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MAY 7, 2009

REG-107845-08; T.D. 9448; 74 F.R. 21519-21521

DATED MAY 7, 2009
Citations: REG-107845-08; T.D. 9448; 74 F.R. 21519-21521

[Editor's Note: At 76 F.R. 49570-49643, Aug. 10, 2011, the IRS published Treasuy Decision 9540 which adopted the following proposed regs and removed temp. regs set out below.]








Internal Revenue Service



26 CFR Parts 1, 20, and 25



RIN 1545-BH67



AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury.

ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking by cross-reference to temporary regulations.

SUMMARY: These proposed regulations relate to the use of actuarial tables in valuing annuities, interests for life or terms of years, and remainder or reversionary interests. These regulations will affect the valuation of inter vivos and testamentary transfers of interest dependent on one or more measuring lives. These regulations are necessary because section 7520(c)(3) directs the Secretary to update the actuarial tables to reflect the most recent mortality experience available. The text of the temporary regulations in the Rules and Regulations section of this issue of the Federal Register also serves as the text of these proposed regulations.

DATES: Written and electronic comments and requests for a public hearing must be received by August 5, 2009.

ADDRESSES: Send submissions to CC:PA:LPD:PR (REG-107845-08), room 5205, Internal Revenue Service, PO Box 7604, Ben Franklin Station, Washington, DC 20044. Submissions may be hand-delivered Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. to: CC:PA:LPD:PR (REG-107845-08), Courier's Desk, Internal Revenue Service, 1111 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC, or sent via the Federal eRulemaking Portal at (REG-107845-08).

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mayer R. Samuels, (202) 622-3090; concerning submissions of comments,, (202) 622-7180 (not toll-free numbers).



Temporary regulations in the Rules and Regulations section of this issue of the Federal Register amend Income Tax Regulations (26 CFR part 1) under sections 642(c)(5) and 664, Estate Tax Regulations (26 CFR part 20) under section 2031, and Gift Tax Regulations (26 CFR part 25) under section 2512. These regulations revise actuarial tables used for the valuation of partial interests in property under section 7520 to reflect the mortality experience based on the 2000 United States census, the most recent mortality experience available.

The text of those temporary regulations also serves as the text of these proposed regulations. The preamble to the temporary regulations explains the temporary regulations.

Special Analyses

It has been determined that this notice of proposed rulemaking is not a significant regulatory action as defined in EO 12866. Therefore, a regulatory assessment is not required. It also has been determined that section 553(b) of the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. chapter 5) does not apply to these regulations, and because these regulations do not impose a collection of information requirement on small entities, the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. chapter 6) does not apply. Pursuant to section 7805(f) of the Internal Revenue Code this regulation has been submitted to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration for comment on its impact on small business.

Comments and Requests for a Public Hearing

Before these proposed regulations are adopted as final regulations, consideration will be given to any written (a signed original and eight (8) copies) or electronic comments that are submitted timely to the IRS. The IRS and the Treasury Department also request comments on the clarity of the proposed rules and how they can be made easier to understand. All comments will be available for public inspection and copying. A public hearing will be scheduled if requested in writing by any person that timely submits written comments. If a public hearing is scheduled, notice of the date, time, and place for the public hearing will be published in the Federal Register.

Drafting Information

The principal author of these regulations is Mayer R. Samuels, Office of the Associate Chief Counsel (Passthroughs and Special Industries), IRS. However, other personnel from the IRS and Treasury Department participated in their development.

List of Subjects

26 CFR Part 1

Income taxes, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

26 CFR Part 20

Estate taxes, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

26 CFR Part 25

Gift taxes, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

Proposed Amendments to the Regulations

Accordingly, 26 CFR part 1 is proposed to be amended as follows:


Paragraph 1. The authority citation for part 1 continues to read in part as follows:

Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805 * * *

Par. 2. Section 1.170A-12 is amended as follows:

      1. Paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) are revised.



      2. Paragraph (f) is added.



The revisions and addition read as follows:

§ 1.170A-12 Valuation of a remainder interest in real property for contributions made after July 31, 1969.

* * * * *

(b) * * *

(2) [The text of this proposed paragraph (b)(2) is the same as the text of § 1.170A-12T(b)(2) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

(3) [The text of this proposed paragraph (b)(3) is the same as the text of § 1.170A-12T(b)(3) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

* * * * *

(f) [The text of this proposed paragraph (f) is the same as the text of § 1.170A-12T(f) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

* * * * *

Par. 3. Section 1.642(c)-6 is amended by revising paragraphs (d), (e) and (f) to read as follows:

§ 1.642(c)-6 Valuation of a remainder interest in property transferred to a pooled income fund.

* * * * *

(d) [The text of this proposed paragraph (d) is the same as the text of § 1.642(c)-6T(d) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

(e) [The text of this proposed paragraph (e) is the same as the text of § 1.642(c)-6T(e) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

(f) [The text of this proposed paragraph (f) is the same as the text of § 1.642(c)-6T(f) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ]

Par. 4. Section 1.664-4 is amended by revising paragraphs (a)(1), (d), (e)(1), (e)(2), (e)(5), (e)(7), and (f) to read as follows:

§ 1.664-4 Calculation of the fair market value of the remainder interest in a charitable remainder unitrust.

(a) * * *

(1) [The text of this proposed paragraph (a)(1) is the same as the text of § 1.664-4T(a)(1) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ]

* * * * *

(d) [The text of this proposed paragraph (d) is the same as the text of § 1.664-4T(d) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

(e)(1) [The text of this proposed paragraph (e)(1) is the same as the text of § 1.664-4T(e)(1) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

(e)(2) [The text of this proposed paragraph (e)(2) is the same as the text of § 1.664-4T(e)(2) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

* * * * *

(e)(5) [The text of this proposed paragraph (e)(5) is the same as the text of § 1.664-4T(e)(5) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

* * * * *

(e)(7) [The text of this proposed paragraph (e)(7) is the same as the text of § 1.664-4T(e)(7) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

(f) [The text of this proposed paragraph (f) is the same as the text of § 1.664-4T(f) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

Par. 5. Section 1.7520-1 is amended by revising paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), (b)(2), (c)(1), (c)(2) and (d) to read as follows:

§ 1.7520-1 Valuation of annuities, unitrust interest, interests for life or terms of years, and remainder or reversionary interests.

(a)(1) [The text of this proposed paragraph (a)(1) is the same as the text of § 1.7520-1T(a)(1) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

(2) [The text of this proposed paragraph (a)(2) is the same as the text of § 1.7520-1T(a)(2) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

(b) * * *

(2) [The text of this proposed paragraph (b)(2) is the same as the text of § 1.7520-1T(b)(2) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

(c) * * *

(1) [The text of this proposed paragraph (c)(1) is the same as the text of § 1.7520-1T(c)(1) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

(2) [The text of this proposed paragraph (c)(2) is the same as the text of § 1.7520-1T(c)(2) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

(d) [The text of this proposed paragraph (d) is the same as the text of § 1.7520-1T(d) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].


Par. 6. The authority citation for part 20 continues to read in part as follows:

Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805 * * *

Par. 7. Section 20.2031-7 is amended by revising paragraphs (c), (d)(1), (d)(2), (d)(3), (d)(4), (d)(5), (d)(7), and (e) to read as follows:

§ 20.2031-7 Valuation of annuities, interests for life or term of years, and remainder or reversionary interests.

* * * * *

(c) [The text of this proposed paragraph (c) is the same as the text of § 20.2031-7T(c) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

(d) [The text of this proposed paragraph (d)(1) through (d)(5) is the same as the text of § 20.2031-7T(d)(1) through (d)(5) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

* * * * *

(7) [The text of this proposed paragraph (d)(7) is the same as the text of § 20.2031-7T(d)(7) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

(e) [The text of this proposed paragraph (e) is the same as the text of § 20.2031-7T(e) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

Par. 8. Section 20.2032-1 is amended by revising paragraphs (f)(1) and (h) to read as follows:

§ 20.2032-1 Alternate valuation.

* * * * *

(f) * * *

(1) [The text of this proposed paragraph (f)(1) is the same as the text of § 20.2032-1T(f)(1) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

* * * * *

(h) [The text of this proposed paragraph (h) is the same as the text of § 20.2032-1T(h) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

Par. 9. Section 20.2055-2 is amended by revising paragraphs (e)(3)(iii) and (f)(4) to read as follows:

§ 20.2055-2 Transfers not exclusively for charitable purposes.

* * * * *

(e) * * *

(3) * * *

(iii) [The text of this proposed paragraph (e)(3)(iii) is the same as the text of § 20.2055-2T(e)(3)(iii) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

* * * * *

(f) * * *

(4) [The text of this proposed paragraph (f)(4) is the same as the text of § 20.2055-2T(f)(4) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

Par. 10. Section 20.2056A-4 is amended by revising paragraph (c)(4)(ii)(B) and Example 4 in paragraph (d) to read as follows:

§ 20.2056A-4 Procedures for conforming marital trusts and nontrust marital transfers to the requirements of a qualified domestic trust.

* * * * *

(c) * * *

(4) * * *

(ii) * * *

(B) [The text of this proposed paragraph (c)(4)(ii)(B) is the same as the text of § 20.2056A-4T(c)(4)(ii)(B) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

* * * * *

(d) * * *

Example 4. [The text of this proposed paragraph (d), Example 4 is the same as the text of Example 4 in § 20.2056A-4T(d) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

Par. 11. Section 20.7520-1 is amended by revising paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), (b)(2), (c)(1), (c)(2) and (d) to read as follows:

§ 20.7520-1 Valuation of annuities, unitrust interests, interests for life or term of years, and remainder or reversionary interests.

(a) * * *(1) [The text of this proposed paragraph (a)(1) is the same as the text of § 20.7520-1T(a)(1) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

(2) [The text of this proposed paragraph (a)(2) is the same as the text of § 20.7520-1T(a)(2) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

(3) * * *

(b) * * *

(2) [The text of this proposed paragraph (b)(2) is the same as the text of § 20.7520-1T(b)(2) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

(c) * * *

(1) [The text of this proposed paragraph (c)(1) is the same as the text of § 20.7520-1T(c)(1) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

(2) [The text of this proposed paragraph (c)(2) is the same as the text of § 20.7520-1T(c)(2) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

(d) [The text of this proposed paragraph (d) is the same as the text of § 20.7520-1T(d) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].


Par. 12. The authority citation for part 25 continues to read in part as follows:

Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805 * * *

Par. 13. Section 25.2512-5 is amended by revising paragraphs (c), (d) and (e) to read as follows:

§ 25.2512-5 Valuation of annuities, unitrust interest, interests for life or term of years, and remainder or reversionary interests.

* * * * *

(c) [The text of this proposed paragraph (c) is the same as the text of § 25.2512-5T(c) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

(d) [The text of this proposed paragraph (d) is the same as the text of § 25.2512-5T(d) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

(e) [The text of this proposed paragraph (e) is the same as the text of § 25.2512-5T(e) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

Par. 14. Section 25.2522(c)-3 is amended by revising paragraph (e) to read as follows:

§ 25.2522(c)-3 Transfers not exclusively for charitable, etc., purposes in the case of gifts made after July 31, 1969.

* * * * *

(e) [The text of this proposed paragraph (e) is the same as the text of § 25.2522(c)-3T(e) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

Par. 15. Section 25.7520-1 is amended by revising paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), (b)(2), (c)(1), (c)(2) and (d) to read as follows:

§ 25.7520-1 Valuation of annuities, unitrust interests, interests for life or term of years, and remainder or reversionary interests.

(a) * * *(1) [The text of this proposed paragraph (a)(1) is the same as the text of § 25.7520-1T(a)(1) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

(2) [The text of this proposed paragraph (a)(2) is the same as the text of § 25.7520-1T(a)(2) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

(3) * * *

(b) * * *

(2) [The text of this proposed paragraph (b)(2) is the same as the text of § 25.7520-1T(b)(2) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

(c) * * *

(1) [The text of this proposed paragraph (c)(1) is the same as the text of § 25.7520-1T(c)(1) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

(2) [The text of this proposed paragraph (c)(2) is the same as the text of § 25.7520-1T(c)(2) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

(d) [The text of this proposed paragraph (d) is the same as the text of § 25.7520-1T(d) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

Par. 16. Section 25.7520-3 is amended as follows:

      1. In paragraph (b)(2)(v), Example 5 is revised.



      2. Paragraph (b)(4) is revised.



      3. Paragraph (c) is revised.



The revised text reads as follows:

§ 25.7520-3 Limitation on the application of section 7520.

* * * * *

(b) * * *

(2) * * *

(v) * * *

Example 5. [The text of this proposed paragraph (b)(2)(v), Example 5 is the same as the text of § 25.7520-3T(b)(2)(v), Example 5, published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

* * * * *

(b)(4) [The text of this proposed paragraph (b)(4) is the same as the text of § 25.7520-3T(b)(4) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

* * * * *

(c) [The text of this proposed paragraph (c) is the same as the text of § 25.7520-3T(c) published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register ].

Linda E. Stiff


Deputy Commissioner for Services


and Enforcement.








Internal Revenue Service



26 CFR Parts 1, 20, and 25



[Treasury Decision 9448]



RIN 1545-BH96; RIN 1545-BI56



AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury.

ACTION: Final and temporary regulations.

SUMMARY: This document contains regulations relating to the use of actuarial tables in valuing annuities, interests for life or terms of years, and remainder or reversionary interests. These regulations will affect the valuation of inter vivos and testamentary transfers of interests dependent on one or more measuring lives. These regulations are necessary because section 7520(c)(3) directs the Secretary to update the actuarial tables to reflect the most recent mortality experience available. The text of the temporary regulations also serves as the text of the proposed regulations set forth in the notice of proposed rulemaking on this subject elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register.

DATES: Effective Date: These regulations are effective on May 1, 2009.

Applicability Date: These regulations apply on May 1, 2009.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mayer R. Samuels, (202) 622-3090 (not a toll-free number).



This document contains amendments to the regulations revising certain tables used for the valuation of partial interests in property under section 7520 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Code) to reflect the most recent mortality experience available.

In General

Section 7520, effective for transfers for which the valuation date is after April 30, 1989, provides generally that the value of an annuity, an interest for life or a term of years, and a remainder or reversionary interest is to be determined under tables published by the Secretary by using an interest rate (rounded to the nearest two-tenths of one percent) equal to 120 percent of the Federal midterm rate in effect under section 1274(d)(1) for the month in which the valuation date falls. Section 7520(c)(3) directed the Secretary to issue tables not later than December 31, 1989, utilizing the then most recent mortality experience. Thereafter, the Secretary is directed to revise these tables not less frequently than once each 10 years to take into account the most recent mortality experience available as of the time of the revision.

These temporary regulations, REG-107845-08, incorporate revised Table S (Single Life Remainder Factors) and Table U(1) (Unitrust Single Life Remainder Factors), effective for transfers for which the valuation date is on or after May 1, 2009, based on data compiled from the 2000 census as set forth in Life Table 2000CM, and make conforming amendments to various sections to reflect the revised tables. At the same time, in the portions of these regulations that are final regulations, REG-105643-09, the current tables, effective for transfers for which the valuation date is after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009, are moved to sections containing actuarial material for historical reference. Table B, Table D, Tables F(4.2) through F(14.0), Table J, and Table K, which are not based on mortality experience, are not changed. Internal Revenue Service Publications 1457 "Actuarial Valuations Version 3A" (forthcoming 2009), 1458 "Actuarial Valuations Version 3B" (forthcoming 2009), and 1459 "Actuarial Valuations Version 3C" (forthcoming 2009) will contain a complete set of actuarial tables that include factors not contained in the temporary regulations (for example, annuity and life interest factors). These publications will be available beginning May 1, 2009, at no charge, electronically via the IRS Internet site at

The following chart summarizes the applicable interest rates and the citations to textual materials and tables for the various periods covered under the current regulations:

                Cross Reference to Regulation Sections



 Valuation                   Interest   Regulation


 Period                        Rate      Section           Table



                                      Section 642:



 Valuation, in general           --      1.642(c)-6


 before 01/01/52                 4%      1.642(c)-6A(a)


 01/01/52 - 12/31/70           3.5%      1.642(c)-6A(b)


 01/01/71 - 11/30/83             6%      1.642(c)-6A(c)


 12/01/83 - 04/30/89            10%      1.642(c)-6A(d)    Table G


 05/01/89 - 04/30/99         § 7520      1.642(c)-6A(e)    Table S (5/1/89 -




 05/01/99 - 04/30/09         § 7520      1.642(c)-6A(f)    Table S (5/1/99 -




 on or after 05/01/09        § 7520      1.642(c)-6T(e)    Table S (on or after





 Section 664:



 Valuation, in general           --      1.664-4


 before 01/01/52                 4%      1.664-4A(a)


 01/01/52 - 12/31/70           3.5%      1.664-4A(b)


 01/01/71 - 11/30/83             6%      1.664-4A(c)


 12/01/83 - 04/30/89            10%      1.664-4A(d)       Table E, Table F(1)


 05/01/89 - 04/30/99         § 7520      1.664-4A(e)       Table U(1) (5/1/89 -




 05/01/99 - 04/30/09         § 7520      1.664-4A(f)       Table U(1) (5/1/99 -




 on or after 05/01/09        § 7520      1.664-4T(e)       Table U(1) (on or


                                                           after 05/01/09



                                         1.664-4(e)        Table D and Tables


                                                           F(4.2) - F(14.0)



                                     Section 2031:



 Valuation, in general           --      20.2031-7


 before 01/01/52                 4%      20.2031-7A(a)


 01/01/52 - 12/31/70           3.5%      20.2031-7A(b)


 01/01/71 - 11/30/83             6%      20.2031-7A(c)


 12/01/83 - 04/30/89            10%      20.2031-7A(d)     Table A, Table B,


                                                           Table LN


 05/01/89 - 04/30/99         § 7520      20.2031-7A(e)     Table S (5/1/89 -


                                                           4/30/99) and Life


                                                           Table 80CNSMT


 05/01/99 - 04/30/09         § 7520      20.2031-7A(f)     Table S (5/1/99 -


                                                           4/30/09) and Life


                                                           Table 90CM


 on or after 05/01/09        § 7520      20.2031-7T(d)     Table S (on or after


                                                           05/01/09) and Life


                                                           Table 2000CM


                                         20.2031-7(d)      Table B, Table J,


                                                           Table K



                                       Section 2512:



 Valuation, in general           --      25.2512-5


 before 01/01/52                 4%      25.2512-5A(a)


 01/01/52 - 12/31/70           3.5%      25.2512-5A(b)


 01/01/71 - 11/30/83             6%      25.2512-5A(c)


 12/01/83 - 04/30/89            10%      25.2512-5A(d)


 05/01/89 - 04/30/99         § 7520      25.2512-5A(e)


 05/01/99 - 04/30/09         § 7520      25.2512-5A(f)


 on or after 05/01/09        § 7520      25.2512-5T(d)



Effective Dates

These regulations are applicable in the case of annuities, interests for life or terms of years, and remainder or reversionary interests valued as of a date on or after May 1, 2009.

Transitional Rules

The regulations provide certain transitional rules intended to alleviate any adverse consequences resulting from the proposed regulatory change. For gift tax purposes, if the date of a transfer is on or after May 1, 2009, but before July 1, 2009, the donor may choose to determine the value of the gift (and/or any applicable charitable deduction) under tables based on either Life Table 90CM or Table 2000CM. Similarly, for estate tax purposes, if the decedent dies on or after May 1, 2009, but before July 1, 2009, the value of any interest (and/or any applicable charitable deduction) may be determined in the discretion of the decedent's executor under tables based on either Life Table 90CM or Table 2000CM. However, the section 7520 interest rate to be utilized is the appropriate rate for the month in which the valuation date occurs, subject to the following special rule for certain charitable transfers. Specifically, in accordance with this transitional rule and the rules contained in §§ 1.7520-2(a)(2), 20.7520-2(a)(2) and 25.7520-2(a)(2), in cases involving a charitable deduction, if the valuation date occurs on or after May 1, 2009, and before July 1, 2009, and the executor or donor elects under section 7520(a) to use the section 7520 interest rate for March 2009 or April 2009, then the mortality experience contained in 90CM must be used. If the executor or donor uses the section 7520 interest rate for May 2009 or for June 2009, then the tables based on either Table 90CM or Table 2000CM may be used. However, if the valuation date occurs after June 30, 2009, the executor or donor must use the new mortality experience contained in Table 2000CM even if the use of a prior month's interest rate is elected under section 7520(a).

In addition, for estate tax purposes, the estate of a mentally incompetent decedent may elect to value the property interest included in the gross estate either under the mortality table and interest rate in effect at the time the decedent became mentally incompetent or under the mortality table and interest rate in effect on the decedent's date of death if the decedent was under a mental incapacity that existed on May 1, 2009, and continued uninterrupted until the decedent's death, or the decedent died within 90 days after regaining competency on or after May 1, 2009.

Special Analyses

It has been determined that this Treasury decision is not a significant regulatory action as defined in EO 12866. Therefore, a regulatory assessment is not required. For applicability of the Regulatory Flexibility Act please refer to the cross-referenced notice of proposed rulemaking published elsewhere in this Federal Register. Pursuant to section 7805(f) of the Internal Revenue Code, these regulations have been submitted to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration for comment on its impact on small business.

Drafting Information

The principal author of these regulations is Mayer R. Samuels, Office of the Associate Chief Counsel (Passthroughs and Special Industries), IRS. However, other personnel from the IRS and Treasury Department participated in their development.

List of Subjects

26 CFR Part 1

Income taxes, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

26 CFR Part 20

Estate taxes, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

26 CFR Part 25

Gift taxes, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

Adoption of Amendments to the Regulations

Accordingly, 26 CFR parts 1, 20, and 25 are amended as follows:


Paragraph 1. The authority citation for part 1 is amended by adding entries in numerical order to read in part as follows:

      Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805 * * *



      Section 1.170A-12T also issued under 26 U.S.C. 170(f)(4).



      Section 1.642(c)-6T also issued under 26 U.S.C. 642(c)(5).



      Section 1.664-4T also issued under 26 U.S.C. 664(a).



      Section 1.7520-1T also issued under 26 U.S.C. 7520(c)(2).



Par. 2. Sections 1.170A-12 is amended by revising paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) and adding paragraph (f) to read as follows:

§ 1.170A-12 Valuation of a remainder interest in real property for contributions made after July 31, 1969.

* * * * *

(b)(2) and (b)(3) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see §§ 1.170A-12T(b)(2) and (b)(3).

* * * * *

(f) Effective/applicability date. This section applies to contributions made after July 31, 1969.

Par. 3. Section 1.170A-12T is added to read as follows:

§ 1.170A-12T Valuation of a remainder interest in real property for contributions made after July 31, 1969 (temporary).

(a) through (b)(1) [Reserved]. For further guidance see § 1.170A-12(a) through (b)(1).

(b)(2) Computation of depreciation factor. If the valuation of the remainder interest in depreciable property is dependent upon the continuation of one life, a special factor must be used. The factor determined under this paragraph (b)(2) is carried to the fifth decimal place. The special factor is to be computed on the basis of the interest rate and life contingencies prescribed in § 20.2031-7T (or for periods before May 1, 2009, § 20.2031-7A) and on the assumption that the property depreciates on a straight-line basis over its estimated useful life. For transfers for which the valuation date is on or after May 1, 2009, special factors for determining the present value of a remainder interest following one life and an example describing the computation are contained in Internal Revenue Service Publication 1459, "Actuarial Valuations Version 3C" (2009). This publication will be available beginning May 1, 2009, at no charge, electronically via the IRS Internet site at For transfers for which the valuation date is after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009, special factors for determining the present value of a remainder interest following one life and an example describing the computation are contained in Internal Revenue Service Publication 1459, "Actuarial Values, Book Gimel," (7-99). For transfers for which the valuation date is after April 30, 1989, and before May 1, 1999, special factors for determining the present value of a remainder interest following one life and an example describing the computation are contained in Internal Revenue Service Publication 1459, "Actuarial Values, Gamma Volume," (8-89). These publications are no longer available for purchase from the Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office. However, they may be obtained by requesting a copy from: CC:PA:LPD:PR (IRS Publication 1459), Room 5205, Internal Revenue Service, P.O. Box 7604, Ben Franklin Station, Washington, DC 20044. See, however, § 1.7520-3(b) (relating to exceptions to the use of prescribed tables under certain circumstances). Otherwise, in the case of the valuation of a remainder interest following one life, the special factor may be obtained through use of the following formula:


[Graphic Omitted]




n=the estimated number of years of useful life,

i=the applicable interest rate under section 7520 of the Internal Revenue Code,

v=1 divided by the sum of 1 plus the applicable interest rate under section 7520 of the Internal Revenue Code,

x=the age of the life tenant, and

lx=number of persons living at age x as set forth in Table 2000CM of § 20.2031-7T (or, for periods before May 1, 2009, the tables set forth under § 20.2031-7A).

(3) The following example illustrates the provisions of this paragraph (b):Example. A, who is 62, donates to Y University a remainder interest in a personal residence, consisting of a house and land, subject to a reserved life estate in A. At the time of the gift, the land has a value of $30,000 and the house has a value of $100,000 with an estimated useful life of 45 years, at the end of which period the value of the house is expected to be $20,000. The portion of the property considered to be depreciable is $80,000 (the value of the house ($100,000) less its expected value at the end of 45 years ($20,000)). The portion of the property considered to be nondepreciable is $50,000 (the value of the land at the time of the gift ($30,000) plus the expected value of the house at the end of 45 years ($20,000)). At the time of the gift, the interest rate prescribed under section 7520 is 8.4 percent. Based on an interest rate of 8.4 percent, the remainder factor for $1.00 prescribed in § 20.2031-7T(d) for a person age 62 is 0.26534. The value of the nondepreciable remainder interest is $13,267.00 (0.26534 times $50,000). The value of the depreciable remainder interest is $15,053.60 (0.18817, computed under the formula described in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, times $80,000). Therefore, the value of the remainder interest is $28,320.60.

(c) through (e) [Reserved]. For further guidance see § 1.170A-12(c) through (e).

(f) Effective/applicability date. Paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) apply to all contributions made on or after May 1, 2009.

(g) Expiration date. Paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) expire on or before May 1, 2012.

Par. 4. Section 1.642(c)-6 is amended as follows:

      1. Paragraph (d) is removed.



      2. Paragraph (e) is redesignated as paragraph (f) of §





      3. New paragraphs (d) and (e) are added.



      4. Paragraph (f) is revised.



The revisions and addition read as follows:

§ 1.642(c)-6 Valuation of a remainder interest in property transferred to a pooled income fund.

* * * * *

(d) and (e) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 1.642(c)-6T(d) and (e).

(f) Effective/applicability dates. This section applies after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009.

Par. 5. Section 1.642(c)-6T is added to read as follows:

§ 1.642(c)-6T Valuation of a remainder interest in property transferred to a pooled income fund (temporary).

(a) through (c) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 1.642(c)-6(a) through (c).

(d) Valuation. The present value of the remainder interest in property transferred to a pooled income fund on or after May 1, 2009, is determined under paragraph (e) of this section. The present value of the remainder interest in property transferred to a pooled income fund for which the valuation date is before May 1, 2009, is determined under the following sections:

     Valuation Dates




 After           Before                  Regulations



 --              01-01-52                1.642(c)-6A(a)


 12-31-51        01-01-71                1.642(c)-6A(b)


 12-31-70        12-01-83                1.642(c)-6A(c)


 11-30-83        05-01-89                1.642(c)-6A(d)


 04-30-89        05-01-99                1.642(c)-6A(e)


 04-30-99        05/01/09                1.642(c)-6A(f)



(e) Present value of the remainder interest in the case of transfers to pooled income funds for which the valuation date is on or after May 1, 2009 -- (1) In general. In the case of transfers to pooled income funds for which the valuation date is on or after May 1, 2009, the present value of a remainder interest is determined under this section. See, however, § 1.7520-3(b) (relating to exceptions to the use of prescribed tables under certain circumstances). The present value of a remainder interest that is dependent on the termination of the life of one individual is computed by the use of Table S in paragraph (e)(6) of this section. For purposes of the computations under this section, the age of an individual is the age at the individual's nearest birthday.

(2) Transitional rules for valuation of transfers to pooled income funds. (i) For purposes of sections 2055, 2106, or 2624, if on May 1, 2009, the decedent was mentally incompetent so that the disposition of the property could not be changed, and the decedent died on or after May 1, 2009, without having regained competency to dispose of the decedent's property, or the decedent died within 90 days of the date that the decedent first regained competency on or after May 1, 2009, the present value of a remainder interest is determined as if the valuation date with respect to the decedent's gross estate is either before or after May 1, 2009, at the option of the decedent's executor.

(ii) For purposes of sections 170, 2055, 2106, 2522, or 2624, in the case of transfers to a pooled income fund for which the valuation date is on or after May 1, 2009, and before July 1, 2009, the present value of the remainder interest under this section is determined by use of the section 7520 interest rate for the month in which the valuation date occurs (see §§ 1.7520-1(b) and 1.7520-2(a)(2)) and the appropriate actuarial tables under either paragraph (e)(6) of this section or § 1.642(c)-6A(f)(6), at the option of the donor or the decedent's executor, as the case may be.

(iii) For purposes of paragraphs (e)(2)(i) and (e)(2)(ii) of this section, where the donor or decedent's executor is given the option to use the appropriate actuarial tables under either paragraph (e)(6) of this section or § 1.642(c)-6A(f)(6), the donor or decedent's executor must use the same actuarial table with respect to each individual transaction and with respect to all transfers occurring on the valuation date (for example, gift and income tax charitable deductions with respect to the same transfer must be determined based on the same tables, and all assets includible in the gross estate and/or estate tax deductions claimed must be valued based on the same tables).

(3) Present value of a remainder interest. The present value of a remainder interest in property transferred to a pooled income fund is computed on the basis of --

(i) Life contingencies determined from the values of lx that are set forth in Table 2000CM in § 20.2031-7T(d)(7) (see § 20.2031-7A for certain prior periods); and

(ii) Discount at a rate of interest, compounded annually, equal to the highest yearly rate of return of the pooled income fund for the 3 taxable years immediately preceding its taxable year in which the transfer of property to the fund is made. For purposes of this paragraph (e), the yearly rate of return of a pooled income fund is determined as provided in § 1.642(c)-6(c) unless the highest rate of return is deemed to be the rate described in paragraph (e)(4) of this section for funds in existence less than 3 taxable years. For purposes of this paragraph (e)(3)(ii), the first taxable year of a pooled income fund is considered a taxable year even though the taxable year consists of less than 12 months. However, appropriate adjustments must be made to annualize the rate of return earned by the fund for that period. Where it appears from the facts and circumstances that the highest yearly rate of return of the fund for the 3 taxable years immediately preceding the taxable year in which the transfer of property is made has been purposely manipulated to be substantially less than the rate of return that would otherwise be reasonably anticipated with the purpose of obtaining an excessive charitable deduction, that rate of return may not be used. In that case, the highest yearly rate of return of the fund is determined by treating the fund as a pooled income fund that has been in existence for less than 3 preceding taxable years.

(4) Pooled income funds in existence less than 3 taxable years. If a pooled income fund has been in existence less than 3 taxable years immediately preceding the taxable year in which the transfer is made to the fund and the transfer to the fund is made after April 30, 1989, the highest rate of return is deemed to be the interest rate (rounded to the nearest two-tenths of one percent) that is 1 percent less than the highest annual average of the monthly section 7520 rates for the 3 calendar years immediately preceding the calendar year in which the transfer to the pooled income fund is made. The deemed rate of return for transfers to new pooled income funds is recomputed each calendar year using the monthly section 7520 rates for the 3-year period immediately preceding the calendar year in which each transfer to the fund is made until the fund has been in existence for 3 taxable years and can compute its highest rate of return for the 3 taxable years immediately preceding the taxable year in which the transfer of property to the fund is made in accordance with the rules set forth in the first sentence of paragraph (e)(3)(ii) of this section.

(5) Computation of value of remainder interest. (i) The factor that is used in determining the present value of a remainder interest that is dependent on the termination of the life of one individual is the factor from Table S in paragraph (e)(6) of this section under the appropriate yearly rate of return opposite the number that corresponds to the age of the individual upon whose life the value of the remainder interest is based (See § 1.642(c)-6A for certain prior periods). The tables in paragraph (e)(6) of this section include factors for yearly rates of return from 0.2 to 14 percent. Many actuarial factors not contained in the tables in paragraph (e)(6) of this section are contained in Table S in Internal Revenue Service Publication 1457, "Actuarial Valuations Version 3A" (2009). This publication will be available beginning May 1, 2009, at no charge, electronically via the IRS Internet site at For other situations, see § 1.642(c)-6(b). If the yearly rate of return is a percentage that is between the yearly rates of return for which factors are provided, a linear interpolation must be made. The present value of the remainder interest is determined by multiplying the fair market value of the property on the valuation date by the appropriate remainder factor.

(ii) This paragraph (e)(5) may be illustrated by the following example:

Example. A, who is 54 years and 8 months, transfers $100,000 to a pooled income fund, and retains a life income interest in the property. The highest yearly rate of return earned by the fund for its 3 preceding taxable years is 9.47 percent. In Table S, the remainder factor opposite 55 years under 9.4 percent is .16192 and under 9.6 percent is .15755. The present value of the remainder interest is $16,039.00, computed as follows:

 Factor at 9.4 percent for age 55                  .16192


 Factor at 9.6 percent for age 55                  .15755


 Difference                                        .00437



 Interpolation adjustment:



                     9.47% - 9.4%      =              x


                    ______________                ________


                          0.2%                     .00437



                                     x =           .00153



 Factor at 9.4 percent for age 55                  .16192


 Less: Interpolation adjustment                    .00153


 Interpolated factor                               .16039



 Present value of remainder interest:



               ($100,000 X .16039)                $16,039.00



(6) Actuarial tables. In the case of transfers for which the valuation date is on or after May 1, 2009, the present value of a remainder interest dependent on the termination of one life in the case of a transfer to a pooled income fund is determined by use of the following Table S:

                                    Table S


                          Based on Life Table 2000CM


                         Single Life Remainder Factors


                      Applicable on or After May 1, 2009



                                   Interest Rate




 AGE     0.2%   0.4%   0.6%   0.8%   1.0%   1.2%   1.4%   1.6%   1.8%   2.0%




   0   .85816 .73751 .63478 .54723 .47252 .40872 .35416 .30747 .26745 .23313


   1   .85889 .73863 .63604 .54844 .47355 .40948 .35459 .30752 .26711 .23239


   2   .86054 .74145 .63968 .55260 .47802 .41409 .35922 .31209 .27155 .23664


   3   .86221 .74433 .64339 .55687 .48263 .41887 .36404 .31685 .27619 .24112


   4   .86390 .74725 .64716 .56121 .48733 .42374 .36898 .32175 .28098 .24575



   5   .86560 .75018 .65097 .56561 .49209 .42871 .37401 .32675 .28588 .25050


   6   .86731 .75314 .65482 .57006 .49692 .43375 .37913 .33186 .29090 .25538


   7   .86902 .75611 .65868 .57454 .50180 .43885 .38432 .33704 .29601 .26035


   8   .87073 .75909 .66258 .57907 .50674 .44403 .38960 .34233 .30122 .26544


   9   .87246 .76209 .66651 .58364 .51173 .44928 .39497 .34771 .30654 .27064



  10   .87419 .76511 .67046 .58826 .51679 .45459 .40042 .35319 .31197 .27596


  11   .87592 .76814 .67445 .59291 .52190 .45998 .40596 .35876 .31750 .28139


  12   .87766 .77119 .67845 .59761 .52706 .46544 .41157 .36443 .32313 .28693


  13   .87939 .77424 .68247 .60232 .53225 .47094 .41723 .37015 .32884 .29255


  14   .88112 .77728 .68649 .60704 .53746 .47646 .42293 .37592 .33460 .29823



  15   .88284 .78031 .69050 .61176 .54267 .48199 .42865 .38172 .34038 .30394


  16   .88455 .78333 .69449 .61647 .54788 .48752 .43437 .38752 .34619 .30968


  17   .88625 .78633 .69848 .62117 .55309 .49307 .44012 .39336 .35203 .31546


  18   .88795 .78933 .70246 .62588 .55830 .49863 .44589 .39923 .35791 .32129


  19   .88964 .79232 .70644 .63059 .56354 .50422 .45170 .40514 .36385 .32719



  20   .89132 .79532 .71044 .63534 .56882 .50987 .45757 .41114 .36987 .33317


  21   .89301 .79832 .71445 .64010 .57413 .51555 .46350 .41719 .37597 .33925


  22   .89470 .80133 .71847 .64488 .57947 .52129 .46948 .42332 .38216 .34541


  23   .89639 .80434 .72251 .64970 .58486 .52708 .47554 .42954 .38844 .35168


  24   .89808 .80737 .72658 .65456 .59031 .53295 .48169 .43586 .39484 .35809



  25   .89978 .81042 .73068 .65947 .59583 .53890 .48795 .44230 .40137 .36464


  26   .90149 .81349 .73482 .66443 .60141 .54494 .49430 .44886 .40804 .37134


  27   .90320 .81657 .73899 .66944 .60707 .55107 .50076 .45554 .41484 .37819


  28   .90492 .81968 .74319 .67450 .61278 .55728 .50733 .46233 .42178 .38520


  29   .90665 .82279 .74741 .67960 .61856 .56356 .51398 .46924 .42884 .39233



  30   .90837 .82591 .75165 .68473 .62438 .56990 .52070 .47623 .43601 .39959


  31   .91010 .82904 .75592 .68989 .63024 .57631 .52751 .48333 .44329 .40698


  32   .91182 .83218 .76020 .69509 .63616 .58278 .53440 .49052 .45068 .41449


  33   .91355 .83532 .76449 .70031 .64212 .58931 .54137 .49780 .45818 .42213


  34   .91527 .83847 .76880 .70556 .64811 .59589 .54839 .50516 .46578 .42988



  35   .91700 .84162 .77312 .71082 .65414 .60253 .55549 .51261 .47347 .43774


  36   .91872 .84477 .77744 .71611 .66021 .60921 .56266 .52014 .48127 .44572


  37   .92043 .84792 .78178 .72142 .66631 .61594 .56989 .52774 .48916 .45381


  38   .92215 .85107 .78613 .72675 .67244 .62272 .57718 .53544 .49715 .46201


  39   .92386 .85422 .79048 .73210 .67860 .62955 .58453 .54320 .50523 .47032



  40   .92557 .85736 .79483 .73746 .68479 .63641 .59194 .55104 .51340 .47873


  41   .92727 .86050 .79918 .74283 .69100 .64331 .59940 .55894 .52165 .48724


  42   .92896 .86364 .80354 .74820 .69723 .65024 .60690 .56691 .52998 .49585


  43   .93065 .86677 .80789 .75359 .70348 .65721 .61447 .57495 .53840 .50457


  44   .93234 .86990 .81225 .75899 .70976 .66422 .62208 .58305 .54690 .51338



  45   .93402 .87302 .81660 .76439 .71605 .67125 .62973 .59122 .55547 .52228


  46   .93569 .87613 .82095 .76980 .72236 .67832 .63743 .59945 .56413 .53129


  47   .93735 .87924 .82530 .77521 .72867 .68541 .64517 .60773 .57286 .54037


  48   .93901 .88233 .82964 .78062 .73501 .69253 .65295 .61606 .58166 .54955


  49   .94065 .88541 .83397 .78604 .74135 .69967 .66077 .62446 .59053 .55882



  50   .94229 .88849 .83830 .79145 .74771 .70684 .66864 .63292 .59949 .56819


  51   .94393 .89156 .84263 .79688 .75409 .71404 .67655 .64143 .60852 .57766


  52   .94556 .89462 .84695 .80230 .76048 .72127 .68450 .65001 .61763 .58722


  53   .94717 .89767 .85126 .80772 .76687 .72852 .69249 .65863 .62680 .59687


  54   .94878 .90070 .85555 .81313 .77326 .73577 .70050 .66730 .63603 .60658



  55   .95037 .90371 .85983 .81853 .77964 .74302 .70851 .67598 .64530 .61635


  56   .95195 .90670 .86406 .82388 .78599 .75024 .71651 .68465 .65457 .62613


  57   .95351 .90965 .86827 .82920 .79230 .75744 .72448 .69332 .66384 .63593


  58   .95505 .91257 .87243 .83447 .79857 .76459 .73242 .70195 .67309 .64573


  59   .95657 .91546 .87655 .83970 .80479 .77170 .74033 .71057 .68233 .65553



  60   .95807 .91832 .88064 .84490 .81098 .77879 .74822 .71918 .69158 .66534


  61   .95955 .92115 .88469 .85005 .81713 .78584 .75608 .72776 .70081 .67515


  62   .96101 .92395 .88869 .85515 .82323 .79283 .76388 .73630 .71001 .68494


  63   .96245 .92670 .89265 .86020 .82926 .79977 .77164 .74479 .71917 .69470


  64   .96387 .92942 .89655 .86518 .83524 .80665 .77933 .75323 .72828 .70443



  65   .96527 .93210 .90040 .87011 .84116 .81346 .78697 .76162 .73735 .71411


  66   .96665 .93476 .90423 .87502 .84706 .82027 .79461 .77002 .74645 .72385


  67   .96802 .93739 .90803 .87990 .85292 .82705 .80223 .77841 .75554 .73359


  68   .96937 .93999 .91179 .88472 .85874 .83378 .80980 .78676 .76461 .74331


  69   .97070 .94255 .91549 .88949 .86449 .84044 .81731 .79504 .77362 .75299


  70   .97200 .94506 .91914 .89419 .87016 .84702 .82473 .80326 .78256 .76260



  71   .97328 .94754 .92273 .89882 .87577 .85353 .83209 .81140 .79143 .77215


  72   .97453 .94997 .92626 .90338 .88129 .85996 .83935 .81945 .80021 .78162


  73   .97576 .95234 .92972 .90785 .88671 .86627 .84651 .82739 .80888 .79098


  74   .97695 .95466 .93310 .91223 .89202 .87247 .85353 .83518 .81741 .80019



  75   .97811 .95692 .93638 .91649 .89720 .87851 .86039 .84281 .82577 .80923


  76   .97924 .95910 .93957 .92063 .90224 .88440 .86708 .85026 .83393 .81807


  77   .98033 .96122 .94267 .92465 .90715 .89013 .87360 .85753 .84191 .82671


  78   .98138 .96327 .94567 .92855 .91190 .89571 .87995 .86461 .84968 .83515


  79   .98239 .96526 .94857 .93233 .91652 .90112 .88611 .87149 .85725 .84337



  80   .98337 .96717 .95138 .93598 .92098 .90635 .89208 .87817 .86460 .85135


  81   .98431 .96901 .95408 .93951 .92529 .91141 .89786 .88463 .87172 .85910


  82   .98521 .97077 .95667 .94290 .92944 .91629 .90344 .89088 .87861 .86660


  83   .98608 .97247 .95917 .94616 .93343 .92099 .90882 .89691 .88526 .87385


  84   .98691 .97409 .96156 .94928 .93727 .92551 .91399 .90271 .89166 .88084



  85   .98770 .97565 .96384 .95228 .94094 .92984 .91895 .90828 .89782 .88757


  86   .98845 .97713 .96602 .95514 .94446 .93398 .92371 .91362 .90373 .89402


  87   .98917 .97854 .96810 .95786 .94781 .93794 .92825 .91873 .90939 .90021


  88   .98985 .97988 .97008 .96046 .95100 .94171 .93258 .92361 .91479 .90612


  89   .99049 .98115 .97196 .96292 .95404 .94530 .93671 .92826 .91994 .91176



  90   .99110 .98235 .97373 .96526 .95691 .94871 .94062 .93267 .92484 .91713


  91   .99168 .98348 .97541 .96747 .95964 .95193 .94434 .93686 .92949 .92223


  92   .99222 .98455 .97700 .96955 .96222 .95498 .94785 .94083 .93390 .92707


  93   .99273 .98556 .97849 .97152 .96464 .95786 .95117 .94457 .93806 .93163


  94   .99321 .98651 .97989 .97337 .96692 .96057 .95429 .94810 .94199 .93595



  95   .99366 .98739 .98121 .97510 .96907 .96312 .95724 .95143 .94569 .94002


  96   .99408 .98822 .98244 .97673 .97108 .96551 .95999 .95454 .94916 .94384


  97   .99447 .98900 .98359 .97825 .97297 .96774 .96258 .95747 .95242 .94742


  98   .99483 .98973 .98467 .97967 .97473 .96984 .96500 .96021 .95547 .95078


  99   .99518 .99040 .98568 .98101 .97638 .97180 .96727 .96278 .95834 .95394



 100   .99549 .99103 .98661 .98224 .97791 .97362 .96937 .96516 .96100 .95687


 101   .99579 .99162 .98750 .98340 .97935 .97534 .97136 .96742 .96351 .95964


 102   .99607 .99217 .98831 .98448 .98068 .97692 .97319 .96950 .96583 .96220


 103   .99634 .99271 .98911 .98553 .98199 .97848 .97500 .97155 .96812 .96473


 104   .99659 .99320 .98984 .98651 .98320 .97992 .97666 .97344 .97023 .96705



 105   .99683 .99369 .99056 .98747 .98439 .98134 .97830 .97530 .97231 .96934


 106   .99713 .99429 .99146 .98865 .98586 .98309 .98033 .97760 .97488 .97218


 107   .99747 .99496 .99246 .98998 .98751 .98506 .98262 .98020 .97779 .97539


 108   .99800 .99602 .99404 .99208 .99012 .98818 .98624 .98431 .98240 .98049


 109   .99900 .99801 .99702 .99603 .99505 .99407 .99310 .99213 .99116 .99020



                                   Table S


                          Based on Life Table 2000CM


                         Single Life Remainder Factors


                      Applicable on or After May 1, 2009



                                    Interest Rate




 AGE     2.2%   2.4%   2.6%   2.8%   3.0%   3.2%   3.4%   3.6%   3.8%   4.0%




   0   .20365 .17830 .15648 .13767 .12144 .10741 .09528 .08476 .07564 .06772


   1   .20251 .17677 .15458 .13542 .11885 .10451 .09209 .08131 .07194 .06379


   2   .20656 .18060 .15817 .13877 .12197 .10740 .09476 .08376 .07420 .06586


   3   .21084 .18466 .16200 .14236 .12533 .11054 .09767 .08647 .07670 .06817


   4   .21527 .18888 .16600 .14613 .12887 .11385 .10076 .08935 .07938 .07066



   5   .21984 .19324 .17013 .15004 .13255 .11730 .10399 .09237 .08220 .07329


   6   .22454 .19773 .17440 .15408 .13636 .12089 .10736 .09553 .08515 .07605


   7   .22933 .20233 .17879 .15824 .14030 .12460 .11085 .09880 .08822 .07892


   8   .23425 .20705 .18330 .16254 .14436 .12844 .11447 .10221 .09142 .08193


   9   .23930 .21191 .18795 .16697 .14857 .13243 .11824 .10576 .09476 .08507



  10   .24446 .21689 .19273 .17153 .15292 .13655 .12214 .10945 .09824 .08835


  11   .24975 .22200 .19764 .17623 .15740 .14081 .12619 .11328 .10187 .09177


  12   .25515 .22724 .20268 .18107 .16202 .14521 .13037 .11724 .10563 .09533


  13   .26064 .23256 .20782 .18600 .16674 .14972 .13466 .12132 .10949 .09900


  14   .26620 .23796 .21303 .19101 .17154 .15430 .13903 .12547 .11344 .10273



  15   .27179 .24340 .21829 .19607 .17639 .15894 .14344 .12968 .11743 .10652


  16   .27742 .24887 .22358 .20117 .18128 .16361 .14790 .13391 .12145 .11034


  17   .28309 .25439 .22893 .20632 .18622 .16834 .15241 .13821 .12554 .11421


  18   .28881 .25997 .23434 .21154 .19123 .17314 .15699 .14258 .12969 .11815


  19   .29461 .26563 .23983 .21684 .19633 .17803 .16167 .14703 .13393 .12218



  20   .30050 .27139 .24543 .22226 .20156 .18304 .16646 .15161 .13829 .12633


  21   .30649 .27726 .25114 .22779 .20689 .18817 .17138 .15631 .14277 .13060


  22   .31259 .28323 .25697 .23344 .21235 .19342 .17642 .16114 .14739 .13500


  23   .31879 .28934 .26293 .23923 .21795 .19882 .18161 .16612 .15215 .13955


  24   .32515 .29559 .26904 .24519 .22372 .20440 .18699 .17128 .15710 .14429



  25   .33166 .30201 .27534 .25133 .22969 .21018 .19256 .17665 .16226 .14924


  26   .33833 .30861 .28182 .25767 .23586 .21616 .19835 .18224 .16764 .15440


  27   .34517 .31538 .28849 .26420 .24224 .22236 .20436 .18804 .17324 .15980


  28   .35217 .32233 .29535 .27093 .24882 .22877 .21058 .19407 .17907 .16542


  29   .35932 .32944 .30237 .27784 .25558 .23537 .21701 .20031 .18511 .17126



  30   .36661 .33670 .30956 .28492 .26253 .24216 .22362 .20674 .19135 .17730


  31   .37403 .34411 .31691 .29217 .26965 .24914 .23044 .21338 .19779 .18355


  32   .38160 .35167 .32442 .29960 .27697 .25631 .23745 .22022 .20445 .19002


  33   .38930 .35939 .33211 .30721 .28447 .26368 .24467 .22727 .21133 .19671


  34   .39713 .36724 .33993 .31497 .29213 .27123 .25207 .23451 .21839 .20360



  35   .40509 .37523 .34792 .32290 .29998 .27896 .25967 .24195 .22567 .21070


  36   .41318 .38337 .35606 .33100 .30800 .28688 .26746 .24961 .23317 .21803


  37   .42139 .39165 .36435 .33927 .31621 .29499 .27546 .25746 .24087 .22557


  38   .42974 .40008 .37281 .34771 .32460 .30330 .28366 .26554 .24880 .23334


  39   .43821 .40864 .38141 .35631 .33316 .31179 .29205 .27381 .25694 .24133



  40   .44679 .41734 .39016 .36507 .34189 .32046 .30064 .28229 .26529 .24954


  41   .45549 .42616 .39906 .37399 .35080 .32932 .30942 .29097 .27386 .25797


  42   .46430 .43511 .40809 .38307 .35987 .33836 .31840 .29986 .28264 .26662


  43   .47324 .44421 .41729 .39232 .36913 .34760 .32758 .30897 .29165 .27552


  44   .48229 .45343 .42663 .40172 .37857 .35702 .33697 .31829 .30088 .28465



  45   .49144 .46277 .43611 .41128 .38817 .36663 .34655 .32782 .31033 .29400


  46   .50072 .47225 .44574 .42101 .39796 .37644 .35634 .33757 .32002 .30360


  47   .51009 .48185 .45550 .43089 .40791 .38642 .36633 .34753 .32992 .31343


  48   .51958 .49158 .46540 .44093 .41803 .39660 .37652 .35770 .34006 .32351


  49   .52917 .50143 .47545 .45113 .42833 .40696 .38691 .36810 .35043 .33383



  50   .53888 .51141 .48566 .46150 .43883 .41754 .39754 .37874 .36106 .34442


  51   .54871 .52153 .49602 .47204 .44951 .42832 .40838 .38961 .37194 .35528


  52   .55865 .53179 .50653 .48276 .46038 .43931 .41945 .40073 .38307 .36641


  53   .56869 .54217 .51718 .49363 .47143 .45050 .43074 .41208 .39446 .37781


  54   .57882 .55265 .52796 .50465 .48265 .46186 .44222 .42364 .40607 .38945



  55   .58902 .56322 .53884 .51579 .49400 .47338 .45387 .43540 .41789 .40131


  56   .59926 .57383 .54978 .52701 .50544 .48501 .46565 .44729 .42987 .41335


  57   .60951 .58449 .56078 .53830 .51698 .49675 .47755 .45932 .44201 .42555


  58   .61978 .59517 .57182 .54964 .52858 .50858 .48956 .47147 .45427 .43790


  59   .63007 .60589 .58290 .56105 .54027 .52050 .50167 .48375 .46668 .45041



  60   .64039 .61665 .59405 .57254 .55205 .53253 .51392 .49617 .47925 .46310


  61   .65072 .62743 .60524 .58409 .56390 .54465 .52627 .50872 .49196 .47595


  62   .66104 .63822 .61645 .59566 .57581 .55683 .53870 .52136 .50478 .48892


  63   .67133 .64900 .62766 .60726 .58774 .56907 .55120 .53409 .51770 .50200


  64   .68161 .65977 .63887 .61887 .59970 .58134 .56375 .54688 .53071 .51519



  65   .69186 .67053 .65009 .63049 .61170 .59367 .57637 .55976 .54381 .52849


  66   .70216 .68136 .66140 .64223 .62383 .60615 .58916 .57283 .55713 .54203


  67   .71250 .69224 .67277 .65405 .63605 .61874 .60208 .58605 .57062 .55575


  68   .72283 .70312 .68416 .66590 .64833 .63140 .61509 .59938 .58423 .56963


  69   .73312 .71398 .69553 .67776 .66062 .64409 .62815 .61277 .59793 .58360


  70   .74335 .72479 .70688 .68959 .67291 .65680 .64124 .62621 .61168 .59764



  71   .75353 .73556 .71819 .70141 .68519 .66951 .65434 .63968 .62549 .61176


  72   .76364 .74626 .72945 .71318 .69744 .68220 .66745 .65317 .63933 .62593


  73   .77365 .75686 .74061 .72487 .70962 .69484 .68051 .66662 .65315 .64009


  74   .78350 .76733 .75164 .73643 .72167 .70735 .69346 .67997 .66688 .65417



  75   .79318 .77761 .76249 .74781 .73355 .71971 .70625 .69318 .68048 .66813


  76   .80266 .78769 .77314 .75899 .74524 .73187 .71886 .70621 .69390 .68192


  77   .81194 .79756 .78358 .76997 .75672 .74382 .73127 .71904 .70713 .69553


  78   .82100 .80722 .79380 .78072 .76798 .75556 .74346 .73166 .72016 .70894


  79   .82984 .81664 .80378 .79124 .77900 .76706 .75542 .74405 .73296 .72213



  80   .83843 .82582 .81351 .80149 .78976 .77830 .76711 .75618 .74550 .73507


  81   .84678 .83474 .82298 .81148 .80025 .78927 .77853 .76803 .75777 .74773


  82   .85487 .84339 .83217 .82119 .81045 .79994 .78966 .77959 .76974 .76009


  83   .86269 .85177 .84107 .83060 .82035 .81030 .80047 .79083 .78139 .77214


  84   .87024 .85986 .84968 .83970 .82993 .82035 .81095 .80174 .79271 .78385



  85   .87751 .86765 .85798 .84849 .83919 .83005 .82110 .81230 .80368 .79521


  86   .88450 .87515 .86597 .85696 .84811 .83942 .83089 .82251 .81428 .80619


  87   .89119 .88234 .87363 .86508 .85668 .84843 .84031 .83234 .82450 .81679


  88   .89760 .88922 .88099 .87289 .86492 .85708 .84938 .84180 .83434 .82700


  89   .90372 .89580 .88801 .88034 .87280 .86537 .85806 .85087 .84378 .83681



  90   .90954 .90207 .89471 .88746 .88032 .87329 .86637 .85954 .85282 .84620


  91   .91508 .90803 .90109 .89424 .88750 .88085 .87429 .86783 .86146 .85518


  92   .92033 .91369 .90714 .90068 .89432 .88803 .88184 .87572 .86969 .86374


  93   .92530 .91904 .91287 .90678 .90078 .89484 .88899 .88321 .87751 .87188


  94   .92999 .92411 .91830 .91256 .90690 .90130 .89578 .89032 .88493 .87961



  95   .93442 .92889 .92342 .91802 .91269 .90741 .90220 .89706 .89197 .88694


  96   .93858 .93338 .92824 .92316 .91813 .91316 .90825 .90340 .89859 .89385


  97   .94248 .93759 .93276 .92798 .92325 .91857 .91395 .90937 .90484 .90036


  98   .94614 .94155 .93701 .93252 .92807 .92367 .91931 .91500 .91073 .90650


  99   .94959 .94528 .94101 .93679 .93260 .92846 .92436 .92030 .91628 .91229



 100   .95278 .94874 .94473 .94075 .93682 .93292 .92906 .92523 .92144 .91769


 101   .95581 .95201 .94824 .94451 .94081 .93715 .93352 .92992 .92635 .92281


 102   .95860 .95503 .95149 .94798 .94450 .94105 .93763 .93424 .93088 .92754


 103   .96136 .95802 .95470 .95142 .94816 .94492 .94171 .93853 .93538 .93224


 104   .96390 .96077 .95766 .95458 .95152 .94848 .94547 .94248 .93951 .93657



 105   .96640 .96347 .96057 .95769 .95483 .95199 .94917 .94637 .94359 .94083


 106   .96950 .96684 .96420 .96157 .95896 .95636 .95379 .95123 .94868 .94616


 107   .97301 .97064 .96829 .96595 .96362 .96131 .95901 .95672 .95445 .95219


 108   .97859 .97670 .97482 .97295 .97109 .96923 .96739 .96555 .96373 .96191


 109   .98924 .98828 .98733 .98638 .98544 .98450 .98356 .98263 .98170 .98077



                                    Table S


                          Based on Life Table 2000CM


                         Single Life Remainder Factors


                      Applicable on or After May 1, 2009



                                    Interest Rate




 AGE     4.2%   4.4%   4.6%   4.8%   5.0%   5.2%   5.4%   5.6%   5.8%   6.0%




   0   .06083 .05483 .04959 .04501 .04101 .03749 .03441 .03170 .02931 .02721


   1   .05668 .05049 .04507 .04034 .03618 .03254 .02934 .02652 .02403 .02183


   2   .05858 .05222 .04665 .04178 .03750 .03373 .03042 .02750 .02492 .02264


   3   .06072 .05420 .04848 .04346 .03904 .03516 .03173 .02871 .02603 .02366


   4   .06303 .05634 .05046 .04530 .04075 .03674 .03319 .03006 .02729 .02483



   5   .06547 .05861 .05258 .04726 .04258 .03844 .03478 .03153 .02866 .02610


   6   .06805 .06102 .05482 .04935 .04453 .04026 .03647 .03312 .03014 .02749


   7   .07074 .06353 .05717 .05155 .04658 .04217 .03826 .03479 .03171 .02895


   8   .07356 .06617 .05964 .05386 .04875 .04421 .04017 .03658 .03338 .03053


   9   .07651 .06895 .06225 .05631 .05105 .04637 .04220 .03849 .03518 .03222



  10   .07960 .07185 .06499 .05889 .05347 .04865 .04435 .04052 .03709 .03402


  11   .08283 .07490 .06786 .06160 .05603 .05106 .04663 .04267 .03912 .03594


  12   .08620 .07808 .07087 .06444 .05871 .05360 .04903 .04494 .04127 .03798


  13   .08967 .08137 .07397 .06738 .06149 .05623 .05152 .04729 .04351 .04010


  14   .09321 .08472 .07715 .07038 .06433 .05892 .05406 .04971 .04579 .04227



  15   .09680 .08812 .08036 .07342 .06721 .06164 .05664 .05214 .04810 .04445


  16   .10041 .09154 .08360 .07649 .07011 .06438 .05923 .05459 .05041 .04664


  17   .10409 .09502 .08689 .07960 .07305 .06716 .06185 .05707 .05276 .04886


  18   .10782 .09855 .09024 .08276 .07604 .06998 .06452 .05959 .05514 .05111


  19   .11164 .10217 .09366 .08600 .07910 .07288 .06726 .06218 .05758 .05341



  20   .11559 .10592 .09721 .08937 .08228 .07589 .07010 .06487 .06012 .05582


  21   .11965 .10977 .10087 .09283 .08557 .07900 .07305 .06765 .06276 .05831


  22   .12383 .11376 .10465 .09642 .08897 .08223 .07610 .07055 .06550 .06090


  23   .12817 .11789 .10859 .10016 .09252 .08559 .07930 .07358 .06837 .06363


  24   .13270 .12221 .11270 .10408 .09625 .08914 .08267 .07678 .07141 .06651



  25   .13744 .12674 .11703 .10821 .10019 .09289 .08625 .08018 .07465 .06960


  26   .14239 .13149 .12158 .11256 .10435 .09686 .09003 .08380 .07810 .07288


  27   .14758 .13647 .12636 .11714 .10873 .10106 .09405 .08764 .08177 .07639


  28   .15300 .14169 .13137 .12195 .11335 .10549 .09829 .09171 .08567 .08012


  29   .15864 .14712 .13660 .12698 .11819 .11013 .10275 .09598 .08977 .08406



  30   .16448 .15275 .14203 .13222 .12323 .11498 .10742 .10047 .09408 .08820


  31   .17053 .15861 .14769 .13768 .12849 .12006 .11230 .10517 .09860 .09255


  32   .17680 .16468 .15357 .14336 .13398 .12535 .11741 .11009 .10335 .09712


  33   .18330 .17099 .15968 .14927 .13970 .13088 .12275 .11525 .10832 .10192


  34   .19000 .17750 .16599 .15539 .14562 .13661 .12829 .12061 .11350 .10693



  35   .19692 .18423 .17253 .16174 .15178 .14258 .13408 .12621 .11892 .11217


  36   .20407 .19119 .17931 .16833 .15818 .14879 .14009 .13204 .12457 .11764


  37   .21144 .19838 .18631 .17515 .16481 .15523 .14635 .13811 .13046 .12335


  38   .21904 .20582 .19357 .18222 .17170 .16193 .15287 .14444 .13661 .12932


  39   .22687 .21348 .20105 .18952 .17882 .16887 .15962 .15102 .14300 .13554



  40   .23493 .22137 .20878 .19707 .18619 .17606 .16663 .15784 .14965 .14201


  41   .24322 .22950 .21674 .20487 .19381 .18350 .17390 .16493 .15656 .14873


  42   .25173 .23786 .22494 .21290 .20168 .19120 .18141 .17227 .16372 .15572


  43   .26049 .24648 .23342 .22122 .20982 .19918 .18922 .17990 .17118 .16301


  44   .26950 .25535 .24214 .22979 .21824 .20742 .19730 .18781 .17892 .17057



  45   .27874 .26447 .25112 .23862 .22692 .21595 .20566 .19600 .18694 .17843


  46   .28824 .27385 .26038 .24774 .23589 .22476 .21431 .20450 .19527 .18659


  47   .29798 .28349 .26989 .25712 .24513 .23386 .22326 .21328 .20390 .19505


  48   .30797 .29338 .27967 .26678 .25466 .24325 .23250 .22238 .21283 .20383


  49   .31822 .30355 .28974 .27674 .26449 .25294 .24206 .23179 .22210 .21294



  50   .32876 .31401 .30011 .28701 .27465 .26298 .25196 .24156 .23172 .22242


  51   .33958 .32477 .31079 .29759 .28513 .27335 .26221 .25168 .24170 .23226


  52   .35068 .33582 .32178 .30851 .29595 .28407 .27282 .26216 .25206 .24249


  53   .36206 .34717 .33308 .31974 .30710 .29513 .28378 .27301 .26279 .25309


  54   .37371 .35880 .34467 .33127 .31857 .30651 .29507 .28420 .27388 .26406



  55   .38559 .37067 .35652 .34308 .33032 .31820 .30668 .29572 .28529 .27537


  56   .39765 .38275 .36859 .35512 .34232 .33014 .31855 .30751 .29699 .28697


  57   .40990 .39502 .38086 .36739 .35455 .34233 .33068 .31957 .30898 .29887


  58   .42231 .40747 .39333 .37985 .36700 .35474 .34304 .33188 .32121 .31103


  59   .43490 .42011 .40600 .39253 .37968 .36740 .35567 .34446 .33374 .32348



  60   .44768 .43296 .41890 .40546 .39261 .38033 .36858 .35733 .34656 .33625


  61   .46064 .44600 .43200 .41860 .40578 .39351 .38175 .37048 .35968 .34933


  62   .47373 .45920 .44527 .43194 .41915 .40690 .39514 .38387 .37305 .36267


  63   .48696 .47253 .45870 .44544 .43271 .42049 .40876 .39749 .38666 .37625


  64   .50030 .48601 .47229 .45911 .44645 .43428 .42258 .41133 .40051 .39010



  65   .51377 .49963 .48603 .47295 .46037 .44827 .43662 .42540 .41460 .40420


  66   .52750 .51352 .50007 .48711 .47464 .46262 .45103 .43987 .42911 .41872


  67   .54144 .52765 .51436 .50154 .48919 .47727 .46578 .45468 .44397 .43363


  68   .55554 .54196 .52885 .51619 .50398 .49218 .48079 .46978 .45915 .44887


  69   .56976 .55640 .54349 .53102 .51896 .50731 .49603 .48513 .47458 .46438


  70   .58407 .57095 .55826 .54598 .53410 .52260 .51147 .50069 .49025 .48013



  71   .59848 .58561 .57316 .56109 .54940 .53808 .52710 .51646 .50615 .49614


  72   .61294 .60035 .58815 .57632 .56484 .55371 .54291 .53243 .52225 .51237


  73   .62741 .61512 .60318 .59160 .58035 .56943 .55882 .54851 .53849 .52876


  74   .64183 .62983 .61818 .60686 .59586 .58516 .57476 .56464 .55480 .54523



  75   .65612 .64444 .63309 .62204 .61129 .60083 .59065 .58074 .57109 .56169


  76   .67026 .65891 .64786 .63710 .62661 .61640 .60646 .59676 .58731 .57810


  77   .68423 .67321 .66248 .65201 .64181 .63186 .62215 .61269 .60345 .59444


  78   .69800 .68733 .67692 .66676 .65684 .64717 .63772 .62849 .61948 .61068


  79   .71156 .70124 .69116 .68132 .67170 .66230 .65312 .64414 .63537 .62680



  80   .72487 .71490 .70516 .69563 .68632 .67721 .66830 .65959 .65106 .64272


  81   .73791 .72830 .71890 .70970 .70069 .69188 .68325 .67481 .66654 .65844


  82   .75065 .74140 .73235 .72348 .71479 .70628 .69794 .68977 .68176 .67391


  83   .76308 .75419 .74548 .73695 .72858 .72037 .71232 .70443 .69669 .68909


  84   .77516 .76664 .75828 .75008 .74203 .73413 .72638 .71877 .71130 .70396



  85   .78689 .77873 .77072 .76285 .75512 .74753 .74008 .73275 .72556 .71849


  86   .79825 .79044 .78278 .77524 .76783 .76055 .75340 .74636 .73944 .73264


  87   .80921 .80176 .79443 .78722 .78014 .77316 .76630 .75956 .75292 .74638


  88   .81978 .81268 .80569 .79880 .79203 .78536 .77880 .77234 .76598 .75971


  89   .82994 .82317 .81651 .80995 .80349 .79712 .79085 .78467 .77859 .77259



  90   .83967 .83324 .82690 .82065 .81450 .80843 .80244 .79655 .79073 .78500


  91   .84898 .84288 .83685 .83091 .82505 .81928 .81358 .80795 .80241 .79693


  92   .85787 .85208 .84636 .84072 .83515 .82966 .82423 .81888 .81360 .80838


  93   .86632 .86083 .85541 .85006 .84477 .83955 .83440 .82931 .82428 .81931


  94   .87435 .86915 .86402 .85894 .85393 .84898 .84409 .83925 .83447 .82975



  95   .88197 .87705 .87219 .86739 .86265 .85795 .85331 .84872 .84419 .83970


  96   .88915 .88451 .87991 .87537 .87088 .86643 .86203 .85768 .85338 .84912


  97   .89593 .89154 .88720 .88290 .87865 .87444 .87028 .86616 .86208 .85804


  98   .90232 .89818 .89408 .89002 .88600 .88202 .87808 .87418 .87031 .86649


  99   .90835 .90444 .90057 .89674 .89294 .88918 .88546 .88177 .87811 .87449



 100   .91397 .91028 .90663 .90301 .89942 .89587 .89234 .88885 .88539 .88196


 101   .91930 .91583 .91238 .90897 .90558 .90223 .89890 .89560 .89233 .88908


 102   .92424 .92096 .91771 .91448 .91128 .90811 .90496 .90184 .89875 .89568


 103   .92914 .92605 .92300 .91996 .91695 .91397 .91100 .90806 .90514 .90225


 104   .93364 .93074 .92786 .92501 .92217 .91935 .91656 .91379 .91103 .90830



 105   .93809 .93537 .93266 .92998 .92731 .92467 .92204 .91943 .91683 .91426


 106   .94365 .94115 .93867 .93621 .93376 .93133 .92892 .92651 .92413 .92176


 107   .94994 .94771 .94549 .94328 .94108 .93890 .93673 .93457 .93242 .93028


 108   .96010 .95830 .95651 .95472 .95295 .95118 .94942 .94767 .94593 .94420


 109   .97985 .97893 .97801 .97710 .97619 .97529 .97438 .97348 .97259 .97170



                                     Table S


                          Based on Life Table 2000CM


                         Single Life Remainder Factors


                      Applicable on or After May 1, 2009



                                    Interest Rate




 AGE     6.2%   6.4%   6.6%   6.8%   7.0%   7.2%   7.4%   7.6%   7.8%   8.0%




   0   .02534 .02370 .02223 .02093 .01978 .01874 .01782 .01699 .01625 .01559


   1   .01989 .01817 .01664 .01528 .01406 .01298 .01202 .01115 .01037 .00967


   2   .02061 .01882 .01722 .01580 .01454 .01340 .01239 .01148 .01066 .00993


   3   .02156 .01969 .01802 .01654 .01521 .01403 .01297 .01201 .01115 .01038


   4   .02264 .02069 .01896 .01741 .01602 .01478 .01367 .01267 .01176 .01095



   5   .02383 .02180 .01999 .01838 .01693 .01563 .01446 .01341 .01246 .01161


   6   .02512 .02301 .02113 .01944 .01793 .01657 .01535 .01424 .01325 .01235


   7   .02650 .02430 .02234 .02058 .01900 .01758 .01630 .01514 .01410 .01315


   8   .02798 .02570 .02365 .02182 .02017 .01868 .01734 .01613 .01503 .01404


   9   .02957 .02720 .02507 .02316 .02143 .01988 .01848 .01721 .01606 .01502



  10   .03128 .02881 .02659 .02460 .02280 .02118 .01971 .01838 .01718 .01608


  11   .03309 .03053 .02823 .02615 .02428 .02258 .02105 .01966 .01839 .01725


  12   .03503 .03237 .02997 .02781 .02585 .02408 .02248 .02103 .01971 .01850


  13   .03704 .03428 .03179 .02954 .02750 .02565 .02398 .02246 .02108 .01982


  14   .03909 .03623 .03364 .03130 .02918 .02726 .02551 .02392 .02248 .02116



  15   .04117 .03820 .03551 .03308 .03087 .02886 .02704 .02538 .02387 .02249


  16   .04324 .04016 .03737 .03484 .03254 .03046 .02855 .02682 .02524 .02379


  17   .04533 .04214 .03924 .03661 .03422 .03205 .03007 .02826 .02661 .02509


  18   .04746 .04415 .04114 .03841 .03592 .03366 .03159 .02970 .02798 .02639


  19   .04963 .04620 .04309 .04025 .03766 .03530 .03315 .03117 .02937 .02772



  20   .05191 .04835 .04512 .04217 .03948 .03702 .03478 .03272 .03083 .02910


  21   .05427 .05058 .04723 .04416 .04137 .03881 .03647 .03432 .03235 .03054


  22   .05672 .05291 .04943 .04625 .04334 .04067 .03823 .03599 .03394 .03205


  23   .05930 .05535 .05174 .04844 .04542 .04265 .04010 .03777 .03562 .03364


  24   .06204 .05795 .05421 .05078 .04764 .04476 .04211 .03967 .03743 .03536



  25   .06497 .06074 .05687 .05331 .05005 .04705 .04429 .04174 .03940 .03724


  26   .06811 .06373 .05972 .05603 .05264 .04952 .04665 .04400 .04155 .03929


  27   .07146 .06694 .06278 .05895 .05543 .05219 .04920 .04644 .04389 .04153


  28   .07503 .07036 .06605 .06209 .05844 .05507 .05196 .04908 .04642 .04396


  29   .07881 .07398 .06953 .06542 .06163 .05814 .05490 .05191 .04913 .04656



  30   .08279 .07780 .07319 .06894 .06502 .06138 .05802 .05491 .05202 .04933


  31   .08697 .08182 .07707 .07267 .06860 .06483 .06134 .05810 .05509 .05229


  32   .09137 .08606 .08115 .07660 .07239 .06848 .06485 .06148 .05835 .05543


  33   .09601 .09053 .08546 .08075 .07639 .07234 .06858 .06508 .06182 .05878


  34   .10084 .09520 .08996 .08511 .08059 .07640 .07249 .06886 .06547 .06231



  35   .10590 .10009 .09470 .08968 .08501 .08067 .07662 .07285 .06933 .06605


  36   .11120 .10522 .09966 .09448 .08966 .08517 .08098 .07706 .07341 .06999


  37   .11674 .11059 .10486 .09952 .09454 .08990 .08556 .08150 .07771 .07416


  38   .12254 .11621 .11032 .10481 .09968 .09487 .09039 .08618 .08225 .07856


  39   .12857 .12208 .11601 .11035 .10505 .10009 .09545 .09110 .08702 .08320



  40   .13487 .12820 .12196 .11613 .11067 .10555 .10076 .09626 .09204 .08807


  41   .14142 .13458 .12817 .12217 .11655 .11127 .10632 .10167 .09730 .09319


  42   .14823 .14122 .13464 .12848 .12269 .11725 .11214 .10734 .10282 .09856


  43   .15535 .14816 .14141 .13508 .12913 .12353 .11826 .11330 .10863 .10422


  44   .16274 .15538 .14847 .14196 .13585 .13008 .12466 .11954 .11472 .11016



  45   .17042 .16290 .15581 .14914 .14286 .13694 .13135 .12608 .12110 .11640


  46   .17842 .17073 .16348 .15664 .15020 .14411 .13836 .13293 .12780 .12294


  47   .18672 .17886 .17145 .16445 .15784 .15159 .14568 .14010 .13481 .12980


  48   .19534 .18732 .17974 .17258 .16581 .15940 .15334 .14759 .14215 .13699


  49   .20429 .19612 .18838 .18106 .17413 .16757 .16134 .15544 .14984 .14453



  50   .21362 .20529 .19740 .18993 .18284 .17612 .16974 .16368 .15793 .15247


  51   .22332 .21484 .20680 .19917 .19194 .18506 .17853 .17232 .16642 .16080


  52   .23341 .22479 .21660 .20883 .20144 .19442 .18774 .18138 .17533 .16957


  53   .24388 .23513 .22681 .21889 .21136 .20419 .19737 .19087 .18467 .17876


  54   .25473 .24585 .23739 .22935 .22168 .21437 .20741 .20076 .19442 .18837



  55   .26593 .25693 .24835 .24017 .23238 .22494 .21784 .21105 .20458 .19838


  56   .27742 .26831 .25962 .25132 .24340 .23583 .22860 .22169 .21508 .20875


  57   .28922 .28001 .27121 .26280 .25476 .24707 .23971 .23267 .22593 .21947


  58   .30129 .29199 .28309 .27457 .26642 .25862 .25114 .24398 .23712 .23053


  59   .31367 .30428 .29529 .28667 .27842 .27051 .26293 .25565 .24867 .24197



  60   .32638 .31691 .30784 .29914 .29079 .28278 .27509 .26771 .26062 .25380


  61   .33940 .32987 .32073 .31195 .30352 .29542 .28763 .28015 .27295 .26603


  62   .35269 .34311 .33391 .32506 .31656 .30837 .30050 .29293 .28564 .27862


  63   .36625 .35663 .34738 .33847 .32990 .32165 .31370 .30604 .29867 .29155


  64   .38007 .37043 .36113 .35218 .34356 .33524 .32723 .31950 .31204 .30484



  65   .39417 .38451 .37519 .36620 .35753 .34917 .34110 .33330 .32577 .31850


  66   .40871 .39905 .38972 .38071 .37201 .36361 .35550 .34765 .34006 .33273


  67   .42365 .41400 .40468 .39567 .38696 .37853 .37038 .36250 .35487 .34749


  68   .43892 .42931 .42001 .41101 .40230 .39387 .38570 .37780 .37014 .36272


  69   .45450 .44493 .43567 .42670 .41800 .40958 .40141 .39350 .38582 .37837


  70   .47033 .46083 .45162 .44269 .43403 .42563 .41748 .40957 .40189 .39443



  71   .48644 .47702 .46788 .45901 .45040 .44203 .43391 .42602 .41835 .41090


  72   .50278 .49347 .48441 .47562 .46707 .45877 .45069 .44284 .43520 .42776


  73   .51930 .51010 .50115 .49245 .48399 .47575 .46774 .45994 .45234 .44494


  74   .53591 .52684 .51802 .50943 .50106 .49291 .48497 .47724 .46970 .46235



  75   .55253 .54361 .53492 .52645 .51820 .51015 .50230 .49465 .48719 .47991


  76   .56912 .56036 .55182 .54349 .53536 .52742 .51968 .51213 .50475 .49754


  77   .58565 .57706 .56868 .56050 .55251 .54471 .53708 .52964 .52236 .51525


  78   .60209 .59369 .58549 .57747 .56963 .56197 .55448 .54715 .53999 .53298


  79   .61841 .61021 .60219 .59435 .58668 .57917 .57182 .56463 .55760 .55071



  80   .63456 .62657 .61875 .61109 .60359 .59625 .58906 .58202 .57512 .56836


  81   .65050 .64273 .63512 .62766 .62034 .61318 .60616 .59927 .59252 .58590


  82   .66621 .65867 .65127 .64401 .63690 .62992 .62308 .61636 .60977 .60330


  83   .68164 .67433 .66716 .66012 .65321 .64642 .63976 .63322 .62680 .62050


  84   .69676 .68969 .68275 .67593 .66923 .66265 .65618 .64983 .64358 .63745



  85   .71154 .70472 .69801 .69141 .68493 .67856 .67229 .66613 .66007 .65412


  86   .72595 .71937 .71290 .70654 .70028 .69412 .68806 .68210 .67623 .67046


  87   .73995 .73362 .72740 .72127 .71523 .70929 .70344 .69768 .69201 .68642


  88   .75354 .74746 .74148 .73558 .72978 .72406 .71842 .71287 .70739 .70200


  89   .76668 .76085 .75511 .74945 .74387 .73837 .73295 .72761 .72234 .71714



  90   .77934 .77377 .76827 .76284 .75749 .75222 .74701 .74188 .73681 .73181


  91   .79153 .78620 .78094 .77575 .77063 .76558 .76059 .75566 .75080 .74600


  92   .80323 .79814 .79312 .78816 .78326 .77843 .77365 .76894 .76428 .75967


  93   .81440 .80956 .80477 .80004 .79536 .79074 .78618 .78166 .77721 .77280


  94   .82508 .82047 .81591 .81140 .80694 .80253 .79817 .79387 .78961 .78539



  95   .83526 .83088 .82654 .82225 .81800 .81380 .80965 .80554 .80148 .79746


  96   .84491 .84074 .83662 .83254 .82850 .82450 .82055 .81663 .81276 .80892


  97   .85405 .85009 .84617 .84230 .83846 .83466 .83089 .82717 .82348 .81982


  98   .86270 .85895 .85523 .85155 .84791 .84430 .84072 .83718 .83367 .83019


  99   .87090 .86735 .86382 .86033 .85687 .85345 .85005 .84668 .84335 .84004



 100   .87856 .87519 .87185 .86854 .86526 .86201 .85878 .85559 .85242 .84927


 101   .88587 .88268 .87952 .87638 .87327 .87019 .86713 .86409 .86109 .85810


 102   .89263 .88961 .88662 .88364 .88069 .87777 .87487 .87199 .86913 .86629


 103   .89938 .89653 .89370 .89089 .88810 .88534 .88259 .87987 .87717 .87448


 104   .90558 .90289 .90021 .89756 .89492 .89231 .88971 .88713 .88456 .88202



 105   .91170 .90916 .90664 .90413 .90164 .89917 .89672 .89428 .89186 .88945


 106   .91940 .91706 .91474 .91242 .91013 .90784 .90558 .90332 .90108 .89885


 107   .92816 .92605 .92395 .92186 .91978 .91772 .91567 .91362 .91159 .90957


 108   .94247 .94075 .93904 .93734 .93565 .93396 .93229 .93062 .92895 .92730


 109   .97081 .96992 .96904 .96816 .96729 .96642 .96555 .96468 .96382 .96296



                                    Table S


                          Based on Life Table 2000CM


                         Single Life Remainder Factors


                      Applicable on or After May 1, 2009



                                    Interest Rate




 AGE     8.2%   8.4%   8.6%   8.8%   9.0%   9.2%   9.4%   9.6%   9.8%  10.0%




   0   .01498 .01444 .01395 .01351 .01310 .01273 .01240 .01209 .01181 .01155


   1   .00904 .00847 .00796 .00749 .00707 .00668 .00633 .00601 .00572 .00545


   2   .00926 .00866 .00812 .00763 .00718 .00677 .00640 .00606 .00575 .00547


   3   .00968 .00905 .00848 .00796 .00748 .00705 .00666 .00630 .00597 .00567


   4   .01021 .00955 .00894 .00839 .00789 .00744 .00702 .00664 .00629 .00597



   5   .01083 .01013 .00949 .00891 .00839 .00790 .00746 .00706 .00669 .00635


   6   .01153 .01080 .01012 .00951 .00895 .00844 .00798 .00755 .00715 .00679


   7   .01229 .01151 .01081 .01016 .00957 .00903 .00854 .00808 .00767 .00728


   8   .01314 .01232 .01157 .01089 .01026 .00969 .00917 .00869 .00825 .00784


   9   .01407 .01321 .01242 .01170 .01104 .01044 .00989 .00938 .00891 .00848



  10   .01509 .01418 .01335 .01259 .01190 .01126 .01068 .01014 .00965 .00919


  11   .01620 .01525 .01437 .01358 .01285 .01218 .01156 .01099 .01047 .00998


  12   .01740 .01640 .01549 .01465 .01388 .01317 .01252 .01192 .01137 .01086


  13   .01867 .01762 .01665 .01577 .01496 .01422 .01353 .01290 .01231 .01177


  14   .01995 .01885 .01784 .01691 .01606 .01527 .01455 .01389 .01327 .01270



  15   .02123 .02007 .01901 .01803 .01714 .01632 .01556 .01485 .01420 .01360


  16   .02247 .02126 .02015 .01913 .01818 .01732 .01652 .01578 .01509 .01446


  17   .02371 .02244 .02127 .02020 .01921 .01830 .01746 .01668 .01596 .01529


  18   .02494 .02361 .02239 .02126 .02022 .01926 .01838 .01756 .01680 .01610


  19   .02620 .02480 .02352 .02234 .02125 .02024 .01931 .01844 .01764 .01690



  20   .02751 .02605 .02471 .02346 .02232 .02126 .02028 .01937 .01853 .01775


  21   .02888 .02735 .02593 .02463 .02343 .02231 .02128 .02032 .01944 .01861


  22   .03030 .02870 .02722 .02585 .02458 .02341 .02233 .02132 .02038 .01951


  23   .03181 .03013 .02858 .02714 .02581 .02458 .02344 .02237 .02139 .02047


  24   .03345 .03169 .03006 .02855 .02715 .02586 .02465 .02353 .02249 .02152



  25   .03524 .03340 .03169 .03010 .02863 .02727 .02600 .02482 .02373 .02270


  26   .03720 .03527 .03348 .03181 .03027 .02884 .02750 .02626 .02510 .02402


  27   .03934 .03732 .03544 .03370 .03208 .03057 .02916 .02786 .02664 .02549


  28   .04167 .03955 .03759 .03576 .03406 .03247 .03099 .02962 .02833 .02713


  29   .04417 .04196 .03990 .03798 .03619 .03453 .03298 .03153 .03017 .02890



  30   .04684 .04452 .04237 .04036 .03848 .03674 .03510 .03358 .03215 .03081


  31   .04969 .04727 .04501 .04291 .04094 .03911 .03739 .03579 .03428 .03287


  32   .05272 .05019 .04783 .04563 .04357 .04165 .03984 .03816 .03657 .03509


  33   .05595 .05331 .05085 .04854 .04639 .04437 .04248 .04070 .03904 .03748


  34   .05936 .05661 .05403 .05162 .04936 .04725 .04527 .04341 .04166 .04001



  35   .06297 .06010 .05741 .05489 .05253 .05032 .04824 .04629 .04445 .04272


  36   .06679 .06380 .06100 .05837 .05590 .05358 .05140 .04935 .04742 .04561


  37   .07083 .06771 .06479 .06204 .05947 .05704 .05476 .05261 .05059 .04868


  38   .07511 .07186 .06881 .06595 .06326 .06072 .05834 .05609 .05397 .05196


  39   .07961 .07623 .07306 .07007 .06726 .06462 .06212 .05977 .05754 .05544



  40   .08434 .08083 .07753 .07442 .07149 .06873 .06612 .06366 .06133 .05913


  41   .08932 .08568 .08225 .07901 .07596 .07308 .07035 .06778 .06534 .06304


  42   .09455 .09077 .08720 .08384 .08066 .07766 .07481 .07213 .06958 .06717


  43   .10007 .09615 .09245 .08895 .08564 .08251 .07955 .07674 .07408 .07156


  44   .10586 .10180 .09796 .09433 .09089 .08763 .08454 .08162 .07884 .07621



  45   .11195 .10774 .10376 .09999 .09642 .09303 .08982 .08677 .08387 .08112


  46   .11835 .11400 .10987 .10596 .10225 .09873 .09539 .09222 .08920 .08633


  47   .12505 .12055 .11629 .11224 .10839 .10474 .10126 .09796 .09482 .09182


  48   .13209 .12745 .12303 .11884 .11485 .11106 .10746 .10402 .10075 .09764


  49   .13948 .13469 .13013 .12579 .12167 .11774 .11400 .11043 .10703 .10379



  50   .14727 .14233 .13762 .13314 .12887 .12481 .12093 .11723 .11370 .11033


  51   .15546 .15037 .14551 .14089 .13648 .13228 .12826 .12443 .12077 .11726


  52   .16407 .15884 .15384 .14907 .14452 .14018 .13603 .13206 .12826 .12463


  53   .17312 .16774 .16260 .15769 .15300 .14852 .14423 .14012 .13620 .13243


  54   .18259 .17707 .17179 .16674 .16191 .15729 .15286 .14862 .14456 .14067



  55   .19247 .18680 .18139 .17620 .17123 .16648 .16192 .15755 .15335 .14933


  56   .20270 .19690 .19135 .18602 .18092 .17603 .17134 .16684 .16251 .15836


  57   .21329 .20736 .20167 .19622 .19099 .18596 .18114 .17650 .17205 .16777


  58   .22422 .21816 .21235 .20677 .20140 .19625 .19130 .18653 .18195 .17754


  59   .23553 .22935 .22341 .21770 .21221 .20693 .20185 .19696 .19225 .18772



  60   .24725 .24095 .23489 .22906 .22345 .21805 .21285 .20783 .20300 .19834


  61   .25937 .25296 .24679 .24084 .23511 .22959 .22427 .21914 .21419 .20941


  62   .27185 .26534 .25906 .25300 .24716 .24153 .23609 .23084 .22577 .22088


  63   .28469 .27808 .27169 .26553 .25959 .25384 .24830 .24294 .23776 .23275


  64   .29789 .29119 .28471 .27845 .27240 .26656 .26091 .25544 .25016 .24504



  65   .31148 .30468 .29812 .29177 .28563 .27969 .27394 .26837 .26299 .25777


  66   .32564 .31877 .31213 .30570 .29948 .29345 .28761 .28195 .27647 .27115


  67   .34034 .33341 .32671 .32021 .31391 .30780 .30188 .29614 .29057 .28517


  68   .35552 .34855 .34179 .33523 .32887 .32270 .31671 .31089 .30524 .29976


  69   .37115 .36414 .35734 .35073 .34432 .33809 .33204 .32616 .32045 .31489


  70   .38719 .38016 .37332 .36668 .36023 .35396 .34786 .34193 .33616 .33054



  71   .40366 .39662 .38977 .38311 .37663 .37032 .36419 .35821 .35240 .34674


  72   .42053 .41350 .40665 .39998 .39349 .38716 .38100 .37500 .36916 .36346


  73   .43774 .43073 .42389 .41723 .41074 .40441 .39824 .39222 .38636 .38063


  74   .45519 .44821 .44140 .43476 .42829 .42197 .41580 .40979 .40391 .39818



  75   .47280 .46587 .45910 .45250 .44605 .43975 .43360 .42759 .42173 .41599


  76   .49051 .48364 .47693 .47037 .46396 .45770 .45158 .44560 .43975 .43403


  77   .50830 .50150 .49486 .48836 .48201 .47580 .46972 .46377 .45795 .45225


  78   .52613 .51942 .51286 .50644 .50015 .49400 .48797 .48208 .47630 .47064


  79   .54396 .53736 .53089 .52456 .51835 .51227 .50632 .50048 .49476 .48915



  80   .56174 .55525 .54888 .54265 .53653 .53054 .52466 .51890 .51325 .50770


  81   .57941 .57305 .56681 .56068 .55467 .54878 .54299 .53731 .53174 .52627


  82   .59696 .59073 .58461 .57861 .57272 .56693 .56125 .55566 .55018 .54480


  83   .61430 .60822 .60224 .59637 .59061 .58494 .57937 .57389 .56851 .56322


  84   .63142 .62549 .61966 .61393 .60830 .60276 .59731 .59196 .58669 .58150



  85   .64825 .64249 .63682 .63124 .62575 .62035 .61503 .60980 .60465 .59958


  86   .66477 .65918 .65367 .64825 .64291 .63765 .63248 .62738 .62236 .61741


  87   .68092 .67550 .67016 .66490 .65972 .65462 .64959 .64463 .63975 .63493


  88   .69669 .69145 .68628 .68119 .67618 .67123 .66635 .66154 .65680 .65212


  89   .71201 .70696 .70198 .69706 .69221 .68742 .68270 .67805 .67345 .66892



  90   .72688 .72201 .71721 .71246 .70779 .70317 .69861 .69411 .68966 .68528


  91   .74126 .73658 .73196 .72739 .72289 .71844 .71404 .70970 .70541 .70117


  92   .75513 .75063 .74620 .74181 .73748 .73320 .72897 .72479 .72066 .71657


  93   .76844 .76414 .75988 .75568 .75152 .74741 .74334 .73932 .73535 .73142


  94   .78123 .77711 .77303 .76901 .76502 .76108 .75718 .75332 .74951 .74573



  95   .79348 .78954 .78565 .78179 .77798 .77421 .77047 .76677 .76312 .75950


  96   .80513 .80137 .79765 .79397 .79032 .78671 .78314 .77960 .77610 .77263


  97   .81621 .81262 .80908 .80556 .80208 .79864 .79522 .79184 .78849 .78517


  98   .82674 .82333 .81995 .81660 .81328 .80999 .80673 .80351 .80031 .79713


  99   .83677 .83352 .83030 .82711 .82395 .82082 .81771 .81463 .81158 .80855



 100   .84616 .84307 .84001 .83697 .83396 .83097 .82801 .82507 .82216 .81927


 101   .85514 .85221 .84930 .84641 .84355 .84070 .83788 .83509 .83231 .82956


 102   .86348 .86069 .85792 .85517 .85245 .84974 .84706 .84439 .84175 .83912


 103   .87182 .86918 .86655 .86395 .86136 .85880 .85625 .85372 .85121 .84872


 104   .87950 .87699 .87450 .87203 .86957 .86713 .86471 .86231 .85992 .85755



 105   .88706 .88468 .88232 .87998 .87765 .87534 .87304 .87076 .86849 .86624


 106   .89664 .89444 .89225 .89008 .88792 .88577 .88364 .88152 .87941 .87731


 107   .90756 .90557 .90358 .90160 .89964 .89768 .89574 .89380 .89188 .88997


 108   .92565 .92401 .92238 .92075 .91914 .91753 .91592 .91433 .91274 .91116


 109   .96211 .96125 .96041 .95956 .95872 .95788 .95704 .95620 .95537 .95455



                                    Table S


                          Based on Life Table 2000CM


                         Single Life Remainder Factors


                      Applicable on or After May 1, 2009



                                    Interest Rate




 AGE    10.2%  10.4%  10.6%  10.8%  11.0%  11.2%  11.4%  11.6%  11.8%  12.0%




   0   .01132 .01110 .01089 .01071 .01053 .01037 .01022 .01008 .00995 .00983


   1   .00520 .00497 .00476 .00457 .00439 .00423 .00407 .00393 .00379 .00367


   2   .00521 .00496 .00474 .00454 .00435 .00417 .00401 .00385 .00371 .00358


   3   .00539 .00513 .00490 .00468 .00447 .00429 .00411 .00395 .00380 .00366


   4   .00567 .00540 .00515 .00492 .00470 .00450 .00432 .00414 .00398 .00383



   5   .00603 .00574 .00547 .00523 .00500 .00478 .00459 .00440 .00423 .00407


   6   .00646 .00615 .00587 .00560 .00536 .00513 .00492 .00472 .00453 .00436


   7   .00693 .00660 .00630 .00602 .00576 .00551 .00529 .00508 .00488 .00469


   8   .00747 .00712 .00680 .00650 .00622 .00596 .00572 .00549 .00528 .00509


   9   .00808 .00771 .00737 .00705 .00675 .00648 .00622 .00598 .00576 .00555



  10   .00877 .00838 .00801 .00767 .00736 .00707 .00679 .00654 .00630 .00608


  11   .00954 .00912 .00873 .00838 .00804 .00773 .00744 .00717 .00692 .00668


  12   .01038 .00994 .00953 .00915 .00880 .00847 .00816 .00788 .00761 .00735


  13   .01127 .01081 .01038 .00998 .00960 .00925 .00893 .00862 .00833 .00806


  14   .01217 .01168 .01122 .01080 .01040 .01003 .00969 .00937 .00906 .00878



  15   .01305 .01253 .01205 .01160 .01118 .01079 .01042 .01008 .00976 .00946


  16   .01387 .01333 .01282 .01234 .01190 .01149 .01110 .01074 .01040 .01009


  17   .01467 .01409 .01356 .01306 .01259 .01216 .01175 .01137 .01101 .01067


  18   .01544 .01484 .01427 .01374 .01325 .01279 .01236 .01195 .01157 .01122


  19   .01621 .01557 .01497 .01442 .01390 .01341 .01295 .01253 .01213 .01175



  20   .01702 .01634 .01571 .01512 .01457 .01406 .01357 .01312 .01270 .01230


  21   .01784 .01713 .01646 .01584 .01526 .01471 .01420 .01372 .01327 .01285


  22   .01870 .01794 .01724 .01658 .01596 .01539 .01485 .01434 .01386 .01342


  23   .01961 .01881 .01807 .01737 .01672 .01611 .01554 .01500 .01449 .01402


  24   .02062 .01977 .01899 .01825 .01756 .01691 .01630 .01573 .01520 .01469



  25   .02175 .02085 .02002 .01924 .01851 .01782 .01718 .01657 .01600 .01547


  26   .02301 .02207 .02119 .02036 .01958 .01886 .01817 .01753 .01692 .01635


  27   .02443 .02343 .02250 .02162 .02080 .02003 .01930 .01862 .01798 .01737


  28   .02600 .02495 .02396 .02303 .02216 .02134 .02057 .01985 .01916 .01852


  29   .02771 .02660 .02555 .02457 .02365 .02278 .02197 .02120 .02047 .01979



  30   .02956 .02838 .02728 .02624 .02526 .02434 .02348 .02266 .02189 .02116


  31   .03155 .03031 .02914 .02804 .02701 .02604 .02512 .02425 .02344 .02266


  32   .03370 .03239 .03115 .02999 .02890 .02787 .02690 .02598 .02511 .02429


  33   .03601 .03463 .03333 .03210 .03095 .02985 .02883 .02785 .02693 .02606


  34   .03847 .03701 .03564 .03434 .03312 .03197 .03088 .02985 .02887 .02795



  35   .04109 .03956 .03811 .03675 .03546 .03424 .03308 .03199 .03096 .02998


  36   .04390 .04228 .04076 .03932 .03795 .03667 .03545 .03429 .03320 .03216


  37   .04688 .04518 .04358 .04206 .04062 .03926 .03798 .03676 .03560 .03450


  38   .05007 .04829 .04660 .04500 .04349 .04205 .04069 .03940 .03818 .03701


  39   .05346 .05158 .04981 .04812 .04653 .04502 .04358 .04222 .04092 .03969



  40   .05705 .05508 .05321 .05144 .04976 .04817 .04666 .04522 .04385 .04255


  41   .06086 .05879 .05683 .05497 .05320 .05152 .04993 .04841 .04697 .04559


  42   .06488 .06271 .06066 .05870 .05684 .05508 .05340 .05180 .05028 .04882


  43   .06917 .06690 .06474 .06269 .06074 .05888 .05711 .05543 .05382 .05229


  44   .07370 .07132 .06906 .06691 .06486 .06291 .06105 .05928 .05759 .05598



  45   .07850 .07602 .07365 .07139 .06924 .06719 .06524 .06338 .06160 .05990


  46   .08360 .08100 .07852 .07616 .07390 .07176 .06970 .06775 .06587 .06409


  47   .08897 .08626 .08367 .08120 .07884 .07659 .07443 .07238 .07041 .06853


  48   .09466 .09183 .08912 .08654 .08407 .08172 .07946 .07730 .07524 .07326


  49   .10069 .09774 .09492 .09222 .08964 .08717 .08481 .08255 .08038 .07831



  50   .10711 .10403 .10109 .09827 .09558 .09300 .09053 .08816 .08589 .08371


  51   .11392 .11072 .10765 .10472 .10191 .09921 .09663 .09415 .09178 .08950


  52   .12116 .11783 .11464 .11159 .10866 .10585 .10315 .10057 .09808 .09569


  53   .12883 .12538 .12206 .11889 .11584 .11291 .11010 .10740 .10481 .10231


  54   .13694 .13336 .12992 .12662 .12345 .12041 .11748 .11467 .11196 .10936



  55   .14547 .14176 .13820 .13478 .13149 .12832 .12528 .12235 .11953 .11682


  56   .15437 .15054 .14685 .14330 .13989 .13661 .13345 .13040 .12747 .12464


  57   .16365 .15969 .15588 .15221 .14868 .14527 .14199 .13883 .13578 .13284


  58   .17330 .16921 .16528 .16149 .15783 .15431 .15091 .14763 .14447 .14141


  59   .18335 .17914 .17508 .17117 .16739 .16375 .16023 .15684 .15356 .15039



  60   .19385 .18952 .18534 .18131 .17741 .17365 .17001 .16650 .16311 .15982


  61   .20480 .20035 .19605 .19189 .18788 .18400 .18025 .17662 .17311 .16971


  62   .21615 .21158 .20717 .20290 .19877 .19477 .19090 .18716 .18354 .18003


  63   .22791 .22323 .21870 .21431 .21007 .20596 .20198 .19812 .19439 .19077


  64   .24009 .23530 .23066 .22616 .22181 .21758 .21349 .20953 .20568 .20195



  65   .25271 .24781 .24306 .23846 .23400 .22967 .22547 .22139 .21744 .21360


  66   .26600 .26100 .25615 .25145 .24688 .24245 .23814 .23396 .22990 .22596


  67   .27992 .27483 .26989 .26509 .26043 .25590 .25150 .24722 .24306 .23901


  68   .29443 .28926 .28423 .27934 .27459 .26997 .26548 .26110 .25685 .25271


  69   .30950 .30424 .29914 .29417 .28934 .28463 .28005 .27559 .27125 .26703


  70   .32508 .31976 .31459 .30955 .30464 .29986 .29520 .29067 .28625 .28194



  71   .34122 .33585 .33062 .32552 .32054 .31570 .31097 .30637 .30187 .29749


  72   .35790 .35249 .34721 .34205 .33703 .33213 .32734 .32268 .31812 .31367


  73   .37505 .36960 .36428 .35909 .35403 .34908 .34425 .33953 .33492 .33042


  74   .39258 .38711 .38177 .37655 .37145 .36647 .36160 .35684 .35219 .34764



  75   .41039 .40491 .39956 .39432 .38921 .38420 .37931 .37452 .36983 .36525


  76   .42843 .42296 .41760 .41236 .40724 .40222 .39731 .39250 .38779 .38318


  77   .44668 .44122 .43588 .43065 .42552 .42050 .41559 .41077 .40605 .40143


  78   .46510 .45967 .45435 .44914 .44403 .43902 .43411 .42930 .42458 .41995


  79   .48365 .47826 .47298 .46780 .46271 .45773 .45284 .44804 .44333 .43871



  80   .50226 .49693 .49169 .48655 .48150 .47655 .47169 .46692 .46224 .45763


  81   .52090 .51562 .51044 .50536 .50036 .49546 .49064 .48590 .48125 .47668


  82   .53951 .53431 .52920 .52418 .51924 .51439 .50963 .50494 .50033 .49580


  83   .55802 .55291 .54788 .54294 .53808 .53329 .52859 .52396 .51941 .51493


  84   .57640 .57139 .56645 .56159 .55681 .55210 .54747 .54291 .53843 .53401



  85   .59459 .58968 .58484 .58008 .57539 .57077 .56623 .56175 .55733 .55298


  86   .61254 .60774 .60302 .59836 .59377 .58925 .58479 .58040 .57607 .57180


  87   .63019 .62551 .62090 .61635 .61187 .60745 .60309 .59880 .59456 .59038


  88   .64751 .64296 .63847 .63405 .62968 .62537 .62112 .61693 .61279 .60871


  89   .66444 .66003 .65567 .65137 .64712 .64293 .63880 .63471 .63068 .62670



  90   .68094 .67667 .67244 .66827 .66415 .66009 .65607 .65210 .64818 .64431


  91   .69699 .69285 .68877 .68473 .68074 .67680 .67291 .66906 .66526 .66150


  92   .71254 .70855 .70460 .70071 .69685 .69304 .68928 .68555 .68187 .67823


  93   .72753 .72369 .71989 .71613 .71242 .70874 .70510 .70150 .69794 .69442


  94   .74200 .73830 .73464 .73103 .72745 .72390 .72040 .71693 .71350 .71010



  95   .75591 .75236 .74885 .74538 .74194 .73853 .73516 .73182 .72851 .72524


  96   .76920 .76580 .76243 .75909 .75579 .75252 .74928 .74607 .74289 .73974


  97   .78188 .77863 .77540 .77220 .76904 .76590 .76279 .75971 .75665 .75363


  98   .79399 .79088 .78779 .78473 .78170 .77869 .77571 .77276 .76983 .76693


  99   .80555 .80257 .79962 .79670 .79380 .79092 .78807 .78525 .78244 .77966



 100   .81641 .81357 .81075 .80796 .80518 .80243 .79971 .79700 .79432 .79165


 101   .82683 .82412 .82144 .81877 .81612 .81350 .81089 .80831 .80574 .80320


 102   .83652 .83394 .83137 .82882 .82630 .82379 .82130 .81883 .81637 .81394


 103   .84624 .84379 .84135 .83892 .83652 .83413 .83176 .82941 .82707 .82475


 104   .85519 .85285 .85053 .84822 .84593 .84365 .84139 .83915 .83692 .83470



 105   .86400 .86178 .85957 .85737 .85519 .85302 .85087 .84873 .84660 .84449


 106   .87523 .87316 .87110 .86905 .86702 .86500 .86299 .86099 .85900 .85703


 107   .88806 .88617 .88429 .88242 .88055 .87870 .87686 .87502 .87320 .87139


 108   .90958 .90802 .90646 .90490 .90336 .90182 .90028 .89876 .89724 .89573


 109   .95372 .95290 .95208 .95126 .95045 .94964 .94883 .94803 .94723 .94643



                                    Table S


                          Based on Life Table 2000CM


                         Single Life Remainder Factors


                      Applicable on or After May 1, 2009



                                    Interest Rate




 AGE    12.2%  12.4%  12.6%  12.8%  13.0%  13.2%  13.4%  13.6%  13.8%  14.0%




   0   .00972 .00961 .00951 .00941 .00932 .00924 .00916 .00908 .00901 .00894


   1   .00355 .00345 .00334 .00325 .00316 .00307 .00299 .00292 .00285 .00278


   2   .00346 .00334 .00323 .00313 .00303 .00294 .00286 .00278 .00270 .00263


   3   .00353 .00340 .00329 .00318 .00307 .00298 .00289 .00280 .00272 .00264


   4   .00369 .00356 .00343 .00332 .00321 .00310 .00300 .00291 .00283 .00274



   5   .00392 .00377 .00364 .00352 .00340 .00329 .00318 .00308 .00299 .00290


   6   .00420 .00405 .00391 .00377 .00365 .00353 .00342 .00331 .00321 .00311


   7   .00452 .00436 .00421 .00406 .00393 .00380 .00368 .00357 .00346 .00336


   8   .00490 .00473 .00457 .00441 .00427 .00413 .00400 .00388 .00376 .00365


   9   .00535 .00517 .00499 .00483 .00467 .00453 .00439 .00426 .00413 .00402



  10   .00587 .00567 .00548 .00531 .00514 .00499 .00484 .00470 .00456 .00444


  11   .00645 .00624 .00605 .00586 .00568 .00551 .00536 .00521 .00506 .00493


  12   .00711 .00689 .00668 .00648 .00629 .00611 .00595 .00579 .00563 .00549


  13   .00781 .00757 .00735 .00714 .00694 .00675 .00657 .00640 .00624 .00609


  14   .00851 .00826 .00802 .00780 .00759 .00739 .00720 .00702 .00684 .00668



  15   .00918 .00891 .00866 .00842 .00820 .00799 .00779 .00759 .00741 .00724


  16   .00979 .00950 .00924 .00899 .00875 .00853 .00832 .00811 .00792 .00774


  17   .01035 .01006 .00978 .00951 .00926 .00902 .00880 .00859 .00838 .00819


  18   .01088 .01057 .01027 .00999 .00973 .00948 .00924 .00901 .00880 .00860


  19   .01139 .01106 .01075 .01045 .01017 .00990 .00965 .00942 .00919 .00898



  20   .01192 .01157 .01124 .01092 .01063 .01035 .01008 .00983 .00959 .00936


  21   .01245 .01208 .01173 .01139 .01108 .01078 .01050 .01023 .00998 .00974


  22   .01300 .01260 .01222 .01187 .01154 .01122 .01092 .01064 .01037 .01011


  23   .01357 .01315 .01275 .01238 .01202 .01168 .01137 .01106 .01078 .01051


  24   .01422 .01377 .01334 .01294 .01257 .01221 .01187 .01155 .01124 .01095



  25   .01496 .01448 .01403 .01361 .01320 .01282 .01246 .01212 .01180 .01149


  26   .01582 .01531 .01483 .01438 .01395 .01354 .01316 .01279 .01244 .01211


  27   .01680 .01626 .01575 .01527 .01481 .01437 .01396 .01357 .01320 .01285


  28   .01791 .01734 .01679 .01628 .01579 .01533 .01489 .01447 .01408 .01370


  29   .01914 .01853 .01795 .01740 .01688 .01639 .01592 .01548 .01505 .01465



  30   .02048 .01982 .01921 .01862 .01807 .01754 .01704 .01657 .01612 .01569


  31   .02193 .02124 .02058 .01996 .01937 .01881 .01828 .01777 .01729 .01683


  32   .02351 .02278 .02208 .02142 .02079 .02019 .01962 .01908 .01857 .01808


  33   .02523 .02445 .02371 .02300 .02234 .02170 .02109 .02052 .01997 .01944


  34   .02707 .02624 .02545 .02470 .02399 .02331 .02267 .02205 .02146 .02091



  35   .02905 .02817 .02733 .02653 .02577 .02505 .02436 .02371 .02308 .02249


  36   .03117 .03024 .02935 .02850 .02769 .02693 .02619 .02550 .02483 .02419


  37   .03345 .03246 .03151 .03061 .02976 .02894 .02816 .02742 .02671 .02603


  38   .03590 .03485 .03385 .03289 .03198 .03112 .03029 .02950 .02874 .02802


  39   .03852 .03740 .03634 .03533 .03436 .03344 .03256 .03172 .03092 .03015



  40   .04131 .04013 .03900 .03793 .03690 .03593 .03499 .03410 .03324 .03242


  41   .04428 .04303 .04184 .04070 .03962 .03858 .03759 .03664 .03573 .03486


  42   .04744 .04612 .04486 .04366 .04250 .04140 .04035 .03934 .03838 .03745


  43   .05083 .04943 .04810 .04683 .04561 .04444 .04333 .04226 .04123 .04025


  44   .05443 .05296 .05155 .05021 .04892 .04768 .04650 .04537 .04428 .04324



  45   .05827 .05672 .05523 .05381 .05245 .05114 .04989 .04869 .04754 .04643


  46   .06237 .06074 .05917 .05767 .05623 .05485 .05352 .05225 .05103 .04986


  47   .06673 .06500 .06335 .06177 .06025 .05879 .05739 .05605 .05475 .05351


  48   .07137 .06955 .06781 .06614 .06454 .06300 .06152 .06010 .05874 .05742


  49   .07632 .07441 .07258 .07082 .06913 .06750 .06595 .06444 .06300 .06161



  50   .08162 .07962 .07769 .07584 .07407 .07236 .07071 .06913 .06760 .06614


  51   .08731 .08520 .08318 .08124 .07937 .07757 .07583 .07416 .07256 .07101


  52   .09340 .09119 .08907 .08703 .08507 .08317 .08135 .07959 .07790 .07627


  53   .09991 .09760 .09538 .09324 .09118 .08919 .08728 .08543 .08365 .08193


  54   .10685 .10443 .10211 .09987 .09771 .09562 .09361 .09167 .08980 .08799



  55   .11420 .11168 .10925 .10690 .10464 .10246 .10035 .09832 .09635 .09445


  56   .12191 .11928 .11675 .11430 .11193 .10965 .10745 .10531 .10325 .10126


  57   .13001 .12727 .12462 .12207 .11960 .11721 .11491 .11268 .11052 .10843


  58   .13846 .13561 .13286 .13020 .12762 .12513 .12273 .12040 .11814 .11595


  59   .14732 .14436 .14150 .13873 .13605 .13346 .13095 .12851 .12616 .12388



  60   .15665 .15358 .15060 .14772 .14494 .14224 .13962 .13709 .13463 .13225


  61   .16642 .16324 .16016 .15717 .15428 .15147 .14875 .14611 .14355 .14107


  62   .17663 .17333 .17014 .16704 .16404 .16113 .15830 .15556 .15290 .15031


  63   .18726 .18385 .18055 .17734 .17423 .17121 .16828 .16544 .16267 .15999


  64   .19833 .19481 .19140 .18809 .18487 .18175 .17871 .17576 .17289 .17010



  65   .20987 .20624 .20273 .19931 .19598 .19275 .18961 .18656 .18358 .18069


  66   .22213 .21840 .21478 .21125 .20783 .20449 .20125 .19809 .19501 .19202


  67   .23508 .23125 .22753 .22390 .22037 .21694 .21360 .21034 .20716 .20407


  68   .24868 .24476 .24094 .23722 .23359 .23006 .22662 .22327 .22000 .21681


  69   .26291 .25889 .25498 .25117 .24745 .24383 .24030 .23685 .23349 .23020


  70   .27773 .27364 .26964 .26574 .26194 .25823 .25461 .25107 .24762 .24425



  71   .29321 .28904 .28496 .28099 .27710 .27331 .26961 .26599 .26246 .25900


  72   .30933 .30508 .30094 .29689 .29294 .28907 .28530 .28160 .27799 .27446


  73   .32602 .32171 .31751 .31340 .30938 .30545 .30160 .29784 .29416 .29056


  74   .34319 .33884 .33458 .33042 .32634 .32236 .31845 .31463 .31089 .30723



  75   .36076 .35637 .35207 .34786 .34374 .33970 .33575 .33188 .32808 .32437


  76   .37867 .37425 .36991 .36567 .36151 .35744 .35344 .34953 .34569 .34192


  77   .39690 .39245 .38810 .38383 .37964 .37554 .37151 .36756 .36369 .35989


  78   .41541 .41096 .40659 .40231 .39811 .39398 .38993 .38596 .38206 .37823


  79   .43418 .42973 .42536 .42107 .41686 .41272 .40866 .40467 .40075 .39691



  80   .45311 .44868 .44432 .44003 .43582 .43169 .42763 .42363 .41971 .41585


  81   .47219 .46777 .46343 .45916 .45497 .45084 .44679 .44280 .43888 .43502


  82   .49135 .48696 .48265 .47841 .47424 .47014 .46610 .46213 .45822 .45437


  83   .51052 .50618 .50191 .49771 .49357 .48950 .48549 .48154 .47766 .47383


  84   .52966 .52537 .52115 .51700 .51291 .50887 .50490 .50099 .49714 .49334



  85   .54870 .54448 .54032 .53622 .53218 .52820 .52428 .52041 .51660 .51284


  86   .56759 .56344 .55935 .55532 .55135 .54742 .54356 .53974 .53598 .53227


  87   .58626 .58219 .57818 .57422 .57031 .56646 .56266 .55891 .55521 .55155


  88   .60468 .60070 .59677 .59290 .58907 .58529 .58157 .57788 .57425 .57066


  89   .62277 .61888 .61505 .61126 .60753 .60383 .60018 .59658 .59302 .58950



  90   .64048 .63670 .63296 .62927 .62563 .62202 .61846 .61494 .61146 .60803


  91   .65778 .65411 .65048 .64689 .64334 .63983 .63636 .63293 .62954 .62619


  92   .67462 .67106 .66754 .66406 .66061 .65720 .65383 .65050 .64720 .64393


  93   .69094 .68749 .68408 .68071 .67737 .67406 .67079 .66756 .66435 .66118


  94   .70673 .70340 .70011 .69685 .69362 .69042 .68725 .68412 .68102 .67794



  95   .72199 .71878 .71560 .71246 .70934 .70625 .70319 .70016 .69716 .69419


  96   .73662 .73353 .73047 .72743 .72443 .72145 .71850 .71557 .71268 .70981


  97   .75063 .74766 .74471 .74180 .73890 .73604 .73319 .73038 .72758 .72482


  98   .76405 .76120 .75837 .75557 .75279 .75003 .74730 .74459 .74190 .73923


  99   .77690 .77417 .77146 .76877 .76610 .76345 .76083 .75822 .75564 .75308



 100   .78901 .78639 .78379 .78121 .77866 .77612 .77360 .77110 .76862 .76616


 101   .80067 .79816 .79568 .79321 .79076 .78832 .78591 .78351 .78114 .77877


 102   .81152 .80912 .80674 .80438 .80203 .79970 .79738 .79508 .79280 .79054


 103   .82245 .82016 .81789 .81563 .81339 .81116 .80895 .80676 .80458 .80241


 104   .83250 .83031 .82814 .82599 .82384 .82171 .81960 .81750 .81541 .81334



 105   .84239 .84030 .83823 .83617 .83412 .83209 .83006 .82806 .82606 .82407


 106   .85507 .85311 .85117 .84924 .84733 .84542 .84352 .84164 .83976 .83790


 107   .86958 .86779 .86600 .86422 .86246 .86070 .85895 .85721 .85548 .85376


 108   .89422 .89272 .89123 .88974 .88826 .88679 .88533 .88386 .88241 .88096


 109   .94563 .94484 .94405 .94326 .94248 .94170 .94092 .94014 .93937 .93860



(f) Effective/applicability date. This section applies on or after May 1, 2009.

(g) Expiration date. This section expires on or before May 1, 2012.

Par. 6. The undesignated center heading immediately preceding § 1.642(c)-6A is revised to read as follows:


Pooled Income Fund Actuarial Tables


Applicable Before May 1, 2009



Par. 7. Section 1.642(c)-6A is amended by:

      1. Revising the section heading.



      2. Amending newly-designated paragraph (f) as follows:



            a. Paragraph (f) heading is revised.



            b. Paragraphs (f)(1), (f)(2), (f)(3), (f)(4), and (f)(5) are





            c. The introductory text in paragraph (f)(6) and the heading


 preceding Table S is are revised.



            d. Paragraph (f)(7) is added.



The revisions and addition read as follows:

§ 1.642(c)-6A Valuation of charitable remainder interests for which the valuation date is before May 1, 2009.

* * * * *

(f) Present value of the remainder interest in the case of transfers to pooled income funds for which the valuation date is after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009 -- (1) In general. In the case of transfers to pooled income funds for which the valuation date is after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009, the present value of a remainder interest is determined under this section. See, however, § 1.7520-3(b) (relating to exceptions to the use of prescribed tables under certain circumstances). The present value of a remainder interest that is dependent on the termination of the life of one individual is computed by the use of Table S in paragraph (f)(6) of this section. For purposes of the computations under this section, the age of an individual is the age at the individual's nearest birthday.

(2) Transitional rules for valuation of transfers to pooled income funds. (i) For purposes of sections 2055, 2106, or 2624, if on May 1, 1999, the decedent was mentally incompetent so that the disposition of the property could not be changed, and the decedent died after April 30, 1999, without having regained competency to dispose of the decedent's property, or the decedent died within 90 days of the date that the decedent first regained competency after April 30, 1999, the present value of a remainder interest is determined as if the valuation date with respect to the decedent's gross estate is either before May 1, 1999, or after April 30, 1999, at the option of the decedent's executor.

(ii) For purposes of sections 170, 2055, 2106, 2522, or 2624, in the case of transfers to a pooled income fund for which the valuation date is after April 30, 1999, and before July 1, 1999, the present value of the remainder interest under this section is determined by use of the section 7520 interest rate for the month in which the valuation date occurs (see §§ 1.7520-1(b) and 1.7520-2(a)(2)) and the appropriate actuarial tables under either paragraph (e)(5) or (f)(6) of this section, at the option of the donor or the decedent's executor, as the case may be.

(iii) For purposes of paragraphs (f)(2)(i) and (f)(2)(ii) of this section, where the donor or decedent's executor is given the option to use the appropriate actuarial tables under either paragraph (e)(5) or (f)(6) of this section, the donor or decedent's executor must use the same actuarial table with respect to each individual transaction and with respect to all transfers occurring on the valuation date (for example, gift and income tax charitable deductions with respect to the same transfer must be determined based on the same tables, and all assets includible in the gross estate and/or estate tax deductions claimed must be valued based on the same tables).

(3) Present value of a remainder interest. The present value of a remainder interest in property transferred to a pooled income fund is computed on the basis of --

(i) Life contingencies determined from the values of lx that are set forth in Table 90CM in § 20.2031-7A(f)(4); and

(ii) Discount at a rate of interest, compounded annually, equal to the highest yearly rate of return of the pooled income fund for the 3 taxable years immediately preceding its taxable year in which the transfer of property to the fund is made. The provisions of § 1.642(c)-6(c) apply for determining the yearly rate of return. However, where the taxable year is less than 12 months, the provisions of § 1.642(c)-6T(e)(3)(ii) apply for the determining the yearly rate of return.

(4) Pooled income funds in existence less than 3 taxable years. The provisions of § 1.642(c)-6T(e)(4) apply for determining the highest yearly rate of return when the pooled income fund has been in existence less than three taxable years.

(5) Computation of value of remainder interest. The factor that is used in determining the present value of a remainder interest that is dependent on the termination of the life of one individual is the factor from Table S in paragraph (f)(6) of this section under the appropriate yearly rate of return opposite the number that corresponds to the age of the individual upon whose life the value of the remainder interest is based. Table S in paragraph (f)(6) of this section includes factors for yearly rates of return from 4.2 to 14 percent. Many actuarial factors not contained in Table S in paragraph (f)(6) of this section are contained in Table S in Internal Revenue Service Publication 1457, "Actuarial Values, Book Aleph," (7-99). Publication 1457 is no longer available for purchase from the Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office. However, pertinent factors in this publication may be obtained by a written request to: CC:PA:LPD:PR (IRS Publication 1457), Room 5205, Internal Revenue Service, P.O. Box 7604, Ben Franklin Station, Washington, DC 20044. For other situations, see § 1.642(c)-6(b). If the yearly rate of return is a percentage that is between the yearly rates of return for which factors are provided, a linear interpolation must be made. The present value of the remainder interest is determined by multiplying the fair market value of the property on the valuation date by the appropriate remainder factor. For an example of a computation of the present value of a remainder interest requiring a linear interpolation adjustment, see § 1.642(c)-6T(e)(5).

(6) Actuarial tables. In the case of transfers for which the valuation date is after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009, the present value of a remainder interest dependent on the termination of one life in the case of a transfer to a pooled income fund is determined by use of the following tables:




[Applicable After April 30, 1999, and Before May 1, 2009]



* * * * *

(7) Effective/applicability dates. Paragraphs (f)(1) through (f)(6) apply after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009.

Par. 8. Section 1.664-2 is amended by revising paragraph (c) and adding paragraph (e) to read as follows:

§ 1.664-2 Charitable remainder annuity trust.

* * * * *

(c) Calculation of the fair market value of the remainder interest of a charitable remainder annuity trust. For purposes of sections 170, 2055, 2106, and 2522, the fair market value of the remainder interest of a charitable remainder annuity trust (as described in this section) is the net fair market value (as of the appropriate valuation date) of the property placed in trust less the present value of the annuity. For purposes of this section, valuation date means, in general, the date on which the property is transferred to the trust by the donor regardless of when the trust is created. In the case of transfers to a charitable remainder annuity trust for which the valuation date is after April 30, 1999, if an election is made under section 7520 and § 1.7520-2(b) to compute the present value of the charitable interest by use of the interest rate component for either of the 2 months preceding the month in which the transfer is made, the month so elected is the valuation date for purposes of determining the interest rate and mortality tables. For purposes of section 2055 or 2106, the valuation date is the date of death unless the alternate valuation date is elected in accordance with section 2032 in which event, and within the limitations set forth in section 2032 and the regulations thereunder, the valuation date is the alternate valuation date. If the decedent's estate elects the alternate valuation date under section 2032 and also elects, under section 7520 and § 1.7520-2(b), to use the interest rate component for one of the 2 months preceding the alternate valuation date, the month so elected is the valuation date for purposes of determining the interest rate and mortality tables. The present value of an annuity is computed under § 20.2031-7T(d) for transfers for which the valuation date is on or after May 1, 2009, or under § 20.2031-7A(a) through (f), whichever is applicable, for transfers for which the valuation date is before May 1, 2009. See, however, § 1.7520-3(b) (relating to exceptions to the use of prescribed tables under certain circumstances).

* * * * *

(e) Effective/applicability date. Paragraph (c)(1) applies after April 30, 1989.

Par. 9. Section 1.664-4 is amended as follows: TA 1. Paragraph (a)(1) is revised.

2. Paragraph (d) is removed.

3. The heading for paragraph (e) is redesignated as the heading for § 1.664-4A(f).

4. Paragraphs (e)(1), (e)(2), (e)(5), and (e)(7) are redesignated as § 1.664-4A(f)(1), (f)(2), (f)(5) and (f)(6), respectively.

5. New paragraphs (d), (e)(1), (e)(2), and (e)(5) are added.

6. The heading and introductory text of paragraph (e)(6), preceding Table D, is revised.

7. New paragraph (e)(7) is added.

8. Paragraph (f) is revised.

The additions and revision read as follows:

§ 1.664-4 Calculation of the fair market value of the remainder interest in a charitable remainder unitrust.

(a) * * *

(1) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 1.664-4T(a)(1).

* * * * *

(d) through (e)(2) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 1.664-4T(d) through (e)(2).

* * * * *

(5) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 1.664-4T(e)(5).

(6) Actuarial Table D and F (4.2 through 14.0) for transfers for which the valuation date is after April 30, 1989. For transfers for which the valuation date is after April 30, 1989, the present value of a charitable remainder unitrust interest that is dependent upon a term of years is determined by using the section 7520 rate and the tables in this paragraph (e)(6). For transfers for which the valuation date is on or after May 1, 2009, where the present value of a charitable remainder unitrust interest is dependent on the termination of a life interest , see § 1.664-4T(e)(5). See, however, § 1.7520-3(b) (relating to exceptions to the use of prescribed tables under certain circumstances). Many actuarial factors not contained in the following tables are contained in Internal Revenue Service Publication 1458, "Actuarial Valuations Version 3B" (2009). This publication will be available beginning May 1, 2009, at no charge, electronically via the IRS Internet site at

* * * * *

(7) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 1.664-4T(e)(7).

(f) Effective/applicability dates. This section applies after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009.

Par. 10. Section 1.664-4T is added to read as follows:

§ 1.664-4T Calculation of the fair market value of the remainder interest in a charitable remainder unitrust (temporary).

(a) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 1.664-4(a).

(1) Life contingencies determined as to each life involved, from the values of lx set forth in Table 2000CM contained in § 20.2031-7T(d)(7) in the case of transfers for which the valuation date is on or after May 1, 2009; or from Table 90CM contained in § 20.2031-7A(f)(4) in the case of transfer for which the valuation date is after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009. See § 20.2031-7A(a) through (e), whichever is applicable, for transfers for which the valuation date is before May 1, 1999;

(a)(2) through (c) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 1.664-4(a)(2) through (c).

(d) Valuation. The fair market value of a remainder interest in a charitable remainder unitrust (as described in § 1.664-3) for transfers for which the valuation date is on or after May 1, 2009, is its present value determined under paragraph (e) of this section. The fair market value of a remainder interest in a charitable remainder unitrust (as described in § 1.664-3) for transfers for which the valuation date is before May 1,2009, is its present value determined under the following sections:

    Valuation Dates




 After        Before              Regulations



 --           01-01-52            1.664-4A(a)


 12-31-51     01-01-71            1.664-4A(b)


 12-31-70     12-01-83            1.664-4A(c)


 11-30-83     05-01-89            1.664-4A(d)


 04-30-89     05-01-99            1.664-4A(e)


 04-30-99     05-01-09            1.664-4A(f)



(e) Valuation of charitable remainder unitrusts having certain payout sequences for transfers for which the valuation date is on or after May 1, 2009 -- (1) In general. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (e)(2) of this section, in the case of transfers for which the valuation date is on or after May 1, 2009, the present value of a remainder interest is determined under paragraphs (e)(3) through (e)(7) of this section, provided that the amount of the payout as of any payout date during any taxable year of the trust is not larger than the amount that the trust could distribute on such date under § 1.664-3(a)(1)(v) if the taxable year of the trust were to end on such date. See, however, § 1.7520-3(b) (relating to exceptions to the use of the prescribed tables under certain circumstances).

(2) Transitional rules for valuation of charitable remainder unitrusts. (i) For purposes of sections 2055, 2106, or 2624, if on May 1, 2009, the decedent was mentally incompetent so that the disposition of the property could not be changed, and the decedent died on or after May 1, 2009, without having regained competency to dispose of the decedent's property, or the decedent died within 90 days of the date that the decedent first regained competency on or after May 1, 2009, the present value of a remainder interest under this section is determined as if the valuation date with respect to the decedent's gross estate is either before or after May 1, 2009, at the option of the decedent's executor.

(ii) For purposes of sections 170, 2055, 2106, 2522, or 2624, in the case of transfers to a charitable remainder unitrust for which the valuation date is on or after May 1, 2009, and before July 1, 2009, the present value of a remainder interest based on one or more measuring lives is determined under this section by use of the section 7520 interest rate for the month in which the valuation date occurs (see §§ 1.7520-1(b) and 1.7520-2(a)(2)) and the appropriate actuarial tables under either paragraph (e)(7) of this section or § 1.664-4A(f)(6), at the option of the donor or the decedent's executor, as the case may be.

(iii) For purposes of paragraphs (e)(2)(i) and (e)(2)(ii) of this section, where the donor or decedent's executor is given the option to use the appropriate actuarial tables under either paragraph (e)(7) of this section or § 1.664-4A(f)(6), the donor or decedent's executor must use the same actuarial table with respect to each individual transaction and with respect to all transfers occurring on the valuation date (for example, gift and income tax charitable deductions with respect to the same transfer must be determined based on the same tables, and all assets includible in the gross estate and/or estate tax deductions claimed must be valued based on the same tables).

(3) and (4) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 1.664-4(e)(3) and (e)(4).

(5) Period is the life of one individual. (i) If the period described in § 1.664-3(a)(5) is the life of one individual, the factor that is used in determining the present value of the remainder interest for transfers for which the valuation date is on or after May 1,2009, is the factor in Table U(1) in paragraph (e)(7) of this section under the appropriate adjusted payout. For purposes of the computations described in this paragraph (e)(5), the age of an individual is the age of that individual at the individual's nearest birthday. If the adjusted payout rate is an amount that is between adjusted payout rates for which factors are provided in the appropriate table, a linear interpolation must be made. The present value of the remainder interest is determined by multiplying the net fair market value (as of the valuation date as determined in § 1.664-4(e)(4)) of the property placed in trust by the factor determined under this paragraph (e)(5). If the adjusted payout rate is between 4.2 and 14 percent, see paragraph (e)(7) of this section. If the adjusted payout rate is below 4.2 percent or greater than 14 percent, see § 1.664-4(b).

(ii) The application of paragraph (e)(5)(i) of this section may be illustrated by the following example:

Example. A, who is 44 years and 11 months old, transfers $100,000 to a charitable remainder unitrust on January 1st. The trust instrument requires that the trust pay to A semiannually (on June 30 and December 31) 8 percent of the fair market value of the trust assets as of January 1st during A's life. The section 7520 rate for January is 6.6 percent. Under Table F(6.6) in § 1.664-4(e)(6), the appropriate adjustment factor is .953317 for semiannual payments payable at the end of the semiannual period. The adjusted payout rate is 7.627% (8% X .953317). Based on the remainder factors in Table U(1) in this section, the present value of the remainder interest is $11,075.00, computed as follows:

 Factor at 7.6 percent at age 45              .11141


 Factor at 7.8 percent at age 45              .10653


 Difference                                   .00488



 Interpolation adjustment:



                7.627% - 7.6%       =            x


                _____________                _______


                      0.2%                    .00488



                                  x =         .00066



 Factor at 7.6 percent at age 45              .11141


 Less: Interpolation adjustment               .00066


 Interpolated Factor                          .11075



 Present value of remainder interest:


           ($100,000 X .11075)              $11,075.00



(6) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 1.664-4(e)(6).

(7) Actuarial Table U(1) for transfers for which the valuation date is on or after May 1, 2009. For transfers for which the valuation date is on or after May 1, 2009, the present value of a charitable remainder unitrust interest that is dependent on the termination of a life interest is determined by using the section 7520 rate, Table U(1) in this paragraph (e)(7) and Table F(4.2) through (14.0) in § 1.664-4(e)(6). See, however, § 1.7520-3(b) (relating to exceptions to the use of prescribed tables under certain circumstances). Many actuarial factors not contained in the following tables are contained in Internal Revenue Service Publication 1458, "Actuarial Valuations Version 3B" (2009). This publication will be available beginning May 1, 2009, at no charge, electronically via the IRS Internet site at

              Table U(1) -- Unitrust Single Life Remainder Factors


                          Based on Life Table 2000CM


                      Applicable on or After May 1, 2009



                             Adjusted Payout Rate




 AGE     4.2%   4.4%   4.6%   4.8%   5.0%   5.2%   5.4%   5.6%   5.8%   6.0%




   0   .05527 .04953 .04455 .04023 .03648 .03321 .03037 .02789 .02573 .02383


   1   .05095 .04501 .03986 .03538 .03148 .02809 .02513 .02255 .02029 .01831


   2   .05269 .04659 .04128 .03666 .03264 .02913 .02606 .02338 .02103 .01896


   3   .05468 .04841 .04295 .03818 .03403 .03040 .02722 .02443 .02199 .01984


   4   .05684 .05039 .04477 .03986 .03557 .03181 .02852 .02563 .02309 .02085



   5   .05912 .05251 .04672 .04166 .03723 .03335 .02993 .02694 .02429 .02197


   6   .06154 .05475 .04880 .04359 .03901 .03500 .03146 .02835 .02561 .02319


   7   .06407 .05709 .05097 .04561 .04089 .03673 .03308 .02985 .02700 .02448


   8   .06672 .05956 .05328 .04775 .04288 .03859 .03481 .03146 .02850 .02588


   9   .06951 .06217 .05571 .05002 .04500 .04057 .03665 .03319 .03012 .02739



  10   .07244 .06491 .05827 .05241 .04724 .04266 .03861 .03503 .03184 .02901


  11   .07550 .06778 .06096 .05494 .04961 .04489 .04070 .03698 .03368 .03074


  12   .07869 .07078 .06378 .05759 .05210 .04723 .04290 .03906 .03563 .03258


  13   .08199 .07389 .06670 .06034 .05468 .04966 .04519 .04121 .03767 .03450


  14   .08536 .07706 .06969 .06315 .05733 .05215 .04754 .04342 .03975 .03646



  15   .08877 .08027 .07271 .06599 .06000 .05467 .04990 .04565 .04184 .03844


  16   .09221 .08351 .07576 .06885 .06269 .05719 .05228 .04788 .04394 .04041


  17   .09570 .08679 .07885 .07176 .06542 .05975 .05468 .05014 .04606 .04240


  18   .09925 .09014 .08199 .07471 .06820 .06236 .05712 .05243 .04821 .04442


  19   .10289 .09356 .08522 .07774 .07104 .06503 .05963 .05478 .05041 .04648



  20   .10665 .09711 .08856 .08089 .07400 .06781 .06224 .05723 .05272 .04864


  21   .11052 .10077 .09201 .08413 .07706 .07068 .06495 .05977 .05510 .05088


  22   .11452 .10455 .09558 .08750 .08023 .07367 .06776 .06241 .05759 .05322


  23   .11867 .10848 .09929 .09101 .08354 .07680 .07070 .06519 .06019 .05567


  24   .12300 .11259 .10319 .09470 .08703 .08009 .07381 .06812 .06297 .05829



  25   .12755 .11691 .10730 .09860 .09073 .08359 .07713 .07126 .06593 .06109


  26   .13232 .12146 .11163 .10272 .09464 .08731 .08065 .07460 .06910 .06409


  27   .13732 .12624 .11619 .10706 .09878 .09125 .08440 .07816 .07248 .06731


  28   .14255 .13125 .12098 .11164 .10315 .09542 .08837 .08195 .07609 .07074


  29   .14799 .13647 .12598 .11644 .10773 .09980 .09256 .08594 .07990 .07438



  30   .15365 .14191 .13120 .12144 .11252 .10438 .09694 .09014 .08391 .07821


  31   .15952 .14756 .13664 .12666 .11754 .10919 .10155 .09455 .08813 .08225


  32   .16561 .15343 .14230 .13210 .12277 .11422 .10637 .09918 .09257 .08650


  33   .17193 .15954 .14819 .13778 .12824 .11948 .11143 .10403 .09724 .09098


  34   .17845 .16585 .15429 .14367 .13391 .12495 .11670 .10910 .10211 .09566



  35   .18520 .17239 .16062 .14979 .13982 .13065 .12219 .11440 .10721 .10057


  36   .19218 .17916 .16718 .15614 .14597 .13659 .12793 .11993 .11254 .10571


  37   .19938 .18617 .17398 .16274 .15236 .14276 .13390 .12570 .11812 .11110


  38   .20683 .19342 .18103 .16958 .15900 .14920 .14013 .13173 .12395 .11673


  39   .21450 .20090 .18832 .17667 .16588 .15588 .14661 .13801 .13003 .12261



  40   .22241 .20862 .19585 .18400 .17301 .16281 .15334 .14454 .13636 .12875


  41   .23055 .21659 .20362 .19158 .18040 .17000 .16033 .15133 .14295 .13514


  42   .23892 .22479 .21164 .19942 .18804 .17744 .16757 .15838 .14980 .14180


  43   .24756 .23326 .21994 .20753 .19596 .18517 .17511 .16572 .15695 .14875


  44   .25644 .24198 .22849 .21590 .20415 .19318 .18293 .17334 .16438 .15599



  45   .26557 .25096 .23731 .22455 .21263 .20147 .19103 .18125 .17210 .16352


  46   .27496 .26021 .24641 .23349 .22139 .21006 .19943 .18947 .18013 .17136


  47   .28460 .26972 .25578 .24270 .23044 .21893 .20813 .19799 .18846 .17951


  48   .29451 .27950 .26542 .25220 .23978 .22811 .21714 .20682 .19712 .18798


  49   .30468 .28957 .27536 .26201 .24944 .23761 .22648 .21599 .20611 .19679



  50   .31515 .29994 .28562 .27214 .25943 .24746 .23617 .22552 .21547 .20598


  51   .32591 .31062 .29620 .28260 .26976 .25765 .24621 .23541 .22520 .21554


  52   .33697 .32161 .30710 .29340 .28045 .26821 .25663 .24568 .23531 .22550


  53   .34832 .33291 .31833 .30453 .29148 .27912 .26741 .25632 .24582 .23585


  54   .35995 .34449 .32985 .31598 .30283 .29037 .27855 .26733 .25669 .24658



  55   .37183 .35635 .34166 .32773 .31450 .30194 .29001 .27868 .26791 .25768


  56   .38390 .36841 .35370 .33971 .32642 .31378 .30175 .29032 .27943 .26907


  57   .39618 .38069 .36596 .35194 .33859 .32588 .31377 .30224 .29125 .28077


  58   .40862 .39316 .37842 .36438 .35099 .33822 .32605 .31443 .30334 .29276


  59   .42126 .40583 .39110 .37705 .36364 .35083 .33859 .32691 .31574 .30506



  60   .43410 .41873 .40403 .38999 .37656 .36372 .35145 .33970 .32846 .31770


  61   .44714 .43183 .41718 .40316 .38974 .37689 .36458 .35279 .34149 .33067


  62   .46033 .44510 .43052 .41653 .40313 .39028 .37796 .36614 .35480 .34391


  63   .47366 .45853 .44402 .43010 .41673 .40390 .39157 .37974 .36836 .35744


  64   .48712 .47212 .45770 .44385 .43053 .41773 .40542 .39358 .38219 .37123



  65   .50073 .48586 .47156 .45779 .44454 .43179 .41951 .40768 .39629 .38531


  66   .51461 .49990 .48573 .47207 .45891 .44623 .43400 .42220 .41083 .39985


  67   .52872 .51419 .50018 .48665 .47360 .46100 .44884 .43710 .42576 .41481


  68   .54302 .52869 .51484 .50147 .48854 .47605 .46398 .45231 .44103 .43011


  69   .55744 .54333 .52968 .51648 .50371 .49134 .47938 .46780 .45659 .44573


  70   .57198 .55810 .54467 .53165 .51905 .50683 .49500 .48352 .47241 .46163



  71   .58662 .57300 .55980 .54700 .53458 .52253 .51084 .49950 .48849 .47781


  72   .60134 .58800 .57505 .56247 .55026 .53840 .52688 .51569 .50481 .49425


  73   .61608 .60303 .59035 .57803 .56604 .55439 .54305 .53203 .52131 .51087


  74   .63077 .61804 .60565 .59358 .58184 .57041 .55928 .54844 .53789 .52761



  75   .64536 .63295 .62085 .60907 .59759 .58639 .57548 .56485 .55447 .54436


  76   .65980 .64772 .63594 .62445 .61323 .60229 .59162 .58120 .57102 .56110


  77   .67408 .66234 .65089 .63970 .62877 .61809 .60766 .59747 .58751 .57779


  78   .68817 .67679 .66567 .65479 .64416 .63376 .62359 .61364 .60392 .59440


  79   .70205 .69104 .68026 .66971 .65938 .64927 .63937 .62968 .62019 .61090



  80   .71569 .70504 .69461 .68439 .67438 .66457 .65495 .64553 .63629 .62724


  81   .72905 .71878 .70871 .69883 .68914 .67963 .67031 .66116 .65219 .64339


  82   .74213 .73224 .72252 .71299 .70363 .69444 .68541 .67655 .66785 .65930


  83   .75489 .74538 .73603 .72684 .71781 .70894 .70022 .69165 .68323 .67495


  84   .76731 .75818 .74919 .74036 .73167 .72312 .71471 .70644 .69830 .69029



  85   .77937 .77062 .76200 .75352 .74516 .73694 .72884 .72087 .71302 .70529


  86   .79106 .78268 .77443 .76629 .75828 .75038 .74260 .73493 .72738 .71993


  87   .80235 .79434 .78645 .77866 .77098 .76341 .75595 .74858 .74132 .73416


  88   .81324 .80560 .79806 .79062 .78328 .77603 .76888 .76182 .75486 .74798


  89   .82371 .81643 .80924 .80214 .79513 .78821 .78137 .77461 .76794 .76134



  90   .83375 .82682 .81998 .81321 .80653 .79992 .79339 .78693 .78055 .77424


  91   .84336 .83678 .83027 .82383 .81747 .81117 .80494 .79878 .79268 .78665


  92   .85253 .84629 .84011 .83399 .82794 .82194 .81601 .81014 .80433 .79857


  93   .86126 .85534 .84948 .84367 .83792 .83222 .82658 .82099 .81545 .80997


  94   .86956 .86395 .85840 .85289 .84743 .84202 .83666 .83134 .82608 .82086



  95   .87744 .87213 .86687 .86166 .85648 .85135 .84626 .84122 .83621 .83125


  96   .88487 .87985 .87488 .86994 .86504 .86017 .85535 .85056 .84581 .84109


  97   .89188 .88714 .88244 .87776 .87312 .86852 .86395 .85941 .85490 .85042


  98   .89850 .89402 .88958 .88516 .88077 .87641 .87208 .86778 .86351 .85927


  99   .90475 .90053 .89632 .89215 .88800 .88388 .87978 .87571 .87167 .86765



 100   .91057 .90658 .90261 .89867 .89475 .89085 .88697 .88312 .87929 .87548


 101   .91610 .91234 .90860 .90487 .90117 .89749 .89382 .89018 .88655 .88295


 102   .92122 .91767 .91413 .91061 .90711 .90363 .90017 .89672 .89328 .88987


 103   .92630 .92296 .91963 .91632 .91303 .90975 .90648 .90323 .89999 .89677


 104   .93097 .92783 .92470 .92158 .91847 .91537 .91229 .90922 .90616 .90312



 105   .93558 .93263 .92969 .92676 .92383 .92092 .91802 .91513 .91225 .90938


 106   .94135 .93864 .93594 .93325 .93057 .92789 .92522 .92256 .91991 .91726


 107   .94789 .94546 .94304 .94062 .93821 .93580 .93340 .93101 .92861 .92623


 108   .95844 .95648 .95453 .95258 .95063 .94868 .94673 .94478 .94284 .94090


 109   .97900 .97800 .97700 .97600 .97500 .97400 .97300 .97200 .97100 .97000



          Table U(1) -- Unitrust Single Life Remainder Factors


                      Based on Life Table 2000CM


                  Applicable on or After May 1, 2009



                         Adjusted Payout Rate




 AGE     6.2%   6.4%   6.6%   6.8%   7.0%   7.2%   7.4%   7.6%   7.8%   8.0%




   0   .02217 .02071 .01942 .01829 .01729 .01640 .01561 .01491 .01429 .01373


   1   .01657 .01504 .01369 .01250 .01145 .01053 .00970 .00897 .00831 .00773


   2   .01715 .01555 .01415 .01290 .01180 .01082 .00996 .00918 .00850 .00788


   3   .01795 .01628 .01481 .01350 .01235 .01132 .01041 .00960 .00887 .00822


   4   .01888 .01714 .01560 .01423 .01302 .01194 .01098 .01013 .00936 .00867



   5   .01991 .01809 .01648 .01505 .01378 .01265 .01164 .01074 .00993 .00921


   6   .02104 .01914 .01746 .01597 .01463 .01345 .01239 .01144 .01059 .00982


   7   .02225 .02027 .01851 .01695 .01555 .01430 .01319 .01219 .01130 .01049


   8   .02356 .02149 .01965 .01802 .01656 .01525 .01408 .01303 .01209 .01124


   9   .02497 .02282 .02090 .01919 .01766 .01629 .01506 .01396 .01296 .01207



  10   .02649 .02425 .02224 .02046 .01885 .01742 .01613 .01497 .01392 .01298


  11   .02812 .02578 .02369 .02182 .02015 .01865 .01729 .01608 .01498 .01398


  12   .02986 .02742 .02525 .02329 .02154 .01997 .01855 .01727 .01612 .01508


  13   .03167 .02914 .02687 .02483 .02300 .02135 .01987 .01853 .01732 .01622


  14   .03352 .03089 .02852 .02640 .02449 .02276 .02121 .01981 .01854 .01738



  15   .03538 .03264 .03018 .02797 .02597 .02417 .02255 .02107 .01974 .01853


  16   .03724 .03439 .03183 .02952 .02744 .02556 .02385 .02231 .02092 .01965


  17   .03911 .03615 .03348 .03107 .02890 .02694 .02516 .02354 .02208 .02075


  18   .04100 .03792 .03515 .03264 .03037 .02832 .02646 .02477 .02323 .02184


  19   .04294 .03974 .03685 .03424 .03188 .02973 .02778 .02602 .02441 .02294



  20   .04497 .04165 .03864 .03592 .03345 .03121 .02918 .02732 .02564 .02410


  21   .04707 .04362 .04049 .03766 .03508 .03275 .03062 .02868 .02691 .02530


  22   .04926 .04568 .04243 .03948 .03679 .03435 .03212 .03009 .02824 .02655


  23   .05157 .04785 .04447 .04140 .03860 .03605 .03372 .03160 .02965 .02788


  24   .05404 .05017 .04666 .04346 .04054 .03788 .03545 .03322 .03119 .02932



  25   .05668 .05268 .04902 .04569 .04265 .03987 .03733 .03500 .03287 .03091


  26   .05953 .05537 .05157 .04811 .04494 .04204 .03938 .03695 .03472 .03267


  27   .06258 .05827 .05433 .05072 .04742 .04440 .04163 .03908 .03674 .03459


  28   .06585 .06138 .05729 .05354 .05011 .04695 .04406 .04140 .03895 .03670


  29   .06932 .06469 .06044 .05655 .05297 .04969 .04667 .04389 .04132 .03896



  30   .07298 .06818 .06378 .05974 .05602 .05260 .04944 .04654 .04386 .04139


  31   .07684 .07188 .06732 .06312 .05925 .05569 .05241 .04937 .04657 .04399


  32   .08092 .07578 .07106 .06670 .06268 .05898 .05556 .05239 .04947 .04676


  33   .08522 .07991 .07501 .07050 .06633 .06247 .05891 .05561 .05256 .04972


  34   .08972 .08423 .07917 .07449 .07016 .06615 .06244 .05901 .05582 .05286



  35   .09444 .08878 .08354 .07869 .07420 .07004 .06618 .06260 .05928 .05619


  36   .09940 .09355 .08814 .08312 .07846 .07415 .07013 .06641 .06294 .05972


  37   .10459 .09856 .09297 .08777 .08295 .07847 .07431 .07043 .06682 .06346


  38   .11004 .10382 .09805 .09268 .08769 .08304 .07872 .07469 .07093 .06742


  39   .11573 .10932 .10337 .09782 .09266 .08784 .08336 .07917 .07526 .07161



  40   .12167 .11508 .10893 .10321 .09787 .09289 .08824 .08389 .07982 .07602


  41   .12787 .12109 .11476 .10885 .10334 .09818 .09336 .08885 .08463 .08068


  42   .13433 .12736 .12085 .11476 .10906 .10373 .09874 .09406 .08968 .08557


  43   .14109 .13393 .12723 .12095 .11508 .10957 .10441 .09957 .09502 .09075


  44   .14814 .14078 .13389 .12744 .12138 .11569 .11036 .10534 .10063 .09620



  45   .15548 .14793 .14086 .13421 .12797 .12211 .11659 .11141 .10653 .10193


  46   .16313 .15540 .14814 .14131 .13488 .12884 .12315 .11779 .11274 .10798


  47   .17109 .16318 .15573 .14871 .14210 .13588 .13001 .12448 .11925 .11432


  48   .17938 .17128 .16364 .15645 .14966 .14325 .13721 .13150 .12610 .12100


  49   .18801 .17973 .17191 .16453 .15756 .15098 .14475 .13887 .13330 .12803



  50   .19702 .18856 .18057 .17301 .16586 .15910 .15270 .14663 .14089 .13545


  51   .20642 .19778 .18961 .18188 .17456 .16762 .16104 .15480 .14889 .14328


  52   .21621 .20741 .19907 .19117 .18367 .17656 .16981 .16340 .15732 .15153


  53   .22641 .21745 .20894 .20087 .19321 .18593 .17901 .17243 .16617 .16022


  54   .23699 .22788 .21922 .21098 .20316 .19571 .18862 .18188 .17546 .16934



  55   .24794 .23868 .22987 .22148 .21350 .20589 .19865 .19174 .18516 .17888


  56   .25920 .24981 .24085 .23232 .22418 .21642 .20902 .20195 .19521 .18877


  57   .27078 .26126 .25217 .24349 .23521 .22730 .21975 .21253 .20563 .19904


  58   .28266 .27301 .26379 .25498 .24656 .23851 .23081 .22345 .21640 .20965


  59   .29486 .28510 .27576 .26682 .25827 .25009 .24225 .23474 .22755 .22065



  60   .30740 .29754 .28810 .27905 .27037 .26206 .25409 .24645 .23911 .23208


  61   .32029 .31033 .30079 .29164 .28285 .27442 .26632 .25855 .25109 .24391


  62   .33347 .32344 .31381 .30455 .29567 .28712 .27891 .27102 .26343 .25613


  63   .34693 .33684 .32713 .31779 .30881 .30017 .29185 .28385 .27614 .26872


  64   .36069 .35054 .34076 .33135 .32229 .31356 .30515 .29704 .28922 .28169



  65   .37474 .36455 .35472 .34525 .33612 .32731 .31881 .31061 .30270 .29506


  66   .38927 .37905 .36919 .35968 .35049 .34161 .33304 .32476 .31676 .30903


  67   .40423 .39401 .38413 .37458 .36535 .35643 .34780 .33946 .33138 .32357


  68   .41956 .40935 .39947 .38991 .38066 .37170 .36303 .35464 .34650 .33863


  69   .43522 .42504 .41518 .40562 .39636 .38739 .37869 .37026 .36208 .35415


  70   .45118 .44104 .43121 .42168 .41243 .40346 .39475 .38629 .37809 .37012



  71   .46744 .45737 .44759 .43810 .42888 .41992 .41122 .40276 .39455 .38656


  72   .48398 .47399 .46429 .45486 .44568 .43676 .42808 .41964 .41143 .40344


  73   .50072 .49084 .48123 .47187 .46276 .45389 .44526 .43685 .42866 .42068


  74   .51759 .50784 .49833 .48907 .48004 .47124 .46267 .45431 .44616 .43821



  75   .53450 .52488 .51550 .50635 .49743 .48872 .48022 .47192 .46383 .45592


  76   .55140 .54194 .53270 .52368 .51487 .50626 .49785 .48964 .48161 .47377


  77   .56828 .55898 .54990 .54102 .53234 .52385 .51555 .50744 .49950 .49173


  78   .58509 .57598 .56707 .55835 .54981 .54146 .53328 .52528 .51744 .50977


  79   .60181 .59290 .58417 .57562 .56725 .55904 .55100 .54313 .53541 .52785



  80   .61837 .60967 .60114 .59278 .58458 .57653 .56865 .56091 .55333 .54589


  81   .63475 .62627 .61795 .60979 .60177 .59391 .58619 .57861 .57117 .56386


  82   .65091 .64267 .63457 .62661 .61880 .61112 .60358 .59617 .58888 .58173


  83   .66681 .65881 .65094 .64321 .63560 .62812 .62077 .61353 .60642 .59942


  84   .68241 .67466 .66703 .65952 .65214 .64487 .63771 .63067 .62373 .61691



  85   .69768 .69019 .68280 .67553 .66837 .66132 .65437 .64753 .64078 .63414


  86   .71259 .70536 .69822 .69120 .68427 .67744 .67070 .66406 .65752 .65107


  87   .72709 .72012 .71325 .70647 .69977 .69317 .68666 .68023 .67389 .66764


  88   .74119 .73449 .72787 .72134 .71489 .70852 .70223 .69602 .68989 .68384


  89   .75483 .74840 .74204 .73576 .72955 .72342 .71736 .71138 .70546 .69962



  90   .76800 .76183 .75573 .74971 .74375 .73785 .73202 .72626 .72056 .71493


  91   .78069 .77479 .76895 .76317 .75745 .75180 .74620 .74067 .73519 .72977


  92   .79288 .78724 .78165 .77613 .77065 .76524 .75987 .75456 .74930 .74409


  93   .80453 .79915 .79382 .78854 .78331 .77812 .77299 .76790 .76286 .75787


  94   .81568 .81055 .80547 .80043 .79544 .79048 .78557 .78071 .77588 .77110



  95   .82633 .82144 .81660 .81180 .80704 .80231 .79763 .79298 .78837 .78380


  96   .83642 .83177 .82717 .82259 .81806 .81356 .80909 .80465 .80025 .79588


  97   .84598 .84157 .83719 .83284 .82853 .82424 .81998 .81576 .81156 .80739


  98   .85505 .85086 .84670 .84257 .83847 .83439 .83034 .82631 .82232 .81835


  99   .86365 .85968 .85573 .85181 .84791 .84404 .84019 .83636 .83255 .82877



 100   .87169 .86792 .86418 .86045 .85675 .85307 .84941 .84577 .84215 .83855


 101   .87936 .87579 .87224 .86871 .86520 .86171 .85823 .85477 .85133 .84791


 102   .88647 .88309 .87972 .87637 .87304 .86972 .86642 .86313 .85986 .85660


 103   .89356 .89036 .88718 .88402 .88086 .87772 .87460 .87149 .86839 .86531


 104   .90008 .89706 .89405 .89105 .88807 .88509 .88213 .87918 .87624 .87331



 105   .90652 .90366 .90082 .89799 .89517 .89236 .88955 .88676 .88398 .88120


 106   .91462 .91199 .90937 .90675 .90414 .90154 .89895 .89636 .89378 .89121


 107   .92385 .92147 .91910 .91673 .91437 .91201 .90966 .90731 .90497 .90263


 108   .93896 .93702 .93509 .93316 .93123 .92930 .92737 .92544 .92352 .92160


 109   .96900 .96800 .96700 .96600 .96500 .96400 .96300 .96200 .96100 .96000



          Table U(1) -- Unitrust Single Life Remainder Factors


                      Based on Life Table 2000CM


                  Applicable on or After May 1, 2009



                           Adjusted Payout Rate




 AGE     8.2%   8.4%   8.6%   8.8%   9.0%   9.2%   9.4%   9.6%   9.8%  10.0%




   0   .01323 .01279 .01238 .01202 .01169 .01139 .01112 .01088 .01065 .01044


   1   .00721 .00674 .00632 .00594 .00559 .00528 .00500 .00474 .00451 .00430


   2   .00733 .00683 .00639 .00598 .00562 .00529 .00499 .00472 .00447 .00425


   3   .00764 .00711 .00664 .00622 .00583 .00548 .00516 .00487 .00461 .00437


   4   .00806 .00750 .00700 .00655 .00614 .00577 .00543 .00513 .00485 .00459



   5   .00856 .00797 .00744 .00696 .00653 .00614 .00578 .00545 .00515 .00488


   6   .00914 .00852 .00795 .00745 .00699 .00657 .00619 .00584 .00552 .00523


   7   .00976 .00911 .00851 .00798 .00749 .00704 .00664 .00627 .00593 .00562


   8   .01047 .00978 .00915 .00858 .00806 .00759 .00716 .00677 .00640 .00607


   9   .01126 .01053 .00986 .00926 .00871 .00821 .00775 .00734 .00695 .00660



  10   .01213 .01136 .01065 .01002 .00944 .00891 .00842 .00798 .00757 .00720


  11   .01309 .01227 .01153 .01086 .01024 .00968 .00917 .00870 .00827 .00787


  12   .01413 .01327 .01249 .01178 .01113 .01054 .00999 .00950 .00904 .00862


  13   .01523 .01432 .01350 .01275 .01206 .01144 .01086 .01034 .00985 .00940


  14   .01634 .01539 .01452 .01373 .01301 .01235 .01174 .01118 .01067 .01020



  15   .01743 .01643 .01552 .01469 .01393 .01323 .01259 .01200 .01146 .01096


  16   .01849 .01744 .01648 .01561 .01480 .01407 .01339 .01277 .01220 .01167


  17   .01953 .01843 .01742 .01650 .01565 .01488 .01416 .01351 .01290 .01235


  18   .02056 .01940 .01834 .01737 .01648 .01566 .01491 .01422 .01358 .01299


  19   .02160 .02038 .01927 .01824 .01730 .01644 .01565 .01492 .01424 .01362



  20   .02270 .02141 .02024 .01916 .01817 .01726 .01642 .01565 .01494 .01428


  21   .02382 .02247 .02124 .02010 .01906 .01810 .01721 .01640 .01565 .01495


  22   .02500 .02358 .02228 .02108 .01998 .01897 .01803 .01717 .01638 .01564


  23   .02625 .02476 .02339 .02213 .02097 .01990 .01891 .01800 .01716 .01638


  24   .02761 .02604 .02460 .02327 .02205 .02092 .01988 .01891 .01802 .01719



  25   .02912 .02747 .02595 .02455 .02326 .02206 .02096 .01994 .01900 .01812


  26   .03078 .02904 .02744 .02597 .02461 .02335 .02218 .02110 .02010 .01917


  27   .03261 .03079 .02910 .02755 .02611 .02478 .02355 .02241 .02135 .02037


  28   .03462 .03270 .03093 .02929 .02778 .02637 .02507 .02387 .02274 .02170


  29   .03678 .03477 .03291 .03118 .02959 .02811 .02673 .02546 .02427 .02316



  30   .03910 .03699 .03503 .03322 .03154 .02997 .02852 .02717 .02592 .02475


  31   .04159 .03937 .03731 .03541 .03364 .03199 .03046 .02903 .02770 .02646


  32   .04425 .04192 .03976 .03776 .03589 .03416 .03254 .03104 .02963 .02832


  33   .04710 .04466 .04239 .04029 .03832 .03650 .03479 .03320 .03172 .03033


  34   .05011 .04756 .04518 .04297 .04090 .03898 .03718 .03551 .03394 .03247



  35   .05331 .05064 .04815 .04582 .04366 .04163 .03974 .03798 .03632 .03477


  36   .05671 .05391 .05130 .04887 .04659 .04446 .04247 .04061 .03887 .03723


  37   .06032 .05739 .05466 .05210 .04972 .04748 .04539 .04343 .04159 .03986


  38   .06415 .06109 .05823 .05556 .05305 .05070 .04850 .04644 .04450 .04268


  39   .06819 .06500 .06201 .05921 .05658 .05412 .05181 .04964 .04760 .04568



  40   .07246 .06913 .06601 .06308 .06033 .05774 .05532 .05304 .05089 .04887


  41   .07697 .07349 .07023 .06717 .06429 .06158 .05904 .05664 .05439 .05226


  42   .08171 .07809 .07469 .07149 .06848 .06564 .06298 .06046 .05809 .05585


  43   .08674 .08297 .07942 .07608 .07293 .06997 .06717 .06453 .06204 .05969


  44   .09203 .08810 .08441 .08092 .07764 .07454 .07161 .06885 .06624 .06377



  45   .09760 .09352 .08967 .08604 .08261 .07938 .07632 .07342 .07068 .06809


  46   .10348 .09925 .09524 .09146 .08789 .08451 .08131 .07828 .07542 .07270


  47   .10967 .10527 .10111 .09717 .09345 .08992 .08659 .08342 .08042 .07757


  48   .11618 .11161 .10730 .10321 .09933 .09566 .09217 .08887 .08573 .08275


  49   .12304 .11831 .11383 .10958 .10555 .10173 .09810 .09465 .09137 .08825



  50   .13029 .12540 .12076 .11635 .11216 .10818 .10440 .10081 .09739 .09413


  51   .13795 .13289 .12808 .12351 .11917 .11504 .11110 .10736 .10379 .10040


  52   .14604 .14081 .13584 .13111 .12661 .12232 .11823 .11434 .11062 .10708


  53   .15456 .14917 .14404 .13914 .13448 .13004 .12580 .12175 .11789 .11420


  54   .16352 .15796 .15266 .14761 .14279 .13819 .13379 .12959 .12558 .12175



  55   .17289 .16717 .16171 .15650 .15152 .14676 .14221 .13786 .13370 .12971


  56   .18262 .17674 .17113 .16576 .16062 .15570 .15100 .14650 .14218 .13805


  57   .19273 .18669 .18092 .17539 .17010 .16503 .16017 .15552 .15105 .14677


  58   .20319 .19700 .19107 .18539 .17994 .17472 .16971 .16490 .16029 .15586


  59   .21404 .20770 .20162 .19579 .19019 .18481 .17965 .17470 .16993 .16535



  60   .22532 .21884 .21261 .20663 .20088 .19536 .19005 .18494 .18003 .17530


  61   .23702 .23040 .22403 .21790 .21201 .20634 .20089 .19564 .19058 .18571


  62   .24911 .24235 .23584 .22958 .22355 .21774 .21214 .20674 .20154 .19653


  63   .26157 .25468 .24805 .24165 .23548 .22954 .22380 .21827 .21293 .20777


  64   .27442 .26742 .26065 .25413 .24783 .24175 .23588 .23021 .22474 .21944



  65   .28768 .28056 .27368 .26703 .26061 .25441 .24841 .24261 .23700 .23158


  66   .30156 .29433 .28735 .28059 .27405 .26773 .26161 .25569 .24995 .24440


  67   .31601 .30870 .30161 .29476 .28812 .28169 .27545 .26942 .26357 .25790


  68   .33100 .32360 .31643 .30949 .30275 .29622 .28989 .28375 .27779 .27201


  69   .34646 .33900 .33177 .32474 .31793 .31131 .30489 .29865 .29259 .28671


  70   .36239 .35488 .34758 .34049 .33361 .32692 .32041 .31409 .30795 .30197



  71   .37880 .37125 .36391 .35677 .34983 .34308 .33651 .33011 .32389 .31784


  72   .39566 .38809 .38073 .37355 .36657 .35977 .35315 .34670 .34041 .33429


  73   .41291 .40534 .39796 .39077 .38376 .37693 .37027 .36377 .35744 .35126


  74   .43046 .42290 .41552 .40833 .40131 .39446 .38778 .38125 .37489 .36867



  75   .44821 .44068 .43332 .42614 .41913 .41227 .40558 .39904 .39266 .38641


  76   .46611 .45862 .45130 .44415 .43715 .43031 .42363 .41709 .41069 .40444


  77   .48414 .47671 .46944 .46233 .45537 .44856 .44189 .43536 .42898 .42272


  78   .50226 .49490 .48770 .48065 .47374 .46697 .46034 .45384 .44747 .44123


  79   .52043 .51317 .50604 .49906 .49222 .48551 .47892 .47247 .46614 .45993



  80   .53859 .53142 .52440 .51750 .51074 .50410 .49758 .49118 .48491 .47874


  81   .55669 .54964 .54273 .53593 .52926 .52271 .51627 .50995 .50373 .49763


  82   .57469 .56778 .56099 .55431 .54774 .54129 .53494 .52871 .52257 .51654


  83   .59254 .58577 .57911 .57256 .56612 .55978 .55354 .54740 .54136 .53541


  84   .61019 .60358 .59706 .59065 .58434 .57812 .57200 .56597 .56003 .55419



  85   .62759 .62114 .61479 .60853 .60236 .59628 .59028 .58438 .57856 .57282


  86   .64470 .63843 .63224 .62614 .62012 .61419 .60833 .60256 .59687 .59125


  87   .66146 .65537 .64936 .64342 .63757 .63179 .62608 .62045 .61489 .60941


  88   .67786 .67196 .66613 .66037 .65469 .64907 .64352 .63804 .63263 .62728


  89   .69384 .68813 .68249 .67691 .67140 .66595 .66057 .65525 .64999 .64479



  90   .70936 .70385 .69840 .69301 .68768 .68241 .67719 .67204 .66693 .66189


  91   .72440 .71909 .71384 .70864 .70349 .69840 .69336 .68837 .68344 .67855


  92   .73894 .73383 .72878 .72377 .71881 .71390 .70904 .70422 .69945 .69473


  93   .75292 .74801 .74316 .73834 .73357 .72885 .72416 .71952 .71492 .71037


  94   .76636 .76166 .75700 .75238 .74780 .74326 .73876 .73429 .72986 .72547



  95   .77926 .77476 .77030 .76587 .76148 .75712 .75280 .74851 .74426 .74004


  96   .79155 .78725 .78298 .77874 .77453 .77036 .76622 .76210 .75802 .75397


  97   .80325 .79915 .79507 .79101 .78699 .78300 .77903 .77509 .77117 .76729


  98   .81440 .81048 .80659 .80272 .79887 .79505 .79126 .78749 .78375 .78002


  99   .82502 .82128 .81757 .81388 .81021 .80656 .80294 .79934 .79576 .79220



 100   .83497 .83141 .82788 .82436 .82086 .81738 .81392 .81048 .80706 .80365


 101   .84451 .84112 .83776 .83441 .83107 .82776 .82446 .82117 .81791 .81466


 102   .85337 .85014 .84693 .84374 .84056 .83740 .83425 .83112 .82800 .82490


 103   .86223 .85918 .85613 .85310 .85008 .84708 .84409 .84111 .83814 .83519


 104   .87040 .86749 .86460 .86172 .85885 .85599 .85314 .85030 .84748 .84466



 105   .87844 .87568 .87294 .87020 .86748 .86476 .86205 .85935 .85666 .85398


 106   .88865 .88609 .88354 .88100 .87846 .87594 .87341 .87090 .86839 .86590


 107   .90030 .89797 .89565 .89333 .89102 .88871 .88641 .88411 .88181 .87952


 108   .91968 .91776 .91585 .91394 .91203 .91012 .90821 .90630 .90440 .90250


 109   .95900 .95800 .95700 .95600 .95500 .95400 .95300 .95200 .95100 .95000



          Table U(1) -- Unitrust Single Life Remainder Factors


                      Based on Life Table 2000CM


                  Applicable on or After May 1, 2009



                         Adjusted Payout Rate




 AGE    10.2%  10.4%  10.6%  10.8%  11.0%  11.2%  11.4%  11.6%  11.8%  12.0%




   0   .01025 .01008 .00992 .00977 .00963 .00950 .00938 .00927 .00917 .00907


   1   .00410 .00392 .00376 .00361 .00347 .00334 .00322 .00310 .00300 .00290


   2   .00404 .00385 .00367 .00351 .00336 .00322 .00310 .00298 .00287 .00276


   3   .00415 .00394 .00376 .00359 .00343 .00328 .00314 .00301 .00290 .00279


   4   .00435 .00414 .00394 .00375 .00358 .00342 .00328 .00314 .00302 .00290



   5   .00463 .00439 .00418 .00398 .00380 .00363 .00348 .00333 .00319 .00307


   6   .00496 .00471 .00448 .00427 .00408 .00390 .00373 .00357 .00343 .00329


   7   .00533 .00507 .00483 .00460 .00439 .00420 .00402 .00385 .00369 .00355


   8   .00577 .00549 .00523 .00499 .00476 .00456 .00436 .00418 .00402 .00386


   9   .00627 .00598 .00570 .00544 .00520 .00498 .00478 .00458 .00440 .00423



  10   .00685 .00653 .00624 .00596 .00571 .00547 .00525 .00505 .00485 .00467


  11   .00750 .00716 .00685 .00656 .00629 .00603 .00580 .00558 .00537 .00518


  12   .00823 .00787 .00753 .00722 .00693 .00667 .00642 .00618 .00596 .00576


  13   .00899 .00861 .00826 .00793 .00762 .00734 .00707 .00682 .00659 .00637


  14   .00976 .00935 .00898 .00863 .00831 .00801 .00772 .00746 .00722 .00698



  15   .01050 .01007 .00967 .00931 .00896 .00864 .00835 .00807 .00781 .00756


  16   .01118 .01073 .01031 .00992 .00956 .00922 .00891 .00861 .00834 .00808


  17   .01183 .01135 .01091 .01050 .01011 .00976 .00942 .00911 .00882 .00855


  18   .01244 .01194 .01147 .01104 .01063 .01025 .00990 .00957 .00926 .00897


  19   .01304 .01251 .01202 .01156 .01113 .01073 .01035 .01001 .00968 .00937



  20   .01367 .01311 .01258 .01209 .01164 .01122 .01082 .01045 .01011 .00978


  21   .01430 .01371 .01315 .01263 .01215 .01171 .01129 .01090 .01053 .01019


  22   .01496 .01432 .01373 .01319 .01268 .01220 .01176 .01134 .01095 .01059


  23   .01565 .01498 .01436 .01377 .01323 .01273 .01225 .01181 .01140 .01101


  24   .01642 .01571 .01505 .01443 .01386 .01332 .01282 .01235 .01191 .01149



  25   .01731 .01655 .01585 .01519 .01458 .01401 .01347 .01297 .01250 .01206


  26   .01831 .01751 .01676 .01606 .01541 .01480 .01423 .01370 .01320 .01273


  27   .01945 .01860 .01780 .01706 .01637 .01572 .01511 .01454 .01401 .01351


  28   .02073 .01982 .01898 .01819 .01745 .01676 .01611 .01551 .01494 .01440


  29   .02213 .02117 .02027 .01943 .01865 .01791 .01722 .01658 .01597 .01540



  30   .02365 .02263 .02168 .02079 .01995 .01917 .01844 .01775 .01710 .01649


  31   .02531 .02422 .02321 .02226 .02138 .02054 .01976 .01902 .01833 .01768


  32   .02709 .02595 .02487 .02387 .02292 .02204 .02120 .02042 .01968 .01899


  33   .02903 .02782 .02668 .02561 .02461 .02366 .02278 .02194 .02116 .02041


  34   .03110 .02981 .02860 .02747 .02640 .02540 .02446 .02357 .02273 .02194



  35   .03332 .03195 .03067 .02947 .02834 .02728 .02627 .02533 .02444 .02359


  36   .03569 .03425 .03290 .03162 .03042 .02929 .02823 .02722 .02627 .02537


  37   .03824 .03671 .03528 .03393 .03266 .03146 .03032 .02925 .02824 .02729


  38   .04097 .03936 .03784 .03641 .03506 .03379 .03259 .03145 .03037 .02936


  39   .04387 .04217 .04057 .03905 .03763 .03628 .03500 .03380 .03265 .03157



  40   .04696 .04517 .04347 .04187 .04036 .03893 .03758 .03630 .03509 .03394


  41   .05025 .04836 .04657 .04488 .04328 .04177 .04034 .03898 .03769 .03647


  42   .05374 .05174 .04986 .04807 .04638 .04478 .04326 .04183 .04046 .03917


  43   .05747 .05537 .05338 .05150 .04971 .04802 .04641 .04489 .04344 .04207


  44   .06143 .05922 .05712 .05514 .05325 .05147 .04977 .04816 .04663 .04517



  45   .06564 .06331 .06111 .05901 .05703 .05514 .05335 .05164 .05002 .04848


  46   .07012 .06768 .06536 .06315 .06106 .05907 .05718 .05538 .05366 .05203


  47   .07487 .07231 .06987 .06755 .06535 .06325 .06125 .05935 .05754 .05581


  48   .07992 .07723 .07467 .07223 .06991 .06770 .06560 .06359 .06168 .05985


  49   .08529 .08247 .07978 .07722 .07479 .07246 .07024 .06813 .06611 .06418



  50   .09103 .08808 .08526 .08258 .08002 .07757 .07524 .07301 .07088 .06885


  51   .09716 .09407 .09112 .08831 .08562 .08306 .08060 .07826 .07601 .07387


  52   .10370 .10047 .09739 .09445 .09163 .08894 .08637 .08390 .08154 .07928


  53   .11068 .10731 .10409 .10101 .09806 .09524 .09254 .08996 .08748 .08510


  54   .11808 .11457 .11121 .10800 .10492 .10197 .09914 .09642 .09382 .09133



  55   .12590 .12225 .11875 .11540 .11218 .10910 .10614 .10330 .10057 .09795


  56   .13409 .13029 .12665 .12316 .11981 .11659 .11350 .11053 .10768 .10493


  57   .14266 .13872 .13494 .13130 .12781 .12446 .12123 .11813 .11515 .11228


  58   .15160 .14751 .14359 .13981 .13618 .13269 .12933 .12609 .12298 .11998


  59   .16095 .15672 .15264 .14873 .14495 .14132 .13783 .13446 .13121 .12808



  60   .17076 .16638 .16216 .15810 .15419 .15042 .14678 .14328 .13990 .13663


  61   .18101 .17649 .17213 .16793 .16388 .15997 .15619 .15255 .14904 .14564


  62   .19169 .18703 .18253 .17818 .17399 .16994 .16603 .16225 .15860 .15507


  63   .20279 .19799 .19335 .18886 .18453 .18034 .17629 .17238 .16859 .16493


  64   .21433 .20939 .20461 .19998 .19551 .19119 .18700 .18295 .17903 .17523



  65   .22633 .22125 .21633 .21158 .20697 .20251 .19819 .19400 .18994 .18601


  66   .23903 .23382 .22877 .22388 .21914 .21455 .21010 .20578 .20159 .19752


  67   .25240 .24707 .24190 .23688 .23202 .22730 .22271 .21827 .21395 .20975


  68   .26640 .26095 .25566 .25053 .24554 .24070 .23600 .23143 .22698 .22267


  69   .28099 .27544 .27004 .26480 .25970 .25474 .24992 .24523 .24067 .23623


  70   .29616 .29051 .28501 .27966 .27446 .26939 .26446 .25966 .25499 .25044



  71   .31194 .30620 .30062 .29517 .28987 .28471 .27968 .27478 .27000 .26534


  72   .32833 .32251 .31684 .31132 .30593 .30068 .29556 .29057 .28569 .28094


  73   .34524 .33936 .33363 .32804 .32258 .31725 .31205 .30697 .30201 .29717


  74   .36260 .35667 .35089 .34523 .33971 .33432 .32905 .32390 .31887 .31395



  75   .38031 .37435 .36852 .36282 .35725 .35180 .34647 .34126 .33617 .33118


  76   .39832 .39233 .38647 .38074 .37513 .36964 .36427 .35901 .35386 .34882


  77   .41660 .41060 .40473 .39898 .39335 .38783 .38242 .37713 .37194 .36685


  78   .43512 .42913 .42326 .41750 .41186 .40632 .40090 .39558 .39036 .38524


  79   .45384 .44787 .44201 .43626 .43062 .42509 .41966 .41432 .40909 .40396



  80   .47269 .46675 .46092 .45519 .44957 .44404 .43862 .43329 .42806 .42291


  81   .49163 .48574 .47994 .47425 .46866 .46316 .45775 .45244 .44722 .44208


  82   .51061 .50478 .49904 .49340 .48784 .48238 .47701 .47173 .46653 .46141


  83   .52956 .52380 .51813 .51255 .50705 .50165 .49632 .49108 .48592 .48083


  84   .54843 .54275 .53716 .53166 .52623 .52089 .51562 .51044 .50532 .50029



  85   .56716 .56159 .55609 .55067 .54533 .54006 .53487 .52975 .52470 .51972


  86   .58571 .58024 .57485 .56953 .56428 .55910 .55399 .54894 .54397 .53906


  87   .60399 .59864 .59337 .58815 .58301 .57793 .57291 .56795 .56306 .55823


  88   .62200 .61678 .61162 .60653 .60150 .59653 .59161 .58676 .58196 .57722


  89   .63965 .63457 .62954 .62458 .61967 .61481 .61001 .60526 .60057 .59593



  90   .65690 .65196 .64707 .64224 .63746 .63273 .62805 .62342 .61884 .61431


  91   .67371 .66892 .66418 .65949 .65485 .65025 .64570 .64119 .63673 .63231


  92   .69005 .68542 .68083 .67628 .67178 .66732 .66290 .65852 .65419 .64989


  93   .70585 .70137 .69694 .69254 .68819 .68387 .67959 .67534 .67114 .66697


  94   .72112 .71681 .71253 .70828 .70407 .69990 .69576 .69166 .68759 .68355



  95   .73585 .73170 .72758 .72349 .71943 .71541 .71141 .70745 .70352 .69961


  96   .74995 .74595 .74199 .73806 .73415 .73027 .72642 .72260 .71881 .71505


  97   .76343 .75960 .75579 .75201 .74826 .74453 .74083 .73715 .73350 .72987


  98   .77633 .77265 .76900 .76538 .76177 .75819 .75463 .75110 .74759 .74410


  99   .78866 .78514 .78165 .77817 .77472 .77129 .76787 .76448 .76111 .75775



 100   .80027 .79690 .79356 .79023 .78692 .78363 .78036 .77710 .77386 .77065


 101   .81143 .80821 .80502 .80183 .79867 .79552 .79239 .78927 .78617 .78308


 102   .82181 .81874 .81568 .81264 .80961 .80659 .80359 .80060 .79763 .79467


 103   .83225 .82933 .82641 .82351 .82062 .81774 .81488 .81203 .80919 .80636


 104   .84186 .83907 .83629 .83351 .83076 .82801 .82527 .82254 .81982 .81712



 105   .85131 .84865 .84600 .84336 .84072 .83810 .83548 .83288 .83028 .82769


 106   .86340 .86092 .85844 .85597 .85351 .85105 .84860 .84616 .84372 .84130


 107   .87724 .87496 .87268 .87041 .86815 .86589 .86363 .86138 .85914 .85690


 108   .90060 .89870 .89681 .89492 .89303 .89114 .88925 .88736 .88548 .88360


 109   .94900 .94800 .94700 .94600 .94500 .94400 .94300 .94200 .94100 .94000



          Table U(1) -- Unitrust Single Life Remainder Factors


                      Based on Life Table 2000CM


                  Applicable on or After May 1, 2009



                           Adjusted Payout Rate




 AGE    12.2%  12.4%  12.6%  12.8%  13.0%  13.2%  13.4%  13.6%  13.8%  14.0%




   0   .00898 .00889 .00881 .00873 .00866 .00859 .00853 .00846 .00840 .00835


   1   .00281 .00273 .00265 .00257 .00250 .00244 .00237 .00232 .00226 .00221


   2   .00267 .00258 .00249 .00241 .00234 .00227 .00220 .00214 .00208 .00202


   3   .00268 .00259 .00249 .00241 .00233 .00225 .00218 .00212 .00205 .00199


   4   .00279 .00268 .00258 .00249 .00241 .00233 .00225 .00218 .00211 .00205



   5   .00295 .00284 .00273 .00263 .00254 .00245 .00237 .00229 .00222 .00215


   6   .00316 .00304 .00293 .00283 .00273 .00263 .00254 .00246 .00238 .00230


   7   .00341 .00328 .00316 .00305 .00294 .00284 .00274 .00265 .00256 .00248


   8   .00371 .00357 .00344 .00332 .00320 .00310 .00299 .00289 .00280 .00271


   9   .00408 .00393 .00379 .00366 .00353 .00341 .00330 .00320 .00310 .00300



  10   .00450 .00434 .00419 .00405 .00392 .00379 .00367 .00356 .00345 .00335


  11   .00500 .00483 .00467 .00452 .00438 .00424 .00411 .00399 .00387 .00376


  12   .00557 .00538 .00521 .00505 .00490 .00476 .00462 .00449 .00436 .00425


  13   .00617 .00597 .00579 .00562 .00546 .00531 .00516 .00502 .00489 .00477


  14   .00677 .00656 .00637 .00619 .00602 .00585 .00570 .00555 .00541 .00528



  15   .00733 .00712 .00691 .00672 .00654 .00636 .00620 .00605 .00590 .00576


  16   .00784 .00761 .00739 .00719 .00700 .00681 .00664 .00648 .00632 .00618


  17   .00829 .00805 .00782 .00761 .00741 .00721 .00703 .00686 .00670 .00654


  18   .00870 .00845 .00821 .00798 .00777 .00756 .00737 .00719 .00702 .00685


  19   .00909 .00882 .00856 .00832 .00810 .00788 .00768 .00749 .00731 .00713



  20   .00948 .00919 .00892 .00867 .00843 .00821 .00799 .00779 .00760 .00741


  21   .00986 .00956 .00927 .00901 .00875 .00851 .00829 .00807 .00787 .00767


  22   .01024 .00992 .00962 .00933 .00906 .00881 .00857 .00834 .00813 .00792


  23   .01065 .01030 .00998 .00968 .00939 .00912 .00887 .00862 .00839 .00818


  24   .01110 .01074 .01040 .01007 .00977 .00948 .00921 .00895 .00870 .00847



  25   .01165 .01126 .01089 .01055 .01022 .00991 .00962 .00934 .00908 .00884


  26   .01228 .01187 .01148 .01111 .01076 .01043 .01012 .00982 .00955 .00928


  27   .01303 .01259 .01217 .01178 .01140 .01105 .01072 .01040 .01010 .00982


  28   .01390 .01342 .01297 .01255 .01215 .01178 .01142 .01108 .01076 .01046


  29   .01486 .01435 .01387 .01342 .01299 .01259 .01221 .01185 .01150 .01117



  30   .01591 .01537 .01486 .01437 .01392 .01348 .01307 .01269 .01232 .01197


  31   .01707 .01649 .01594 .01542 .01493 .01447 .01403 .01361 .01322 .01284


  32   .01833 .01771 .01713 .01657 .01605 .01555 .01508 .01464 .01421 .01381


  33   .01971 .01905 .01843 .01784 .01728 .01674 .01624 .01576 .01531 .01487


  34   .02119 .02049 .01982 .01919 .01859 .01802 .01748 .01697 .01648 .01602



  35   .02280 .02204 .02133 .02065 .02001 .01940 .01883 .01828 .01775 .01726


  36   .02452 .02372 .02296 .02224 .02155 .02090 .02028 .01969 .01913 .01860


  37   .02638 .02553 .02471 .02394 .02321 .02252 .02185 .02123 .02063 .02006


  38   .02839 .02748 .02661 .02579 .02501 .02427 .02356 .02289 .02225 .02164


  39   .03055 .02957 .02865 .02777 .02694 .02615 .02539 .02467 .02399 .02333



  40   .03285 .03181 .03083 .02990 .02901 .02816 .02735 .02658 .02585 .02515


  41   .03531 .03421 .03316 .03217 .03122 .03032 .02946 .02863 .02785 .02710


  42   .03793 .03676 .03565 .03459 .03358 .03262 .03170 .03082 .02999 .02919


  43   .04076 .03952 .03833 .03721 .03613 .03510 .03413 .03319 .03230 .03144


  44   .04378 .04246 .04120 .04000 .03886 .03777 .03672 .03573 .03477 .03386



  45   .04701 .04561 .04427 .04299 .04178 .04062 .03950 .03844 .03743 .03645


  46   .05047 .04898 .04757 .04621 .04492 .04368 .04250 .04137 .04029 .03925


  47   .05416 .05258 .05108 .04964 .04827 .04696 .04570 .04449 .04334 .04224


  48   .05810 .05644 .05484 .05332 .05186 .05047 .04913 .04785 .04662 .04545


  49   .06233 .06057 .05888 .05727 .05572 .05424 .05282 .05146 .05016 .04890



  50   .06690 .06503 .06325 .06154 .05990 .05833 .05683 .05538 .05399 .05266


  51   .07181 .06984 .06796 .06615 .06442 .06275 .06116 .05962 .05815 .05673


  52   .07712 .07504 .07305 .07114 .06931 .06755 .06585 .06423 .06267 .06116


  53   .08282 .08063 .07853 .07652 .07458 .07272 .07093 .06921 .06756 .06596


  54   .08893 .08663 .08442 .08229 .08025 .07829 .07640 .07458 .07283 .07114



  55   .09544 .09302 .09070 .08846 .08631 .08424 .08224 .08032 .07847 .07669


  56   .10230 .09976 .09732 .09497 .09270 .09052 .08842 .08639 .08444 .08256


  57   .10952 .10686 .10430 .10183 .09945 .09716 .09495 .09281 .09075 .08877


  58   .11709 .11431 .11162 .10904 .10654 .10413 .10181 .09956 .09739 .09530


  59   .12506 .12215 .11934 .11663 .11402 .11149 .10905 .10669 .10441 .10221



  60   .13349 .13045 .12751 .12468 .12194 .11929 .11674 .11426 .11187 .10955


  61   .14236 .13919 .13613 .13317 .13031 .12754 .12486 .12227 .11976 .11733


  62   .15166 .14836 .14517 .14208 .13909 .13620 .13340 .13069 .12806 .12551


  63   .16138 .15795 .15463 .15141 .14830 .14528 .14235 .13952 .13677 .13410


  64   .17155 .16799 .16453 .16119 .15794 .15480 .15175 .14879 .14592 .14313



  65   .18220 .17850 .17492 .17144 .16806 .16479 .16161 .15853 .15553 .15262


  66   .19358 .18975 .18604 .18243 .17893 .17552 .17222 .16901 .16589 .16285


  67   .20568 .20173 .19788 .19415 .19052 .18699 .18356 .18022 .17698 .17382


  68   .21847 .21439 .21042 .20656 .20280 .19915 .19560 .19213 .18877 .18549


  69   .23191 .22771 .22362 .21964 .21577 .21199 .20831 .20473 .20124 .19784


  70   .24601 .24169 .23748 .23339 .22939 .22550 .22171 .21801 .21440 .21088



  71   .26080 .25638 .25206 .24785 .24375 .23974 .23584 .23202 .22830 .22467


  72   .27630 .27178 .26736 .26305 .25884 .25473 .25071 .24679 .24296 .23922


  73   .29244 .28782 .28331 .27890 .27460 .27039 .26628 .26226 .25833 .25449


  74   .30914 .30444 .29984 .29535 .29096 .28666 .28245 .27834 .27432 .27038



  75   .32630 .32153 .31686 .31229 .30782 .30344 .29915 .29496 .29085 .28682


  76   .34389 .33905 .33432 .32968 .32514 .32069 .31633 .31205 .30787 .30376


  77   .36187 .35698 .35220 .34750 .34290 .33839 .33396 .32963 .32537 .32120


  78   .38022 .37530 .37047 .36573 .36108 .35652 .35204 .34765 .34333 .33910


  79   .39891 .39396 .38910 .38433 .37965 .37504 .37053 .36609 .36173 .35744



  80   .41786 .41290 .40802 .40323 .39852 .39389 .38934 .38486 .38047 .37615


  81   .43703 .43207 .42719 .42238 .41766 .41302 .40845 .40395 .39953 .39518


  82   .45638 .45143 .44655 .44175 .43703 .43238 .42781 .42330 .41887 .41450


  83   .47583 .47090 .46604 .46126 .45655 .45191 .44734 .44284 .43840 .43403


  84   .49532 .49043 .48561 .48085 .47617 .47155 .46700 .46251 .45808 .45372



  85   .51480 .50996 .50518 .50047 .49582 .49124 .48671 .48225 .47785 .47351


  86   .53421 .52943 .52470 .52004 .51544 .51090 .50642 .50200 .49763 .49332


  87   .55346 .54875 .54409 .53950 .53496 .53047 .52604 .52167 .51734 .51307


  88   .57254 .56791 .56333 .55881 .55434 .54992 .54555 .54124 .53697 .53275


  89   .59134 .58680 .58231 .57788 .57349 .56914 .56485 .56060 .55640 .55225



  90   .60982 .60538 .60099 .59665 .59234 .58809 .58388 .57971 .57558 .57150


  91   .62794 .62361 .61932 .61508 .61087 .60671 .60259 .59851 .59447 .59046


  92   .64564 .64142 .63725 .63311 .62901 .62495 .62093 .61694 .61299 .60907


  93   .66284 .65874 .65468 .65066 .64667 .64272 .63880 .63491 .63106 .62724


  94   .67955 .67558 .67164 .66773 .66386 .66002 .65621 .65243 .64868 .64496



  95   .69574 .69190 .68809 .68431 .68055 .67683 .67313 .66946 .66582 .66221


  96   .71131 .70760 .70391 .70025 .69662 .69302 .68944 .68588 .68235 .67885


  97   .72626 .72268 .71913 .71560 .71209 .70861 .70515 .70171 .69829 .69490


  98   .74063 .73718 .73376 .73035 .72697 .72361 .72027 .71695 .71365 .71037


  99   .75442 .75111 .74781 .74454 .74128 .73804 .73483 .73163 .72844 .72528



 100   .76744 .76426 .76109 .75794 .75481 .75169 .74860 .74551 .74245 .73940


 101   .78001 .77695 .77392 .77089 .76788 .76489 .76191 .75895 .75600 .75306


 102   .79172 .78879 .78587 .78297 .78008 .77720 .77434 .77149 .76865 .76582


 103   .80354 .80074 .79795 .79517 .79240 .78965 .78690 .78417 .78145 .77874


 104   .81442 .81174 .80906 .80640 .80374 .80110 .79847 .79584 .79323 .79063



 105   .82511 .82254 .81998 .81742 .81488 .81234 .80982 .80730 .80479 .80229


 106   .83887 .83646 .83405 .83165 .82926 .82687 .82449 .82212 .81975 .81739


 107   .85466 .85243 .85020 .84798 .84576 .84355 .84134 .83914 .83694 .83474


 108   .88172 .87984 .87797 .87610 .87423 .87236 .87049 .86862 .86676 .86490


 109   .93900 .93800 .93700 .93600 .93500 .93400 .93300 .93200 .93100 .93000



(f) Effective/applicability date. This section applies on or after May 1, 2009.

(g) Expiration date. This section expires on or before May 1, 2012.

Par. 11. The undesignated center heading immediately preceding § 1.664-4A is revised to read as follows:


Unitrust Actuarial Tables Applicable Before May 1, 2009



Par. 12. Section 1.664-4A is amended as follows:

1. The section heading is revised.

2. The heading of newly-designated paragraph (f) is revised.

3. Newly-designated paragraphs (f)(1) and (f)(2) are revised.

4. New paragraphs (f)(3) and (f)(4) are added.

5. Newly-designated paragraph (f)(5) is revised.

6. In newly-designated paragraph (f)(6), the heading and the first paragraph are revised.

7. The heading of Table U(1) is revised.

8. Paragraph (f)(7) is added.

The additions and revisions read as follows:

§ 1.664-4A Valuation of charitable remainder interests for which the valuation date is before May 1, 2009.

* * * * *

(f) Valuation of charitable remainder unitrusts having certain payout sequences for transfers for which the valuation date is after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009 -- (1) In general. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (f)(2) of this section, in the case of transfers for which the valuation date is after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009, the present value of a remainder interest is determined under paragraphs (f)(3) through (f)(6) of this section, provided that the amount of the payout as of any payout date during any taxable year of the trust is not larger than the amount that the trust could distribute on such date under § 1.664-3(a)(1)(v) if the taxable year of the trust were to end on such date. See, however, § 1.7520-3(b) (relating to exceptions to the use of the prescribed tables under certain circumstances).

(2) Transitional rules for valuation of charitable remainder unitrusts. (i) For purposes of sections 2055, 2106, or 2624, if on May 1, 1999, the decedent was mentally incompetent so that the disposition of the property could not be changed, and the decedent died after April 30, 1999, without having regained competency to dispose of the decedent's property, or the decedent died within 90 days of the date that the decedent first regained competency after April 30, 1999, the present value of a remainder interest under this section is determined as if the valuation date with respect to the decedent's gross estate is either before May 1, 1999, or after April 30, 1999, at the option of the decedent's executor.

(ii) For purposes of sections 170, 2055, 2106, 2522, or 2624, in the case of transfers to a charitable remainder unitrust for which the valuation date is after April 30, 1999, and before July 1, 1999, the present value of a remainder interest based on one or more measuring lives is determined under this section by use of the section 7520 interest rate for the month in which the valuation date occurs (see §§ 1.7520-1(b) and 1.7520-2(a)(2)) and the appropriate actuarial tables under either paragraph (e)(6) or (f)(6) of this section, at the option of the donor or the decedent's executor, as the case may be. (iii) For purposes of paragraphs (f)(2)(i) and (f)(2)(ii) of this section, where the donor or decedent's executor is given the option to use the appropriate actuarial tables under either paragraph (e)(6) or (f)(6) of this section, the donor or decedent's executor must use the same actuarial table with respect to each individual transaction and with respect to all transfers occurring on the valuation date (for example, gift and income tax charitable deductions with respect to the same transfer must be determined based on the same tables, and all assets includible in the gross estate and/or estate tax deductions claimed must be valued based on the same tables).

(3) Adjusted payout rate. For transfers for which the valuation date is after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009, the adjusted payout rate is determined by using the appropriate Table F, contained in § 1.664-4(e)(6), for the section 7520 interest rate applicable to the transfer. If the interest rate is between 4.2 and 14 percent, see § 1.664-4(e)(6). If the interest rate is below 4.2 percent or greater than 14 percent, see § 1.664-4(b). See § 1.664-4(e) for rules applicable in determining the adjusted payout rate.

(4) Period is a term of years. If the period described in § 1.664-3(a)(5) is a term of years, the factor that is used in determining the present value of the remainder interest for transfers for which the valuation date is after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009, is the factor under the appropriate adjusted payout rate in Table D in § 1.664-4(e)(6) corresponding to the number of years in the term. If the adjusted payout rate is an amount that is between adjusted payout rates for which factors are provided in Table D, a linear interpolation must be made. The present value of the remainder interest is determined by multiplying the net fair market value (as of the appropriate valuation date) of the property placed in trust by the factor determined under this paragraph. Generally, for purposes of this section, the valuation date is, in the case of an inter vivos transfer, the date on which the property is transferred to the trust by the donor, and, in the case of a testamentary transfer under sections 2055, 2106, or 2624, the valuation date is the date of death. See § 1.664-4(e)(4) for additional rules regarding the valuation date. See § 1.664-4(e)(4) for an example that illustrates the application of this paragraph (f)(4).

(5) Period is the life of one individual. If the period described in § 1.664-3(a)(5) is the life of one individual, the factor that is used in determining the present value of the remainder interest for transfers for which the valuation date is after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009, is the factor in Table U(1) in paragraph (f)(6) of this section under the appropriate adjusted payout. For purposes of the computations described in this paragraph (f)(5), the age of an individual is the age of that individual at the individual's nearest birthday. If the adjusted payout rate is an amount that is between adjusted payout rates for which factors are provided in the appropriate table, a linear interpolation must be made. The rules provided in § 1.664-4T(e)(5) apply for determining the present value of the remainder interest. See § 1.664-4T(e)(5) for an example illustrating the application of this paragraph (f)(5) (using current actuarial tables).

(6) Actuarial Table U(1) for transfers for which the valuation date is after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009. For transfers for which the valuation date is after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009, the present value of a charitable remainder unitrust interest that is dependent on the termination of a life interest is determined by using the section 7520 rate, Table U(1) in this paragraph (f)(6), and Tables F(4.2) through F(14.0) in § 1.664-4(e)(6). See, however, § 1.7520-3(b) (relating to exceptions to the use of prescribed tables under certain circumstances). Many actuarial factors not contained in the following tables are contained in Internal Revenue Service Publication 1458, "Actuarial Values, Book Beth," (7-1999). Publication 1458 is no longer available for purchase from the Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office. However, pertinent factors in this publication may be obtained by a written request to: CC:PA:LPD:PR (IRS Publication 1458), Room 5205, Internal Revenue Service, P.O.Box 7604, Ben Franklin Station, Washington, DC 20044.






[Applicable After April 30, 1999, and Before May 1, 2009]



* * * * *

(7) Effective/applicability dates. Paragraphs (f)(1) through (f)(6) apply after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009.

Par. 13. Section 1.7520-1 is amended by:

      1. Revising the section heading.



      2. Revising paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2).



      3. Removing the last two sentences of paragraph (b)(2) and adding


 a new sentence at the end of the paragraph.



      4. Revising paragraph (c)(1).



      5. Revising the heading and introductory text of paragraph





      6. Revising paragraph (d).



The revisions and additions read as follows:

§ 1.7520-1 Valuation of annuities, unitrust interests, interests for life or terms of years, and remainder or reversionary interests prior to May 1, 2009.

(a) General actuarial valuations. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section and in § 1.7520-3 (relating to exceptions to the use of prescribed tables under certain circumstances), in the case of certain transactions after April 30, 1989, subject to income tax, the fair market value of annuities, interests for life or for a term of years (including unitrust interests), remainders, and reversions is their present value determined under this section. For periods prior to May 1, 2009, see § 20.2031-7A for the computation of the value of annuities, unitrust interests, life estates, terms for years, remainders, and reversions, other than interests described in paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(3) of this section.

(2) For a transfer to a pooled income fund prior to May 1, 2009, see § 1.642(c)-6A with respect to the valuation of the remainder interest.

* * * * *

(b) * * *

(2) * * * For transactions with valuation dates after April 30, 1989, and before May 1, 2009, the mortality component tables are contained in § 20.2031-7A.

(c) * * *

(1) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 1.7520-1T(c)(1).

(2) Internal Revenue Service publications containing tables with interest rates between 2.2 and 22 percent for valuation dates after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009. The following publications are no longer available for purchase from the Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office; however, they may be obtained from CC:PA:LPD:PR, Room 5205, Internal Revenue Service, P.O.Box 7604, Ben Franklin Station, Washington, DC 20044:

* * * * *

(d) Effective/applicability dates. This section applies after April 30, 1989, and before May 1, 2009.

Par. 14. Section 1.7520-1T is added to read as follows:

§ 1.7520-1T Valuation of annuities, unitrust interests, interests for life or terms of years, and remainder or reversionary interests on or after May 1, 2009 (temporary).

(a) General actuarial valuations. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section and in § 1.7520-3 (relating to exceptions to the use of prescribed tables under certain circumstances), in the case of certain transactions after April 30, 1989, subject to income tax, the fair market value of annuities, interests for life or for a term of years (including unitrust interests), remainders, and reversions is their present value determined under this section. See § 20.2031-7T(d) (and, for certain prior periods, § 20.2031-7A) for the computation of the value of annuities, unitrust interests, life estates, terms for years, remainders, and reversions, other than interests described in paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(3) of this section.

(2) For a transfer to a pooled income fund on or after May 1, 2009, see § 1.642(c)-6T(e) (or, for certain prior periods, § 1.642(c)-6A) with respect to the valuation of the remainder interest.

(3) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 1.7520-1(a)(3).

(b)(1) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 1.7520-1(b)(1).

(2) Mortality component. The mortality component reflects the mortality data most recently available from the United States census. As new mortality data becomes available after each decennial census, the mortality component described in this section will be revised periodically and the revised mortality component tables will be published in the regulations at that time. For transactions with valuation dates on or after May 1, 2009, the mortality component table (Table 2000CM) is contained in § 20.2031-7T(d)(7). See § 20.2031-7A for mortality component tables applicable to transactions for which the valuation date falls before May 1, 2009.

(c) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 1.7520-1(c).

(1) Regulation sections containing tables with interest rates between 0.2 and 14 percent for valuation dates on or after May 1, 2009. Section 1.642(c)-6T(e)(6) contains Table S used for determining the present value of a single life remainder interest in a pooled income fund as defined in § 1.642(c)-5. See § 1.642(c)-6A for actuarial factors for one life applicable to valuation dates before May 1, 2009. Section 1.664-4(e)(6) contains Table F (payout factors) and Table D (actuarial factors used in determining the present value of a remainder interest postponed for a term of years). Section 1.664-4T(e)(7) contains Table U(1) (unitrust single life remainder factors). These tables are used in determining the present value of a remainder interest in a charitable remainder unitrust as defined in § 1.664-3. See § 1.664-4A for unitrust single life remainder factors applicable to valuation dates before May 1, 2009. Section 20.2031-7(d)(6) contains Table B (actuarial factors used in determining the present value of an interest for a term of years), Table K (annuity end-of-interval adjustment factors), and Table J (term certain annuity beginning-of-interval adjustment factors). Section 20.2031-7T(d)(7) contains Table S (single life remainder factors), and Table 2000CM (mortality components). These tables are used in determining the present value of annuities, life estates, remainders, and reversions. See § 20.2031-7A for single life remainder factors for one life and mortality components applicable to valuation dates before May 1, 2009.

(2) Internal Revenue Service publications containing tables with interest rates between 0.2 and 22 percent for valuation dates on or after May 1, 2009. The following documents are available beginning May 1, 2009, at no charge, electronically via the IRS Internet site at

(i) Internal Revenue Service Publication 1457, "Actuarial Valuations Version 3A" (2009). This publication includes tables of valuation factors, as well as examples that show how to compute other valuation factors, for determining the present value of annuities, life estates, terms of years, remainders, and reversions, measured by one or two lives. These factors may also be used in the valuation of interests in a charitable remainder annuity trust as defined in § 1.664-2 and a pooled income fund as defined in § 1.642(c)-5.

(ii) Internal Revenue Service Publication 1458, "Actuarial Valuations Version 3B" (2009). This publication includes term certain tables and tables of one and two life valuation factors for determining the present value of remainder interests in a charitable remainder unitrust as defined in § 1.664-3.

(iii) Internal Revenue Service Publication 1459, "Actuarial Valuations Version 3C" (2009). This publication includes tables for computing depreciation adjustment factors. See § 1.170A-12T.

(d) Effective/applicability date. This section applies on or after May 1, 2009.

(e) Expiration date. This section expires on or before May 1, 2012.


Par. 15. The authority citation for part 20 is amended by adding entries in numerical order to read in part as follows:

Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805 * * *

Section 20.2031-7T also issued under 26 U.S.C. 7520(c)(2).

Section 20.7520-1T also issued under 26 U.S.C. 7520(c)(2). * *


Par. 16. Section 20.2031-0 is revised to read as follows:

§ 20.2031-0 Table of contents.

This section lists the section headings and undesignated center headings that appear in the regulations under section 2031.

      § 20.2031-1 Definition of gross estate; valuation of





      § 20.2031-2 Valuation of stocks and bonds.



      § 20.2031-3 Valuation of interests in businesses.



      § 20.2031-4 Valuation of notes.



      § 20.2031-5 Valuation of cash on hand or on deposit.



      § 20.2031-6 Valuation of household and personal effects.



      § 20.2031-7 Valuation of annuities, interests for life or


 term of years, and remainder or reversionary interests.



      § 20.2031-7T Valuation of annuities, interests for life or


 term of years, and remainder or reversionary interests (temporary).



      § 20.2031-8 Valuation of certain life insurance and annuity


 contracts; valuation of shares in an open-end investment company.



      § 20.2031-9 Valuation of other property.



      Actuarial Tables Applicable Before May 1, 2009.



      § 20.2031-7A Valuation of annuities, interests for life or


 term of years, and remainder or reversionary interests for estates of


 decedents for which the valuation date of the gross estate is before


 May 1, 2009.



Par. 17. Section 20.2031-7 is amended as follows:

      1. Revising paragraphs (c), (d)(1), (d)(2), (d)(3), (d)(4),


 (d)(5), and (e).



      2. Redesignating paragraph (d)(7) as paragraph (f)(4) of §





      3. Adding new paragraph (d)(7).



The revisions and additions read as follows:

§ 20.2031-7 Valuation of annuities, interests for life or term of years, and remainder or reversionary interests.

* * * * *

(c) through (d)(5) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 20.2031-7T(c) through (d)(5).

* * * * *

(7) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 20.2031-7T(d)(7).

(e) Effective/applicability dates. This section applies after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009.

Par. 18. Section 20.2031-7T is added to read as follows:

§ 20.2031-7T Valuation of annuities, interests for life or term of years, and remainder or reversionary interests (temporary).

(a) through (b) [Reserved]. For further information see § 20.2031-7(a) through (b).

(c) Actuarial valuations. The present value of annuities, life estates, terms of years, remainders, and reversions for estates of decedents for which the valuation date of the gross estate is on or after May 1, 2009, is determined under paragraph (d) of this section. The present value of annuities, life estates, terms of years, remainders, and reversions for estates of decedents for which the valuation date of the gross estate is before May 1, 2009, is determined under the following sections:

   Valuation Date




 After        Before                Regulations



 --           01-01-52              20.2031-7A(a)


 12-31-51     01-01-71              20.2031-7A(b)


 12-31-70     12-01-83              20.2031-7A(c)


 11-30-83     05-01-89              20.2031-7A(d)


 04-30-89     05-01-99              20.2031-7A(e)


 04-30-99     05-01-09              20.2031-7A(f)



(d) Actuarial valuations on or after May 1, 2009 -- (1) In general. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (b) of this section and § 20.7520-3(b) (pertaining to certain limitations on the use of prescribed tables), if the valuation date for the gross estate of the decedent is on or after May 1, 2009, the fair market value of annuities, life estates, terms of years, remainders, and reversionary interests is the present value determined by use of standard or special section 7520 actuarial factors. These factors are derived by using the appropriate section 7520 interest rate and, if applicable, the mortality component for the valuation date of the interest that is being valued. For purposes of the computations described in this section, the age of an individual is the age of that individual at the individual's nearest birthday. See §§ 20.7520-1 through 20.7520-4.

(2) Specific interests -- (i) Charitable remainder trusts. The fair market value of a remainder interest in a pooled income fund, as defined in § 1.642(c)-5, is its value determined under § 1.642(c)-6T(e). The fair market value of a remainder interest in a charitable remainder annuity trust, as defined in § 1.664-2(a), is the present value determined under § 1.664-2(c). The fair market value of a remainder interest in a charitable remainder unitrust, as defined in § 1.664-3, is its present value determined under § 1.664-4T(e). The fair market value of a life interest or term of years in a charitable remainder unitrust is the fair market value of the property as of the date of valuation less the fair market value of the remainder interest on that date determined under § 1.664-4T(e)(4) and (5).

(ii) Ordinary remainder and reversionary interests. If the interest to be valued is to take effect after a definite number of years or after the death of one individual, the present value of the interest is computed by multiplying the value of the property by the appropriate remainder interest actuarial factor (that corresponds to the applicable section 7520 interest rate and remainder interest period) in Table B (for a term certain) or the appropriate Table S (for one measuring life), as the case may be. Table B is contained in § 20.2031-7(d)(6) and Table S (for one measuring life when the valuation date is on or after May 1, 2009) is contained in paragraph (d)(7) of this section and in Internal Revenue Service Publication 1457. See § 20.2031-7A containing Table S for valuation of interests before May 1, 2009. For information about obtaining actuarial factors for other types of remainder interests, see paragraph (d)(4) of this section.

(iii) Ordinary term-of-years and life interests. If the interest to be valued is the right of a person to receive the income of certain property, or to use certain non-income-producing property, for a term of years or for the life of one individual, the present value of the interest is computed by multiplying the value of the property by the appropriate term-of-years or life interest actuarial factor (that corresponds to the applicable section 7520 interest rate and term-of-years or life interest period). Internal Revenue Service Publication 1457 includes actuarial factors for a remainder interest after a term of years in Table B and after the life of one individual in Table S (for one measuring life when the valuation date is on or after May 1, 2009). However, term-of-years and life interest actuarial factors are not included in Table B in § 20.2031-7(d)(6) or Table S in paragraph (d)(7) of this section (or in § 20.2031-7A). If Internal Revenue Service Publication 1457 (or any other reliable source of term-of-years and life interest actuarial factors) is not conveniently available, an actuarial factor for the interest may be derived mathematically. This actuarial factor may be derived by subtracting the correlative remainder factor (that corresponds to the applicable section 7520 interest rate and the term of years or the life) in Table B (for a term of years) in § 20.2031-7(d)(6) or in Table S (for the life of one individual) in paragraph (d)(7) of this section, as the case may be, from 1.000000. For information about obtaining actuarial factors for other types of term-of-years and life interests, see paragraph (d)(4) of this section.

(iv) Annuities. (A) If the interest to be valued is the right of a person to receive an annuity that is payable at the end of each year for a term of years or for the life of one individual, the present value of the interest is computed by multiplying the aggregate amount payable annually by the appropriate annuity actuarial factor (that corresponds to the applicable section 7520 interest rate and annuity period). Internal Revenue Publication 1457 includes actuarial factors for a remainder interest in Table B (after an annuity payable for a term of years) and in Table S (after an annuity payable for the life of one individual when the valuation date is on or after May 1, 2009). However, annuity actuarial factors are not included in Table B in § 20.2031-7(d)(6) or Table S in paragraph (d)(7) of this section (or in § 20.2031-7A). If Internal Revenue Service Publication 1457 (or any other reliable source of annuity actuarial factors) is not conveniently available, a required annuity factor for a term of years or for one life may be mathematically derived. This annuity factor may be derived by subtracting the applicable remainder factor (that corresponds to the applicable section 7520 interest rate and annuity period) in Table B (in the case of a term-of-years annuity) in § 20.2031-7(d)(6) or in Table S (in the case of a one-life annuity when the valuation date is on or after May 1, 2009) in paragraph (d)(7) of this section, as the case may be, from 1.000000 and then dividing the result by the applicable section 7520 interest rate expressed as a decimal number.

(B) If the annuity is payable at the end of semiannual, quarterly, monthly, or weekly periods, the product obtained by multiplying the annuity factor by the aggregate amount payable annually is then multiplied by the applicable adjustment factor as contained in Table K in § 20.2031-7(d)(6) for payments made at the end of the specified periods. The provisions of this paragraph (d)(2)(iv)(B) are illustrated by the following example:

Example. At the time of the decedent's death, the survivor/annuitant, age 72, is entitled to receive an annuity of $15,000 a year for life payable in equal monthly installments at the end of each period. The section 7520 rate for the month in which the decedent died is 5.6 percent. Under Table S in paragraph (d)(7) of this section, the remainder factor at 5.6 percent for an individual aged 72 is .53243. By converting the remainder factor to an annuity factor, as described above, the annuity factor at 5.6 percent for an individual aged 72 is 8.3495 (1.00000 minus .53243, divided by .056). Under Table K in § 20.2031-7(d)(6), the adjustment factor under the column for payments made at the end of each monthly period at the rate of 5.6 percent is 1.0254. The aggregate annual amount, $15,000, is multiplied by the factor 8.3495 and the product multiplied by 1.0254. The present value of the annuity at the date of the decedent's death is, therefore, $128,423.66 ($15,000 x 8.3495 x 1.0254).

(C) If an annuity is payable at the beginning of annual, semiannual, quarterly, monthly, or weekly periods for a term of years, the value of the annuity is computed by multiplying the aggregate amount payable annually by the annuity factor described in paragraph (d)(2)(iv)(A) of this section; and the product so obtained is then multiplied by the adjustment factor in Table J in § 20.2031-7(d)(6) at the appropriate interest rate component for payments made at the beginning of specified periods. If an annuity is payable at the beginning of annual, semiannual, quarterly, monthly, or weekly periods for one or more lives, the value of the annuity is the sum of the first payment plus the present value of a similar annuity, the first payment of which is not to be made until the end of the payment period, determined as provided in this paragraph (d)(2)(iv).

(v) Annuity and unitrust interests for a term of years or until the prior death of an individual. See § 25.2512-5T(d)(2)(v) for examples explaining how to compute the present value of an annuity or unitrust interest that is payable until the earlier of the lapse of a specific number of years or the death of an individual.

(3) Transitional rule. (i) If a decedent dies on or after May 1, 2009, and if on May 1, 2009, the decedent was mentally incompetent so that the disposition of the decedent's property could not be changed, and the decedent dies without having regained competency to dispose of the decedent's property or dies within 90 days of the date on which the decedent first regains competency, the fair market value of annuities, life estates, terms for years, remainders, and reversions included in the gross estate of the decedent is their present value determined either under this section or under the corresponding section applicable at the time the decedent became mentally incompetent, at the option of the decedent's executor. For examples, see § 20.2031-7A(d).

(ii) If a decedent dies on or after May 1, 2009, and before July 1, 2009, the fair market value of annuities, life estates, remainders, and reversions based on one or more measuring lives included in the gross estate of the decedent is their present value determined under this section by use of the section 7520 interest rate for the month in which the valuation date occurs (see §§ 20.7520-1(b) and 20.7520-2(a)(2)) and the appropriate actuarial tables under either paragraph (d)(7) of this section or § 20.2031-7A(f)(4), at the option of the decedent's executor.

(iii) For purposes of paragraphs (d)(3)(i) and (d)(3)(ii) of this section, where the decedent's executor is given the option to use the appropriate actuarial tables under either paragraph (d)(7) of this section or § 20.2031-7A(f)(4), the decedent's executor must use the same actuarial table with respect to each individual transaction and with respect to all transfers occurring on the valuation date (for example, gift and income tax charitable deductions with respect to the same transfer must be determined based on the same tables, and all assets includible in the gross estate and/or estate tax deductions claimed must be valued based on the same tables).

(4) Publications and actuarial computations by the Internal Revenue Service. Many standard actuarial factors not included in § 20.2031-7(d)(6) or in paragraph (d)(7) of this section are included in Internal Revenue Service Publication 1457, "Actuarial Valuations Version 3A" (2009). Publication 1457 also includes examples that illustrate how to compute many special factors for more unusual situations. This publication will be available beginning May 1, 2009, at no charge, electronically via the Internal Revenue Service Internet site at If a special factor is required in the case of an actual decedent, the Internal Revenue Service may furnish the factor to the executor upon a request for a ruling. The request for a ruling must be accompanied by a recitation of the facts including a statement of the date of birth for each measuring life, the date of the decedent's death, any other applicable dates, and a copy of the will, trust, or other relevant documents. A request for a ruling must comply with the instructions for requesting a ruling published periodically in the Internal Revenue Bulletin (see §§ 601.201 and 601.601(d)(2)(ii)(b)) and include payment of the required user fee.

(5) Examples. The provisions of this section are illustrated by the following examples:

Example 1. Remainder payable at an individual's death. The decedent, or the decedent's estate, was entitled to receive certain property worth $50,000 upon the death of A, to whom the income was bequeathed for life. At the time of the decedent's death, A was 47 years and 5 months old. In the month in which the decedent died, the section 7520 rate was 6.2 percent. Under Table S in paragraph (d)(7) of this section, the remainder factor at 6.2 percent for determining the present value of the remainder interest due at the death of a person aged 47, the number of years nearest A's actual age at the decedent's death, is .18672. The present value of the remainder interest at the date of the decedent's death is, therefore, $9,336.00 ($50,000 X .18672).

Example 2. Income payable for an individual's life. A's parent bequeathed an income interest in property to A for life, with the remainder interest passing to B at A's death. At the time of the parent's death, the value of the property was $50,000 and A was 30 years and 10 months old. The section 7520 rate at the time of the parent's death was 6.2 percent. Under Table S in paragraph (d)(7) of this section, the remainder factor at 6.2 percent for determining the present value of the remainder interest due at the death of a person aged 31, the number of years closest to A's age at the decedent's death, is .08697. Converting this remainder factor to an income factor, as described in paragraph (d)(2)(iii) of this section, the factor for determining the present value of an income interest for the life of a person aged 31 is .91303. The present value of A's interest at the time of the parent's death is, therefore, $45,651.50 ($50,000 X .91303).

Example 3. Annuity payable for an individual's life. A purchased an annuity for the benefit of both A and B. Under the terms of the annuity contract, at A's death, a survivor annuity of $10,000 per year payable in equal semiannual installments made at the end of each interval is payable to B for life. At A's death, B was 45 years and 7 months old. Also, at A's death, the section 7520 rate was 4.8 percent. Under Table S in paragraph (d)(7) of this section, the factor at 4.8 percent for determining the present value of the remainder interest at the death of a person age 46 (the number of years nearest B's actual age) is .24774. By converting the factor to an annuity factor, as described in paragraph (d)(2)(iv)(A) of this section, the factor for the present value of an annuity payable until the death of a person age 46 is 15.6721 (1.00000 minus .24774, divided by .048). The adjustment factor from Table K in § 20.2031-7(d)(6) at an interest rate of 4.8 percent for semiannual annuity payments made at the end of the period is 1.0119. The present value of the annuity at the date of A's death is, therefore, $158,585.98 ($10,000 X 15.6721 X 1.0119).

Example 4. Annuity payable for a term of years. The decedent, or the decedent's estate, was entitled to receive an annuity of $10,000 per year payable in equal quarterly installments at the end of each quarter throughout a term certain. At the time of the decedent's death, the section 7520 rate was 9.8 percent. A quarterly payment had just been made prior to the decedent's death and payments were to continue for 5 more years. Under Table B in § 20.2031-7(d)(6) for the interest rate of 9.8 percent, the factor for the present value of a remainder interest due after a term of 5 years is .626597. Converting the factor to an annuity factor, as described in paragraph (d)(2)(iv)(A) of this section, the factor for the present value of an annuity for a term of 5 years is 3.8102 (1.00000 minus .626597, divided by .098). The adjustment factor from Table K in § 20.2031-7(d)(6) at an interest rate of 9.8 percent for quarterly annuity payments made at the end of the period is 1.0360. The present value of the annuity is, therefore, $39,473.67 ($10,000 X 3.8102 X 1.0360).

(6) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 20.2031-7(d)(6).

(7) Actuarial Table S and Table 2000CM where the valuation date is on or after May 1, 2009. Except as provided in § 20.7520-2(b) (pertaining to certain limitations on the use of prescribed tables), for determination of the present value of an interest that is dependent on the termination of a life interest, Table 2000CM and Table S (single life remainder factors applicable where the valuation date is on or after May 1, 2009) contained in this paragraph (d)(7) and Table J and Table K contained in § 20.2031-7(d)(6), must be used in the application of the provisions of this section when the section 7520 interest rate component is between 0.2 and 14 percent.

                                    Table S


                          Based on Life Table 2000CM


                         Single Life Remainder Factors


                      Applicable on or After May 1, 2009



                                   Interest Rate




 AGE     0.2%   0.4%   0.6%   0.8%   1.0%   1.2%   1.4%   1.6%   1.8%   2.0%




   0   .85816 .73751 .63478 .54723 .47252 .40872 .35416 .30747 .26745 .23313


   1   .85889 .73863 .63604 .54844 .47355 .40948 .35459 .30752 .26711 .23239


   2   .86054 .74145 .63968 .55260 .47802 .41409 .35922 .31209 .27155 .23664


   3   .86221 .74433 .64339 .55687 .48263 .41887 .36404 .31685 .27619 .24112


   4   .86390 .74725 .64716 .56121 .48733 .42374 .36898 .32175 .28098 .24575



   5   .86560 .75018 .65097 .56561 .49209 .42871 .37401 .32675 .28588 .25050


   6   .86731 .75314 .65482 .57006 .49692 .43375 .37913 .33186 .29090 .25538


   7   .86902 .75611 .65868 .57454 .50180 .43885 .38432 .33704 .29601 .26035


   8   .87073 .75909 .66258 .57907 .50674 .44403 .38960 .34233 .30122 .26544


   9   .87246 .76209 .66651 .58364 .51173 .44928 .39497 .34771 .30654 .27064



  10   .87419 .76511 .67046 .58826 .51679 .45459 .40042 .35319 .31197 .27596


  11   .87592 .76814 .67445 .59291 .52190 .45998 .40596 .35876 .31750 .28139


  12   .87766 .77119 .67845 .59761 .52706 .46544 .41157 .36443 .32313 .28693


  13   .87939 .77424 .68247 .60232 .53225 .47094 .41723 .37015 .32884 .29255


  14   .88112 .77728 .68649 .60704 .53746 .47646 .42293 .37592 .33460 .29823



  15   .88284 .78031 .69050 .61176 .54267 .48199 .42865 .38172 .34038 .30394


  16   .88455 .78333 .69449 .61647 .54788 .48752 .43437 .38752 .34619 .30968


  17   .88625 .78633 .69848 .62117 .55309 .49307 .44012 .39336 .35203 .31546


  18   .88795 .78933 .70246 .62588 .55830 .49863 .44589 .39923 .35791 .32129


  19   .88964 .79232 .70644 .63059 .56354 .50422 .45170 .40514 .36385 .32719



  20   .89132 .79532 .71044 .63534 .56882 .50987 .45757 .41114 .36987 .33317


  21   .89301 .79832 .71445 .64010 .57413 .51555 .46350 .41719 .37597 .33925


  22   .89470 .80133 .71847 .64488 .57947 .52129 .46948 .42332 .38216 .34541


  23   .89639 .80434 .72251 .64970 .58486 .52708 .47554 .42954 .38844 .35168


  24   .89808 .80737 .72658 .65456 .59031 .53295 .48169 .43586 .39484 .35809



  25   .89978 .81042 .73068 .65947 .59583 .53890 .48795 .44230 .40137 .36464


  26   .90149 .81349 .73482 .66443 .60141 .54494 .49430 .44886 .40804 .37134


  27   .90320 .81657 .73899 .66944 .60707 .55107 .50076 .45554 .41484 .37819


  28   .90492 .81968 .74319 .67450 .61278 .55728 .50733 .46233 .42178 .38520


  29   .90665 .82279 .74741 .67960 .61856 .56356 .51398 .46924 .42884 .39233



  30   .90837 .82591 .75165 .68473 .62438 .56990 .52070 .47623 .43601 .39959


  31   .91010 .82904 .75592 .68989 .63024 .57631 .52751 .48333 .44329 .40698


  32   .91182 .83218 .76020 .69509 .63616 .58278 .53440 .49052 .45068 .41449


  33   .91355 .83532 .76449 .70031 .64212 .58931 .54137 .49780 .45818 .42213


  34   .91527 .83847 .76880 .70556 .64811 .59589 .54839 .50516 .46578 .42988



  35   .91700 .84162 .77312 .71082 .65414 .60253 .55549 .51261 .47347 .43774


  36   .91872 .84477 .77744 .71611 .66021 .60921 .56266 .52014 .48127 .44572


  37   .92043 .84792 .78178 .72142 .66631 .61594 .56989 .52774 .48916 .45381


  38   .92215 .85107 .78613 .72675 .67244 .62272 .57718 .53544 .49715 .46201


  39   .92386 .85422 .79048 .73210 .67860 .62955 .58453 .54320 .50523 .47032



  40   .92557 .85736 .79483 .73746 .68479 .63641 .59194 .55104 .51340 .47873


  41   .92727 .86050 .79918 .74283 .69100 .64331 .59940 .55894 .52165 .48724


  42   .92896 .86364 .80354 .74820 .69723 .65024 .60690 .56691 .52998 .49585


  43   .93065 .86677 .80789 .75359 .70348 .65721 .61447 .57495 .53840 .50457


  44   .93234 .86990 .81225 .75899 .70976 .66422 .62208 .58305 .54690 .51338



  45   .93402 .87302 .81660 .76439 .71605 .67125 .62973 .59122 .55547 .52228


  46   .93569 .87613 .82095 .76980 .72236 .67832 .63743 .59945 .56413 .53129


  47   .93735 .87924 .82530 .77521 .72867 .68541 .64517 .60773 .57286 .54037


  48   .93901 .88233 .82964 .78062 .73501 .69253 .65295 .61606 .58166 .54955


  49   .94065 .88541 .83397 .78604 .74135 .69967 .66077 .62446 .59053 .55882



  50   .94229 .88849 .83830 .79145 .74771 .70684 .66864 .63292 .59949 .56819


  51   .94393 .89156 .84263 .79688 .75409 .71404 .67655 .64143 .60852 .57766


  52   .94556 .89462 .84695 .80230 .76048 .72127 .68450 .65001 .61763 .58722


  53   .94717 .89767 .85126 .80772 .76687 .72852 .69249 .65863 .62680 .59687


  54   .94878 .90070 .85555 .81313 .77326 .73577 .70050 .66730 .63603 .60658



  55   .95037 .90371 .85983 .81853 .77964 .74302 .70851 .67598 .64530 .61635


  56   .95195 .90670 .86406 .82388 .78599 .75024 .71651 .68465 .65457 .62613


  57   .95351 .90965 .86827 .82920 .79230 .75744 .72448 .69332 .66384 .63593


  58   .95505 .91257 .87243 .83447 .79857 .76459 .73242 .70195 .67309 .64573


  59   .95657 .91546 .87655 .83970 .80479 .77170 .74033 .71057 .68233 .65553



  60   .95807 .91832 .88064 .84490 .81098 .77879 .74822 .71918 .69158 .66534


  61   .95955 .92115 .88469 .85005 .81713 .78584 .75608 .72776 .70081 .67515


  62   .96101 .92395 .88869 .85515 .82323 .79283 .76388 .73630 .71001 .68494


  63   .96245 .92670 .89265 .86020 .82926 .79977 .77164 .74479 .71917 .69470


  64   .96387 .92942 .89655 .86518 .83524 .80665 .77933 .75323 .72828 .70443



  65   .96527 .93210 .90040 .87011 .84116 .81346 .78697 .76162 .73735 .71411


  66   .96665 .93476 .90423 .87502 .84706 .82027 .79461 .77002 .74645 .72385


  67   .96802 .93739 .90803 .87990 .85292 .82705 .80223 .77841 .75554 .73359


  68   .96937 .93999 .91179 .88472 .85874 .83378 .80980 .78676 .76461 .74331


  69   .97070 .94255 .91549 .88949 .86449 .84044 .81731 .79504 .77362 .75299


  70   .97200 .94506 .91914 .89419 .87016 .84702 .82473 .80326 .78256 .76260



  71   .97328 .94754 .92273 .89882 .87577 .85353 .83209 .81140 .79143 .77215


  72   .97453 .94997 .92626 .90338 .88129 .85996 .83935 .81945 .80021 .78162


  73   .97576 .95234 .92972 .90785 .88671 .86627 .84651 .82739 .80888 .79098


  74   .97695 .95466 .93310 .91223 .89202 .87247 .85353 .83518 .81741 .80019



  75   .97811 .95692 .93638 .91649 .89720 .87851 .86039 .84281 .82577 .80923


  76   .97924 .95910 .93957 .92063 .90224 .88440 .86708 .85026 .83393 .81807


  77   .98033 .96122 .94267 .92465 .90715 .89013 .87360 .85753 .84191 .82671


  78   .98138 .96327 .94567 .92855 .91190 .89571 .87995 .86461 .84968 .83515


  79   .98239 .96526 .94857 .93233 .91652 .90112 .88611 .87149 .85725 .84337



  80   .98337 .96717 .95138 .93598 .92098 .90635 .89208 .87817 .86460 .85135


  81   .98431 .96901 .95408 .93951 .92529 .91141 .89786 .88463 .87172 .85910


  82   .98521 .97077 .95667 .94290 .92944 .91629 .90344 .89088 .87861 .86660


  83   .98608 .97247 .95917 .94616 .93343 .92099 .90882 .89691 .88526 .87385


  84   .98691 .97409 .96156 .94928 .93727 .92551 .91399 .90271 .89166 .88084



  85   .98770 .97565 .96384 .95228 .94094 .92984 .91895 .90828 .89782 .88757


  86   .98845 .97713 .96602 .95514 .94446 .93398 .92371 .91362 .90373 .89402


  87   .98917 .97854 .96810 .95786 .94781 .93794 .92825 .91873 .90939 .90021


  88   .98985 .97988 .97008 .96046 .95100 .94171 .93258 .92361 .91479 .90612


  89   .99049 .98115 .97196 .96292 .95404 .94530 .93671 .92826 .91994 .91176



  90   .99110 .98235 .97373 .96526 .95691 .94871 .94062 .93267 .92484 .91713


  91   .99168 .98348 .97541 .96747 .95964 .95193 .94434 .93686 .92949 .92223


  92   .99222 .98455 .97700 .96955 .96222 .95498 .94785 .94083 .93390 .92707


  93   .99273 .98556 .97849 .97152 .96464 .95786 .95117 .94457 .93806 .93163


  94   .99321 .98651 .97989 .97337 .96692 .96057 .95429 .94810 .94199 .93595



  95   .99366 .98739 .98121 .97510 .96907 .96312 .95724 .95143 .94569 .94002


  96   .99408 .98822 .98244 .97673 .97108 .96551 .95999 .95454 .94916 .94384


  97   .99447 .98900 .98359 .97825 .97297 .96774 .96258 .95747 .95242 .94742


  98   .99483 .98973 .98467 .97967 .97473 .96984 .96500 .96021 .95547 .95078


  99   .99518 .99040 .98568 .98101 .97638 .97180 .96727 .96278 .95834 .95394



 100   .99549 .99103 .98661 .98224 .97791 .97362 .96937 .96516 .96100 .95687


 101   .99579 .99162 .98750 .98340 .97935 .97534 .97136 .96742 .96351 .95964


 102   .99607 .99217 .98831 .98448 .98068 .97692 .97319 .96950 .96583 .96220


 103   .99634 .99271 .98911 .98553 .98199 .97848 .97500 .97155 .96812 .96473


 104   .99659 .99320 .98984 .98651 .98320 .97992 .97666 .97344 .97023 .96705



 105   .99683 .99369 .99056 .98747 .98439 .98134 .97830 .97530 .97231 .96934


 106   .99713 .99429 .99146 .98865 .98586 .98309 .98033 .97760 .97488 .97218


 107   .99747 .99496 .99246 .98998 .98751 .98506 .98262 .98020 .97779 .97539


 108   .99800 .99602 .99404 .99208 .99012 .98818 .98624 .98431 .98240 .98049


 109   .99900 .99801 .99702 .99603 .99505 .99407 .99310 .99213 .99116 .99020



                                    Table S


                          Based on Life Table 2000CM


                         Single Life Remainder Factors


                      Applicable on or After May 1, 2009



                                   Interest Rate




 AGE     2.2%   2.4%   2.6%   2.8%   3.0%   3.2%   3.4%   3.6%   3.8%   4.0%




   0   .20365 .17830 .15648 .13767 .12144 .10741 .09528 .08476 .07564 .06772


   1   .20251 .17677 .15458 .13542 .11885 .10451 .09209 .08131 .07194 .06379


   2   .20656 .18060 .15817 .13877 .12197 .10740 .09476 .08376 .07420 .06586


   3   .21084 .18466 .16200 .14236 .12533 .11054 .09767 .08647 .07670 .06817


   4   .21527 .18888 .16600 .14613 .12887 .11385 .10076 .08935 .07938 .07066



   5   .21984 .19324 .17013 .15004 .13255 .11730 .10399 .09237 .08220 .07329


   6   .22454 .19773 .17440 .15408 .13636 .12089 .10736 .09553 .08515 .07605


   7   .22933 .20233 .17879 .15824 .14030 .12460 .11085 .09880 .08822 .07892


   8   .23425 .20705 .18330 .16254 .14436 .12844 .11447 .10221 .09142 .08193


   9   .23930 .21191 .18795 .16697 .14857 .13243 .11824 .10576 .09476 .08507



  10   .24446 .21689 .19273 .17153 .15292 .13655 .12214 .10945 .09824 .08835


  11   .24975 .22200 .19764 .17623 .15740 .14081 .12619 .11328 .10187 .09177


  12   .25515 .22724 .20268 .18107 .16202 .14521 .13037 .11724 .10563 .09533


  13   .26064 .23256 .20782 .18600 .16674 .14972 .13466 .12132 .10949 .09900


  14   .26620 .23796 .21303 .19101 .17154 .15430 .13903 .12547 .11344 .10273



  15   .27179 .24340 .21829 .19607 .17639 .15894 .14344 .12968 .11743 .10652


  16   .27742 .24887 .22358 .20117 .18128 .16361 .14790 .13391 .12145 .11034


  17   .28309 .25439 .22893 .20632 .18622 .16834 .15241 .13821 .12554 .11421


  18   .28881 .25997 .23434 .21154 .19123 .17314 .15699 .14258 .12969 .11815


  19   .29461 .26563 .23983 .21684 .19633 .17803 .16167 .14703 .13393 .12218



  20   .30050 .27139 .24543 .22226 .20156 .18304 .16646 .15161 .13829 .12633


  21   .30649 .27726 .25114 .22779 .20689 .18817 .17138 .15631 .14277 .13060


  22   .31259 .28323 .25697 .23344 .21235 .19342 .17642 .16114 .14739 .13500


  23   .31879 .28934 .26293 .23923 .21795 .19882 .18161 .16612 .15215 .13955


  24   .32515 .29559 .26904 .24519 .22372 .20440 .18699 .17128 .15710 .14429



  25   .33166 .30201 .27534 .25133 .22969 .21018 .19256 .17665 .16226 .14924


  26   .33833 .30861 .28182 .25767 .23586 .21616 .19835 .18224 .16764 .15440


  27   .34517 .31538 .28849 .26420 .24224 .22236 .20436 .18804 .17324 .15980


  28   .35217 .32233 .29535 .27093 .24882 .22877 .21058 .19407 .17907 .16542


  29   .35932 .32944 .30237 .27784 .25558 .23537 .21701 .20031 .18511 .17126



  30   .36661 .33670 .30956 .28492 .26253 .24216 .22362 .20674 .19135 .17730


  31   .37403 .34411 .31691 .29217 .26965 .24914 .23044 .21338 .19779 .18355


  32   .38160 .35167 .32442 .29960 .27697 .25631 .23745 .22022 .20445 .19002


  33   .38930 .35939 .33211 .30721 .28447 .26368 .24467 .22727 .21133 .19671


  34   .39713 .36724 .33993 .31497 .29213 .27123 .25207 .23451 .21839 .20360



  35   .40509 .37523 .34792 .32290 .29998 .27896 .25967 .24195 .22567 .21070


  36   .41318 .38337 .35606 .33100 .30800 .28688 .26746 .24961 .23317 .21803


  37   .42139 .39165 .36435 .33927 .31621 .29499 .27546 .25746 .24087 .22557


  38   .42974 .40008 .37281 .34771 .32460 .30330 .28366 .26554 .24880 .23334


  39   .43821 .40864 .38141 .35631 .33316 .31179 .29205 .27381 .25694 .24133



  40   .44679 .41734 .39016 .36507 .34189 .32046 .30064 .28229 .26529 .24954


  41   .45549 .42616 .39906 .37399 .35080 .32932 .30942 .29097 .27386 .25797


  42   .46430 .43511 .40809 .38307 .35987 .33836 .31840 .29986 .28264 .26662


  43   .47324 .44421 .41729 .39232 .36913 .34760 .32758 .30897 .29165 .27552


  44   .48229 .45343 .42663 .40172 .37857 .35702 .33697 .31829 .30088 .28465



  45   .49144 .46277 .43611 .41128 .38817 .36663 .34655 .32782 .31033 .29400


  46   .50072 .47225 .44574 .42101 .39796 .37644 .35634 .33757 .32002 .30360


  47   .51009 .48185 .45550 .43089 .40791 .38642 .36633 .34753 .32992 .31343


  48   .51958 .49158 .46540 .44093 .41803 .39660 .37652 .35770 .34006 .32351


  49   .52917 .50143 .47545 .45113 .42833 .40696 .38691 .36810 .35043 .33383



  50   .53888 .51141 .48566 .46150 .43883 .41754 .39754 .37874 .36106 .34442


  51   .54871 .52153 .49602 .47204 .44951 .42832 .40838 .38961 .37194 .35528


  52   .55865 .53179 .50653 .48276 .46038 .43931 .41945 .40073 .38307 .36641


  53   .56869 .54217 .51718 .49363 .47143 .45050 .43074 .41208 .39446 .37781


  54   .57882 .55265 .52796 .50465 .48265 .46186 .44222 .42364 .40607 .38945



  55   .58902 .56322 .53884 .51579 .49400 .47338 .45387 .43540 .41789 .40131


  56   .59926 .57383 .54978 .52701 .50544 .48501 .46565 .44729 .42987 .41335


  57   .60951 .58449 .56078 .53830 .51698 .49675 .47755 .45932 .44201 .42555


  58   .61978 .59517 .57182 .54964 .52858 .50858 .48956 .47147 .45427 .43790


  59   .63007 .60589 .58290 .56105 .54027 .52050 .50167 .48375 .46668 .45041



  60   .64039 .61665 .59405 .57254 .55205 .53253 .51392 .49617 .47925 .46310


  61   .65072 .62743 .60524 .58409 .56390 .54465 .52627 .50872 .49196 .47595


  62   .66104 .63822 .61645 .59566 .57581 .55683 .53870 .52136 .50478 .48892


  63   .67133 .64900 .62766 .60726 .58774 .56907 .55120 .53409 .51770 .50200


  64   .68161 .65977 .63887 .61887 .59970 .58134 .56375 .54688 .53071 .51519



  65   .69186 .67053 .65009 .63049 .61170 .59367 .57637 .55976 .54381 .52849


  66   .70216 .68136 .66140 .64223 .62383 .60615 .58916 .57283 .55713 .54203


  67   .71250 .69224 .67277 .65405 .63605 .61874 .60208 .58605 .57062 .55575


  68   .72283 .70312 .68416 .66590 .64833 .63140 .61509 .59938 .58423 .56963


  69   .73312 .71398 .69553 .67776 .66062 .64409 .62815 .61277 .59793 .58360


  70   .74335 .72479 .70688 .68959 .67291 .65680 .64124 .62621 .61168 .59764



  71   .75353 .73556 .71819 .70141 .68519 .66951 .65434 .63968 .62549 .61176


  72   .76364 .74626 .72945 .71318 .69744 .68220 .66745 .65317 .63933 .62593


  73   .77365 .75686 .74061 .72487 .70962 .69484 .68051 .66662 .65315 .64009


  74   .78350 .76733 .75164 .73643 .72167 .70735 .69346 .67997 .66688 .65417



  75   .79318 .77761 .76249 .74781 .73355 .71971 .70625 .69318 .68048 .66813


  76   .80266 .78769 .77314 .75899 .74524 .73187 .71886 .70621 .69390 .68192


  77   .81194 .79756 .78358 .76997 .75672 .74382 .73127 .71904 .70713 .69553


  78   .82100 .80722 .79380 .78072 .76798 .75556 .74346 .73166 .72016 .70894


  79   .82984 .81664 .80378 .79124 .77900 .76706 .75542 .74405 .73296 .72213



  80   .83843 .82582 .81351 .80149 .78976 .77830 .76711 .75618 .74550 .73507


  81   .84678 .83474 .82298 .81148 .80025 .78927 .77853 .76803 .75777 .74773


  82   .85487 .84339 .83217 .82119 .81045 .79994 .78966 .77959 .76974 .76009


  83   .86269 .85177 .84107 .83060 .82035 .81030 .80047 .79083 .78139 .77214


  84   .87024 .85986 .84968 .83970 .82993 .82035 .81095 .80174 .79271 .78385



  85   .87751 .86765 .85798 .84849 .83919 .83005 .82110 .81230 .80368 .79521


  86   .88450 .87515 .86597 .85696 .84811 .83942 .83089 .82251 .81428 .80619


  87   .89119 .88234 .87363 .86508 .85668 .84843 .84031 .83234 .82450 .81679


  88   .89760 .88922 .88099 .87289 .86492 .85708 .84938 .84180 .83434 .82700


  89   .90372 .89580 .88801 .88034 .87280 .86537 .85806 .85087 .84378 .83681



  90   .90954 .90207 .89471 .88746 .88032 .87329 .86637 .85954 .85282 .84620


  91   .91508 .90803 .90109 .89424 .88750 .88085 .87429 .86783 .86146 .85518


  92   .92033 .91369 .90714 .90068 .89432 .88803 .88184 .87572 .86969 .86374


  93   .92530 .91904 .91287 .90678 .90078 .89484 .88899 .88321 .87751 .87188


  94   .92999 .92411 .91830 .91256 .90690 .90130 .89578 .89032 .88493 .87961



  95   .93442 .92889 .92342 .91802 .91269 .90741 .90220 .89706 .89197 .88694


  96   .93858 .93338 .92824 .92316 .91813 .91316 .90825 .90340 .89859 .89385


  97   .94248 .93759 .93276 .92798 .92325 .91857 .91395 .90937 .90484 .90036


  98   .94614 .94155 .93701 .93252 .92807 .92367 .91931 .91500 .91073 .90650


  99   .94959 .94528 .94101 .93679 .93260 .92846 .92436 .92030 .91628 .91229



 100   .95278 .94874 .94473 .94075 .93682 .93292 .92906 .92523 .92144 .91769


 101   .95581 .95201 .94824 .94451 .94081 .93715 .93352 .92992 .92635 .92281


 102   .95860 .95503 .95149 .94798 .94450 .94105 .93763 .93424 .93088 .92754


 103   .96136 .95802 .95470 .95142 .94816 .94492 .94171 .93853 .93538 .93224


 104   .96390 .96077 .95766 .95458 .95152 .94848 .94547 .94248 .93951 .93657



 105   .96640 .96347 .96057 .95769 .95483 .95199 .94917 .94637 .94359 .94083


 106   .96950 .96684 .96420 .96157 .95896 .95636 .95379 .95123 .94868 .94616


 107   .97301 .97064 .96829 .96595 .96362 .96131 .95901 .95672 .95445 .95219


 108   .97859 .97670 .97482 .97295 .97109 .96923 .96739 .96555 .96373 .96191


 109   .98924 .98828 .98733 .98638 .98544 .98450 .98356 .98263 .98170 .98077



                                    Table S


                          Based on Life Table 2000CM


                         Single Life Remainder Factors


                      Applicable on or After May 1, 2009



                                    Interest Rate




 AGE     4.2%   4.4%   4.6%   4.8%   5.0%   5.2%   5.4%   5.6%   5.8%   6.0%




   0   .06083 .05483 .04959 .04501 .04101 .03749 .03441 .03170 .02931 .02721


   1   .05668 .05049 .04507 .04034 .03618 .03254 .02934 .02652 .02403 .02183


   2   .05858 .05222 .04665 .04178 .03750 .03373 .03042 .02750 .02492 .02264


   3   .06072 .05420 .04848 .04346 .03904 .03516 .03173 .02871 .02603 .02366


   4   .06303 .05634 .05046 .04530 .04075 .03674 .03319 .03006 .02729 .02483



   5   .06547 .05861 .05258 .04726 .04258 .03844 .03478 .03153 .02866 .02610


   6   .06805 .06102 .05482 .04935 .04453 .04026 .03647 .03312 .03014 .02749


   7   .07074 .06353 .05717 .05155 .04658 .04217 .03826 .03479 .03171 .02895


   8   .07356 .06617 .05964 .05386 .04875 .04421 .04017 .03658 .03338 .03053


   9   .07651 .06895 .06225 .05631 .05105 .04637 .04220 .03849 .03518 .03222



  10   .07960 .07185 .06499 .05889 .05347 .04865 .04435 .04052 .03709 .03402


  11   .08283 .07490 .06786 .06160 .05603 .05106 .04663 .04267 .03912 .03594


  12   .08620 .07808 .07087 .06444 .05871 .05360 .04903 .04494 .04127 .03798


  13   .08967 .08137 .07397 .06738 .06149 .05623 .05152 .04729 .04351 .04010


  14   .09321 .08472 .07715 .07038 .06433 .05892 .05406 .04971 .04579 .04227



  15   .09680 .08812 .08036 .07342 .06721 .06164 .05664 .05214 .04810 .04445


  16   .10041 .09154 .08360 .07649 .07011 .06438 .05923 .05459 .05041 .04664


  17   .10409 .09502 .08689 .07960 .07305 .06716 .06185 .05707 .05276 .04886


  18   .10782 .09855 .09024 .08276 .07604 .06998 .06452 .05959 .05514 .05111


  19   .11164 .10217 .09366 .08600 .07910 .07288 .06726 .06218 .05758 .05341



  20   .11559 .10592 .09721 .08937 .08228 .07589 .07010 .06487 .06012 .05582


  21   .11965 .10977 .10087 .09283 .08557 .07900 .07305 .06765 .06276 .05831


  22   .12383 .11376 .10465 .09642 .08897 .08223 .07610 .07055 .06550 .06090


  23   .12817 .11789 .10859 .10016 .09252 .08559 .07930 .07358 .06837 .06363


  24   .13270 .12221 .11270 .10408 .09625 .08914 .08267 .07678 .07141 .06651



  25   .13744 .12674 .11703 .10821 .10019 .09289 .08625 .08018 .07465 .06960


  26   .14239 .13149 .12158 .11256 .10435 .09686 .09003 .08380 .07810 .07288


  27   .14758 .13647 .12636 .11714 .10873 .10106 .09405 .08764 .08177 .07639


  28   .15300 .14169 .13137 .12195 .11335 .10549 .09829 .09171 .08567 .08012


  29   .15864 .14712 .13660 .12698 .11819 .11013 .10275 .09598 .08977 .08406



  30   .16448 .15275 .14203 .13222 .12323 .11498 .10742 .10047 .09408 .08820


  31   .17053 .15861 .14769 .13768 .12849 .12006 .11230 .10517 .09860 .09255


  32   .17680 .16468 .15357 .14336 .13398 .12535 .11741 .11009 .10335 .09712


  33   .18330 .17099 .15968 .14927 .13970 .13088 .12275 .11525 .10832 .10192


  34   .19000 .17750 .16599 .15539 .14562 .13661 .12829 .12061 .11350 .10693



  35   .19692 .18423 .17253 .16174 .15178 .14258 .13408 .12621 .11892 .11217


  36   .20407 .19119 .17931 .16833 .15818 .14879 .14009 .13204 .12457 .11764


  37   .21144 .19838 .18631 .17515 .16481 .15523 .14635 .13811 .13046 .12335


  38   .21904 .20582 .19357 .18222 .17170 .16193 .15287 .14444 .13661 .12932


  39   .22687 .21348 .20105 .18952 .17882 .16887 .15962 .15102 .14300 .13554



  40   .23493 .22137 .20878 .19707 .18619 .17606 .16663 .15784 .14965 .14201


  41   .24322 .22950 .21674 .20487 .19381 .18350 .17390 .16493 .15656 .14873


  42   .25173 .23786 .22494 .21290 .20168 .19120 .18141 .17227 .16372 .15572


  43   .26049 .24648 .23342 .22122 .20982 .19918 .18922 .17990 .17118 .16301


  44   .26950 .25535 .24214 .22979 .21824 .20742 .19730 .18781 .17892 .17057



  45   .27874 .26447 .25112 .23862 .22692 .21595 .20566 .19600 .18694 .17843


  46   .28824 .27385 .26038 .24774 .23589 .22476 .21431 .20450 .19527 .18659


  47   .29798 .28349 .26989 .25712 .24513 .23386 .22326 .21328 .20390 .19505


  48   .30797 .29338 .27967 .26678 .25466 .24325 .23250 .22238 .21283 .20383


  49   .31822 .30355 .28974 .27674 .26449 .25294 .24206 .23179 .22210 .21294



  50   .32876 .31401 .30011 .28701 .27465 .26298 .25196 .24156 .23172 .22242


  51   .33958 .32477 .31079 .29759 .28513 .27335 .26221 .25168 .24170 .23226


  52   .35068 .33582 .32178 .30851 .29595 .28407 .27282 .26216 .25206 .24249


  53   .36206 .34717 .33308 .31974 .30710 .29513 .28378 .27301 .26279 .25309


  54   .37371 .35880 .34467 .33127 .31857 .30651 .29507 .28420 .27388 .26406



  55   .38559 .37067 .35652 .34308 .33032 .31820 .30668 .29572 .28529 .27537


  56   .39765 .38275 .36859 .35512 .34232 .33014 .31855 .30751 .29699 .28697


  57   .40990 .39502 .38086 .36739 .35455 .34233 .33068 .31957 .30898 .29887


  58   .42231 .40747 .39333 .37985 .36700 .35474 .34304 .33188 .32121 .31103


  59   .43490 .42011 .40600 .39253 .37968 .36740 .35567 .34446 .33374 .32348



  60   .44768 .43296 .41890 .40546 .39261 .38033 .36858 .35733 .34656 .33625


  61   .46064 .44600 .43200 .41860 .40578 .39351 .38175 .37048 .35968 .34933


  62   .47373 .45920 .44527 .43194 .41915 .40690 .39514 .38387 .37305 .36267


  63   .48696 .47253 .45870 .44544 .43271 .42049 .40876 .39749 .38666 .37625


  64   .50030 .48601 .47229 .45911 .44645 .43428 .42258 .41133 .40051 .39010



  65   .51377 .49963 .48603 .47295 .46037 .44827 .43662 .42540 .41460 .40420


  66   .52750 .51352 .50007 .48711 .47464 .46262 .45103 .43987 .42911 .41872


  67   .54144 .52765 .51436 .50154 .48919 .47727 .46578 .45468 .44397 .43363


  68   .55554 .54196 .52885 .51619 .50398 .49218 .48079 .46978 .45915 .44887


  69   .56976 .55640 .54349 .53102 .51896 .50731 .49603 .48513 .47458 .46438


  70   .58407 .57095 .55826 .54598 .53410 .52260 .51147 .50069 .49025 .48013



  71   .59848 .58561 .57316 .56109 .54940 .53808 .52710 .51646 .50615 .49614


  72   .61294 .60035 .58815 .57632 .56484 .55371 .54291 .53243 .52225 .51237


  73   .62741 .61512 .60318 .59160 .58035 .56943 .55882 .54851 .53849 .52876


  74   .64183 .62983 .61818 .60686 .59586 .58516 .57476 .56464 .55480 .54523



  75   .65612 .64444 .63309 .62204 .61129 .60083 .59065 .58074 .57109 .56169


  76   .67026 .65891 .64786 .63710 .62661 .61640 .60646 .59676 .58731 .57810


  77   .68423 .67321 .66248 .65201 .64181 .63186 .62215 .61269 .60345 .59444


  78   .69800 .68733 .67692 .66676 .65684 .64717 .63772 .62849 .61948 .61068


  79   .71156 .70124 .69116 .68132 .67170 .66230 .65312 .64414 .63537 .62680



  80   .72487 .71490 .70516 .69563 .68632 .67721 .66830 .65959 .65106 .64272


  81   .73791 .72830 .71890 .70970 .70069 .69188 .68325 .67481 .66654 .65844


  82   .75065 .74140 .73235 .72348 .71479 .70628 .69794 .68977 .68176 .67391


  83   .76308 .75419 .74548 .73695 .72858 .72037 .71232 .70443 .69669 .68909


  84   .77516 .76664 .75828 .75008 .74203 .73413 .72638 .71877 .71130 .70396



  85   .78689 .77873 .77072 .76285 .75512 .74753 .74008 .73275 .72556 .71849


  86   .79825 .79044 .78278 .77524 .76783 .76055 .75340 .74636 .73944 .73264


  87   .80921 .80176 .79443 .78722 .78014 .77316 .76630 .75956 .75292 .74638


  88   .81978 .81268 .80569 .79880 .79203 .78536 .77880 .77234 .76598 .75971


  89   .82994 .82317 .81651 .80995 .80349 .79712 .79085 .78467 .77859 .77259



  90   .83967 .83324 .82690 .82065 .81450 .80843 .80244 .79655 .79073 .78500


  91   .84898 .84288 .83685 .83091 .82505 .81928 .81358 .80795 .80241 .79693


  92   .85787 .85208 .84636 .84072 .83515 .82966 .82423 .81888 .81360 .80838


  93   .86632 .86083 .85541 .85006 .84477 .83955 .83440 .82931 .82428 .81931


  94   .87435 .86915 .86402 .85894 .85393 .84898 .84409 .83925 .83447 .82975



  95   .88197 .87705 .87219 .86739 .86265 .85795 .85331 .84872 .84419 .83970


  96   .88915 .88451 .87991 .87537 .87088 .86643 .86203 .85768 .85338 .84912


  97   .89593 .89154 .88720 .88290 .87865 .87444 .87028 .86616 .86208 .85804


  98   .90232 .89818 .89408 .89002 .88600 .88202 .87808 .87418 .87031 .86649


  99   .90835 .90444 .90057 .89674 .89294 .88918 .88546 .88177 .87811 .87449



 100   .91397 .91028 .90663 .90301 .89942 .89587 .89234 .88885 .88539 .88196


 101   .91930 .91583 .91238 .90897 .90558 .90223 .89890 .89560 .89233 .88908


 102   .92424 .92096 .91771 .91448 .91128 .90811 .90496 .90184 .89875 .89568


 103   .92914 .92605 .92300 .91996 .91695 .91397 .91100 .90806 .90514 .90225


 104   .93364 .93074 .92786 .92501 .92217 .91935 .91656 .91379 .91103 .90830



 105   .93809 .93537 .93266 .92998 .92731 .92467 .92204 .91943 .91683 .91426


 106   .94365 .94115 .93867 .93621 .93376 .93133 .92892 .92651 .92413 .92176


 107   .94994 .94771 .94549 .94328 .94108 .93890 .93673 .93457 .93242 .93028


 108   .96010 .95830 .95651 .95472 .95295 .95118 .94942 .94767 .94593 .94420


 109   .97985 .97893 .97801 .97710 .97619 .97529 .97438 .97348 .97259 .97170



                                    Table S


                          Based on Life Table 2000CM


                         Single Life Remainder Factors


                      Applicable on or After May 1, 2009



                                    Interest Rate




 AGE     6.2%   6.4%   6.6%   6.8%   7.0%   7.2%   7.4%   7.6%   7.8%   8.0%




   0   .02534 .02370 .02223 .02093 .01978 .01874 .01782 .01699 .01625 .01559


   1   .01989 .01817 .01664 .01528 .01406 .01298 .01202 .01115 .01037 .00967


   2   .02061 .01882 .01722 .01580 .01454 .01340 .01239 .01148 .01066 .00993


   3   .02156 .01969 .01802 .01654 .01521 .01403 .01297 .01201 .01115 .01038


   4   .02264 .02069 .01896 .01741 .01602 .01478 .01367 .01267 .01176 .01095



   5   .02383 .02180 .01999 .01838 .01693 .01563 .01446 .01341 .01246 .01161


   6   .02512 .02301 .02113 .01944 .01793 .01657 .01535 .01424 .01325 .01235


   7   .02650 .02430 .02234 .02058 .01900 .01758 .01630 .01514 .01410 .01315


   8   .02798 .02570 .02365 .02182 .02017 .01868 .01734 .01613 .01503 .01404


   9   .02957 .02720 .02507 .02316 .02143 .01988 .01848 .01721 .01606 .01502



  10   .03128 .02881 .02659 .02460 .02280 .02118 .01971 .01838 .01718 .01608


  11   .03309 .03053 .02823 .02615 .02428 .02258 .02105 .01966 .01839 .01725


  12   .03503 .03237 .02997 .02781 .02585 .02408 .02248 .02103 .01971 .01850


  13   .03704 .03428 .03179 .02954 .02750 .02565 .02398 .02246 .02108 .01982


  14   .03909 .03623 .03364 .03130 .02918 .02726 .02551 .02392 .02248 .02116



  15   .04117 .03820 .03551 .03308 .03087 .02886 .02704 .02538 .02387 .02249


  16   .04324 .04016 .03737 .03484 .03254 .03046 .02855 .02682 .02524 .02379


  17   .04533 .04214 .03924 .03661 .03422 .03205 .03007 .02826 .02661 .02509


  18   .04746 .04415 .04114 .03841 .03592 .03366 .03159 .02970 .02798 .02639


  19   .04963 .04620 .04309 .04025 .03766 .03530 .03315 .03117 .02937 .02772



  20   .05191 .04835 .04512 .04217 .03948 .03702 .03478 .03272 .03083 .02910


  21   .05427 .05058 .04723 .04416 .04137 .03881 .03647 .03432 .03235 .03054


  22   .05672 .05291 .04943 .04625 .04334 .04067 .03823 .03599 .03394 .03205


  23   .05930 .05535 .05174 .04844 .04542 .04265 .04010 .03777 .03562 .03364


  24   .06204 .05795 .05421 .05078 .04764 .04476 .04211 .03967 .03743 .03536



  25   .06497 .06074 .05687 .05331 .05005 .04705 .04429 .04174 .03940 .03724


  26   .06811 .06373 .05972 .05603 .05264 .04952 .04665 .04400 .04155 .03929


  27   .07146 .06694 .06278 .05895 .05543 .05219 .04920 .04644 .04389 .04153


  28   .07503 .07036 .06605 .06209 .05844 .05507 .05196 .04908 .04642 .04396


  29   .07881 .07398 .06953 .06542 .06163 .05814 .05490 .05191 .04913 .04656



  30   .08279 .07780 .07319 .06894 .06502 .06138 .05802 .05491 .05202 .04933


  31   .08697 .08182 .07707 .07267 .06860 .06483 .06134 .05810 .05509 .05229


  32   .09137 .08606 .08115 .07660 .07239 .06848 .06485 .06148 .05835 .05543


  33   .09601 .09053 .08546 .08075 .07639 .07234 .06858 .06508 .06182 .05878


  34   .10084 .09520 .08996 .08511 .08059 .07640 .07249 .06886 .06547 .06231



  35   .10590 .10009 .09470 .08968 .08501 .08067 .07662 .07285 .06933 .06605


  36   .11120 .10522 .09966 .09448 .08966 .08517 .08098 .07706 .07341 .06999


  37   .11674 .11059 .10486 .09952 .09454 .08990 .08556 .08150 .07771 .07416


  38   .12254 .11621 .11032 .10481 .09968 .09487 .09039 .08618 .08225 .07856


  39   .12857 .12208 .11601 .11035 .10505 .10009 .09545 .09110 .08702 .08320



  40   .13487 .12820 .12196 .11613 .11067 .10555 .10076 .09626 .09204 .08807


  41   .14142 .13458 .12817 .12217 .11655 .11127 .10632 .10167 .09730 .09319


  42   .14823 .14122 .13464 .12848 .12269 .11725 .11214 .10734 .10282 .09856


  43   .15535 .14816 .14141 .13508 .12913 .12353 .11826 .11330 .10863 .10422


  44   .16274 .15538 .14847 .14196 .13585 .13008 .12466 .11954 .11472 .11016



  45   .17042 .16290 .15581 .14914 .14286 .13694 .13135 .12608 .12110 .11640


  46   .17842 .17073 .16348 .15664 .15020 .14411 .13836 .13293 .12780 .12294


  47   .18672 .17886 .17145 .16445 .15784 .15159 .14568 .14010 .13481 .12980


  48   .19534 .18732 .17974 .17258 .16581 .15940 .15334 .14759 .14215 .13699


  49   .20429 .19612 .18838 .18106 .17413 .16757 .16134 .15544 .14984 .14453



  50   .21362 .20529 .19740 .18993 .18284 .17612 .16974 .16368 .15793 .15247


  51   .22332 .21484 .20680 .19917 .19194 .18506 .17853 .17232 .16642 .16080


  52   .23341 .22479 .21660 .20883 .20144 .19442 .18774 .18138 .17533 .16957


  53   .24388 .23513 .22681 .21889 .21136 .20419 .19737 .19087 .18467 .17876


  54   .25473 .24585 .23739 .22935 .22168 .21437 .20741 .20076 .19442 .18837



  55   .26593 .25693 .24835 .24017 .23238 .22494 .21784 .21105 .20458 .19838


  56   .27742 .26831 .25962 .25132 .24340 .23583 .22860 .22169 .21508 .20875


  57   .28922 .28001 .27121 .26280 .25476 .24707 .23971 .23267 .22593 .21947


  58   .30129 .29199 .28309 .27457 .26642 .25862 .25114 .24398 .23712 .23053


  59   .31367 .30428 .29529 .28667 .27842 .27051 .26293 .25565 .24867 .24197



  60   .32638 .31691 .30784 .29914 .29079 .28278 .27509 .26771 .26062 .25380


  61   .33940 .32987 .32073 .31195 .30352 .29542 .28763 .28015 .27295 .26603


  62   .35269 .34311 .33391 .32506 .31656 .30837 .30050 .29293 .28564 .27862


  63   .36625 .35663 .34738 .33847 .32990 .32165 .31370 .30604 .29867 .29155


  64   .38007 .37043 .36113 .35218 .34356 .33524 .32723 .31950 .31204 .30484



  65   .39417 .38451 .37519 .36620 .35753 .34917 .34110 .33330 .32577 .31850


  66   .40871 .39905 .38972 .38071 .37201 .36361 .35550 .34765 .34006 .33273


  67   .42365 .41400 .40468 .39567 .38696 .37853 .37038 .36250 .35487 .34749


  68   .43892 .42931 .42001 .41101 .40230 .39387 .38570 .37780 .37014 .36272


  69   .45450 .44493 .43567 .42670 .41800 .40958 .40141 .39350 .38582 .37837


  70   .47033 .46083 .45162 .44269 .43403 .42563 .41748 .40957 .40189 .39443



  71   .48644 .47702 .46788 .45901 .45040 .44203 .43391 .42602 .41835 .41090


  72   .50278 .49347 .48441 .47562 .46707 .45877 .45069 .44284 .43520 .42776


  73   .51930 .51010 .50115 .49245 .48399 .47575 .46774 .45994 .45234 .44494


  74   .53591 .52684 .51802 .50943 .50106 .49291 .48497 .47724 .46970 .46235



  75   .55253 .54361 .53492 .52645 .51820 .51015 .50230 .49465 .48719 .47991


  76   .56912 .56036 .55182 .54349 .53536 .52742 .51968 .51213 .50475 .49754


  77   .58565 .57706 .56868 .56050 .55251 .54471 .53708 .52964 .52236 .51525


  78   .60209 .59369 .58549 .57747 .56963 .56197 .55448 .54715 .53999 .53298


  79   .61841 .61021 .60219 .59435 .58668 .57917 .57182 .56463 .55760 .55071



  80   .63456 .62657 .61875 .61109 .60359 .59625 .58906 .58202 .57512 .56836


  81   .65050 .64273 .63512 .62766 .62034 .61318 .60616 .59927 .59252 .58590


  82   .66621 .65867 .65127 .64401 .63690 .62992 .62308 .61636 .60977 .60330


  83   .68164 .67433 .66716 .66012 .65321 .64642 .63976 .63322 .62680 .62050


  84   .69676 .68969 .68275 .67593 .66923 .66265 .65618 .64983 .64358 .63745



  85   .71154 .70472 .69801 .69141 .68493 .67856 .67229 .66613 .66007 .65412


  86   .72595 .71937 .71290 .70654 .70028 .69412 .68806 .68210 .67623 .67046


  87   .73995 .73362 .72740 .72127 .71523 .70929 .70344 .69768 .69201 .68642


  88   .75354 .74746 .74148 .73558 .72978 .72406 .71842 .71287 .70739 .70200


  89   .76668 .76085 .75511 .74945 .74387 .73837 .73295 .72761 .72234 .71714



  90   .77934 .77377 .76827 .76284 .75749 .75222 .74701 .74188 .73681 .73181


  91   .79153 .78620 .78094 .77575 .77063 .76558 .76059 .75566 .75080 .74600


  92   .80323 .79814 .79312 .78816 .78326 .77843 .77365 .76894 .76428 .75967


  93   .81440 .80956 .80477 .80004 .79536 .79074 .78618 .78166 .77721 .77280


  94   .82508 .82047 .81591 .81140 .80694 .80253 .79817 .79387 .78961 .78539



  95   .83526 .83088 .82654 .82225 .81800 .81380 .80965 .80554 .80148 .79746


  96   .84491 .84074 .83662 .83254 .82850 .82450 .82055 .81663 .81276 .80892


  97   .85405 .85009 .84617 .84230 .83846 .83466 .83089 .82717 .82348 .81982


  98   .86270 .85895 .85523 .85155 .84791 .84430 .84072 .83718 .83367 .83019


  99   .87090 .86735 .86382 .86033 .85687 .85345 .85005 .84668 .84335 .84004



 100   .87856 .87519 .87185 .86854 .86526 .86201 .85878 .85559 .85242 .84927


 101   .88587 .88268 .87952 .87638 .87327 .87019 .86713 .86409 .86109 .85810


 102   .89263 .88961 .88662 .88364 .88069 .87777 .87487 .87199 .86913 .86629


 103   .89938 .89653 .89370 .89089 .88810 .88534 .88259 .87987 .87717 .87448


 104   .90558 .90289 .90021 .89756 .89492 .89231 .88971 .88713 .88456 .88202



 105   .91170 .90916 .90664 .90413 .90164 .89917 .89672 .89428 .89186 .88945


 106   .91940 .91706 .91474 .91242 .91013 .90784 .90558 .90332 .90108 .89885


 107   .92816 .92605 .92395 .92186 .91978 .91772 .91567 .91362 .91159 .90957


 108   .94247 .94075 .93904 .93734 .93565 .93396 .93229 .93062 .92895 .92730


 109   .97081 .96992 .96904 .96816 .96729 .96642 .96555 .96468 .96382 .96296



                                    Table S


                          Based on Life Table 2000CM


                         Single Life Remainder Factors


                      Applicable on or After May 1, 2009



                                    Interest Rate




 AGE     8.2%   8.4%   8.6%   8.8%   9.0%   9.2%   9.4%   9.6%   9.8%  10.0%




   0   .01498 .01444 .01395 .01351 .01310 .01273 .01240 .01209 .01181 .01155


   1   .00904 .00847 .00796 .00749 .00707 .00668 .00633 .00601 .00572 .00545


   2   .00926 .00866 .00812 .00763 .00718 .00677 .00640 .00606 .00575 .00547


   3   .00968 .00905 .00848 .00796 .00748 .00705 .00666 .00630 .00597 .00567


   4   .01021 .00955 .00894 .00839 .00789 .00744 .00702 .00664 .00629 .00597



   5   .01083 .01013 .00949 .00891 .00839 .00790 .00746 .00706 .00669 .00635


   6   .01153 .01080 .01012 .00951 .00895 .00844 .00798 .00755 .00715 .00679


   7   .01229 .01151 .01081 .01016 .00957 .00903 .00854 .00808 .00767 .00728


   8   .01314 .01232 .01157 .01089 .01026 .00969 .00917 .00869 .00825 .00784


   9   .01407 .01321 .01242 .01170 .01104 .01044 .00989 .00938 .00891 .00848



  10   .01509 .01418 .01335 .01259 .01190 .01126 .01068 .01014 .00965 .00919


  11   .01620 .01525 .01437 .01358 .01285 .01218 .01156 .01099 .01047 .00998


  12   .01740 .01640 .01549 .01465 .01388 .01317 .01252 .01192 .01137 .01086


  13   .01867 .01762 .01665 .01577 .01496 .01422 .01353 .01290 .01231 .01177


  14   .01995 .01885 .01784 .01691 .01606 .01527 .01455 .01389 .01327 .01270



  15   .02123 .02007 .01901 .01803 .01714 .01632 .01556 .01485 .01420 .01360


  16   .02247 .02126 .02015 .01913 .01818 .01732 .01652 .01578 .01509 .01446


  17   .02371 .02244 .02127 .02020 .01921 .01830 .01746 .01668 .01596 .01529


  18   .02494 .02361 .02239 .02126 .02022 .01926 .01838 .01756 .01680 .01610


  19   .02620 .02480 .02352 .02234 .02125 .02024 .01931 .01844 .01764 .01690



  20   .02751 .02605 .02471 .02346 .02232 .02126 .02028 .01937 .01853 .01775


  21   .02888 .02735 .02593 .02463 .02343 .02231 .02128 .02032 .01944 .01861


  22   .03030 .02870 .02722 .02585 .02458 .02341 .02233 .02132 .02038 .01951


  23   .03181 .03013 .02858 .02714 .02581 .02458 .02344 .02237 .02139 .02047


  24   .03345 .03169 .03006 .02855 .02715 .02586 .02465 .02353 .02249 .02152



  25   .03524 .03340 .03169 .03010 .02863 .02727 .02600 .02482 .02373 .02270


  26   .03720 .03527 .03348 .03181 .03027 .02884 .02750 .02626 .02510 .02402


  27   .03934 .03732 .03544 .03370 .03208 .03057 .02916 .02786 .02664 .02549


  28   .04167 .03955 .03759 .03576 .03406 .03247 .03099 .02962 .02833 .02713


  29   .04417 .04196 .03990 .03798 .03619 .03453 .03298 .03153 .03017 .02890



  30   .04684 .04452 .04237 .04036 .03848 .03674 .03510 .03358 .03215 .03081


  31   .04969 .04727 .04501 .04291 .04094 .03911 .03739 .03579 .03428 .03287


  32   .05272 .05019 .04783 .04563 .04357 .04165 .03984 .03816 .03657 .03509


  33   .05595 .05331 .05085 .04854 .04639 .04437 .04248 .04070 .03904 .03748


  34   .05936 .05661 .05403 .05162 .04936 .04725 .04527 .04341 .04166 .04001



  35   .06297 .06010 .05741 .05489 .05253 .05032 .04824 .04629 .04445 .04272


  36   .06679 .06380 .06100 .05837 .05590 .05358 .05140 .04935 .04742 .04561


  37   .07083 .06771 .06479 .06204 .05947 .05704 .05476 .05261 .05059 .04868


  38   .07511 .07186 .06881 .06595 .06326 .06072 .05834 .05609 .05397 .05196


  39   .07961 .07623 .07306 .07007 .06726 .06462 .06212 .05977 .05754 .05544



  40   .08434 .08083 .07753 .07442 .07149 .06873 .06612 .06366 .06133 .05913


  41   .08932 .08568 .08225 .07901 .07596 .07308 .07035 .06778 .06534 .06304


  42   .09455 .09077 .08720 .08384 .08066 .07766 .07481 .07213 .06958 .06717


  43   .10007 .09615 .09245 .08895 .08564 .08251 .07955 .07674 .07408 .07156


  44   .10586 .10180 .09796 .09433 .09089 .08763 .08454 .08162 .07884 .07621



  45   .11195 .10774 .10376 .09999 .09642 .09303 .08982 .08677 .08387 .08112


  46   .11835 .11400 .10987 .10596 .10225 .09873 .09539 .09222 .08920 .08633


  47   .12505 .12055 .11629 .11224 .10839 .10474 .10126 .09796 .09482 .09182


  48   .13209 .12745 .12303 .11884 .11485 .11106 .10746 .10402 .10075 .09764


  49   .13948 .13469 .13013 .12579 .12167 .11774 .11400 .11043 .10703 .10379



  50   .14727 .14233 .13762 .13314 .12887 .12481 .12093 .11723 .11370 .11033


  51   .15546 .15037 .14551 .14089 .13648 .13228 .12826 .12443 .12077 .11726


  52   .16407 .15884 .15384 .14907 .14452 .14018 .13603 .13206 .12826 .12463


  53   .17312 .16774 .16260 .15769 .15300 .14852 .14423 .14012 .13620 .13243


  54   .18259 .17707 .17179 .16674 .16191 .15729 .15286 .14862 .14456 .14067



  55   .19247 .18680 .18139 .17620 .17123 .16648 .16192 .15755 .15335 .14933


  56   .20270 .19690 .19135 .18602 .18092 .17603 .17134 .16684 .16251 .15836


  57   .21329 .20736 .20167 .19622 .19099 .18596 .18114 .17650 .17205 .16777


  58   .22422 .21816 .21235 .20677 .20140 .19625 .19130 .18653 .18195 .17754


  59   .23553 .22935 .22341 .21770 .21221 .20693 .20185 .19696 .19225 .18772



  60   .24725 .24095 .23489 .22906 .22345 .21805 .21285 .20783 .20300 .19834


  61   .25937 .25296 .24679 .24084 .23511 .22959 .22427 .21914 .21419 .20941


  62   .27185 .26534 .25906 .25300 .24716 .24153 .23609 .23084 .22577 .22088


  63   .28469 .27808 .27169 .26553 .25959 .25384 .24830 .24294 .23776 .23275


  64   .29789 .29119 .28471 .27845 .27240 .26656 .26091 .25544 .25016 .24504



  65   .31148 .30468 .29812 .29177 .28563 .27969 .27394 .26837 .26299 .25777


  66   .32564 .31877 .31213 .30570 .29948 .29345 .28761 .28195 .27647 .27115


  67   .34034 .33341 .32671 .32021 .31391 .30780 .30188 .29614 .29057 .28517


  68   .35552 .34855 .34179 .33523 .32887 .32270 .31671 .31089 .30524 .29976


  69   .37115 .36414 .35734 .35073 .34432 .33809 .33204 .32616 .32045 .31489


  70   .38719 .38016 .37332 .36668 .36023 .35396 .34786 .34193 .33616 .33054



  71   .40366 .39662 .38977 .38311 .37663 .37032 .36419 .35821 .35240 .34674


  72   .42053 .41350 .40665 .39998 .39349 .38716 .38100 .37500 .36916 .36346


  73   .43774 .43073 .42389 .41723 .41074 .40441 .39824 .39222 .38636 .38063


  74   .45519 .44821 .44140 .43476 .42829 .42197 .41580 .40979 .40391 .39818



  75   .47280 .46587 .45910 .45250 .44605 .43975 .43360 .42759 .42173 .41599


  76   .49051 .48364 .47693 .47037 .46396 .45770 .45158 .44560 .43975 .43403


  77   .50830 .50150 .49486 .48836 .48201 .47580 .46972 .46377 .45795 .45225


  78   .52613 .51942 .51286 .50644 .50015 .49400 .48797 .48208 .47630 .47064


  79   .54396 .53736 .53089 .52456 .51835 .51227 .50632 .50048 .49476 .48915



  80   .56174 .55525 .54888 .54265 .53653 .53054 .52466 .51890 .51325 .50770


  81   .57941 .57305 .56681 .56068 .55467 .54878 .54299 .53731 .53174 .52627


  82   .59696 .59073 .58461 .57861 .57272 .56693 .56125 .55566 .55018 .54480


  83   .61430 .60822 .60224 .59637 .59061 .58494 .57937 .57389 .56851 .56322


  84   .63142 .62549 .61966 .61393 .60830 .60276 .59731 .59196 .58669 .58150



  85   .64825 .64249 .63682 .63124 .62575 .62035 .61503 .60980 .60465 .59958


  86   .66477 .65918 .65367 .64825 .64291 .63765 .63248 .62738 .62236 .61741


  87   .68092 .67550 .67016 .66490 .65972 .65462 .64959 .64463 .63975 .63493


  88   .69669 .69145 .68628 .68119 .67618 .67123 .66635 .66154 .65680 .65212


  89   .71201 .70696 .70198 .69706 .69221 .68742 .68270 .67805 .67345 .66892



  90   .72688 .72201 .71721 .71246 .70779 .70317 .69861 .69411 .68966 .68528


  91   .74126 .73658 .73196 .72739 .72289 .71844 .71404 .70970 .70541 .70117


  92   .75513 .75063 .74620 .74181 .73748 .73320 .72897 .72479 .72066 .71657


  93   .76844 .76414 .75988 .75568 .75152 .74741 .74334 .73932 .73535 .73142


  94   .78123 .77711 .77303 .76901 .76502 .76108 .75718 .75332 .74951 .74573



  95   .79348 .78954 .78565 .78179 .77798 .77421 .77047 .76677 .76312 .75950


  96   .80513 .80137 .79765 .79397 .79032 .78671 .78314 .77960 .77610 .77263


  97   .81621 .81262 .80908 .80556 .80208 .79864 .79522 .79184 .78849 .78517


  98   .82674 .82333 .81995 .81660 .81328 .80999 .80673 .80351 .80031 .79713


  99   .83677 .83352 .83030 .82711 .82395 .82082 .81771 .81463 .81158 .80855



 100   .84616 .84307 .84001 .83697 .83396 .83097 .82801 .82507 .82216 .81927


 101   .85514 .85221 .84930 .84641 .84355 .84070 .83788 .83509 .83231 .82956


 102   .86348 .86069 .85792 .85517 .85245 .84974 .84706 .84439 .84175 .83912


 103   .87182 .86918 .86655 .86395 .86136 .85880 .85625 .85372 .85121 .84872


 104   .87950 .87699 .87450 .87203 .86957 .86713 .86471 .86231 .85992 .85755



 105   .88706 .88468 .88232 .87998 .87765 .87534 .87304 .87076 .86849 .86624


 106   .89664 .89444 .89225 .89008 .88792 .88577 .88364 .88152 .87941 .87731


 107   .90756 .90557 .90358 .90160 .89964 .89768 .89574 .89380 .89188 .88997


 108   .92565 .92401 .92238 .92075 .91914 .91753 .91592 .91433 .91274 .91116


 109   .96211 .96125 .96041 .95956 .95872 .95788 .95704 .95620 .95537 .95455



                                    Table S


                          Based on Life Table 2000CM


                         Single Life Remainder Factors


                      Applicable on or After May 1, 2009



                                 Interest Rate




 AGE    10.2%  10.4%  10.6%  10.8%  11.0%  11.2%  11.4%  11.6%  11.8%  12.0%




   0   .01132 .01110 .01089 .01071 .01053 .01037 .01022 .01008 .00995 .00983


   1   .00520 .00497 .00476 .00457 .00439 .00423 .00407 .00393 .00379 .00367


   2   .00521 .00496 .00474 .00454 .00435 .00417 .00401 .00385 .00371 .00358


   3   .00539 .00513 .00490 .00468 .00447 .00429 .00411 .00395 .00380 .00366


   4   .00567 .00540 .00515 .00492 .00470 .00450 .00432 .00414 .00398 .00383



   5   .00603 .00574 .00547 .00523 .00500 .00478 .00459 .00440 .00423 .00407


   6   .00646 .00615 .00587 .00560 .00536 .00513 .00492 .00472 .00453 .00436


   7   .00693 .00660 .00630 .00602 .00576 .00551 .00529 .00508 .00488 .00469


   8   .00747 .00712 .00680 .00650 .00622 .00596 .00572 .00549 .00528 .00509


   9   .00808 .00771 .00737 .00705 .00675 .00648 .00622 .00598 .00576 .00555



  10   .00877 .00838 .00801 .00767 .00736 .00707 .00679 .00654 .00630 .00608


  11   .00954 .00912 .00873 .00838 .00804 .00773 .00744 .00717 .00692 .00668


  12   .01038 .00994 .00953 .00915 .00880 .00847 .00816 .00788 .00761 .00735


  13   .01127 .01081 .01038 .00998 .00960 .00925 .00893 .00862 .00833 .00806


  14   .01217 .01168 .01122 .01080 .01040 .01003 .00969 .00937 .00906 .00878



  15   .01305 .01253 .01205 .01160 .01118 .01079 .01042 .01008 .00976 .00946


  16   .01387 .01333 .01282 .01234 .01190 .01149 .01110 .01074 .01040 .01009


  17   .01467 .01409 .01356 .01306 .01259 .01216 .01175 .01137 .01101 .01067


  18   .01544 .01484 .01427 .01374 .01325 .01279 .01236 .01195 .01157 .01122


  19   .01621 .01557 .01497 .01442 .01390 .01341 .01295 .01253 .01213 .01175



  20   .01702 .01634 .01571 .01512 .01457 .01406 .01357 .01312 .01270 .01230


  21   .01784 .01713 .01646 .01584 .01526 .01471 .01420 .01372 .01327 .01285


  22   .01870 .01794 .01724 .01658 .01596 .01539 .01485 .01434 .01386 .01342


  23   .01961 .01881 .01807 .01737 .01672 .01611 .01554 .01500 .01449 .01402


  24   .02062 .01977 .01899 .01825 .01756 .01691 .01630 .01573 .01520 .01469



  25   .02175 .02085 .02002 .01924 .01851 .01782 .01718 .01657 .01600 .01547


  26   .02301 .02207 .02119 .02036 .01958 .01886 .01817 .01753 .01692 .01635


  27   .02443 .02343 .02250 .02162 .02080 .02003 .01930 .01862 .01798 .01737


  28   .02600 .02495 .02396 .02303 .02216 .02134 .02057 .01985 .01916 .01852


  29   .02771 .02660 .02555 .02457 .02365 .02278 .02197 .02120 .02047 .01979



  30   .02956 .02838 .02728 .02624 .02526 .02434 .02348 .02266 .02189 .02116


  31   .03155 .03031 .02914 .02804 .02701 .02604 .02512 .02425 .02344 .02266


  32   .03370 .03239 .03115 .02999 .02890 .02787 .02690 .02598 .02511 .02429


  33   .03601 .03463 .03333 .03210 .03095 .02985 .02883 .02785 .02693 .02606


  34   .03847 .03701 .03564 .03434 .03312 .03197 .03088 .02985 .02887 .02795



  35   .04109 .03956 .03811 .03675 .03546 .03424 .03308 .03199 .03096 .02998


  36   .04390 .04228 .04076 .03932 .03795 .03667 .03545 .03429 .03320 .03216


  37   .04688 .04518 .04358 .04206 .04062 .03926 .03798 .03676 .03560 .03450


  38   .05007 .04829 .04660 .04500 .04349 .04205 .04069 .03940 .03818 .03701


  39   .05346 .05158 .04981 .04812 .04653 .04502 .04358 .04222 .04092 .03969



  40   .05705 .05508 .05321 .05144 .04976 .04817 .04666 .04522 .04385 .04255


  41   .06086 .05879 .05683 .05497 .05320 .05152 .04993 .04841 .04697 .04559


  42   .06488 .06271 .06066 .05870 .05684 .05508 .05340 .05180 .05028 .04882


  43   .06917 .06690 .06474 .06269 .06074 .05888 .05711 .05543 .05382 .05229


  44   .07370 .07132 .06906 .06691 .06486 .06291 .06105 .05928 .05759 .05598



  45   .07850 .07602 .07365 .07139 .06924 .06719 .06524 .06338 .06160 .05990


  46   .08360 .08100 .07852 .07616 .07390 .07176 .06970 .06775 .06587 .06409


  47   .08897 .08626 .08367 .08120 .07884 .07659 .07443 .07238 .07041 .06853


  48   .09466 .09183 .08912 .08654 .08407 .08172 .07946 .07730 .07524 .07326


  49   .10069 .09774 .09492 .09222 .08964 .08717 .08481 .08255 .08038 .07831



  50   .10711 .10403 .10109 .09827 .09558 .09300 .09053 .08816 .08589 .08371


  51   .11392 .11072 .10765 .10472 .10191 .09921 .09663 .09415 .09178 .08950


  52   .12116 .11783 .11464 .11159 .10866 .10585 .10315 .10057 .09808 .09569


  53   .12883 .12538 .12206 .11889 .11584 .11291 .11010 .10740 .10481 .10231


  54   .13694 .13336 .12992 .12662 .12345 .12041 .11748 .11467 .11196 .10936



  55   .14547 .14176 .13820 .13478 .13149 .12832 .12528 .12235 .11953 .11682


  56   .15437 .15054 .14685 .14330 .13989 .13661 .13345 .13040 .12747 .12464


  57   .16365 .15969 .15588 .15221 .14868 .14527 .14199 .13883 .13578 .13284


  58   .17330 .16921 .16528 .16149 .15783 .15431 .15091 .14763 .14447 .14141


  59   .18335 .17914 .17508 .17117 .16739 .16375 .16023 .15684 .15356 .15039



  60   .19385 .18952 .18534 .18131 .17741 .17365 .17001 .16650 .16311 .15982


  61   .20480 .20035 .19605 .19189 .18788 .18400 .18025 .17662 .17311 .16971


  62   .21615 .21158 .20717 .20290 .19877 .19477 .19090 .18716 .18354 .18003


  63   .22791 .22323 .21870 .21431 .21007 .20596 .20198 .19812 .19439 .19077


  64   .24009 .23530 .23066 .22616 .22181 .21758 .21349 .20953 .20568 .20195



  65   .25271 .24781 .24306 .23846 .23400 .22967 .22547 .22139 .21744 .21360


  66   .26600 .26100 .25615 .25145 .24688 .24245 .23814 .23396 .22990 .22596


  67   .27992 .27483 .26989 .26509 .26043 .25590 .25150 .24722 .24306 .23901


  68   .29443 .28926 .28423 .27934 .27459 .26997 .26548 .26110 .25685 .25271


  69   .30950 .30424 .29914 .29417 .28934 .28463 .28005 .27559 .27125 .26703


  70   .32508 .31976 .31459 .30955 .30464 .29986 .29520 .29067 .28625 .28194



  71   .34122 .33585 .33062 .32552 .32054 .31570 .31097 .30637 .30187 .29749


  72   .35790 .35249 .34721 .34205 .33703 .33213 .32734 .32268 .31812 .31367


  73   .37505 .36960 .36428 .35909 .35403 .34908 .34425 .33953 .33492 .33042


  74   .39258 .38711 .38177 .37655 .37145 .36647 .36160 .35684 .35219 .34764



  75   .41039 .40491 .39956 .39432 .38921 .38420 .37931 .37452 .36983 .36525


  76   .42843 .42296 .41760 .41236 .40724 .40222 .39731 .39250 .38779 .38318


  77   .44668 .44122 .43588 .43065 .42552 .42050 .41559 .41077 .40605 .40143


  78   .46510 .45967 .45435 .44914 .44403 .43902 .43411 .42930 .42458 .41995


  79   .48365 .47826 .47298 .46780 .46271 .45773 .45284 .44804 .44333 .43871



  80   .50226 .49693 .49169 .48655 .48150 .47655 .47169 .46692 .46224 .45763


  81   .52090 .51562 .51044 .50536 .50036 .49546 .49064 .48590 .48125 .47668


  82   .53951 .53431 .52920 .52418 .51924 .51439 .50963 .50494 .50033 .49580


  83   .55802 .55291 .54788 .54294 .53808 .53329 .52859 .52396 .51941 .51493


  84   .57640 .57139 .56645 .56159 .55681 .55210 .54747 .54291 .53843 .53401



  85   .59459 .58968 .58484 .58008 .57539 .57077 .56623 .56175 .55733 .55298


  86   .61254 .60774 .60302 .59836 .59377 .58925 .58479 .58040 .57607 .57180


  87   .63019 .62551 .62090 .61635 .61187 .60745 .60309 .59880 .59456 .59038


  88   .64751 .64296 .63847 .63405 .62968 .62537 .62112 .61693 .61279 .60871


  89   .66444 .66003 .65567 .65137 .64712 .64293 .63880 .63471 .63068 .62670



  90   .68094 .67667 .67244 .66827 .66415 .66009 .65607 .65210 .64818 .64431


  91   .69699 .69285 .68877 .68473 .68074 .67680 .67291 .66906 .66526 .66150


  92   .71254 .70855 .70460 .70071 .69685 .69304 .68928 .68555 .68187 .67823


  93   .72753 .72369 .71989 .71613 .71242 .70874 .70510 .70150 .69794 .69442


  94   .74200 .73830 .73464 .73103 .72745 .72390 .72040 .71693 .71350 .71010



  95   .75591 .75236 .74885 .74538 .74194 .73853 .73516 .73182 .72851 .72524


  96   .76920 .76580 .76243 .75909 .75579 .75252 .74928 .74607 .74289 .73974


  97   .78188 .77863 .77540 .77220 .76904 .76590 .76279 .75971 .75665 .75363


  98   .79399 .79088 .78779 .78473 .78170 .77869 .77571 .77276 .76983 .76693


  99   .80555 .80257 .79962 .79670 .79380 .79092 .78807 .78525 .78244 .77966



 100   .81641 .81357 .81075 .80796 .80518 .80243 .79971 .79700 .79432 .79165


 101   .82683 .82412 .82144 .81877 .81612 .81350 .81089 .80831 .80574 .80320


 102   .83652 .83394 .83137 .82882 .82630 .82379 .82130 .81883 .81637 .81394


 103   .84624 .84379 .84135 .83892 .83652 .83413 .83176 .82941 .82707 .82475


 104   .85519 .85285 .85053 .84822 .84593 .84365 .84139 .83915 .83692 .83470



 105   .86400 .86178 .85957 .85737 .85519 .85302 .85087 .84873 .84660 .84449


 106   .87523 .87316 .87110 .86905 .86702 .86500 .86299 .86099 .85900 .85703


 107   .88806 .88617 .88429 .88242 .88055 .87870 .87686 .87502 .87320 .87139


 108   .90958 .90802 .90646 .90490 .90336 .90182 .90028 .89876 .89724 .89573


 109   .95372 .95290 .95208 .95126 .95045 .94964 .94883 .94803 .94723 .94643



                                    Table S


                          Based on Life Table 2000CM


                         Single Life Remainder Factors


                      Applicable on or After May 1, 2009



                                    Interest Rate




 AGE    12.2%  12.4%  12.6%  12.8%  13.0%  13.2%  13.4%  13.6%  13.8%  14.0%




   0   .00972 .00961 .00951 .00941 .00932 .00924 .00916 .00908 .00901 .00894


   1   .00355 .00345 .00334 .00325 .00316 .00307 .00299 .00292 .00285 .00278


   2   .00346 .00334 .00323 .00313 .00303 .00294 .00286 .00278 .00270 .00263


   3   .00353 .00340 .00329 .00318 .00307 .00298 .00289 .00280 .00272 .00264


   4   .00369 .00356 .00343 .00332 .00321 .00310 .00300 .00291 .00283 .00274



   5   .00392 .00377 .00364 .00352 .00340 .00329 .00318 .00308 .00299 .00290


   6   .00420 .00405 .00391 .00377 .00365 .00353 .00342 .00331 .00321 .00311


   7   .00452 .00436 .00421 .00406 .00393 .00380 .00368 .00357 .00346 .00336


   8   .00490 .00473 .00457 .00441 .00427 .00413 .00400 .00388 .00376 .00365


   9   .00535 .00517 .00499 .00483 .00467 .00453 .00439 .00426 .00413 .00402



  10   .00587 .00567 .00548 .00531 .00514 .00499 .00484 .00470 .00456 .00444


  11   .00645 .00624 .00605 .00586 .00568 .00551 .00536 .00521 .00506 .00493


  12   .00711 .00689 .00668 .00648 .00629 .00611 .00595 .00579 .00563 .00549


  13   .00781 .00757 .00735 .00714 .00694 .00675 .00657 .00640 .00624 .00609


  14   .00851 .00826 .00802 .00780 .00759 .00739 .00720 .00702 .00684 .00668



  15   .00918 .00891 .00866 .00842 .00820 .00799 .00779 .00759 .00741 .00724


  16   .00979 .00950 .00924 .00899 .00875 .00853 .00832 .00811 .00792 .00774


  17   .01035 .01006 .00978 .00951 .00926 .00902 .00880 .00859 .00838 .00819


  18   .01088 .01057 .01027 .00999 .00973 .00948 .00924 .00901 .00880 .00860


  19   .01139 .01106 .01075 .01045 .01017 .00990 .00965 .00942 .00919 .00898



  20   .01192 .01157 .01124 .01092 .01063 .01035 .01008 .00983 .00959 .00936


  21   .01245 .01208 .01173 .01139 .01108 .01078 .01050 .01023 .00998 .00974


  22   .01300 .01260 .01222 .01187 .01154 .01122 .01092 .01064 .01037 .01011


  23   .01357 .01315 .01275 .01238 .01202 .01168 .01137 .01106 .01078 .01051


  24   .01422 .01377 .01334 .01294 .01257 .01221 .01187 .01155 .01124 .01095



  25   .01496 .01448 .01403 .01361 .01320 .01282 .01246 .01212 .01180 .01149


  26   .01582 .01531 .01483 .01438 .01395 .01354 .01316 .01279 .01244 .01211


  27   .01680 .01626 .01575 .01527 .01481 .01437 .01396 .01357 .01320 .01285


  28   .01791 .01734 .01679 .01628 .01579 .01533 .01489 .01447 .01408 .01370


  29   .01914 .01853 .01795 .01740 .01688 .01639 .01592 .01548 .01505 .01465



  30   .02048 .01982 .01921 .01862 .01807 .01754 .01704 .01657 .01612 .01569


  31   .02193 .02124 .02058 .01996 .01937 .01881 .01828 .01777 .01729 .01683


  32   .02351 .02278 .02208 .02142 .02079 .02019 .01962 .01908 .01857 .01808


  33   .02523 .02445 .02371 .02300 .02234 .02170 .02109 .02052 .01997 .01944


  34   .02707 .02624 .02545 .02470 .02399 .02331 .02267 .02205 .02146 .02091



  35   .02905 .02817 .02733 .02653 .02577 .02505 .02436 .02371 .02308 .02249


  36   .03117 .03024 .02935 .02850 .02769 .02693 .02619 .02550 .02483 .02419


  37   .03345 .03246 .03151 .03061 .02976 .02894 .02816 .02742 .02671 .02603


  38   .03590 .03485 .03385 .03289 .03198 .03112 .03029 .02950 .02874 .02802


  39   .03852 .03740 .03634 .03533 .03436 .03344 .03256 .03172 .03092 .03015



  40   .04131 .04013 .03900 .03793 .03690 .03593 .03499 .03410 .03324 .03242


  41   .04428 .04303 .04184 .04070 .03962 .03858 .03759 .03664 .03573 .03486


  42   .04744 .04612 .04486 .04366 .04250 .04140 .04035 .03934 .03838 .03745


  43   .05083 .04943 .04810 .04683 .04561 .04444 .04333 .04226 .04123 .04025


  44   .05443 .05296 .05155 .05021 .04892 .04768 .04650 .04537 .04428 .04324



  45   .05827 .05672 .05523 .05381 .05245 .05114 .04989 .04869 .04754 .04643


  46   .06237 .06074 .05917 .05767 .05623 .05485 .05352 .05225 .05103 .04986


  47   .06673 .06500 .06335 .06177 .06025 .05879 .05739 .05605 .05475 .05351


  48   .07137 .06955 .06781 .06614 .06454 .06300 .06152 .06010 .05874 .05742


  49   .07632 .07441 .07258 .07082 .06913 .06750 .06595 .06444 .06300 .06161



  50   .08162 .07962 .07769 .07584 .07407 .07236 .07071 .06913 .06760 .06614


  51   .08731 .08520 .08318 .08124 .07937 .07757 .07583 .07416 .07256 .07101


  52   .09340 .09119 .08907 .08703 .08507 .08317 .08135 .07959 .07790 .07627


  53   .09991 .09760 .09538 .09324 .09118 .08919 .08728 .08543 .08365 .08193


  54   .10685 .10443 .10211 .09987 .09771 .09562 .09361 .09167 .08980 .08799



  55   .11420 .11168 .10925 .10690 .10464 .10246 .10035 .09832 .09635 .09445


  56   .12191 .11928 .11675 .11430 .11193 .10965 .10745 .10531 .10325 .10126


  57   .13001 .12727 .12462 .12207 .11960 .11721 .11491 .11268 .11052 .10843


  58   .13846 .13561 .13286 .13020 .12762 .12513 .12273 .12040 .11814 .11595


  59   .14732 .14436 .14150 .13873 .13605 .13346 .13095 .12851 .12616 .12388



  60   .15665 .15358 .15060 .14772 .14494 .14224 .13962 .13709 .13463 .13225


  61   .16642 .16324 .16016 .15717 .15428 .15147 .14875 .14611 .14355 .14107


  62   .17663 .17333 .17014 .16704 .16404 .16113 .15830 .15556 .15290 .15031


  63   .18726 .18385 .18055 .17734 .17423 .17121 .16828 .16544 .16267 .15999


  64   .19833 .19481 .19140 .18809 .18487 .18175 .17871 .17576 .17289 .17010



  65   .20987 .20624 .20273 .19931 .19598 .19275 .18961 .18656 .18358 .18069


  66   .22213 .21840 .21478 .21125 .20783 .20449 .20125 .19809 .19501 .19202


  67   .23508 .23125 .22753 .22390 .22037 .21694 .21360 .21034 .20716 .20407


  68   .24868 .24476 .24094 .23722 .23359 .23006 .22662 .22327 .22000 .21681


  69   .26291 .25889 .25498 .25117 .24745 .24383 .24030 .23685 .23349 .23020


  70   .27773 .27364 .26964 .26574 .26194 .25823 .25461 .25107 .24762 .24425



  71   .29321 .28904 .28496 .28099 .27710 .27331 .26961 .26599 .26246 .25900


  72   .30933 .30508 .30094 .29689 .29294 .28907 .28530 .28160 .27799 .27446


  73   .32602 .32171 .31751 .31340 .30938 .30545 .30160 .29784 .29416 .29056


  74   .34319 .33884 .33458 .33042 .32634 .32236 .31845 .31463 .31089 .30723



  75   .36076 .35637 .35207 .34786 .34374 .33970 .33575 .33188 .32808 .32437


  76   .37867 .37425 .36991 .36567 .36151 .35744 .35344 .34953 .34569 .34192


  77   .39690 .39245 .38810 .38383 .37964 .37554 .37151 .36756 .36369 .35989


  78   .41541 .41096 .40659 .40231 .39811 .39398 .38993 .38596 .38206 .37823


  79   .43418 .42973 .42536 .42107 .41686 .41272 .40866 .40467 .40075 .39691



  80   .45311 .44868 .44432 .44003 .43582 .43169 .42763 .42363 .41971 .41585


  81   .47219 .46777 .46343 .45916 .45497 .45084 .44679 .44280 .43888 .43502


  82   .49135 .48696 .48265 .47841 .47424 .47014 .46610 .46213 .45822 .45437


  83   .51052 .50618 .50191 .49771 .49357 .48950 .48549 .48154 .47766 .47383


  84   .52966 .52537 .52115 .51700 .51291 .50887 .50490 .50099 .49714 .49334



  85   .54870 .54448 .54032 .53622 .53218 .52820 .52428 .52041 .51660 .51284


  86   .56759 .56344 .55935 .55532 .55135 .54742 .54356 .53974 .53598 .53227


  87   .58626 .58219 .57818 .57422 .57031 .56646 .56266 .55891 .55521 .55155


  88   .60468 .60070 .59677 .59290 .58907 .58529 .58157 .57788 .57425 .57066


  89   .62277 .61888 .61505 .61126 .60753 .60383 .60018 .59658 .59302 .58950



  90   .64048 .63670 .63296 .62927 .62563 .62202 .61846 .61494 .61146 .60803


  91   .65778 .65411 .65048 .64689 .64334 .63983 .63636 .63293 .62954 .62619


  92   .67462 .67106 .66754 .66406 .66061 .65720 .65383 .65050 .64720 .64393


  93   .69094 .68749 .68408 .68071 .67737 .67406 .67079 .66756 .66435 .66118


  94   .70673 .70340 .70011 .69685 .69362 .69042 .68725 .68412 .68102 .67794



  95   .72199 .71878 .71560 .71246 .70934 .70625 .70319 .70016 .69716 .69419


  96   .73662 .73353 .73047 .72743 .72443 .72145 .71850 .71557 .71268 .70981


  97   .75063 .74766 .74471 .74180 .73890 .73604 .73319 .73038 .72758 .72482


  98   .76405 .76120 .75837 .75557 .75279 .75003 .74730 .74459 .74190 .73923


  99   .77690 .77417 .77146 .76877 .76610 .76345 .76083 .75822 .75564 .75308



 100   .78901 .78639 .78379 .78121 .77866 .77612 .77360 .77110 .76862 .76616


 101   .80067 .79816 .79568 .79321 .79076 .78832 .78591 .78351 .78114 .77877


 102   .81152 .80912 .80674 .80438 .80203 .79970 .79738 .79508 .79280 .79054


 103   .82245 .82016 .81789 .81563 .81339 .81116 .80895 .80676 .80458 .80241


 104   .83250 .83031 .82814 .82599 .82384 .82171 .81960 .81750 .81541 .81334



 105   .84239 .84030 .83823 .83617 .83412 .83209 .83006 .82806 .82606 .82407


 106   .85507 .85311 .85117 .84924 .84733 .84542 .84352 .84164 .83976 .83790


 107   .86958 .86779 .86600 .86422 .86246 .86070 .85895 .85721 .85548 .85376


 108   .89422 .89272 .89123 .88974 .88826 .88679 .88533 .88386 .88241 .88096


 109   .94563 .94484 .94405 .94326 .94248 .94170 .94092 .94014 .93937 .93860



                          Table 2000CM



 Age                     Age                     Age


    x      lx            x        lx             x             lx



    0     100000        37       96921           74           66882


    1      99305        38       96767           75           64561


    2      99255        39       96600           76           62091


    3      99222        40       96419           77           59476


    4      99197        41       96223           78           56721



    5      99176        42       96010           79           53833


    6      99158        43       95782           80           50819


    7      99140        44       95535           81           47694


    8      99124        45       95268           82           44475


    9      99110        46       94981           83           41181



    10     99097        47       94670           84           37837


    11     99085        48       94335           85           34471


    12     99073        49       93975           86           31114


    13     99057        50       93591           87           27799


    14     99033        51       93180           88           24564



    15     98998        52       92741           89           21443


    16     98950        53       92270           90           18472


    17     98891        54       91762           91           15685


    18     98822        55       91211           92           13111


    19     98745        56       90607           93           10773



    20     98664        57       89947           94            8690


    21     98577        58       89225           95            6871


    22     98485        59       88441           96            5315


    23     98390        60       87595           97            4016


    24     98295        61       86681           98            2959



    25     98202        62       85691           99            2122


    26     98111        63       84620          100            1477


    27     98022        64       83465          101             997


    28     97934        65       82224          102             650


    29     97844        66       80916          103             410



    30     97750        67       79530          104             248


    31     97652        68       78054          105             144


    32     97549        69       76478          106              81


    33     97441        70       74794          107              43


    34     97324        71       73001          108              22



    35     97199        72       71092          109              11


    36     97065        73       69056          110               0



(e) Effective/applicability date. This section applies on or after May 1, 2009.

(f) Expiration date. This section expires on or before May 1, 2012.

Par. 19. The undesignated center heading immediately preceding § 20.2031-7A is revised to read as follows:


Actuarial Tables Applicable Before May 1, 2009



Par. 20. Section 20.2031-7A is amended by:

      1. Revising the section heading.



      2. Adding paragraphs (f)(1), (f)(2), and (f)(3).



      3. In newly-designated paragraph (f)(4), the heading and


 introductory text paragraph is revised.



      4. The heading of Table S in newly-designated paragraph (f)(4) is





      5. The heading of Table 90CM in newly-designated paragraph (f)(4)


 is revised.



      6. Paragraph (f)(5) is added.



The revisions and additions read as follows:

§ 20.2031-7A Valuation of annuities, interests for life or term of years, and remainder or reversionary interests for estates of decedents for which the valuation date of the gross estate is before May 1, 2009.

* * * * *

(f) Valuation of annuities, interests for life or term of years, and remainder or reversionary interests for estates of decedents for which the valuation date of the gross estate is after April 30,1999, and before May 1, 2009 -- (1) In general. Except as otherwise provided in § 20.2031-7(b) and § 20.7520-3(b) (pertaining to certain limitations on the use of prescribed tables), if the valuation date for the gross estate of the decedent is after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009, the fair market value of annuities, life estates, terms of years, remainders, and reversionary interests is the present value of the interests determined by use of standard or special section 7520 actuarial factors and the valuation methodology described in § 20.2031-7T(d). These factors are derived by using the appropriate section 7520 interest rate and, if applicable, the mortality component for the valuation date of the interest that is being valued. See §§ 20.7520-1 through 20.7520-4. See paragraph (f)(4) of this section for determination of the appropriate table for use in valuing these interests.

(2) Transitional rule. (i) If a decedent dies after April 30, 1999, and if on May 1, 1999, the decedent was mentally incompetent so that the disposition of the decedent's property could not be changed, and the decedent dies without having regained competency to dispose of the decedent's property or dies within 90 days of the date on which the decedent first regains competency, the fair market value of annuities, life estates, terms for years, remainders, and reversions included in the gross estate of the decedent is their present value determined either under this section or under the corresponding section applicable at the time the decedent became mentally incompetent, at the option of the decedent's executor. For example, see paragraph (d) of this section.

(ii) If a decedent dies after April 30, 1999, and before July 1, 1999, the fair market value of annuities, life estates, remainders, and reversions based on one or more measuring lives included in the gross estate of the decedent is their present value determined under this section by use of the section 7520 interest rate for the month in which the valuation date occurs (see §§ 20.7520-1(b) and 20.7520-2(a)(2)) and the appropriate actuarial tables under either paragraph (e)(4) or paragraph (f)(4) of this section, at the option of the decedent's executor.

(iii) For purposes of paragraphs (f)(2)(i) and (f)(2)(ii) of this section, where the decedent's executor is given the option to use the appropriate actuarial tables under either paragraph (e)(4) or paragraph (f)(4) of this section, the decedent's executor must use the same actuarial table with respect to each individual transaction and with respect to all transfers occurring on the valuation date (for example, gift and income tax charitable deductions with respect to the same transfer must be determined based on the same tables, and all assets includible in the gross estate and/or estate tax deductions claimed must be valued based on the same tables).

(3) Publications and actuarial computations by the Internal Revenue Service. Many standard actuarial factors not included in paragraph (f)(4) of this section or in § 20.2031-7(d)(6) are included in Internal Revenue Service Publication 1457, "Actuarial Values, Book Aleph," (7-99). Publication 1457 also includes examples that illustrate how to compute many special factors for more unusual situations. Publication 1457 is no longer available for purchase from the Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office. However, pertinent factors in this publication may be obtained from: CC:PA:LPD:PR (IRS Publication 1457), Room 5205, Internal Revenue Service, P.O.Box 7604, Ben Franklin Station, Washington, DC 20044. If a special factor is required in the case of an actual decedent, the Internal Revenue Service may furnish the factor to the executor upon a request for a ruling. The request for a ruling must be accompanied by a recitation of the facts including a statement of the date of birth for each measuring life, the date of the decedent's death, any other applicable dates, and a copy of the will, trust, or other relevant documents. A request for a ruling must comply with the instructions for requesting a ruling published periodically in the Internal Revenue Bulletin (see §§ 601.201 and 601.601(d)(2)(ii)(b)) and include payment of the required user fee.

(4) Actuarial tables. Except as provided in § 20.7520-3(b) (pertaining to certain limitations on the use of prescribed tables), Life Table 90CM and Table S (Single life remainder factors applicable where the valuation date is after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009), contained in this paragraph (f)(4), and Table B, Table J, and Table K set forth in § 20.2031-7(d)(6) must be used in the application of the provisions of this section when the section 7520 interest rate component is between 4.2 and 14 percent. Table S and Table 90CM are as follows:

Table S. -- Based on Life on Life Table 90CM Single Life Remainder Factors


[Applicable After April 30, 1999, and Before May 1, 2009]



* * * * *

Table 90 CM.-Applicable After April 30, 1999, and Before May 1, 2009

* * * * *

(5) Effective/applicability dates. Paragraphs (f)(1) through (f)(4) apply after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009.

Par. 21. Section 20.2032-1 is amended by revising paragraph (f)(1) as follows:

§ 20.2032-1 Alternate Valuation.

* * * * *

(f) * * *

(1) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 20.2032-1T(f)(1).

* * * * *

Par. 22. Section 20.2032-1T is added to read as follows:

§ 20.2032-1T Alternate Valuation (temporary).

(a) through (e) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 20.2032-1(a) through (e).

(f) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 20.2032-1(f).

(1) Life estates, remainders, and similar interests. The values of life estates, remainders, and similar interests are to be obtained by applying the methods prescribed in § 20.2031-7, using (i) the age of each person, the duration of whose life may affect the value of the interest, as of the date of the decedent's death, and (ii) the value of the property as of the alternate valuation date. For example, assume that the decedent, or the decedent's estate, was entitled to receive certain property worth $50,000 upon the death of A, who was entitled to the income for life. At the time of the decedent's death, on or after May 1, 2009, A was 47 years and 5 months old. In the month in which the decedent died, the section 7520 rate was 6.2 percent. The value of the decedent's remainder interest at the date of the decedent's death would, as illustrated in Example 1 of § 20.2031-7T(d)(5), be $9,336.00 ($50,000 x .18672). If, because of economic conditions, the property declined in value and was worth only $40,000 on the date that was 6 months after the date of the decedent's death, the value of the remainder interest would be $7,468.80 ($40,000 X .18672), even though A would be 48 years old on the alternate valuation date.

(f)(2) through (g) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 20.2032-1(f)(2) through (g).

(h) Effective/applicability date. Paragraph (f)(1) applies on or after May 1, 2009.

(i) Expiration date. Paragraph (f)(1) expires on or before May 1, 2012.

Par. 23. Section 20.2055-2 is amended by revising the heading in paragraph (e)(3) and revising the text in paragraphs (e)(3)(iii) and (f)(4) to read as follows:

§ 20.2055-2 Transfers not exclusively for charitable purposes.

 * * * * *



      (e) * * *



      (3) Effective/applicability date. * * *



      (iii) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see §





 * * * * *



      (f) * * *



      (4) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see §





 * * * * *



Par. 24. Section 20.2055-2T is added to read as follows:

§ 20.2055-2T Transfers not exclusively for charitable purposes (temporary).

(a) through (e)(3)(ii). [Reserved]. For further guidance see § 20.2055-2(a) through (e)(3)(ii).

(e)(3)(iii) The rule in paragraphs (e)(2)(vi)(a) and (e)(2)(vii)(a) of this section that guaranteed annuity interests or unitrust interests, respectively, may be payable for a specified term of years or for the life or lives of only certain individuals is generally effective in the case of transfers pursuant to wills and revocable trusts when the decedent dies on or after April 4, 2000. Two exceptions from the application of this rule in paragraphs (e)(2)(vi)(a) and (e)(2)(vii)(a) of this section are provided in the case of transfers pursuant to a will or revocable trust executed on or before April 4, 2000. One exception is for a decedent who dies on or before July 5, 2001, without having republished the will (or amended the trust) by codicil or otherwise. The other exception is for a decedent who was on April 4, 2000, under a mental disability that prevented a change in the disposition of the decedent's property, and who either does not regain competence to dispose of such property before the date of death, or dies prior to the later of 90 days after the date on which the decedent first regains competence, or July 5, 2001, without having republished the will (or amended the trust) by codicil or otherwise. If a guaranteed annuity interest or unitrust interest created pursuant to a will or revocable trust when the decedent dies on or after April 4, 2000, uses an individual other than one permitted in paragraphs (e)(2)(vi)(a) and (vii)(a) of this section, and the interest does not qualify for this transitional relief, the interest may be reformed into a lead interest payable for a specified term of years. The term of years is determined by taking the factor for valuing the annuity or unitrust interest for the named individual measuring life and identifying the term of years (rounded up to the next whole year) that corresponds to the equivalent term of years factor for an annuity or unitrust interest. For example, in the case of an annuity interest payable for the life of an individual age 40 at the time of the transfer on or after May 1, 2009, assuming an interest rate of 7.4 percent under section 7520, the annuity factor from column 1 of Table S(7.4), contained in IRS Publication 1457, Actuarial Valuations Version 3A, for the life of an individual age 40 is 12.1519 (1.00000 minus .10076, divided by .074). Based on Table B(7.4), contained in Publication 1457, Actuarial Valuations Version 3A, the factor 12.1519 corresponds to a term of years between 32 and 33 years. Accordingly, the annuity interest must be reformed into an interest payable for a term of 33 years. A judicial reformation must be commenced prior to the later of July 5, 2001, or the date prescribed by section 2055(e)(3)(C)(iii). Any judicial reformation must be completed within a reasonable time after it is commenced. A non-judicial reformation is permitted if effective under state law, provided it is completed by the date on which a judicial reformation must be commenced. In the alternative, if a court, in a proceeding that is commenced on or before July 5, 2001, declares any transfer made pursuant to a will or revocable trust where the decedent dies on or after April 4, 2000, and on or before March 6, 2001, null and void ab initio, the Internal Revenue Service will treat such transfers in a manner similar to that described in section 2055(e)(3)(J).

(e)(4) through (f)(3). [Reserved]. For further guidance see § 20.2055-2(e)(4) through (f)(3).

(f)(4) Other decedents. The present value of an interest not described in paragraph (f)(2) of this section is to be determined under § 20.2031-7T(d) in the case of decedents where the valuation date of the gross estate is on or after May 1, 2009, or under § 20.2031-7A in the case of decedents where the valuation date of the gross estate is before May 1, 2009.

(f)(5) [Reserved]. For further guidance see § 20.2055-2(f)(5).

(f)(6) Effective/applicability date. Paragraphs (e)(3)(iii) and (f)(4) apply on or after May 1, 2009.

(f)(7) Expiration date. Paragraphs (e)(3)(iii) and (f)(4) expire on or before May 1, 2012.

Par. 25. Section 20.2056A-4 is amended by revising paragraph (c)(4)(ii)(B) and Example 4 of paragraph (d). The revisions reads as follows:

§ 20.2056A-4 Procedures for conforming marital trusts and nontrust marital transfers to the requirements of a qualified domestic trust.

* * * * *

(c) * * *

(4) * * *

(ii) * * *

(B) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 20.2056A-4T(c)(4)(ii)(B).

(d) * * *

Example 4. [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 20.2056A-4T(d) Example 4.

Par. 26. Section 20.2056A-4T is added to read as follows:

§ 20.2056A-4T Procedures for conforming marital trusts and nontrust marital transfers to the requirements of a qualified domestic trust (temporary).

(a) through (c)(4)(ii)(A). [Reserved]. For further guidance see § 20.2056A-4(a) through (c)(4)(ii)(A).

(c)(4)(ii)(B) The total present value of the annuity or other payment is the present value of the nonassignable annuity or other payment as of the date of the decedent's death, determined in accordance with the interest rates and mortality data prescribed by section 7520. The expected annuity term is the number of years that would be required for the scheduled payments to exhaust a hypothetical fund equal to the present value of the scheduled payments. This is determined by first dividing the total present value of the payments by the annual payment. From the quotient so obtained, the expected annuity term is derived by identifying the term of years that corresponds to the annuity factor equal to the quotient. This is determined by using column 1 of Table B, for the applicable interest rate, contained in Publication 1457, Actuarial Valuations Version 3A. A copy of this publication is available beginning May 1, 2009, at no charge, electronically via the IRS Internet site at If the quotient obtained falls between two terms, the longer term is used.

(c)(5) through (c)(7). [Reserved]. For further guidance see § 20.2056A-4(c)(5) through (c)(7).

(d) Examples 1 through 3. [Reserved]. For further guidance see § 20.2056A-4(d) Examples 1 through 3.

Example 4. Computation of corpus portion of annuity payment. (i) At the time of D's death on or after May 1, 2009, D is a participant in an employees' pension plan described in section 401(a). On D's death, D's spouse S, a resident of the United States, becomes entitled to receive a survivor's annuity of $72,000 per year, payable monthly, for life. At the time of D's death, S is age 60. Assume that under section 7520, the appropriate discount rate to be used for valuing annuities in the case of this decedent is 6.0 percent. The annuity factor at 6.0 percent for a person age 60 is 11.0625 (1.0000 minus .33625, divided by .06). The adjustment factor at 6.0 percent in Table K for monthly payments is 1.0272. Accordingly, the right to receive $72,000 per year on a monthly basis is equal to the right to receive $73,958.40 ($72,000 x 1.0272) on an annual basis.

(ii) The corpus portion of each annuity payment received by S is determined as follows. The first step is to determine the annuity factor for the number of years that would be required to exhaust a hypothetical fund that has a present value and a payout corresponding to S 's interest in the payments under the plan, determined as follows:

(A) Present value of S 's annuity: $73,958.40 x 11.0625 = $818,164.80.

(B) Annuity Factor for Expected Annuity Term: $818,164.80 / $73,958.40 = 11.0625

(iii) The second step is to determine the number of years that would be required for S 's annuity to exhaust a hypothetical fund of $818,164.80. The term certain annuity factor of 11.0625 falls between the annuity factors for 18 and 19 years in a 6.0 percent term certain annuity table (Column 1 of Table B, Publication 1457 Actuarial Valuations Version 3A, which may be obtained on the IRS Internet site). Accordingly, the expected annuity term is 19 years.

(iv) The third step is to determine the corpus amount by dividing the expected term of 19 years into the present value of the hypothetical fund as follows:

Corpus amount of annual payment: $818,164.80/19 = $43,061.31

(v) In the fourth step, the corpus portion of each annuity payment is determined by dividing the corpus amount of each annual payment by the annual annuity payment (adjusted for payments more frequently than annually as in (i) of this Example 4) as follows:

Corpus portion of each annuity payment: $43,061.31/$73,958.40 = .58

(vi) Accordingly, 58 percent of each payment to S is deemed to be a distribution of corpus. A marital deduction is allowed for $818,164.80, the present value of the annuity as of D's date of death, if either: S agrees to roll over the corpus portion of each payment to a QDOT and the executor files the Information Statement described in paragraph (c)(5) of this section and the Roll Over Agreement described in paragraph (c)(7) of this section; or S agrees to pay the tax due on the corpus portion of each payment and the executor files the Information Statement described in paragraph (c)(5) of this section and the Payment Agreement described in paragraph (c)(6) of this section.

Example 5. [Reserved]. For further guidance see § 20.2056A-4(d) Example 5.

(e) Effective/applicability date. Paragraph (c)(4)(ii)(B) and Example 4 in paragraph (d) of this section are applicable with respect to decedents dying on or after May 1, 2009.

(f) Expiration date. Paragraph (c)(4)(ii)(B) and Example 4 in paragraph (d) of this section expire on or before May 1, 2012.

Par. 27. Section 20.7520-1 is amended by:

      1. Revising the section heading.



      2. Revising the second sentence of paragraph (a)(1) and revising


 paragraph (a)(2).



      3. Removing the last two sentences of paragraph (b)(2) and adding


 a new sentence at the end of the paragraph.



      4. Revising paragraphs (c)(1), (c)(2), and (d).



The revisions and additions read as follows:

§ 20.7520-1 Valuation of annuities, unitrust interests, interests for life or terms of years, and remainder or reversionary interests prior to May 1, 2009.

* * * * *

(a) * * *(1) * * * For periods prior to May 1, 2009, see § 20.2031-7A for the computation of the value of annuities, unitrust interests, life estates, terms for years, remainders, and reversions, other than interests described in paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(3) of this section.

(2) For a transfer to a pooled income fund prior to May 1, 2009, see § 1.642(c)-6A (Income Tax Regulations) with respect to the valuation of the remainder interest.

* * * * *

(b) * * *

(2) * * * For decedents' estates with valuation dates after April 30, 1989, and before May 1, 2009, the mortality component tables are contained in § 20.2031-7A.

(c) * * *

(1) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 20.7520-1T(c)(1).

(2) Internal Revenue Service publications containing tables with interest rates between 2.2 and 22 percent for valuation dates after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009. The following publications are no longer available for purchase from the Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office; however, they may be obtained from CC:PA:LPD:PR, Room 5205, Internal Revenue Service, P.O.Box 7604, Ben Franklin Station, Washington, DC 20044:

* * * * *

(d) Effective/applicability dates. This section applies after April 30, 1989, and before May 1, 2009.

Par. 28. Section 20.7520-1T is added to read as follows:

§ 20.7520-1T Valuation of annuities, unitrust interests, interests for life or terms of years, and remainder or reversionary interests on or after May 1, 2009 (temporary).

(a) General actuarial valuations. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section and in § 20.7520-3 (relating to exceptions to the use of prescribed tables under certain circumstances), in the case of estates of decedents with valuation dates after April 30, 1989, the fair market value of annuities, interests for life or for a term of years (including unitrust interests), remainders, and reversions is their present value determined under this section. See § 20.2031-7T(d) (and, for certain prior periods, § 20.2031-7A) for the computation of the value of annuities, unitrust interests, life estates, terms for years, remainders, and reversions, other than interests described in paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(3) of this section.

(2) In the case of a transfer to a pooled income fund with a valuation date on or after May 1, 2009, see § 1.642(c)-6T(e), Income Tax Regulations, (or, for certain prior periods, § 1.642(c)-6A) with respect to the valuation of the remainder interest.

(3) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 20.7520-1(a)(3).

(b)(1) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 20.7520-1(b)(1).

(2) Mortality component. The mortality component reflects the mortality data most recently available from the United States census. As new mortality data becomes available after each decennial census, the mortality component described in this section will be revised periodically and the revised mortality component tables will be published in the regulations at that time. For decedent's estates with valuation dates on or after May 1, 2009, the mortality component table (Table 2000CM) is contained in § 20.2031-7T(d)(7). See § 20.2031-7A for mortality component tables applicable to decedent's estates with valuation dates before May 1, 2009.

(c) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 20.7520-1(c).

(1) Regulation sections containing tables with interest rates between 0.2 and 14 percent for valuation dates on or after May 1, 2009. Section 1.642(c)-6T(e)(6) contains Table S used for determining the present value of a single life remainder interest in a pooled income fund as defined in § 1.642(c)-5. See § 1.642(c)-6A for single life remainder factors applicable to valuation dates before May 1, 2009. Section 1.664-4(e)(6) contains Table F (payout factors) and Table D (actuarial factors used in determining the present value of a remainder interest postponed for a term of years). Section1.664-4T(e)(7) contains Table U(1) (unitrust single life remainder factors). These tables are used in determining the present value of a remainder interest in a charitable remainder unitrust as defined in § 1.664-3. See § 1.664-4A for unitrust single life remainder factors applicable to valuation dates before May 1, 2009. Section 20.2031-7(d)(6) contains Table B (actuarial factors used in determining the present value of an interest for a term of years), Table K (annuity end-of-interval adjustment factors), and Table J (term certain annuity beginning-of-interval adjustment factors). Section 20.2031-7T(d)(7) contains Table S (single life remainder factors), and Table 2000CM (mortality components). These tables are used in determining the present value of annuities, life estates, remainders, and reversions. See § 20.2031-7A for single life remainder factors applicable to valuation dates before May 1, 2009.

(2) Internal Revenue Service publications containing tables with interest rates between 0.2 and 22 percent for valuation dates on or after May 1, 2009. The following documents are available beginning May 1, 2009, at no charge, electronically via the IRS Internet site at

(i) Internal Revenue Service Publication 1457, "Actuarial Valuations Version 3A" (2009). This publication includes tables of valuation factors, as well as examples that show how to compute other valuation factors, for determining the present value of annuities, life estates, terms of years, remainders, and reversions, measured by one or two lives. These factors may also be used in the valuation of interests in a charitable remainder annuity trust as defined in § 1.664-2 and a pooled income fund as defined in § 1.642(c)-5.

(ii) Internal Revenue Service Publication 1458, "Actuarial Valuations Version 3B" (2009). This publication includes term certain tables and tables of one and two life valuation factors for determining the present value of remainder interests in a charitable remainder unitrust as defined in § 1.664-3.

(iii) Internal Revenue Service Publication 1459, "Actuarial Valuations Version 3C" (2009). This publication includes tables for computing depreciation adjustment factors. See § 1.170A-12T.

(d) Effective/applicability date. This section applies on or after May 1, 2009.

(e) Expiration date. This section expires on or before May 1, 2012.


Par. 29. The authority citation for part 25 is amended by adding entries in numerical order to read in part as follows:

Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805 * * *

Section 25.2512-5T also issued under 26 U.S.C. 7520(c)(2).

Section 25.7520-1T also issued under 26 U.S.C. 7520(c)(2). * *


Par. 30. Section 25.2512-0 is revised to read as follows:

§ 25.2512-0 Table of contents.

This section lists the section headings that appear in the regulations under section 2512.

      § 25.2512-1 Valuation of property; in general.



      § 25.2512-2 Stocks and bonds.



      § 25.2512-3 Valuation of interests in businesses.



      § 25.2512-4 Valuation of notes.



      § 25.2512-5 Valuation of annuities, unitrust interests,


 interests for life or term of years, and remainder or reversionary





      § 25.2512-5T Valuation of annuities, unitrust interests,


 interests for life or term of years, and remainder or reversionary


 interests (temporary).



      § 25.2512-6 Valuation of certain life insurance and annuity


 contracts; valuation of shares in an open-end investment company.



      § 25.2512-7 Effect of excise tax.



      § 25.2512-8 Transfers for insufficient consideration.



      Actuarial Tables Applicable Before May 1, 2009



      § 25.2512-5A Valuation of annuities, unitrust interests,


 interests for life or term of years, and remainder or reversionary


 interests transferred before May 1, 2009.



Par. 31. Section 25.2512-5 is amended by revising paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) to read as follows:

The revised provisions read as follows:

§ 25.2512-5 Valuation of annuities, unitrust interests, interests for life or term of years, and remainder or reversionary interests.

* * * * *

(c) and (d) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 25.2512-5T(c) and (d).

(e) Effective/applicability dates. This section applies after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009.

Par. 32. Section 25.2512-5T is added to read as follows:

§ 25.2512-5T Valuation of annuities, unitrust interests, interests for life or term of years, and remainder or reversionary interests (temporary).

(a) and (b) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 25.2512-5(a) and (b).

(c) Actuarial valuations. The present value of annuities, unitrust interests, life estates, terms of years, remainders, and reversions transferred by gift on or after May 1, 2009, is determined under paragraph (d) of this section. The present value of annuities, unitrust interests, life estates, terms of years, remainders, and reversions transferred by gift before May 1, 2009, is determined under the following sections:

         Transfers                      Applicable


   After         Before                 Regulations



      -         01-01-52                25.2512-5A(a)


 12-31-51       01-01-71                25.2512-5A(b)


 12-31-70       12-01-83                25.2512-5A(c)


 11-30-83       05-01-89                25.2512-5A(d)


 04-30-89       05-01-99                25.2512-5A(e)


 04-30-99       05-01-09                25.2512-5A(f)



(d) Actuarial valuations on or after May 1, 2009 -- (1) In general. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (b) of this section and § 25.7520-3(b) (relating to exceptions to the use of prescribed tables under certain circumstances), if the valuation date for the gift is on or after May 1, 2009, the fair market value of annuities, life estates, terms of years, remainders, and reversions transferred on or after May 1, 2009, is the present value of such interests determined under paragraph (d)(2) of this section and by use of standard or special section 7520 actuarial factors. These factors are derived by using the appropriate section 7520 interest rate and, if applicable, the mortality component for the valuation date of the interest that is being valued. See §§ 25.7520-1 through 25.7520-4. The fair market value of a qualified annuity interest described in section 2702(b)(1) and a qualified unitrust interest described in section 2702(b)(2) is the present value of such interests determined under § 25.7520-1(c).

(2) Specific interests. When the donor transfers property in trust or otherwise and retains an interest therein, generally, the value of the gift is the value of the property transferred less the value of the donor's retained interest. However, if the donor transfers property after October 8, 1990, to or for the benefit of a member of the donor's family, the value of the gift is the value of the property transferred less the value of the donor's retained interest as determined under section 2702. If the donor assigns or relinquishes an annuity, life estate, remainder, or reversion that the donor holds by virtue of a transfer previously made by the donor or another, the value of the gift is the value of the interest transferred. However, see section 2519 for a special rule in the case of the assignment of an income interest by a person who received the interest from a spouse.

(i) Charitable remainder trusts. The fair market value of a remainder interest in a pooled income fund, as defined in § 1.642(c)-5, is its value determined under § 1.642(c)-6T(e) (see § 1.642(c)-6A for certain prior periods). The fair market value of a remainder interest in a charitable remainder annuity trust, as described in § 1.664-2(a), is its present value determined under § 1.664-2(c). The fair market value of a remainder interest in a charitable remainder unitrust, as defined in § 1.664-3, is its present value determined under § 1.664-4T(e). The fair market value of a life interest or term for years in a charitable remainder unitrust is the fair market value of the property as of the date of transfer less the fair market value of the remainder interest, determined under § 1.664-4T(e)(4) and (5).

(ii) Ordinary remainder and reversionary interests. If the interest to be valued is to take effect after a definite number of years or after the death of one individual, the present value of the interest is computed by multiplying the value of the property by the appropriate remainder interest actuarial factor (that corresponds to the applicable section 7520 interest rate and remainder interest period) in Table B (for a term certain) or the appropriate Table S (for one measuring life), as the case may be. Table B is contained in § 20.2031-7(d)(6) and Table S (for one measuring life when the valuation date is on or after May 1, 2009) is included in § 20.2031-7T(d)(7) and Internal Revenue Service Publication 1457. See § 20.2031-7A containing Table S for valuation of interests before May 1, 2009. For information about obtaining actuarial factors for other types of remainder interests, see paragraph (d)(4) of this section.

(iii) Ordinary term-of-years and life interests. If the interest to be valued is the right of a person to receive the income of certain property, or to use certain nonincome-producing property, for a term of years or for the life of one individual, the present value of the interest is computed by multiplying the value of the property by the appropriate term-of-years or life interest actuarial factor (that corresponds to the applicable section 7520 interest rate and term-of-years or life interest period). Internal Revenue Service Publication 1457 includes actuarial factors for a remainder interest after a term of years in Table B and after the life of one individual in Table S (for one measuring life when the valuation date is on or after May 1, 2009). However, term-of-years and life interest actuarial factors are not included in Table B in § 20.2031-7(d)(6) or Table S in § 20.2031-7T(d)(7) (or in § 20.2031-7A). If Internal Revenue Service Publication 1457 (or any other reliable source of term-of-years and life interest actuarial factors) is not conveniently available, an actuarial factor for the interest may be derived mathematically. This actuarial factor may be derived by subtracting the correlative remainder factor (that corresponds to the applicable section 7520 interest rate) in Table B (for a term of years) in § 20.2031-7(d)(6) or in Table S (for the life of one individual) in § 20.2031-7T(d)(7), as the case may be, from 1.000000. For information about obtaining actuarial factors for other types of term-of-years and life interests, see paragraph (d)(4) of this section.

(iv) Annuities. (A) If the interest to be valued is the right of a person to receive an annuity that is payable at the end of each year for a term of years or for the life of one individual, the present value of the interest is computed by multiplying the aggregate amount payable annually by the appropriate annuity actuarial factor (that corresponds to the applicable section 7520 interest rate and annuity period). Internal Revenue Service Publication 1457 includes actuarial factors in Table B (for a remainder interest after an annuity payable for a term of years) and in Table S (for a remainder interest after an annuity payable for the life of one individual when the valuation date is on or after May 1, 2009). However, annuity actuarial factors are not included in Table B in § 20.2031-7(d)(6) or Table S in § 20.2031-7T(d)(7) (or in § 20.2031-7A). If Internal Revenue Service Publication 1457 (or any other reliable source of annuity actuarial factors) is not conveniently available, an annuity factor for a term of years or for one life may be derived mathematically. This annuity factor may be derived by subtracting the applicable remainder factor (that corresponds to the applicable section 7520 interest rate and annuity period) in Table B (in the case of a term-of-years annuity) in § 20.2031-7(d)(6) or in Table S (in the case of a one-life annuity) in § 20.2031-7T(d)(7), as the case may be, from 1.000000 and then dividing the result by the applicable section 7520 interest rate expressed as a decimal number. See § 20.2031-7T(d)(2)(iv) for an example that illustrates the computation of the present value of an annuity.

(B) If the annuity is payable at the end of semiannual, quarterly, monthly, or weekly periods, the product obtained by multiplying the annuity factor by the aggregate amount payable annually is then multiplied by the applicable adjustment factor set forth in Table K in § 20.2031-7(d)(6) at the appropriate interest rate component for payments made at the end of the specified periods. The provisions of this paragraph (d)(2)(iv)(B) are illustrated by the following example:

Example. In July of a year after 2008, the donor agreed to pay the annuitant the sum of $10,000 per year, payable in equal semiannual installments at the end of each period. The semiannual installments are to be made on each December 31st and June 30th. The annuity is payable until the annuitant's death. On the date of the agreement, the annuitant is 68 years and 5 months old. The donee annuitant's age is treated as 68 for purposes of computing the present value of the annuity. The section 7520 rate on the date of the agreement is 6.6 percent. Under Table S in § 20.2031-7T(d)(7), the factor at 6.6 percent for determining the present value of a remainder interest payable at the death of an individual aged 68 is .42001. Converting the remainder factor to an annuity factor, as described above, the annuity factor for determining the present value of an annuity transferred to an individual age 68 is 8.7877 (1.00000 minus .42001 divided by .066). The adjustment factor from Table K in § 20.2031-7(d)(6) in the column for payments made at the end of each semiannual period at the rate of 6.6 percent is 1.0162. The aggregate annual amount of the annuity, $10,000, is multiplied by the factor 8.7877 and the product is multiplied by 1.0162. The present value of the donee's annuity is, therefore, $89,300.61 ($10,000 X 8.7877 X 1.0162).

(C) If an annuity is payable at the beginning of annual, semiannual, quarterly, monthly, or weekly periods for a term of years, the value of the annuity is computed by multiplying the aggregate amount payable annually by the annuity factor described in paragraph (d)(2)(iv)(A) of this section; and the product so obtained is then multiplied by the adjustment factor in Table J in § 20.2031-7(d)(6) at the appropriate interest rate component for payments made at the beginning of specified periods. If an annuity is payable at the beginning of annual, semiannual, quarterly, monthly, or weekly periods for one or more lives, the value of the annuity is the sum of the first payment and the present value of a similar annuity, the first payment of which is not to be made until the end of the payment period, determined as provided in paragraph (d)(2)(iv)(B) of this section.

(v) Annuity and unitrust interests for a term of years or until the prior death of an individual -- (A) Annuity interests. The present value of an annuity interest that is payable until the earlier to occur of the lapse of a specific number of years or the death of an individual may be computed with values from the tables in §§ 20.2031-7(d)(6) and 20.2031-7T(d)(7) as described in the following example:

Example. The donor transfers $100,000 into a trust on or after May 1, 2009, and retains the right to receive an annuity from the trust in the amount of $6,000 per year, payable in equal semiannual installments at the end of each period. The semiannual installments are to be made on each June 30th and December 31st. The annuity is payable for 10 years or until the donor's prior death. At the time of the transfer, the donor is 59 years and 6 months old. The donor's age is deemed to be 60 for purposes of computing the present value of the retained annuity. The section 7520 rate for the month in which the transfer occurred is 5.8 percent. The present value of the donor's retained interest is $42,575.65, determined as follows:

 TABLE S value at 5.8 percent, age 60                   .34656


 TABLE S value at 5.8 percent, age 70                   .49025


 TABLE 2000CM value at age 70                            74794


 TABLE 2000CM value at age 60                            87595


 TABLE B value at 5.8 percent, 10 years                .569041


 TABLE K value at 5.8 percent                           1.0143



Factor for donor's retained interest at 5.8 percent:

 (1.00000 - .34656) - (.569041 X (74794/87595) X (1.00000 - .49025)) = 6.9959







Present value of donor's retained interest:

($6,000 X 6.9959 X 1.0143) $42,575.65

(B) Unitrust interests. The present value of a unitrust interest that is payable until the earlier to occur of the lapse of a specific number of years or the death of an individual may be computed with values from the tables in §§ 1.664-4(e)(6) and 1.664-4T(e)(7) as described in the following example:

Example. The donor who, as of the nearest birthday, is 60 years old, transfers $100,000 to a unitrust on January 1st of a year after 2009. The trust instrument requires that each year the trust pay to the donor, in equal semiannual installments on June 30th and December 31st, 6 percent of the fair market value of the trust assets, valued as of January 1st each year, for 10 years or until the prior death of the donor. The section 7520 rate for the January in which the transfer occurred is 6.6 percent. Under Table F(6.6) in § 1.664-4(e)(6), the appropriate adjustment factor is .953317 for semiannual payments payable at the end of the semiannual period. The adjusted payout rate is 5.720 percent (6% X .953317). The present value of the donor's retained interest is $41,920.00 determined as follows:

 TABLE U(1) value at 5.6 percent, age 60                .33970


 TABLE U(1) value at 5.6 percent, age 70                .48352


 TABLE 2000CM value at age 70                            74794


 TABLE 2000CM value at age 60                            87595


 TABLE D value at 5.6 percent, 10 years                .561979



Factor for donor's retained interest at 5.6 percent:

(1.000000 - .33970) - (.561979 X (74794/87595) X (1.000000 - .48352)) = .41247

 TABLE U(1) value at 5.8 percent, age 60                .32846


 TABLE U(1) value at 5.8 percent, age 70                .47241


 TABLE 2000CM value at age 70                            74794


 TABLE 2000CM value at age 60                            87595


 TABLE D value at 5.8 percent, 10 years                .550185



Factor for donor's retained interest at 5.8 percent:

 (1.000000 - .32846) - (.550185 X (74974/87595) X (1.000000 - .47241)) = .42369



                                                        Difference       .01122



      Interpolation adjustment:



                                    5.720% - 5.6%       =      x


                                    _______________        _________


                                         0.2%               .01122



                                                   x = .00673



      Factor at 5.6 percent, age 60                           .41247


      Plus: Interpolation adjustment                          .00673


      Interpolated Factor                                     .41920



      Present value of donor's retained interest:



      ($100,000 X .41920)                                 $41,920.00



(3) Transitional rule. If the valuation date of a transfer of property by gift is on or after May 1, 2009, and before July 1, 2009, the fair market value of the interest transferred is determined by use of the section 7520 interest rate for the month in which the valuation date occurs (see §§ 25.7520-1(b) and 25.7520-2(a)(2)) and the appropriate actuarial tables under either § 20.2031-7T(d)(7) or § 20.2031-7A(f)(4), at the option of the donor. However, with respect to each individual transaction and with respect to all transfers occurring on the valuation date, the donor must use the same actuarial tables (for example, gift and income tax charitable deductions with respect to the same transfer must be determined based on the same tables, and all transfers made on the same date must be valued based on the same tables).

(4) Publications and actuarial computations by the Internal Revenue Service. Many standard actuarial factors not included in § 20.2031-7(d)(6) or § 20.2031-7T(d)(7) are included in Internal Revenue Service Publication 1457, "Actuarial Valuations Version 3A" (2009). Internal Revenue Service Publication 1457 also includes examples that illustrate how to compute many special factors for more unusual situations. A copy of this publication is available beginning May 1, 2009, at no charge, electronically via the IRS Internet site at If a special factor is required in the case of a completed gift, the Internal Revenue Service may furnish the factor to the donor upon a request for a ruling. The request for a ruling must be accompanied by a recitation of the facts including a statement of the date of birth for each measuring life, the date of the gift, any other applicable dates, and a copy of the will, trust, or other relevant documents. A request for a ruling must comply with the instructions for requesting a ruling published periodically in the Internal Revenue Bulletin (see §§ 601.201 and 601.601(d)(2)(ii)(b)) and include payment of the required user fee.

(e) Effective/applicability date. This section applies on or after May 1, 2009.

(f) Expiration date. This section expires on or before May 1, 2012.

Par. 33. The undesignated center heading immediately preceding § 25.2512-5A is revised to read as follows:

Actuarial Tables Applicable Before May 1, 2009

Par. 34. Section 25.2512-5A is amended by revising the section heading and adding paragraph (f) to read as follows:

§ 25.2512-5A Valuation of annuities, unitrust interests, interests for life or term of years, and remainder or reversionary interests transferred before May 1, 2009.

* * * * *

(f) Valuation of annuities, unitrust interests, interests for life or term of years, and remainder or reversionary interests transferred after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009 -- (1) In general. Except as otherwise provided in §§ 25.2512-5(b) and 25.7520-3(b) (pertaining to certain limitations on the use of prescribed tables), if the valuation date of the transferred interest is after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009, the fair market value of annuities, unitrust interests, life estates, terms of years, remainders, and reversions transferred by gift is the present value of the interests determined by use of standard or special section 7520 actuarial factors and the valuation methodology described in § 25.2512-5T(d). Sections 20.2031-7(d)(6) and 20.2031-7A(f)(4) and related sections provide tables with standard actuarial factors and examples that illustrate how to use the tables to compute the present value of ordinary annuity, life, and remainder interests in property. These sections also refer to standard and special actuarial factors that may be necessary to compute the present value of similar interests in more unusual fact situations. These factors and examples are also generally applicable for gift tax purposes in computing the values of taxable gifts.

(2) Transitional rule. If the valuation date of a transfer of property by gift is after April 30, 1999, and before July 1, 1999, the fair market value of the interest transferred is determined by use of the section 7520 interest rate for the month in which the valuation date occurs (see §§ 25.7520-1(b) and 25.7520-2(a)(2)) and the appropriate actuarial tables under either § 20.2031-7A(e)(4) or § 20.2031-7A(f)(4), at the option of the donor. However, with respect to each individual transaction and with respect to all transfers occurring on the valuation date, the donor must use the same actuarial tables (for example, gift and income tax charitable deductions with respect to the same transfer must be determined based on the same tables, and all transfers made on the same date must be valued based on the same tables).

(3) Publications and actuarial computations by the Internal Revenue Service. Many standard actuarial factors not included in §§ 20.2031-7(d)(6) and 20.2031-7A(f)(4) are included in Internal Revenue Service Publication 1457, "Actuarial Values, Book Aleph," (7-99). Internal Revenue Service Publication 1457 also includes examples that illustrate how to compute many special factors for more unusual situations. Publication 1457 is no longer available for purchase from the Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office. However, pertinent factors in this publication may be obtained from: CC:PA:LPD:PR (IRS Publication 1457), Room 5205, Internal Revenue Service, P.O.Box 7604, Ben Franklin Station, Washington, DC 20044. If a special factor is required in the case of a completed gift, the Internal Revenue Service may furnish the factor to the donor upon a request for a ruling. The request for a ruling must be accompanied by a recitation of the facts including a statement of the date of birth for each measuring life, the date of the gift, any other applicable dates, and a copy of the will, trust, or other relevant documents. A request for a ruling must comply with the instructions for requesting a ruling published periodically in the Internal Revenue Bulletin (see §§ 601.201 and 601.601(d)(2)(ii)(b)) and include payment of the required user fee.

(4) Effective/applicability dates. Paragraphs (f)(1) through (f)(3) apply after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009.

Par. 35. Section 25.2522(c)-3 is amended by revising paragraph (e) to read as follows:

§ 25.2522(c)-3 Transfers not exclusively for charitable, etc., purposes in the case of gifts made after July 31, 1969.

* * * * *

(e) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 25.2522(c)-3T(e).

Par. 36. Section 25.2522(c)-3T is added as follows:

§ 25.2522(c)-3T Transfers not exclusively for charitable, etc., purposes in the case of gifts made after July 31, 1969 (temporary).

(a) through (d) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 25.2522(c)-3(a) through (d).

(e) Effective/applicability date. This section applies only to gifts made after July 31, 1969. In addition, the rule in paragraphs (c)(2)(vi)(a) and (c)(2)(vii)(a) of this section that guaranteed annuity interests or unitrust interests, respectively, may be payable for a specified term of years or for the life or lives of only certain individuals applies to transfers made on or after April 4, 2000. If a transfer is made on or after April 4, 2000, that uses an individual other than one permitted in paragraphs (c)(2)(vi)(a) and (c)(2)(vii)(a) of this section, the interest may be reformed into a lead interest payable for a specified term of years. The term of years is determined by taking the factor for valuing the annuity or unitrust interest for the named individual measuring life and identifying the term of years (rounded up to the next whole year) that corresponds to the equivalent term of years factor for an annuity or unitrust interest. For example, in the case of an annuity interest payable for the life of an individual age 40 at the time of the transfer on or after May 1, 2009, assuming an interest rate of 7.4 percent under section 7520, the annuity factor from column 1 of Table S(7.4), contained in IRS Publication 1457, Actuarial Valuations Version 3A, for the life of an individual age 40 is 12.1519 (1 - .10076 / .074). Based on Table B(7.4), contained in Publication 1457, Actuarial Valuations Version 3A, the factor 12.1519 corresponds to a term of years between 32 and 33 years. Accordingly, the annuity interest must be reformed into an interest payable for a term of 33 years. A judicial reformation must be commenced prior to October 15th of the year following the year in which the transfer is made and must be completed within a reasonable time after it is commenced. A non-judicial reformation is permitted if effective under state law, provided it is completed by the date on which a judicial reformation must be commenced. In the alternative, if a court, in a proceeding that is commenced on or before July 5, 2001, declares any transfer, made on or after April 4, 2000, and on or before March 6, 2001, null and void ab initio, the Internal Revenue Service will treat such transfers in a manner similar to that described in section 2055(e)(3)(J).

Par. 37. Section 25.7520-1 is amended by:

      1. Revising the section heading.



      2. Revising the second sentence of paragraph (a)(1) and revising


 paragraph (a)(2).



      3. Removing the last two sentences of paragraph (b)(2) and adding


 a new sentence at the end.



      4. Revising paragraphs (c)(1), (c)(2), and (d).



The revisions and additions read as follows:

§ 25.7520-1 Valuation of annuities, unitrust interests, interests for life or terms of years, and remainder or reversionary interests prior to May 1, 2009.

* * * * *

(a) * * *(1) * * * For periods prior to May 1, 2009, see § 20.2031-7A for the computation of the value of annuities, unitrust interests, life estates, terms for years, remainders, and reversions, other than interests described in paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(3) of this section.

(2) For a gift to a pooled income fund prior to May 1, 2009, see § 1.642(c)-6A (Income Tax Regulations) with respect to the valuation of the remainder interest.

* * * * *

(b) * * *

(2) * * * For transactions with valuation dates after April 30, 1989, and before May 1, 2009, the mortality component tables are contained in § 20.2031-7A.

(c) * * *

(1) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 25.7520-1T(c)(1).

(2) Internal Revenue Service publications containing tables with interest rates between 2.2 and 22 percent for valuation dates after April 30, 1999, and before May 1, 2009. The following publications are no longer available for purchase from the Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office; however, they may be obtained from CC:PA:LPD:PR, Room 5205, Internal Revenue Service, P.O.Box 7604, Ben Franklin Station, Washington, DC 20044:

* * * * *

(d) Effective/applicability dates. This section applies after April 30, 1989, and before May 1, 2009.

Par. 38. Section 25.7520-1T is added to read as follows:

§ 25.7520-1T Valuation of annuities, unitrust interests, interests for life or terms of years, and remainder or reversionary interests on or after May 1, 2009 (temporary).

(a) General actuarial valuations. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section and in § 25.7520-3 (relating to exceptions to the use of prescribed tables under certain circumstances), in the case of certain gifts after April 30, 1989, the fair market value of annuities, interests for life or for a term of years (including unitrust interests), remainders, and reversions is their present value determined under this section. See § 20.2031-7T(d) (and, for certain prior periods, § 20.2031-7A) for the computation of the value of annuities, unitrust interests, life estates, terms for years, remainders, and reversions, other than interests described in paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(3) of this section.

(2) In the case of a gift to a beneficiary of a pooled income fund on or after May 1, 2009, see § 1.642(c)-6T(e) (or, for certain prior periods, § 1.642(c)-6A) with respect to the valuation of the remainder interest.

(3) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 25.7520-1(a)(3).

(b)(1) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 25.7520-1(b)(1).

(2) Mortality component. The mortality component reflects the mortality data most recently available from the United States census. As new mortality data becomes available after each decennial census, the mortality component described in this section will be revised periodically and the revised mortality component tables will be published in the regulations at that time. For gifts with valuation dates on or after May 1, 2009, the mortality component table (Table 2000CM) is contained in § 20.2031-7T(d)(7). See § 20.2031-7A for mortality component tables applicable to gifts for which the valuation date falls before May 1, 2009.

(c) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 25.7520-1(c).

(1) Regulation sections containing tables with interest rates between 0.2 and 14 percent for valuation dates on or after May 1, 2009. Section 1.642(c)-6T(e)(6) contains Table S used for determining the present value of a single life remainder interest in a pooled income fund as defined in § 1.642(c)-5. See § 1.642(c)-6A for single life remainder factors applicable to valuation dates before May 1, 2009. Section 1.664-4(e)(6) contains Table F (payout factors) and Table D (actuarial factors used in determining the present value of a remainder interest postponed for a term of years). Section 1.664-4T(e)(7) contains Table U(1) (unitrust single life remainder factors). These tables are used in determining the present value of a remainder interest in a charitable remainder unitrust as defined in § 1.664-3. See § 1.664-4A for unitrust single life remainder factors applicable to valuation dates before May 1, 2009. Section 20.2031-7(d)(6) contains Table B (actuarial factors used in determining the present value of an interest for a term of years), Table K (annuity end-of-interval adjustment factors), and Table J (term certain annuity beginning-of-interval adjustment factors). Section 20.2031-7T(d)(7) contains Table S (single life remainder factors), and Table 2000CM (mortality components). These tables are used in determining the present value of annuities, life estates, remainders, and reversions. See § 20.2031-7A for single life remainder factors and mortality components applicable to valuation dates before May 1, 2009.

(2) Internal Revenue Service publications containing tables with interest rates between 0.2 and 22 percent for valuation dates on or after May 1, 2009. The following documents are available beginning May 1, 2009, at no charge, electronically via the IRS Internet site at

(i) Internal Revenue Service Publication 1457, "Actuarial Valuations Version 3A" (2009). This publication includes tables of valuation factors, as well as examples that show how to compute other valuation factors, for determining the present value of annuities, life estates, terms of years, remainders, and reversions, measured by one or two lives. These factors may also be used in the valuation of interests in a charitable remainder annuity trust as defined in § 1.664-2 and a pooled income fund as defined in § 1.642(c)-5.

(ii) Internal Revenue Service Publication 1458, "Actuarial Valuations Version 3B" (2009). This publication includes term certain tables and tables of one and two life valuation factors for determining the present value of remainder interests in a charitable remainder unitrust as defined in § 1.664-3.

(iii) Internal Revenue Service Publication 1459, "Actuarial Valuations Version 3C" (2009). This publication includes tables for computing depreciation adjustment factors. See § 1.170A-12T.

(d) Effective/applicability date. This section applies on or after May 1, 2009.

(e) Expiration date. This section expires on or before May 1, 2012.

Par. 39. Section 25.7520-3 is amended by revising paragraph (b)(2)(v), Example 5 and paragraph (b)(4) to read as follows:

§ 25.7520-3 Limitation on the application of section 7520.

 * * * * *



      (b) * * *



      (2) * * *



      (v) * * *



      Example 5. [Reserved]. For further guidance, see §


 25.7520-3T(b)(2)(v) Example 5.



 * * * * *



      (4) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see §





 * * * * *



Par. 40. Section 25.7520-3T is added as follows:

§ 25.7520-3T Limitation on the application of section 7520 (temporary).

(a) through (b)(2)(iv) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 25.7520-3(a) through (b)(2)(iv).

(b)(2)(v) Examples 1 through 4. [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 25.7520-3(b)(2)(v) Examples 1 through 4.

Example 5. Eroding corpus in an annuity trust. (i) The donor, who is age 60 and in normal health, transfers property worth $1,000,000 to a trust on or after May 1,2009. The trust will pay a 10 percent ($100,000 per year) annuity to a charitable organization for the life of the donor, payable annually at the end of each period, and the remainder then will be distributed to the donor's child. The section 7520 rate for the month of the transfer is 6.8 percent. First, it is necessary to determine whether the annuity may exhaust the corpus before all annuity payments are made. Because it is assumed that any measuring life may survive until age 110, any life annuity could require payments until the measuring life reaches age 110. Based on a section 7520 interest rate of 6.8 percent, the determination of whether the annuity may exhaust the corpus before the annuity payments are made is computed as follows:

 Age to which life annuity may continue                 110


 less: Age of measuring life at date of transfer         60


      Number of years annuity may continue               50



 Annual annuity payment                            $100,000.00


 times: Annuity factor for 50 years


 derived from Table B


 (1 - .037277 / .068)                                  14.1577


 Present value of term certain annuity           $1,415,770.00



(ii) Because the present value of an annuity for a term of 50 years exceeds the corpus, the annuity may exhaust the trust before all payments are made. Consequently, the annuity must be valued as an annuity payable for a term of years or until the prior death of the annuitant, with the term of years determined by when the fund will be exhausted by the annuity payments.

(iii) The annuity factor for a term of years at 6.8 percent is derived by subtracting the applicable remainder factor in Table B (see § 20.2031-7(d)(6)) from 1.000000 and then dividing the result by .068. An annuity of $100,000 payable at the end of each year for a period that has an annuity factor of 10.0 would have a present value exactly equal to the principal available to pay the annuity over the term. The annuity factor for 17 years is 9.8999 and the annuity factor for 18 years is 10.2059. Thus, it is determined that the $1,000,000 initial transfer will be sufficient to make 17 annual payments of $100,000, but not to make the entire 18th payment. The present value of an annuity of $100,000 payable at the end of each year for 17 years certain is $100,000 times 9.8999 or $989,990. The remaining amount is $10,010.00. Of the initial corpus amount, $10,010.00 is not needed to make payments for 17 years, so this amount, as accumulated for 18 years, will be available for the final payment. The 18-year accumulation factor is (1 + 0.068)18 or 3.268004. Then the amount available in 18 years is $10,010.00 times 3.268004 or $32,712.72. Therefore,for purposes of analysis we consider the annuity payments as being composed of two distinct annuity components. The two annuity components taken together must equal the total annual amount of $100,000. The first annuity is the exact amount that the trust will have available for the final payment, $32,712.72. The second annuity component then must be $100,000 minus $32,712.72, or $67,287.28. Specifically, the initial corpus will be able to make payments of $67,287.28 per year for 17 years plus payments of $32,712.72 per year for 18 years. The total annuity is valued by adding the value of the two separate temporary component annuities.

(iv) Based on Table H of Publication 1457, Actuarial Valuations Version 3A, which may be obtained from the IRS Internet site, the present value of an annuity of $67,287.28 per year payable for 17 years or until the prior death of a person aged 60 is $597,013.12 ($67,287.28 X 8.8726). The present value of an annuity of $32,712.72 per year payable for 18 years or until the prior death of a person aged 60 is $296,887.56 ($32,712.72 X 9.0756). Thus, the present value of the charitable annuity interest is $893,900.68 ($597,013.12 + $296,887.56).

(3) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 25.7520-3(b)(3).

(4) Example. The provisions of paragraph (b)(3) of this section are illustrated by the following example:

Example. Terminal illness. The donor transfers property worth $1,000,000 to a child on or after May 1, 2009, in exchange for the child's promise to pay the donor $80,000 per year for the donor's life, payable annually at the end of each period. The donor is age 75 but has been diagnosed with an incurable illness and has at least a 50 percent probability of dying within 1 year. The section 7520 interest rate for the month of the transfer is 7.6 percent, and the standard annuity factor at that interest rate for a person age 75 in normal health is 6.6493 (1 - .49465 / .076). Thus, if the donor were not terminally ill, the present value of the annuity would be $531,944.00 ($80,000 X 6.6493). Assuming the presumption provided in paragraph (b)(3) of this section does not apply, because there is at least a 50 percent probability that the donor will die within 1 year, the standard section 7520 annuity factor may not be used to determine the present value of the donor's annuity interest. Instead, a special section 7520 annuity factor must be computed that takes into account the projection of the donor's actual life expectancy.

(5) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 25.7520-3(b)(5).

(c) Effective/applicability dates. Section 25.7520-3(a) is effective as of May 1, 1989. The provisions of paragraph (b) of this section, except Example 5 in paragraph (b)(2)(v) and paragraph (b)(4), are effective with respect to gifts made after December 13, 1995. Example 5 in paragraph (b)(2)(v) and paragraph (b)(4) are effective with respect to gifts made on or after May 1, 2009.

Par. 41. For each section listed in the table below, remove the language in the "Remove" column and add in its place the language in the "Add" column as set forth below:

      Section                  Remove                         Add



 § 1.170A-12(e)(2)         Table 90CM in              Table 2000CM in


 following the formula          § 20.2031-7             § 20.2031-7T



 § 1.170A-14(h)(4),         May 1, 1999                   May 1, 2009


 Example 2, fourth




 § 1.664-1(a)(6)          §§ 1.664-4(e) and      §§ 1.664-4T(e) and


 introductory text              1.664-4A(d) and (e)             1.664-4A


Linda E. Stiff


Deputy Commissioner for


Services and Enforcement.


Approved: April 23, 2009


Bernard J. Knight, Jr


Acting General Counsel of the


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