Rev. Proc. 74-32
Rev. Proc. 74-32; 1974-2 C.B. 487
- Cross-Reference
26 CFR 601.105: Examination of returns and claims for refund, credit
or abatement; determination of correct tax liability.
(Also Part I, Section 167; 1.167(a)-11.)
- LanguageEnglish
- Tax Analysts Electronic Citationnot available
Superseded by Rev. Proc. 77-10
Section 1. Purpose.
The purpose of this Revenue Procedure is to prescribe under section 1.167(a)-11 of the Income Tax Regulations a new supplementary asset guideline class, asset depreciation period and range, and annual repair allowance percentage for theme and amusement parks and a redefined asset guideline class for the recreation and entertainment industry.
Sec. 2. Asset Guideline Classes and Periods, Asset Depreciation Ranges, and Annual Asset Guideline Repair Allowance Percentages for Assets Used in the Recreation and Entertainment Industry and the Theme and Amusement Park Industry.
The asset guideline classes, asset guideline depreciation periods and ranges, and repair allowance percentages are established as set forth below.
Asset Depreciation Asset
Asset Range (in years) Guideline
Guide- ____________________________ Repair
line Description of Lower Asset Guide- Upper Allowance
Class Assets Included Limit line Period Limit Percentage
79.0 Recreation:
Includes assets used
in the provision of en-
tertainment services on
payment of a fee or ad-
mission charge, as in
the operation of bowling
alleys, billiard and
pool establishments,
theaters, concert halls,
and miniature golf
courses. Does not in-
clude amusement and
theme parks and assets
which consist primarily
of specialized land
improvements or struc-
tures, such as golf
courses, sports stadia,
race tracks, ski slopes,
and buildings which
house the assets used
in entertainment servi-
ces __________________ 8 10 12 6.5
80.0 Theme and amusement
Includes assets used
in the provision of
rides, attractions, and
amusements in activi-
ties defined as theme
and amusement parks,
and includes appurte-
nances associated with
a ride, attraction,
amusement or theme set-
ting within the park
such as ticket booths,
facades, shop interiors,
and props, special pur-
pose structures, and
buildings other than
warehouses, administra-
tion buildings, hotels,
and motels. Includes all
land improvements for
or in support of park
activities, (e.g. par-
king lots, sidewalks,
waterways, bridges, fen-
ces, landscaping, etc.)
and support functions
(e.g. food and beverage
retailing, souvenir ven-
ding, and other nonlod-
ging accommodations) if
owned by the park and
provided exclusively for
the benefit of park
Theme and amusement
parks are defined as
combinations of amuse-
ments, rides, and at-
tractions which are
permanently situated
on park land and open
to the public for the
price of admission.
This guideline class is
a composite of all as-
sets used in this in-
dustry except transpor-
tation equipment (gene-
ral purpose trucks,
cars, airplanes, etc.
which are included in
asset guideline classes
with the prefix 00.2),
assets used in the pro-
vision of administra-
tive services in asset
guideline classes with
the prefix 70.1, and
warehouses, adminis-
tration buildings, ho-
tels, and motels _____ 10 12.5 15 12.5
Sec. 3. Effect on Other Documents.
Rev. Proc. 72-10, 1972-1 C.B. 721, is modified by the new and revised asset guideline classes set forth in section 2 above with prescribed asset guideline depreciation periods, ranges, and repair allowance percentages as indicated.
Sec. 4. Effective Date.
The asset guideline classes, asset guideline depreciation periods and ranges, and repair allowance percentages for class 79.0 Recreation and entertainment and class 80.0 Theme and amusement parks are effective for property placed in service after December 31, 1973.
1 Also released as Technical Information Release 1305, dated August 23, 1974.
- Cross-Reference
26 CFR 601.105: Examination of returns and claims for refund, credit
or abatement; determination of correct tax liability.
(Also Part I, Section 167; 1.167(a)-11.)
- LanguageEnglish
- Tax Analysts Electronic Citationnot available