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Rev. Proc. 66-32

Rev. Proc. 66-32; 1966-2 C.B. 1213

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Citations: Rev. Proc. 66-32; 1966-2 C.B. 1213

Superseded by Rev. Proc. 67-31

Rev. Proc. 66-32


The purpose of this Revenue Procedure is to state the requirements and conditions under which information reportable on U.S. Information Return, Form 1099, Wage and Tax Statement, Form W-2, or Nominee's Information Return, Form 1087 (hereafter referred to collectively as information returns), may be submitted to the Service by payers, employers, or nominees (hereafter referred to collectively as payers), in the form of magnetic tape in lieu of original copies of paper documents. This procedure supplements Revenue Procedures 66-16, C.B. 1966-1, 65-25, C.B. 1965-2, 1007; and 66-17, C.B. 1966-1, 639, relating to the use of substitutes for Forms 1099, W-2, and 1087, respectively.


.01 Tape reporting is not restricted to payers with the ability to submit all of their information on magnetic tape. A combination of tape records and paper documents will be acceptable as long as there is no duplication or omission of documents.

.02 Payers desiring to file information returns in the form of magnetic tape must first secure permission from the Service. A letter of request should be sent to the Director, Internal Revenue Service Center, Attention: Chief, Planning Staff, where the payer would file tapes. See attachment II, section 2.01, for filing locations. This letter should be registered with a return receipt requested. An organization acting as an agent for a number of payers may request, in a single letter, permission to file on magnetic tape for as many payers as desired. All subsequent correspondence regarding magnetic tape filing, except for extension of time for filing (see sec. 3.03), should be sent to that same office.

The letter of request must contain the following:

          (a) Name, address, and EI Number of person, organization,


     or firm making the request.



          (b) Name, title, and telephone number of person to contact


     regarding the request.



          (c) An estimate, by type of form, of the number of returns


     to be reported in tape format, and the number, by type of form,


     to be reported on paper forms.



          (d) Type and nature of equipment to be used to prepare tape


     files, i.e., Manufacturer and Model of Main Frame and Tape


     Drives, Tape Width (1/2", 3/4", etc.), Density (characters per


     inch), and Recording Code (BCD, Excess 3, Octal, etc.).



          (e) Internal Revenue office where paper forms were filed


     last year.



          (f) List of payers to be included in the file if the


     requestor is an agent.



          (g) List of desired deviations from prescribed tape


     specifications and reasons therefor. (See sec. 2.05.)



          (h) Signature of official responsible for the preparation


     of tax reports or his authorized agent.



These requests must be filed no later than August 31 of the first tax year for which authorization to file magnetic tape is being requested. Payers using equipment that is compatible with the Service's (see attachment I, sec. 1.01) and not requesting deviations from the prescribed specifications, will not receive formal notification of the Service's approval to file magnetic tape, as approval for these payers will be automatic. Payers using equipment that is compatible with the Service's, but requesting deviations from the specifications, will be notified not later than September 30 of the Service's approval or disapproval. In the latter case, the payer will be notified as to the reasons for disapproval so that he might take whatever action may be required to meet the requirements. Payers using equipment not compatible with the Service's will also be notified not later than September 30 of the Service's approval or disapproval to file magnetic tape. Disapproval in this instance will generally mean that facilities for converting the payer's file to a compatible form could not be located.

.03 In general, once authorization to file magnetic tape has been granted to a payer, such approval will continue in effect for each succeeding year, providing that the requirements of this Revenue Procedure are met, and there are no equipment changes by the payer. However, payers must notify the Service if they significantly change the number of returns reported on tape, or make equipment changes that will cause their tape files to be compatible or incompatible with the Service's equipment. Notification of such changes must be received by the Director, Internal Revenue Service Center, Attention: Chief, Planning Staff, not later than August 1 of the tax year in which the change will occur.

.04 Continual submission of tape reports is not mandatory. A payer may revert to the use of prescribed paper documents at any time. However, the Service must be notified promptly if such a decision is reached by payers after the Service has approved tape reporting. In there cases, before tape submissions can be resumed, a new request for permission to file magnetic tape is required. This request must include the same information as an initial request (see sec. 2.02).

.05 Tape reports must conform to the specifications shown in Attachment I. However, payers who can substantially conform to these specifications but wish to make minor deviations, are encouraged to file a request and state the specific deviations sought and the reasons therefor.


.01 The dates prescribed for filing paper documents with the Service will apply to magnetic tape filing.

.02 The Service will return tapes within 6 months of receipt.

.03 Requests for extensions of time for filing and other related matters, should be made to the internal revenue office where paper documents would otherwise be filed.


.01 Reports on magnetic tape can be substituted for only the original copy (copy A) of Forms W-2, 1099, and 1087. When magnetic tape returns are filed in lieu of Forms 1099 or 1087, payers will not be required to furnish payees or other persons with copies which conform to the format and paper specifications of the Revenue Procedures relating to the use of paper substitutes for these forms. However, payers must supply their payees with the information, normally shown on these forms, in a manner conducive to proper reporting on their tax returns. Payers filing magnetic tape returns in lieu of Form W-2, must continue to furnish their payees with the prescribed forms or with paper substitutes which meet the requirements and specifications in Revenue Procedures relating to paper substitutes for Form W-2.

.02 If only a portion of the information returns is reported on magnetic tape and the remainder is reported on paper forms, those returns not submitted on magnetic tape must be filed on the appropriate prescribed forms, or on paper substitutes meeting the format requirements and paper specifications in the Revenue Procedures relating to the information returns.


Each magnetic tape file and its related paper document submission, if any, must be forwarded with the appropriate transmittal form (Form W-3, Reconciliation of Income Taxes Withheld From Wages, or Form 1096, U.S. Annual Information Return).


The Service expects that payers will make every effort to keep unnumbered information returns to a minimum through continued compliance with the requirements set forth in section 1.6109 of the Income Tax Regulations, and section 31.6109 of the Employment Tax Regulations. However, when the taxpayer identification number of a payee has not been furnished to the payer, the specifications in attachment I permit the omission of the number.


Requests for further information regarding this Revenue Procedure should be addressed to Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Attention: D:S:P1., Washington, D.C. 20224.



.01 These specifications prescribe the required format and content of the records to be included in the file, but not the methods or equipment to be used in their preparation. Usually, the Service will be able to process, without translation, any compatible tape file. To be compatible, a tape file must meet all of the following:

 Type of tape................... 1/2-inch Mylar base, oxide coated.



 Recording density.............. 556 or 800 CPI.



 Parity......................... Even.



 Interrecord gap................ 3/4 inch.



 Recording code................. 7-channel binary coded decimal (BCD).



 Conventions.................... Prescribed header and trailer labels


                                  must be used.



The Service will attempt to obtain conversion facilities which will enable it to accept tapes with other physical characteristics, but cannot guarantee that such facilities are available to meet every circumstance.

.02 An acceptable tape file will contain, for each payer, (1) a Payer/Transmitter Record, (2) a series of Payee Records, and (3) an End of Payer Record. In addition, multiple reel files will have End of Reel Records. All files will contain an End of Transmission Record. Header and Trailer Records are not required, but may be included at the option of the transmitter. If Header and Trailer Records are used, they must follow the format prescribed herein and appear as the first, and last record (respectively) on each tape reel in the file. All records, including headers and trailers, must be written at the same density. See 1.03 for restrictions on the use of Tape Marks with Header and Trailer Records.

.03 Certain conventions may be required by either the equipment or programming systems used by the payer. Files containing any of the following will be accepted.

           ELEMENT                            DESCRIPTION



 Record Marks................... At the end of a block or end of each




 Tape Marks or equivalent....... If header and trailer labels are not


                                  used, Tape Marks, or equivalent,


                                  should follow End of Reel or End of


                                  Transmission Records. A Tape Mark


                                  cannot follow a Payee or End of


                                  Payer Record. If header and trailer


                                  labels are used, a Tape Mark cannot


                                  follow a header label, but must


                                  precede and follow the trailer





If other conventions are required please contact Director, Internal Revenue Service Center, per section 2.02.

.04 The tape records prescribed in these specifications may be blocked or unblocked. A block may not exceed 4,000 tape positions. If a file is blocked and the number of records in the last block is less than the number specified for a block (see tape positions 15-16 of Payer/Transmitter Record), fill all remaining positions (including "Record Type") in the block with nines. Two forms of blocking will be acceptable:

(a) Only Payee Records are blocked. Payer/Transmitter, End of Payer, End of Reel, and End of Transmission Records are unblocked.

(b) All records (except header and trailer labels) are blocked. When all records are blocked, a Payer/Transmitter Record may precede a series of Payee Records in a block, but cannot follow an End of Payer Record in a block.


           ELEMENT                            DESCRIPTION



 b.............................. Denotes a blank position.



 Special Character.............. Any character that is not a numeral,


                                 letter, or blank.



 Payer.......................... Person, or organization, including


                                  paying agent, making payments. The


                                  Payer will be held responsible for


                                  the completeness, accuracy, and


                                  timely submission of magnetic tape





 Transmitter.................... Person or organization preparing tape


                                  files. May be Payer or agent of





 Payee.......................... Person(s) or organization(s)


                                  receiving payments from Payer.



 Coding Range................... Shows the lowest and highest codes


                                  acceptable. For example: Coding


                                  Range 0-4 indicates that codes 0, 1,


                                  2, 3, or 4 are acceptable in the


                                  tape position.



 Record......................... A group of related fields of


                                  information, treated as a unit.



 Blocked Records................ 2 or more records grouped together


                                  between interrecord gaps.



 Unblocked Records.............. A single record which is written


                                  between interrecord gaps.



 Blocking Factor................ Number of records grouped together to


                                  form a block. Should be "1" if


                                  records are not blocked (unblocked).



 File........................... For the purposes of this procedure, a


                                  file consists of all tape records


                                  submitted by a Payer or transmitter


                                  for a specific type of information


                                  document. For example: Payers


                                  reporting data for both Form W-2 and


                                  Form 1099 would submit two files.


                                  One file would contain W-2 data, the


                                  other 1099 data. Another example: A


                                  Payer transmits data for Form W-2


                                  from several locations (payroll


                                  office, data center, regional


                                  office, etc.), with data from each


                                  on separate reels. The submission


                                  from each location would be a file.



 Reel........................... A spool of magnetic tape.



 Record Mark.................... Special character used either to


                                  limit the number of characters in a


                                  data transfer, or to separate


                                  blocked records on tape. For


                                  compatibility with the Service's


                                  equipment, use BCD bit configuration





 Tape Mark...................... Special character that is written on


                                  tape to signify the physical end of


                                  the recording on tape. For


                                  compatibility with the Service's


                                  equipment, use BCD bit configuration





 EIN............................ Employer identification number.



 SSN............................ Social Security number.




    Description         Contents       Position         Example



 Label Identifier........ 1HDR.........  1-5             1HDRb.



 Tape Serial Number...... XXXXX........  6-10            00012.



 Blank................... bbbbb........ 11-15



 Reel Sequence Number.... --XXX........ 16-19            --002.



 Blank................... b............ 20



 File Identification..... TAPEWAID..... 21-30          TAPEWAIDbb.



 Creation Date (year,     XXXXX........ 31-35            65224.


  day of year).



 Retention Date.......... --365         36-39            --365.



 Blank................... b............ 40



 Miscellaneous /1/....... b or any      41-80


                           special data




                           mitter may


                           wish to





      1 Data in these positions will not be used by Internal Revenue






    Description         Contents       Position         Example



 Trailer Label........... 1EORb or       1-5       EOR (end of reel).





 Identifier and                         -------    EOF (end of file).


  Termination Code.



 Block Count............. XXXXX........  6-10      A count of tape


                                                    blocks written.


                                                    Does not include


                                                    tape marks or







 Miscellaneous /1/....... b or special  11-80





      1 Data in these positions will not be used by Internal Revenue






Identifies the payer and transmitter of the tape files and provides parameters for the succeeding Payee Records. IRS relies in its computer programs on the absolute relationship between the parameters in the Payer/Transmitter Record and the data fields to which they apply. The number of Payer/Transmitter Records appearing on one tape reel will depend on the number of payers being reported. A transmitter may include Payee Records for more than one payer on a tape reel; however, each separate Payer's Payee Records must be preceded by a Payer/Transmitter Record. Separate tape files on separate reels must be submitted if payer is reporting payment data for more than one type of information return. When multiple reels are required for a single file, the correct Payer/Transmitter Record must be repeated as the first record (second record if header labels are used) on every succeeding reel in the file to which it applies. Reel number must be incremented by 1.

   Tape            Element name                  Entry





        1       Record Type............. Enter "A." Must be first


                                          character of each


                                          Payer/Transmitter Record.



        2       Payment Year............ The last digit of the year


                                          for which payments are being





      3-5       Reel Number............. Serial Number assigned by the


                                          transmitter to each reel,


                                          starting with 001. If header


                                          labels are used, this should


                                          be the same as Reel Sequence





     6-14       EIN -- Payer............ Enter Employer Identification


                                          Number of the payer.



    15-16       Blocking Factor......... Enter the number of records


                                          in a block. A block must not


                                          exceed 4,000 tape positions.



       17       Type of Information      Enter "1" for 1099. Enter "2"


                 Document Reported in     for 1087. Enter "3" for W-2.


                 the Payee Records





    18-24       Amount Indicator........ Amount Codes will be entered


                                          in Amount Indicator to show


                                          the type of payments


                                          appearing in the Payment


                                          Amount fields and the


                                          position of such payments.


                                          The Amount Indicator Codes


                                          will apply to all succeeding


                                          Payee Records in a file.


                                          Definition of each type of


                                          payment listed below is the


                                          same for magnetic tape as


                                          for equivalent paper


                                          documents. The payments


                                          codes are as follows:



                                          Payments normally reported


                                                on Form W-2





                                           CODE      AMOUNT, TYPE



                                              1   Federal Income Tax


                                                   Withheld. 2


                                              2   Wages Paid Subject


                                                   to Withholding. 2


                                              3   Salary or Other


                                                   Compensation Which


                                                   was not Subject to




                                              4   FICA Employee Tax.




                                              5   Total FICA Wages




                                              6   Excludable Sick Pay.


                                              7   Uncollected Employee


                                                   Tax on Tips.



                                          Payments normally reported


                                                on Form 1099



                                              1   Dividends and Other




                                              2   Earnings from


                                                   Savings and Loan




                                                   Mutual Savings


                                                   Banks, Credit


                                                   Unions, etc.


                                              3   Interests. Do not


                                                   include items


                                                   reportable under


                                                   code 2.


                                              4   Patronage Dividends


                                                   and Certain Other


                                                   Distributions by




                                              5   Rents and Royalties.


                                              6   Annuities, Pensions,


                                                   and other Fixed or






                                              7   Foreign Items,


                                                   Prizes, Awards,


                                                   etc. Do not include


                                                   items reportable on


                                                   Form W-2.



                                          Payments normally reported



                                                on Form 1087



                                              1   Dividends and Other




                                              2   Earnings from


                                                   Savings and Loan




                                                   Mutual Savings


                                                   Banks, Credit


                                                   Unions, etc.


                                              3   Interest. Do not


                                                   include items


                                                   reportable on Form


                                                   1099 under code 4.


                                              Up to 7 payment amounts


                                         may be included in a payee


                                         record. Enter Amount Codes in


                                         ascending order from left to


                                         right, starting in position


                                         18, and leave unused


                                         positions blank. If a


                                         particular Amount Type will


                                         not be used, do not enter


                                         Amount Code in Amount


                                         Indicator. If an Amount Type


                                         will be used for some but not


                                         all records, enter the Amount


                                         Code in the Amount Indicator.


                                         For example: If position 17


                                         of Payer/Transmitter Record


                                         is 3, codes 124bbbb in


                                         positions 18-24 (for W-2's)


                                         indicate that there are only


                                         3 amount fields in all the


                                         payee records.



                                              The 1st field represents


                                         Federal income tax withheld;


                                         the 2d, wages paid subject


                                         to withholding; and 3d, FICA


                                         employee tax. Another


                                         example: If position 17 of


                                         the Payer/Transmitter Record


                                         is 1, code 1bbbbbb (for


                                         1087's) indicates there is


                                         only 1 amount field in all


                                         the payee records. It


                                         represents dividends and


                                         other distributions. Position


                                         18 must always have a code


                                         other than blank. If position


                                         17 of Payer/Transmitter


                                         Record is 1 (for 1099's),


                                         coding range is 1-7, b. If


                                         position 17 is 2 (for


                                         1087's), coding ranges is 1-3


                                         or b. If position 17 is 3


                                         (for W-2's), coding range is


                                         1-7 or b. Note: "b" is the


                                         only code that may appear in


                                         2 or more positions of the


                                         Amount Indicator, after the


                                         1st position.



    25-27       Special Data:           Enter the number of positions


                Entries -- length.       provided in Payee Record for


                                         data which may be required


                                         for State reports and other


                                         purposes. (This data will not


                                         be used by the Internal


                                         Revenue Service.) The number


                                         of positions shown in this


                                         item must be for those which



                                         follow after city, State, and


                                         zip code in each Payee


                                         Record. Enter zeros if option


                                         to include special data is


                                         not used. Right justify and


                                         zero fill. Coding Range





    28-30       Record Length --        Enter number of positions


                 Payer/Transmitter       allowed for Payer/Transmitter


                 Record.                 Record. If record mark or


                                         equivalent is used, include


                                         in count. The entry should be


                                         200 plus record mark if only


                                         Payer record information is


                                         entered, or 360 plus record


                                         mark if both Payer and


                                         Transmitter record


                                         information is included.



    31-33       Record Length --         Enter number of positions


                 Payee Record.            allowed for a Payee Record.


                                          If record mark or equivalent


                                          is written after each


                                          record, include in count. Do


                                          not include if record mark


                                          is written only at end of


                                          block. Positions allowable:


                                          200-360 plus record mark.



    34-40       Blanks.................. Enter blanks.



    41-80       1st Name Line --         Enter first name line of


                 Payer.                   payer. Left justify and fill


                                          with blanks.



   81-120       2nd Name Line --         Enter second name line of


                 Payer.                   payer. Left justify and fill


                                          with blanks. Leave blank if


                                          not used.



  121-160       Street Address --        Enter street address of


                 Payer.                   payer. Left justify and fill


                                          with blanks.



  161-200       City, State, Zip         Enter City, State, and ZIP


                 Code -- Payer.          code of Payer. Left justify


                                          and fill with blanks.



      The following items are required if the Payer and Transmitter


 are not the same, or the transmitter includes files for more than one





  201-240       1st Name Line --         Enter 1st name line of


                 Transmitter.             Transmitter. Left justify


                                          and fill with blanks.



  241-280       2nd Name Line --         Enter 2nd name line of


                 Transmitter.             Transmitter. Left justify


                                          and fill with blanks. Leave


                                          blank if not required.



  281-320       Street Address --        Enter street address of


                 Transmitter.             Transmitter. Left justify


                                          and fill with blanks.



  321-360       City, State, Zip         Enter City, State, and Zip


                 Code --                  Code of Transmitter. Left


                 Transmitter.             justify and fill with





      2 Asterisked items must be present.




Contains payment record from individual information returns. Records may be blocked or unblocked. A block may not exceed 4,000 tape positions. All records must be fixed length.

   Tape            Element name               Entry





 1............. Record Type............. Enter "B." Must be 1st


                                          character of each Payee





 2-3........... Payment Year............ Last 2 digits of the year for


                                          which payments are being





 4............. Surname Location........ Enter 1 if given name,


                                          initials, or titles precede


                                          the surname of payee in 1st


                                          Name Line -- Payee. Enter 2


                                          if surname appears 1st. In


                                          all other cases enter blank.


                                          Coding Range 1-2 or b.



 5............. Linked Name............. Coding in this position is


                                          based on the codes in Type


                                          of Account, position 11, and


                                          the type of entry made in


                                          Name Control, positions


                                          7-10. Coding for the Linked


                                          Name Designator will





                                              (a) That a record is for


                                                  a business account,


                                                  or an account not


                                                  required to have a


                                                  Social Security or






                                                  Number; or (b) that


                                                  a record is for an


                                                  individual account


                                                  and the first four


                                                  letters of the


                                                  surname have been


                                                  entered in the Name


                                                  Control field,


                                                  positions 7-10; or


                                                  (c) that a record is


                                                  for an individual


                                                  account and one of


                                                  the alternatives for


                                                  Name Control has


                                                  been used; or



                                              (d) that the type of


                                                  account is unknown,


                                                  but the first four


                                                  letters of surname


                                                  have been entered in


                                                  the Name Control


                                                  field; or



                                              (e) the type of account


                                                  is unknown but an


                                                  alternative for Name


                                                  Control has been


                                                  used. In those cases


                                                  where one of the


                                                  alternatives for


                                                  Name Control is


                                                  used, the coding in


                                                  the Linked Name


                                                  Designator will


                                                  identify the


                                                  alternative. Coding


                                                  for this field is as





                                                   If Type of Account,


                                                    position 11, is


                                                    "1" or "9":



                                            Linked Name   Name Control


                                            Designator    1111 or 9999.





                                                   If Type of Account,


                                                    position 11, is


                                                    "2" or "b":



                                            Linked Name


                                            Designator    Name Control



                                                2       Contains first


                                                         4 letters of





                                                3       Alternative 1


                                                         is used.



                                                4       Alternative 2


                                                         is used.



                                                5       Alternative 3


                                                         is used.



                                                6       Alternative 4


                                                         is used.



                                                7       Alternative 5


                                                         is used.



                                                8       Alternative 6


                                                         is used.



 6............. Blank................... Enter Blank.



 7-10.......... Name Control............ EIN Accounts -- If position


                                          11 is "1", enter 1111.


                                          Accounts not requiring


                                          numbers -- If position 11 is


                                          "9", enter 9999. In all


                                          other cases, whether or not


                                          there is a social security


                                          number in positions 12-20,


                                          name control should be


                                          provided. Name Control is


                                          the 1st 4 characters of the


                                          surname. If there are fewer


                                          than 4 characters in the


                                          surname, left justify and


                                          fill unused positions with


                                          blanks. The hyphen (-) is


                                          the only special character


                                          allowable in name control.


                                          Name Control: If position 11


                                          is "2", enter 1st 4 letters


                                          of surname of payee. If


                                          multiple payees, enter first


                                          4 letters of surname of


                                          payee linked to account


                                          number. If position 11 is


                                          "blank," enter 1st 4 letters


                                          of 1st surname in the 1st


                                          name line. If name control


                                          cannot be provided, one of


                                          the following alternatives


                                          must be used:



                                           1. If position 11 is "2" or


                                               "blank," and Payee is 1


                                               individual or husband


                                               and wife, enter 2222.



                                           2. If position 11 is "2,"


                                               or "blank," and linked


                                               name is the 1st surname


                                               in a multiple-name


                                               payee account, enter





                                           3. If position 11 is "2" or


                                               "blank," the Payee is 2


                                               or more individuals,


                                               and a special character


                                               precedes the linked


                                               name, enter the special


                                               character in each of


                                               the positions 7-10.



                                           4. If position 11 is "2" or


                                               "blank," the Payee is 2


                                               or more individuals,


                                               and a special character


                                               follows the linked


                                               name, enter the special


                                               character in each of


                                               the positions 7-10.



                                           5. If position 11 is "2" or


                                               "blank," and a numeric


                                               code is used to


                                               indicate the linked


                                               name -- for example "1"


                                               for 1st named payee,


                                               "2" for 2nd named


                                               payee, "3" for 3rd


                                               named payee, etc. --


                                               enter the numeric code


                                               in position 7 and fill


                                               positions 8-10 with





                                                Note: Numeric Code


                                               should not be greater


                                               than 9.



                                           6. If position 11 is "2" or


                                               "blank," the Payee is 2


                                               or more individuals and


                                               the linked name cannot


                                               be identified, enter






 11............ Type of Account......... Enter "1" only if an Employer


                                          Identification Number is


                                          entered in positions 12-20.


                                          Enter "2" only if a Social


                                          Security Number is entered


                                          in positions 12-20. Enter


                                          "9" only if a number is not


                                          required by statute or


                                          regulation. When code "9" is


                                          used, positions 12-20 must


                                          be blank. Enter blank if SSN


                                          or EIN is required, but is


                                          not available. This position


                                          cannot be blank if there is


                                          an entry in positions 12-20.


                                          Coding Range b, 1, 2 or 9.



 12-20......... SSN or EIN of Payee..... Enter Social Security Number


                                          or Employer Identification


                                          Number of payee, as


                                          appropriate. Enter blanks


                                          (do not fill with zeros) if


                                          number is not available.



 21-30......... Payer's Account          Enter Account Identification


                 Identification           Number assigned to Payee by


                 Number for Payee.        Payer. This item is


                                          optional, but its presence


                                          may facilitate subsequent


                                          reference to payer's files


                                          if questions arise regarding


                                          specific records in the


                                          file. Leave blank (do not


                                          fill with zeros) if not





                Payment Amounts......... Record each payment amount in


                                          dollars and cents, omitting


                                          dollar signs, commas, and


                                          periods. Right justify and


                                          fill unused positions with


                                          zeros. Payment amount fields


                                          identified by a code other


                                          than blank in the Amount


                                          Indicator (positions 18-24


                                          of the Payer/Transmitter


                                          Record) as occurring in some


                                          Payee records, should be


                                          zero filled when amounts are


                                          not available in a


                                          particular record. Do not


                                          provide a payment amount


                                          field when the Amount


                                          Indicator is blank. For


                                          example: the Amount


                                          Indicator contains 123bbbb.


                                          Payee Records in this file


                                          should have only 3 payment


                                          amount fields. If Amount


                                          Indicator contains 12367bb,


                                          Payee Records should have 5


                                          payment amount fields.



 31-40......... Payment Amount 1........ This amount is identified by


                                          the amount code in position


                                          18 of the Payer/Transmitter


                                          Record. This entry must


                                          always be present.



 41-50......... Payment Amount 2........ This amount is identified by


                                          the amount code in position


                                          19 of the Payer/Transmitter


                                          Record. If position 19 of


                                          the Payer/Transmitter Record


                                          is blank, do not provide for


                                          this payment field.



 51-60......... Payment Amount 3........ This amount is identified by


                                          the amount code in position


                                          20 of the Payer/Transmitter


                                          Record. If position 20 of


                                          the Payer/Transmitter Record


                                          is blank, do not provide for


                                          this payment.



 61-70......... Payment Amount 4........ This amount is identified by


                                          the amount code in position


                                          21 of the Payer/Transmitter


                                          Record. If position 21 of


                                          the Payer/Transmitter Record


                                          is blank, do not provide for


                                          this payment field.



 71-80......... Payment Amount 5........ This amount is identified by


                                          the amount code in position


                                          22 of the Payer/Transmitter


                                          Record. If position 22 of


                                          the Payer/Transmitter Record



                                          is blank, do not provide for


                                          this payment field.



 81-90......... Payment Amount 6........ This amount is identified by


                                          the amount code in position


                                          23 of the Payer/Transmitter


                                          Record. If position 23 of


                                          the Payer/Transmitter Record


                                          is blank, do not provide for


                                          this payment field.



 91-100........ Payment Amount 7........ This amount is identified by


                                          the amount code in position


                                          24 of the Payer/Transmitter


                                          Record. If position 24 of


                                          the Payer/Transmitter Record


                                          is blank, do not provide for


                                          this payment field.



                Name and address --      Four 40-position fields are


                 Payee.                   provided for recording name


                                          and address of payee. The


                                          1st 2 fields are to be used


                                          to record name of the payee.


                                          The 3rd filed should contain


                                          the street address of the


                                          payee. The 4th field should


                                          contain the City, State, and


                                          ZIP code of the payee. If


                                          more than 80 positions are


                                          required to record name of


                                          payee, truncate the least


                                          significant portions of the


                                          name. If fewer than 40


                                          positions are required, left


                                          justify and fill unused


                                          positions with blanks.


                                          Record the name in 1 of the


                                          following formats:


                                           J H Doe


                                           Doe J H


                                           John H Doe


                                           Doe John H


                                           Mrs Jane H Doe


                                           Doe Mrs Jane H


                                         1 space must be allowed


                                         between name and/or initials.



 41-80,         1st Name Line --         The 1st Name Line -- Payee


 51-90,          Payee.                   will begin in position 41,


 61-100,                                  51, 61, 71, 81, 91, or 101,


 71-110,                                  depending on the number of


 81-120,                                  payment amount fields


 91-130                                   included in the record.


 101-140.                                 Enter name of payee. This


                                          field must contain linked


                                          name if Linked Name


                                          Designator, tape position 5


                                          is "3-7." Left justify and


                                          fill with blanks.



 81-120,        2nd Name Line --         The 2nd Name Line -- Payee


 91-130,         Payee                    will begin in position 81,


 101-140,                                 91, 101, 111, 121, 131 or


 111-150,                                 141, depending on the number


 121-160,                                 of payment amount fields


 131-170,                                 included in the record.


 141-180.                                 Enter 2nd name line of


                                          payee. Left justify and fill


                                          with blanks. Enter blanks if


                                          not required.



 121-160,       Street Address --         Street Address -- Payee,


 131-170,        Payee.                    will begin in position 121,


 141-180,                                  131, 141, 151, 161, 171, or


 151-190,                                  181, depending on the


 161-200,                                  number of payment amount


 171-210,                                  fields included in the


 181-220.                                  record. Enter street


                                           address of payee. Left


                                           justify, and fill with



                                           blanks. Enter blanks if not





 161-200,       City, State, Zip          City, State ZIP code --


 171-210,        Zip Code --               Payee will begin in


 181-220,        Payee.                    positions 161, 171, 181,


 191-230,                                  191, 201, 211 or 221,


 201-240,                                  depending on the number of


 211-250,                                  payment fields included in


 221-260.                                  the record. City, State and


                                           ZIP code must be entered in


                                           accordance with the


                                           specifications prescribed


                                           herein, or in a format that


                                           meets the sequence and


                                           space requirements of


                                           postal regulations. Files


                                           not meeting either of these


                                           conditions will be


                                           rejected. Internal Revenue


                                           Service Specifications:



                                            Remove all punctuation


                                             (commas, periods) and


                                             adjust letter positions.


                                             For example:



                                           City or State    Enter As




                                            St. Louis       St Louis


                                               N.Y.           N Y


                                               N. Y.          N Y


                                                NY            N Y



                City.................... Enter name of city in the


                                          first 26 positions of City,


                                          State, ZIP code field. Left


                                          justify and fill with


                                          blanks. Enter blanks if





                Blank................... Enter a blank in 27th


                                          position of City, State, ZIP


                                          code field.



                State................... Enter name of State or


                                          abbreviation in 28th through


                                          33rd position of City,


                                          State, ZIP code field. Left


                                          justify and fill with





                Blank................... Enter blanks in 34th and 35th


                                          position of City, State, ZIP


                                          code field.



                Zip Code................ Enter ZIP code in 36th


                                          through 40th position of


                                          City, State, ZIP code field.


                                          Enter zeros if absent.



 201-300,       Special Data             The last portion of each


 211-310,        Entries                  Payee Record may be used to


 221-320,        (Optional).              record information required


 231-330,                                 for State or Local


 241-340,                                 Government or for other


 251-350,                                 purposes. Number of


 261-360.                                 positions allowed for this


                                          data must agree with the


                                          number shown in positions


                                          25-27 of the


                                          Payer/Transmitter Record.


                                          Data in this portion of the


                                          record will not be used by


                                          IRS. Special Data Entries


                                          will being in position 201,


                                          211, 221, 231, 241, 251 or


                                          261, depending on the number


                                          of payment amount fields


                                          included in the record.




.01 Since the Service is not restricting magnetic tape reporting to payers or transmitters with specific types of equipment, or prescribing the methods used to prepare the tape files, it has made the use of header and trailer labels, record marks, tape marks, and other conventions optional.

.02 The Payer/Transmitter, End of Payer, End of Reel, and End of Transmission Records perform the functions normally assigned to these conventions. The Payer/Transmitter Record acts as a header label, the End of Payer Record indicates that all Payee Records for a Payer have been written, the End of Reel Record signals that no more Payee Records are written on the reel, and the End of Transmission Record indicates that the end of the file has been reached.

.03 In addition to the functions stated above, the End of Reel and End of Payer Records are used to balance each reel or each payer's records on a reel.


Write this record after the last Payee Record for a Payer has been written. A tape reel may contain more than one End of Payer Record if the last Payee Record for more than one Payer is written on the reel. Each End of Payer Record must contain a count of payees and totals of each payment amount reported for all Payee Records written on the same reel, which have not been summarized in preceding End of Payer Records on the reel. The End of Payer Record must be followed by a new Payer/Transmitter Record, an End of Reel, or End of Transmission Record. The new Payer/Transmitter Record, however, cannot be written in the same block as the End of Payer Record. A new block, with the new Payer/Transmitter Record as the first record, must be started. The End of Payer Record cannot be followed by a Tape Mark.

   Tape            Element name                  Entry





        1       Record Type............. Enter "C." Must be 1st


                                          character of each each end


                                          of Payer Record.



      2-7       Number of Payees........ Enter the total number of


                                          payees covered by the payer


                                          on this tape reel. Zero fill


                                          if less than 6 positions are





     8-19       Control Total 1......... Enter grand total of each


    20-31       Control Total 2.........  payment amount covered by


    32-43       Control Total 3.........  the payer on this tape reel.


    44-55       Control Total 4.........  Right justify and zero fill.


    56-67       Control Total 5.........  If less than 7 amounts are


    68-79       Control Total 6.........  being reported in the Payee


    80-91       Control Total 7.........  Records, zero fill remaining


                                          Control Total positions. For


                                          example: If only 1 payment


                                          amount is being reported,


                                          zero fill tape positions for


                                          Control Totals 2, 3, 4, 5,


                                          6, and 7.




Write this record when the end of the normal writing area of each reel has been reached, but all records in the file have not been written. This record indicates that there are additional reels in the file. Each End of Reel Record must contain a count of payees and totals of each payment amount reported for all Payee Records not summarized in End of Payer Records which may precede it on the reel. The counts and totals in the End of Reel Record should summarize only the Payee Records which precede it on the reel. This record cannot be followed by a Payer/Transmitter, End of Payer, or End of Transmission Record. A Tape Mark or Tape Mark and Trailer Label (see sec. 1.03) may follow.

   Tape            Element name                  Entry



        1       Record Type............. Enter "D." Must be 1st


                                          character of each End of


                                          Reel Record.



      2-7       Number of Payees........ Enter the total number of


                                          payees not summarized in End


                                          of Payer Records on this


                                          tape reel. Zero fill if less


                                          than 6 positions are





     8-19       Control Total 1......... Enter grand total of each


    20-31       Control Total 2.........  payment amount not


    32-43       Control Total 3.........  summarized in End of Payer


    44-55       Control Total 4.........  Records on this tape reel.


    56-67       Control Total 5.........  Right justify and zero fill.


    68-79       Control Total 6.........  If less than 7 amounts are


    80-91       Control Total 7.........  being reported in the Payee


                                          Records, zero fill remaining


                                          Control Total positions. For


                                          example: If only 1 payment


                                          amount is being reported,


                                          zero fill tape positions for


                                          Control Totals 2, 3, 4, 5,


                                          6, and 7.




Write this record after the last End of Payer Record in the file. This record can be followed only by a Tape Mark or Tape Mark and Trailer Label (see sec. 1.03).

   Tape            Element name                  Entry





        1       Record Type............. Enter "F." Must be 1st


                                          character of the End of


                                          Transmission Record.



      2-4       Number of Payers........ Enter total number of payers


                                          on this file. Zero fill.


                                          Right justify.



      5-7       Number of Reels......... Enter total number of reels


                                          in this file. Zero fill.


                                          Right justify.



     8-30       Zeros................... Zero fill.




The following chart shows, by type of file, the record types to be used in the last three records written on a tape reel or for a payer:

           Type of file                2nd from     Next to      Last


                                     last record  last record   record



 Single Payer, Single Reel..........       B         C 1       F


 Single Payer, Multiple Reels:


      Reel 1........................       B         B           D 2


      Last Reel.....................       B         C 1       F


 Multiple Payers, Single Reel:


      Payer 1.......................       B         B           C 1


      Payer 2.......................       B         B           C 1


      Last Payer....................       B         C 1       F


 Multiple Payers, Multiple Reels;


  First Payer's Records split


  between Reel 1 and Reel 2; Second


  Payer's Records split between Reel


  2 and Reel 3:


      Reel 1: Payer 1...............       B         B           D 2


      Reel 2:


           Payer 1..................       B         B           C 1


           Payer 2..................       B         B           D 1


      Reel 3:


           Payer 2..................       B         B           C 1


           Payer 3..................       B         C 1       D 3


      Reel 4: Last Payer............       B         C 1       F


 Multiple Payers, Single Transmitter,


 Separate Files for Each Payer:


      File 1: Payer 1: Last Reel....       B         C 1       F


      File 2: Payer 2


           Reel 1...................       B         B           D 2


           Last Reel................       B         C 1       F


      File 3: Payer 3: Last Reel....       B         C 1       F


 Single Payer, Multiple Transmitter


 (Payer submits files from various




      Payer 1:


           Location 1: Last Reel....       B         C 1       F


           Location 2: Last Reel....       B         C 1       F


 Single Payer, Multiple Transmitter,


 etc: Location 3:


      Reel 1........................       B         B           D 2


      Reel 2........................       B         B           D 2


      Last Reel.....................       B         C 1       F



      1 Must contain "Number of Payees" and "Control Totals"


 summarizing all Payee Records written for this Payer on this reel.



      2 Must contain "Number of Payees" and "Control Totals"


 summarizing all Payee Records written on this reel.



      3 "Number of Payees" and "Control Total" fields must be zero







.01 The purpose of this attachment is to provide payers, approved to report on magnetic tape, with information regarding the place for filing, documentation required, external labeling of tape reels, and the procedures for correcting tape records.


.01 Magnetic tapes may be filed with the Director, Internal Revenue Service Center, at any one of the addresses below:

      (a) 2306 East Bannister Road, Kansas City, Mo. 64170.


      (b) 7 Lake Street, Lawrence, Mass. 01841.


      (c) Building 2-B, Defense Depot Ogden, Ogden, Utah 84405.


      (d) 4800 Buford Highway, Chamblee, Ga. 30006.


      (e) 11601 Roosevelt Boulevard, Philadelphia, Pa. 19155.


      (f) 222 East Central Parkway, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.


      (g) 3651 Interregional Highway, Austin, Tex. 78741.



.02 Payers submitting a portion of their information returns on magnetic tape and the remainder on paper forms, should file magnetic tape records and paper documents at the same location.


Tape reels should be packed to guard against shipping hazards. When more than one box is required, number the boxes with sequence numbers and total number of boxes.


Shipments are to be prepaid.


Any mode of transportation desired may be used for this purpose, provided that timely deliveries and safe handling are assured.


Each tape reel must have an external label affixed. The following information must be shown on the label:

           (a) Name of Transmitter.


           (b) Type of Document Represented by Tape Records.


           (c) Payment Year.


           (d) Tape Density.


           (e) Parity (odd or even).


           (f) Type of Tape Unit used to prepare tape.


           (g) Sequence Number of Reel and Total Number of Reels in


      File, i.e., Reel ______of______.




.01 Form 1096 or W-3 are still required even though payment data is reported on magnetic tape (see sec. 5 of this Revenue Procedure).

.02 In addition to the Form 1096 or W-3, a transmittal letter (quadruplicate) must accompany each tape file. A copy of this letter will be returned as acknowledgment of receipt of the file. All copies of the transmittal letter should be placed in the first box of a shipment. The letter must contain the following information:

           (a) Name and Employer Identification Number for each payer


      on the file and name of transmitter.



           (b) Total number of payee records on tape file. Show


      separately for each payer and grand total for all.



           (c) Total amount paid for each type of payment reported on


      tape file. Show separately for each payer and grand total of





           (d) Total number of tape reels in file.



           (e) Name, address, and telephone number of person to


      contact in regard to tape files.



           (f) Name and address to be used for returning tape files if


      different from (e) above.



.03 When extensions of time for filing have been granted, include a copy of this letter authorizing such extension with the tape shipment.


.01 The appropriate paper form will be used to correct payee records in the magnetic tape files. Each Form 1099 or 1087, correcting a tape record, must be annotated in the manner specified for corrected returns in the Revenue Procedures relating to the use of substitutes for Forms 1099 and 1087. Forms W-2 must carry the statement "Corrected by Employer" centered in the top one-fourth inch of the form.

.02 Documents correcting tape records may be shipped with the tape file or as a separate submission.

.03 Documents correcting tape records must contain the correct amounts for all payments being reported in the tape file. For example: An error is found in a payee record on a file where payments are being reported for Federal Income Tax Withheld, Wages Paid Subject to Withholding, and FICA Employee Tax. The error is in the amount reported for FICA Employee Tax. The corrected document should show the correct payment for FICA Employee Tax and the same amounts as shown on the tape file for the other two payments.

.04 Forms filed to correct Employer Identification Number or Social Security Number should not be identified as "Corrected by Employer."

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