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Rev. Proc. 75-20

Rev. Proc. 75-20; 1975-1 C.B. 688

  • Cross-Reference

    26 CFR 601.602: Forms and instructions.

    (Also Part I, Sections 6011, 6041, 6042, 6043, 6047, 6049, 6051;

    31.6011(a)-7, 1.6041-1, 1.6041-4, 1.6041-5, 1.6041-7, 1.6042-2,

    1.6042-3, 1.6043-2, 1.6047-1, 301.6047-1, 1.6049-1, 31.6051-1.) Requirements and conditions are set forth under which information reportable on Forms W-2, W-2P, 1087-DIV, 1087-INT, 1087-MED, 1087-MISC, 1087-OID, 1099-DIV, 1099-INT, 1099-MED, 1099-MISC, 1099-OID, 1099-PATR, 1099L, 1099R, and the Agriculture Subsidy Payment Report may be submitted on magnetic tape instead of on paper documents; Revenue Procedures 73-13, 74-46 superseded.

  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    not available
Citations: Rev. Proc. 75-20; 1975-1 C.B. 688

Superseded by Rev. Proc. 78-26 Modified by Rev. Proc. 76-39

Rev. Proc. 75-20

Part A -- General

Section 1. Purpose.

.01 The purpose of this Revenue Procedure is to state the requirements and conditions under which payers, employers and nominees (hereinafter collectively referred to as payers) and agents thereof (hereinafter referred to as transmitters) can file annual information returns on magnetic tape instead of paper documents. The paper documents affected are:

(a) Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement

(b) Form W-2P, Statement for Recipients of Annuites, Pensions or Retired Pay

(c) Form 1099R, Statement for Recipients of Lump-Sum Distributions from Profit-Sharing and Retirement Plans

(d) Form 1099-DIV, Statement for Recipients of Dividends and Distributions

(e) Form 1099-INT, Statement for Recipients of Interest Income

(f) Form 1099-MISC, Statement for Recipients of Miscellaneous Income

(g) Form 1099-MED, Statement for Recipients of Medical and Health Care Payments

(h) Form 1099-OID, Statement for Recipients of Original Issue Discount

(i) Form 1099-PATR, Statement for Recipients (Patrons) of Taxable Distributions Received From Cooperatives

(j) Form 1099L, U.S. Information Return for Distributions in Liquidation During Calendar Year

(k) Form 1087-DIV, Statement for Recipients of Dividends and Distributions

(l) Form 1087-INT, Statement for Recipients of Interest Income

(m) Form 1087-MISC, Statement for Recipients of Miscellaneous Income

(n) Form 1087-MED, Statement for Recipients of Medical and Health Care Payments

(o) Form 1087-OID, Statement for Recipients of Original Issue Discount

(p) Agriculture Subsidy Payment Report

.02 This Procedure supersedes Revenue Procedure 73-13, 1973-1 C.B. 776, and Revenue Procedure 74-46, 1974-2 C.B. 502.

.03 Revisions to Forms 1099-INT, 1087-INT and W-2 have necessitated certain changes in the magnetic tape specifications for reporting wage and statement amounts.

.04 The 1099-DIV is also applicable to those previously filing Form 1099M, U.S. Information Return, Regulated Investment Company Distributions. Thus, regulated investment companies can file required statements with the Internal Revenue Service on magnetic tape, in accordance with the specifications outlined in PART B of the Procedure.

.05 Employers or transmitters filing W-2's in the form of magnetic tape should also be aware of the provisions of the Unified Reporting Plan contained in Social Security Administration Publication TIB-3. The Unified Reporting Plan permits a Payer/Transmitter to satisfy both the Social Security Administration and the Internal Revenue Service's filing requirements by reporting Forms W-2 (Copy A) and Forms 941, Schedule-A (Quarterly Report of Wages Taxable under the Federal Insurance Contribution Act) in a unified magnetic tape format. Optionally, the same format may be used for reporting to certain State agencies. Copies of Social Security Administration Publication TIB-3 are available from any Internal Revenue Service Center or local Social Security Administration office.

Sec. 2. Application For Tape Reporting.

.01 The above listed statements may be filed on magnetic tape by payers or by transmitters acting for a single payer or a group of payers. Except as covered in PART A, Sec. 2.07, for Form 1099-MED filers, payers may submit all or part of their information on magnetic tape; a combination of tape records and paper documents is acceptable so long as there is no duplication or omission of documents.

.02 Payers or transmitters who desire to file statements in the form of magnetic tape must first file a letter of application or submit Form 4419, Application for Magnetic Tape Reporting. This letter or application should be addressed to the Director, Internal Revenue Service Center, Attention: Magnetic Tape Coordinator, where the payer or transmitter normally files statements; Addresses of the Internal Revenue Service Centers are shown in Section 9 of this Revenue Procedure.

If the prospective filer submits a letter of request, it must contain the following:

(a) Name, address and Employer Identification Number of person, organization or firm making the request;

(b) Name, title and telephone number of person to contact regarding the request;

(c) An estimate, by type of form, of the number of statements to be reported in tape format, and the number, by type of form, to be reported on paper forms;

(d) Type and nature of equipment to be used to prepare tape files; i.e., manufacturer and model of main frame and tape drives, tape width (1/2", 3/4", etc.), density (characters per inch) and recording code (BCD, Excess 3, Octal, etc.);

(e) List of payers to be included in the file(s) if the requester is a transmitter;

(f) Signature of official responsible for the preparation of tax reports or the authorized transmitter.

.03 The Service will act on an application and notify applicants of authorization or disapproval within 30 days of receipt of applications.

.04 Generally, payers using equipment compatible with the Service's can presume that tape reporting will be aproved. Compatible tape characteristic are shown in PART B, Section 1.01. If payers or transmitters have the capability to prepare several types of tapes, the Service prefers that compatible tapes be prepared.

.05 If payers or transmitters propose to submit noncompatible tapes the Service will attempt to find conversion facilities. Generally, magnetic tape reporting will be disapproved only when the Service is unable to obtain facilities to convert a payer's file to a compatible form.

.06 In general, once authorization to file magnetic tape has been granted to a payer, such approval will continue in effect in succeeding years, provided that the requirements of this Revenue Procedure are met, and there are no equipment changes by the payer. However, the Service Center magnetic tape coordinator must be notified before December 31 of the year ending if there has been or there will be any change in equipment or if tape reporting is being discontinued. New applications are required whenever tape reporting is to be resumed. Transmitters are required to notify the magnetic tape coordinator whenever there is a deletion or an addition to the list of payers for whom he is reporting.

.07 In accordance with section 1.6041-7 of the Income Tax Regulations, medical payments may be reported on separate magnetic tape submissions rather than aggregated into a single tape submission, so long as all of the reports from a carrier are in magnetic tape form. For these purposes, the headquarters office will be considered as a "transmitter," per Section 2.02 above, and the individual segments of the company filing reports will be considered to be payers. Thus, a single application form is to be submitted to one of the Service Centers, covering all of the individual tape files to be submitted.

Sec. 3. Filing of Tape Reports

.01 Transmittal instructions will be provided in the authorizing letter issued by the Service in response to an application for tape reporting.

.02 Payers submitting a portion of their statements on magnetic tape and the remainder on paper forms, should file magnetic tape records and paper documents at the same location, but in separate shipments.

.03 Form 4804, Annual Summary and Transmittal of Income, Tax and Information Statements Reported on Magnetic Tape or Disk Pack, will be required from each payer to cover each payer's portion of the tape file. Only the payer can sign the affidavit provided on Form 4804. It is unacceptable for a transmitter, service bureau or paying agent to sign on behalf of the payer. The required Form 4804 must be filed with the shipment of magnetic tape. If only a portion of the returns are submitted on magnetic tape, include a statement that the remaining returns are being submitted in the form of paper documents. Note on the address side of the magnetic tape shipments, "DELIVER UNOPENED TO THE TAPE LIBRARY."

Form 1096, Annual Summary and Transmittal of U.S. Information Returns, or Form W-3, Transmittal of Income and Tax Statements, as appropriate, will be included in the shipment of paper documents. Only the payer can sign the affidavit provided on Forms 1096 or W-3. It is unacceptable for a transmitter, service bureau or paying agent to sign on behalf of the payer. If only a portion of the returns are submitted on paper documents, include a statement (that the remaining returns are being filed in the form of magnetic tape) with the Form 1096 or W-3. Please note that Form 1096 or W-3 instructions normally apply to the filing of information returns on paper; however, filers of magnetic tape and disk must review the Form 1096 instructions and file Schedule A (Form 1096), if appropriate.

.04 The dates prescribed for filing paper documents with the Service will also apply to magnetic tape filing. Requests for extensions of time for filing and related matters should be made to the magnetic tape coordinator of the Service Center that issued the authorizing letter.

If an extension is granted by the Service, a copy of the letter granting the extension should be attached to the Form 4804.

.05 The magnetic tape specifications contained in Part "B" of this Revenue Procedure must be adhered to unless deviations have been specifically granted by the Service.

.06 Service programs may be able to accommodate some minor deviations. Hence, payers who can substantially conform to these specifications but require such minor deviations are encouraged to contact one of the Service Centers (see PART A, Sec. 9 below for addresses). However, under no circumstances may tapes deviating from the specifications in PART B be submitted without prior approval of the Service.

.07 All tape files submitted by 1099-MED filers per Section 2.07 above, should be assembled by the carrier and mailed in one shipment to the Service Center that received the application.

Sec. 4. Processing of Tape Statements

.01 The Service will extract the information from the tapes. Normally, the original tapes received by the Service will be returned to the payers or transmitters by August 15 of the year in which submitted.

.02 However, if the tapes submitted are unprocessable, they will be returned for correction. Acceptable tapes will then be returned within six months of receipt.

Sec. 5. Corrected Statements

.01 If a large volume of corrected statements is necessary and the payer or transmitter possesses the capability to provide such corrections on tape, he should contact the magnetic tape coordinator of the Service Center to which the tape statements were or are to be submitted. A Corrected Form 4804 must be filed whenever corrections on tape are submitted.

.02 If corrections are not submitted on tape, the appropriate paper form (Form W-2, W-2P, 1099 or 1087) must be used if it is necessary to correct Payee "B" records in the magnetic tape files. Each such form must be annotated in the manner specified for corrected statements in the Instructions for Form 1096 or W-3, as appropriate. Corrected documents should contain all relevant information so that they completely supersede the statements recorded on tape.

.03 Form 1096 or W-3 instructions, as appropriate, are to be followed when paper documents are filed to correct statements submitted on tape.

Sec. 6. Effect on Paper Documents

.01 Magnetic tape reporting of the information documents listed in Section 1 above applies only to the original (Copy A). By filing with the Service on magnetic tape, payers are permitted considerable flexibility in designing the copy of the information return to be furnished to the employee/payee. The payer may combine the information return data with other reports or financial or commercial notices, or expand them to include other information of interest to a depositor, patron, shareholder or employee. This is permissible so long as all required information present on the official form is included and the employee/payee's copy is conducive to proper reporting on his tax return. Payers should also include the message that "This information is being furnished on Forms 1099 (or 1087, W-2, W-2P) to the Internal Revenue Service" on the employee/payee's copy.

.02 If only a portion of the statements is reported on magnetic tape and the remainder is reported on paper forms, those statements not submitted on magnetic tape must be filed on the appropriate prescribed forms, or on paper substitutes meeting the format requirements and paper specifications in the appropriate Revenue Procedure on the reproduction of Forms W-2 and W-2P or the reproduction of Forms in the 1087 and 1099 Series.

Sec. 7. Calendar Year Basis

Magnetic tape reporting to the Service for all types of Forms 1099, 1087, W-2 and W-2P must be on the calendar year basis.

Sec. 8. Data Entries

.01 The Service expects that payers will make every effort to keep to a minimum those statements submitted without taxpayer identifying numbers, through continued compliance with the requirements set forth in section 301.6109-1 of the Income Tax Regulations on Procedures and Administration and section 31.6109-1 of the Employment Tax Regulations. If, for legitimate causes the taxpayer identifying number of a payee has not been furnished to the payer, the specifications in PART B of the procedure permit its omission.

.02 The Service associates and verifies payments to employees/payees with corresponding amounts on tax returns, principally through taxpayer identifying numbers. It is particularly important that correct social security and employer identification numbers for employees/payees be provided on the forms, magnetic tape or disk pack submitted to the Service.

For each omission of a required identifying number, the law provides that the Service may charge a $5.00 penalty, unless the payer or payee responsible for furnishing the number supplies an explanation that establishes reasonable cause for not having done so. For those engaged in a trade or business (including employee trusts, retirement systems, etc.) the taxpayer identifying number is the employer identification number (00-0000000). For individuals, it is the social security number (000-00-0000). When entering either number on magnetic tape records, please do not include the hyphens.

See Sec. 10. below, Guidelines for Determining Proper Taxpayer Identifying Number to be Furnished to the Service.

.03 The Service must be able to identify the surname associated with the taxpayer identifying number furnished on a statement. When statements are received in the form of paper documents, this is accomplished through a manual editing process. However, manual editing is precluded when statements are received on magnetic tape. Hence, the specifications in PART B of this procedure include a data field in the payee records called "Name Control," in which the first four alphabetic characters of the payee surname are to be entered by payers. In addition, a blank must precede the identifying surname in the first name line of all Payee "B" Records unless the surname begins in the first position of the field.

.04 If payers are unable to provide the first four characters of the payee surname, the specifications permit the submission of statements on magnetic tape with the Name Control Field left blank. However, compliance with the following all facilitate the Service computer programs required to generate the Name Control.

(a) The surname of the payee, whose taxpayer identifying number (SSN or EIN) is shown in the Payee "B" Record, must be the only name in the first name line.

(b) A blank must precede the surname unless the surname begins in the first position of the field.

(c) In the case of multiple payees, only the surname of the payee, whose taxpayer identifying number (SSN or EIN) is shown in the Payee "B" Record, must be present in the first name line. The surnames of the other payees may be entered in the second name line.

.05 Provision is also made in these specifications for data entries not required for Federal tax purposes, but which may be required by state or local governments. This should minimize the Payer/Transmitter's programming burden should payers desire to report on tape to state or local, as well as to the Federal Government.

Sec. 9. Additional Information

Requests for additional copies of this Revenue Procedure, or requests for additional information on tape reporting, should be addressed to the attention of the Magnetic Tape Coordinator of one of the following:

     (a) Internal Revenue Service


         Andover Service Center


         Post Office Box 311


         Andover, Massachusetts 01810



     (b) Internal Revenue Service


         Brookhaven Service Center


         Post Office Box 400


         Holtsville, New York 11742



     (c) Internal Revenue Service


         Philadelphia Service Center


         Post Office Box 245


         Cornwells Heights, Pennsylvania 19020



     (d) Internal Revenue Service


         Atlanta Service Center


         Post Office Box 47421


         Doraville, Georgia 30340



     (e) Internal Revenue Service


         Memphis Service Center


         Airport Mail Facility


         Memphis, Tennessee 38130



     (f) Internal Revenue Service


         Cincinnati Service Center


         Post Office Box 267


         Covington, Kentucky 41012



     (g) Internal Revenue Service


         Kansas City Service Center


         Post Office Box 5321


         Kansas City, Missouri 64131



     (h) Internal Revenue Service


         Austin Service Center


         Post Office Box 934


         Austin, Texas 78767



     (i) Internal Revenue Service


         Ogden Service Center


         Post Office Box 9948


         Ogden, Utah 84409



     (j) Internal Revenue Service


         Fresno Service Center


         Post Office Box 12866


         Fresno, California 93779



Sec. 10. Guidelines for Determining Proper Taxpayer Identifying Proper Taxpayer Identifying Number to be Furnished to the Service

.01 Under section 6109 of the Internal Revenue Code, recipients of dividends, interest, or other payments are required to furnish taxpayer identifying numbers to payers who must report such payments to the Internal Revenue Service. The number must be furnished to the payer whether or not the payee is required to file a tax return or is covered by social security.

.02 The taxpayer identifying number to be furnished the Service depends primarily upon the manner in which the account is maintained or set up on the records of the payer. The number to be provided must be that of the owner of record. If the account is recorded in more than one name, furnish the taxpayer identifying number and name of one of the holders of record. The number provided must be associated with the name of the holder provided in first line of the payee of the Payee "B" Record of PART B of this procedure.

Sole proprietors who are payers should show their employer identification numbers in the Payer/Transmitter "A" Record. However, payers should use the social security number of a sole proprietor in the Payee "B" Record.

The table below will help you determine the number to be furnished to the Service.



                                                      In the Payee


                            In Tape Positions 12-20   1st Name Line


                            of the Payee "B" Record,  of the Payee "B"


      For this type of      enter the Social Securi-  Record, enter


          account:          ty Number of--            the Name of--




 1. An individual's         The individual            The individual





 2. Husband and wife        The husband               The husband


    (joint account)



 3. Adult and minor         The adult                 The adult


    (joint account)



 4. Two or more indivi-     Any one of the            The individual


    duals (joint account)   individuals               whose SSN is





 5. Account in the name of  The ward, minor, or       The ward, minor


    guardian or committee   incompetent person        or incompetent


    for a designated ward,                            person


    minor or incompetent





 6. Custodian account of a  The minor                 The minor


    minor (Uniform Gifts


    to Minor Acts)



 7. a. The usual revocable  The grantor-trustee       The grantor-


       savings trust                                  trustee


       account (grantor is


       also trustee)



    b. So called trust      The real owner            The real owner


       account that is not


       a legal or valid


       trust under State





 8. Sole Proprietorship     The proprietor            The proprietor









                                                      In the Payee 1st


                            In Tape Positions 12-20   Name Line of the


                            of the Payee "B" Record   Payee "B" Record


    For this type of        enter the Identification  enter the Name


        account:            Number of--               of--




 1. A valid trust,          Legal entity (Do not      The legal


    estate/*/, or pension   furnish the identifying   trust estate,/*/


    trust                   number of the adminis-    or pension


                            trator, executor, or      trust


                            trustee unless the legal


                            entity itself is not


                            designated in the


                            account title)



 2. Corporate account       The corporation           The corporation



 3. Religious, charitable,  The organization          The organization


    or educational organi


    zation account



 4. Partnership account     The partnership           The partnership


    held in the name of


    the business



 5. Association, club, or   The organization          The organization


    other tax exempt





 6. A broker or registered  The broker or nominee     The broker or


    Nominee                                           nominee




      * Note: If this type of account is related to the filing of Form


 706, United States Estate Tax Return, enter a Social Security Number


 in tape positions 12-20 of the Payee "B" Record and the Decedent's


 name in the Payee 1st Name Line of the Payee "B" Record.



 If this type of account is related to the filing of a Form 1041, U.S.


 Fiduciary Income Tax Return, enter an Employer Identification Number


 in tape positions 12-20 of the Payee "B" Record and the legal trust


 or estate in the Payee 1st Name Line of the Payee "B" Record.



Part "B"--Magnetic Tape Specifications


.01 These specifications prescribe the required format and content of the records to be included in the file, but not the methods or equipment to be used in their preparation. Usually, the Service will be able to process, without translation, any compatible tape file. To be compatible, a tape file must meet any one set of the following:

(a) 7 channel binary coded decimal (BCD) with

(1) Either Even or Odd Parity and

(2) Either a Density of 556 or 800 BPI

(b) 9 channel EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code) with

(1) Odd Parity and

(2) Either a Density of 800 or 1600 BPI

(c) 9 channel ASCII (American Standard Coded Information Interchange) with

(1) Odd Parity and

(2) Either a Density of 800 or 1600 BPI

In addition, all compatible tape files must have the following characteristics:

(a) Type of tape--1/2 inch Mylar base, oxide coated and;

(b) Interrecord Gap--3/4 inch

.02 The Service will attempt to find conversion facilities for any other characteristics listed on the Magnetic Tape Application Form that differ from the above specifications.

.03 An acceptable tape file for each payer will contain the following:

(a) Single Reel:

(1) A Payer/Transmitter "A" Record,

(2) A series of Payee "B" Records,

(3) An End of Payer "C" Record, and

(4) An End of Transmission "F" Record.

(b) Multiple Reels:

(1) A Payer/Transmitter "A" Record,

(2) A series of Payee "B" Records,

(3) An End of Payer "C" Record,

(4) An End of Reel "D" Record for each reel (except the last reel) under Option 1 only, and

(5) An End of Transmission "F" Record.

NOTE: See Sections 9 and 10 (Tape Layouts) and Section 11 (Record Layout).

All records, including headers and trailers, must be written at the same density.


.01 Certain conventions may be required by the programming system or equipment used by the payer with respect to header and trailer labels, record marks and tape marks. Their use must adhere to the following:

 Header Label            1. First four characters must be 1HDR or




                         2. Can only be the first record on a reel.


                         3. Must consist of a maximum of 80




 Trailer Label           1. First four characters must be 1EOR, 1EOF,


  (Required under           EOR1 or EOF1.


  Option 2)


                         2. Can only be the last record on a reel.


                         3. Must consist of a maximum of 80




 Record Mark             1. Special character used to separate blocked


                            records on tape.


                         2. Can only be at the end of a record or




                         3. Use BCD bit configuration 011010 ("A82"


                            bits) in even parity; 111010 ("BA82" bits)


                            in odd parity.


 Tape Mark               1. Special character that is written on tape


                            usually to signify the physical end of the


                            recording on tape.


                         2. For compatibility with IRS equipment, use


                            BCD bit configuration 001111 ("8421" bits)


                            in even parity.


                         3. If header and trailer labels are used


                            (required under Option 2), the tape mark


                            may follow the header label and may


                            precede and/or follow the trailer label.


                         4. If trailer labels are not used with Option


                            1, the tape mark can only follow on 'End


                            of Reel "D" Record' or 'End of


                            Transmission "F" Record.'



.02 Definitions

     Element                                 Description



 b                       Denotes a blank position. For compatibility


                         with IRS equipment, use BCD bit configuration


                         010000 ("A" bit only) in even parity, 001101


                         ("841" bits) in odd parity.


 Special Character       Any character that is not a numeral, a letter


                         or a blank.


 Payer                   Person or organization, including paying


                         agent, making payments. The Payer is


                         responsible for the completeness, accuracy


                         and timely submission of magnetic tape files.


 Transmitter             Person or organization preparing magnetic


                         tape files. May be Payer or agent of Payer.


 Payee                   Person(s) or Organization(s) receiving


                         payments from Payer.


 Coding Range            Shows the lowest and highest acceptable


                         codes. For example: Coding Range 1-4


                         indicates that codes 1, 2, 3 or 4 are


                         acceptable in the tape position.


 Record                  A group of related fields of information


                         treated as a unit.


 Blocked Records         Two or more records grouped together between


                         interrecord gaps.


 Unblocked Records       A single record which is written between


                         interrecord gaps.


 File                    For the purposes of this Procedure, a file


                         consists of all tape records submitted by a


                         Payer or Transmitter for a specific type of


                         information document. For example: Payers


                         reporting data for Form W-2, Form 1099-DIV


                         and Form 1099-INT would submit three files.


                         One file would contain W-2 data; one file,


                         1099-DIV data; one file, 1099-INT data.


 Reel                    A spool of magnetic tape.


 Taxpayer Identifying


 Number                  May be either an EIN or SSN.


 SSN                     Social Security Number.


 EIN                     Employer Identification Number which has been


                         assigned by IRS to the employing or reporting





.03 Since the Service is not restricting magnetic tape reporting to payers or transmitters with specific types of equipment, or prescribing the methods used to prepare the tape files, the Payer/Transmitter ("A" Record), End of Payer ("C" Record), End of Reel ("D" Record), and End of Transmission ("F" Record), perform the functions normally assigned to header and trailer labels, and related conventions. The Payer/Transmitter Record serves the purpose of a Header Label, the End of Payer Record indicates that all Payee Records for a Payer have been written on the reel, and the End of Transmission Record indicates that the end of reporting has been reached. In addition to the functions stated above, the End of Reel and End of Payer Records are used to balance each reel or each payer's records on a reel.


.01 The tape records prescribed in the specifications may be blocked or unblocked, subject to the following:

(a) A block may not exceed 4,000 tape positions.

(b) If the use of blocked records would result in a short block, all remaining positions of the block may be filled with 9's or a short block may be written.

(c) All records may be blocked, except Header and Trailer Labels.

.02 Provision has been made for special data entries filed in the Payee "B" Record. These entries are optional. If the field is utilized, it must be present on all Payee "B" Records of a Payer. The field is intended to serve one or both of these purposes:

(a) Carry information required by state or local governments in connection with income reporting on magnetic tape to those jurisdictions when authorized.

(b) Facilitate making all records the same length.


Identifies the payer and transmitter of the tape file and provides parameters for the succeeding Payee "B" Records. The Service's computer programs rely on the absolute relationship between the parameters in the Payer/Transmitter "A" Record and the data fields in the Payee "B" Records to which they apply.

The number of Payer/Transmitter "A" Records appearing on one tape reel will depend on the number of payers and types of statements being reported. A transmitter may include Payee "B" Records for more than one payer on a tape reel; however, each separate payer's Payee "B" Records must be preceded by a Payer/Transmitter "A" Record. A single tape reel may also contain different types of statements (e.g., 1099-INT and W-2 statements) but the statements may not be intermingled. A separate Payer/Transmitter "A" Record is required for each type of statement being reported on the tape reel. The following are two optional ways the Payer/Transmitter "A" Record may be used:

Option 1: When multiple reels are required for a single file, the correct Payer/Transmitter "A" Record must be repeated as the first record (second record if Header Labels are used) on every succeeding reel in the file to which it applies, and the reel sequence number must be incremented by 1 on each tape reel after the first reel.

Option 2: A Header Label must be present as the first record of every reel. The Payer/Transmitter "A" Record must appear as the second record of the first reel only and will not be repeated as the second record on subsequent reels. Enter an "X" in position 5 of the Payer/Transmitter "A" Record to indicate that the reel sequence number is in the Header Label. Enter the high order position of the 3 position reel sequence number on the Header Label in positions 3 and 4 of the Payer/Transmitter "A" Record. Additionally, a trailer label must be the last record on each reel.

Example 1: If the reel sequence number is in positions 20 through 22 on the Header Label, enter 20 in positions 3 and 4 of the Payer/Transmitter "A" Record and an "X" in position 5.

Example 2: If the reel sequence number is in positions 8 through 10 on the Header Label, enter 08 in positions 3 and 4 and an "X" in position 5.

This method is especially adaptable to users of COBOL.

 Tape Position   Element Name             Entry or Definition




 1               Record Type       Enter "A". Must be first character


                                   of each Payer/Transmitter "A"





 2               Payment Year      The right most digit of the year


                                   which payments are being reported.



 3 through 5     Reel Number       Serial Number assigned by the


                                   transmitter to each reel, starting


                                   with 001, for Option 1. If Option 2


                                   is used, enter "X" in position 5.


                                   Enter the high order position of


                                   the 3 position reel sequence number


                                   from the Header Label in position 3


                                   and 4.



 6 through 14    EIN-Payer         Enter the 9 numeric characters of


                                   the Employer Identification Number.


                                   Do NOT include the hyphen.



 15              Type of Payer     Enter the appropriate code as


                                   indicated below:



                                   Code   Type of Payer



                                   P      Non-government


                                   F      Federal Government


                                   W      State or Local Government



 16              Blank             Blank



 17              Type of Statement Type of Statement            Enter


                 reported in the


                 Payee "B" Records W-2                            3


                                   W-2P                           8


                                   1099R                          9


                                   1099-DIV                       1


                                   1099-INT                       6


                                   1099-MISC                      A


                                   1099L                          E


                                   1099-MED                       C


                                   1099-OID                       D


                                   1099-PATR                      7


                                   1087-DIV                       2


                                   1087-INT                       M


                                   1087-MISC                      G


                                   1087-MED                       K


                                   1087-OID                       H


                                   Agriculture Subsidy Payment    4





 18 through 24   Amount Indicator  Enter Amount Codes in the Amount


                                   Indicator positions to show the


                                   type of payments appearing in the


                                   Payment Amount fields and the


                                   position of such payments. The


                                   Amount Indicator Codes will apply


                                   to all succeeding Payee "B" Records


                                   until a "C" Record is noted.


                                   Definition of each type of payment


                                   listed below is the same for


                                   magnetic tape as for equivalent


                                   paper documents. Except for Form


                                   1099R, a maximum of seven amounts


                                   may be included in a Payee "B"


                                   Record. Enter codes for the amount


                                   fields which will be present,


                                   beginning in position 18, in


                                   ascending sequence and leaving no


                                   blank spaces between indicators.


                                   Then fill remainder of the field


                                   with blanks (or zeros for


                                   Agriculture subsidy payment


                                   records). If a particular amount


                                   type will not be used, do not enter


                                   Amount Code in Amount Indicator. If


                                   an Amount Type will be used for


                                   some but not all records, enter the


                                   Amount Code in the Amount


                                   Indicator. Position 18 must always


                                   have a code other than a blank.



                                   The Coding Range for each type of


                                   document is defined and limited as





                                                      Coding Range


                                   Type of            Positions 18-24


                                   State- Type of     (plus position


                                   ment   State-      34 for 1099R


                                   Code   ment        Only) 1



                                     3    W-2         1-2, 4-8 or




                                     8    W-2P        1-5 or blank


                                     9    1099R       1-8 or blank


                                     1    1099-DIV    1,4-8 or blank



                                     6    1099-INT    2-4, 9 or blank


                                     A    1099-MISC   1-2,5-7 or blank


                                     E    1099L       1-2 or blank


                                     C    1099-MED    1 or blank


                                     D    1099-OID    1-4 or blank


                                     7    1099-PATR   1-4 or blank


                                     2    1087-DIV    1-4 or blank


                                     M    1087-INT    1-4 or blank


                                     G    1087-MISC   1-5 or blank


                                     K    1087-MED    1 or blank


                                     H    1087-OID    1-4 or blank


                                     4    Agriculture 1000000









                                     1 One additional payment


                                   amount may be used by filers of


                                   Form 1099R. This is shown in tape


                                   position 34.



                                     2 This coding range is only


                                   available for Department of


                                   Agriculture in reporting subsidy





                                   The amount codes for the respective


                                   amount types are as follows:



                 Amount Indicator  Payments Normally Reported on Form


                 Form W-2          W-2:





                                    Code         Amount Type



                                     1      Federal income tax


                                            withheld (must be present


                                            if FICA is paid


                                     2      Wages, tips, and other


                                            compensation (must be




                                     4      FICA employee tax withheld


                                     5      Total FICA Wages


                                     6      Cost of group term life


                                            insurance included in


                                            Amount Code 2 (if




                                     7      Uncollected employee FICA


                                            tax on tips (if required)


                                     8      Excludable sick pay


                                            included in Amount Code 2





                                   Example: If Position 17 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A", Record is 3


                                   (for W-2's), and positions 18-24


                                   are "124bbbb", this indicates that


                                   3 amount fields are present in all


                                   the following Payee "B" Records.


                                   The 1st field represents Federal


                                   income withheld; the 2nd, Wages,


                                   and other compensation; and 3rd,


                                   FICA employee tax withheld.



                 Amount Indicator  Payments Normally Reported on Form


                 Form W-2P         W-2P:





                                    Code         Amount Type



                                     1      Federal income tax




                                     2      Gross amount annuity,


                                            pension, or retired pay.


                                     3      Taxable amount annuity,


                                            pension or retired pay.


                                     4      Gross amount reportable as


                                            wages by disability


                                            retiree under retirement




                                     5      Amount excludable as sick


                                            pay for disability retiree


                                            under retirement age.



                                   Example: If Position 17 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record is 8


                                   (for W-2P), and positions 18-24 are


                                   "123bbbb", this indicates that 3


                                   amount fields are present in all


                                   the following Payee "B" Records.


                                   The 1st field represents Federal


                                   income tax withheld; the 2nd, Gross


                                   amount annuity, pension or retired


                                   pay; the 3rd, Taxable amount


                                   annuity, pension or retired pay.



                 Amount Indicator  Payments Normally Reported on Form


                 Form 1099R        1099R:






                                    Code         Amount Type



                                     1      Amount includable as


                                            income (add amounts for


                                            codes 2, 3 and 4)


                                     2      Capital gain (for lump-


                                            sum distributions only)


                                     3      Ordinary income


                                     4      Premiums paid by trust for


                                            current life insurance


                                     5      Employee contributions


                                     6      Life insurance element


                                     7      Net unrealized


                                            appreciation in employer's




                                     8      Other



                                   Example: If position 17 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record is 9


                                   (for 1099R), and positions 18-24


                                   are "1345bbb", this indicates that


                                   4 amount fields are present in all


                                   the following Payee "B" Records.


                                   The 1st field represents Amount


                                   includable as income; the 2nd,


                                   Ordinary income; the 3rd, Premiums


                                   paid by trust for current life


                                   insurance; the 4th Employee





                 Amount Indicator  Payments Normally Reported on Form


                 Form 1099-DIV     1099-DIV:





                                    Code         Amount Type



                                     1      Gross dividends and other


                                            distributions on stock


                                            (total of amounts for


                                            codes 4,5,6 and 7)


                                     4      Dividends qualifying for




                                     5      Dividends not qualifying


                                            for exclusion


                                     6      Capital gain distributions


                                     7      Non-taxable distributions


                                            (if determinable)


                                     8      Foreign tax paid (if


                                            eligible for foreign tax





                                   Example: If position 17 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record is 1


                                   (for 1099-DIV) and positions 18-24


                                   are "16bbbbb", this indicates that


                                   2 amount fields are present in all


                                   the following Payee "B" Records.


                                   The 1st field represents Gross


                                   dividends and other distributions


                                   on stock; the 2nd, Capital gain





                 Amount Indicator  Payments Normally Reported on Form


                 Form 1099-INT     1099-INT:





                                    Code         Amount Type



                                     2      Earnings from savings and


                                            Loan associations, credit


                                            unions, etc.


                                     3      Other interest on bank


                                            deposits, etc. (Do not


                                            include amounts reported


                                            under Amount Code 2.)


                                     4      Amount of forfeiture


                                     9      Foreign tax credit



                                   Example: If position 17 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record is 6


                                   (for 1099-INT), and positions 18-


                                   24 are "34bbbbb", this indicates


                                   that 2 amount fields are present in


                                   all the following Payee "B"


                                   Records. The 1st field represents


                                   Other interest on bank deposits,


                                   etc.; the 2nd Amount of forfeiture.



                 Amount Indicator  Payments Normally Reported on Form


                 Form 1099-MISC    1099-MISC:





                                    Code         Amount Type



                                     1      Royalties


                                     2      Prizes and awards to non-


                                            employees (No Form W-2




                                     5      Rents


                                     6      Other fixed or



                                            determinable income


                                     7      Commissions and fees to


                                            non-employees (No. Form


                                            W-2 items)



                                   Example: If position 17 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record is "A"


                                   (for 1099-MISC) and positions 18-


                                   24 are "125bbbb", this indicates


                                   that 3 amount fields are present in


                                   all the following Payee "B"


                                   Records. The 1st field represents


                                   Royalties; the 2nd, Prizes and


                                   awards to non-employees (no Form


                                   W-2 items); the 3rd, Rents.



                 Amount Indicator  Payments Normally Reported on Form


                 Form 1099L        1099L





                                    Code         Amount Type



                                     1      Cash


                                     2      Fair market value at date


                                            of distribution.



                                   Example: If position 17 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record is "E"


                                   (for 1099L) and positions 18-24 are


                                   "1bbbbbb", this indicates that 1


                                   amount field is present in all the


                                   following Payee "B" Records. This


                                   amount field represents Cash.



                 Amount Indicator  Payments Normally Reported on Form


                 Form 1099-MED     1099-MED





                                    Code         Amount Type



                                     1      Total medical and health


                                            care payments.



                                   Example: If position 17 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record is "C"


                                   (for 1099-MED), positions 18-24


                                   must be "1bbbbbb". This indicates


                                   one amount field is present in all


                                   the following Payee "B" Records and


                                   represents Total medical and health


                                   care payments. No other coding is


                                   permissible for this type of





                 Amount Indicator  Payments Normally Reported on Form


                 Form 1099-OID     1099-OID





                                    Code         Amount Type



                                     1      Total original issue


                                            discount (includes


                                            discount for all holder)


                                     2      Ratable monthly portion


                                     3      Issue price of obligation


                                     4      Stated redemption price at





                                   Example: If position 17 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record is "D"


                                   (for 1099-OID), and positions 18-


                                   24 are "1234bbb", this indicates


                                   that all four amount fields are


                                   present in all the Payee "B"


                                   Records following. The 1st field


                                   represents Total original issue


                                   discount; the 2nd Ratable monthly


                                   portion; the 3rd, Issue price of


                                   obligation; and 4th, Stated


                                   redemption price at maturity.



                 Amount Indicator  Payments Normally Reported on Form


                 Form 1099-PATR    1099-PATR





                                    Code         Amount Type



                                     1      Patronage Dividends


                                     2      Nonpatronage Distributions


                                     3      Per Unit Retain




                                     4      Redemption of Nonqualified


                                            Notices and Retain





                                   Example: If position 17 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record is "7"


                                   (for 1099-PATR) and positions 18-


                                   24 are "134bbbb", this indicates


                                   that 3 amount fields are present in



                                   all the following Payee "B"


                                   Records. The 1st field represents


                                   Patronage Dividends; the 2nd, Per-


                                   Unit Retain Allocations; the 3rd,


                                   Redemption of Nonqualified Notices


                                   and Retain Allocations.



                 Amount Indicator  Payments Normally Reported on Form


                 Form 1087-DIV     1087-DIV





                                    Code         Amount Type



                                     1      Gross dividends and other


                                            distributions on stock


                                     2      Dividends not qualifying


                                            for exclusion (included in


                                            amount for code 1)


                                     3      Capital gain distributions


                                            (included in amount of


                                            code 1)


                                     4      Foreign tax paid (if


                                            eligible for foreign tax





                                   Example: If position 17 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record is "2"


                                   (for 1087-DIV) and positions 18-24


                                   are "12bbbbb", this indicates that


                                   two amount fields are present in


                                   all the following Payee "B"


                                   Records. The 1st field represents


                                   Gross dividends and other


                                   distributions on stock; the 2nd


                                   Dividends not qualifying for


                                   exclusion (included in amount for


                                   code 1).



                 Amount Indicator  Payments Normally Reported on Form


                 Form 1087-INT     1087-INT





                                    Code         Amount Type



                                     1      Earnings from savings and


                                            loan associations, credit


                                            unions, etc.


                                     2      Other interest on bank


                                            deposits, etc. (Do not


                                            include amounts reportable


                                            under Amount Code 1.)


                                     3      Foreign tax paid (if


                                            eligible for foreign tax




                                     4      Amount of forfeiture



                                   Example: If position 17 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record is "M"


                                   (for 1087-INT) and positions 18-24


                                   are "123bbbb", this indicates that


                                   all 3 amount fields are present in


                                   all the Payee "B" Records. The 1st


                                   field represents Earnings from


                                   savings and loan associations,


                                   credit unions, etc.; the 2nd, Other


                                   interest on bank deposits, etc.;


                                   and 3rd, Foreign tax paid.



                 Amount Indicator  Payments Normally Reported on Form


                 Form 1087-MISC    1087-MISC





                                    Code         Amount Type



                                     1      Royalties


                                     2      Prizes and awards to non-


                                            employees (No Form W-2




                                     3      Rents


                                     4      Other fixed or


                                            determinable income


                                     5      Commissions and fees to


                                            non-employees (No Form


                                            W-2 items)



                                   Example: If position 17 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record is "G"


                                   (for 1087-MISC) and positions 18-


                                   24 are "13bbbbb", this indicates


                                   that 2 amount fields are present in


                                   all the following Payee "B"


                                   Records. The 1st field represents


                                   Royalties; the 2nd, Rents.



                 Amount Indicator  Payments Normally Reported on Form


                 Form 1087-MED     1087-MED





                                    Code         Amount Type



                                     1      Total medical and health


                                            care payments



                                   Example: If position 17 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record is "K"


                                   (for 1087-MED), positions 18-24


                                   must be "1bbbbbb". This indicates


                                   one amount field is present in all


                                   the following Payee "B" Records and


                                   represents Total medical and health


                                   care payments. No other coding is


                                   permissible for this type of





                 Amount Indicator  Payments Normally Reported on Form


                 Form 1087-OID     1087-OID





                                    Code         Amount Type



                                     1      Total original issue


                                            discount for year being


                                            reported (includes


                                            discount for all holders).


                                     2      Ratable monthly portion


                                     3      Issue price of obligation


                                     4      State redemption price at





                                   Example: If position 17 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record is "H"


                                   (for 1087-OID), and positions 18-


                                   24 are "1234bbb", this indicates


                                   that all four amount fields are


                                   present in all the Payee "B"


                                   Records. The 1st field represents


                                   Total original issue discount; the


                                   2nd, Ratable monthly portion; the


                                   3rd, Issue price of obligation; and


                                   4th, Stated redemption at maturity.



 25              Savings and       Enter "S" if a Building and Loan,


                 Loan Code         Savings and Loan, Mutual Savings


                                   Bank, or a Credit Union is the


                                   Payer. Otherwise, leave blank.



 26              Blank             Each Payer/Transmitter should enter


                 Identification    the binary representation of a


                                   blank as written on the transmitted





 27              Surname Indicator Enter the digit "1" if the surname


                                   appears first in the Payee's 1st


                                   name line of the succeeding "B"


                                   Records. Enter the digit "2" if the


                                   surname appears last in the Payee's


                                   1st name line of the succeeding "B"


                                   Records. For entities other than


                                   individuals, leave blank.



 28 through 30   Record Length     Enter number of positions allowed


                 Payer/Transmitter for Payer/Transmitter Record.





 31 through 33   Record Length     Enter number of positions allowed


                 Payee Record.     for a Payee "B" Record. If Special


                                   Data Field is present in Payee "B"


                                   Record, it must be included in the





 34              Amount Indicator  Definition of each type of payment


                 (1099R only).     is the same for magnetic tape as


                                   for the equivalent paper Form


                                   1099R. If all eight payment fields


                                   are present, Amount Indicator


                                   positions 18-24 would be "1234567"


                                   and Amount Indicator position 34


                                   would be "8". If seven or less


                                   payment fields are present, enter a


                                   blank in Amount Indicator position


                                   34. Example: If payment fields


                                   12345678 are present, enter


                                   "1234567" in Amount Indicator


                                   positions 18-24 and "8" in Amount


                                   Indicator position 34.



 35 through 39   Blanks            Reserved for IRS use.



 40              Blank             Blank



 41 through 80   1st Name          Enter first name line of Payer.


                 Line-Payer        Left justify and fill with blanks.



 81 through 120  2nd Name          Enter second name line of Payer.


                 Line-Payer        Left justify and fill with blanks.


                                   Leave blank if not used.



 121 through 160 Street            Enter street address of Payer.


                 Address-Payer     Left justify and fill with blanks.



 161 through 200 City, State,      Enter city, state and ZIP code of


                 ZIP code-Payer.   Payer. Left justify and fill with





      Additionally, if Payer and Transmitter are the same, the "A"


 Record length may be the same as the "B" Record length. Fill


 positions beyond position 200 with blanks.



      The following items are required if the Payer and Transmitter


 are not the same, or the transmitter includes files for more than one





 201 through 240 1st Name Line-    Enter 1st name line of Transmitter.


                 Transmitter       Left justify and fill with blanks.



 241 through 280 2nd Name Line-    Enter 2nd name of line of


                 Transmitter.      Transmitter. Left justify and fill


                                   with blanks. Leave blank if not





 281 through 320 Street Address-   Enter street address of


                 Transmitter.      Transmitter. Left justify and fill


                                   with blanks.



 321 through 360 City, State,      Enter city, state and ZIP code of


                 ZIP code-         Transmitter. Left justify and


                 Transmitter.      fill with blanks.




Contains payment record from individual statements. Records may be blocked or unblocked. A block may not exceed 4,000 tape positions. All records must be fixed length.

 1               Record Type       Enter "B". Must be 1st character of


                                   each Payee Record.



 2 through 3     Payment Year      Last 2 digits of the year for which


                                   payments are being reported.



 4               Type of           Used only for Form 1099R. Enter the


                 Distribution Code digit "1" if this is a total


                                   distribution. Enter the digit "2"


                                   if this is not a total


                                   distribution. Leave blank if no


                                   distribution is present. Not used


                                   by the Service for any other form.



 5               Blank             Blank



 6               Pension Indicator Used only for Form W-2. Enter the


                                   digit "1" if the employee was


                                   covered by a qualified pension


                                   plan, etc. Enter the digit "2" if


                                   the employee was not covered. If


                                   unknown, leave blank.



 7 through 10    Name Control      Enter the first 4 letters of the


                                   surname of the payee. Last names of


                                   less than four (4) letters should


                                   be left justified, filling the


                                   unused positions with blanks.


                                   Special characters and imbedded


                                   blanks should be removed. If the


                                   Name Control is not determinable by


                                   the payer, leave this field blank.



 11              Type of Account   This field is used to identify the


                                   data in 12-20 as to Employer


                                   Identification Number, Social


                                   Security Number, or the reason no


                                   number is shown.



                                   1) Enter the digit "1" if the payee


                                      is a business or any


                                      organization for which an EIN


                                      was provided.



                                   2) Enter the digit "2" if the payee


                                      is an individual and an SSN is


                                      provided in positions 12-20.



                                   3) Enter a "blank" if a taxpayer


                                      identifying number is required


                                      but unobtainable due to


                                      legitimate cause; e.g., number


                                      applied for but not received.



 12 through 20   Taxpayer          Enter the taxpayer identifying


                 Identifying       number of the payee (SSN or EIN, as


                 Number of         appropriate). Where an identifying


                 Payee             number has been applied for but not


                                   received or any other legitimate


                                   cause for not having an identifying


                                   number, enter blanks. DO NOT


                                   INCLUDE HYPHENS.



 21 through 30   Account Number    Enter Account Number assigned to


                 assigned to payee Payee by Payer. This item is


                 by payer          optional, but its presence may


                                   facilitate subsequent reference to


                                   a Payer's file(s) if questions


                                   arise regarding specific records in


                                   a file. Enter blanks if there is no


                                   Account Number.



 31 through 110  Payment Amounts   Record each payment amount in


 NOTE: See       NOTE: Amounts may dollars and cents, omitting dollar


 detail below.   vary from 1-8     sign, commas and periods. Right


                 fields as         justify and fill unused positions


                 indicated below.  with zeros. Payment amount fields


                                   identified by a code other than


                                   blank in the Amount Indicator


                                   (positions 18-24 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record and,


                                   additionally, position 34 for Form


                                   1099R) should be zero filled when


                                   amounts are not applicable to a


                                   particular record. Do not provide a


                                   payment amount field when the


                                   Amount Indicator is blank. For


                                   example: The Amount Indicator


                                   contains 123bbbb. Payee "B" Records


                                   in this field should have only


                                   three payment amount fields. If


                                   Amount Indicator contains 12367bb,


                                   Payee "B" Records should have five


                                   payment amount fields.



 31 through 40   Payment Amount 1  This amount is identified by the


                                   amount code in position 18 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record. This


                                   entry must always be present.



 41 through      Payment Amount 2  This amount is identified by the


 50/*/                             amount code in position 19 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record. If


                                   position 19 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record is


                                   blank, do not provide for this


                                   payment field.



 51 through      Payment Amount 3  This amount is identified by the


 60/*/                             amount code in position 20 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record. If


                                   position 20 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record is


                                   blank, do not provide for this


                                   payment field.



 61 through      Payment Amount 4  This amount is identified by the


 70/*/                             amount code in position 21 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record. If


                                   position 21 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record is


                                   blank, do not provide for this


                                   payment field.



 71 through      Payment Amount 5  This amount is identified by the


 80/*/                             amount code in position 22 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record. If


                                   position 22 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record is


                                   blank, do not provide for this


                                   payment field.



 81 through      Payment Amount 6  This amount is identified by the


 90/*/                             amount code in position 23 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record. If


                                   position 23 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record is


                                   blank, do not provide for this


                                   payment field.



 91 through      Payment Amount 7  This amount is identified by the


 100/*/                            amount code in position 24 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record. If


                                   position 24 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record is


                                   blank, do not provide for this


                                   payment field.



 101 through     Payment Amount 8  This amount is identified by the


 110/**/                           amount code in position 34 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record. If


                                   position 34 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record is


                                   blank, do not provide for this


                                   payment field.



 Next 40         1st Name          Enter the name of the payee whose


 positions/*/    Line--Payee       taxpayer identifying number appears


 after Last      (A blank must     in tape positions 12-20 above. If


 Payment         precede the       fewer than 40 characters are


 Amount Field    identifying       required, left justify and fill


 being reported  surname unless    unused positions with blanks. If


                 the surname       more space is required, utilize the


                 begins in the     2nd Name Line field below. If there


                 first position    are multiple payees, only the name


                 of the field.)    of the payee whose taxpayer


                                   identifying number has been



                                   provided can be entered in this


                                   field. The names of the other


                                   payees may be entered in the 2nd


                                   Name Line field. The order in which


                                   the payee's name appears in this


                                   field must correspond with the


                                   Surname Indicator entered in tape


                                   position 27 of the


                                   Payer/Transmitter "A" Record. No


                                   descriptive or other data is to be


                                   entered in this field.



 Next 40         2nd Name          If the payee name requires more


 positions       Line--Payee       space than is available in the


 after 1st                         1st Name Line, enter the remaining


 Name Line.                        portion of the name in this field.


                                   If there are multiple payees, this


                                   field may be used for those payees'


                                   names who are not associated with


                                   the taxpayer identifying number


                                   provided in tape positions 12-20


                                   above. Left justify and fill unused


                                   positions with blanks. Fill with


                                   blanks if this field is not





 Next 40         Street            Enter street address of payee. Left


 positions       Address-Payee     justify and fill unused positions


 after 2nd                         with blanks. Address must be


 Name Line.                        present. This field must not


                                   contain and data other than the


                                   payee's street address.



 Next 40         City, State,      Enter the city, state and ZIP code


 positions       ZIP code--        of the payee, in that sequence. Use


 after Street    Payee             U.S. Postal Service abbreviations


 Address.                          for states. Left justify and fill


                                   unused positions with blanks. City,


                                   state and ZIP code must be present.



 Next field      Special Data      The last portion of each Payee "B"


 after City,     Entries, Entries  Record may be used to record


 State and ZIP   Optional          information required for State or


 code (if 7 or                     Local Government or for other


 less Payment                      purposes. Special Data Entries will


 Amounts are                       begin in positions 201, 211, 221,


 present) may                      231, 241, 251, 261 or 271,


 have up to 160                    depending on the number of payment


 positions,                        amount fields included in the


 depending upon                    record. Special Data Entries may


 the number of                     increase the "B" record length to


 amount fields                     any length up to a maximum of 360


 being reported.                   positions. Special Data Entries may


                                   be used to facilitate making all


                                   records the same length.



 /*/FOOTNOTE 1: The first name line of the Payee shown as beginning


                the tape position 111 must be shifted to the field


                immediately following the last payment amount field


                used. For example, if two payment amount fields are


                used, the first name line field would be shifted to


                position 51. Succeeding fields would be shifted


                accordingly. Also see SEC. 11 below for a record


                layout reflecting 2 payment amount fields.



 /**/FOOTNOTE 2: (Payment amount 8 may be present only for 1099R.)




.01 Write this record after the last Payee "B" Record for each Payer/Transmitter "A" record. For every "A" record on a reel, there must be a corresponding End of Payer "C" Record or a single End of Reel "D" Record denoting a continuation of Payee "B" Records on the next tape reel of the file.

.02 Under Option 1 (see PART B, SEC. 9., Tape Layouts--Option 1), each End of Payer "C" Record must contain a count of the number of Payee "B" Records, as well as a total of the Payment amounts for all the Payee "B" Records immediately preceding the End of Payer "C" Record and following the last preceding Payer/Transmitter "A" Record. The End of Payer "C" Record must be followed by a new Payer/Transmitter "A" Record for the next Payer, if any, an End of Reel "D" Record or an End of Transmission "F" Record.

.03 Under Option 2 (see PART B, SEC. 10, Tape Layouts--Option 2), each End of Payer "C" Record must contain a count of the number of Payee "B" Records, as well as a total of the payment amounts for all the Payee "B" Records immediately preceding the End of Payer "C" Record and following the last preceding Payer/Transmitter "A" Record, regardless of the number of tape reels involved. The End of Payer "C" Record must be followed by a new Payer/Transmitter "A" Record for the next Payer, if any, or an End of Transmission "F" Record.

.04 The End of Payer "C" Record cannot be followed by a Tape Mark.

.05 Additionally, the "C" Record Length may be the same as the Payee "B" Record length for all forms. Fill positions beyond Control Total positions with blanks.

  Tape Position     Element Name          Entry or Definition




 1               Record Type       Enter "C". Must be 1st character of


                                   each End of Payer Record.



 2 through 7     Number of Payees  Enter the total number of Payees


                                   covered by the Payer on this tape


                                   reel. Right justify and zero fill.



 8 through 19    Control Total 1   For Option 1, per PART B, SEC. 4.,


                                   enter grand total of each payment


                                   amount covered by the Payer on this


                                   tape reel.



 20 through 31   Control Total 2.  For Option 2, per PART B, SEC. 4.,


 32 through 43   Control Total 3.  if multiple reels are present for


 44 through 55   Control Total 4.  this Payer, enter grand total of


 56 through 67   Control Total 5.  each payment amount covered by the


 68 through 79   Control Total 6.  Payer on this tape reel and on the


 80 through 91   Control Total 7.  prior reel(s).



 The "C" Record length may be 91   Right justify and zero fill each


 positions for all Forms.          Control Total amount. If less than


 However, Form 1099R records that  seven amount fields are being


 have eight payment amount fields  reported in the Payee "B" Records,


 must have a "C" Record length of  zero fill remaining Control Total


 at least 103 positions as         positions.







 Tape Position   Element Name             Entry or Definition




 92 through 103  Control Total 8.



                                   For example: If only two payment


                                   amounts are being reported, zero


                                   fill tape fields for Control Totals


                                   3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. If eight amounts


                                   are being reported on the Payee "B"


                                   Records, all Control Total


                                   positions will have payment amounts


                                   exceeding zero.




Write this record when the end of the normal writing area of each reel has been reached, but all records in the file have not been written. This record indicates that there are additional reels in the file. Each End of Reel "D" Record must contain a count of payees and totals of each payment amount reported for all Payee "B" Records not summarized in End of Payer "C" Records which may precede it on the reel. Only nines padding, Tape Mark, or Tape Mark and Trailer Label may follow an End of Reel "D" Record. (See PART "B", SEC. 2.01). The End of Reel "D" Record is present for Option 1 only.

Additionally, the "D" Record length may be the same as the Payee "B" Record length for all forms. Fill positions beyond Control Total positions with blanks.

 Tape Position   Element Name             Entry or Definition




 1               Record Type       Enter "D". Must be 1st character of


                                   each End of Reel record.



 2 through 7     Number of Payees  Enter the total number of payees


                                   not summarized in the End of Payer


                                   "C" Records on this tape reel.


                                   Right justify and zero fill.



 8 through 19    Control Total 1   Enter grand total of each payment


 20 through 31   Control Total 2.  amount not summarized in End of


 32 through 43   Control Total 3.  Payer "C" Records on this tape


 44 through 55   Control Total 4.  reel. Right justify and zero fill


 56 through 67   Control Total 5.  each Control Total amount. If less


 68 through 79   Control Total 6.  than 7 amount fields are being


 80 through 91   Control Total 7.  reported on the Payee "B" Records,


                                   zero fill remaining Control Total


                                   positions. For example: If only 1


                                   payment amount is being reported,


                                   zero fill tape fields for Control


                                   Totals 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.



 The "D" Record length may be 91


 positions for all forms.


 However, Form 1099R records that


 have 8 payment amount fields


 must have a "D" Record length of


 at least 103 positions as





 92 through 103  Control Total 8.  If 8 amounts are being reported on


                                   the Payee "B" Records, all Control


                                   Total positions will have payment


                                   amounts exceeding zero.




Write this record after the last End of Payer "C" Record. This record can be followed only by a Tape Mark or Tape Mark and Trailer Label (see PART B, SEC. 2.01).

 Tape Position   Element Name             Entry or Definition




 1               Record Type       Enter "F". Must be 1st character of


                                   the End of Transmission Record.



 2 through 5     Number of Payers  Enter total number of payers for


                                   this transmission. Right justify


                                   and zero fill.



 6 through 8     Number of Reels   Enter total number of reels in this


                                   transmission. Right justify and


                                   zero fill.



 9 through 30    Zeros             Enter zeros.




 The "F" Record may be the same


 length as the Payee "B" Record.


 In such cases, fill remaining


 positions with blanks.




The following charts show, by type of file, the record types to be used in the first two and the last three records written on a tape reel when only one type of document (file) is reported on a reel or series of reels. /*/



                                               from     Next


                               1st     2nd     last   to last   Last


                              record  record  record   record  record


          Type of File         type    type    type     type    type




 Single payer, single reel      A       B       B        C 1   F



 Single payer, multiple




   Reel 1                       A       B       B        B       D 2


   Last reel                    A       B       B        C 1   F



 Multiple payers, single




   Payer 1                      A       B       B        B       C 1


   Payer 2                      A       B       B        B       C 1


   Last payer                   A       B       B        C 1   F



 Multiple payers, multiple


  reels: First payers'


  records split between reel


  1 and reel 2; second


  payer's records split


  between reel 2 and


  reel 3;


   Reel 1: Payer 1              A       B       B        B       D 2


   Reel 2:


     Payer 1                    A       B       B        B       C 1


     Payer 2                    A       B       B        B       D 1


   Reel 3:


     Payer 2                    A       B       B        B       C 1


     Payer 3                    A       B       B        C 1   D 3


   Reel 4: Last Payer           A       B       B        C 1   F



 Multiple payers, single


  transmitter, separate


  files for each payer:


   File 1: Payer 1: Last reel   A       B       B        C 1   F


   File 2: Payer 2:


     Reel 1                     A       B       B        B       D 2


     Last reel                  A       B       B        C 1   F


   File 3: Payer 3: Last reel   A       B       B        C 1   F



 Single payer, multiple


  transmitter (payer submits


  files from various




   Payer 1:


     Location 1: Last reel      A       B       B        C 1   F


     Location 2: Last reel      A       B       B        C 1   F



 Single payer, multiple


  transmitter, etc.:


   Location 3:


     Reel 1                     A       B       B        B       D 2


     Reel 2                     A       B       B        B       D 2


     Last reel                  A       B       B        C 1   F



1 Must contain "Number of Payees" and "Control Totals" summarizing all Payee Records written for this Payer on this reel.

2 Must contain "Number of Payees" and "Control Totals" summarizing all Payee Records written on this reel.

3 "Number of Payees" and all "Control Totals" must be zero filled.

/*/When more than one type of document (file) is reported on a tape reel, there will be a corresponding increase in the series of "A", "B--B" and "C" records since, within a tape reel, a file is equivalent to an "A" record, a series of "B" records and a "C" record for a single payer.


Where the Header Label is the first record, the following charts show, by type of file, the record types to be used in the 2nd and 3rd records and the last three records written on a tape reel prior to the Trailer label when only one type of document (file) is reported on a reel or series of reels. /*/

                               1st     2nd


                              record  record   2nd


                               type    type    from     Next


                              after   after   last    to last   Last


                              Header  Header  record   record  record


          Type of File        Label   Label    type     type    type




 Single payer, single reel      A       B       B        C 1   F



 Single payer, multiple




   Reel 1                       A       B       B        B       B


   Last reel                    B       B       B        C 2   F



 Multiple payers, single




   Payer 1                      A       B       B        B       C 1


   Payer 2                      A       B       B        B       C 1


   Last payer                   A       B       B        C 1   F



 Multiple payers, multiple


  reels: First payers'


  records split between reel


  1 and reel 2; second


  payer's records split


  between reel 2 and


  reel 3;


   Reel 1: Payer 1              A       B       B        B       B


   Reel 2:


     Payer 1                    B       B       B        B       C 3


     Payer 2                    A       B       B        B       B


   Reel 3:


     Payer 2                    B       B       B        B       C 3


     Payer 3 and 4              A       B       B        C 3   A


   Reel 4:


     Payer 4                    B       B       B        C 3   F



 Multiple payers, single


  transmitter, separate


  files for each payer:


   File 1: Payer 1: Last reel   B       B       B        C 2   F


   File 2: Payer 2:


     Reel 1                     A       B       B        B       B


     Last reel                  B       B       B        C 2   F



 Single payer, multiple


  transmitter (payer submits


  files from various




   Each Location:


     1st reel                   A       B       B        B       B


     Last reel                  B       B       B        C 2   F



 Single payer, multiple


  transmitter, etc.:


   Location 3:


     Reel 1                     A       B       B        B       B


     Reel 2                     B       B       B        B       B


     Last reel                  B       B       B        C 2   F



1 Must contain "Number of Payees" and "Control Totals" summarizing all Payee "B" Records written for this Payer on this reel.

2 Must contain "Number of Payees" and "Control Totals" summarizing all Payee "B" Records written for this Payer on this reel and on prior reel(s).

3 Must contain "Number of Payees" and "Control Totals" summarizing all Payee "B" Records written for this Payer on this reel and for this Payer on the prior reel(s).

/*/When more than one type of document (file) is reported on a tape reel, there will be a corresponding increase in the series of "A", "B--B" and "C" records since, within a tape reel, a file is equivalent to an "A" record, a series of "B" records and a "C" record for a single Payer.


[Editor's note: These record layouts are graphic representations of the file specifications described above. They have been omitted because they provide no additional information and are not suitable for clear on-screen presentation.]


This Revenue Procedure supersedes Rev. Proc. 73-13, 1973-1 C.B. 776 and Rev. Proc. 74-46, 1974-2 C.B. 502.

  • Cross-Reference

    26 CFR 601.602: Forms and instructions.

    (Also Part I, Sections 6011, 6041, 6042, 6043, 6047, 6049, 6051;

    31.6011(a)-7, 1.6041-1, 1.6041-4, 1.6041-5, 1.6041-7, 1.6042-2,

    1.6042-3, 1.6043-2, 1.6047-1, 301.6047-1, 1.6049-1, 31.6051-1.) Requirements and conditions are set forth under which information reportable on Forms W-2, W-2P, 1087-DIV, 1087-INT, 1087-MED, 1087-MISC, 1087-OID, 1099-DIV, 1099-INT, 1099-MED, 1099-MISC, 1099-OID, 1099-PATR, 1099L, 1099R, and the Agriculture Subsidy Payment Report may be submitted on magnetic tape instead of on paper documents; Revenue Procedures 73-13, 74-46 superseded.

  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
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