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OECD’s Deputy Director of Tax Policy to Retire in 2023

Posted on July 22, 2022

Grace Perez-Navarro, deputy director of the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, is retiring from her post next year.

In an email to Tax Notes, Perez-Navarro, who has been at the OECD since 1997, confirmed that she will retire in March 2023. The agency has begun its search for her successor for planning purposes, she said.

Perez-Navarro is highly involved in the OECD's base erosion and profit-shifting project, under which nearly 140 jurisdictions reached an agreement in October 2021 to adopt a two-pillar approach to modernize global corporate tax rules. She also works to improve international tax cooperation, help governments tackle illicit financial flows, promote research that leads to better tax policies, and engage developing countries in OECD tax work, according to her biography.

Perez-Navarro also has led work on tax and gender at the OECD, including commissioning more research on the issue, providing special workplace communications training for women, and developing a framework at the Centre for Tax Policy and Administration to increase the number of women in management positions.

Before she took on her current role, Perez-Navarro led the OECD’s work on bank secrecy, harmful tax practices, money laundering and tax crimes, and tax and electronic commerce. She was the IRS's first female special counsel at the Office of the Associate Chief Counsel (International) before joining the OECD.

Stephanie Soong Johnston contributed to this article.

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