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IRS Releases Revised TRAC Agreement for Food and Beverage Industry

APR. 26, 2000

Announcement 2000-22; 2000-19 IRB 1

DATED APR. 26, 2000
Citations: Announcement 2000-22; 2000-19 IRB 1


=============== SUMMARY ===============


The Service has released (Ann. 2000-22) a revised draft of its Tip Reporting Alternative Commitment (TRAC) agreement for the food and beverage industry. The revised agreement responds to employers' requests for more flexibility in the education program and tip reporting procedures.

The Service notes that it will treat electronic systems (including point-of-sale systems) that prompt employees to report tips after each sale as meeting the TRAC education requirement. Comments are requested on other electronic tip reporting systems.

Employers interested in commenting on the revised TRAC agreement should submit their comments to Office of Specialty Taxes, c/o CC:DOM:CORP:R (Announcement 2000-22), room 5226, Internal Revenue Service, PO Box 7604, Ben Franklin Station, Washington, DC 20044. Comments are due by July 7, 2000.


=============== FULL TEXT ===============


Part IV -- Items of General Interest

[1] The Internal Revenue Service is expanding its Tip Rate Determination/Education Program (TRD/EP), which is designed to enhance tax compliance among tipped employees through taxpayer education and voluntary advance agreements instead of traditional audit techniques. This announcement solicits comments on a draft agreement entitled Tip Reporting Alternative Commitment (For use in the food and beverage industry).


[2] The Service developed its TRD/EP in 1993 as a means of enhancing tax compliance while reducing taxpayer burden. In essence, the TRD/EP envisioned that the Service and taxpayers in industries in which tipping is common would work together to improve tax compliance. The TRD/EP currently offers employers the opportunity of entering into one of two types of agreements. The Tip Rate Determination Agreement (TRDA) requires the determination of tip rates; the Tip Reporting Alternative Commitment (TRAC) agreement emphasizes education and tip reporting procedures. The agreements also set forth an understanding that employers that comply with the terms of the agreement will not be subject to challenge by the Service. The TRDAs set forth similar understandings with respect to employees who participate in the agreements. Although not set forth in the TRAC agreements, employees who properly report tips also will not be subject to challenge by the Service. The decision to enter into either a TRDA or a TRAC agreement is entirely voluntary on the part of the employer.

[3] In 1995, the Service developed the TRAC agreement for use in the food and beverage industry. The agreement has been both popular and effective. The industry has expressed interest in making the educational program and tip reporting procedures more flexible. To ensure consistency in the agreements offered to taxpayers and to provide an opportunity for public comment before making agreements available for use, a revised TRAC agreement is attached to this announcement. The revised agreement is more flexible.

[4] The Service also announces that it will treat an electronic system (including point-of-sale systems) that prompts an employee to report tips after each sale as meeting the TRAC requirement that an employer educate its employee at least quarterly. The Service requests comments on other electronic tip reporting system.


[5] Written comments must be received by July 7, 2000. Send submissions to Office of Specialty Taxes, c/o CC:DOM:CORP:R (Announcement 2000-22), room 5226, Internal Revenue Service, POB 7604, Ben Franklin Station, Washington, DC 20044. Submissions may be hand delivered Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. to: Specialty Taxes, c/o CC:DOM:CORP:R (Ann. 2000-22), Courier's desk, Internal Revenue Service, 1111 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC. Alternatively, taxpayers may submit comments electronically via the Internet by selecting the "Tax Regs" option on the IRS Home Page, or by submitting comments directly to the IRS Internet site at


[6] The Service is simultaneously proposing by announcement in the same Internal Revenue Bulletin four other agreements: (1) a revised TRDA for use in the food and beverage industry (Announcement 2000-23), (2) a revised TRAC agreement for use in the cosmetology and barber industry (Announcement 2000-21), (3) a new TRAC agreement for use in industries, other than the food and beverage industry and the cosmetology and barber industry, in which tipped employees receive both cash and charged tips (Announcement 2000-19), and (4) a new TRDA for use in any industry other than the food and beverage industry and the gaming industry (Announcement 2000-20).


[7] The principal author of this announcement is Karin Loverud of the Office of the Associate Chief Counsel (Employee Benefits and Exempt Organizations). For further information regarding this announcement, contact Ida Volz of the Office of Specialty Taxes on (202) 622-4177 (not a toll-free call).

Release date: April 24, 2000





          (For use only in the food and beverage industry)






         Department of the Treasury-Internal Revenue Service






              _____________________ [Name of Employer]



     This Tip Reporting Alternative Commitment (TRAC) agreement is


part of the Tip Rate Determination/Education Program that the


Internal Revenue Service implemented in 1993 to promote tip reporting


compliance by employees in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code


of 1986.



     Section 6053(a) of the Code requires employees to furnish one or


more written statements to their employers reporting all tips


received in each calendar month. The statements must be furnished to


the employer by the 10th day of the following month.






     A. SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE means the Internal Revenue Service


employee or delegate authorized to execute or terminate this TRAC


agreement on behalf of the Internal Revenue Service.



     B. EMPLOYER means ________________ [insert name, address, and





     C. ESTABLISHMENT means each of the establishments or divisions


listed by name, address, and identifying number in Attachment A.


[sample attached]



     1. ONE PLACE OF BUSINESS. If the Employer has one place of


business, that place of business is an Establishment, and no


attachment is necessary.



     2. ADDITIONAL ESTABLISHMENT. If the Employer subsequently wishes


to include an additional establishment in this TRAC agreement, the


Employer must notify the Service Representative in writing. The


notification must include the name, address, and identifying number


of the additional establishment.



     D. EMPLOYEE means a person employed by the Establishment who


directly or indirectly receives tips of at least $20.00 per month


during the course of the employee's employment.









     1. NEW EMPLOYEES. The Employer will establish an educational


program that trains newly hired Employees that the law requires them


to report all their cash and charged tips to their employer. At a


minimum, the program will give each Employee --



     a. A short oral explanation of the reporting requirements and


the records maintenance requirements. The material in IRS Publication


1244, Employee's Daily Record of Tips and Report to Employer, is


suitable for this purpose;



     b. Written informational materials, which may include any of the


following IRS documents: Publication 1244, Employee's Daily Record of


Tips and Report to Employer, Publication 531, Reporting Tip Income,


and Publication 1872, Tips on Tips for employees in the food and


beverage industry; and



     c. An explanation of the Employer's tip reporting procedures.



     2. EXISTING EMPLOYEES. The Employer will establish a quarterly


education program for existing Employees.



     B. EMPLOYEE TIP-REPORTING PROCEDURES. Each Establishment will


establish a procedure or procedures under which a written or


electronic statement is prepared and processed on a regular basis (no


less frequently than monthly), reflecting all tips for services


attributable to each Employee. These procedures are to enable


Employees to meet their reporting requirements under section 6053(a)


of the Code. An Employer may provide different procedures for cash


and charged tips, as well as for directly tipped and indirectly


tipped Employees. IRS Publication 1875, Tips on Tips for employers in


the food and beverage industry, includes an example of an acceptable


TRAC statement that an employer can use for both directly and


indirectly tipped Employees.









     a. IN GENERAL. The Employer (or employing Establishment) will


comply with the requirements for filing all required federal tax


returns and paying and depositing all federal taxes.



     b. FORM 8027. For each Establishment that is a "large food or


beverage establishment," the Employer will comply with the


requirements for filing Form 8027, Employer's Annual Information


Return of Tip Income and Allocated Tips, and send an additional copy


of each Form 8027 to the IRS.



     2. MAINTAINING RECORDS. Each Establishment will maintain records


of the following:



     a. Gross receipts subject to tipping, and



     b. Charge receipts showing charged tips.



     The Employer will retain these records for at least 4 years


after the April 15 following the calendar year to which the records





     3. MAKING RECORDS AVAILABLE. Upon the request of the Service


Representative, the Employer will make the following quarterly totals


available, by Establishment, for statistical samplings of its





     a. Gross receipts subject to tipping,



     b. Charge receipts showing charged tips,



     c. Total charged tips, and



     d. Total tips reported.






     A. TIP EXAMINATIONS. The IRS will not initiate any tip


examinations of the Employer (or Establishment) for any period for


which this TRAC agreement is in effect.



     B. SECTION 3121(q) NOTICE AND DEMAND. Any section 3121(q) notice


and demand issued to the Employer (or Establishment) relating to any


period during which this TRAC agreement is in effect will be based


solely on amounts reflected on --



     1. Form 4137, Social Security and Medicare Tax on Unreported Tip


Income, filed by an Employee with his or her Form 1040, or



     2. Form 885-T, Adjustment of Social Security Tax on Tip Income


Not Reported to Employer, prepared at the conclusion of an employee


tip examination.



     C. COMPLIANCE REVIEW. The IRS may evaluate the Employer for


compliance with the provisions of this TRAC agreement.



     D. ASSISTANCE. Upon request, the IRS will assist any Employer or


Establishment in establishing, maintaining, or improving its


educational program or tip reporting procedures.






     A. TERMINATION BY EMPLOYER. If the Employer no longer wishes


this TRAC agreement to apply to one or more Establishments, the


Employer may terminate this TRAC agreement with respect to the


Establishment(s) by providing written notification to the Service


Representative identifying the Establishments(s). If the termination


applies to all the Establishments of the Employer, the TRAC agreement


will be terminated.





terminate this TRAC agreement only if --



     1. The Service Representative determines that the Employer (or


any Establishment) has failed to substantially comply with section


II.A (pertaining to Education for Employees) or II.B (pertaining to


Employee tip reporting procedures);



     2. The Employer (or any Establishment) fails to meet any of the


requirements of section II.C (pertaining to filing returns and paying


and depositing taxes, maintaining records, and making records


available); or



     3. The IRS pursues an administrative or judicial action relating


to the Employer, Establishment, or any other related party to this


TRAC agreement.



     C. EFFECTIVE DATE OF TERMINATION. Except for a termination


described in section IV.B.1, any termination will be effective the


first day of the first calendar quarter after the terminating party


notifies the other party in writing. In the case of a termination


under section IV.B.1, the Service Representative may elect an earlier


termination date, but no earlier than the first day of the first


calendar quarter of the substantial noncompliance.



     D. RENEWAL AFTER TERMINATION. The Employer and the Service


Representative may at any time enter into a new TRAC agreement.






     A. GENERAL RULE. This TRAC agreement is effective on the first


day of the first calendar quarter following the date the Service


Representative signs the TRAC agreement.



     B. ADDITIONAL ESTABLISHMENT. This TRAC agreement is effective


with respect to an additional establishment on the first day of the


quarter in which notification of the additional establishment is










purposes of this TRAC agreement --



     1. COMPLIANCE REVIEW. A compliance review is not an examination


or an inspection of the taxpayer's books of account or records for


purposes of section 7605(b) of the Code, and is not a prior audit for


purposes of section 530 of the Revenue Act of 1978.



     2. EXAMINATION. The inspection of books of account or records


pursuant to a tip examination is not an inspection of books or


records for purposes of section 7605(b) of the Code, and is not a


prior audit for purposes of section 530 of the Revenue Act of 1978.



     B. NOTICES. The parties will send all correspondence pertaining


to this TRAC agreement, including a notice of termination, to the


addresses stated below, unless notified in writing of a change of


address. In the event of a change of address, the parties must send


all correspondence to the new address. All notices are deemed to be


sent or submitted on the date of the postmark stamped on the envelope


or, in the case of a notice sent by certified mail, the sender's





     C. AUTHORITY. The Employer represents that it has the authority


to enter into this TRAC agreement on behalf of itself and the


Establishment(s) listed in Attachment A.





Internal Revenue may terminate all TRAC agreements at any time


following a significant statutory change in the FICA taxation of


tips. After May 31, 2005, the Commissioner may terminate


prospectively the Tip Rate Determination/Education Program and all


TRAC agreements.






     The collections of information contained in this document have


been reviewed and approved by the Office of Management and Budget in


accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3507) under


control number 1545-1549.



     An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not


required to respond to, a collection of information unless the


collection of information displays a valid control number. The


collections of information in this document are in sections I.C,


II.A, II.B, II.C.2 and 3, and IV.A. This information is required to


comply with sections 6053(a) and 6001 of the Internal Revenue Code


and to assist the Internal Revenue Service in its compliance efforts.


This information will be used to monitor the Employer's performance


under the TRAC agreement. The collections of information are required


to obtain the benefits available under the TRAC agreement. The likely


respondents are business or other for-profit institutions.



     The estimated total annual reporting and/or recordkeeping burden


is 42,296 hours.



     The estimated annual burden per respondent/recordkeeper varies


from 7 hours to 30 hours, depending on individual circumstances, with


an estimated average of 14 hours. The estimated number of respondents


and/or recordkeepers is 6,600.



     The estimated annual frequency of responses (used for reporting


requirements only) is on occasion.



     Books or records relating to a collection of information must be


retained as long as their contents may become material in the


administration of any internal revenue law. Generally, tax returns


and tax return information are confidential, as required by section


6103 of the Code.






     By signing this TRAC agreement, the parties certify that they


have read and agreed to the terms of this document, including


Attachment A, Establishments.



EMPLOYER:                          INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE:



(Name of Employer)



(Signature)                        (Signature)



BY:                                BY:


                                   (Service Representative's Name)



TITLE:                             TITLE:



ADDRESS:                           ADDRESS:



(Headquarters street address)      (Street address)



(City, state, ZIP code)            (City, state, ZIP code)



DATE:                              DATE:



                            ATTACHMENT A






               [format for individual establishments]





A & B Company




Street address


City, state, zip code



                         [format for chains]



EMPLOYER (parent, if applicable)


XYZ Corp.




Street address


City, state, zip code



     ESTABLISHMENTS (if applicable)


     AB Restaurant


     Street address


     City, state, zip code



     CD Restaurant


     Street address


     City, state, zip code



RELATED ENTITY (if applicable)


UVW Corp.




Street address


City, state, zip code



     ESTABLISHMENTS (if applicable)


     EF Restaurant


     Street address


     City, state, zip code



     GH Restaurant


     Street address


     City, state, zip code
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