama                    AL


                                        Alaska                     AK


                                        Arizona                    AZ


                                        Arkansas                   AR


                                        California                 CA


                                        Colorado                   CO


                                        Connecticut                CT


                                        Delaware                   DE


                                        District of Columbia       DC


                                        Florida                    FL


                                        Georgia                    GA


                                        Hawaii                     HI



                                        Idaho                      ID


                                        Illinois                   IL


                                        Indiana                    IN


                                        Iowa                       IA


                                        Kansas                     KS


                                        Kentucky                   KY


                                        Louisiana                  LA


                                        Maine                      ME


                                        Maryland                   MD


                                        Massachusetts              MA


                                        Michigan                   MI


                                        Minnesota                  MN


                                        Mississippi                MS


                                        Missouri                   MO


                                        Montana                    MT


                                        Nebraska                   NE


                                        Nevada                     NV


                                        New Hampshire              NH


                                        New Jersey                 NJ


                                        New Mexico                 NM


                                        New York                   NY


                                        North Carolina             NC


                                        North Dakota               ND


                                        Ohio                       OH


                                        Oklahoma                   OK


                                        Oregon                     OR


                                        Pennsylvania               PA


                                        Rhode Island               RI


                                        South Carolina             SC


                                        South Dakota               SD


                                        Tennessee                  TN


                                        Texas                      TX


                                        Utah                       UT


                                        Vermont                    VT


                                        Virginia                   VA


                                        Washington                 WA


                                        West Virginia              WV


                                        Wisconsin                  WI


                                        Wyoming                    WY


                                        American Samoa             AS


                                        Canada                     CD


                                        Guam                       GU


                                        Mariana Islands            TT


                                        Puerto Rico                PR


                                        Virgin Islands             VI




                                           (1) For other Foreign


                                        countries use XX


                                           (2) APO & FPO addresses


                                        must show a city, state, and


                                        zip. Do not use "XX" for APO &


                                        FPO; the four permissible


                                        state codes are "NY", "CA",


                                        "WA", and "FL".



 117-125    ZIP Code           9        Enter the ZIP code of the


                                        transmitter for all U.S., U.S.


                                        Territory or Possession,


                                        APO/FPO addresses. For


                                        transmitters using a 5-digit


                                        ZIP code, enter the ZIP code


                                        in the left-most 5 positions


                                        and zero fill the remaining 4


                                        positions. For transmitters


                                        outside the U.S., enter 9


                                        zeros only. DO NOT BLANK FILL.



 126-450    Reserved           325      Blank fill.




This Record contains complete name and address data for both Withholding Agent and Recipient of Income, together with all the particulars of the income paid and tax withheld. Complete Withholding Agent data is required because each Recipient "Q" record is treated as if it were a separate Form 1042S, and is processed independently of other records. Since the "Q" Record is restricted to one type of income only, it may be necessary to write more than one "Q" Record for any given individual income recipient, who may have received income of more than one type (see Part A, Section 12.06). All recipient "Q" Records for a particular Withholding Agent must be written before the corresponding Withholding Agent "W" Record, and before "Q" Records for another Withholding Agent may begin. Any order of "Q" Records within those belonging to a given Withholding Agent may be used (for example, they may be sorted alphabetically by surname, or by country code, or by country of the mailing address, etc.) at the convenience of the Transmitter or Withholding Agent, since the "Q" Records are fully independent. All "Q" Records have a fixed length of 450 positions. All fields are required unless otherwise stated.

 Positions  Field Title        Length   Description and Remarks




 1          Record Type        1        Enter "Q".



 2-10       Agent EIN          9        Enter the 9-digit Employer


                                        Identification Number of the


                                        Withholding Agent. DO NOT


                                        ENTER BLANKS, HYPHENS, ALPHA


                                        CHARACTERS, ALL 9'S OR ALL





 11-45      Agent name         35       Enter the name of the


                                        Withholding Agent up to the


                                        limit of 35 characters.


                                        Abbreviate as needed. Left


                                        justify and blank fill.



 46-80      Agent Address      35       Enter Street address, PO Box


                                        or other location of the Agent


                                        to a limit of 35 characters.


                                        Abbreviate as needed. Left


                                        justify and blank fill.



 81-100     City               20       Enter the city or town (or


                                        other locality name) up to the


                                        limit of 20 characters. Left


                                        justify and blank fill.



 101-102    State Code         2        Enter the two-character


                                        alphabetic code from the list


                                        in Sec. 4., above. DO NOT use


                                        CD (Canada), MX (Mexico), or


                                        XX (Other foreign country). If


                                        the state is not a U.S. state,


                                        blank fill this field and use


                                        the Country Code field to


                                        identify the foreign address.


                                        DO NOT SPELL OUT ANY STATE





 103-111    ZIP Code           9        Enter 9 numeric characters for


                                        all U.S. addresses (including


                                        territories, possessions, and


                                        APO/FPO). If a 5 digit ZIP


                                        code is used, enter the ZIP


                                        code in the leftmost 5


                                        positions and zero fill the


                                        remaining 4 positions. ZERO


                                        FILL FOR ADDRESSES OUTSIDE THE





 112        Account Type Code  1        Enter "1" for U.S. business or


                                        organization; recipient MUST


                                        have an EIN. Enter "2" for


                                        U.S. citizen or resident


                                        alien; recipient MUST have


                                        SSN. Enter "3" for nonresident


                                        alien persons, businesses, or


                                        organizations. Provide an EIN


                                        or SSN if one is available.


                                        Enter "4" if "1" or "2"


                                        applies, but an SSN or EIN is


                                        not available for a legitimate


                                        reason; for example, a number


                                        has been applied for but not





 113-121    TIN                9        Enter the recipient's U.S.


                                        identification number; if you


                                        code a "1" in Position 112,


                                        you must enter an EIN; if you


                                        code a "2" in Position 112,


                                        you must enter an SSN; if you


                                        code a "3" in Position 112,


                                        enter an EIN or SSN if


                                        available--otherwise enter


                                        blanks; if you code a "4" in


                                        Position 112, you must enter





 122-136    Agent's ID Number  15       Enter the account number


                                        assigned by the withholding


                                        agent for this recipient up to


                                        a maximum of 15 positions.


                                        This number is used to


                                        facilitate identification of


                                        the specific record if there


                                        is any correspondence. Left


                                        justify and blank fill. This


                                        field will be all blanks if


                                        account numbers are NOT


                                        assigned. This field may


                                        contain numeric or alphabetic


                                        characters, blanks or hyphens.



 137-138    Country Code       2        Enter two alphabetic


                                        characters from the list below


                                        which represents the official


                                        country for which Tax Treaty



                                        benefits are based. This may


                                        or may not be the same as the


                                        country given in Positions


                                        330-349 below. Entry of a true


                                        country code is mandatory.


                                        "OC" (country unknown or not


                                        identified) is to be used with


                                        great reluctance. THE TAPE


                                        FILE WILL BE RETURNED FOR


                                        CORRECTION IF A SUBSTANTIAL


                                        NUMBER OF "Q" RECORDS SHOW


                                        COUNTRY CODE "OC". WHENEVER


                                        COUNTRY CODE "OC" IS USED, THE


                                        RATE OF TAX WITHHELD MUST


                                        EQUAL 30%.



                                        Country Codes


                                        Country                  Code



                                        Afars & Issas              DJ


                                         (now Djibouti)


                                        Afghanistan                AF


                                        Albania                    AL


                                        Algeria                    AG


                                        American Samoa             AQ


                                        Andorra                    AN


                                        Angola                     AO


                                        Anguilla                   AV


                                        Antarctica                 AY


                                        Antigua & Barbuda          AC


                                        Argentina                  AR


                                        Aruba                      AA


                                        Ashmore & Cartier Is.      AT


                                        Australia                  AS


                                        Austria                    AU


                                        Azores                     PO


                                        Bahamas, The               BF


                                        Bahrain                    BA


                                        Bangladesh                 BG


                                        Barbados                   BB


                                        Bassas da India            BS


                                        Belgium                    BE


                                        Belize (formerly           BH


                                         British Honduras)


                                        Benin (formerly Dahomey)   BN


                                        Bermuda                    BD


                                        Bhutan                     BT


                                        Bolivia                    BL


                                        Botswana                   BC


                                        Bouvet Island              BV


                                        Brazil                     BR


                                        British Honduras           BH


                                         (now Belize)


                                        British Indian             IO


                                         Ocean Territory


                                        British Virgin Islands     VI


                                        Brunei                     BX


                                        Bulgaria                   BU


                                        Burkina Faso               UV


                                         (formerly Upper Volta)


                                        Burma                      BM


                                        Burundi                    BY


                                        Cambodia (formerly         CB




                                        Cameroon                   CM


                                        Canada                     CA


                                        Canary Islands             SP


                                        Canton & Enderbury         KR


                                         Islands (now Kiribati)


                                        Cape Verde                 CV


                                        Cayman Islands             CJ


                                        Central African Republic   CT


                                        Ceylon (now Sri Lanka)     CE


                                        Chad                       CD


                                        Chile                      CI


                                        China, Peoples Republic    CH


                                         (Mainland China)


                                        China (Taiwan)             TW


                                        Christmas Island           AS




                                        Christmas Island           KR




                                        Clipperton Island          IP


                                        Cocos (Keeling) Islands    CK


                                        Colombia                   CO


                                        Comoros                    CN


                                        Congo                      CF


                                        Cook Islands               CW


                                        Coral Sea Islands Terro.   CR


                                        Costa Rica                 CS


                                        Cuba                       CU


                                        Cyprus                     CY


                                        Czechoslovakia             CZ


                                        Denmark                    DA


                                        Djibouti (formerly Afars   DJ


                                         & Issas)


                                        Dominica                   DO


                                        Dominican Republic         DR


                                        Ecuador                    EC


                                        Egypt                      EG



                                        Ellice Islands             TV


                                         (now Tuvalu)


                                        El Salvador                ES


                                        England                    UK


                                        Equatorial Guinea          EK


                                        Ethiopia                   ET


                                        Europa Island              EU


                                        Falkland Islands (also     FA


                                         known as Islas Malvinas)


                                        Faroe Islands              FO


                                        Fiji                       FJ


                                        Finland                    FI


                                        France                     FR


                                        French Guiana              FG


                                        French Polynesia           FP


                                        French Southern &          FS


                                         Antarctic Lands


                                        Gabon                      GB


                                        Gambia, The                GA


                                        Gaza Strip                 GZ


                                        German Democratic          GC


                                         Republic (East Germany)


                                        Germany, Federal Republic  GE


                                         of (West Germany)


                                        Ghana                      GH


                                        Gibraltar                  GI


                                        Gilbert Islands            KR




                                        Glorioso Islands           GO


                                        Greece                     GR


                                        Greenland                  GL


                                        Grenada                    GJ


                                        Grenadine Islands          VC


                                         (& St. Vincent)


                                        Guadeloupe                 GP


                                        Guam                       GQ


                                        Guatemala                  GT


                                        Guernsey                   GK


                                        Guinea                     GV


                                        Guinea-Bissau              PU


                                        Guyana                     GY


                                        Haiti                      HA


                                        Heard Island & McDonald    HM




                                        Holland (Netherlands)      NL


                                        Honduras                   HO


                                        Hong Kong                  HK


                                        Hungary                    HU


                                        Iceland                    IC


                                        India                      IN


                                        Indonesia                  ID


                                        Iran (formerly Persia)     IR


                                        Iraq                       IZ


                                        Iraq-Saudi Arabia          IY


                                         Neutral Zone


                                        Ireland                    EI


                                        Isle of Man                IM


                                        Israel                     IS


                                        Italy                      IT


                                        Ivory Coast                IV


                                        Jamaica                    JM


                                        Jan Mayen                  JN


                                        Japan                      JA


                                        Jersey                     JE


                                        Johnston Atoll             JQ


                                        Jordan                     JO


                                        Juan de Nova Island        JU


                                        Kampuchea (now Cambodia)   CB


                                        Kenya                      KE


                                        Kingman Reef               KQ


                                        Kiribati (Canton &         KR


                                         Enderbury & Gilbert Is.)


                                        Korea, Democratic          KN


                                         Peoples Republic of


                                         (North Korea)


                                        Korea, Republic of         KS


                                         (South Korea)


                                        Kuwait                     KU


                                        Laos                       LA


                                        Lebanon                    LE


                                        Lesotho                    LT


                                        Liberia                    LI


                                        Libya                      LY


                                        Liechtenstein              LS


                                        Luxembourg                 LU


                                        Macau                      MC


                                        Madagascar                 MA


                                        Malawi                     MI


                                        Malaysia                   MY


                                        Maldives                   MV


                                        Mali                       ML


                                        Malta                      MT


                                        Marshall Islands           RM


                                        Martinique                 MB


                                        Mauritania                 MR


                                        Mauritius                  MP


                                        Mayotte                    MF


                                        Mexico                     MX


                                        Micronesia, Federated      FM


                                         States of



                                        Midway Islands             MQ


                                        Monaco                     MN


                                        Mongolia                   MG


                                        Montserrat                 MH


                                        Morocco                    MO


                                        Mozambique                 MZ


                                        Namibia (SW Africa)        WA


                                        Nauru                      NR


                                        Nepal                      NP


                                        Netherlands (Holland)      NL


                                        Netherlands Antilles       NA


                                        New Caledonia              NC


                                        New Hebrides (Vanuatu)     NH


                                        New Zealand                NZ


                                        Nicaragua                  NU


                                        Niger                      NG


                                        Nigeria                    NI


                                        Niue                       NE


                                        Norfolk Island             NF


                                        Northern Ireland           UK


                                        Northern Mariana Islands   CQ


                                        Norway                     NO


                                        Oman                       MU


                                        Pakistan                   PK


                                        Palmyra Atoll              LQ


                                        Panama                     PM


                                        Papua-New Guinea           PP


                                        Paracel Islands            PF


                                        Paraguay                   PA


                                        Peru                       PE


                                        Philippines                RP


                                        Pitcairn Islands           PC


                                        Poland                     PL


                                        Portugal                   PO


                                        Portuguese Timor           ID




                                        Puerto Rico                RQ


                                        Qatar                      QA


                                        Reunion                    RE


                                        Romania                    RO


                                        Rwanda                     RW


                                        St. Christopher-Nevis      SC


                                         (also called St. Kitts)


                                        St. Helena                 SH


                                        St. Lucia                  ST


                                        St. Pierre & Miquelon      SB


                                        St. Vincent &              VC


                                         the Grenadines


                                        San Marino                 SM


                                        Sao Tome and Principe      TP


                                        Saudi Arabia               SA


                                        Scotland                   UK


                                        Senegal                    SG


                                        Seychelles                 SE


                                        Sierra Leone               SL


                                        Singapore                  SN


                                        Solomon Islands            BP


                                        Somalia                    SO


                                        South Africa               SF


                                        Southern Rhodesia          ZI


                                         (now Zimbabwe)


                                        South-West Africa          WA


                                         (now Namibia)


                                        Spain                      SP


                                        Spratly Islands            PG


                                        Sri Lanka                  CE


                                         (formerly Ceylon)


                                        Sudan                      SU


                                        Suriname                   NS


                                        Svalbard                   SV


                                        Swaziland                  WZ


                                        Sweden                     SW


                                        Switzerland                SZ


                                        Syria                      SY


                                        Taiwan                     TW


                                        Tanzania, United           TZ


                                         Republic of


                                        Thailand                   TH


                                        Togo                       TO


                                        Tokelau                    TL


                                        Tonga                      TN


                                        Trinidad & Tobago          TD


                                        Tromelin Island            TE


                                        Trust Territory of the     PS


                                         Pacific Islands


                                        Tunisia                    TS


                                        Turkey                     TU


                                        Turks & Caicos Islands     TK


                                        Tuvalu                     TV


                                         (Ellice Islands)


                                        Uganda                     UG


                                        Union of Soviet            UR


                                         Socialist Republics


                                        United Arab Emirates       TC


                                        United Kingdom             UK


                                        Upper Volta (now Burkina)  UV


                                        Uruguay                    UY


                                        Vanuatu (New Hebrides)     NH


                                        Vatican City               VT


                                        Venezuela                  VE



                                        Vietnam                    VM


                                        Virgin Islands (US)        VQ


                                        Wake Island                WQ


                                        Wales                      UK


                                        Wallis & Futuna            WF


                                        West Bank                  WE


                                        Western Sahara             WI


                                        Western Samoa              WS


                                        Yemen (South) (Aden)       YS


                                        Yemen (North) (Sanaa)      YE


                                        Yugoslavia                 YO


                                        Zaire                      CG


                                        Zambia                     ZA


                                        Zimbabwe                   ZI


                                        (Other Countries)          OC



 139-173    1st Name Line      35       Enter full name of recipient,


                                        or if there are more than one,


                                        the name of the first


                                        recipient only. Use an


                                        asterisk to indicate the


                                        surname as shown in Part A,


                                        Section 12.02. Valid


                                        characters are alphabetic,


                                        numeric, ampersand (&), hyphen


                                        (-), slash (/), asterisk (*),


                                        period (.), comma (,),


                                        apostrophe (') or blank. Left


                                        justify and blank fill. A name


                                        MUST be entered here; if the


                                        recipient is a numbered bank


                                        account, and the true


                                        recipient is not known, the


                                        account number must be


                                        supplied here. IT IS NOT


                                        ACCEPTABLE TO HAVE TWO OR MORE


                                        CONSECUTIVE BLANKS SEPARATING


                                        PARTS OF A NAME, OR TO CODE A


                                        BLANK IN THE FIRST POSITION OF


                                        THIS FIELD (POSITION 139). For


                                        example, "JOHNbbbbb*DOE" is


                                        unacceptable, whereas


                                        "JOHNb*DOE" is acceptable ("b"


                                        represents a blank position).


                                        THE TAPE FILE WILL BE RETURNED


                                        FOR CORRECTION IF A


                                        SUBSTANTIAL NUMBER OF "Q"


                                        RECORDS SHOW A BLANK 1st NAME


                                        LINE OR AN INVALID IST NAME


                                        LINE. NOTE: FAILURE TO CODE AN


                                        ASTERISK BEFORE THE SURNAME


                                        WILL RESULT IN YOUR TAPE BEING


                                        RETURNED TO YOU FOR


                                        CORRECTION. (If the first


                                        position begins the surname,


                                        this is not necessary.)



 174-208    2nd Name Line      35       Enter supplementary name


                                        information of the recipient


                                        on this line. Use this line


                                        for additional names (e.g. of


                                        partners or joint owners), for


                                        trade names, stage names,


                                        aliases. Use this line also


                                        for "care of", "via", or


                                        "through" information. Valid


                                        characters are alphabetic,


                                        numeric, blank, ampersand (&),


                                        hyphen (-), slash (/), pound


                                        sign (#), period (.), comma


                                        (,), apostrophe (') and the


                                        percent (%). The percent (%)


                                        is valid in the first position


                                        only (as shorthand for "in


                                        care of"). TWO OR MORE


                                        CONSECUTIVE, IMBEDDED BLANKS


                                        BETWEEN NAME PARTS IS NOT


                                        ACCEPTABLE. If no additional


                                        name data is to be provided,


                                        blanks are to be inserted.


                                        Left justify and blank fill.



 209-243    3rd Name Line      35       Enter further name data if


                                        applicable; otherwise blank


                                        fill. Specifications are


                                        precisely as for the 2nd Name


                                        Line. See Street Address




 NOTE: 105 total characters are available for name information. IRS


 encourages full identification of nonresident alien persons and


 organizations because data is furnished to their governments in


 accordance with tax treaties and exchange of information agreements.



 244-278    Street Address     35       Enter the recipient's full


                                        street address. Valid


                                        characters are alphabetic,


                                        numeric, blank, ampersand (&),


                                        hyphen (-), slash (/), period


                                        (.), comma (,), apostrophe


                                        ('), and pound sign (#). TWO



                                        OR MORE CONSECUTIVE, IMBEDDED


                                        BLANKS BETWEEN ADDRESS PARTS


                                        ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE, AND A


                                        BLANK IN THE FIRST POSITION OF


                                        THIS FIELD (POSITION 244) IS


                                        NOT VALID. If the street,


                                        building, military


                                        installation or other name is


                                        too long for the 35-character


                                        allotment of this field, use


                                        the 2nd Name Line (or 3rd Name


                                        Line if 2nd Name Line already


                                        contains name information) as


                                        the 1st Street Address Line,


                                        and continue on this line as a


                                        2nd Street Address line. This


                                        line may be all blank, but


                                        only for legitimate reasons;


                                        for example, if the recipient


                                        is from a small town or islet


                                        or other place where a town or


                                        island name is sufficient to


                                        enable mail to be received.


                                        Left justify and blank fill.



 279-303    City               25       Enter the name of City, Town,


                                        Village, Municipality or rural


                                        place of residence of the


                                        recipient. Valid characters


                                        are as in street address,


                                        EXCEPT THE POUND SIGN (#),


                                        WHICH IS NOT VALID HERE. Left


                                        justify, and blank fill. Two


                                        or more consecutive, imbedded


                                        blanks between city parts are


                                        not acceptable. For U.S.


                                        military installations enter


                                        one of the following:



                                        APO New York     FPO New York


                                        APO San          FPO San


                                         Francisco        Francisco


                                        APO Seattle      FPO Seattle


                                        APO Miami        FPO Miami


                                        The name of the installation


                                        or ship may not be entered


                                        here, but should be in the


                                        Street Address Line.



 304-318    Province Name      15       Enter here the name of the


                                        Province, Foreign State (but


                                        not the U.S. State), County,


                                        Shire, District, Region, or


                                        other political subdivision.


                                        For many countries the


                                        province (or other political


                                        subunit) is an important part


                                        of the postal address. For


                                        Canada the Province MUST be


                                        given here. A Canadian


                                        province may be expressed as a


                                        two-character code from the


                                        Canadian Province Code List


                                        below, or the province name


                                        may be written out in full or


                                        appropriately abbreviated.


                                        Valid characters are


                                        alphabetic, numeric, blank,


                                        ampersand (&), hyphen (-),


                                        period (.), comma (,),


                                        apostrophe (') or slash (/).


                                        Left justify, blank fill. TWO


                                        OR MORE CONSECUTIVE, IMBEDDED


                                        BLANKS BETWEEN PROVINCE PARTS


                                        ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE.



                                        Canadian Provinces and Codes





                                        Province               Code


                                        Alberta                 AB


                                        British Columbia        BC


                                        Labrador                LB


                                        Manitoba                MB


                                        New Brunswick           NB


                                        Newfoundland            NF


                                        Nova Scotia             NS




                                         Sable Island)


                                        Northwest Territories   NT


                                        Ontario                 ON


                                        Prince Edward Island    PE


                                        Quebec                  PQ


                                        Saskatchewan            SK


                                        Yukon Territories       YK



 319-327    Postal Code        9        Enter the Foreign or U.S.


                                        Postal Code (ZIP code), if


                                        available. Withholding Agents


                                        should make an effort to



                                        obtain postal codes,


                                        especially for the following


                                        countries: Belgium, Canada,


                                        France, Germany, Italy, Spain,


                                        Switzerland, Netherlands, and


                                        United Kingdom. For U.S.


                                        addresses (including all


                                        possessions) a ZIP code must


                                        be given. All postal codes


                                        should be left justified and


                                        blank filled. Alphabetic,


                                        numeric, and blank characters


                                        only are allowed here. Do not


                                        omit any blanks that may


                                        appear in the ZIP Code.


                                        HOWEVER, TWO OR MORE


                                        CONSECUTIVE, IMBEDDED BLANKS


                                        BETWEEN POSTAL CODE PARTS IS


                                        NOT ACCEPTABLE FOR U.S. OR


                                        CANADIAN ZIP CODES.



 328-329    State Code         2        For all U.S. addresses enter


                                        the correct two-letter code as


                                        prescribed for Post Office


                                        use. The state code must be


                                        present for all U.S.


                                        addresses, including


                                        territories and APO/FPO. Leave


                                        blank for non-U.S. addresses.


                                        See list in Section 4, above.



 330-349    Country Name       20       Enter the unabbreviated name


                                        of the recipient's country.


                                        Omit political titles such as


                                        "People's Republic Of",


                                        "Kingdom Of", etc. Use the


                                        English Language name, as


                                        opposed to the native language


                                        name. For example, use


                                        "Finland" and not "Suomi".


                                        Leave this field blank for all


                                        U.S. addresses, including


                                        territories, and APO/FPO.


                                        Valid characters are


                                        alphabetic, blank, ampersand


                                        (&), and hyphen (-). Left


                                        justify and blank fill.



 350-351    Income Code        2        Enter the two digit income


                                        code from the following list.


                                        Valid range is 01-26 and 50.


                                        If a given recipient receives


                                        more than one kind of income,


                                        additional "Q" Records must be


                                        prepared, since only one


                                        income code may be shown per


                                        "Q" Record.



                                                 Income Code List



                                        01  Interest paid by U.S.




                                        02  Interest on real property




                                        03  Interest paid to a


                                            controlling foreign




                                        04  Interest paid by foreign


                                            corporations (U.S. Agent)


                                        05  Interest on tax-free


                                            covenant bond


                                        06  Dividends paid by U.S.


                                            corporation general


                                        07  Dividends paid by U.S.


                                            subsidiary to foreign


                                            parent corporation


                                        08  Dividends paid by foreign




                                        09  Capital gains


                                        10  Industrial royalties


                                        11  Motion Picture or


                                            television copyright




                                        12  Other royalties (e.g.,


                                            copyright, recording,




                                        13  Real Property income and


                                            natural resources of




                                        14  Pensions, annuities,


                                            alimony, and/or insurance




                                        15  Scholarship or fellowship




                                        16  Compensations for


                                            independent personal


                                            services 1


                                        17  Compensations for


                                            dependent personal


                                            services 1



                                        18  Compensations for


                                            teaching 1


                                        19  Compensations during


                                            training 1


                                        20  Earnings as an Artist or




                                        21  Social Security benefits


                                        22  Railroad Retirement (Tier


                                            1) benefits


                                        23  Railroad Retirement (Tier


                                            2) benefits


                                        24  Real estate investment


                                            trust (REIT) distributions


                                            of capital gains


                                        25  Publicly traded


                                            partnership and trust


                                            distributions subject to


                                            IRC section 1445


                                        26  Unsevered growing crops


                                            and timber distributions


                                            by a publicly traded


                                            partnership or trust


                                            subject to IRC section




                                        50  Other income (non-personal


                                            service compensations)



      1 If this income (codes 16-19) is from earnings as an artist or


 athlete, use Income Code 20.



 352-353    Type of            2        Enter two digit code from the


            Recipient Code              list below. Valid range is 01-


                                        09, 19 or 20.



                                        Code  Type of Recipient


                                        01    Individual 1


                                        02    Corporation 1


                                        03    Partnership 1


                                        04    Fiduciary


                                        05    Nominee


                                        06    Government or






                                        07    "Tax Exempt"




                                        08    Private Foundation


                                        09    Artist or Athlete


                                        19    Other


                                        20    Type of Recipient





      1 If the income recipient (codes 01-03) is an artist or


 athlete, use Recipient Code 09.



 354-364    Gross Income Paid  11       Enter dollars and cents up to


                                        11 characters. Do not enter


                                        decimal point. Right justify


                                        and zero fill. An income


                                        amount other than zero must be


                                        shown. For whole dollar


                                        amounts, the cents must be


                                        shown by zeros. For example,


                                        $1500 should be shown as


                                        00000150000 where the leftmost


                                        5 zeros are "filler" and the


                                        rightmost 2 zeros represent





 365        Exemption Code     1        Enter the one-digit exemption


                                        code from the list below. If


                                        the rate of tax shown is 00%,


                                        enter the code of 1-4 that


                                        applies. If the rate of tax


                                        shown is other than 00%, enter


                                        a zero in this field.



                                        Code  Description


                                        Zero  No exemption claimed,


                                              rate of tax is above 00%


                                        1     Income is effectively


                                              connected with a U.S.


                                              trade or business (Form


                                              4224 must be attached to


                                              Form 1042)



                                        2     Income is exempt from


                                              tax by the Internal


                                              Revenue Code


                                        3     Income is non-U.S.




                                        4     No withholding per


                                              treaty for this type of





 366        Correction         1        Enter the one position code to


            Indicator                   identify if this return is the


                                        original issuance, an


                                        amendment to a previously


                                        submitted return, or a total


                                        replacement to a previously


                                        submitted return.



                                        Code  Description


                                        Zero  Original return


                                        R     Replacement return


                                        A     Amended return



 367-368    Rate of Tax        2        Enter two-digit tax rate. Do


                                        not use percent signs or


                                        decimal points. A valid rate


                                        must be shown. For fractional


                                        rates, drop the fraction (e.g.


                                        for 12 1/2 use 12, and for 27


                                        1/2 use 27). Valid tax rates





                                          00  02  04  05



                                          08  10  12  14



                                          15  20  25  27



                                          30  34



                                        Note that when an exemption


                                        code of 1-4 is used for


                                        position 365, the Rate of Tax


                                        must be zero.



 369-379    Amount of Tax      11       Enter in dollars and cents the


            Withheld                    amount of tax withheld, if


                                        any. An amount must be shown


                                        if the Rate of Tax is greater


                                        than 00, or if income is not


                                        otherwise exempt from


                                        withholding. If the rate of


                                        tax is 00, the amount of tax


                                        withheld should be zero.


                                        Specifications are the same as


                                        for positions 354-364 (Gross


                                        Income Paid). Right justify


                                        and zero fill.



 380-414    Payer's Name       35       Enter the name of the Payer of


                                        Income, if different from the


                                        Withholding Agent, up to the


                                        limit of 35 characters.


                                        Abbreviate as needed. Left


                                        justify and blank fill. If


                                        Withholding Agent and Payer


                                        are one and the same, blank


                                        fill Payer Name. Valid


                                        characters are alphabetic,


                                        numeric, blank, ampersand (&),


                                        period (.), comma (,),


                                        apostrophe (') and hyphen (-).



 415-423    Payer's EIN        9        Enter the 9 digit numeric


                                        Payer's Employer


                                        Identification Number if there


                                        is an entry in the Payer Name


                                        Field. Blank fill if unknown


                                        or Payer Name is blank.



 424-450    Reserved           27       Blank Fill.



 NOTE: All money fields must be mathematically verified by the


 transmitter before being sent to IRS.




Enter a "W" Record after the last "Q" Record submitted for a particular Withholding Agent. The "W" Record serves as a summary of the preceding "Q" Record data, and enables IRS to double-check the correctness of information received. Several "W" Records for different withholding agents may appear on the same Transmitter's file. Also, the "W" Record may refer to "Q" Records on more than one reel, provided all of the preceding "Q" Records are for the same withholding agent. A "W" Record may only be followed by new Recipient "Q" Records for the next Withholding Agent, if any, or by a tape mark and/or trailer label when more reels follow this reel, or by an End of Transmission "Y" Record, when this is the last reel of the file. The "W" Record cannot be the last record on the FILE. Each "W" Record has a fixed length of 450 positions. All fields in the "W" Record are required as follows:

 Positions  Field Title        Length   Description and Remarks




 1          Record Type        1        Enter "W".



 2-3        Payment Year       2        Enter the last two digits of


                                        the calendar year for which


                                        income and withholding are


                                        being reported. All recipient


                                        "Q" Records must report


                                        payments for this year only.


                                        Different tax years may not


                                        appear on the same file.



 4-12       EIN                9        Enter the 9 digits of the


                                        Employer Identification Number


                                        of the Withholding Agent. OMIT


                                        THE HYPHEN.



 13-47      Agent Name         35       Enter the name of the


                                        Withholding Agent, up to the


                                        limit of 35 characters.


                                        Abbreviate as needed, OMITTING


                                        PUNCTUATION. Left justify and


                                        blank fill.



 48-82      Agent Address      35       Enter the street address, P.


                                        O. Box, or other location of


                                        the withholding agent to a


                                        limit of 35 characters.


                                        Abbreviate as needed, OMITTING


                                        PUNCTUATION. Left justify and


                                        blank fill.



 83-102     City               20       Enter the city, town, or other


                                        locality name up to the limit


                                        of 20 characters. Left justify


                                        and blank fill.



 103-104    State              2        Enter the two-character


                                        alphabetic code from the list


                                        in Section 4 above.



 105-113    Zip Code           9        Enter 9 numeric characters for


                                        all U.S. addresses (including


                                        territories, possessions, and


                                        APO/FPO). For 5-digit ZIP


                                        codes, left justify and zero


                                        fill. Zero fill for addresses


                                        outside the U.S.



 114-121    "Q" Record Count   8        Enter the total number of "Q"


                                        Records for this withholding


                                        agent; that is, the total


                                        count of "Q" Records following


                                        the last "W" Record, or if


                                        this is the first "W" Record


                                        on the file, the total number


                                        of "Q" Records since the "T"


                                        Record. The presence of a "Z"


                                        or "T" Record does not


                                        interrupt the count, which may


                                        therefore include consecutive


                                        "Q" Records on more than one


                                        tape reel.



 122-134    Total Gross        13       Enter the sum of all gross


            Amount Paid                 amounts paid in all "Q"


                                        Records, counted in Positions


                                        114-121 above. Zero fill and


                                        right justify. Do not "round


                                        off" this total, since it is


                                        used as a "hash total" check


                                        on the "Q" Records.



 135-147    Total Tax          13       Enter the sum of all tax


            Withheld                    withheld amounts from all "Q"


                                        Records counted in Positions


                                        114-121 above. Right justify,


                                        zero fill.



 148-450    Reserved           303      Blank fill.




.01 The End of Reel "Z" Record's purpose is to "subtotal" a group of "Q" Records for a single withholding agent in the event that your tape reaches the end of reel before it has completed writing that group of "Q" Records. You will then provide the totals for that withholding agent in the next "W" Record. You will only use the End of Reel "Z" Record if you have submitted a multi-reel file (see Part B, Sect. 1.04), and wish to subtotal a group of "Q" Records under one withholding agent. If you choose to code the "Z" Record, then end every reel of a multi-reel file, EXCEPT THE LAST REEL, with an End of Reel "Z" Record.

If the last record of that reel would otherwise be a "W" Record, then do not use the "Z" Record, but use the "W" Record instead.

If records are blocked, the "Z" Record must be the last data record in the last block on the reel, but you may pad the rest of the block with all 9's to prevent a "short block".

In the past, it was required to code the End of Reel "Z" Record. Beginning in TY87, it is OPTIONAL whether or not you use the "Z" Record at the end of the reels in your multi-reel files. If your program is currently set up to produce an End of Reel "Z" Record, you may continue to submit your data in this manner. If you are a new filer, or a current filer who wishes to change their program, the use of the "Z" Record will be your option.

The "Z" Record may only be preceded immediately by a "Q" Record, and may only be followed by trailer labels, if used, or a tape mark.

The record layout for the "Z" Record is as follows:

 Positions  Field Title        Length   Description and Remarks




 1          Record Type        1        Enter "Z".



 2-3        Payment Year       2        Enter the last two digits of


                                        the calendar year for which


                                        income and withholding are


                                        being reported. All recipient


                                        "Q" Records must report


                                        payments for this year ONLY.


                                        Different tax years may not


                                        appear on the same file.



 4-12       EIN                9        Enter the 9 digits of the


                                        Employer Identification Number


                                        of the Withholding Agent. OMIT


                                        THE HYPHEN.



 13-47      Agent Name         35       Enter the name of the


                                        Withholding Agent, up to the


                                        limit of 35 characters.


                                        Abbreviate as needed, OMITTING


                                        PUNCTUATION. Left justify and


                                        blank fill.



 48-82      Agent Address      35       Enter the street address, PO


                                        Box, or other location of the


                                        Withholding Agent to a limit


                                        of 35 characters. Abbreviate


                                        as needed, OMITTING


                                        PUNCTUATION. Left justify and


                                        blank fill.



 83-102     City               20       Enter the city, town, or other


                                        locality name up to the limit


                                        of 20 characters. Left justify


                                        and blank fill.



 103-104    State              2        Enter the two-character


                                        alphabetic code from the list


                                        in Section 4 above.



 105-113    ZIP Code           9        Enter the 9-digit ZIP code for


                                        all U.S. addresses (Including


                                        territories, possessions, and


                                        APO/FPO). For 5-digit ZIP


                                        codes, left justify and zero


                                        fill. Zero fill for all


                                        addresses outside the U.S.



 114-121    "Q" Record Count   8        Enter the total number of "Q"


                                        Records since the last


                                        preceding "W" or "T" Record.



 122-134    Total Gross        13       Enter the sum of the gross


            Amount Paid                 amounts paid in the


                                        corresponding "Q" Records,


                                        counted in positions 114-121


                                        above. Zero fill and


                                        right-justify. Do NOT "round


                                        off" this total, since it is


                                        used as a "hash" total check


                                        on the "Q" Records.



 135-147    Total Tax          13       Enter the total sum of the tax


            Withheld                    withheld amounts from the "Q"


                                        Records counted in positions


                                        114-121 above. Right justify,


                                        zero fill.



 148-450    Reserved           303      Blank fill.




.01 End the LAST reel ONLY on a file with an End of Transmission "Y" Record. The "Y" Record may only be preceded by a "W" Record. It may only be followed by a Tape Mark, or a Tape Mark and a Trailer Label (if Trailer Labels are used), or a Trailer Label. The "Y" Record will count the total number of withholding agents in the transmission, and the total number of tape reels in the file. The "Y" Record has a fixed length of 450 positions, and all positions listed are required. PLEASE NOTE THAT IF SUBMITTING A MULTI-REEL FILE, THERE WILL ONLY BE ONE END OF TRANSMISSION "Y" RECORD. THE END OF TRANSMISSION "Y" RECORD WILL BE THE LAST RECORD IN THE FINAL BLOCK ON THE LAST REEL IN YOUR FILE.

 Positions  Field Title        Length   Description and Remarks




 1          Record Type        1        Enter letter "Y"



 2-4        Withholding Agent


            Count              3        Enter the total number of


                                        withholding agents on this


                                        file. This count will be the


                                        same as the total number of


                                        "W" records. Right justify and


                                        zero fill.



 5-7        Reel Count         3        Enter the total number of


                                        reels for this transmission.


                                        Right justify and zero fill.



 8-450      Reserved           443      Blank fill.




Revenue Procedure 86-40 is superseded.

Copy RID