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Rev. Proc. 74-12

Rev. Proc. 74-12; 1974-1 C.B. 423

Citations: Rev. Proc. 74-12; 1974-1 C.B. 423

Superseded by Rev. Proc. 79-20

Rev. Proc. 74-12


Section 1. Purpose.

.01 The purpose of this Revenue Procedure is to state the requirements and conditions under which withholding agents, as defined in Section 1.02 below, can file Form 1042S information returns on magnetic tape beginning with TAX YEAR 1974 RETURNS.

.02 A Withholding agent is defined as any person or entity required to withhold U.S. tax on payments of income subject to withholding from sources within the United States as provided for in Chapter 3 of the Internal Revenue Code.

A withholding agent may be an individual, partnership, corporation, trust, estate, government agency (Federal, State or local), association, or a tax-exempt foundation or organization. For the purposes of this Revenue Procedure, the term "withholding agent" refers to any of the above.

.03 Wherever possible, the Service encourages all entities who must file information returns and who have the facility for submitting this information on magnetic tape to use this method of filing. Withholding agents filing Form 1042S information returns in the form of magnetic tape should also be aware of Rev. Proc. 73-13, 1973-1 C.B. 776, which allows payers, employers and nominees to file other types of annual information returns on magnetic tape instead of paper documents. Attention is also brought to Rev. Proc. 71-18, 1971-1 C.B. 684, which provides a single magnetic tape format covering quarterly earnings reports, Forms W-2, quarterly reports to state employment security agencies, and annual reports to state income tax agencies. Copies of the above mentioned Revenue Procedures are available from any Internal Revenue Service Center.

Sec. 2. Application for Tape Reporting.

.01 Form 1042S statements may be filed on magnetic tape by withholding agents or by their designated agents. Tape reporting is not restricted to withholding agents with the ability to submit all their information on magnetic tape; a combination of tape records and paper documents is acceptable so long as there is no duplication or omission of documents.

.02 Withholding agents or their designated agents who desire to file statements in the form of magnetic tape must first file a letter of application. This letter should be addressed to the Director of the Philadelphia Service Center, Internal Revenue Service, P.O. Box 245, Cornwell Heights, Pennsylvania 19020.

The letter of request must contain the following:

(a) Name, address and Employer Identification Number of person, organization or entity making the request.

(b) Name, Title and Telephone number of person to contact regarding the request.

(c) An estimate of the number of 1042S statements to be reported in tape format, and the number, if any, to be reported on paper forms.

(d) Type and nature of equipment to be used to prepare tape; i.e. manufacturer and model of main frame and tape drives, tape width (1/2", 3/4", etc.), density (characters per inch) and recording code (BCD, Excess 3, Octal, etc.).

(e) List of withholding agents to be included in the file(s) if the requester is an agent designated to file for a group of withholding agents.

(f) Signature of official responsible for the preparation of tax reports or his authorized agent.

.03 The Service will act on applications and notify applicants of authorization or disapproval within 30 days of receipt of applications.

.04 Generally, withholding agents using equipment compatible with the Service's can presume that their application will be approved. Compatible tape characteristics are shown in PART "B", Section 1.01.

Where the capability to prepare several types of tapes exists, the Service prefers that compatible tapes be prepared.

.05 If withholding agents propose to submit convertible tapes, the Service will attempt to find conversion facilities. Generally, an application to file on magnetic tape will be disapproved only when the Service is unable to obtain facilities to convert a withholding agent's file to a compatible form.

.06 In general, once authorization to file on magnetic tape has been granted, such approval will continue in effect in succeeding years, providing that the requirements of this Revenue Procedure are met, and there are no equipment changes by the withholding agent. However, new applications are required:

(a) If users change from equipment producing compatible tapes to equipment producing convertible tapes.

(b) If the users submit tapes that are not listed as either compatible or convertible.

(c) If the users discontinue tape reporting for one or more years, then decide to resume this method of reporting.

Sec. 3. Filing of Tape Reports.

.01 Packaging, shipping and mailing instructions will be provided in the authorizing letter issued by the Service in response to an application for tape reporting.

.02 Withholding agents submitting a portion of their statements on magnetic tape and the remainder on paper forms, should file both magnetic tape records and paper documents at the Philadelphia Service Center, but in separate shipments.

.03 The withholding agent's Form 1042 tax return serves as the transmittal document for Forms 1042S statements, including those on paper and on magnetic tape. For designated agents filing statements for several withholding agents, Forms 1042 must be filed for each withholding agent included in the transmittal. Since the required Form 1042 is a tax return (with or without a remittance attached), it must be filed separately from the shipment of magnetic tape. If the entire transmittal consists only of magnetic tape, note on the separately filed Form 1042, "Magnetic Tape Filing." If only a portion of the statements are submitted on magnetic tape, the remaining paper documents should be submitted with the Form 1042 which should be noted, "Balance Filed on Magnetic Tape."

Any additional documents required to be submitted should accompany Form 1042. (See instructions for Form 1042, U.S. Annual Return of Income Tax To Be Paid at Source (under Chapter 3 Internal Revenue Code.) Note on the address side of the magnetic tape shipments, "DELIVER UNOPENED TO THE TAPE LIBRARY".

.04 The dates prescribed for filing paper documents with the Service will also apply to magnetic tape filing. Requests for extensions of time for filing and related matters should be made to the Philadelphia Service Center.

If an extension is granted by the Service a copy of the letter granting the extension should be attached to the Form 1042.

.05 The magnetic tape specifications contained in PART "B" of this Revenue Procedure must be strictly adhered to. Deviations will not be permitted under any circumstances.

Sec. 4. Processing of Tape Statements.

.01 The Service will copy the information from the original tapes and will return the original tapes to the withholding agent. Normally, tapes will be returned by September 15 of the year in which submitted. However, if the tapes submitted are unprocessable, and must be returned for correction prior to processing, they will be returned within six months of receipt of acceptable tapes.

.02. The Service will prepare the appropriate statements for transmittal to Treaty countries.

Sec. 5. Corrected Statements.

.01 The appropriate paper forms will normally be used if it is necessary to correct Recipient "Q" records in the magnetic tape files. Since corrected statements supersede information previously supplied, all required data fields must be completed. Each such form must be annotated "Corrected" at the top. Corrected documents should be bundled separately from other paper documents. When correcting documents are shipped separately, an amended Form 1042 must also be filed, also suitably annotated.

.02 If it becomes necessary for the withholding agent to submit a large volume of corrected statements, the Service would prefer that corrected statements be provided on tape. If the withholding agent possesses the capability to provide such corrections on tape, he should contact the Philadelphia Service Center.

Sec. 6. Effect on Paper Documents.

.01 Reports on magnetic tape for reporting to Internal Revenue Service would eliminate the need for submission of paper Forms 1042S to the Service. However, withholding agents must continue to provide recipients with requisite information, although this need not be on a copy of 1042S.

.02 If only a portion of the statements is reported on magnetic tape and the remainder is reported on paper forms, those paper statements must be filed on the prescribed forms.

Sec. 7. Data Entries.

.01 Since taxpayer identifying numbers are not required on all Forms 1042S (see Specific Instructions for Withholding Agents, Copy D of the official Form 1042S), the specifications in PART "B" of this Revenue Procedure permit omission of such identifying numbers.

.02 For statements on which recipient identifying numbers are required the Service must be able to identify the surname associated with the taxpayer identifying number (usually a social security number or an employer identification number) furnished on the statement. When statements are received in the form of paper documents, this is accomplished through a manual editing process. However, manual editing is precluded when statements are received on magnetic tape. Consequently, the specifications in PART "B" of this Revenue Procedure include a data field in the recipient "Q" records called "Name Control," in which the first four alphabetic characters of the recipient surname are to be entered by withholding agents.

.03 If withholding agents are unable to provide the first four characters of the recipient surname, the specifications permit the submission of statements on magnetic tape with the Name Control Field left blank. However, compliance with the following will facilitate the Service's computer programs required to generate the Name Control:

(a) The surname should be recorded on the first name line.

(b) In the case of a single recipient, a blank space should precede the surname unless the surname begins in the first position of the field.

(c) In case of multiple recipients, the name of the person whose identifying number has been provided should be placed before all other names.

.04 Sometimes the recipient identification recorded on the withholding agent's records is lengthy, and exceeds the 80 characters allotted on the magnetic tape records. This is most common in the case of trusts or other types of fiduciary accounts. The first 80 characters of the recipient identification normally provide sufficient descriptive data for the Service's purposes. The Service encourages all agents to make every possible attempt to truncate or abbreviate lengthy recipient descriptions.

Sec. 8. Additional Information.

Requests for additional copies of this Revenue Procedure, or request for additional information on tape reporting, should be addressed to the Internal Revenue Service, Philadelphia Service Center, Post Office Box 245, Cornwell Heights, Pennsylvania 19020.



.01 These specifications prescribe the required format and content of the records to be included in the file, but not the methods or equipment to be used in their preparation. Usually, the Service will be able to process, without translation, any compatible tape file. To be compatible, a tape file must meet all of the following:

Type of Tape--1/2 inch Mylar base, oxide coated

Recording Density--556 or 800 BPI

Parity--Even or Odd

Interrecord gap--3/4 inch

Reading Code--7 channel binary coded decimal (BCD)

.02 Convertible tapes for which conversion facilities are currently available are:

(a) 9 Channel EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code);

(1) Odd Parity

(2) 800, 1600 Densities

(b) 9 Channel ASC II (American Standard Coded Information Interchange);

(1) Odd Parity

(2) 800, 1600 Densities

(c) 200 Density

.03 An acceptable tape file for each withholding agent will contain the following:

(a) Single Reel:

(1) A Transmitter "T" Record,

(2) A Series of Recipient "Q" Records,

(3) An End of Withholding Agent "W" Record,

(4) An End of Transmission "Y" Record.

(b) Multiple Reels:

(1) A Transmitter "T" Record,

(2) A Series of Recipient "Q" Records,

(3) An End of Withholding Agent "W" Record,

(4) End of Transmission "Y" Record.

NOTE: See Section 8 (Tape Layouts) of this Procedure.

All records, including Headers and Trailers, must be written at the same density.


.01 Certain conventions may be required by the programming system or equipment used by the withholding agent with respect to Header and Trailer labels, record marks and tape marks. Their use must adhere to the following:

 Header Label                 1. First four characters must be 1HDR or





                              2. Can only be the first record on a





                              3. Must consist of a maximum of 80





 Trailer Label (Required)     1. First four characters must be 1EOR,


                                 1EOF, EOR1 or EOF1.



                              2. Can only be the last record on a





                              3. Must consist of a maximum of 80





 Record Mark                  1. Special character used to separate


                                 blocked records on tape.



                              2. Can only be at the end of a record or





                              3. Use BCD bit configuration 011010


                                 ("A82" bits) in even parity: 111010


                                 ("BA82" bits) in odd parity.



 Tape Mark                    1. Special character that is written on


                                 tape usually to signify the physical


                                 end of the recording on tape.



                              2. For compatibility with IRS equipment,


                                 use BCD bit configuration 001111


                                 ("8421" bits) in even parity.



                              3. The tape mark may follow the header


                                 label and may precede and/or follow


                                 the trailer label.



.02 Definitions:

       Element                            Description



 b                       Denotes a blank position. For compatibility


                         with IRS equipment, use BCD bit configuration


                         010000 ("A" bit only) in even parity, 001101


                         ("841" bits) in odd parity.



 Special Character       Any character that is not a numeral, a letter


                         or a blank.



 Withholding Agent       Person or organization, including withholding


                         agent, making payments. The withholding agent


                         is responsible for the completeness, accuracy


                         and timely submission of magnetic tape files.



 Transmitter             Person or organization preparing magnetic


                         tape files. May be withholding agent or his


                         designated agent.



 Recipient               Person(s) or organization(s) receiving


                         payments from withholding agent.



 Record                  A group of related fields of information


                         treated as a unit.



 Blocked Records         Two or more records grouped together between


                         interrecord gaps.



 Unblocked Records       A single record which is written between


                         interrecord gaps.



 File                    For the purpose of this Procedure, a file


                         consists of all tape records submitted by a


                         withholding agent or transmitter for Form





 Reel                    A spool of magnetic tape.



 EIN                     Employer Identification Number which has been


                         assigned by IRS to the withholding entity.



 SSN                     Social Security Number.



.03 Since the Service is not restricting magnetic tape reporting to withholding agents or transmitters with specific types of equipment, or prescribing the methods used to prepare the tape files, the Transmitter ("T" Record), End of Withholding Agent ("W" Record), and End of Transmission ("Y" Record) perform the functions normally assigned to Header and Trailer labels, and related conventions. The Transmitter Record serves the purpose of a Header Label, the End of Withholding Agent Record indicates that all Recipient Records ("Q" Records) for a Withholding Agent have been written on the reel and the End of Transmission Record indicates that the end of reporting has been reached. In addition to the functions stated above, the End of Withholding Agent Record is used to balance each reel or each withholding agent's records on a reel.


.01 Tape records prescribed in the specifications may be blocked or unblocked, subject to the following:

(a) A block may not exceed 4,000 tape positions.

(b) If the use of blocked records would result in a short block, all remaining positions of the block may be filled with 9's, or a short block may be written.

(c) All records may be blocked, except Header and Trailer Labels.

(d) All records are of a fixed length of 365 characters.


Identifies the Transmitter, by name and address, of the files. A Transmitter and a withholding agent may be the same. In this event it will be necessary to repeat certain identifying data as required in the Recipient "Q" Records. A Transmitter may include Recipient "Q" Records for more than one withholding agent on a tape reel; however, each separate Withholding Agent's Recipient "Q" Records will not be preceded by a Transmitter "T" Record. The parameters under which the Transmitter "T" Record can be used is specified below.

A Header Label must be present as the first record of every reel. The Transmitter "T" Record must appear as the second record of the first reel only and will not be repeated on subsequent reels. Enter an "X" in position 6 of the Transmitter "T" Record to indicate that the reel sequence number is in the Header Label. Enter the high order position of the 3 position reel sequence number on the Header Label in positions 4 and 5 of the Transmitter "T" Record. Additionally, a trailer label must be the last record on each reel.

Example 1: If the reel sequence number is in positions 20 through 22 on the Header Label, enter 20 in positions 4 and 5 of the Transmitter "T" Record and "X" in position 6.

Example 2: If the reel sequence number is in positions 8 through 10 on the Header Label, enter 08 in positions 4 and 5 and an "X" in position 6.

 Tape Position    Element Name                 Entry or Definition


 -------------    ------------                 -------------------


    1            Record Type                Enter "T". Must be first


                                            character of each


                                            Transmitter "T" Record.



    2-3          Reporting Year             Last two digits of the


                                            year for which payments


                                            are being reported.



    4-6          Reel Number                Serial Number assigned by


                                            the Transmitter to each


                                            reel. Enter an "X" in


                                            position 6. Enter the high


                                            order position of the 3


                                            position real sequence


                                            number from the Header


                                            Label in positions 4 and





    7-46         Transmitter's Name         Enter name of submitter of


                                            tape. Left justify and


                                            fill with blanks.



   47-86         Street Address             Enter street address of


                                            Transmitter. Left justify


                                            and fill with blanks.



   87-126        City and State             Enter city and state of


                                            Transmitter. Left justify


                                            and fill with blanks.



  127-131        ZIP Code                   Enter ZIP code of





  132-365        Blank                      Blank




Contains both withholding agent identification data and recipient identification data. Transmitter and withholding agent may be the same which would necessitate the repetition of certain identifying data in this record. This would permit each Recipient "Q" Record to be self-sufficient and facilitate the Service's processing of the record.

All of the Recipient "Q" Records for a particular withholding agent must be summarized by a single End of Withholding Agent "W" Record.

Since the Recipient "Q" Record represents a single type of income paid to a recipient, it will be necessary to write up to 19 "Q" records if a specific recipient was paid more than one different types of income. The Recipient "Q" Records of a particular withholding agent should be written prior to beginning another withholding agent's Recipient "Q" Records.

Records may be blocked or unblocked. A block may not exceed 4,000 tape positions. All records must be fixed length.

 Tape Position    Element Name                 Entry or Definition


 -------------    ------------                 -------------------


    1            Record Type                Enter "Q". Must be first


                                            character of each


                                            Recipient Record.



    2-3          Payment Year               Last two digits of the


                                            year for which payments


                                            are being reported.



    4-12         EIN of Withholding Agent   Enter 9 numeric characters


                                            of the Employer


                                            Identification Number. Do


                                            NOT include the hyphen.



   13-52         Name of Withholding Agent  Enter name of withholding


                                            agent. Left justify and


                                            fill with blanks.



   53-92         Street Address             Enter street address of


                                            withholding agent. Left


                                            justify and fill with





   93-127        City and State             Enter city and state of


                                            withholding agent. Left


                                            justify and fill with





  128-132        ZIP Code                   Enter ZIP Code of


                                            withholding agent.



  133-136        Name Control               Enter the first four (4)


                                            letters of the Surname of


                                            the recipient. Last names


                                            of less than four (4)


                                            letters should be entered,


                                            filling the unused


                                            positions with blanks.



  137            Type of Account            This field is used to


                                            identify the data in


                                            positions 138-146 as the


                                            Employer Identification


                                            Number, Social Security


                                            Number, or the reason no


                                            number is shown.



                                            1) Enter "1" if the


                                               recipient is a U.S.


                                               business or


                                               organization entity.


                                               EIN must be present in


                                               positions 138-146.



                                            2) Enter "2" if the


                                               recipient is a U.S.


                                               Citizen or resident


                                               alien. SSN must be


                                               present in positions





                                            3) Enter "3" if the


                                               recipient is a


                                               nonresident alien or a


                                               foreign recipient and


                                               is not required to have


                                               either an EIN or SSN.



                                            4) Enter "4" if an EIN or


                                               SSN is required but not


                                               obtainable due to a


                                               legitimate cause; e.g.,


                                               number applied for but


                                               not received.



  138-146        SSN or EIN of Recipient    Enter Social Security


                                            Number or Employer


                                            Identification of


                                            recipient, as appropriate.


                                            When identifying number


                                            has been applied for and


                                            not received or any other


                                            legitimate cause for not


                                            having an identifying


                                            number, enter blanks.



  147-156        Withholding Agent's        Enter account number


                 Assigned Account Number    assigned to recipient by


                                            withholding agent. This


                                            item is optional, but its


                                            presence may facilitate


                                            subsequent reference to a


                                            withholding agent's


                                            file(s) if questions arise


                                            regarding specific records



                                            in a file. Enter blanks if


                                            no account number.



  157-158        Country Code               Enter two (2) positions


                                            alpha code which


                                            represents the country of


                                            which the recipient is a


                                            resident. (See


                                            Instructions for Form


                                            1042S, Income Subject to


                                            Withholding under Chapter


                                            3, Internal Revenue Code;


                                            countries not listed,


                                            enter "OC" for all other


                                            countries.) Must be





  159-238        Name of Recipient          Enter name of recipient.


                                            Left justify and fill with


                                            blanks. Must be present.



  239-278        Street Address             Enter street address of


                                            recipient. Left justify


                                            and fill with blanks.


                                            Should be present.



  279-318        City and Country           Enter city and country.


                                            Left justify and fill with





  319-320        Income Code                Enter two (2) digit


                                            numeric. (See instructions


                                            for Form 1042S, Income


                                            Subject to Withholding


                                            Under Chapter 3, Internal


                                            Revenue Code; for other


                                            types of income not


                                            listed, enter 99 for other


                                            income.) Must be present.



  321-330        Gross Amount of Income     Must be present.





  331            Effectively Connected      Enter "1" if income paid


                 Code                       is effectively connected


                                            with a trade or business


                                            conducted within the U.S.


                                            Enter zero if otherwise.



  332            Exemption Code             This field is used to


                                            identify the type of forms


                                            accompanying Form 1042.



                                            1) Enter "1" if Form 4224


                                               is filed claiming an





                                            2) Enter "2" if Form 1078


                                               is filed claiming


                                               taxation under IRS laws


                                               applicable to residents


                                               of U.S.



                                            3) Enter "3" if Form 1000


                                               is filed.



                                            4) Enter "4" if non-IRS


                                               statements claiming


                                               exemption is filed.



                                            5) Enter "5" if any of the


                                               above are filed


                                               together claiming an





                                            6) Enter "6" if none of


                                               the above forms are


                                               filed with Form 1042.



  333-335        Rate of Tax                Enter three (3) numeric


                                            character tax rate.


                                            Examples: 4% should be


                                            written as 04b; 15% should


                                            be written as 15b; 27 1/2%


                                            should be written as 275.



  336-345        Amount of Tax Withheld     Must be present if


                                            Effectively Connected Code


                                            is zero or if income is


                                            not otherwise exempt from


                                            tax withholding.



  346-355        Amount of Tax Released     May be present or zero.



  356-365        Amount of Net Tax          May be present or zero.






Write this record after the last Recipient "Q" Record submitted for a particular withholding agent. A tape reel will contain more than one (1) End of Withholding Agent "W" Record if the last Recipient "Q" Record for more than one withholding agent is reported on the same tape reel.

Each End of Withholding Agent "W" Record must contain a count of the total number of Recipient "Q" Records and totals of each payment amount reported for all Recipient "Q" Records immediately preceding the End of Withholding Agent "W" Record, regardless of the number of tape reels involved. The End of Withholding Agent "W" Record must be followed by a new Recipient "Q" Record for the next withholding agent, if any, or an End of Transmission "Y" Record.

The End of Withholding Agent "W" Record cannot be followed by a Tape Mark.

 Tape Position    Element Name                 Entry or Definition


 -------------    ------------                 -------------------


    1            Record Type                Enter "W". Must be first


                                            character of each End of


                                            Withholding Agent Record.



    2-3          Payment Year               Last two digits of the


                                            year for which payments


                                            are being reported.



    4-12         EIN of Withholding Agent   Enter 9 numeric characters


                                            of the Employer


                                            Identification Number. Do


                                            NOT include the hyphen.



   13-52         Name of Withholding Agent  Enter name of withholding


                                            agent. Left justify and


                                            fill with blanks.



   53-92         Street Address             Enter street address of


                                            withholding agent. Left


                                            justify and fill with





   93-132        City and State             Enter city and state of


                                            withholding agent. Left


                                            justify and fill with





  133-137        ZIP Code                   Enter ZIP code of


                                            withholding agent.



  138-145        Total Number of Records    Enter the total number of


                                            "Q" records submitted by


                                            this Withholding Agent on


                                            this tape reel and on the


                                            prior reel(s).



  146-158        Total Gross Amount of      Enter grand total of


                 Income Paid                Amount of Income Paid by


                                            this withholding agent on


                                            this tape reel and on


                                            prior tape reel(s).



  159-171        Total Amount of Tax        Enter grand total of


                 Withheld                   Amount of Tax Withheld by


                                            this withholding agent on


                                            this tape reel and on


                                            prior tape reel(s).



  172-184        Total Amount of Tax        Enter grand total of


                 Released                   Amount of Tax Released by


                                            this Withholding Agent on


                                            this reel and on the prior





  185-197        Total Amount of Net Tax    Enter grand total of


                 Withheld                   Amount of Net Tax Withheld


                                            by this withholding agent


                                            on this reel and on the


                                            prior reel(s).



  198-365        Blank                      Blank




Write this record after the last End of Withholding Agent "W" Record in the file. This record can be followed only by a Tape Mark or Tape Mark and Trailer Label (see Part "B", Section 2.01).

 Tape Position    Element Name                 Entry or Definition


 -------------    ------------                 -------------------


     1           Record Type                Enter "Y". Must be first


                                            character of the End of


                                            Transmission Record.



     2-4         Number of Withholding      Enter total number of


                 Agents                     Withholding Agents for


                                            this Transmission. Right


                                            justify and zero fill.



     5-7         Number of Reels            Enter total number of


                                            reels in this


                                            Transmission. Right


                                            justify and zero fill.



     8-365       Zeros                      Enter Zeros.




Because the Header Label is the first record, the following chart shows, by type of file, the record types to be used in the 2nd and 3rd records and the last three records written on a tape reel prior to the Trailer Label.

                           1st     2nd


                           record  record


                           type    type     2nd from  Next to


                           after   after    last      last      Last


                           Header  Header   record    record    record


 TYPE OF FILE              Label   Label    type      type      type



 Single withholding


 agent, single


 transmitter, single reel  T 4     Q        Q       W 1     Y 5



 Single withholding


 agent, single




 multiple reels:


 Reel 1                    T 4     Q         Q      Q         Q


 Last Reel                 Q         Q         Q      W 2     Y 5



 Multiple withholding


 agents, single


 transmitter, single




 Withholding agent 1       T 4     Q         Q      Q         W 1


 Withholding agent 2       Q         Q         Q      Q         W 1


 Last Withholding agent    Q         Q         Q      W 1     Y 5



 Multiple withholding


 agents, single


 transmitter, multiple


 reels: first


 withholding agent's


 records split


 between reel 1 and


 reel 2; second


 withholding agent's


 records split between


 reel 2 and reel 3:


 Reel 1: Withholding


 agent 1                   T 4     Q         Q      Q         Q


 Reel 2:


 Withholding agent 1       Q         Q         Q      Q         W 3


 Withholding agent 2       Q         Q         Q      Q         Q



 Reel 3:


 Withholding agent 2       Q         Q         Q      Q         W 3


 Withholding agents 3


 and 4                     Q         Q         Q      W 3     Q


 Reel 4: Withholding


 agent 4                   Q         Q         Q      W 3     Y 5



 1 Must contain "Total Number of Records" and "Total Amounts ..."


 summarizing all Recipient "Q" Records written for this withholding





 2 Must contain "Total Number of Records" and "Total Amounts ..."


 summarizing all Recipient "Q" Records written for this withholding


 agent on this reel and on prior reel(s).



 3 Must contain "Total Number of Records" and "Total Amounts ..."


 summarizing all Recipient "Q" Records written for this reel and for


 this withholding agent on the prior reel(s).



 4 Must be present as the 1st record type after the Header Label on


 the 1st reel (only).



 5 Must contain "Number of Withholding Agents" and "Number of






The record layouts beginning on page 431, show the magnetic tape formats that may be followed in writing the required "T", "Q", "W", and "Y" records on a tape reel.


This Revenue Procedure modifies Revenue Procedure 70-13, 1970-1 C.B. 438.

[Editor's note: These record layouts are graphic representations of the file specifications described above. They have been omitted because they provide no additional information and are not suitable for clear on-screen presentation.]

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